Hunt, Slay & Bleed (A Grim Fantasy Roleplay)(Sign-Ups/OOC)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster

It can be said that war never truly ends. Even though battles may be over, peace is only quiet time before the next battle begins. In some cases, the battle never ceases to stop, even generations later. One thing that separates humans from other beings in the world, is the vicious cycle of war, often caused by humans for their own idealistic goals. It is generally agreed upon that war is a terrible thing, and yet, it's constantly there. Such is the current state of events in the known world. There is a constant cycle of hatred between four groups of living beings, with no supposed end in sight.

Our story takes place in the town of Ivesburg. A rather large city, abundant with people. It has everything from markets, to peasants and noble families. There is even a lake nearby the city for fishing, and the rather decent climate is fantastic for farming for most of the year. Beyond the farmlands of Ivesburg, lies a large forest to the south known as the Malen Forest.

The Malen Forest is a monstrous forest, filled with creatures available for hunting. People often venture inside to for leisure, and for extra food to hunt, however, the actual size of the forest is not known. It is said the deeper you go, the more dangerous the forest becomes, with stories of people getting lost and never finding their way out. It should also be noted, that many dangerous creatures known as Demons reside in this forest, and one should be careful about venturing too deep into the forest.

Corset is a town located on the eastern side of the Malen Forest. It's possible to get to this town by following a specific trail within the forest, however, good navigation is required to ensure one does not get lost in the forest. It should also be noted that Corset is a town where Vampires reside. Corset does have a smaller economy than Ivesburg, but similar. Unlike Ivesburg, there are no real social classes among the Vampires, and there isn't much need for farming.

Kavenhold is a town located on the western side of the Malen Forest, and similar to Corset, it is a town that can be reached by following another specific trail through the forest, if the navigation is there. Likewise, this town is where many Werewolves reside. Similar to Ivesburg, there is a small farmland that exists, although many people in this town will hunt for their food in the wilds and the forest nearby.


Regular humans are most abundant in this world. Generally speaking, if one refers to someone as 'Human', they are generally referring to the human as having no Werewolf or Vampire blood within them. Humans are smart at making tools, and are highly organized. Not only are they high in numbers, they are capable of destruction and chaos utilizing their brains and tools, despite not having any sort of Werewolf or Vampire powers. The humans in Ivesburg resent Vampires and Werewolves and Demons alike, and are often told to kill them on sight. Specific Hunters exist, solely for the elimination of said beings. Unlike Vampires and Werewolves, Humans in Ivesburg also have a social class system. Peasants, middle class, and nobles, etc.

Something that regular Humans possess, that Werewolves and Vampires cannot do, is the ability to perform magic. Magic is exceedingly rare in Ivesburg, with the only person in town being able to do so, being a Priest. His followers are taught magic as a part of their teachings, mainly specializing in Healing and Holy Magic. Supposedly Priest Donom's Healing Magic is so strong, he is able to regrow limbs - for a cost, that is. However, it should be noted that magic cannot be taught to everyone that follows Priest Donom. According to him, if the person's aptitude is not capable of learning magic, they will never be able to do so, no matter how hard they try.

Humans are also able to breed with Vampires and Werewolves. The chances offspring having the Vampiric/Werewolf Gene is 50/50. No physical proof of half-breeds exist as of yet.

  • Able to perform Magic
  • Access to a variety of weapons, and even traps to capture Vampires, Werewolves and Demons
  • Access to doctors and medicine
  • No need to hunt for food/able to purchase items at the market

  • No increase in strength or speed from a transformation
  • No real healing factor, other than medicine and possibly magic
  • Magic is not well known, and is not readily available; exhausts the user


Contrary to belief, Vampires are indeed humans. Although their exact origin is unknown, Vampires are humans that have specific Vampiric Gene within them. Many of the Vampires in Corset, were born the way they are. Although Vampires can eat like regular humans, they have very little need to do so. They can survive by simply devouring and drinking blood of humans and/or animals. Often, Vampires will catch wandering humans within the Malen Forest, or hunt for animals. They can devour meat raw, and can also survive several days without any water or food, although their bodies will generally get weaker until they replenish. They don't have extraordinary strength compared to regular humans, unless they transmute to their true vampiric form.

