RECURRING Hope's End- Every Sunday in October from 7PM EST to 10PM EST as well as November 19th,2023

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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
This is me deciding to be experimental with Something.

This is a story of escapes room.

This is a story about Halloween parties.

This is a story about ghosts.

This is a story about love.

This is a story about murder.

This is the story about Hope's End.

Doors open at 7 every Sunday in October and one Special Sunday in November.

Come join us in Hope's End if you dare.

GM Note: While there is an overarching ChaRP storyline, each week will be treated as an interconnected stand alone story. (You can reprise your previous characters)

Who: Everyone is invited. You can make character sheets if you want.


You are somehow who just wanted to go to a fun Halloween party, but something much dark is happening all around you.

When:October 1st, October 8th, October 15th, October 22nd and October 29th, November 19th, From 7PM to 10PM EST

Where: This RP will have a ChaRP room once it's ready.

HOW: This is a Action High Fantasy ChaRP with improvised GMing. That means you should interact with each other. There are definitely going to be moments where you can work together ( or against each other depending on who you plan to play). There will 100% be In game consequences.... so choose wisely, because I promise you one thing. This is where Hope Endsx

If you need any ChaRP tips, this ChaRP will follow all the tips Diana gives. Otherwise have fun.​
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  • OMG
Reactions: Lyrikai
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Hello, to everyone who joins here. This is Hope's End, the latest and greatest haunted house/escape room/party destination. I am your frightful GM, Lucky, taking you on a journey of intrigue and mystery for the next few Sundays. GM posts will be in the yellow and this game is newbie friendly, come and join us- for some fun now. ......
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Our story starts at the end of the latest murder mystery themed escaped room. Everyone has come in their costumes and we have come to the final reveal of the night. " And it's you- you are the murderer," the one who played the detective said, pointing towards...Nobody would be quite sure what because then the lights would go out.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      It was really surprising that nobody in the room reacted to that and just as quickly as the lights were turned out, they turned back on.... and on the ground, was the detective, a knife stuck right through their heart and dead. Somebody had killed them.... somebody in this very room.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      An old lady dressed in her J.B. Fletcher costume would scream. "Oh my goodness, someone actually committed a real life murder to a game. Like who would do that to someone else? Anyone have any idea who might want to kill them. I'm Agatha for those of you have who haven't talked to me yet."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      A young teenaged girl dressed up as the chi blocker, Ty Lee from the popular cartoon, Avatar let out a scream when the lights turned back on as there was now a knife lodged in the fallen detective's back. She also jumped and grabbed ahold onto the person standing closest to her. After calming herself down a bit she dusted herself off. "Well I know one thing the killer has no class and fights dirty. I mean only a coward would stab somebody in the back like that. Also it wasn't me. I've been just here minding my own business taking the cutest selfies of myself. So yeah definitely not me." She then smiled all innocently.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      J"accuse. One of the older looking boys dressed as Zuko, complete with even a real burn mark by his eye would look over at her, as his arm was grabbed.. "But you seem to be the one standing close to him," he replied, eyeing her suspiciously. " I think you did it, you even are faking this whole innocent thing.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Millie pulling away from the older boy scowled at his accusation. "Ha! Shows what you know! You can't accuse me without proof! I know my rights! Look it up! Also, you're lucky you're cute." Looking dreamily at him she batted her eyelashes at him. "Say, how's about you and me get out of here? This place is suddenly not so fun anymore what with people getting stabbed and all. So want to go grab a coffee or...?" she asked boldly asking him out in a clever effort to push blame away from her and onto someone else.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Maybe the older looking boy was flustered by the fact that she called him cute or that she might have been pretty herself. It was hard to tell because he would look over at her batting her eyelashes and would fall for her charms, like a fish would fall for a worm on a hook. "I mean, getting out of here sounds fun, I really don't want to deal with a dead body," he replied, going to pull the door open for them to get coffee. But you see, dear reader, there was a problem with that. Try as the boy might, the door wouldn't budge an inch. "Uhhh.... it's locked."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      She smiled as it seemed her charms and good looks had worked to her advantage. 'It worked. I mean of course it did. Boys are so easy to fool these days,' she thought to herself. Unfortunately, none of that seemed to matter since the guy for one reason or other couldn't get the door open. Not one to give up Millie made her way to the front door more determined than ever to force it open. She looked at him with a frown. "Locked? Are you sure? Maybe all it needs is a lady's delicate touch. Watch and learn handsome," she said as she pulled a hair pin from her purse. She then stuck it through the key hole and gave it a bit of a wriggle. Unfortunately for them it didn't click. Looking at her failed hair pin she frowned. "What? It didn't work? But it always works," she mused confused. "I mean that is not to say that breaking into places is a normal activity for me because it so is not," she assured with an innocent smile. "I'm sorry I couldn't open the door though. I really, really wanted to get out of here um with you that is." 'Oh man this isn't good. If I can't get out of here that means I'm trapped in here with a smelly, rotting body. Gross.' Turning back to the doot Millie started banging desperately on it even though such an act was useless. "Let us out! You can't keep us in here you know! We have rights and stuff, so let us out right now or I'll sue!"
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      A voice would appear from the loudspeakers. " We are currently working on getting you out, but something has gone terribly wrong with the door. Also, you signed a contract where you can't sue us if this happens. I swear, nobody reads those things."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "So, I guess since we are going to get coffee, I should uhh-introduce myself. I'm Derek Whitehead, and I just thought this was supposed to be a fun thing to do and now it's really scary and I don't like it man."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      If anyone would look back at the body, the knife was now gone from its back.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Wearing a pout Millie firmly crossed her arms. "Aw dang it! Let me guess, the whole no suing thing was in microscopic print at the very bottom of the contract where nobody can read it unless they had access to a high powered microscope, right?" "Man why did I let my friend talk me into this, again? It will be fun, she says. You'll meet cute guys in hot costumes she says. Yeah, well I guess you forgot to mention the possibility of a crazed knife wielding maniac killing people. You left that one out, didn't you bestie?" she complained under her breath. Nodding at the Zuko dressed guy as he introduced himself to her she nervously held out her hand for him to shake. "Oh well I'm Millie. Millie Matthews and I'm not usually like this, honest. I'm just...freaked because of the body," she assured the guy. She then happened to look behind them in time to see the knife was now gone. She let out a startled gasp and pointed at the detective's body. "Hey wasn't there like a knife there just a second ago? Um who took it? And whoever took it is most definitely the killer." She then squealed and in a panic started banging desperately at the door again. "Let me out! Let me out! I'm too young and beautiful to die!"
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The voice didn't answer Millie about the no suing thing being in microscopic print at the bottom of the contract, but she wasn't entirely wrong about that detail either. It had been written very small that it would take actually three stacked high powered microscopes to make it work. It would seem that nobody else would be able to find the knife. "I do think you might be being a tad dramatic, dearie. I'm sure the killer doesn't even think to kill you, she seemed ore concerned about the fake murder that was taking place than in us. I'm sure we will be out within the hour."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look over at her. "I do think you are too young and beautiful to die as well, but maybe we should figure out what else we can do to escape the room. Like maybe, there's a lever or something that we can use. Man, I'm hungry." Agatha would pull a butterscotch out of her purse and hand it to him. It seemed to have something red on the wrapping.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Millie turned to give the older woman a confused look. "She? How do you know the killer is a woman? Unless you're her or in the very least covering for her?" she gasped. " just stay back and away from us!" Millie was about to look for a way out when she noticed the strange red on the candy's wrapper. "Hey, what's that red stuff on your wrapper? Don't tell me it's blood!" she fearfully inquired getting jumpy again.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "Oh dear, you must have killer on the brain. I was talking about the detective who was stabbed. Oh, my goodness, my nail polish must be leaking all over my bag and getting in my buttersctoch candy. I'm so sorry, but you shouldn't eat that," she would pull out a bag of lemon drops and hand him one of those.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      There had defintely been a clanging of perhaps keys on steel when she pulled the lemon drops out.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Millie scoffed upon learning the red stuff was nothing but the older lady's red nail polish. "Hmph! Yeah well how do I know you're telling the truth that it's nail polish and not blood, huh? Am I supposed to just take you at your word when I don't even know you?" Millie then heard a metal clanging as the woman removed the candy from her purse. "Hey, was that... do you seriously have keys in your purse? Those wouldn't happen to be the keys to this front door would it? Are you keeping us trapped here? Why? Unless you are the killer!" She then ran over to Derek and knocked the lemon drops out of his hands. "Don't eat those! They could be poisoned."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look over at her and then raise an eyebrow. "I didn't even consider that the sweet and innocent old lady could be a cold blooded killer, but it does kind of make sense. She was the one who was being pointed out when-" he would pause for a beat.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "Oh, yes, those are just my house keys, dear. I got so many of those little keychain funko pops on there that they make a lot of clanging when I go and rummage through my bag. I really do think you are being paranoid-" she replied, sweetly smiling, and looking over at the detective. " Kind of like the detective when I told her that my favorite theory was about J.B. Fletcher being a serial killer on murder, She Wrote."
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Millie continued to be suspicious of Agatha. "Okay well maybe those are just your house and car keys in your bag. But how do I know you don't also have access to the keys of this building? Come on lady come clean already and let us out and we promise not to tell anyone what happened here. Right Derek?" she asked smiling at him want him to back her up on this. "Come on let's find a way out of here," she whispered softly into his ear. "Also there's something I need to tell you about myself, but you first have to promise me that you won't freak out when I show you. Promise?" she told Derek of course referring to her secret ability to clone herself as many times as she wants. Of course the more clones she makes of herself the more tired and drained she gets.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Agatha would look over at her. "I do think you young ones think too hard about these things, but if you promise not to tell, I do have a secret. I have been in this house a long time.... and it's cursed. I'm so sorry, but ....this is Hope's End, the haunted house that you were warned about as children. The one that traps you in and never leaves, but if you can get out.... try," she replied, taking a look around. She would walk over to a bookcase and pull a book out and a secret passageway would open.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would nod and follow her lead.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Millie frowned at Agatha. "Seriously lady, you really expect me to believe in some children's ghost story?" she asked in a skeptical tone. Her blue eyes widened in surprise as the older woman removed a book revealing a secret passageway. "Whoa," she gasped. Watching them go through it she looked around for a few seconds before following them. "Hey, wait for me! I don't want to be left alone in this big, creepy house-haunted or not. Promise me Derek, you won't ever leave my side. Promise?" she grabbed him by the hand and held it tightly as though her very life depended on it.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would nod. "I promise to never leave your side ever, be with you forever," he replied, though, the way he said that last word. There was something omnious about it. It was probably nothing though.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • Mordo:
      Millie's eyes twitched, but she smiled. "Great! I feel so much safer now. So how do you think we're going to get out of here?" she asked him, worried that they may never find their way back out again. To never feel the warmth of the sun on a hot summer's day, to never feel a cool summer's breeze, to never be able to see her family and friends again was just awful.
      Oct 1, 2023​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would nod at her. "I certainly think at least the two of us can get out of here and be free from this cursed place. Hopefully, this is a way out though."
      Monday at 8:32 AM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The passageway would lead deeper into the mansion, but for now, it seemed that the two would have a long walk to be able to see if they were free. But that is a tale for another time. This has been the end of the first week of Hope's End, thank you for joining and the doors to this haunted mansion shall open again next Sunday at 7PM EST. We shall see if Millie and Derek escaped then or if there is more horrors that await them.

