TESTING Ice's BBC Testing Hell

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
Hey! You! Stalker! You aren't supposed to be here!
This is my area of secrety testy stuff! If you are looking for tons of help, this is not a great
place to do it! I suck at explaining things!

Here are links for me because I suck at remembering things, and I don't want to have too!
Feel free to use these things!
Adobe Color CC
Generate - Coolors.co
CSS Font Stack: Web Safe and Web Font Family with HTML and CSS code.
Best Color Palette Generators — HTML Color Codes
repeating background tumblr - Google Search
千花 | Senhana's Designer Room
GRAPHICS SHOP - Sam's bbCode Tidbits!
Here is a guide to my color schemes

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  • #A7FFD2









  • #2B2740





  • #ddd8c4





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    Mermaid Tail

    Mermaid Tail Collection



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Role: Performer-Best with Cyr wheel and Areal Silks. Dabbles with trampoline

Years: 2nd year

Character Name: Naomi Cross

Alias: Silver Fox, Silver, Nao

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity: English

Age: 19


Height: 5'7"

Hair: Brown, dyed silver

Eyes: Light Blue green

Distinguishing Marks: The three piercings in each ear and her white skin against her eyes.

General Appearance:

Silver usually wears a muscle shirt with a high neck along with tight shorts. She often pulls her hair back in a small ponytail or bun.


Current Goal/Purpose: To become a performer know well on the Kaleido stage. To always do her best show and have fun.

Aspirations: To preform alongside Lyla

Hobbies/Talents: Jumping on the trampoline, Silks, Stretching, Boxing, Cooking

Inabilities: Juggling, Meeting in the middle ground on arguments, not practicing

Fears: Failure, being sent back to England, killing herself on the stage.

General Personality: Silver is a happy go lucky advanced performer that has been with the stage for one year already. Having adjusted to life at Kaleido Stage she is often seen wandering around or working out in odd places for a change of scenery. She can often be seen as the older sister who will come to your aid if you need it. She's happy to help out younger members and despite her trying tends to be more of a goofy older performer than a respected mother figure.


Experience: Silver had long since dreamed of being a stage performer. She was in gymnastics from ages 6 till 14. At 14 she joined areal lessons, despite her parents vehemently disagreeing.

General History: Silver hasn't always gone by that name. She used to be Nao back in England, where she was supposed to grow out of her love for acrobatics and settle down with a husband. She loved gymnastic and started areal lessons soon after. It took a while of jumping through hoops so her parents wouldn't figure out but she eventually was discovered, with just enough time for her to audition for Kaleido stage. She left England without her parents knowledge and auditioned, getting in that same year.

RELATIONSHIPS (everyone who is in rp must be on here also ask the other users what they want there characters relations to be with yours.)

Best Friend(s):



Family: (only if you have a member that works at theather)

Role: Stage Engineer

Years: 8 years

Character Name: Navishco Samson

Alias: Navi, Nav, Vivi, That crazy lady

Gender: Genderfluid born Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity: Canadian

Age: 25


Height: 5'2"

Hair: Dark Blackish Grey

Eyes: Grey Blue

Distinguishing Marks: Her Eyes

General Appearance:
Nav is most often seen wearing casual clothing. Sometime she plays off as effeminate and sometimes more masculine. She will tend to wear skirts and t shirts along with chokers when she's feeling more feminine and baggy sweatpants and shirts along with her chest binder when she feels more masculine.


Current Goal/Purpose: To make every production it's best by incorporating the acts that best suit the performers into the story that has been chosen.

Aspirations: To continue her life on the stage and maybe someday be known so well she may retire in peace, happy.

Hobbies/Talents: Painting, Stretching, Jumping on the trampoline, doing the basics of each act on her own stage, sleeping in odd places.

Inabilities: Talking her ideas out logically, cooking, staying awake.

Fears: Loosing her job, Never being accepted.

General Personality: Nav is most often described as that one chick that no one really understands. She's been around the stage a long time and despite being the most random and eccentric person on set she has a brilliant talent for designing sets. She's one of many that help design each performance and afterwards she plows straight into the next one. Though being hard working and eccentric she often overworks herself and falls asleep quite easily. She often pushes herself into work to avoid being emotionally connected with others.


Experience: She worked in the theatre industry from a young age and has been fascinated with the circus ever since then. She preformed for a few years before being hired at Kaleido stage primarily as a performer who turned into a set designer.

General History: Nav was born into the spotlight of the theatre. She always loved the stage, the drama and the dancing. She practically breathed drama for many years of her life, but the acting was never her primary interest. As soon as she was old enough, around 10 or so, she started in the backstage production business. At first it was just making flats and painting them, picking out furniture and so on. It soon grew to be more. She started with the general design, the lightning, the ropes and set pieces. When she was 14 she decided to get back into the stage but on a different level. After seeing a few performances of different circuses, such as Cavalia and Cirque de Solei she fell in love and started training. With all her work for the stage she picked up on things rather quickly, and joined Kaleiod stage not long after. After a few shows of tips on lighting and set design she was transferred over to the job of stage engineer.

RELATIONSHIPS (everyone who is in rp must be on here also ask the other users what they want there characters relations to be with yours.)

Best Friend(s):



Auradon Prep- the School of dreams for some. A reminder of their sentence for others.

Auradon was founded not long ago as the kingdom of the good. The beast, now the one ruling Auradon, was quick to take all the villans and lock them away on an island. They called this place the aisle of the lost. Anyone seen trying to be evil was moved to the island as a solution. While Auradon grew to be a lovely place those on the isle suffered excrutiating pain. The villans, now trapped and irritated, took their frustrations out on the people of the isle. Fights broke out over the scarce food, the times were tough. It was either kill or be killed.

Many years have passed since Auradon was founded. Now grown up, all the lovely couples of Auradon were raising children, and almost done doing so too. As part of growing up the son of The Beast and Belle would soon be crowned king. He would be taking over for his father and learning how to govern his people as he finished high school. Every king makes a first act and the son of the beast decided it was high time to let those who weren't evil have a change. The sons and daughters of the villains once committed to the isle would not be released as long as they attended Auradon prep.

There was much controversy over the decision to release the students but finally the day has come. The sons and daughters are coming back to the front

Map of Auradon


Belle and The Beast

Cinderella and Prince Charming

Aurora and Prince Philip

Ariel and Prince Edward

Princess Anna and Kristoph

Jack Skellington and Sally

Pocahontas and John Smith

Peter Pan and Wendy


Tinkerbelle and Terence

Jane and Tarzan

Mad Hatter

White Rabbit

Cheshire Cat
-Taken by Icequeen-

Evil Queen

-Taken by Icequeen-

Curella De Vil


Capitan Hook




Queen of Hearts

Dr. Facilier




"All of us have our strengths, some just come out to play in the dark."

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    Ambrosia || Dolcemi.

    Full Name
    ▸ Anahi Montoya Silvers
    ▸ Often referred to as the Black Panther

    Age | Birth-date
    23 || November 18th
    ▸Caucasian- Canadian and American
    ▸ Animal Care and Importation/Removal
    City of Birth
    ▸ Dolcemi


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    ▸134 Pounds
    Eye color
    ▸ Amber. Depending on the time of day and how she's feeling the pupils were change size
    Hair color
    ▸Naturally, Ahi has brown hair but dyes it blue
    Distinguishing Features
    ▸ Her eyes draw a decent amount of attention, especially if people move in too close to her. She will keep a good distance between herself and others and when people get's too close she'll back up. Her hair color often changes but she almost always wears it back. Her left arm has a pink, purple, and green watercolor ish tattoo.