In their regular human forms, Vampires are generally more pale skinned (although this isn't always the case). There often isn't anything out of the ordinary in terms of their appearance compared to regular humans, so often they may be able to hide in crowds, unless people really study their appearance. Because of this, many Vampires will still refrain from wandering into regular humans, unless they plan to kill them.

In their True Form, Vampires alter not only their appearance, but also their abilities. Generally, some traits all vampires share in their transformation, are their signature fangs, large protruding wings, as well as a more noticeable feral appearance. Often blood flow will increase throughout the body giving a more vascular appearance to the Vampire, and their nails will also grow. Vampires are also able to glide and fly decent distances in this form, and are granted a decent strength boost as well. Some Vampires even gain muscular size after transformation, appearance alterations, and possibly even hair alterations such as colour and/or style. Vampires will transmute to this form in dangerous situations, and to fight.

Transforming costs the Vampire a lot of energy, and they will often be exhausted after being transformed. Because of this, many Vampires will still hunt with a typical weapons such as arrows, crossbows, swords, spears etc for their food and blood. Any injuries will also be healed upon transforming, if the Vampire still has the energy to transform. However, any damage done to the Vampire during the transformed state, will still be present even after their revert. Getting blood or meat in time, will often speed up the Vampiric healing process. Heavy damage such as limbs are also able to grow back, in a few days time if the Vampire is given enough blood and nutrients. It should also be noted that Vampires cannot drink Demon blood, as it is poisonous.

Vampires are also able to breed with Regular Humans and Werewolves. The chances offspring having the Vampiric/Werewolf Gene is 50/50. No physical proof of half-breeds exist as of yet.

  • Increased Strength during transformation
  • Capable of flight during Transformation
  • Able to go for longer period of time without food/only blood needed
  • Can heal upon transformation, and by drinking blood to speed up recovery

  • Can be harder blend in with crowds
  • Silver weapons/items can deal great damage to them
  • Transforming can exhaust them, and sometimes leave them incapacitated
  • Susceptible to Holy magic. Performing Healing magic on them can also damage them, instead of healing them.


Like Vampires, Werewolves are also humans. Again, likewise, Werewolves are humans born with the Werewolf gene. Their exact origin is unknown as well, but the humans that live in Kavenhold were all born with the gene. Like humans and unlike Vampires, Werewolves need to eat like regular humans. They function the exact same as regular humans in terms of needs for nutrition, however, they are able to eat raw meat in their transformed state. They also do not have any extraordinary strength in their human state, compared to regular humans.

When transformed, their Werewolf state resembles a typical wolf, however, much larger in size, comparable to a horse in terms of sheer size. It can be said if you come across a wolf of this size, you can rest assured it is a human with the Werewolf gene. In this Werewolf state, they are much stronger and able to navigate the wilderness much more agile than in their human state, and cover great distances by running, and getting away from predicaments. They also will typically transform to this state if they need kill larger animals, demons, other humans, and even Vampires. Similar to Vampires, transforming costs energy, and can exhaust if used in excess. Most humans will become naked after transforming, due to the tearing of the clothes during transformation. Should also be noted, they cannot eat Demon flesh, as it will kill them due to the poisonous nature of their blood. Many Werewolves will still hunt in their human state with regular weapons, instead of transforming, as to avoid the hassle unless necessary.

Werewolves are also able to breed with Regular Humans and Vampires. The chances offspring having the Vampiric/Werewolf Gene is 50/50. No physical proof of half-breeds exist as of yet.