    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The last time we left our young heroes, they had stumbled into a passageway that came to give safety and freedom... but was told by a old lady who just committed murder. The doors to the haunted mansion had sprung up once again, offering anyone a chance to enter or perhaps escape if they were trapped with the walls last time. Our scene begins in the secret passageway that Millie and Derek found themselves in.
      Today at 7:02 PM​
    • slifer:
      At the end of the secret passageway would introduce them to more of the house. In one of the side rooms the secret passageway sat a boy. He was well -cared for- his clothes fit right, looking healthy and whole. This was Will's home, a place he loved and adored. The house had raised him, gave him everything, kept him safe and alive for as long as it had been placed there, when his mother abandoned him on the stairs of the haunted house.
      Today at 7:13 PM​
    • slifer:
      The teen, approximately sixteen and a half years old, was curled up on an old couch that barely stood, reading one of the books that people abandoned near the haunted house. The house would decided to show him new people who came in- if it so desired.
      Today at 7:15 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      If someone ever told you that a haunted mansion couldn't experience love, then Will was the perfect example of them being dead wrong. It just wasn't very good at expressing that it was trying to make the boy safe and loved. It even brought him friends, but they always seem too scared of the random things that happened to get them used to what happened to it. The secret passageway did lead them directly to Will and not a moment too soon as it seemed the passageway was shrinking with each and every step that Derek and Millie would take.
      Today at 7:16 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Looking behind them Millie noticed to her newfound horror that the hallway behind them appeared to be shrinking. Tightening her grip on Derek's hand she ran with him with all of her might. "Derek run! Don't look now but the passageway behind us is shrinking!"
      Today at 7:25 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " Yeah, I imagine that running might be a good idea if the passageway behind us is shrinking," Derek replied, running, and noticing that it was shrinking on the left side as well, leaving them little choice but to enter a room that was just a little off of the beaten path.
      Today at 7:29 PM​
    • Mordo:
      As soon as they found an open room Millie pulled Derek behind her into it and slammed the door shut behind them. Her heart skipped a beat and she slid down onto the floor to catch her breath. She then looked around the room and gasped upon noticing a boy just casually laying on a couch reading as though nothing strange was going on around them. "Huh? Who are you and what are you doing in here? You do realize a lot of people died in here, right? which is why we should probably get out of here."
      Today at 7:33 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will looked up to see two of the hottest people just appear in what counted as a library room. He was a little shocked, but more from the fact that the house had shown him two people around his age. "I'm Will. This is my home. People don't die in here. The house would have shown it if they do." A look without guile was on his face, as the boy seemed to not know what the house did to those it rejected.
      Today at 7:35 PM​
    • slifer:
      Not wanting to loose his page on the shabby novel that looked like it had been thrown out, he earmarked the page, setting it aside so he could focus on the newcomers. He guessed they weren't dangerous, otherwise the house wouldn't let them near him.
      Today at 7:36 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would tilt his head, uncertain if there was anything else to say. "I didn't know anyone else lived here. DId you know that people have been renting out your house for like Halloween parties and stuff? I'm not so sure about that, this house seems kind of sus."
      Today at 7:38 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      A pile of food would appear as well as a table and an adorable sign that read "Eat me, I don't do anything bad" next to it. There was also soda and coffee as well.
      Today at 7:39 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will just looked confused at that. "I don't know who owns the house. Maybe it owns itself? That's the house's business. It doesn't tell me what it does." When the food appeared, he would dig right in, grabbing a can of soda and take from the pile of food, eating it rather politely but with clear trust. "You can have some too. The house is pretty honest. It wouldn't lie."
      Today at 7:41 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie's blue eyes blinked at the strange boy in confusion. "The house... What the...? Are you nuts? We gotta get out of here now before something really bad happens. There's a murderer running about in here. They already killed...somebody else. it was awful. please, come with us. we'll protect you. besides, there's strength in numbers," she offered holding out a hand to Will. Her eyes blinked upon seeing food and drinks just magically appearing on a table near them. An uneasy feeling washed over her and she gulped. She read way too many stories to know better than to eat strange foods especially foods that come with suspicious signs. "Uh...guys are you seeing what i'm seeing? i'm not hallucinating, am i?" she asked, getting paranoid.
      Today at 7:41 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie tried to stop Will from eating the food but it was too late. "Don't eat that! ah, you ate it! i can't look!" she shrieked closing her eyes and turning away. "Tell me Derek is he dead? Did he explode? Did he explode?" she asked, freaking out.
      Today at 7:44 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look over at the food, suspiciously, not sure what to make of the fact that the food had just appeared. "I think I'm more concerned about the fact that this house exists in the first place, it hasn't been very good to us recently, but I don't know what to make of this. It's clearly haunted in some way, but I can't figure out how that was."
      Today at 7:44 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      There was something just a little bit off tasting about both the food and soda for once, almost as if there was some sort of lingering effect that would happen after enough of it was eaten, but for the moment, nothing seemed to happen to Will. It was perfectly fine for now. That being said, the suggestion that Will could leave them, the mansion would begin to shake, almost as if it didn't like the idea.
      Today at 7:46 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " Oh, it doesn't look like he exploded or anything, but I see the food," he replied, his own stomach growling and he looked at it. "I mean.... I guess it's fine..maybe," he replied, suspiciously holding a piece of bread in his hand.
      Today at 7:47 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will looked at them, shrugging at the fact that they wouldn't take the food. IT wasn't his problem. Just one more weird thing on the host of other weird things. "I have no idea what you mean. I haven't seen anyone come this way except for the both of you. The house wouldn't let a murderer get me. They would have found me by now." The food, which was new, considering he ate the house's food every day. Hazel eyes would look at the pair before him, not sure what was going on, and a little unsettled at the first real change that had happened in a while that was that strange.
      Today at 7:48 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie breathing a sigh of relief took a peek in time to see for herself that the mysterious boy seemed perfectly fine. "I know, but i don't like this. can we please go now?" she asked. She then felt the ground shake below her like a miniature earthquake. Startled she yelled out as she grabbed onto a chair and held on for balance. "Ah, i like this even less! what...what's happening!?"
      Today at 7:50 PM​
    • slifer:
      Though, considering he looked like a fashionable teen with thrifted clothing and a surprisingly well-cut black hair, it was among the stranger things that would be attributed to the house- like that thundering. "That did happen two years ago when the house brought a man in here. He tried to take me out of the house and the house didn't like that at all. I don't generally leave the house."