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    On the bright side,
    ▸ Confident
    ▸ Friendly
    ▸ Protective

    Ahi is know to be an avid business woman, and as such often takes on a amicable personality. She always does what it takes to make a deal go through, making sure not to sacrifice anything of her own while she's at it. Self preservation is her primary goal, and if she thinks you're going behind her back she won't hesitate to remind you who you're dealing with. Though not murderous Ahi is know to be physically violent when involving those who mistreat animals.

    Ahi is a sort of a vigilante, standing up for the animals who don't have a voice in her city. The quickest way to make her melt is through them. She will talk endlessly about cats and dogs of exotic and common variety. She finds herself most at home with animals around.

    Ahi is quite sensitive and due to her self preserving nature is not quick to trust others. She will often withdraw to herself around others and keep her distance. She will always step back when others get too close because feline vision is almost a passive ability for her. She can't see things right in front of her so she will often step back, only adding to her distrust of those who want to get close to her physically and emotionally. She has a hard time talking about her past and will often deflect. It takes very little to break her trust at the beginning phases of friendship, but if you know her well enough she will protect you with every once of strength she has.

    On the dark side,
    ▸ Quick to Anger
    ▸ Emotionally Preserving above all else
    ▸ Untrusting


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    Ahi was born in Dolcemi and despite being in a city that lived on the water Ahi has avoided the seaside as much as she could. From a young age she knew she was different. Her parents had to keep her away from other kids due to the way she would behave around them. Due to her young age Ahi was easily thrown off course by anything that made her angry. It caused numerous problems in trying to school the girl which eventually ended up with her in home schooling.

    Ahi's parents were once quite happy together, living as a family. She put all her trust in them because no matter what she did they always cared for her. That all changed when her mother did.

    Ahi's mother had started working when Ahi was old enough to stay home alone. Pulling in the bills in a city of increasing crime was difficult for a small family. Her mother got a job for what she thought was a legal animal training facility. Instead her mother fell into a deep despair of being forced to hurt animals. As time went on it became easy for the woman Ahi had once loved to turn.

    Ahi's mother quickly became violent towards the pets of the household and sometimes Ahi when she would get into her fits and shift. As much as her father tried to protect Ahi he was also afraid of loosing his wife. Ahi's mother wandered around like nothing could touch her. Fights broke out between Ahi's parents and one day her mother couldn't take it anymore.

    One rainy night in the city her father and her mother got into a shouting match which turned serious. Her father, trying to defend Ahi who had curled herself into a corner, was attacked by her mother with the nearest object, a kitchen knife.

    The neighbors awoke to screams and cries for help. They found Ahi pressing down on her father's arm, her mother almost ripped apart near the kitchen. No one knew what had happened, the scene was examined but they never found a cause. Ahi and her father moved not long after but things were never the same.

    Ahi's father never truly recovered from the death of his wife, who was later deemed to be entering a state of psychosis. Her father buried himself in his work and when he wasn't there he was cradling a bottle of whisky and sobbing. Ahi had learned how to live on her own in no time.

    Her father hanged himself when she was only 16, leaving the child on her own. Having dropped out of school Ahi disappeared into the shadows of crime, hoping to find solace in surviving on her own. She got a place, and started dealing with animals again, vowing to protect every creature she crossed paths with to prevent people like her mother rising again and hurting those she was bonded too.

    Of course exotic pet trade isn't always legal. In fact Ahi never tried to make it seem like she thought it was. The woman was crafty and easily learned to self preserve in the trading market. She taught herself how to fight, how to shoot, how to deal. It was only when she was pegged by local cops on a pickup that she was offered the deal.


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    Official Ability
    ▸ Animal Shape shifting

    Associated attributes

    ━Animal Comunication
    When transformed into an animal such as a tiger or a lion communicating with those of the feline species is possible. The same goes for every other animal she posses. When in animal form she can not use human words thus making communicating with other people harder
    ━Heightened Sight/Senses
    Due to her most easily taking on feline capabilities she has a heightened sense of light perception in her vision as well as movement. Colors and close range vision are weakened when using such abilities as seeing in the dark. When attuning herself with other creatures her senses change along with them but she also carries the drawbacks. EX: Eagle vision gives her a increase distance visibility but due to the largening of her pupils is more sensitive to harsh light. Taking on a wolf's sense of smell can be useful for tracking but too many smells can muddle the sense. Each one requires a different amount of effort
    ━Heightened Strength/Agility
    When tuning in on a different animal her body will take on similar characteristics. For example cat's such as a tiger will give her increased strength but will weaken her speed. A wolf's ability to cross distances will hinder her ability to pull off powerful punches, and so on and so forth.
    ━Half Form/Half Shifted
    Ahi tends to use half shifts or half forms to access the gifts of the animal species she aligns herself with without having to go into full animal mode which requires more energy. Funnily enough this form requires more fine tuning than a full transformation since the delicate balance between animal and human has to be reached.

    Known weaknesses that birth from their gift

    ▸ Diversity Control Issues/Size Control Issues
    ━ Due to Ahi's ability containing a large amount of possibilities her control rangers from how often she uses each animal. Attuning herself to a different sub species such as canines or avian requires time around the animal and a certain amount of trust and communication. Due to Ahi having cats as a child she is most attuned to feline creatures, canines coming in second. She is notoriously bad with monkeys and has a difficult time with birds due to the large variety in the avian sub species. She has little to no experience with fish or aquatic mammals as importing and housing them is even harder than most animals. The size of each animal also affects how volatile a transformation is, and larger animals will often drain her energy faster.

    ▸ Feral Tenancies/Aggressive reactions
    ━ One thing that Ahi still has little control over is how out of control her emotions get when she's using her powers. The level of instability varies with the level of experience in each animal. Cat's she can control relatively well however controlling something like an orca whale would not only be taxing on her body but her mind, and will often cause her to be self destructive and cause large amounts of collateral damage. She often has to have someone or something else shake her out of her feral state if it get's too dangerous

    ▸ Limited Shifting
    ━ As much as shifting into animals is cool Ahi has a cool down time between transformations. She has preformed a few in a row when it comes to half transformations however shifting too many times can give her nausea and dizziness, leading to her passing out eventually.


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    ▸ [ Was it one crime they committed that put them on the grid? Remember, the precinct is willing to do anything to have leverage on you. You could be big time, or small time. Maybe you were framed for something big, or maybe you're just a fuckin' downright criminal. ]
    ━ Optional but a description could go here. "Killed this person for this, blahblahblah. Dont write it like that but yeah. ]

    Im going to add more here but for the sake of getting it up, I'll leave this WIP.


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Maiden's of glass- Plot Idea in Progress

Back in the day of (Land name here) There were five maidens. Each had a role to take to protect their land. After the last generation was wiped out by villians the new generation has been scrapped together in hopes to keep them protected from the evil while they grow into their powers.

