CLOSED SIGNUPS BY INVITATION ONLY Hunting For Freedom - Chat - Characters - Lore

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Slice Of Life, Paranormal
Yes this bit will have everything we need XD There isn't much Lore, so I see no reason to waste a thread for it.

If you wish to join, just send me a message, I put invite-only to make things a bit simpler for us so we don't have to do an update for each new person who may wish to join.
Climate Map

Elk, Moose, Caribou, Deer, Foxes, Rabbits, Hares, Squirrels, Birds

Snow Leopards, Wolverines, Eagles, Badgers, Bears, Lynxes, Cougars, Foxes, Panthers, Jaguars. Lone Wolves(if any)

This is just a general list of what you can encounter. Keep in mind the general climates these animals reside in. You wouldn't find a moose in the desert, nor a Jaguar in Icy lands.
Ateram Biomes and Location.png

Old Territory Outlines
All areas that are white except for the ice chunk are territories that haven't been taken and are usually where most lone wolves are found. They were also once used as common meeting grounds between packs when there were moments of peace.
Ateram 2023-11-14-16-01.png
If you are curious about which packs targeted which more. You'll notice the neutral spots, they are sort of the giveaway.
SilverLeaf was mainly against Grimshade.
RavenRose mainly fought with DawnStone, but sometimes SilverLeaf.
FrostDrop, DawnStone, and AmberMoon were at each other's throats rather consistently.





Appearance(Descriptions are fine):

Previous Pack:

Current Rank:





United Pack

Lead Water Elemental - Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{AbsyHub}

Lead Fire Elemental - Shana - 2yrs - Previous Pack: AmberMoon{ShyTexanGamer}

Lead Wind Elemental - Suri - 4yrs - Previous Pack: RavenRose{ShyTexanGamer}

Lead Nature Elemental - Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Absyinthe_Artica}

Lead Light Elemental - Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Absyinthe_Artica}

Lead Shadow Elemental - Ark - 5yrs - Previous Pack: SilverLeaf{DarkMoon}

Yuki - 4yrs - Previous Pack: FrostDrop{DarkMoon}
Calfix - 4yrs - Previous Pack: RavenRose{DarkMoon}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}

Bray - 5yrs - Previous Pack: AmberMoon{DarkMoon}
Zen - 4yrs - Previous Pack: GrimShade{DarkMoon}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}

Silver - 5yrs - Previous Pack: RavenRose{DarkMoon}
Moon - 3yrs - Previous Pack: AmberMoon{DarkMoon}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}

Jule - 5yrs - Previous Pack: DawnStone{DarkMoon}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}

Terri - 6mths - Previous Pack: N/A{ShyTexanGamer}
Arrow - 7mths - Previous Pack: N/A{DarkMoon}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}


- 3yrs - Previous Pack: N/A{DarkMoon}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}
Name - Age - Previous Pack: ____{Owner}

One-sided Crush -->
Crush On Each Other --><--
Mates <3
Broken up /
Mate Died --<
Suri --><-- Calfix
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These are my characters for now, I can edit them however you may wish to include things later!
Name: Ark

Age: 5years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Shadow elemental.png

Previous Pack: SilverLeaf

Current Rank: Lead Shadow Elemental

History: Ark's parents were as durpy and carefree, if not more so than he is. They couldn't even think of a decent name for him as their only huge pup, but since he was a loud pup they named him Ark, just removing the B from bark. They'd often tell him this and he couldn't help but find it funny. He knew about the wars going on and since he was a rather large wolf his Alpha had made him a 'fighter' even though he wouldn't even want to hurt a fly unless it bothered him. While Ark is a very free spirit he can be serious if the situation calls for it. When the strange mark appeared on his right shoulder and shadows began to move at his will it sort of freaked him out. But when his parents simply vanished he knew he'd been picked for some reason even though he had no idea what that reason was.

Relatives: Karse, father - Eve, mother(both missing)

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Name: Yuki

Age: 4years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Previous Pack: FrostDrop

Current Rank: Hunter

History: Yuki was living with her older brother for a long time, she was clumsy and even at the age of one got herself entangled with a wolverine and barely survived. The scars on her face never fully going away. But the day her brother vanished she ran following his scent to a dead end, it just stopped!! She was scared being only 2 years old at the time, but was soon found by one of the Hunters of FrostDrop. They had targeted the same prey and taken it down together. After that, she was accepted into FrostDrop as a hunter. She told them what had happened to her brother and came to find out he wasn't the only wolf that up and vanished.