      Today at 7:51 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " I feel like you should have lead with the information that the house doesn't allow you to leave it," Derek replied, deciding that since the other teen didn't explode or nothing, he would shove the entire loaf of bread into his mouth...and that was a mistake.
      Today at 7:52 PM​
    • Mordo:
      As Millie continued to hang on she looked over at Will thinking him a nut. "The house didn't like it...? Are you even hearing yourself right now? Do you not realize how crazy that sounds? It's a house! Houses don't have feelings and they sure as hell don't think."
      Today at 7:53 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      It turned out that WIll didn't know the house as well as he thought it did..... but about the murder fact and the fact that it didn't harm people as eating the bread had caused Derek to convulse onto the floor, almost as if...some sort of change was being force on him.
      Today at 7:54 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will looked confused at her words, as if she was the crazy one. "I've lived here....for as long as I can remember. This is my home." Will looked perfectly ok with most of what was going on, until Derek started to convulse. "Derek!" He exclaimed with shock, racing over to kneel at the other man's side, trying to see if he could help in anyway, entirely unsure of what was happening.
      Today at 7:58 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie let out a frightened shriek upon seeing Derek fall to the floor. "No! Derek!" she shrieked as she ran to his side. She wasn't sure how to help him as he convulsed. "Oh Derek I told you it was a bad idea to eat the food. Why didn't you listen to me?" she asked uselessly. Still, she tried to help him by trying to hold his head in her lap. "Please be okay. Please be okay."
      Today at 7:58 PM​
    • slifer:
      Something he wasn't used to-fear- snuck up on Will, showing in his face as he tried to keep Derek still so he wouldn't hurt himself. "This hasn't happened before." He admitted in a shaky tone.
      Today at 8:03 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie saw that Will was now as frightened as she was. She frowned unsure how to comfort him. " hasn't? Does this mean you will leave this house with us? I'm sure everything will be fin after we get out of here," she said trying her best to reassure him and herself. She continued to hold Derek's head. "I just wished I knew how to help him. Man, I knew I should have paid better attention in my first aid class. I would suggest keeping him hydrated but considering the bread is what caused this... I think it safe to assume nothing in this house is safe to consume."
      Today at 8:08 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would stop convulsing, just as quickly as he started. It looked like he was fine now.....though there was something different about him. He was taller?
      Today at 8:09 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " Maybe having that bread wasn't such a good idea, though I don't understand why it had such a weird effect on me and not on Will."
      Today at 8:09 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      There was a different interesting problem with Derek, one that was surprising since it had been true about him since the murder. His hand had gone through the floor when he had fallen.
      Today at 8:11 PM​
    • Mordo:
      As soon as he had stopped convulsing, Millie gave him a big hug. "Derek!" she squealed in relief. "You're okay! I mean you are okay, aren't you?" she asked looking him over. "Next time you give me a heart attack I'm going to kill you," she teased giving him a playful shove. She did, however, notice about him. She narrowed her eyes at him. Was he...taller and did his hand seriously just go through the floor? She raised a suspicious eyebrow at him. "Are you...sure you are okay? No more weird secrets, right?"
      Today at 8:14 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will looked relieved that Derek was ok, checking him over to see if he was ok. "OH, you're a ghost! That's a relief. I thought the food had hurt you or something." Will said, with a grin, his relief showing on his face.
      Today at 8:14 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie's blue eyes blinked totally confused. "Ghost? huh?" she asked, confused. "What do you mean he's a ghost?" she asked Will. She then looked Derek over. "You're a ghost? Whoa, and I thought I was the weird one... I mean not that you are weird cause you're totally not. I'm going to just stop talking now."
      Today at 8:16 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would receive the news that he had died much better than he expected as she would offer him a hug and would nod. "Yeah, I'm as okay as a ghost who died in this house a year ago could be. I still don't understand how I aged while dead, but that is a whole seperate thing that I think is related to the house," he replied getting up and pulling his hand out of the floor. " I think I am-taller."
      Today at 8:18 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Will would notice that for some strange reason, his face was itchy.
      Today at 8:19 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Looking at Derek Millie frowned. "Why didn't you tell me you were a ghost? I could have taken it. I mean you're clearly a nice ghost and not evil, so yeah I totally could have taken it. Um i suppose since we are all sharing secrets now i should probably tell you one of mine or better yet show you." Concentrating, Millie created a perfect duplicate of herself. "Uh ta da!" she said giving a little bow.
      Today at 8:22 PM​
    • slifer:
      Willl patted Derek on the shoulder. "It's alright. You look good." Will replied, not realizing how that could be taken- especially as he thought that both Derek and Millie looked incredibly beautiful to him. THat was when his face started to itch. Strange. So he casually itched his face for a second, getting up to hunt around for a mirror or a reflective surface to see what was wrong with his face.
      Today at 8:22 PM​
    • slifer:
      "THat's awesome!" Will said, seeing Millie use a cool power.
      Today at 8:23 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie smiled as Will told him her power was awesome. "Thanks. So, my powers don't bother you? You don't think them weird or freaky?" she asked as she noticed him giving his face a scratch. "Oh don't tell me something is wrong with you now? What happened? is it...acne? not to worry, i just might have something in my purse that can help with that," she asked him as she opened up her purse and dug around in there for a lotion. Finding one she pulled it out and offered it to Will. "Will this help, you think? It's aloe vera."
      Today at 8:29 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look over at her. " I was planning on telling you about it eventually, but nothing is exactly the exact right moment to just casually drop that information on someone. Add in the fact that we were trying to catch a killer, it might have made me a little suspicious as well," he replied back to her.
      Today at 8:29 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Will would be able to find a reflective surface easily in the room and Millie would be able to see what was wrong. It seemed that Will had a light aftershadow, almost as if hadn't shaved for a few days....
      Today at 8:31 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will saw the light shadow, looking not that upset, but also like this was wierd. "So time is working outside the house a lot differently in here than it is out there. It usually takes me time to get this much hair. I need to shave for sure."
      Today at 8:34 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would eye the food suspiciously. " I think it's the food."
      Today at 8:34 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Millie felt her face go red hot as Derek made a fairly good point. "Uh good point. sorry for freaking out so much. i tend to get...jumpy in these situations not that i have ever been in a situation quite like this one. i mean that would be weird, right? i would have to be a superhero for something like this to happen to me on the daily. weird, right?" she said neither saying she is a superheroine nor was she denying it. instead she seemed to be evading the issue. Millie then looked at Will and noticed his scratchy looking face. She then nodded in agreement with Derek when he pointed out the food could be the possible culprit for Will growing so much hair at once. "I think you're right. It's definitely the house food. so what should we do? we can't exactly stay here. who knows what diabolical scheme the horrific house is up to?"