At the beginning of time glass was only found in volcanoes and explosive areas, a dark and impure glass. Out of those large shards of black glass came creatures of darkness that roamed the land and tarnished anything they could see. At first people used this glass as they pleased, riling those creatures up from the depths. Soon, a revolution was on it's way.

For Love- Protects the emotions encased in glass. Often hears glass crying and feel's a little nuts at times. Uses screaming, attraction, uses a bow of glass

For Protection- A large broadsword made of glass. Can manipulate glass to form a tight bond and protect her friends. Often feels the powerful emotions of protection and rage through glass

For Friendship- Uses a wand, healer

For Beauty- Preservation, uses a mirror

• Surname: Silverbane
• First Name(s): Hazel
• Age: 26
• Ethnicity: Caucasian/Canadian
• Gender: Female

• Position Applied For:

• Self-Photo

• Personality: Hazel is well known as a creative designer with an attitude. She's grumpy, irritable, and more often than not will yell at you for whatever reason you came up to talk to her. Besides that Hazel is relatively creative in her designs, taking less time to focus on the math calculations. She relies on her head to manage all the math, she makes it look presentable and more efficient in design. But working with her you'll get to know she's stubborn, so if you have a disagreement she'll fight you tooth and nail for it. Despite how irritable and aggressive she is she hates it when people try and fuck with her family, and she will kill you if she thinks you'll harm them.

• Backstory: Hazel was born inside the walls of the Novo Synergetics corporate land. She grew up like that, for a while at the least, safely confined and unaware of the world outside. To her, everything was perfect. She was fed good food, felt the love and warmth of her parents. And then one day, her father while working on the nutrient slurry, died. The company refused to tell Hazel or her mother what had happened but her mother kept on working. Hazel lived at home alone for a while, wallowing in her own sorrow. She never got any answers until she decided to buck up and go looking for them.

Hazel spent a long night wandering around the factories only to find that whatever they were keeping behind close doors was well guarded. As Hazel was exploring she wandered into a room, only to find her mother lying dead on the floor. With dread filling her heart and fear in her mind Hazel ran as far as she could, out into the grey zones. Hazel was only 18. She spent her days bouncing around, getting whatever she could and working with what she had. Before Hazel had been fixing to become a designer for Novo but has instead turned her mind to companies who have more ethical ways of treating their employees and a place where she could have her own ideas and thrive with friends.

List 3 of your strengths below:
(1) Protective- Hazel will do anything for her tight knit family of friends
(2)Design Savvy- Hazel has a natural knack for making things pretty and work well. She hasn't a clue the math behind it, she just kind of tries and figures it out that way.
(3)Hard Worker- No matter how much Hazel whines and complains about having to do something and time constraints she'll get it done, even if it seems unrealistic.

List 3 of your weaknesses below:
(1)Irritable- It's very easy to get Hazel into a fit if you demand too much from her, or try and tell her unkindly that her idea is shit.
(2)Closed off- Hazel often refuses to talk about her background, which often leads to complications if someone from her past shows up.
(3)PTSD- Hazel still has brief flashbacks from her mother's dead body, and can't stand the sight or smell of blood
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Amami Atsuko


  • Name
    Amami Atsuko

    Atsuko Chan, Aachan, Jack of All Trades, The Cheshire Cat




    Sexual Orientation

    School Year
    3rd Year

    Role in club
    Professional Setup Artist/Baker

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    Aachan usually favors a casual but cute kind of style, wearing her hair as it is with
    some clips or just her headphones. Her headphones never leave her side and she doesn't
    let anyone she doesn't trust touch them. She loves beanies and loose pants, but will dress
    up on occasion when the event requires it.

    Aachan has two ear piercings in each ear

    Aachan has relatively clean skin but occasionally you can see some scarring around her belly.

  • Personality
    +Fun Loving|Kind|Caring|Protective
    -Self Depricating|Competitive|Childish|Eccentric
    Aachan is nothing other than the most random and exciteable girl know to the school.
    She's widely known for appearing out of random places or falling asleep in them. She's fallen asleep
    in the trees at school before. She is mostly known for her involvement in the Lovers Club. Aachan has a
    special knack for coordinating freak coincidences to help get those destined to be together, together.
    She also offers her baking services up to those who want to make treats for their
    special others, or Yuuta in most cases. She avoids talking about herself and her family,
    as it makes her very sad. She will always put other's romances above herself
    as she thinks she doesn't deserve it, no matter how much she wants it.

    -Italian Food-
    -Happy Couples-

    -Thinking about herself-
    -Super Spicy food-
    -Being Alone-

    -Being a burden on her friends-

  • Crush
    TBD when someone can handle her


    Aachan had always been the bright ray of sunshine her mother and father adored. They used to
    live out in the countryside but when her father got a new job Aachan and her family moved into the
    closest city so her father could work. At first things were like normal. They went for walks, had dinner
    together, but soon enough her father became busy. A new job meant more money and
    promotions, and even though Aachan got everything she ever wanted the only thing she had
    was falling apart. Slowly, her father stopped coming to dinner. He would be out late. Fights started
    breaking out when he did, until one day he vanished. Her mother was distraught, trying to pick up
    the pieces left behind. They sold the house and everything they had, moved into a grungy
    apartment where Aachan is today. Her mother is rarely home, working a few jobs to keep
    the apartment. Aachan has her own part time job to help with bills and makes all
    the meals at home. She doesn't see much of her mother either. Ever since
    the divorce Aachan has slipped into a depressive state she's determined
    never to let her mother or her friends see.


  • Voice
    Fuuka from Fuuka

    Theme Song

    She has a thing for animals

    Face Claim
    Akitsuki Fuuka


Tamaki Amajiki (SunEater) - Album on Imgur

Lunaris Aladendra Tritis

8th Enchanter- Disciple of Chronis

Unknow- Appears in mid 20's




anime - Google Search

Luna appears around her mid 20's but she does not have an age like typical humans do. In her disguised
form Luna has long white hair and greenish blue eyes. She often wears casual clothes but
always keeps a weapon on hand to defend herself. In angel form Luna sprouts
8 pairs of wings and her robes change into long flowing white
robes. A crown of golden olive branches crowns her head.
The ends of her hair turn slightly pale blue.
She can summon a golden spear
and a golden sword.

Luna has little to no care for regular humans, though she doesn't like angels much either. She's in an odd limbo
state of being mad at the world and can't quite figure out why everything is happening to her. She tries to
deal with no emotions which has been ingrained in her for years. When she's comfortable
around others Luna has a sarcastic personality that likes to make jokes when reasonable. When not making
jokes she seems lost in thought, other ideas plaguing her mind.

Name- Anari Sable Silverwood
Age- 22
Occupation- Graduate Student/ Part time Barista at a Cat Cafe and Book store
Major- Animal Sciences, Currently in Veteranary School
Height- 5'6"
Body Shape- slightly curvy and athletically built.
Appearance- Ana keeps her hair short and cropped, messily styled. She has two piercings in each ear, the right having one in the lobe and one in the top, and the left has one in the lobe and one just above the lobe in the cartilage. She always wears a moon necklace no matter what. It never leaves her side.
Wolf appearance-
Personality- Ana is mostly a rough and tumble kind of girl. She says and does what she wants and is rather blunt when she doesn't like someone. To the majority of strangers she's civil and has great customer service which is a suprise to some of her classmates that aren't on her good side.
Background- TBD
White with black markings on the inside of the eyes. She has sooty like black markings on her hind paws and a short fat stripe on her forehead. She usually adorns herself with feathers, earrings, or necklaces. Her


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✧RYU LEO|류레오✧

  • ✧Nicknames✧
    Leo, Ryuuchi, Leon

    Cis Male




    ✧Body Mods✧
    Lobe Piercing in both ears. Want's a tattoo but is afraid of the pain and the permanence.

