TESTING Ice's BBC Testing Hell

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The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
Hey! You! Stalker! You aren't supposed to be here!
This is my area of secrety testy stuff! If you are looking for tons of help, this is not a great
place to do it! I suck at explaining things!

Here are links for me because I suck at remembering things, and I don't want to have too!
Feel free to use these things!
Adobe Color CC
Generate - Coolors.co
CSS Font Stack: Web Safe and Web Font Family with HTML and CSS code.
Best Color Palette Generators — HTML Color Codes
repeating background tumblr - Google Search
千花 | Senhana's Designer Room
GRAPHICS SHOP - Sam's bbCode Tidbits!
Here is a guide to my color schemes

  • #6F31FF





  • #A7FFD2









  • #2B2740





  • #ddd8c4





  • 3130812cad37ef3c7e6d2126bb067ccd.png

    Mermaid Tail

    Mermaid Tail Collection



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Anari Silverwood





Human or Wolfblood


Wild or Tame





North Wind


Alpha Female-Only Dominant Female


Anari has quite a few scars along her stomach, and thighs. She stands
a little over average at 5'7". She wears casual clothing outside of school, almost
always combat boots or sneakers. She likes to keep her blue hair short cropped. She wears it up mot of
the time, keeping it away from her face. She often wears a moon or wolf necklace, to show her love for her
pack, and her family. She loves her jeans, and her sweatpants, and if you ever see her in a skirt without
shorts underneath it you better take advantage of it.





Fighter, dominant, there are a lot of ways to think of Anari. She seems harsh, sealed off. She is
to an extent. But her pack is family. She protects them first. She isn't afraid to face
any wolf to drive them away from her territory. She is more open to her pack mates,
laughing, running, playing. She loves nothing more than to be with her pack.
To those a little closer to her, she is a little more open, but still often pushes them away.
She doesn't like people seeing her so down because it upsets them. So often
times she likes to pry on other people other than herself.


Anari grew up in the rural city of Bridgewood. She hasn't left. She knew she was a wolf
from day one, considering both her parents were WolfBloods. Her family has been in the same house
for centuries, and Anari wasn't about to leave just because her family broke up. Her mother had died in
a car accident when Anari was 14. Her father did his best to try and help her, but by the time she was an
adult he got remarried and got a new job, and moved on to other places. Her large house on the hill
is now her own, though her father helps pay for the expenses. It is the pack safe house, and
is open to those who wish to be tame or have no place to go.


Rain, Lavender, and the Forest



Running, Being Free, Quiet, Rainfall, Meat, Music, Art, Sculptures, Her pack


Rebellious souls, people who challenge her, aggressive pack mates, South Wind Pack, Manipulative People,
Liars, Being Alone.









A small owl named Echo
A Wolfdog named Spike



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  • Love
Reactions: Justin


Tonight is a no moon. The pack of the South is sound asleep. The North, however, is begrudgingly heading for their day jobs and classes. Life isn't easy for a tame, most wilds take that for
granted. More BS about clans, Yada Yada

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Morning dew, pine, and the smell of fresh grass flooded Anari's nose as she looked around her settings. She was standing on the balcony to her room, letting the scents and smells of a morning after rainfall sink in. It was one of those rare sunny mornings in Canada. She could hear woodpeckers somewhere off in the distance working away at the local pine trees. Grinning, Anari stretched her arms up to the sky. Normally waking up wasn't a pleasant thing for the young adult, but when you got to smell everything swirling together it was hard to resist. And she had the luxury of feeling it every day. It was only three days away from the full moon too, and Anari was feeling it. Through her blood pumped energy. That was also why this morning was so nice.
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Verse: Wolf Blood Au
Date: 8/26/16- ?

Full Name: Anari Primrose Silverwood
Pronunciation: A-na-ri P-rim-ro-se Si-lver-wo-od
Nickname/Alias: Ana, Ani, Prim, Fang, Alpha
Meaning: Powerful, Complete, a beautiful even in the cold, Strong, a lost city
Origin: North Wind Pack, a flower blooming in Febuary, North Wind Pack
Title: Alpha
Pet Name: +Anari, A-chan, An, Ana, Ani, -Fang, Pup, Kit
ID Number: 1247
Signature: Messy, uncaring, different every time, illegible

Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Gender Role: Middle of both, varies from time to time
Orientation: Bisexual
Real Age: 21
Age Appearance: early 20's
Birthday: January 13th
Deathday: "Depends on when South Wind shows up."
Birthplace: Bridgewood, Canada
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Zodiac Sign: Tiger

Immediate Family: Her Mother and Father
Distant Family: All deceased
Parenting: Loose, but strict enough
Upbringing: Keep yourself hidden from humans, and always put the safety of the secret first.
Infancy: Quite boring. She grew up like most children, if most children ate meat and howling in her spare time.
Childhood: As a kid, Anari was quite a child. She spent most of her time exploring her senses and drawing. Though at first she wanted to hunt things down, she was strictly told not to go outside during recess. In later years Anari learned that she could only do it by herself. She was slightly interested in electronic music. She started cutting her hair short.
Adolescence: Now mature enough, dick jokes were the new in, and she was often found cussing was a cool thing, at the age of 14, she transformed for the first time and it has only gotten easier since then. She hit a point in her life where she crashed, around 16, and slowly got back to her normal self but has never really been the same since.
Adulthood: Anari was pretty much handed the responsibility of upholding her family name as soon as she turned 18. Going to the local college, her father fled to another place where he could be away from the painful memories. So for now Anari lives with some pack members in the large house, all alone.
Coming of Age: At the age of 14, when she transformed for the first time.
Evolution: She got more depressing as time went on, and more protective

Species: Wolfblood
Ethnicity: Canadian
Blood Type: O+
Preferred Hand: Left Hand
Facial Type: Heart
Eye Color: Green Blue
Hair Color Natural brown, dyed blue
Hairstyle: Currently chin length has been looking to get it pixie style
Skin Tone: Pasty
Complexion: Smooth, rough palms and feet, moles in a few places, freckles across her nose and cheeks, and her shoulders.
Makeup: Foundation, eyeliner, though sometimes its none.
Body Type: Between Mesomorph and Ectomorph
Build: Muscular legs, slightly muscular arms, hips almost exactly the same width as her chest, legs stick out from muscle mass.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 134 pounds
Cup Size: A Cup
Facial Hair: N/A
Shoe Size: 9 Us
Birthmarks/scars: Three claw marks across her right calf
Distinguishing Features: Her bright hair

Health: Pretty healthy, considering Will cooks most of her food because she is too lazy
Energy: A decent amount, except for in the mornings. More around her pack mates or close to a full moon.
Memory: She remembers things pretty well, especially depressing things and observational things
Senses: Better than others
Allergies: None, unless fire counts
Handicaps: Depression, slight PTSD
Medication: Depression meds
Phobias: Fire, Being Alone, Her father dying, Vomit
Addictions: Music
Mental Disorders: Depression, Slight PTSD

Style: Lazy punky
Mode of Dress: Shirts untucked, lazily thrown together, not always matching, sometimes perfect and other times with alterations.
Grooming: Messy, but well enough to where she is clean
Posture: Slightly Slouchy
Gait: Fast
Coordination: Very fit, due to being a wolf blood, coordinated, muscular, a human is no match for her.
Habits and Mannerisms: Head scratching, lip biting, ear scratching, stretching, popping her shoulders and back
Scent: Rain, Forest Air, and Lavender. Pretty strong to wolfbloods, but most humans can only smell the lavender.

Mood: Relaxed, slightly down, chill.
Attitude: Usually quite neutrally, but as soon as one person says something offensive, she only gives them one more chance before snapping and walking away.
Stability: Mostly stable
Expressiveness: Openly expresses joy,, anger, and playfulness, but emotions like jealousy and sadness she keeps to only her close friends.
When Happy: Grins, Laughs, Runs, playful contact
When Depressed: Locks herself in her room, lake watching, napping, running alone
When Angry: Growls, claws, snapping jaws, yelling, stomping, snarling, shoving, kicking, punching
Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions.