      Today at 8:36 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The mansion would start making the table float along with the food and trying to force them to eat it.
      Today at 8:39 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Letting out a gasp Millie pointed at the floating table. Having been the only one to not have eaten nor drink anything yet, Millie fearing she may be next took a few nervous steps back. "Um guys? I think the house is up to no good! Run!" she warned as she tried to run from the table. Her clone ran the other way.
      Today at 8:41 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will would jump up, looking around him, almost panicking at the unfamiliar situation. "Tell us what's going on! Please!" Will begged the house, looking as distressed as he could, hoping the house would respond.
      Today at 8:42 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Today at 8:43 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek tilted his head and noticed the table wasn't paying attention to him, as it split, trying to feed Millie.
      Today at 8:44 PM​
    • slifer:
      "I know you don't want to hurt us! Help them understand why they need to eat!" Will asked, hoping for a book or something or a pamphlet or a clue so they could figure out what was going on.
      Today at 8:45 PM​
    • Mordo:
      The Millie clone found herself backed into a wall. She gulped nervously at the floating table. "And should I refuse?" the clone asked. The original Millie, meanwhile, was trying to hide behind a curtain.
      Today at 8:46 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "You be lonely." A pamphlet would appear and it would read: Foods to make you older.
      Today at 8:48 PM​
    • slifer:
      "They're my age! They don't need to be made older! They're great the way they are! They won't eat if the food does something to them! They'll eat it if it's regular food!" Will said back, trying to block the food from getting to the hiding Millie.
      Today at 8:49 PM​
    • Mordo:
      The Millie clone gulped upon seeing the pamphlet. "But I don't want to be older. Not now anyway. Please just let me go," the clone pleaded.
      Today at 8:51 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The mansion would drop another pamphlet. 'Want grandchildren'.
      Today at 8:51 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will stopped where he was, his face the truest form of panic and distress. He loved the mansion, and he liked Millie, but he didn't want to even think of doing anything of that sort with someone who didn't want to stay, no matter how pretty she was. "I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to live here. They don't want to stay!"
      Today at 8:54 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The mansion would start to shake. "Home is here, home is here. Everyone wants to stay here, they just don't know it yet."
      Today at 8:57 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Watching the pamphlet the clone groaned. "Wow and I thought my parents were pushy," she mumbled under her breath. It was at that moment the original Millie rushed out from the curtain now wielding what appeared to be a broomstick that she expertly twirled about. Eyeing the floating table she got into her fighting stance before hitting it with the broom. "Sorry, but I don't want kids right now! Now stand down or else," she warned. Her clone watched her. "Nice one Millie one." "Thanks! I'm sure you would have done the same."
      Today at 8:58 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Both Miillies felt the ground beneath them start to shake knocking them both off their feet.
      Today at 9:00 PM​
    • slifer:
      "This may be home, but I will not make babies with anyone who doesn't love me! Millie doesn't want to be with me that way! I won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do!" Will looked upset at even the thought of that- being with someone because he was forced to, even by his home. "Besides, there's a murderer in the house? How is this safe for any kid to be here?"
      Today at 9:03 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would be quiet for a moment, and then he would be the first to hear it. The screams of Agatha.... "I think you may have just given it a reason to kill her."
      Today at 9:05 PM​
    • slifer:
      He would look at the house, almost coming to tears at the thought that the house was just using him to make babies. He didn't hear the screams, as he was overwhelemed by emotion from the realization. "Was that the reason you saved me? Just to make grandchildren? Is that all I am to you?"
      Today at 9:07 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Good reason to lure people in and keep me full.
      Today at 9:07 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Today at 9:08 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek was quiet for a moment. "I don't think the house understands what love is, that isn't love. That isn't something dark and twisted pretending to be love. I think you maybe need to leave it."
      59 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      The original Millie looked over at Will and frowned. "Look I just met you, but who knows maybe in time I could...develop romantic feelings for you. But not if it means this house of yours will keep us prisoner," she said unsure who she liked more since she barely knew either of them. She then gasped upon hearing Agatha screaming. Even if she did kill someone her screams just sounded awful almost like she were being tortured to death. "No! Please, don't hurt her! I...I'll cooperate if you just spare her life," she pleaded. Her eyes then glowed pink for a moment and her clone knew what was about to happen. "Millie don't! Don't do this to us! Don't give in to the house's demands," the clone pleaded. "I...I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do," she sobbed as she reabsorbed her clone.
      58 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The food would float down and chairs would appear with a full plate of food prepared for each of them. The chairs would go to make the three of them sit down.
      54 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      "Don't you want someone who would love you as much as I do? I want to be with someone who will love this place as much as I love it! I want someone who I can grow to love and they can love me, and then with that love we can want to have children! I don't want to force anyone to be with me. The thought makes me sick." Will replied vehemently, flinching at the sounds of the screams, of which he had just realized were occuring, feeling the chair scoop him up and sit him at the table.
      52 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      As if to answer him now, the house would prepare a barf bag, a bottle of Tums and anti-naseous medicine as well as a smiley face sticker.
      48 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Millie gulped as a chair floated over and forcibly grabbed and sat her down. Even though she promised the house she'd cooperate she still squirmed around the chair and to her horror she realized the chair was restraining her to it with an invisible chain. "No! Please, don't tie me up," she pleaded as she chair floated her to the table. Looking at the delicious looking food in front of her she sighed. She didn't want to age nor did she wish to be trapped there forever forced to have children by some demented mansion who somehow has a mind of its own. "Why me? I'm not so great," she asked the house.
      47 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      As a last resort, Will would call out "Aren't there other children you can take in? There's orphans like me who won't have any parents. They can be raised here, and no one has to have children until they're ready."
      46 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " I feel like the answer to that question is you were here," Derek replied.
      46 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "Can only take lost or abandoned children found near house."