    ✧Noteable Features✧
    It's said the gap between his cute face and deep voice is jarring but awesome after the initial shock.

  • ✧Personality✧

    Leo is first and foremost a jokester. He will do anything to make others laugh, whether it be at or with him. As long as he's making the day brighter for others he considers it a job well done. However this also makes him come off as not serious.

    -Self Sacrificing-
    Leo has been giving up things like hobbies, dates, free time, and what he eats for his career. He's been giving up on things for others all his life. This has instilled the issue that he always lets others who are close to him go first.

    Leo will protect all those close to him with an iron fist. While he will always try and use words first he can be a real pain in the ass if you mess with his friends or try and be a perv. Due to his behavior he's been called a 'White Knight' by his fans after saving one from a creepy groper at an impromptu fan meeting.

    Despite appearing cool, calm, and collected, Leo is a highly anxious being who deals with his anxiety. He's been working on opening up to his fans about his plights but still finds it hard. He is quick to work himself into a panic attack in certain situations and can often come off as rude as his reaction to anxiety and pressure is to laugh.

    Leo is a no questions asked kind of guy when it comes to someone in need. He tends to not ask about the past and tries to help everyone equally. This can also leave him open to being burned but he's one to forgive if he thinks the person is sincere and let go of his own anger.

    Due to his past Leo has a hard time spending money on himself and always feels guilty when he does. He has a small internal panic attack after every purchase since he's afraid he made the wrong decision.

    ✧Favorite Activities✧
    Writing, Singing, Dancing, Laughing, Making Up Jokes, Sleeping, Cuddling

    ✧Ideal Type✧
    "Someone who's chill and down to hang out. I'm really not too picky."

    Stargazing, Shopping, Eating, Skateboarding, Driving, Playing Games

    Food, Soft Things, Puppies, Big Dogs, Cats, Animals, Dancing, Rapping, Choreographing, Going to the Zoo, Italian Food, Spicy food, Moss Burger, Snuggles, Cuddling, Sleeping, Dreams, Home Cooked Food, A clean house, His Family, Swimming, Surfing

    Bullies, Pervs, Assholes, Anxiety, Depression, Exhaustion, Black Tea, Feeling Sick, Muscle Cramps, Injuries, Seeing Other's Hurt, Animal Abuse, Suffering, Blue Bottles, Rain

    Falling into Suicidal Thoughts, Loosing his Family, Being Murdered in a Dark alley (he had a very vivid dream about it once), Spiders

  • Leo was born in Sydney, Australia. He was the first born out of three siblings, a grommet by design. He was born and raised on the beaches of Sydney, including the ever famous Bondi Beach. He spent most of his free time as a kid outside in the surf, and when it was too cold to surf he'd be skateboarding or dancing with his friends. He had never once considered Korea until he was about 16 years of age when he was scouted at a local concert. It was a complete surprise to Leo and at fist he was hesitant. It was a big step to leave his life in Australia behind, including his family, to peruse something that seemed like an unattainable dream. At first he said he couldn't go, deciding that his family needed him to have a more stable job to help with tight finances. Eventually his parents told him to go, to not waste his dream because of the family. It was hard leaving it all behind and he still thinks of them quite often. A good portion of his paycheck goes back to his family in Australia. He agreed to do the TV show as he's just starting to come into the idea of finding love and thought it would be best to look within the entertainment industry.

    Ryu Chaeyeon- Mother- Alive
    Ryu Mathew- Father- Alive
    Ryu Han- Younger Brother- 17- Alive
    Ryu Naomi- Younger Sister- 14- Alive

  • ✧Loves pets more than anything

    ✧He's a terrible cook and has been banned from the kitchen at home for almost starting a fire.

    ✧He snoozes his alarm in his sleep, and has been known to have full conversations he doesn't remember

    ✧His smile is said to be healing by his fans

    ✧He seems to always get plushies of penguins. He has a collection neatly stacked on a shelf. They were all gifts from fans.

    ✧Despite liking things clean Leo is often inundated with clutter.

    ✧He absolutely hates messes that involve perishable things. He cleans up any food or dishes immediately.

    ✧Likes to lie in fresh laundry like a cat.

    ✧He's a sucker for weighted blankets. They put him to sleep quite fast.

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⁑Chae Min-ji|채민지⁑


  • ~Nicknames~
    Minji, Minnie, Chaemin


    June 13th

    Cis Female




    ~Body Mods~
    Lobe piercing in each ear

  • +Happy+
    Minji is more often than not happy, or at the least she appears so. Her smile is said to be like a ray of sun and
    her happy and easygoing exterior often soothes her teammates during tough times or
    hard practice

    -Self Sacrificing-
    Minji is more often to put others before herself, taking the brunt of criticism and hate. She will absolutely
    tell people she doesn't want to be in the spotlight so her other members can get the chance Minji
    feels they deserve. Because of this when she is in the spotlight she feels a heavy
    sense of burden if things do end up going wrong.

    While the Korean culture is rather strict on what one should and shouldn't do Minji is more accepting of things
    that are considered outside the norm. She even does a few herself. She's non judgmental when it comes to someone
    else's choices, though there are a few things she would have issues with she tends to not speak up about
    them and quietly distance herself so she doesn't get cornered into a hairy situation.

    -Self Deprecating-
    As much as Minji sacrifices herself for others she also puts herself down in the process. Despite having
    given the whole idol business a shot on the suggestion of others she often puts herself down and
    wonders why her company hired her in the first place. She's often on the end of many criticism
    for not being 'pretty' enough according to the standard. This has only worsened her
    self deprecating behavior.

    Minji often cracks lame jokes to lighten the mood in any room. She's awkward about it and
    will often put herself at the butt end of the joke. If it makes someone smile
    she considers it all worth it.

    Minji get's really excited about some things that most people wouldn't consider popular. She likes
    games and puzzles, logic things that to the modern audience seem sort of stupid. She
    is also very awkward around new poeple. She's never seemed to master that
    smooth idol persona that can charm anyone but she charms
    people in her own ways.

    ~Favorite Activities~
    Dancing, Taking Pictures, Dressing Up, Playing Board Games, Solving
    Sudoku, Listening to music, Playing Crane Games

    ~Ideal Type~
    "Uhmm, I dunno. Someone nice I guess? Not like anyone would
    want someone like me though."

