How the so I make private rooms

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
What exactly do you mean by private rooms?

We have a forum area that designates adult content, which in your case, would be Redstar. ✨ Hope this helps you out a little bit more but if not, feel free to read through our handy dandy guide on how to get well acquainted here with us.
What exactly do you mean by private rooms?

We have a forum area that designates adult content, which in your case, would be Redstar. ✨ Hope this helps you out a little bit more but if not, feel free to read through our handy dandy guide on how to get well acquainted here with us.
adult content is a no-no for me my g, but ermmm I mean liek chats where me and my friends can be silly goofs without anyone judging us
From the chat page, click browse rooms. Up near the top there is a button that says "create room" click it, and then create a room with a password or else invite specific users.