      46 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would find that he also couldn't get up once the chair took him as well. It seemed that for now, they were either going to have to chair hop out of the room or find a way to let them go.
      41 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Millie leaned back in her chair. "I think your house has a real sick, twisted sense of humor," she mused eyeing the smiley face sticker. "Look house, if I promise to cooperate can i at least stay my age?" she asked it squirming in her chair a bit. "I mean don't you want me to stay as young as possible, so I'll have the energy necessary to raise kids? I don't know if you know this being a house and all but kids can be a real handful and they are very tiring to care for especially after you get older."
      41 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      "Then don't make us older, give us time to get older ourselves. IT's not too many years. It doesn't take too long. Rushing things may make everything go ary. Even if our bodies grow older, our minds won't. We need time to prepare." Will tried to soothe the house like a female lead from a Lifetime Thriller, hoping to buy more time in that manner.
      41 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "Make good point, must do research to make minds more mature along with body, be right back."
      39 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The chains would loosen and the food would stay where it was for now.
      38 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " I think you may have successfully distracted the house by mentioning our minds won't get older, it seems a bit distracted by that problem more than agreeing with any of us."
      38 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Doors to Hope's End will be closing in thirty minutes and will reopen to escape in a few hours again.
      36 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Millie noticed that her chain around her had loosened enabling her to break free. "Hey, i'm free! Quick while the house is distracted let's get out of here!" Millie told the two guys. "Come on move it or lose it!" she took both of them by the hand and started to run out of the room. "Okay so you live here; which way to the closest exit?" she asked Will as they ran.
      36 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      Will would try to get up, waving at Millie and Derek to leave if they could. "I think I could try to convince the house to give me a few more years. Have it give me until 21. I can't go, the house will be upset if I leave. You both have a better chance of leaving without me. I have nowhere to go." He would point to a secret side door that would lead him to a backyard- as the house had wanted him to get fresh air and sunlight once in awhile.
      35 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would go and pull the secret side door and would encounter the same problem the escape room door had. " It's stuck for- oh no."
      33 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Millie would find the door would open for her. But she would also see that Derek couldn't go through it.
      31 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Millie ran up to Will and gave him a goodbye hug. "Thank you. I hope to see you again someday under better circumstances," she told him. "I'll miss you," she said backing away. She then joined Derek at the side door and frowned upon seeing that Derek could not open it and upon closer inspection, she realized she could open it. "What!? You mean you can't leave? No! I can't...I can't just leave you here not with this demonic house," she told him. "This isn't fair!" she exclaimed. "I don't want to leave you behind!"
      28 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      Will would try to hold the door open so Millie and Derek could get through, wedging himself in so it would hold just long enough for them to get through
      28 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek was quiet for a moment. "I have an idea. What if you left behind a clone and went to get some sort of help to get us free? We definitely have enough to get the house on an account or two of murder." Even with wedging himself into it, Derek was unable to get through..... he was too tall now.
      24 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      "How would that work? I don't understand!" Will would ask, trying to get Derek to flatten himself to shove the man through the door by crawling.
      21 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Getting an idea Millie formed a clone of herself. "Do me a favor and watch over these two for me. And whatever you do not let the house know you are a clone. let it think you are the original. I'll try to find a way to get you out of there Derek, I swear it," she promised the kindly ghost boy giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "Until next time we meet," she then exited through the door and found herself on the mansion's grounds leaving behind a perfect copy of herself. The original Millie continued to run through the grounds. Receiving her mission the clone smiled at the two boys. "Looks like it's just us now," she told them. "So who's up for a fun game of...chess? I know I am," she said trying hard to hide her laugh.
      21 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      Will hoped that the house would at least give them separate rooms, as he was entirely unused to living with roommates
      20 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      No matter how hard he tried, Derek wouldn't fit through the doorway. A doorway would open, leading them deeper into the mansion. Millie would find that despite knowing where she was, it would take a fair trek before she would even make a dent in the woods that surrounded the mansion for a good day or two.
      18 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek was quiet. "I mean, at least we know that other than us nobody else can be tra-" A paper would float down to Derek which read: Hope's End Halloween Party, October 15th, 7PM EST.
      16 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      "Luckily there's a dumpster from a supermarket nearby. IT's actually pretty clean because the city doesn't like mixing the food with the items. I get books and stuff all the time. The house just gets it for me." Will explained, knowing things have changed because of the house forcing them like this.
      15 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      A dinner bell would ring as a figure would walk in with food for them. "Food from the house," it replied, leaving behind a collection for them to eat.
      9 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      The Millie clone smiling snatched the paper from Derek. "You know I think it's neat that we get to spend some...time together, just the two of us i mean the three of us..." she said flirting with Derek. She hid the paper behind her back as though trying to hide it from Derek and Will. She was definitely Maybe the real Millie made a mistake leaving a clone behind.
      9 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      The clone smiled some more upon hearing the dinner bell. "Oh food! Just in time I was feeling a bit...hungry. So what's for dinner? My favorite I hope," she said as she walked over to the collection of food.
      7 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek had not gotten a chance to read it. " Yeah, it is kind of nice to spend some time with you. Though it would be nicer to not be in a Halloween costume right now," he replied.
      7 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      Will had managed to read the paper, but didn't comment on it. Millie and Derek were together in his mind, and he didn't want to trample on that- although this clone was suspicious as hell. Would the house bring any more victims to the party. Maybe someone will want to stay this time.
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look over at her and just take a deep breath. "Personally, I don't have a ship that I like," he replied, moving away before she could kiss him, not feeling it right now.
    • Mordo:
      The clone watching him break away from her scowled and placed both hands on her hips. Her eyes glowed pink for a moment. "Then let us eat something and forget about this whole ordeal, okay pumpkin? Do you mind if I call you, pumpkin?" she asked, cocking her head to one side.