    Dancing, Running, Playing Games of all Types, Napping, Cooking, Doing Makeup

    Sweets, Chocolate, Lemon Drinks, Plushies, Cats and Kittens, Fluffy Items,
    Japanese Food, Halloween, Costumes, Makeup, Making friends Happy,
    Clothes Shopping, The Color Blue

    Spicy Food, Gross Smells, Spiders, The Heat, Bullies,
    Diets, Warm Tea, Horror Movies, Stalkers, Skimpy Outfits

  • Minji was born as the oldest of two in the town of Busan. She was born to doting parents and her sibling followed not long after her. They grew up getting most of what they wanted, though they weren't rich by any means. Minji had always wanted to become a dancer and has been in dance classes for years. Her sister followed after her and thus the both of them quickly became rising dance stars. They both entered the entertainment industry to follow their dreams but Minji soon left the company they joined for another. She was told by their producer that one of them would have to give up their dreams or move companies because they looked too similar. Once Minji joined a new company she was pressured into going on a diet to distinguish herself. Since then she's been struggling with her appearance and though she's made a successful debut often has doubts about her self esteem

    Chae Do-yun- Father
    Chae Eun- Mother
    Chae Ji-su- Sister- 19

  • ~Has a cute cat named Yu-na

    ~Must always stop to pet cats. Has owned them since she was young.

    ~Though very timid when first meeting others she immediately opens up to animals

    ~She's a super lightweight and a very cuddly drunk.

    ~Her favorite colors are light mint and light blue

    ~She has a collection of big fluffy pillows she loves

    ~Always wears cute pajama pants/shorts and a big t shirt to bed

    ~Has glasses but wears contacts most of the time

    ~Struggles with eating and her weight

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  • ∘Nicknames∘
    Yukuu, Hashi, Tanuki


    Cis Female



    November 3rd


    ∘Body Mods∘
    Ear Piercings- Lobe(Both), Upper Lobe(Both),1 Helix (L), 2 Helix(R), Industrial (L)

  • +Friendly+
    Yuki is a decently friendly kind of person. She will always start out on good terms provided she meets someone in a regular way. She has spent a large portion of her life seeing fans and meeting them so being nice to almost complete strangers is old hat to her.

    Yuki is a bit introverted and thus likes to spend some time alone or in silence. She finds it a comforting way to recharge after interacting with others all the time. Because of this she sometimes refuses to go out with her friends which can come off as her being a little cold or uninterested.

    Due to Korean being her second language Yuki has spent quite a bit of time on learning the right words. She can be seen studying in her free time so she doesn't get rusty. Even though her vocabulary is big her fans say her pronunciation is a little on the cute side which always makes her flustered.

    -Mama Bear-
    Yuki is not easy to anger but when she gets pissed she get's VERY pissed. She is quick to defend her friends and tear someone apart verbally in two languages at once. Her company isn't very happy with her tenancy to go full nuclear on people that piss her off so she tries to temper it down as much as possible.

    Yuki is never one to shy away from new experiences and stories. She's down for almost anything even if it terrifies her. Her friends back home were often dragged along by her whims as she took them places all over Japan.

    -Can't Take Compliments-
    While Yuki is outgoing most of the time she can't take complements without going red in the face. Emotional outbursts and public affection have never been comfortable to her, partly because of Japanese societies influence. When being complemented she will often dismiss the words and instead complement the other person. It still doesn't prevent her from turning into a tomato.

    ∘Favorite Activities∘
    Singing, Writing, Going to Cat Cafes, Baking, Mixing Cocktails, Swimming, Going to Hotsprings

    ∘Ideal Type∘
    "Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd say someone who's kind and caring but not too shy. I want to be able to go out on adventures together. They also have to respect that I need my space sometimes. Gender doesn't matter."

    Mixing Cocktails, Going to Cat Cafes, Adventuring, Going to Hotsprings, Stargazing, Singing, Baking

    Sweets, Parfaits, Pancakes, Macaroons, Cats, Shabu Shabu, Hotsprings, Stroup Waffles, Rhythm Games, Tanukis, Tigers, The Zoo, Learning Languages, Rollercoasters, Fries, Moss Burger, Chocolate, Fluffy Coats, Short Hair, Cute but Subtle Makeup.

    Super spicy food, Bullies, Being Stalked, Too much people time, Cat scratches, small dogs that aren't trained, Spiders, Hot Weather, Hate Comments, Hand Cramps, Injuries, Exhaustion, Overwork.

    Loosing her Job, Gaining Weight, Being Hurt both physically and emotionally

  • Yuki was born in a small town called Hachioji. The town is mostly rural and is a little more than an hour outside of Shinjuku. It's what the Japanese would consider the countryside. Yuki's family was modest and quite reserved, very typical of a japanese family. They followed the rules and things were normal, but Yuki had always loved to sing. She joined the after school choir club while in elementary school and continued through middle school. As she grew her tastes began to charge from classical ballads and choir music to more J pop and K pop. People always told her that her voice was amazing and so as she started into high school Yuki started auditioning without her parent's knowledge. She'd race off to Tokyo to audition until she finally landed a gig as a small time performer in a smaller venue. From there she picked up a few small time modeling gigs. Her popularity slowly began to rise until she found out that a South Korean entertainment company was auditioning. However she had to tell her parents who wholeheartedly disproved of this action. They were, and still are, afraid for their daughter and that she will never be happy living a life in the spotlight. Despite being on slightly bad terms with her parents she auditioned and somehow managed to work things out. She's been living in Korea since she turned 18 and has had a tough journey in the industry. She debuted as part of an Idol group and soon found herself getting backlash since she was not Korean. She started toughening up the longer she stayed in Korea but the feelings of sadness that her family doesn't approve still follow her to this day.

    Takahashi Hiro- Father- A loving and doting man who is deeply disappointed that his young daughter is doing something 'immoral'

    Takahashi Minami- Mother- A caring yet quiet wife who supports her daughter, though she's hesitant about the kind of media she puts out.

    Takahashi Joichiro- Brother- An upstanding citizen who is set to go to a prestigious university in Tokyo and become a doctor.

  • ∘Though she loves to mix cocktails Yuki is a semi lightweight. Anything more than 2 cocktails and she's a shooing for a hangover the next morning

    ∘She loves cats

    ∘Her favorite colors are anything in the green to purple range

    ∘She has a collection of stuffed animal gifts. As it's hard to get a Tanuki it's mostly comprised of dogs, racoon, and cat plushies.

    ∘Her fan's call her Tanuki, a strange amalgamation of her two names that also means Racoon Dog.

    ∘Yuki dislikes her height being pointed out as she's on the short side.

    ∘She has a variety of high heeled shoes and inserts in her closet. She's embarrassed about her inserts and tries to hide them.

    ∘Yuki is actually pretty blind without her glasses so she wears contacts all the time. Her glasses are always large and a mixture of round and square frames.

    ∘Yuki is almost always the DD for her friends, which means dragging their asses back home in heels.

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Theme Song-
Species- Werecat
Occupation- Student
Idol Track/Model Track Visual Focus
Type- Cute/Pop
Personality- Sassy, cute, mischievous, sleeps a lot, gets what he wants

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Hello to all whom it may concern! My name is IceQueen but you can call me Icey, I'm used to it by now. I am a twenty something college student who is almost free for the summer and needs some cool plots to fill her time.