Current Residence: Bridgewood Canada, in her parents old house with her pack
Community: Close since there aren't many people, friendly, relaxed, open to visitors
Family: Her father who no longer lives with her. Currently her pack is her family
Friends: Will, Dread
Enemies: South Wind, Nikolai
Bosses: No one, she is the boss
Followers: Her pack mates, and Will
Heroes: She used to look up to her mother, and now she just tries to do her best
Rivals: Nikolai and the South Wind Pack. It gets bloody
Relates to: Will a little bit
Pets/Familiars: A wolfdog named Spike, who resembles a grey wolf, and a Owl named Echo, a owl native to Canada.

Wardrobe: Her around the house clothing is pajama pants, most of which have one of her favorite bands or shows on them, paired with a large t shirt from random events. On the rare occasion she is trying to impress someone, she will wear a tank top, and a nicer pair of plaid pants. If it's hot, she wears a tank top and a pair of shorts. Out of the house Anari usually wears jeans and a t shirt. Sometimes its a nice put together outfit with a skirt, thigh highs, or any combination of cool things. Other times it's something she threw together as fast as possible to get out the door. Her semi formal clothes often involve a skirt, and a nice flowy blouse. She pairs it with light makeup. When it's very formal, Anari has a small selection of dresses, and a larger one in her parents bedroom which she closes off to everyone but her and her trusted friends. She has never taken any of the dresses out of it.
Equipment: A large hunting knife, she trained herself to use a sword and a bow if needed. She usually just uses her teeth. Oddly enough, pepper spray, and a key ring grip
Accessories: She does wear glasses, but often puts on her contacts because its easier. She does have the moons tattooed across her back. She has freckles that dot her nose and cheeks and a few moles. She has her nipples pierced as well, along with two in each ear and one on the left side of her nose.
Trinkets: A tooth necklace her mother wore, and passed down to her when she died. It's the mark of an alpha female of the pack, and she has the other necklace that matches in a drawer, waiting for Anari to chose another leader.
Funds: Full to the brim, mostly because of her fathers help with his job
Home: A large lake house with so many rooms she can't count them all. She stays in a room near the Alpha room, which was once the place her parents slept. After her mother died it hasn't been touched. The area of their property is wide, and includes a private section of water, and goes part way into the forest.
Neighborhood: There are no places for at the least two miles, she lives in the middle of nowhere in a town in the middle of nowhere.
Transportation: The family car or her bike.
License Plate Number: 445 MDC
Collections: Various teeth from different animals, drawings
Most valuable possession: The house
Prized Possession: Her necklace that she got from her mother

Lovers: Her Family, she had one person in the past and a few flings here and there, but not much
Marital Status: Single
Sex Life: Usually pretty dull, usually only people out side of the pack
Type: Eros
Turn-Ons: Strong willed, protective, loyal, cunning, has emotions
Turn Offs: Pedophiles, Overpowering People, clinginess, desperation, aggressiveness towards partner
Position: Switch
Plays: She won't really tell
Fetishes: ? She wont tell
Virginity: Around 5
Element: Water

Occupation: Artist/Music Mixer
Work Ethnic: She works really hard on her pieces because she loves what she does
Rank: Moderately high
Income: Depends on the amount of commissions per month, but usually somewhere between 2,000 and 5,000
Wealth Status: Middle, but in just the town very upper
Experience: Some experience making coffee
Organizations/Affiliations: North Wind

IQ: 82
Education: College
School: Hell pretty much, every single turn there was the chance of getting discovered
Grade: Between C-A
Special Education: She almost got held back once
Social Stereotype: Weirdo
Degrees: Art and Music
Intelligence: Musical, and Kinetic
Extracurricular Activities: Art, Music

Religion: None/Believes in the power of the Moon
Morals: Getting to know someone before asking questions, Not to kill unlawfully
Crime Record: None so far
Motivation: Love, Hope
Priorities: Love, then Hope
Philosophy: If you can't be happy, nothing feels right, and life doesn't have meaning.
Political Party: "Does it matter? I am perused either way."
Etiquette: Not the cleanest, but respectable
Culture: She says Eh? a bit, and she makes sure people are all nice and warm. More about family
Influences: Other artists like Cyrin inspire her to do better
Relates to: Dread
Traditions: Pack Dinner, Evening Routine, Shoes at the Door
Superstitions: Putting on her necklace for luck

Main Goal: To keep her pack alive, to actually have a pack, get her back together
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Being a Alpha, Leading her Pack, getting south wind the hell out
Career: Artist/Music Mixer
Desires: Something to Make it Better, Someone to Love
Wishlist: Meat, Security, More Land, More Tech
Accomplishments: Becoming and Artist, Making money off of art, Making Money off of music
Greatest Achievement: Keeping Her Pack Somewhat together, and hopefully driving out South Wind
Biggest Failure: Running Away
Secrets: She hates herself, sometimes she cries herself to sleep, some other things she won't mention
Regrets: Running away
Worries: Being a good Alpha, Being happy
Best Dream: She suddenly snaps out of her funk, she keeps the territory, and finds a mate
Worst Nightmare: She gets exiled, has no friends, and ends up getting discovered
Best Memories: Her mother and father and her howling for the first time, her first transformation
Worst Memories: Her mothers death

Hobbies/Interests: Mix Music, Run, Do Art, Swim, Train, Fight
Skills/Talents: High-Art,Mixing Music, Athleticism. Medium-Playing the guitar, singing. Low-Cooking
Likes: Sleep, The Moon, Rain, Forest, Rocks, Lakes, her house, chew toys, meat, bones, deer, the smell of rain, plants, good food, chocolate, savory food, noodles, fish, making music, sound editors, a sound booth, a cintique tablet, paint tool sai, pastel colors, cuddles, crushes, sweaters, sweatpants, thigh highs, combat boots.
Dislikes: People who push her around, spicy food, doing construction work, artichokes, too much vegetables, not enough meat, being hungry, being sad, being without a pack, assholes, Nikolai.
Sense of Humor: Somewhat childish, wolfish
Pet Peeves: People who chew with their mouth open, the sound of teeth on silverware, people who don't bathe.
Superstitions/Beliefs: She believes in destiny
Dreams/Nightmares: Being Popular, Unicorns, Running a pack, Romantic fantasies
Quirks: Hand on the railing, Always bumps her leg while sitting, Crossing her toes, fiddling with her necklace, slight galloping when fast walking
Savvy: Nature, Wolves, Wolfbloods
Can't understand: Obsession with Football, Competitive food eating, Science
Closet Hobby: Reading
Guilty Pleasure: Taking a nice relaxing swim or bath

Strengths: Calm Strength with a bright sense of humor
Flaws: Territorial, Easily Angered, Super Depressed, socially awkward
Perception: Pessimistic, assuming the worst
Conflicts: Love, Happiness, Family
Instincts: Protect those under her wing, mark territory, snap at people
Lures: Helpless, Love, Attractive, wolves, Nature
Soft Spot: People who don't have parents, the confused, the helpless
Cruel Streak: Someone taking her packs lives, or telling her her parents deserved to die, etc.

Powers/Abilities: Like most wolf bloods, extra jump, endurance, strength, and the ability to turn into a wolf by unleashing anger and forced on full moon.
Origin: Birthright
Source: Mental Capacity
Ability: Very Adept, trained since birth
Weaknesses: The Full Moon, Anger, Wolvesbane, Silver
Immunities: None
Restrictions: Her temper, the moon
Alternate Forms:

Extra Anatomy: Wolf tenancies, wolf transformations, a tail if wished

Favorite Colors: Blue, Green, Grey, Purple
Favorite Animals: Wolf, Tiger, Lion, Owls, Snakes
Favorite Mythological Creatures: Dragons, Mermaids, Shapeshifter
Favorite Places: Bridgewood, The Perfect Pine forest
Favorite Landmarks: Calling Cliff, also known as the Howling Hill or Roaring Rock, Cougar hot springs
Favorite Flavors: Vanilla, Nutmet, Cinnamon, Sugar, Chocolate, Fresh Meat, Cooked meat
Favorite Foods: Steak, Flank Steak, Pasta, Chew Toys, Bacon
Favorite Drinks: Lemonade, Water, Soda
Favorite Characters: Ruby Rose, Nora, Yang, and Ren from RWBY
Favorite Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Books: Fangirl, Cinder-Winter Series, Tigers Curse Series, Romance Fantasy Novels in general
Favorite Movies: Avatar, Zootopia, Big Hero 6
Favorite Games: No Man's Sky, Overwatch, Turmoil, Minecraft
Favorite Shows: Kimi ni tokode, Steven Universe, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, RWBY, Miraculous Ladybug
Favorite Music: Electronic, Vocaloid, Rock, Pop
Favorite Bands: Vocaloid, Fall out Boy, Monstercat, Proximity, Anamanaguchi
Favorite Songs: Innocence, Ms.Jackson, Runaway(U and I), Carrying Coffins, Lipstick Covered Magnet
Favorite Sports: Soccer
Favorite Stores: Grocery store, any store that sells stuff for cheap
Favorite Subjects: Art, PE
Favorite Numbers: 4, 14
Favorite Websites: Deviant Art, Tumblr
Favorite Words: quatywompus, Moonshine, Moon
Favorite Quotations: "You're a Werewolf, and I'm the full moon."-Lipstic Covered Magnet
"I've grown tired of this body, impossible and heavy body."-Body by Mother Mother
"The soul that see's beauty may sometimes walk alone."
"Love me for who I am, not what you want me to be."
"Fate whispers to the wolf 'You can not withstand the storm.' And the wolf whispers back 'I am the storm."
"I'm fighting through life with every Punch, Kick, Bite, and Slap, With a snarl and six words; 'Is that all you got?"
"Throw me to the wolves and I will come back leading the pack."
"You can't throw me to the wolves, they come when I call."

Least Favorite Colors: Red, Puke Yellow, Puke Brown, Puke Green, Super Bright Yellow
Least Favorite Animals: Cats, Porcupines, Birds
Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: Things with more than one mouths
Least Favorite Places: The city, busy areas
Least Favorite Landmarks: Anywhere hot, South Wind Territory
Least Favorite Flavors: Spicy, Fowl
Least Favorite Foods: Curry, Artichoke hearts
Least Favorite Drinks: Fruity Alcohol, Milk
Least Favorite Characters: Mary Sues, Roman
Least Favorite Genre: Non Fiction
Least Favorite Books: Animal Farm, To Kill a Mockingbird,
Least Favorite Movies: The Bee Movie
Least Favorite Games: Halo 4
Least Favorite Shows:
Least Favorite Music:
Least Favorite Bands:
Least Favorite Songs:
Least Favorite Sports:
Least Favorite Stores:
Least Favorite Subjects:
Least Favorite Numbers:
Least Favorite Websites:
Least Favorite Words:
Least Favorite Quotations: (Can be lengthy and philosophical or just simple clichés such as "Every dog has his day)

Languages: English Fluently, Some French
Accent: Canadia
Voice: High
Speech Impediments: None
Greetings and Farewells: Depending on Familiarity Dude, Sup, Or just starts talking.
State of Mind: (Ask your character "how are you" and see how they respond)
Compliment: (Have your character say something nice)
Insult: (Have your character insult someone)
Expletive: (Can be an actual cuss (Ex: Dammit) or some kind of substitute. (Ex: Darn it!)
Laughter: (What does your character's laugh sound like?)
Tag Line: (Something your character says a lot in everyday sentences. Can often be filled with a sound or vocalization. Ex: Lol, dude, uh)
Signature Quote: (Something significant your character says. Doesn't have to be meaningful, just make it memorable.)

Reputation: (What does the general population think of your character?)
First Impressions: (What would you first think of this character upon meeting them?)
Stranger Impressions: (If someone was told about the character but didn't know them, what would they think?)
Friendly Impressions: (What do people who are friends or acquaintances of your character think of them?)
Enemy Impressions: (What do people who can't stand your character think? If you can't think of anyone who hates your character, we have a problem.)
Familiar Impressions: (What do people very close to your character think of them? Ex: Family, lovers)
Compliments: (What are some good things other people would say of your character? [heroic, good listener])
Insults: (Would anyone like to call your character a whore, jerk, or stupid?)
Self-Impression: (What does your character really think of themselves deep down?)

MBTI Personality Type: [Ex: ENTP, ISTJ]
Temperament: (Chloric/Sanguine/Melancholic/Phlegmatic) May also be called color types, such as yellow, red, blue, or green)
Enneagram: (The Reformer/The Helper/The Achiever/The Individualist/The Investigator/The Loyalist/The Enthusiast/The Challenger/The Peacemaker)
Ego/Superego/Id: (Superego is aims for perfection, society, and the idea of right and wrong. Id is unconscious desires and instincts - Which of these are they most driven by?
The Self: (The center/core of your character)
The Shadow: (The opposite qualities your character themselves does not believe they possess, but do subconsciously)
The Anima/Animus: (The part of the character of the opposite gender)
Persona/Mask: (What they present to the world, or the side they use to protect themselves)

Role: Alpha
Fulfillment: Considering atm she has no packmates, not well
Significance: She is supposed to create a new pack, but she doesn't know anymore
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Comparison: (Compare your character to some kind of animal, object, or anything else you can think of.)
Symbol: Wolf Tooth
Vice: Lust
Virtue: Dilligence
Defining Moment: Becoming the Alpha
Tropes: The moody depressed girl
Originality: Her specific quirks and bad decisions
One Word: (Use a single adjective to sum up your character in a nutshell)
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Hathaway Highschoool

Hathaway Highschoool

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Color Scheme





Wild Winds

Wolves are traditionally known as pack animals. They usually
come in shades of brown, or grey, or red, depending on the area. But there is a space in this universe that can hold something much more interesting. In a land where the elements
take part in genetics, wolves live, run, and even fly freely.
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Camp Kilawaka


Camp Kilawaka has been in the making for the last ten years. Coming up on it's eleventh summer, there is quite an interesting group of people arriving. A camp for ages 8 to 18, the kids are split up into groups of similar ages. They offer all sorts of activities day and sometimes in the night. Meals are given as a whole, and there is a strict curfew on the younger tenants. However, the older teens ages 14 to 18 often go out on night activities while the other sleep.

Everything about this camp seems normal. But lately, things have been getting a little weird. Some of the younger teens have been passing around a rumor that something fishy is going on with the counselors. Entering the last session of camp, they promise a large camp wide game. A treasure hunt competition with all sorts of different things, but any time you talk to your counselor about it, they seems to get a little dodgy. What on earth is going on here? And why do you have a sinking feeling it involves you?

The History of this camp isn't long. It popped out of the blue ten years ago, and though strange seemed to be in running condition. At first it didn't draw much attention, but after the first batch of kids the camp just grew and grew and grew. And now they are coming up on the eleventh year of the camp, the second session. Mid July to August is the time range. There are a couple roles already placed in, but some are completely random. We will be playing an older group, minimum age is 15, max is 18. The exceptions are counselors who are a little older. There will be one to two.


1.I am the GM of this roleplay I have the right to kick people from the rp, reject characters, ideas, etc. I also have the right to this story and anyone trying to rip it off or copy paste it now, or in the future will be violating site policy. If you want to use some bits, you have to ask, and usually my answer is no but it depends on what you ask for. That being said I usually play to the audience, and like to keep things nice and relaxed. Don't be afraid to ask me anything! Getting my clear on something you aren't sure about doesn't hurt. Gives me a heads up.
2.All people participating in this rp should be comfortable writing romance, and be able to accept some plot hurdles I will be throwing at you. This is not a regular have fun summer camp rp. There is a plot, though however strange it might be will somehow make sense.
3. This rp was crazily based off a fever dream I had that Seiji is helping me make sense of. Things might change as they go along, and some might not make a lot of sense. Hopefully it all will when the time comes to it.
4.Yall better like animals, because there is going to be some relation to that. The camp does have stables and farms etc. Mostly for food or riding.
5.We all can't help that we don't get along with certain people, but the last thing I want to happen is people talking about ideas out in the open, and other people assume, people get upset and drop for the sake of others, feuding people take over the rp, etc. So if you got issues, there is a fancy ignore button, or you can speak to a staffer about it. I do not want any feuds in my OOC
6. Post all the character junk in the sign ups, because that way I don't have to go sifting to find them
7. Try and keep as little BBC code in the posts IC and OOC as possible. A lot of the time I am working away from home, and it's hard for me to read. I know that's redundant because this post is BBC code heavy, but this should be the only one. I also tried to keep as few images as possible on one page.
8.There are some roles that have more specific requirements, but others are open range. It all depends on what kind of characters you play, but I do need the slots filled before we start. You can talk to me about any of the spots, feel free to ask questions.
9. Read the stuff I type. I don't just type it to fill space. It's there for a reason. If you don't, I usually end up having to reject ideas and characters because someone didn't read it right.
10. Most important, have fun!