      9 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      Will looked at the clone, not liking this one bit.
      5 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek didn't like being called pumpkin one bit, but there was just something off about this. "Yeah, I don't think I really need to eat, you know, being dead and all. I definitely hate being called pumpkin, but yeah, I'm going to go far away from you right now."
    The clone watching him move far from her like that made her grumble and stomp her foot in frustration. "I'm sorry, hon. You know i didn't mean anything by it. I'm scared right now. Won't you please hold me in your arms?" she asked trying to sound all innocent and sweet.
    51 minutes ago​
    Derek would look over at Will. " Hey Will, this the cursed pile of food you ate?" He asked.
    43 minutes ago​
    Her eyes flashed pink at Derek. She did not like to be ignored. "Hey, don't you change the subject! I'm still talking to you, you know! I...oh my poor aching head! Suddenly i feel so weak and lightheaded. hold me," she lied as she fell to the ground and pretended to be in pain. Clutching her stomach she rolled in the floor. "Oh the pain. The pain. Oh woe is me. Won't someone please stop the pain and hold me in their arms?" she moaned acting all helpless in an effort to catch Derek.
    39 minutes ago​
    Will nodded, looking at Millie being all shady as hell.
    14 minutes ago​
    Derek would shove the food in his face, knowing the effect of the food and would groan in pain, falling on the floor in a bit of pain for doing it. He looked closer to 24 with a light beard and his eyes were blue. "Oh look I'm too old for ou now, so sad. You'll be fine." The house would pop the reverse for Derek to use once "Millie" went to bed.