About Me

-I have a sporadic sleep schedule and sometimes stay up all night
-I am in the Pacific Time Zone (US)
-I am a sucker for pretty boys, give me the Ikkemen
-I often connect to partners through discord and am much more responsive on there when I can't get to Iwakku
-I prefer rping on Iwaku, no preference for fourms or pms
-I prefer using art face claims but can do realistic if required

What I'm looking for

-Someone willing to play Males for both MxM and MxF plots (I can double if preferred)
-Open minded and friendly people
-A 50/50 to 70/30 plot to smut ratio
-A paragraph per post at the least. My style flexes to what my partner posts
-A semi literate writer. I don't expect you to be perfect but I'd like it to be legible
-Adult Characters (18 and up)
-A dominant or switch role (I am fine doubling up)

What you can expect

-Fast and reliable posts
-Anywhere from 1 to 10 paragraphs, usual is around 2-3
-Mature take on Omegaverse
-Anime Pictures
-Badass females, omegas, and subs
-Discord OOC chatter
-Friendly Messages
-Random Anxiety -Is this rp ok?- Messages

My limits

-No bathroom play
-No incest (I find it creepy)
-No text speech style rps
-No One liners
-No Pure Smut
-No non con
-Anything too gore
-Ask me about anything hardcore/niche

Random Pairings

_NOTE- All plots/Pairings can be changed to MxM_

-Celebrity HaterxCelebrity
-Street RacerxStreet Racer
-Cop's daughterx Criminal
-Feel free to suggest something!

Plot Bunnies

-Romance Novel Esque Plots/Tropes
-Humanoid ish beasts (vampires, werewolves, etc)
-Enemies to lovers
-Fake Dating
-Cute Fluffy and Angsty Mix


A World at War

Themes-Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Monarchy structure, Arranged Marrige

Two planets amongst a galaxy far away are at war. The prince and princess of each planet, in a deal made beyond their control, are arranged to be married so that both planets may unite underneath a single rule. While this seems like an easy feat the two cultures couldn't be more different. One is based on light and prosperity, valuing intelligence and independence over all. The other is much more dark and gloomy and expects the women of the household to do domestic activities while the men work in the feild, ride horses, etc. They value loyalty and strength above all and are seen as ruthless while the light are seen as stuck up and too stiff. The two aren't even introduced before the preparations begin and the couple, with vastly different outlooks on life, has to figure out how to get along or risk their entire planet's being destroyed by the ensuing war.

Alternative Add on- Both Planets are made up of different species or sub species (Ie light vs dark dragons, elves vs wolves etc.)
The Blood Moon

Themes- Fantasy, Werewolves, Mystery, Conflict

A long time ago werewolves roamed the land without a care in the world. Connected to the earth and the sky their existence was very natural and relied on traditions that connected them to the land. Fast forwards in time and the wolves aren't all so traditional anymore. With the reduction of territory due to humans many werewolves have adjusted to live amongst them and go to school like regular people. Others who are more stuck in their ways refuse and continue to carry out centuries old traditions while staying as far away as possible. Eventually that no longer becomes possible. A modern pack and a wild one, both crammed into a valley in Canada, are suddenly at each other's throats and fighting for the space to live freely. What makes it even worse is that the alpha of the tamed pack had once run away and fallen in love with a wild wolf who now leads the opposing pack. With the threat of humans on the horizon and new threats in their valley will the packs learn to get along or will past flings get in the way and cause more trouble.

A World Unseen

Themes- Slice of Life, Modern, Fame

She's a deaf mute who hides behind her camera, her abrasive and straightforward demeanor putting many people off. He's a high stakes celebrity who is maybe a tad too confident in himself. Somehow the two end up working together and get into a spat. They might as well be oil and water. Still the project gains massive success and soon the agency comes knocking at the mute's door again asking for another assignment. As much as they despise each other the more time they spend together the more small similarities emerge in the way they act and the more they understand each other. Soon the mute is head over heels for the celebrity just like every other girl she had mocked before. Still will that be enough to get over the scandal and exposure of dating a celebrity? Or will he even come to like her?

Spirit Ties

Themes- Fantasy, Modern, Slice of Life, Fame, Arranged Marrige

On earth there are two species, not that the humans would ever know. There are the humans, and then the spirits. Living amongst humans and carrying out their lives each spirit who is sent into the world of the living has their own powers and abilities. Of course they couldn't just let everyone go out and run rampant, thus there is the spirit committee. For the betterment off all spirits they deem who is worthy or unworthy to live amongst humans, police the use of spirit powers to change the course of fate, and pair up spirits in marriages so they don't risk crossing with humans. In this world each marriage must last for 2 years, where by if both parties agree they can become amicably divorced, however regular check ups on couples prevent them from plowing through a marriage by simply not living together. She is a low level spirit who still needs training, thus her powers are not fully developed, but she is also a young aspiring actress/model/singer. He is at the top of the business and loved by many, and secretly also a very powerful spirit. The one thing they have in common? Both of them would rather die than get married. After a few unsuccessful pairings from the Spirit Committee the two are paired together and put under strict surveillance. Suddenly the 'drama free' life of the top star is full of chaos as the aspiring young actress is brought forcefully into his life, and closer than he might like. What feelings will bloom in this unwilling marriage?

I Will Never Kneel for You

Themes- Dom/Sub Dynamics Universe, Slice of Life, Modern or Modern Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers, MxM

In this world everyone lives in one of three categories regardless of gender. Doms, who crave to control, praise, and spoil their partners, subs, who crave being spoiled, ordered, and punished, and normals who exist outside the system. For those who are in dom/sub roles the misconception is that this is all some sort of choice. In reality a dom and a sub's instincts are tied into their nerve system. Without a suitable partner or play to release the tension their body craves their partners slowly go haywire, loosing sleep, becoming hostile, and suffering chronic pain or headaches. Suppressants can subside these issues but they are at most a temporary measure. Eventually everyone must find a partner or suffer and die alone.

This sub is one that lives inside this system, a man who would rather just ignore the fact that he was born this way. Dom and Sub dynamics should have nothing to do with him. Its only when he visits his doctor that the sub is told if he doesn't find a partner he will be dead within the year. Reluctantly the sub goes to a matchmaking service, touted as the best with pairing subs to doms with genetic testing and personality quizes. He's just here not to die, so when a fellow work colleague and the subs most hated enemy appears in the same room as him the sub is forced to either make a deal or suffer the consequences.
Switching Tides

Themes- Dom/Sub Dynamics Universe, Slice of Life, Modern or Modern Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers, MxM, Dynamic Switch

In the world of dynamics its commonly known that there are three categories, sub, dom, and normal. There is, however, a fourth category that isn't talked about nearly as much, one that often springs up without notice. That is the switch. While rare they do exist, and have the ability to switch between dom and sub dynamics depending on their partner. This often leads to confusion.

MC is a dom, or at the least he thinks he is. He's powerful and most other people stay out of his way because his strict nature scares them. He's seen as sort of a nightmare but gets shit done fast and well. MC was all convinced that he was the top dog alpha, until someone new shows up. Suddenly when MC overhears him joking around with commands he finds himself kneeling on the bathroom floor, unable to control the strength in his legs. MC has unknowingly run into an alpha more powerful than him, one strong enough to flip his switch. What's even worse is when he walks in and realizes what happened. How will the dynamics between these two blossom as MC tries to figure out what the hell is going on.
Be My Forever

Themes- Beast AU, MxM, Possible M-Preg dynamics, Heats, Fantasy
Based off the world of Ookami-kun Wa Kowakunai

In this world there are a few types of people, herbivores, and carnivores. Originally the world was split into two, carnivores hunting herbivores, but as time went on things settled down. Now society is still divided in two but for entirely different reasons. Herbivores are often forced into submission when a carnivore goes into heat, so lots of things are kept separate, even classrooms in school. Moreover there is another type of hierarchy, pure breeding. Purebred species are often touted as better than others for their pure lineage, regardless of if they are carnivores or herbivores.