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Color Codes





Brawl Bash

Color Coding





Sky Riders

Ages ago, in a land that seems almost distant from our own, creatures of wonder roamed the skies, clinging to the cliffsides and to the tips of the trees. They came in all different shapes, not just the marveled ones with pairs of wings and breath of fire. Some burrowed under the dirt, hiding themselves in the deepest depths rock, others caved high in the mountains. Some traded their wings for strong gills, and swam the depths of the ocean. They were everywhere, in many forms.

Now days it's rare anyone even see's one. People think they are just fairytales that their parents tell to scare or excite children. A few people live in a quaint town, and by quaint I mean pretty busy. It's one of those sides cities that some talk about but not many know of. The city lies between the mountain ranges, and has plenty of good things to do and explore. However a few citizens of this certain town will be in for a shock when one night out in the forest, Mirage's henchmen suddenly break loose.
  • 1. This rp has a lot of love put into it, but it tends to get jumbled at places, excuse the occasional fuck up
    2. This rp took fooooorever to make, so please if you intend to join please join with the intention to go as far as it lasts.
    3. I am setting the limit right now for one character a person, as each character will have a human and a dragon.
    4. Please follow my rules, I tend to be quite fair with them, but I would like you to follow them.
    5. All the Smut must be under spoilers/in other areas. Make sure you aren't smutting outside of age group.
    6. This story can get a little convoluted, and will probably go in arks. It is an adventure story at it's core and there are a lot of elements that I need to specify.
    7. I might need to take up a Co Gm depending on how crazy things get, but I will most likely end up taking one on.
    8. Make sure your characters are realistic, I don't want any Mary/Garry Sue's.
    9. I don't really care what kind of picture you use, but it will most likely gear towards art pictures in this roleplay. (Art meaning anime, or just generally drawn by anyone)
    10. I will put in a combat system later on in the roleplay when things do start to get into the combat range.
    11. Post something decent, minimum a solid paragraph, preferred two paragraphs.
    12. All Characters should go in the character Index
    13. Each dragon may be a primary successor of one of the gods, and no matter how little they can all play a role. Though they may be a primary successor of one they may also example genetic traits from other dragon types.
    14.Make sure to have fun!

  • I highly suggest reading all the background even though it is quite long, but here is a quick list incase you forget important points later.
    -Four Dragons Created Earth
    -From there Four dragons gave their bodies to create creatures in their likeness
    -From there minor gods formed
    -The Great Purge brought about Mirage, the goddess of chaos
    -The Successors of each god Banished Mirage back into a different dimension
    -Humans now having connected with dragons to defeat Mirage stand up and push back against the dragons.
    -Dragons go into hiding
    -Fast forwards to regular life, Mirage's seal is breaking since the dragon population is disappearing
    -Humans must awaken the dragon spirits inside them and find their other half to defeat Mirage.

  • Few things seemed to run this society, yet it flows smoother than it did back in the day. It was mostly due to a strict system of gods. At the start of time, there were only four. Life, Death, Space, and Time. Each of these four lived in harmony. Fiore, dragon of life wished to create a space where people like them could live and give praise to all the dragons. He wooed and charmed his fellow gods Archeus, the god of Time, and Morter, the god of space. Reluctantly, Life asked Death to join in. Mortana, the goddess of death was not as inclined as her brethren. Quiet and more withdrawn, she chose to watch from a distance, giving aid only when she felt it was necessary. When dragons had reached their prime, death stepped in to pass them on to the stars, where Morter would gladly care for their souls after death. Time created planets so the small place they called Terra wouldn't be lonely. The sun would rise and fall over parts of the land, creating the passing of time. From there, the dragons were born.

    Along with Terra came four more powerful gods. Fergo, dragon of fire, rose first from the cracks of dirt, spewing fire and hot ash into the air. It was said that he could create a flame so bright that it outmatched the sun. Not long after rose Isiris, the goddess of water. She filled the lands to the brim of cool liquid, sealing the cracks that her fellow god has so rudely created. They obviously did not get along, being two opposing forces. But much like life, Fergo could not help but fall for Isirs, a sleek dragon of blue. Her body danced with the colors of the ocean, creatures resembling herself in some ways floating on the inside. While Fergo had large broad wings which barely supported his body, Isiris had a long winding body of water, scales of ice. Jewels of sea foam green laid upon her head, dancing like stars in the sunlight as they hung from thin trails of ice. Her large dark horns stretched far above her head, rough and fins trailing from head to tail. Her body almost blended into the cool gifts she brought, shifting from the deepest blues of the large ocean, to costal waters full of life.

    The third dragon to arise, mostly from the two warring forces, was Ignatus, the dragon of earth. Having risen from the harsh rocks created by the two feuding lovers, he brought color to the land. He enjoyed both the gifts the others gave, though he tended to favor more on Isiris than Fergo. The two gods got along well, Isiris letting her gift rain from above over the soil so the vines of bright green and arboreal lanscapes could form. Fergo did not like being pushed aside, considering how well the other two were having it. Fires began to rise and Fergo took to the land, setting anything green and full of life ablaze. Naturally, it angered Isiris, the beautiful treasures the other two had created together turned back to ash. She lashed out at Fergo, bringing a tempest of water and ice down on him. She nearly put out his flame. By the time he was standing at death's door Isiris calmed herself. The darkening skies above reminded her that they were not here to lay waste to each other. Without fire, there would have never been land for the tree's to grow. After the trees had grown life seemed to start to grow. So she spared Fergo, in return for him giving a inner fire to every creature venturing over this earth. But how were the creatures to come about? Naturally, they were born from the will of the three guardians of the moment. But without a fourth member the dragons were failing. They were not strong enough alone to create such life. It required the flowing energy of four souls continuously to keep it up. All three had already decided to give up their mortal selves to help keep the world alive. They just needed one more.

    The three sent out on a mission, to search the newfound land to find their last brethren. They knew he was somewhere, the tingling sensation of energy still lingering in all their hearts. They searched the valleys first, coming up with little but more pools of water. By the time the trio had reached the highest peak, they had given up hope. But up on that hill, amongst the ice and the frost, they all felt a tingling of something against their scales. An unfamiliar chill, soft and somehow comforting. But when reaching for it, their claws came up empty, like whatever the substance was kept slipping through their fingers. Out of the fluffy and still white clouds came a winding figure, long body winding around the free space. He moved off the ground effortlessly, his body coiling and winding down towards the peak of the mountain. Jilasan, the goddess of the wind. Her body appeared lithe and attractive, however no wings did she carry, nor heavy plated scales. A single set of legs sprouted at the front of her body, following up to a sleek head not adorned with jewelry or horns. A long line of thick hair grew down her back, and as she moved every inch of her light grey body seemed to catch in the light. All three of the land dragons were in awe. She flowed with such grace, such skill, almost like she had been born with it. Yet when the dragoness drew close, they could feel the winds pick up more, her front claws landing on the peak. Her dark three toed claws sunk into the fresh snow. Fergo was the first to reach out to her. Charmed by the new dragoness, he expressed his thoughts of her beauty and grace, to which she stated that she know not why the force obey her, she simply knows it is hers. She was quite shocked that there were others like her. When Isiris, the more level headed one since she wasn't thinking of trying to woo the new dragoness' feelings, approached her she explained why they had come. They wished to give life to the world. To have others like them, so that one day they would follow in the footsteps of them and keep this world alive. They had their way of surviving, and wonderful lands to explore. They had the fire in their bellies and their hearts that fueled them, now all they needed was wind beneath their wings. Jilasan, mostly charmed by Isiris' dedication to this world, agreed quite quickly to devote herself. She had been roaming the skies alone for decades, and living on with people who loved the world as much as she did made her own heart leap with joy.