  • Increased Strength and Speed whilst transformed
  • Able to hide in crowds much easier than Vampires to avoid detection
  • Can also heal upon transforming, however, not to the extent of Vampires. However, they are able to benefit from Healing Magic

  • Cannot speed up healing process by eating (comparable to that of regular humans)
  • Transformation can exhaust them, and prove fatal if used in excess
  • Cannot regrow limbs


Demons are the absolute abomination of this world. They come in many different sizes and shapes, and most seemingly exist only for the purpose of eating other living things, mainly humans whether they be Vampires or Werewolves. Nobody knows their true origins and how they came to exist, however, they are a common enemy no matter which side you belong to. It is not known if they breed, however, it is generally agreed upon that Demons do spawn somehow. Most of the demons reside in the Malen Forest, and although the lesser demons tend to roam near the tree line, they do get much more sinister and monstrous the deeper into the forest you go. Because of this, many humans (Werewolves and Vampires included), will not go incredibly deep inside.

Rumours as of late, have revealed that something malicious lies in the centre of the forest. Something that could bring the end of all humans living in the surrounding towns. Demons for the most part not sentient, and don't seem to be organized like Humans. However, occasionally, some Demons capable of speech are seen, although extremely rare. It is unknown why these Demons are capable of speech and thinking comparable to that of a human, however, they are still exterminated by humans. In fact, these demons are so rare, that they are considered rumours.

  • Their abilities are incredibly varied; some can regenerate, some can spit poison, some have claws, etc.
  • Their appearances and size are also varied
  • Stronger than humans, and can also put up a fight against Werewolves and Vampires even in their transformed states, depending on the demon.

  • Susceptible to Magic of all kinds
  • Steel and Silver weapons is a major weakness
  • Majority of them are not intelligent and cannot think to a higher level

The Roleplay

Now that the character/lore parts are finished, I can explain the role-play more! This role-play is set in a typical medieval fantasy setting, and is mostly going to be a sandbox style role-play. This means that although there is an overarching plot line for the most part, I am allowing the players to interact with each other as much as possible. Players will be able to create ONE character that belongs to one of the 4 'Factions' so to speak, and we will work from there. For example. The first chapter will revolve around a particular plot point, and the players are free to interact with each other, as long as the plot point for that chapter has been resolved. We rinse and repeat for the next chapter and so on.

The first chapter will be simply revolving around everyone's characters getting set up in the world, and depending on everyone's factions, you will have a particular task for your character to accomplish in the chapters that follow, depending on what faction you pick. This will become much more clear during discussion, and the start of the role-play. Fighting among players is also allowed, however I will leave it the players to mediate it as they wish.

This role-play will be mostly set within Ivesburg, The Malen Forest, Corset, and Kavenhold for now. Depending on your faction, that will be your hometown/place. If you play as a Demon, your character will be Sentient.

The Rules

1. All Forum Rules Apply
2. This is a rather darker roleplay, so I guess I rate it "m" for all the usual stuff (swearing, some gore, adult themes). Please don't abuse this, and use it as an excuse to swear excessively or be crude or vulgar. I rated it this, to give a bit more freedom with writing.
3. No godmodding. As said before, this is not an RP about fighting, but make the fighting realistic. If your character got hit, make sure you describe they actually got hit and not just shook it off like it was nothing ( a punch to the face does hurt).
4. No having multiple characters
5. No bunnying other characters without permission. However, something I do allow, is for you to bunny my character if you need to (you don't have to ask me, unless you think it is something out of the ordinary for my character to do).
6. Not really a rule, but please give me critique if you don't like something. For example, if you guys absolutely hate the whole chapter thing, then please let me know and I will most likely scrap it. With that said, if you have an idea for a chapter or want to have one revolving around your own character or whatever, please let me know.
7. Once again, not really a rule, however, I should note that this roleplay is not based around any existing franchise of the sort. It is simply my own creation.

Your Character Sheet


(Straightforward. A First name and middle or last name (if they have one)).

(Age doesn't generally doesn't matter in this roleplay. Could play as an old man, middle aged woman, etc. Just have it make sense please. Vampires and Werewolves age the same as regular humans. Demons don't die of old age, only disease and by being killed.)

(If they are Demon, you can write N/A.)

(Vampire, Werewolf, Regular Human, Demon)

(Good description of your character. Picture does not substitute for writing. Describe their Tranformed State as well.)

(Explain their personality. Their traits, habits, how they behave etc.)

(Probably the most important section. Detail anything here, from their origins, social class/status, occupation, family, or anything else that would fit in here.)