For the plotline, well whatever goes! We can have an herbivore and a carnivore, enemies or friends, any pairing or ideas goes! This one is a bit more open ended so come with ideas a plenty~




Lunaris Aladendra Tritis

8th Enchanter- Disciple of Chronis

Unknow- Appears in mid 20's






Luna appears around her mid 20's but she does not have an age like typical humans do. In her disguised
form Luna has long white hair and greenish blue eyes. She often wears casual clothes but
always keeps a weapon on hand to defend herself. In angel form Luna sprouts
8 pairs of wings and her robes change into long flowing white
robes. A crown of golden olive branches crowns her head.
The ends of her hair turn slightly pale blue.
She can summon a golden spear
and a golden sword.

Luna has little to no care for regular humans, though she doesn't like angels much either. She's in an odd limbo
state of being mad at the world and can't quite figure out why everything is happening to her. She tries to
deal with no emotions which has been ingrained in her for years. When she's comfortable
around others Luna has a sarcastic personality that likes to make jokes when reasonable. When not making
jokes she seems lost in thought, other ideas plaguing her mind.


Maxamillion Rose Queen

Stage Name


Male Pole Dancer/ Stripper

Max usually wears things in galaxy colors. When working he's always going for things that make him feel sexy. Usually airs on the side
of androgynous fashion. Outside of work he's a very lazy dresser and prefers baggy and comfy clothing. His hair is white on
top and rainbow for the bangs. He sometimes wears a headband. Always wears a choker around his neck, often connected
to his clothing. He likes to paint his nails and change his earrings often. Has no tattoo's but does have a birthmark on
the inside of his right thigh.

Max puts on a persona of a put together man with all the confidence in the universe. He is flirtatious and playful, always looking
for future customers in others he meets even outside of work. Is a master of seduction and does more 'after hours'
work than his boss probably knows about. Has a bad habit of sleeping with customers for extra cash. He is
extremely closed off and dislikes talking about his feelings, his past, or anything too personal. Refuses
to settle down and date one person mostly due to longstanding fears of being abandoned
after falling too hard. Really soft and squishy on the inside and very clingy.


Deanu Rose Mistwood


Half Goat

Model or Idol


Somewhat apathetic and generally bored with most things Deanu spends most of her time on her phone. She is known for her mature and cool looks and sultry and inviting voice. She dedicates most of her life to her job so she has little time or patience for other things. She is sweet as pie to her fans but do not mistake her for some dainty little doll. She can, and will, beat the absolute shit out of you if you dare try and touch her without permission. She feigns being sort of uncaring about her looks but she puts lots of time and effort into making sure her skin is clear and she has zero mistakes. Has a strong dislike for anyone who is too care free about everything. Is Vegitarian.

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Location- Pottery Studio

Insert Text Here


Human Name- Airi Kitonobe
Godess Name- Iris, Goddess of the Spring (both water and the season) and Flowers
Vessels Age- 22
Sexuality- Heterosexual
Location- Japan
Occupation- Super Model/Celebrity/Idol
Vessel's height- 5'4"
Supernatural Modifications- She has a small tear drop tattoo between her shoulder blades. Her hair doesn't seem to get wet even after being in water.
Supernatural Abilities- Water Bending/Heating, Healing, Growing Flowers (her favorite are hydrangeas)
Airi is a cheerful and bright (if a bit ditsy) personality. She's loyal and friendly to almost everyone which ends up getting her in trouble from time to time. She's renown for her great looks and works as a fashion model. She thinks bad of herself and often times doubts her ability to help others. Is way to self sacrificing and often gives away much of what she earns. Is a good home cook and enjoys simple pleasures in life like doing things together. Can get lonely at times because people idolize her for everything.

Name- Anastasia Silvers
Nickname- Ana
Goddess Name- Naeda, Goddess of pain, suffering, grief, and shadows
Occupation- Scholar/Heiress
Height- 5'4"
Figure- Slender and largely curve less, flat chest which she hates
Clothing Style- Gothic Lolita, generally very fancy
Piercings- Her lobes and one helix on her left ear.
Tattoos- none
Supernatural Enhancements- A pair of dark raven wings she can materialize at will. When not out or in a smaller form there is a small grey tattoo of bird wings between her shoulder blades. Is weak to sunlight and always carries a parasol. Sunburns easily.
Supernatural Abilities-
Shadow bending- Ana can use shadows to conceal herself and bend them to her will. She can also use them to teleport a fair distance though hopping more than about ten miles or so is physically painful and hard to do.
Flight- Her large wings offer the ability to fly for limited periods of time but she finds it cumbersome and not an efficient way of travel
Sorrow Pain and Suffering- Ana can purposefully cause pain, sorrow, or suffering to a person. She detests this ability and never uses it as a vessel. However Naeda is quite a fan of watching others squirm. Due to this ability Ana's head is filled with the negative emotions of others giving her nightmares and headaches.
Chosen One Scythe- Ana can summon the use of Naeda's scythe to defend herself but she prefers to take a pacifist route. The scythe itself seems to be an extension of her own body allowing her to use it as an amplifier for her powers.


Having spent her whole life as a second seat in her own body Ana spends her time largely alone. She is antisocial and quick to irritate but she hardly ever acts on her irritation or annoyance. She will simply find ways to get you out of her life that don't involve violence. Having never really been able to love someone or be close to anyone without Naeda ultimately causing them pain Ana spends her life in isolation away from others. Her viewpoint is often pessimistic and she has a hard time willing herself to go out to social events and thus dives into many different subjects and books to keep her mind busy.

As the daughter to a man with a large corporation Ana grew up prim and proper. From a young age she was expected to act like a young lady. Her brothers were always destined to take over the company but one was disowned for being gay and the other was killed in a car accident. This left Ana as one of the only choices. When her father died he willed the company to her which pissed off her step mom. Despite not really wanting to continue her disgusting adulterous father's legacy she took on the company as a way to secure her future. She makes most decisions from her home and only rarely leaves the comfort of her apartment. In her past Naeda had come in and out as she wished, twisting others around her finger only to back stab them later. Everyone around her seemed to get hurt or get ill and thus a veil of terror was placed around her. She was viewed as cursed and evil. Her step mother fell at the hands of Naeda after attempting to murder Ana herself. No one has ever found out and Ana's brain largely blanks out the existence of that day. While not many pray to Naeda due to her being long forgotten the emotions of sorrow, grief, and suffering and the vengeful feelings that come along with it keep her strong and healthy.

Name- Naomi the Fearless
Nickname- Nao (only by other godesses that she sees as equals)
Goddess Name- Bhalmera, the Goddess of the Hunt, Prosperity, and Predators
Vessel Age- 24
Vessel Height- 5'10"
Sexuality- Bisexual
Location- Thailand
Occupation- Tribe Leader/Shaman
Supernatural Modifications- Extra height, pupils that adjust to the light, can transform into a white tiger on command though she avoids using it as it's basically her giving her body over to the goddess and chaos usually ensues.
Supernatural Abilities- Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Reflexes, the ability to communicate with any predatory animals (mostly large cats), The ability to increase a harvest
Personality- Nao is somewhat aloof and above the rest. She will often ignore people she sees as beneath her (often men). She can be curt and irritable and is quick to anger. She is quite close to her goddess so many call her Bhalmera. She leads her small tribe in the wilderness of Southeast Asia with dignity and pride. She has trouble stating her real feelings, is a massive tsundere, and often has trouble committing to one relationship. The goddess inside herself likes to sleep around with various men but she always struggles for dominance in bed. She isn't about to sit idly by and let the men take charge and she will fight tooth and nail for her spot in the pecking order. She is a predator after all.