    And so, on that very peak did they burrow, creating a cave system they called Illani. This was where the four of them lived for a short while. They prepared this world for new life, and their own departure. Creatures of other kinds had already been forming, not ones in their likeness but things suitable for mortal bodies to live on. Each created their own den, where they where to give themselves up to the spirits. Jilsan made a room that looked as if it was empty, though through small holes a whirlwind of air would rush in and out of the room. It could be as soft as a breeze, or as violent as a windstorm. Isiris made her room deep and hollow, filling it with the finest water she could offer. Fergo filled his room with pouring pits of lava, the same substance that ignited his own fire within. And Ignatus filled his room to the brim with life, vines hanging off of every corner. Each with their own room to go to, so the children could live on each in their name. Some would follow one and some the other. And so there they sat, and gave up their bodies. They turned to stone. Jilsan's statue still swirls around the room, large body twisting and curving throughout. Her claws still hold onto a large orb at her feet. Isiris is said to be at the back of her room, tail draped gently into the pool while her maw is still open to this day, flowing crystal clear and pure water through it and into the basin below, which houses all sorts of life. It is said if you drink from the pool, or look at your reflection you can feel her guiding spirit follow you. Ignatus was happily relaxed under a tree, and vines now grow from his elk like horns. His strong bark created face still carries a youthfulness to it. Fergo was positioned emerging from the boiling pits of lava, maw open and roaring at the heavens. It's said if you can put your soul into a roar, you can hear him roar back from the other side.

    After the passing of the four dragons, others started to appear all over. Most were brought up by the will of the previous four, but some others were more unique than others. The child of Jilsan and Isiris is Naviris, goddess of the moon. She rises in the night sky, giving a calming light to the world, and at the same time moving the worlds bodies of water. As a lesser god, she first roamed the world as a simple dragon, living under everyone else. It is a ritual that each dragon must visit the Illani to receive their blessing. Each dragon would get a blessing from one of the eight great dragons. Not long after the four dragons passed, the four creators rooms were revealed slightly above that, each room decorated respectively for each god. It is said you can feel the pull of your guardian. Some its faint, and for others they cause the fire to erupt from the belly of each dragon. Some had seen the dragons almost stir, but when Naviris walked into the room, she couldn't tell where to go. She was being pulled both up to the four gods, and towards Isiris. She shook her head and went to Isiris' room. The statue lit up, the fountain of water halting. A roar rose to the air. The rock around her shook. The statue burst into life, Isiri's glistening teal eyes staring back at her before another more distant roar came in. Bursting through behind her came Mortar, his large expanseful body of stars filling the room. Isiris cooed at him, and they seemed to nuzzle together slightly before they wrapped around Naviris. She could feel her crest glowing with wonder and pride. She watched the two dance around her, before they touched her forehead. Her soft fluffy forehead touched theirs, and they disappeared. A small dark blue crescent dawned her forehead, almost shimmering in the light. Her white fur seemed to glow. The dragons who saw her walking out swore they could see Isiris and Morter soaring happily through the sky around the mountain as she walked. The clouds cleared and out came Naviris, fur shining in the moon along with the rest of her long scaled body. They swore she looked like a god. All the dragons bowed before her, praising her as the new goddess. And so underneath the second four did Naviris make herself a den. She ruled many days on earth, but one day she knew her time had come. Lying inside the cavern, in the middle of a full moon Naviris gave herself up to the heavens, becoming one with her forefathers.

    Such the cycle went on, god after god coming along. All was well in the lands, and as each god was born the variety of dragons did increase. Some looked more like birds than dragons, some didn't even have legs, some had many sets of legs. Soon dragons came in all shapes and sizes, and the land was plentiful. As many dragons as there were, a few humans appearing on earth, at first they were curious about these large creatures. Some of the creatures disliked the small frail fleshy new creatures, while others found they were great at doing small chores that displeased the dragons. A select few, the Successors, were very indifferent about the new creatures. New creatures came along all the time. But when a few started clinging to the backs of their kind, the Successors had to step in. At first they used their powers to banish the humans to a far off corner. They were in no shape to fight against creatures of fire. And so there they stayed.

    The humans were in constant fear of the dragons for years, until a chaotic cloud started sweeping across the nation. First, it was only a spark, squabbling in the lower regions. Murmurs of dragons going wild. The Successors had noticed that something was beginning to take over the land. And one night, the murmurs turned into chaos. Erupting from the earth, dragons of swirling black shadows and putrid red flame rose up, seemingly out of nowhere. The dragons fled, taking to the skies. They called it the Great Purge. When the sun rose again the ground was laid to waste. The creatures, far from fearing the sun, took to the skies. Among them, waiting in front of the sun with her black wings poised at the ready. Mirage, the goddess of Chaos.

    Mirage laid waste to the land, vowing vengeance on the mortal world. Mirage had once been a dragon of great proportions. She was said to be great, and powerful, and most likely a successor of the First Four. But on the day of her choosing, she could feel nothing. She was empty. She was the only empty they had ever seen. She was quickly banished in fear of her power. She spent her years building an army, and when the time was right, and there was no moon in the sky she attacked. For a few long years the dragons lived in fear. Some even connected to humans, resenting their fear. But the belief was they were still above them. The successors focused on banishing Mirage and banish her they did.

    The battle was epic, one that got written into the stars. The Successors bonded together and sealed Mirage into her own cosmic prison, where she would stay for all eternity. The dragons, now rejoicing and happy, found themselves beginning to rebuild society. And about halfway into that came The War of the Races. The humans had had enough of being slaves. They revolted. In the time the dragons had been hiding the humans had found their weaknesses. As a mob they took over the dragon's land, and pushed them out.

    Time went on and soon humans started forming societies. As the numbers of humans grew, the dragons dwindled. With barely enough left to have successors, the seal is breaking, and Mirage is slowly creeping back.

  • Warning-Some gods are loosely based on photos, others are combinations, some have none.
    Fiore-God of Life
    Fiore is the dragon of life. He takes on many different forms, most of them white. It is said his scales shimmer like gold. His large wings let the light through, and it is said not only does he cause things to grow or glow in his presence, he brings along the light of day. His feathered wings never seem to dull. Long and nimble body, more fluffy than scaly. He is almost birdlike.
    Angelic Dragon

    Morter-God of Space
    Morter is the god of the galaxy. His stature is the largest of them all and it's said his wings reflect the stars. With a dark skin speckled with some different colors, Morter is mostly black. He sports large horns that are layered like the rest of his body, fanning out in almost a solid webbed pattern. His tail ends in a curved mound like a scorpion. His wings match the rest of his body, dark and thick, its a wonder how he can even fly with how heavy they look. The only thing stretching through the skeletal structure is a thin web of a wing that from below lets him blend to the stars. He uses his wings as front legs, and only has a pair of back legs to support himself.
    Zodiac Dragon . Scorpio

    Archeus-God of Time
    Archeus is a sleek dragon with small tuffs of fur along his back. He is a mysterious being that has different appearances. He has no wings, floating through time. He appears in different sizes and ages and in people's visions. It's said he lives in a different form even at this time.

    Fergo is born from pure rock and fire. His body is broken up in several places, and his fire is the hottest around. He is known for melting rocks in his path, carving his own way. His eyes burn bright like his inner flame, and he has a large pair of leathery wings to get him off the ground. He doesn't fly quickly because he is too heavy.

    Isiris' body danced with the colors of the ocean, creatures resembling herself in some ways floating on the inside. While Fergo had large broad wings which barely supported his body, Isiris had a long winding body of water, scales of ice. Jewels of sea foam green laid upon her head, dancing like stars in the sunlight as they hung from thin trails of ice. Her large dark horns stretched far above her head, rough and fins trailing from head to tail. Her body almost blended into the cool gifts she brought, shifting from the deepest blues of the large ocean, to costal waters full of life.