(This is OPTIONAL. Not every character uses a weapon, although it is recommended to have one. Pick a basic one for now).

(Does your character know any magic? Make up something basic for now. Only for Humans)

(Anything else you want to add?)
almost done with him ! 's just need to add his backstory / connections ^^ lemme know if i can fix anything or if something doesn't work with the time era ! i tried my best, but even then i probably missed some things lol


    if you save everyone else; who will save you ? me ! dammit ! use me as your shield. i don't give a damn if i die. as long as your safe.

    full name
    azure shimizu where azure means " sky blue " whereas 清 ( shi ) meaning " clear, pure, clean " and 水 ( mizu ) meaning " water. "

    secondary name
    mason vangelis where mason means " stoneworker " akin " to make " whereas vangelis meaning " good news. "

    raijin mizushima meaning 雷 ( rai ) meaning " thunder " and 神 ( jin ) meaning " god, spirit " is the name of the god ( s ) of thunder and storms in japanese mythology whereas 水 ( mizu ) meaning " water " and 島 ( shima ) meaning " island. " bai qinghai ( bai he ) meaning ( bai ) meaning " white, pure " and 青 ( qing ) combined with 海 ( hai ) meaning " sea, ocean " whereas 和 ( he ) meaning " harmony, peace. "

    azu, zuzu, zu, mace / macy, rai, mizu, a-qing, a-he, aku, az, zero.

    twenty-five years of age.

    date of birth
    august ninth.


    masculine pronouns.

    bisexual ( leans more towards males ).

    romantic orientation
    demiromantic / polyromantic.

    class / race

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    188cm ( 6'2" ).

    59kg ( 132lbs ).

    hair color
    raven-hued hair that frames his diamond-shaped face w/ high cheekbones and pointed chin.

    eye color
    with sharp bright blue hues [ ref ] that seem to glow beneath the sunlight, darkening to a midnight-like blue [ ref ] when pissed.

    skin tone
    porcelain skin that's easily bruised ( annoying as fuck ) but can be a slight ivory tone depending on the amount of time he spent outside. rough and scabbed from countless injuries and endless training.

    driftwood and spices.

    body modifications
    large steel-blue qilin tattoo that covers the majority of his left side, although only appearing when his body temperature rises above his normal body temp [ ref ]. the qilin is a symbol of peace and gentleness, but strength and power. it is a protector, much like azure himself.

    scars / markings
    collection of gashes ( variety of lengths and widths ) scattered across his backside. often in a disorganized pattern, crisscrossed across his back that are both vertical and horizontal. some are more " puffy " than others, while others are nothing more than discolored scars. often times can cause great amounts of pain, almost as if he can still feel the pain and trauma he went through. often feeling tight and disgusted at the sight them. collection of scars of varying sizes and shapes, small x shaped scars to thick jagged scars, circular scars, and surgical-like scars along his backside, shoulders, and arms. a rather faded scar wrapped around his neck, jagged and disorganized, something mason wraps with bandage, hoping to ignore the slight pain and bitter memories. a large gash in the shape of an x along his sternum that cross over his collarbone and stretch out, reaching the tip of his floating ribs. the word " bastard child " along the lengths of his spine as well as the word " monster " etched into his skin just on the left side, where his heart lays curtesy of victoria and chi.

    later on, mason will receive gruesome gashes over his eyes. his left eye being worse for wear, having a star-like shape that reaches across the bridge of his nose, just slated downward from his right eye. his right eye isn't as bad, with a triangular-like shape that's just below his eye that reaches down just to the side of his lip [ ref ].

    collection of silver bands along all four of his rings on his right hand with ear piercings along his left ear, and three bracelets [ ref ]. white bandage wrapped around his throat and chest, covering the more prominent and memorable scars he's gotten over the years [ ref ].

    body type
    an ectomorphic build with broad shoulders. a lean yet muscular appearance with evident muscle, yet visible bone along the spine and ribcage can be seen.

    distinguished feature
    his collection of gruesome scars scattered across his body.

    prominent feature
    his bright azure hues that seem to darken / lighten depending on his mood.

    depression, constant nightmares, ptsd, insomnia, mild case of social anxiety.

    son hak [ yona of the dawn ].

    faceclaim ref
    sung jinwoo [ solo leveling ] & jaehwan [ the world after the fall ] & zhang qiling [ lost tomb ] & yoo joonghyuk [ omniscient reader's viewpoint ] & izuminokami kanesada [ touken ranbu ] & dabi [ bnha ] & unknown [ 李苏骁 ].

    haung junjie, christopher sabat, & nathan wanger.