    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      With just a moment to spare, the real Millie would see the exit to the property that surrounded the mansion and would watch as it...disappeared. It was almost as if it had never been there, cutting her connection with the clone for now. It seemed that for now Will, Derek, the clone Millie and the house would be spending some time together. Will Derek, Will and new Millie escape? Will the Halloween Party capture more people? FInd out next week on Hope's End at 7PM EST
      4 minutes ago​
Last edited:
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The house had decked itself out to be extra spooky and had cobwebs as well as a whole plate of food. It had its doors open for new guests.... but also locked for our old trapped friends where it would send them flying back if they tried to leave.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek really didn't like the idea that the house had thrown a party... but it was looking good that nobody had shown up. "Hey, this is a good thing, that nobody has shown up right?" He asked Will and Millie. @Mordo @slifer
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    WILL was steadily eating through the snacks and drinking the punch.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would raise an eyebrow. "Are we sure that we should be eating that? The last time it made food it was semi-cursed."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Some of the food had actually been glowing, but it seemed the snacks were safe at least.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The house was very upset that nobody was showing up to their party. It had made fliers and everything.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    The Millie clone only shrugged at Derek. She was as weird as ever. "Oh who cares about them? We're what's important, right?" she asked as she tried to wrap her arms around him.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    A week's worth of seeing sexual harassment from a clone put Will on edge, as Derek did not want the attention at all and the clone was ignoring him.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would make himself intangible, really not vibing with this Millie clone. The fact the house hasn't caught on to this was impressive. "Yeah, I'm good. I really am touch advert and all."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Entering the party fashionably late as always did was what could only be described as the most corporate looking eighteen year old man you would ever meet. It felt like he had just been born in a meeting room. " Yes, I am at the dumb party, mom. Yes, I'll try to make friends. Yes, I'm wearing the necklace thing you insist I wear." He swept a hair out of his forehead, mad his gel wasn't staying in as he scanned the room.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Soon a young boy with real blue and green hummingbird like wings was banging on the front door. He wasn't there to party, but to hide from heavily armed agents pursuing him. He didn't even know there was a party going on inside. He just wanted a hiding spot and this large house looked promising. Yeah, being an out of towner he didn't know about the rumors either. "Um hello? Is there anybody there?" he asked hoping somebody was home and he assumed they were since he saw the lights were on. The Millie clone heard the someone at the door. "Well so much for us being all alone tonight, eh Derek?" she asked him.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would just stare. " I swear, how is it that this always happen after I speak words into existence?"
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    "So who wants to get the door? Shall I or did one of you guys want to answer it?" Millie asked the both of them.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The door had been open for visitors this whole time.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    Will, the bisexual disaster, sighed, seeing the two at the door. The door would open on its own, spying the two men at the door which made his heart flutter. The music would come on, of course playing the most popular Halloween themed music, starting with Thriller. "Probs shouldn't come in." Will said a moment too late as they stepped over the threshold.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny placed his hand on the doorknob and it easily opened for him and he practically fell into the room due to how easy it was to open. "Oh, it's unlocked. Good," he mused dusting himself off. He glanced around the room and noticed that not only were the lights all on, but it was full of Halloween decorations and there were people there. Maybe they will let him hide there? He glanced at the guy who said something about not coming in. "Oh then perhaps you shouldn't leave your doors unlocked if you don't want people here? Also looks like you're hosting a party, soooooo yeah..." he said, confused. The young boy had purple eyes and light blue hair-all of which were real.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The young man stared as his phone lost signal as he crossed the threshold. "If I may ask, why shouldn't we enter the house?" He asked, having already stepped in.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    The Millie clone just smirked at Derek's dumbfounded look. "Just lucky I guess," she teased. She looked at the two new guys who both looked very attractive. "Better hurry Derek. If you don't I just might have to ask one of these two new guys to dance with me," she warned him in a hushed whisper with a wink.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would look over at her. "Doesn't feel lucky. Oh no, what a tragedy if you ask one of the new guys to dance," he replied, not hurrying at all.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny looked at the other newcomer and took a mental note on how severe his whole outfit was. His purple eyes blinked. "Hey dude not to be rude, but what's with your whole...getup? You look like you just came out of a board meeting. If so my condolences. I hear those are pretty boring."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "I like to dress to impress and my mother was fine with me going as businessman to the Halloween party and it works too. Oh no, they aren't. That's just a lie that you are told." It was clear he had never been in a bored meeting.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny nodded at the guy as he tried to understand. "Hey as long as it makes you happy go for it. You do you as they say." He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at him. "Oh really? Not boring? Huh, well that's certainly news for me. Sooooo just out of curiosity if they're not as boring as you say then what are they like? Just describe one to me as a sort of example," he asked slowly forgetting about the agents who chased him there. Thankfully, he thought he saw them pass by the mansion completely. So he felt pretty safe for the moment anyway.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    The house had wanted Will in his finest, so by heavily thrifting all of the items, it put him in an aristocratic costume, stolen off the backs of older deceased people who entered the house. Evidently, no one had heard him speak, and thus, were doomed. "Welcome, I guess." Will would say to the two newcomers.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek had been given a wonderful note from the house that said it had spent way too much time on Will's costume, but it had pressed his and Millie's clothes, so they could still come as Ty Lee and Zuko
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny frowned at their host who seemed unhappy they were there. 'Well then maybe you shouldn't leave doors unlocked and throw halloween parties if you truly didn't want anybody there,' the gifted thought to himself. He was going to ask if he could hide out in the mansion for a bit, but was starting to think better of it. 'Oh well,' he thought. 'I'll just have to move on to the next awesome hiding spot. Still, what a shame. It would have been nice to stay somewhere as nice as this rather than in a dumpy place that reeked of fresh fish. "Is it just me or does this guy really not want us here,' Danny side whispered to his fellow newcomer while wearing a fake smile.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I am also getting that vibe from here. I guess we can turn and le-"
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The doors to enter the house were gone.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny's eyes widened in confusion as the doors seemingly disappeared, but wasn't too worried yet. This was a Halloween party, right? So clearly the host was playing an elaborate prank on them. Though how he managed to pull it off, Danny wasn't sure unless the guy was some sort of gifted much like himself. "Whoa, how did that?" he asked their host, impressed. He walked over to where the front doors once stood and started feeling the wall. Solid. Almost like the doors were never there to begin with.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The business wearing young man would look around. " Well, that is mildly concerning to say the least bit. I'm Blake Jones, though some of my friends call me Lucky. Blake is just fine for now."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The medallion Blake was wearing started to glow. The doors would reappear....on the ceiling.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny looked behind him as the well dressed guy introduced himself as Blake or Lucky. He smirked at the nickname since it was pretty unusual though he supposed he wasn't really one to talk considering he has real bird wings. "Well if we're doing introductions, I'm Danny McAlister," he introduced extending his hand to the other.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    The plants around Will seemed to wilt a little as he sighed, more people in the home he probably should have left. "I'm not the host of the party, I just have a great costume." Will told Danny, his words being enhanced by a soft blush on his cheeks. The Millie clone made him want to rip his hair out and Derek was a ghost, thus putting them out of the run of who would hold his attention. "Your wings look well made, and your suit looks well fit." He would reply to Danny and Blake.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The house hissed.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    "If you want to go, hurry up, I'll bost you. The house will keep you if stay." Will said urgently, getting up to move a chair, trying to get the pair to leave