    A large dragon of green, his body stretches far and wide. Made of dull white bark scales, and the very foliage itself, Ignatus finds himself constantly changing and growing.
    Eternal Spring

    Her body appeared lithe and attractive, however no wings did she carry, nor heavy plated scales. A single set of legs sprouted at the front of her body, following up to a sleek head not adorned with jewelry or horns. A long line of thick hair grew down her back, and as she moved every inch of her light grey body seemed to catch in the light.
    Image Deviant Art Not Found

    Mortana-Godess of Death
    Dark and brooding, Mortana's body is dark and soft, her scales flexible and smooth like a snakes. She has two long twisting horns on her head, and fluffy long hair that runs down her back. Small dim grey lights run along her spine, tail, and bones of her wings. She has three sets of legs and grey speckling around her face and body. Her tail ends in a tuff of fur, and her ears flick around like a horse, long and nimble, and slightly fluffy. She is quite calm despite being solitary, and enjoys watching life's work. Very depressed, can sometimes be sent into a manic.

    Birbarus-God of birds
    Birbarus carries heavily feathered body, as he is based off of birds. He carries mostly white plumage, with five clawed toes, while his front have three. He also carries a set of large plumed wings, with a slight blue tint

    Naviris-Goddess of the Moon
    Goddess of the moon, Naviris shines like the light. She sleeps during the day, and during the night floats the skies, keeping watch over the sleeping dragons below. She lets the moon rise, and watches the ocean pull and bend from coast to coast. Long flowing hair runs down her spines, and her claws are almost transparent. Her scales shine with a silvery glow during the night. It's said that sometimes while she passes, you can hear bells twinkling. Her face is fluffy, and horns pull out from the back where her scales come in. Her hair is wispy and light.

    Lumini-Goddess of Bioluminesence/Natural Light
    Lumini is a luminescent goddess with feathered wings. She spends her time among the marshes, and illuminates a path wherever she goes. Her body is lithe and slim, dotted with a few spots of illuminated fur. Her horns even illuminate as well, giving her a very ere glow to her figure. She is only ever seen at night, near the water.
    .:Shadow Dancer:.

    Earl-God of Tea
    Earl is a kind, wispy dragon. One of the smallest dragons, he is quite common. His room is small, and is filled with tea leaves. He has small stubby front legs, and has small tuffs of grey fur. His body ends in whips of steam. When he's around, it always smells like tea, and people find themselves very relaxed. He doesn't have many powers, but boiling water is one, and creating perfect tea being another.
    Earl grey tea dragon (open)

    Gemini-Goddess of Crystals
    Gemini is a strong dragon of dark coloration. Her skin seems to become many different colors in the light, and she seems to be made up of gems. She carries large lightly plumed wings with crystals dotting her body. Her tail ends in a beautiful rainbow array of colors which match her head feathering. She often is seen wearing jewelry, and is the best source of raw crystals. She has one in every color. Her followers live in deep steam caves growing many variations of crystals. Her room has large carved intricate crystal spires, some natural, some obviously designed.

    Mirage-Goddess of Chaos
    Ripped up, horned, cracked skin, Mirage oozes red and black light. Her grey skin is leathery and sharp, almost everything ending in points. Her wings are a subtle red and black color, ripped in many places yet somehow she still flies. A horrible mutation, she has four sets of large horns adorning her head, along with one in the center. She has adornments of bones and small skulls hanging from both her neck and horns. She has four pairs of legs, a massive body, her legs seem like they are loosing flesh yet she powers through tree's like they're twigs. Her body ends in a thin tail with long spines, which is often thrashing around. It splits about halfway down, doubling the damage. She seems to have six eyes, the bottom left seems to constantly ooze a black substance that glows slightly red.
    Death Dragon

  • Successors and gods are the only dragons who are in tune with the originals. They can often go into states of deep meditation to try and reach for help. All gods have one special talent, and they excel so well no one can match them. Successors are highly trained in their gods power, but may also have elements of other gods, and sometimes see or receive guidance from them as well. This mostly applies to lesser gods.
    Ex: Fergo's successor could also be partially able to draw up columns of light to distract and blind enemies temporarily.
    Successors and Gods are the only ones who can entice a reaction out of the statues in Illani. Gods will cause a reaction from their connecting gods. Ex: Naviris entices both Isiris and Mortar, as her powers rule over the moon which controls ties, and is both a mass in space, and a physical stretch of earth.

  • The First Four

    The Elemental Four

    The Lessers

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Havenfeild, the middle of butt fuck nowhere. Or at the least that is what most people will tell you. Old, quaint town, will more live stalk than people. This is horse country. Most people like waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the sight of the rising sun.

Out here, horse competition is almost everything. If you don't love the animals you care for, then being out here is a real drag. There are all kinds of things even though the place is small. The closest town is Horsemaw, rural but still big enough to have apartments and town houses. The

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♦♢Cosmic Revolution♢♦

Life is dull in Centrol. Everything is grey. Life has always been this way. Ordinary, plain. You get up, you go to work, you eat dinner, you go home. Everyone lives out a monotonous life in this place. There isn't music, no theatre, no live to keep it going. And that's where this all starts.

The year was 2052. Outrage. The murmurings around the street were true. Color. Things are getting color. People started to fight back. The government was quick to shut it down, or so they thought. The color still lives, it just found new ways to camoflauge.

It has been ten years since then, and the town is reaching it's breaking point. The city streets are no longer safe. And now, it's a fight for our life, and our freedom.

Hope you know how to use a gun.

  • 1.Ice Queen is the Gm. I have the right to dictate what happens in the story. Generally speaking I am looking for people who are wiling to be flexible. When I tell you something is wrong with whatever you posted, if you give me more trouble it makes the rp less fun. Generally saying though I tend to be quite fair, and love to talk to the people in my rp's. Don't be afraid to ask me questions!
    2. If you take up a major role in the rp, I would like you to stick around, or warn me if you are going to drop. If you pull yourself all at once it makes it hard for the rest of us to move on.
    3.If you have problems with other players, make sure to let me know! And also keep it out of the group conversations.
    4.Keeping me up to date

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Color Coding





Mecha Mash

Mecha Mash. A game invented in 2045 by a top notch engineer. Robots had finally gained traction and were everywhere from the executive office to your own back yard. And that's when they started to come out. Large man driven pods. The first prototypes were clunky, but the excitement was there. Going back to the gladiator times, entertainment was reborn. Old sports with a ball and a stick
were thrown out the nearest window. What's interesting is the Mecha Mash.

Twenty years after Mecha Mash opened the first training schools popped up. Brawl Academy.
State of the art, new facilities, and a state of the art battle arena. But boy was it hard to get into. Considering it was a sport you could enter starting at the age of 16, these special schools were the perfect place for future and current Mecha Mash champions to hone their skills, and seek out their titles.

And now, the 35th annual Mecha Mash is coming up, and it's all hands on deck. With the sport being originally male dominated, now the ladies are coming in for the kill.

Who will be our new champion? And what exactly goes on behind the scenes?

1.IceQueen is the GM and makes all the final decision for this roleplay. I really ain't that mean so feel free to ask questions if you have any.
2.Posting expectations are at the least once a week, a decent sized paragraph. The more the merrier but if life is getting you down, just let me know. No one liners
4. Be nice in the ooc, we don't want fights happening.
5. Make your characters realistic. No one is going to fall in love at first sight, no one is going to be perfect. Everyone has something wrong with them.
6. Make sure that you are being respectful to all walks of life. Like LGBT+ people, gender non binary, and people of different sexualities though it's mostly not a problem.
7. Be open to GM suggestions, and wait to make sure they know you want a change before you start it.
8. Make sure everyone is on the same page. Confusion leads to stress, which leads to people not having fun.
9. Your post should have something identifying your character that isn't a picture in the IC. Fancy div boxes are nice but sometimes they draw away from the intended content of the reply. It is also harder on mobile users.
10. Make sure to keep in your age group if things get a little smexy, as part of the rules of Iwaku.
11. This roleplay deal with topics such as violence, drama, etc. It may also include topics of self harm, cheating, coming out, betrayal, and other such triggering events. If you do not wish to participate because of this at any time, please notify me at the earliest possible moment.
12. Tag those who you have interacted with so we can all stay sane and keep track of posts.
13. Keep yourself in check. A slow moving RP is never fun. Try and be able to post once if not more a week. If I have to remind you more than once, I will let someone else take the spot.
14. Respect the GM's. This is my roleplay, and my idea. What I say goes. I have the right to reject or accept any character.
15. No more than one character a person for now. Based on the amount of interest I will tweak this rule accordingly.