    254cm ( 8'4" ).

    304.8cm ( 10'0" ).

    fur color
    silky black fur that resembles pure darkness against the sunlight's rays.

    eye color
    with sharp bright blue hues [ ref ] that seem to glow beneath the sunlight, darkening to a midnight-like blue [ ref ] when pissed.

    sam uley's wolf form [ twilight ], fenris wolf [ thor : ragnarok ], blue's wolf form [ wolf's rain ].

    a more accurate ref of mason's wolf form - ref.

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    positive traits
    charming, passionate, imaginative, supportive, adaptive, practical, spontaneous, rational, independent, protective, loyal, trustworthy.

    neutral traits
    curious, sensitive, self-sacrificing, stubborn, sarcastic, pessimistic.

    negative traits
    self-critical, unpredictable, reserved, blunt, reckless, insensitive, rude, competitive, aloof.

    mason is a man of many secrets, misunderstood and tormented by memories. terrified to let others in, too afraid to bare his soul to another, only to be betrayed, or worse; killed. he is a hopeless soul, too afraid to be happy. how could a monster be happy ? he ruined the lives of many. just by being born, it seemed. he was broken, but there was a tiny spark of resilience, and wanting to prove them wrong. he is a pessimist, with little hope of the future, but with others ? he'll wring their necks for losing hope. mason's a hypocrite. he has no self-preservation for himself with the desire to protect others. if he cannot have a happy ending, then he'll make damn sure everyone else does. no one deserves to suffer. not alone. not like him. he'll raise hell if he has too. he is just as stubborn with a permanent scowl upon ivory-hued lips. a knack for sarcasm, and his mason-like charm. he is a force to be reckoned with. a competitive aura paired with a spontaneous and reckless nature, mason gets into all sorts of trouble. most ending in him getting injured. not that he cares all that much.

    — hand-to-hand combat.
    — archery practice.
    — running.
    — taking walks during the night.
    — sleeping.
    — star-gazing.
    — exploring.
    — spending time with his pack mates.
    — late-night hunts with the pack.
    — sleeping under the stars.
    — hiking.
    — training.
    — rough housing with the other werewolves.

    — scratching his wrists when overwhelmed.
    — subtle flinches whenever someone raises their hand or touches him without warning.
    — head tilting in confusion.
    — dragging a hand through his hair / clutching the strands.
    — scratching his chin.
    — often seen with a bottle of vodka and getting drunk when he can't handle his emotions.
    — facepalming.
    — pinching the bridge of his nose.

    — being caged.
    — victoria.
    — his trust being broken.
    — losing the people he cares for.
    — chi.
    — overly large crowds.
    — constant nightmares.
    — dog muzzles.
    — becoming a monster.
    — failing to protect those around him.
    — being shackled down.
    — being locked up in the basement.
    — losing his pack members.
    — past memories resurfacing.

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    — vodka.
    — star-gazing.
    — red-velvet cake.
    — chocolate-chip cookies.
    — working-out.
    — adventures ( traveling / exploring ).
    — thunderstorms.
    — sound of rain hitting things.
    — helping others.
    — dark colors.
    — physical affection ( when he wants it ).
    — cuddles are a must ( with people he trusts ).
    — fluffy blankets.
    — family ( pack members ).
    — gift-giving.
    — black coffee.