Name- Silvia Hawthorne
Goddess Name- Cosmis, Goddess of the Moon, Tides, and Snow
Vessel Age- 22
Sexuality- Heteroflexible
Vessel Height- 5'7"
Occupation- Idol/Model
Location- Japan (rules over Hokkaido)
Supernatural Modifications- A small crescent moon tattoo on the back of her neck (in grey ink). She has small invisible swirling tattoos that glow white when she uses her powers
Supernatural Powers- Moonlight Bending, Enhanced physical abilities in the moonlight, a magic bow and arrow, Ice/Snow Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation
Silvia is a gentle but mature soul. She is close to Airi because they share rule over a country. She is more of a motherly figure to the ditsy goddess of the spring than anything else. She's elegant and graceful but is a terrible cook and gets lost easily. She tries to stay mature and elegant but has a few childish qualities like her love for penguin/owl stuffed animals. She enjoys warm fires and cozy evenings as well as playing in the snow. She prefers not to sleep with others as she is waiting for her prince to come sweep her off her feet. Is a bit of a romantic and reads too many novels, but will crush a bitch if she has to. Very loyal and protective of younger people/goddesses who may need more help.

Name- Yuki Kurotsugi
Age- 20
Gender- Female disguised as a male
Race- Black Dragon Kin

Appearance- Yuki is always well kept and well mannered. Adorned with a variety of dark jewels she keeps her hair shot and well kept. Small dark horns sprout from her forehead, and she often chooses accessories to match said horns. She often wears kimono in dark colors, and she never lets them become undone. She holds herself high and is usually never seen outside of a kimono unlike some of the modern people. A moon with a circle in the middle and two lines is drawn upon the back of her neck, which glows when she uses her magic
Height- 5'8"
Weight- 140

Dragon Form

Hobbies- Kyudo, Horseback Riding, Gardening, Sewing (Though he never lets anyone see this)

Personality- Yuki is rather uptight and reserved, preferring silence over dull small talk amongst family members. When speaking Yuki is well spoken due to his upbringing, and always proper. He seems unshakeable from the outside, both in terms from joy or anger. When her guard is down Yuki can become a bit flustered, but she only shows it around those she trusts. In moments of silence her eyes can look almost longing, though she hides her true feelings remarkably well

Background- Yuki was born as a twin, a rarity in terms of the Kurotsugi family. Sadly her birth was not as pleasant as thought. Her twin brother died before he had even left their mother's stomach. Yuki, now the sole remaining survivor, was in a tough spot. Knowing the shame of the previous black dragon's failure the women of the family quickly decided to disguise their daughter as the only surviving prince, Yuki. Her mother, not being able to handle the stress, died of mysterious causes when Yuki was only 4. She wasn't even aware of her condition until she was around 8. Under strict guidelines and rules from the royal family Yuki grew up knowing she could never be what she wanted. The entire fate of her sea faring empire relied on her figuring out how to break the curse. To the world she was a prince, a man of many talents. If she ever wanted to be married it would have to be to a woman, which was definitely out of the question. If she ever wanted to live normally she'd have to leave her life behind, including what little family supported her. Trapped within the confines of choice Yuki chose to take on the title of the Black Dragon Kin through the ceremony once she turned 20, forever sealing her fate to the kingdom of Kurotsugi.

Powers- Blue Fire manipulation, flight, traditional shrine maiden duties, shadow manipulation. His powers are stronger at night.
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The Dragons Promise

Two supreme beings, each from their own side of a long winded war. Both sides fighting against each other and the viciousness of the land coming to right a wrong. One side hosting the dragon of light, a pure white dragon with fire that burns as hot as the raging sun. The other, the dragon of shadows, sleek black scales and a breath that scorches the night ablaze with blue fire. For as long as history has been written these two sides have fought over a mystical granted wish. It is said that if the two dragons preform the ceremony at the infinite tora gate then a wish will be granted. Though that wish was supposed to be made long ago, ending the war, the white dragon betrayed the black, plotting to get the wish all to himself. When the ceremony didn't work the white dragon, in fury, killed the black dragon, sending the world into chaos. The present day still lives with this burden, but it is not only the hatred that endangers the world. The chaos left behind by the two dragons has disturbed the balance and now many a creature rise up on the regular to attack the innocent people wandering the earth. Each kingdom, the black and the white, have long since been at war, though at this point the games were more political than physical. While blood hadn't been spilled in years the conflict still stands. The first son of the family is supposed to carry the gene, but without the birth of the sun the role fell to the only daughter of the Black Dragon, Yuki. Her family, under the pressure of the last generations embarrassment, concealed her gender and turned her into the only son of the black dragon family. Things only get more complicated when she meets another person fighting against some of the creatures attacking her village. This man, unbeknownst to anyone, is the next white dragon. What kind of future awaits these unfortunate lovers.
Name- Adam De La Lune
Title- Prince Adam of Lune
Age- 22
Secondary Gender- Omega
Race- Stelar
Stelars are the dominant race on Lune and make up the royal family bloodline. They are known for their pointed ears, pale skin, and lights colors of eye. While all Stelars have some affinity for the moon and control of mana or magic energy only the royal family or the royal guard are ever trained to tap into that mana power. Many prospective suitors for the throne are judged based on ability to connect to Mana. Only the royal family are allowed to preform any rituals involved in the Church of Lune.

Magic Affinity- Strong
Trained from a young age Prince Adam is by far the best of his three siblings at rituals and reading of the stars, but his combat ability is somewhat poor compared to his older siblings. Some gossip columns attribute this to him being an omega and therefore 'more attuned to the feminine side of mana'

Lobe and two cartilage in each ear. He likes to match them to his choker.

An anti bite choker that prevents him from being paired with. It carries the jewel of the house of Lune on the front and matches his blue eyes.

Adam is not nearly as beloved or sought after as his brothers but he is no less put on a pedestal by his kingdom. While he is the youngest of the siblings he was never seen as someone who would take over the throne or go to battle so he is seen more as the guardian of the spiritual. That being said he is rather melancholic in temper. He has a distaste for anything too flashy but anything too plain is also boring. He gets bored easily and finds needlessly repetitive conversation annoying. Has a good affinity for animals and plants so he spends a lot of time either in the garden or with the bintari, a race of aquatic inclined horses that the royal family both ride and take care of. Despite being seen as lesser to his two brothers Adam is perhaps the most clever of all three of them, and can easily come up with a way out of somewhere if he doesn't want to. He has a way with words that is both blunt but somehow gets him what he wants. The only time he ever glosses over his words and tries to soften blows is when it comes to the ladies. Just because he's an omega doesn't mean he's a blockhead, and thus Adam ends up helping most of his brothers love interests feel heard, and chewing the both of them out later.