The City Of Avalon

The City of Avalon


The Center Arena Dome

Arena Types

Brawl Academy

Brawl Academy Student Dorms

Brawl Academy Elite Student Dorms

All Elite Dorms are the size of a small apartment. Includes free of charge breakfast bar, gym facilities, and study halls.
Braw Practice Arena/Facilities

Brawl Academy Arena


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◦≺Bayview Academy≻◦

Bayview Academy has the best that any school has to offer. A private learning program for those studiously inclined, and a large variety of more artistic studies. Whatever you want, you can get at this state of the art academy.

Relatively old as far as schooling goes, Bayview has a long and prestigious record of students that learned through these halls. However this year the halls seem to be much emptier. Haunted by the plauges most are. The cliques. The Populars, The Artists, and The Rebels. Each has their own leaders


Vix Mathews


NAME: Vio Mathews
BIRTHDAY:November 17th
BIRTHPLACE: Seattle Washington
ETHNICITY: Half American, Half English
OCCUPATION: Student, Part Time Barista
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Unsure

HAIR: Naturally Brown, cropped short, dyed green fade to dark blue
EYES: Ice Blue
SKIN: Quite pale but still fine in the sun
BODY TYPE: Seems thin, quite strong
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT; 134 Pounds
DRESS: Large sweaters, skinny jeans, sometimes loose off the shoulder shirts, cares less about what she looks like, prefers the comfortable.
PIERCINGS: Three in each ear, belly button.
TATTOOS: None, but she hopes to have some.
SCARS: Large scar between her shoulder blades.

PERSONALITY: Strong, independent, resorts to her fists before her signs. She really hates those who try and make her lip read, or make her speak. She spends most of her time alone, finding it hard to be a part of a society that views her as flawed. She enjoys it when people understand how to communicate and make an effort to communicate with her.
LIKES:Drawing, Self Defense, Swimming, Food, Cooking, painting, experiencing the world, solitude, people who understand, pasta, ice cream, cuddles, movies, naps, warm sunshine, cats, soft things.
DISLIKES: Lip reading, music, people who force her to speak, exclusivity, activities that require listening.
HOBBIES: Imagining other worlds, writing, cooking, watching people, watching animals, drawing.
HABITS: Biting her lip, sometimes making noises she is unaware of when angry, bumping leg, crossing legs.
FEARS: Being forced to speak without her will, having no control of her own being even if she doesn't speak.
TALENTS: Drawing, Writing
ABILITIES: Signing, Cooking, Being Irritating, Everlasting solitude
INSECURITIES: Her voice, her scar, her social view, the cost of being friends with her.

FAMILY: Mother, Father, A Brother. She lives with her Aunt. She declines being related to the rest of her family
FRIENDS: Her Aunt, A Deaf Girl from California named Novis
EXES: One, abusive, she refuses to say his name, just call's him Z



Masa Choi

"Dick jokes and sliced throats make the best surprises"





No one is quite sure what Masa is. Driven to peruse her manga mostly in the middle of the night,
quite sleep deprived and with the sickest sense of humor. Her writings always come out with a twist and so does
her life. Some days she can be very subdued, gazing out the window, huddling up in comfortable things, and sometimes
she quite literally can't control her energy. It doesn't change drastically more like a gentle wave that comes
and goes. Her default is usually somewhat cheerful, impish, with the worst sense of humor (think jokes about dicks).
She tends to try and help other's before herself, hence why she ends up passed out on her desk most of
the time. She has to be reminded a lot to actually sleep, and eat food, and not work through
the night with no sleep. She loves fluffy things like llamas and cats, soft spot for
animals in general really. She has a small social media following,
though she isn't very active and mostly just posts about
animals and naps.

Masa grew up as the daughter that her mother had always wanted. Her family life was relatively ok.
They were quite well off and even though her father was gone for most of her life she felt a strong
connection. Since her father as always working she spent a lot of time with her brothers,
all of whom are older. Her parents projected a lot of their pressure on her older brother's,
but at the same time they paid more attention to her. As a young kid she started
acting more like a tomboy, playing sports and misbehaving. Her parents weren't quite
sure what to do with her. Living in LA her family was quite busy, but everything worked out. Or so
Masa thought. As she got older she noticed her parents life may not have been so peachy. They
would fight in the middle of the night, and sometimes Masa noticed her mother
covering up bruises in the morning. She hated standing by to watch. One day her mother up and left,
not being able to stand the house any longer. None of the kids knew where she had gone.
Her father was furious. His first reaction was to go for Masa. Helpless she was attacked by her
father. For a long time she was subject to the same abuse her mother had endured. But
after a particularly violent day, her father was arrested. Her mother, who had moved
herself back home to Tokyo, swooped up Masa, who was the only child
left that couldn't live on her own. Often times Masa had turned to her
art to help console her, so once she graduated by the skin of her teeth
she decided to peruse her dreams of drawing

Kiro Kogishi|Jailed|68
Jessica Kogishi|Alive|56
Jensen Kogishi|Alive|30
Aoi Kogishi|Alive|27

Anna-Mei Akisora
Main Idea
Object of Masa's helpings more than a few times

Mariko Arakawa
Main Idea
Shared love of animals

Jung Jin Woo
Main Idea
Office Jokesters

Kousuke Yamato
Main Idea
Wakes her up from her many a naps (She tends to snore)

Love Life
Anna-Mei Akisora
"She's pretty clumsy, but she's adorable. I can't really find a way to hate her. Maybe a bit antisocial
at times but rather adorable nature."

Markio Arakawa
"She is quite weird, not that I mind. She has a soft spot for small animals and that's probably
the only way I get her to make any facial expression at all."

Jung Jin Woo
"Pun competition. He's kind of dumb sometimes, but we joke around so much he is kind of a lovable

Kosuke Yamato
"A little more dramatic than I would like, but he makes some decent teasing jokes."

Fluffy Things
Warm jackets
Cool hair
Home cooking
Inexpensive food
Koream BBQ
Cute Things

Being Depressed
Super Spicy Food
Fish guts
Slimy food


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Color Coding








✦North Bond✦

Two Packs. The Night Walkers, and The Moon Runners. The two packs have been warring over their territory for almost a century. Generation after generation was raised with the feeling in their blood that the other pack was the enemy. There was hardly a moment they weren't at each other's throats. But with the rise of a new dawn, the leaders have mutually decided the feud was over. They were fighting a war that wasn't theirs. The land could have easily been shared a long time ago. And so, the two packs were destined to merge.

The majority of the members were very unhappy about the merge. Some still are. But the fact is the fact.
There is nothing they could do about it. And now they are all stuck in a manshion together, forever.

  • Becoming a werewolf is only possible through two ways. One, birth. Obviously most wolves are pure blood, though some are half, or mixed. Most wolves tend to frown on mixed bloods. The last is being bitten, highly uncommon unless packs are starving for numbers or a wolf goes rouge.

    The ranking system goes as such. Alpha's are at the top, they run the show. Each pack has one alpha and one beta. Obviously they can't be butting heads completely for the plot of the storyline but it doesn't have to be friendly.
    Beta's are second in command, and step in when the Alpha needs help, or is unable to direct at the moment.
    Pack members make up the majority of each pack. Normal members underneath the Alpha and the Beta. There may be a few stand outs that will be chosen to beta if the alpha leaves the pack.
    There is a single Omega from each pack. They are the very bottom of the pecking order. In the wild they are the last to eat, the last for mating rights, etc. In the pack house the omegas pretty much get shoved all the really annoying chores no one wants to do.

  • 1.Make sure you know what you are getting into when you sign up for the rp! This one is very much dependant on people moving it forwards, mostly about human interaction.
    2. Make your characters believable. I want something that feels real. No one second loves, no god mode fighters. Something possible, but obviously supernatural.
    3.Try and keep the genders balanced, that way we have a nice even split.
    4.Make sure you read my rules, though fairly simple I would like to have them read.
    5.Make sure to keep all that smut in the pm's and between age groups. Anything is fine up till the jiggly bits are involved.
    6.Each character is different. Try to make them different! Exciting! New!
    7.Don't get tied up in OOC drama. If you are going to take on a large role please be here. I don't like having missing people.
    8.Ic posts should be at the least a paragraph. Times can get tough so if you can't meet that then just let me know.
    9.Make sure you Have Fun! That's the most important part of this whole thing!