    — being alone with his thoughts, bright colored clothing.
    — getting up in the mornings.
    — realizing he can be easily manipulated given the right circumstances ( depending on the situation at hand ).
    — isn't a fan of the nickname zuzu.
    — being caged.
    — seeing his friends hurt.
    — can't stand people who bully on the weaker.
    — being told what to do.
    — christmas ( although he enjoys giving people gifts, just doesn't like the holiday ).
    — unable to help those around him.
    — not being able to protect the people he cares for.
    — a stagnant life-style ( craves adventure like his brother ).
    — cold showers.
    — people who assume or are quick to blame others ( drives him nuts ).
    — being cooped up in one spot for long periods of time.
    — idiots.
    — high-pitched sounds.

    — stealth.
    — flexibility.
    — adaptive.
    — physical strength.
    — hardworking.
    — helping others at the drop of a hat.
    — loyalty.
    — high-pain tolerance.
    — throwing daggers.
    — hand-to-hand combat.
    — high tolerance for alcohol.
    — stable hands.
    — night vision.
    — the ability to remain calm in difficult situations.
    — selflessness.

    — being alone.
    — sudden movement.
    — lacks self-esteem.
    — self-sacrificing idiot.
    — reckless.
    — swimming ( he can swim, but doing so brings back some memories he'd like to keep under lock and key ).
    — bottling his emotions up.
    — unable to rely on others.
    — short of breath / panicky when in closed-off spaces.
    — sudden physical touch.
    — aoi ( his twin ).
    — lacks any self-preservation skills.
    — big crowds ( especially if they're within close proximity ).
    — can't sit still for long periods of time.
    — children ( is surprisingly docile and content around children despite one might think ).

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    victoria evangeline
    — biological mother to azure and aoi shimizu / current " leader " of the shimizu pack.

    description goes here

    akio shimizu
    — biological father to azure and aoi shimizu / deceased " leader " of the shimizu pack.

    description goes here

    aoi shimizu
    — biological twin to azure shimizu ( eldest by twenty minutes ) / co " leader " of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    cassandra shimizu
    — biological younger sister to azure and aoi shimizu / deceased.

    description goes here

    chi fushimi
    — ex-fiance of auzre shimizu / unknown.

    description goes here

    kavan dragomir
    — boyfriend to azure shimizu / member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    adriel dragomir
    — close friend to azure shimizu / deceased member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    aleksander dragomir
    — close friend to azure shimizu ( mated to ru haoyu ) / deceased member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    keane valiente
    — boyfriend to azure shimizu / member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    stryker valiente
    — younger brother to keane valiente / member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    kaede fujimori
    — boyfriend to azure shimizu / member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    kaoru-ren hanabusa
    — boyfriend to azure shimizu / member of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    xu zhiqiang
    — platonic lover to azure shimizu ( mated to yu yingjie ) / fellow acquaintance to the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    yu yingjie
    — platonic lover to azure shimizu ( mated to xu zhiqiang ) / fellow acquaintance to the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    ru haoyu
    — close friend to azure shimizu ( mated to aleksander dragomir ) / fellow acquaintance to the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    ru shi
    — platonic lover to azure shimizu / deceased acquaintance to the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    sinikka marmoris
    — adoptive mother to azure and aoi shimizu ( mated to remus empyrean ) / healer of the newly established " wildlands pack. "

    description goes here

    remus empyrean
    — adoptive father to azure and aoi shimizu ( mated to sinikka marmoris ) / deceased member of the shimizu pack.

    description goes here

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    mbti type
    isfp / istp.

    chaotic good.

    hogwarts house


    avatar element
    fire / lightning.

    love language
    azure's love language tends to revolves around physical touch. just the slightest brush of hands is enough for him. just enough to remind him that he isn't alone and it isn't some sick joke his mind is playing on him.

    clothing aesthetic
    mason often wears an assortment of dark colors, ranging from dark blue cloaks and tattered pants to tight fitted shirts. a common outfit azure often adores consists of a tight fitted black shirt with black fitted dress pants, paired with a black belt. often times wearing a black trench coat with black straps that fasten across his chest. paired with his favorite pair of calf-high combat boots that have six black straps, fastened with silver buckles tucked into his pant legs.