Relatives: Kyver, Older brother - Parents died when she was a pup

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Name: Bray

Age: 5years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Previous Pack: AmberMoon

Current Rank: Fighter

History: Despite her gentle appearance Bray has always been a fighter. Even when the wars got bad she fought and won her battles. She did her best not to think of the lives she took though. Even though the fighting was pointless in her mind she did so because it was what her Alpha demanded! Due to her odd cream-colored coat, she could blend fairly well in the desert areas or the snowy areas and her Alpha made sure to use it for his gain. But when new wolves with powers showed up and then decided they needed to band together it was like whiplash to her. She didn't know how to act, she was bound to run into enemies and now they had to work together or die?? It was as if she were now facing a war with an enemy she couldn't see and that sort of scared her.

Relatives: Open(if someone wants to make some)

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Name: Silver

Age: 5years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Previous Pack: RavenRose

Current Rank: Healer

History: Silver has little patience for those who don't follow his instructions. Even though he is a healer he can be rather rough around the edges and most who see him for the first time think he is a fighter. However, he hates war! He hates seeing his pack members injured and that's why he is so strict, he wants them to heal as soon as possible. Part of the reason why he decided to become a healer though was because his nose is like no other, he can smell even the hardest to find herbs as long as he is near them. Sure, he could have used this great nose of his for hunting but when his father passed away due to an injury that hadn't been tended to he decided healing was what he wanted to do!

Relatives: Deceased

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Name: Zen

Age: 4years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Previous Pack: GrimShade

Current Rank: Fighter

History: If you want a dark and skulky fellow, then Zen's your wolf. He's the type that attacks first and asks questions later and that has gotten him into trouble more than once. Did he learn? Hell no, will he learn...not in this lifetime. Zen hates the fact they have all joined forces, he lost his sister and brother to those in SilverLeaf and he depises them all. But now he is being forced to work with everyone including those from SilverLeaf and he wants to kill them...well all besides the pups...they're innocent and adorable...not that he'll ever admit it.

Relatives: Deceased

Crush: If you want to try it

Mate: If you want to try it

Name: Jule

Age: 5years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Previous Pack: DawnStone

Current Rank: Watcher

History: She is a soft female who absolutely hates war and is scared that one day she will turn around and be alone in the world. With the wolves vanishing left and right she fears even the pups that she watches over will vanish. The fact that all the wolves who had been fighting are now forced together makes her worry that someone will do something stupid. But the Elementals said they have to work together or they will all die! So surely the others will understand this...perhaps...they can find out what has happened to their friends and families...or at least she is hopeful for such.

Relatives: Open(if you want to make a sibling or a pup)

Crush: Open

Mate: Open
All images created by AI
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Reserved for Character Sheet WIP ~
Name: Terri

Age: 6 months

Gender: female

Sexuality: She dosnen't know

Appearance(Descriptions are fine)


Previous Pack: she doesn't remember

Current Rank: Pup

History: Terri was wandering in DawnStone and had passed out from exhaustion when a couple of wolves found her and brought her back to their pack. She had no idea where her parents were and it was thought that they had vanished. But the truth of the matter was the fact her parents had abandoned her. Leaving her to die, feeling they couldn't care for a pup any longer with the rising conflicts happening. At first, she was scared of those in the pack, but Jule helped her and the she-wolf was so kind and gentle. Offering to adopt her as her make her feel more at home. When they had to move for something, she didn't fully understand but as long as Jule was by her side she didn't care.