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    Living Room





    Alpha's and Beta's get their own rooms, the betas connecting to the alphas. All other pack members share bunk rooms

    Each bunk room has a study area for personal items

  • ~Night Walkers~
    ~Pack Mates~

    ~Moon Runners~
    ~Pack Mates~

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"... I wouldn't get to close, I bite."

  • NAME
    Geovani Cross





    Half English, Half Norwegian

    November 16th


    Weight- 160 pounds
    Hair-Dark brown, short cropped
    Eyes-Deep Blue Grey
    Scars/Markings-A scar on her inner left forearm, a nick in her right ear.
    Piercings- Two in each lobe, a lumbar in her left ear. Her lobes are stretched slightly


    On missions Geo wears skin tight pants and a tight tank top. Regularly the woman wears jeans or loose pants with a loose shirt. Muscle shirts and tank tops are her favorites, though often she has to wear long shirts as she get's cold easily.

    Geo is the loner of the group. A lot of people don't know what she sounds like, or even what she does. She spends a lot of time alone, though she does have a slight sense of humor. She is more often than not quiet, preferring to be by herself. When she does talk Geo carries a stern tone, like she is always giving out orders. She uses her voice only when she is out on missions. Despite not talking much Geo has a lot of experience on the team, being one of the oldest. She tends to dot on the smaller freshman, giving them silent advice. She gives great advice, and is a great support unit for those who are slightly insecure. She is smarter than she appears, knowing solutions for most situations. She is quick with her reflexes, never missing a beat. It's rare that anyone see's Geo in a vulnerable state, as she is very guarded. She likes to express herself often through art. Geo is very tranquil, and not easy to upset. She is very protective of her team, and acts much like a moma bear when people try to attack them. When she does get upset there is a lot of yelling and a lot of punching. Underneath her exterior layer, Geo is very curious about how the world works, playful to an extend, and depressed. Geo puts herself before others constantly because she views herself as less, as a monster with gills.

    Water, Music, Warm food, Pasta, Katsu, Fireplaces, Warmth, Arealism, Winning Fights, Clean Haircuts, Whiskey, Cuddles, Netflix, Drawing, Painting, Singing, humming, cooking, sparring, practicing, Honing Skills, Raw Fish

    Artichokes, Raw Meat(excluding fish),

    Singing, Swimming, Art, Martial Arts, arealism, Pottery

    Biting her lip, messing with her lumbar,

    Hurting those around her

    Her voice, her mermaid form, her love of raw fish (despite her previously hating it)




    Sonokenisis- Due to being part Siren Geo has control over sound waves. She mostly uses it to lure her opponents into a sense of security, or as a projectile. She can use it around her fist to help amplify her punches, as a small barrier to surround herself and maybe one person, and to jump. The more power used in each one, the more she has to absorb to supply her powers.

    Alluring-Geo uses her voice to allure enemies. When she sings it allures those who listen towards her. It only works when people don't know her well.

    Fishy Fishy- Sirens are inheritly fish, so when Geo decideds to take a swim, poof, there go the legs. Her tail replaces them. Her breast becomes covered in scales as well, donning gills on the sides of her neck. In siren form she has glowing lavender eyes and sharp teeth, as well as decorative shells and gems along her ears and head. Her form is meant to be attractive but deadly, and tends to rip through her pants though her shirt will stay. She tends to have patches of scales, and her ears become pointed and large, seeming like fins.

    Waterbreather-Geo needs to be in water at the least once a day or else her skin will start to dry out and crack. She is a fish after all. The longer she goes without water, the more faint she gets. This can be compensated by large amounts of water intake.

    Equal Exchange-Sound doesn't appear out of thin air, Geo needs to absorb energy from around her before using it. In the ocean sirens use the sound of the waves and mamals to supply their powers. On land Geo uses the sounds of bustling streets, music, etc. She has a limit of how much she can store, and how much she can push out. She can only handle so much energy and without it she is basically only able to charm people.

    Raw fish-She fucking hates that she likes raw fish

    Hand to Hand Combat, Agility, Singing, Flexibility

    Geo grew up in a broken home like most people from Dusk, terribly. Her parents to everyone else where just normal people. To Geo they were her worst nightmare. Geo grew up the third daughter to her parents. She was the runt of the litter. She wasn't a genius, she didn't like sports. Geo was quite reserved as she wanted to be herself. Her parents wanted her to be famous like her siblings. Geo was quickly shoved into the shadows. Her parent's relationship problems were often forced on her. Physiological torture by both siblings and parents happened daily. Her life felt like hell.

    Geo stayed in that house until she was 10. At the age of ten Geo's house was attacked. She didn't know why, but the animals ripped through her house and depowered the rest of her family. She had been locked in a closet for the last month, and she kept herself hidden in the corner. She was swiftly taken to the Dusk program after that.


    She's a loud screamer



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Arianne Valhala


  • Name
    Arianne Valhala




    25% Norwegian
    75% Canadian


    Moon Runners

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    Wolf Form
    Alaskan Tundra Wolf


    Height- 5'7"
    Weight-157 Pounds
    Eye Color- Blue Grey Eyes
    Piercings- Two in each ear, belly button
    Tattoo's-Thigh, Back
    Usual Dress- Jeans and loose muscle shirts. Sports bra's and shorts when working out.


  • Personality
    Strong willed, decisive, Ann is anything anyone could want in an alpha. She know how to give directions
    and stick to the plan, but can get a bit over aggressive at times. She has a shorter fuse than most,
    and when she is angry its hard to avoid her swings which is why she uses punching bags to keep her
    simmered down. When not aggressively stalking around the pack house, Ann can be
    seen running through the forest, or drawing. She keeps to herself more than
    anything, finding that her anger makes it hard for others to understand her.
    She has been set on her path for so long that she has become
    depressed at the lack of ability to break from her set destiny.

    Ann grew up in the pack, from the pack. She was born into her role as alpha. She was the only daughter
    of the mated pair. She loved her parents very much, but for them the job always came first.
    Ann was seen as the alpha in training first and a woman second. Most adults were afraid of her,
    or would only give her passing glances. The other pups weren't allowed to play with her.
    She was always alone. She was trained from the day she could walk how
    to hunt, and achieve what they needed her to be. An alpha. She was trained
    to be aggressive, to always think ten steps ahead. She needed
    to be the strongest, the most aggressive, to never waver.

    At first Ann was uncertain and unruly. She didn't want to follow in her parents footsteps.
    She was abused and forced for days without food until she could comply with orders.
    She embittered over time, loosing her sense of remorse, anger taking over her
    thoughts. She bit Tacuba with the intent to make him her Omega. In the
    end she ended up letting him escape, seeing what she had doomed
    the man too. A eternity of a destiny he didn't want.​

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    Chocolate, Naps, Winning Fights, Muscles, Dark Clothing, Water, Steak, Fresh Laundry, Lavender, Warm showers,
    sleeping in, cuddling, loose shirts, eyeliner, strong female characters, animated movies, piercings, tattoo's,
    boots, freckles, the color blue, the smell of pine, homecooked food, snakes, horror movies (they are all
    cheesy to her), snow, playing, hunting, howling, group naps.

    Emo/being depressed all the time, artichokes, asparagus.

    Tacuba- He is literally terrified of her. She feels kind of bad
    Leia Morris- Ann doesn't know why she is the beta. She's kind of shit at it.

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Morning dew, pine, and the smell of fresh grass flooded through the forest tree's. Today was an extraordinarily nice day, considering it was late October. Even though the wind nipped at any exposed flesh, turning cheeks pink and numbing hands, the sun shined openly through the leaves of the pine tree's. Today was supposed to be a hellish day. It may not have been snowing, but there was certainly turmoil boiling through the forest. The two packs were meeting for the first time on equal terms, moving into their new pack house. Who would bite first? Would anything happen? No one knew yet.
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