    large scythe with the blade's outer rim a bright azure-like blue that splits off into a pair of sickle-shaped blades that can be attached at the hilt by a chain. although mason tends to keep them unchained, allowing him better mobility. this weapon is attached to the black straps on his back, hiding it beneath his trench coat. mason carries another weapon, one that's more common among humans. a katana-like double edged sword that remains attached to his right hip with a black and gold color scheme. followed by a weapon he carries more than the other two; a hsu quandao which is a chinese glaive-like weapon. the blade is often wrapped in a cream-colored cloth to prevent it from cutting anyone when its attached by one of the black straps, semi-hidden beneath his trench coat.


    theme song

    fun facts

    — entire diet consists of alcohol. he has yet to have a proper meal and hasn't bothered to deal with it, so crackers and whatever he can can find. he'll downright make others eat, but himself ? not so much.
    — a high-pain tolerance due to the physical abuse and getting his ass handed to him during one of his fights.
    — really enjoys the trill of adventure. the blood roaring in his ears to the adrenaline thrumming through his veins. by far, mason isn't an adrenaline junky, he just enjoys the occasional thrill.
    — has done numerous risks whether its rushing into burning buildings to save people to jumping into frigid water to rescue a stray animal. he's someone who'd drop everything to help / protect.
    — very protective of his friends and the very few family members.
    — refuses to ask for help. he will be the one to sink while trying to help someone else keep afloat.
    — has no sense of self-preservation. something dangerous ? sign him up.
    — doesn't exactly understand romance and will assume its normal to be friendly with friends, think of it as romantically platonic, so to speak.
    — can be a total flirt but if someone flirts with him back ? completely oblivious.
    — doesn't like being inside his own head, or being alone for that matter. would much rather be beside someone, sitting in silence and sitting with his thoughts, drowning in his demons.
    — will assume that whenever someone helps him, they want something in return, which is why mason doesn't exactly enjoy having to lean on others. even if they're his friends. its just a state of mind that's been engraved since he was little.
    — one of those idiots who'll hide his emotions in front of people and rush off somewhere to cry in the comforts of his own presence. that or have a panic attack in the bathroom.
    — so used to being treated like shit. someone being nice ? a whole different ballgame.
    — romantically clueless. someone help him. he's a dumbass.
    — really terrible luck.
    — tendency to ignore his own problems, laughing it off as nothing serious despite the fact that isn't the case.
    — will fight to the bitter end to protect the people he cares for.[
    — make his friends cry ? he will beat you to death. no one fucks with his people otherwise he'll become a flaming blue demon hot on your ass ready to sucker punch you into oblivion.
    — will drink vodka like apple juice. not even kidding. he drinks that stuff like its water.
    — views himself as a monster, refusing to lean on others in hopes of keeping them save from himself. he'll blame himself for everything and anything, even if its not his own fault.
    — will not rest, unless someone physically makes him sleep, otherwise he'll be up for weeks ( or until he passes out ) with only a few hours / minutes under his belt. this man hates sleeping despite the fact once he's out, he's dead to the world.
    — mason has a tendency to not use people's actual name, opting to create nicknames for those he's met like pop rock or peppermint.
    — isn't a morning person, although that's putting it lightly. the man does enjoy watching the sun rise, but only if it's his idea.
    — prone to taking any jobs possible to support his family after akio's death and branching away from victoria. most often these jobs weren't legal, but they paid well.
    — despite not being the strongest swimmer ( and some rather unpleasant memories his mother forced him to bear ), azure loves the ocean as much as aoi did. it reminds him of their father, letting a wave of calmness wash over him when in its presence.
    — tendency to over work himself, including his extreme training sessions that he undergoes when overwhelmed or needing to distract himself.

code by MaryGold
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very much interested ! will use this pst for my character sheet, but 's wanted to ask whether we're allowed to use realistic or animated-based faceclaims ? or does it matter ?? oh ! 's had another question about the appearance - are we able to do bullet points rather than full-blown paragraphs ?

Thank you for your interest! You can use whatever face claims you'd like :) I guess animated is generally easiest? I plan on drawing every character as well, at some point! And appearance can be bullet points as well, as long as it gets the point across and we can visualize the character from reading it!
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