Relatives: Jules (adopted mom)

Crush: none

Mate: none​
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  • Love
Reactions: DarkMoon
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I could do light!
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Reactions: DarkMoon
Okay I'll make some more wolves as well :)

Sign-ups are closed and or invited only, now. That is if someone messages me about it I might let them in. :) @Absyinthe_Artica what is your significant other's name on here so I can tag them here?
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Name Shana

Age 2 years

Sexuality Bi



previous Pack Ambermoon

Current Rank Lead Fire Elemental

History Shana watched as wolf after wolf died in a war full of mystery. Because wolves were vanishing and that scared the alphas. But all she could do was sit back and work on healing those who came back wounded as she was a healer. But the day a strange red sigil appeared on her and she set the healing den on fire she ran. Scared she hurt the others of her pack. She made herself at home near a body of water to make sure if she went ablaze she could jump in the waters to put it out. Of course, her packmates would come check on her but her main focus was to get her power under control. When the other elementals gathered she was still scared of what could happen but they had to stand together.... she'd never been an Alpha...not once did she think she'd fill that role...but at least she had five other wolves just like all they had to do was figure out how to bring the other wolves back...if there was a way.

Relatives She doesn't have any

Crush Open

Mate Open​
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  • Love
Reactions: DarkMoon
Name: Calfix

Age: 4years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Previous Pack: RavenRose

Current Rank: Hunter

History: Calfix has always had his eye on Suri, she was cute as they grew up together and became gorgeous as an adult. When his brother vanished and he was in panic she helped him to calm down. So when she gained this strange new power and accidentally killed her family he wanted nothing more than to be there for her. As she had run off he was worried sick that maybe she had vanished as well, but the wind somehow brought him to her. He found her curled into herself crying and a strange airy shield around her. He didn't want to scare her off only be there for her so he talked to her, making sure he kept his distance before the strange shield had fallen away and he was able to get her back to the pack to explain things.

Relatives: None Alive

Crush: Suri

Mate: Will Be Suri

Name: Arrow

Age: 7months

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Too young


Previous Pack: Loner

Current Rank: Pup

History: Arrow was playing with his mother when she simply just vanished before his eyes. She was there one second and then just simply gone! It had terrified him and he howled and howled, hoping she was somehow playing a trick on him. But she never returned, he knew about a pack that was near... His mother often talking about them and about how they were rather kind to her before when she had been pregnant with him. So he went that way, hoping he'd find his mother but he couldn't and by the time he made it there, he was exhausted. When he woke up a female wolf with green eyes stood above him and he thought it was his mother in his fevered state, but soon found out it was only a wolf who looked similar to his mother. She was indeed gone...

Relatives: Vanished

Crush: Too young

Mate: Too young

Name: Nuri

Age: 3years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Previous Pack: Loner

Current Rank: Loner

History: Nuri lost her family to the packs at war so she honestly hated them. They had been treading through the edges of GrimShade, trying to get to nutreal part between GrimShade and SilverLeaf when they ran into wolves fighting and were dragged into it. Despite her brothers telling them they were loners and held no pack association they were dragged into the fight, even she was targeted. She fought as best as she could, but she had been 1 year old at the time and weaker than those attacking. Her oldest brother got her out of there after a major injury to her front left leg. But he was badly hurt as well. He was so worried about her injury he didn't take proper care of his and ended up dying due to fever. Leaving her alone and to fend for herself and that was exactly what she did! Sometimes though he front left leg gives her issues.

Relatives: All dead

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Name: Moon

Age: 3years

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Previous Pack: AmberMoon

Current Rank: Healer

History: Moon is a soft girl, she loves those around her with an open heart which has led her into a world of pain. But still, she wears her heart on her sleeve, she wasn't happy with the fighting and she had even helped some of her 'enemies'. When they merged into one large pack she was happy to see a few faces that she had healed before. Even though one of then had bitten her in the process...She didn't mind.

Relatives: Open

Crush: Open

Mate: Open​
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Name Suri

Age 3





Previous Pack Ravenrose

Current Rank Lead Wind Elemental

Suri isn't sure how most of the other elementals did when first getting their power, but hers didn't go well. She had been on a scouting mission with her brothers and sister when her powers awoke and went crazy causing a tornado to form and throwing her siblings into the sky before slamming them back to the ground. She was absolutely horrified and didn't understand that it had been her own doing. But once it hit her she ran from her pack at first... fearing she'd only cost them their lives. If it weren't for Calfix hunting her down and at least talking to her about coming back she may not have been part of the pack merger...and if they didn't have her then the hopes to find out what's going on and save the other wolves wouldn't happen.

Rela5tives all dead

Crush Calfix

Mate Will be Calfix​
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Reactions: DarkMoon