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would take his hand and shake it. "Thank you for introducing yourself to me, Danny. Thank you for saying my suit looks nice. Uhh...what exactly do you mean by that?" He asked.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake's medallion would glow again and windows started to appear as well. The house would try to make them disappear at the same time.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek watched curiously. "I think his medallion is affecting the house in some weird way."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The house would hiss in the clone's ear. " Get medallion away from them."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    It was Danny's turn to blush as Will complimented his wings. "Um thanks, but I didn't..." he glanced nervously at the ground. Well this was it though he was unsure what everyone's reaction will be to learning his wings were the real deal and not a costume. He also wanted to know what Will meant by the house not allowing them to leave if they stay any longer. It was then he noticed Blake's medallion glowing. He pointed. "Your medallion. It''s glowing. Is that...normal for it to do that?" he asked, confused. He sighed at them. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't need a boost. My...wings aren't a costume. They're real actually..." he revealed as he hovered himself a few feet off the ground as a demostration.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    "Why are none of you trying to leave a house who wants to keep you? The house will not let you leave but his medallion is affecting it!" Will would say. Eating the snacks with gusting, he would approach the pair, trying to get them to leave.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    They would want to leave. Everyone wanted to leave. He only wanted someone who would stay.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    The Millie clone just nodded as she heard the house whisper into her ear. Her eyes glew pink as she made yet another clone of herself. She then attempted to keep Derek distracted while the second clone strolled up to Blake. "Hey there handsome. My, that's some nice bling you have around your neck. Might I ask where you acquired such a magnificent item?"
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Oh, it does that whenever something is actively trying to cause me bad luck or misfortune. It rewrites stuff so that it can't happen to me.... I actually have really terrible luck without it. Like really bad. I don't think the house could keep if it wanted to, but it seems like a nice place.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The medallion would react negatively to the Millie clone, moving Blake out of grabbing reach of it being touched.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny just stared at Will. "What do you mean the house wants to keep us? So, what this mansion is somehow alive, is that what you are trying to tell us?" he sighed. "Maybe you should have a warning sign on your front porch or something," he suggested. "But you know what, I don't want to leave. Not yet anyway. I didn't want to say anything before since it would have spoiled the mood, but there are these crazy people with guns who are after me. So yeah I'm all for staying. Beats getting captured by them," he revealed and admitted to Will.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " My mom gave it to me, she said that she got it from a god or something."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Millie's second clone smiled. "Really? Now that is interesting. Don't you all think that fascinating?" she asked as she reached out to touch it only to get blocked. "A god, you say? Impressive. Must have been a...powerful one, eh to be able to keep you safe at all times?" she asked. "Mind if I...have a closer look?" she asked in a flirtatious tone batting her eyelashes at him. "Also I am really loving the suit."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny also listened about the medallion. "Wow, that is pretty cool. That is definitely the best lucky charm I have ever heard of. Guess that's why they call you, Lucky, huh? Makes total sense now," he complimented. Millie seemed way too interested in the other guy's medallion. Danny didn't like that. There was definitely about this girl that he could not place.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    WI'll sighed at the misconception. "I don't own this place. The house is magic and controls itself." He would turn to Blake, seeing him in trouble with the clone. "I'll boost you to the window if you want." Then, he would turn to Danny again. "The house will not let you go outside. The backyard is the farthest it will let you go. Are you sure about that? The agents won't touch you here." Almost as if by his words, distant screams could be heard as the house ate the agents, the plants around the room perking up again.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Meanwhile, the other Millie striked up a conversation with Derek. "Sooooo you're a ghost destined to remain in this big house forever? So not to pry or anything, but exactly how did you die anyway? Was it an accident or were you like...murdered? It's cool if you don't want to talk about it. I was just wondering is all since you never did say."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Yeah, I don't know the exact god. My mom said it was dangerous to know the exact one, but that it was better if I wore it. Thank you for the compliment on the suit, but you see, my mom also said that I should never let anyone look too close because it's dangerous. You can take a picture though. Yeah, that is why they called me Lucky."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would pause for a beat. " Well, unless I get shredded by some more powerful ghost and die again, yeah trapped here for now. It was both an accident and I was murdered. I went to go and make myself a snack in the kitchen one night and well the thing caught on fire, burnt my left eye and then threw me out the window. It's very painful to remember."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Millie frowned at Derek. "That...that sounds awful. Thank you for telling me," she empathized placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Danny stared at Will. "If what you say is true about those agents unable to reach me here then yeah definitely staying," he said feeling better already. It was a relief to be away from gun wielding psychos. Danny then laughed. "Forget the boost. I can fly Blake to the window if he so wants." He looked at Blake and offered him his hand. "How about it? Feeling Lucky? Want me to fly you up to the window?" he offered.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    That offer made the Millie clone go all crazy. She glared at Danny. "Oh no you don't you winged freak! Nobody is flying anybody anywhere! Got it?" she threatened blocking Danny from getting to Blake. Danny's eyes blinked in confusion at Millie. "What...? Um...what...what is wrong with you?" he demanded preparing to fight her if he has to.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would nod. "It was nice to tell someone, you're welcome," he replied. Her hand would go through Derek's shoulder as he definitely hadn't made himself solid still.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would look over at her and shook his head. "It's fine. I don't want to go. I feel like I'm here for a reason. It feels like my medallion is trying to cleanse whatever darkness this house is. I don't think it was born evil," he replied, touching a wall and the medallion glowed.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    All across the walls there were directions around the house and the names of people who died here but in the smallest print, right above the snacks, the words safe haven were written differently above the snacks.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny watched Blake. "Are you sure? If what our host says is true then you won't be able to leave," he asked as he pushed the Millie clone away from him. "I'm sorry, what was your name?" he asked Will. The Millie clone crossing her arms smirked. She felt victorious. That she had succeeded in forcing the others to stay. "That's right, you don't want to make the house angry," she warned them sounding crazy. Danny backed away from her. "Is it just me or is crazy girl here...possessed?"
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Danny noticed the words, 'safe haven' above the snacks. "Hey you guys come look at this. I think your medallion has caused words to appear on the wall. So this place used to be a safe haven? But for who I wonder...?" he said motioning for the others to come over and look at the words.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would consider for a moment. "Based on the fact that the house isn't allowing anyone to leave, I think it was meant to be a safe haven for everyone."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    Will just looked at the Millie with disgust written all over his face, finally snapping at her shit comment. "You do not call get to call anyone a freak. Fresh, coming from someone who can't keep her hands to herself. Its gross. Derek doesn't want you and neither does Blake. Stop acting like an asshole." Will would growl at her, the plants around him starting to become thorny and dangerous in response to his negative emotions.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would notice that the house was reaction to Will's anger. "It's reaction to your anger and negative emotions," Blake observed, pointing to the plants and the walls that were now red. "I think in trying to protect you, it's becoming defensive."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    The Millie clone just glared at Will for his calling her out on her less than pleasant behavior. "Sounds like you're just jealous because i didn't give you the time of day. Oh poor baby destined to live out the rest of his days all alone in this stupid house," she teased and mocked. Danny then stood up for Will. "Hey leave the guy alone. He's right you know. You being a real b right now, so shut it," he told her. He too noticed the plants changing and reacting to Will's anger and frustration. He went over to ttry to calm him. "Hey, it'll be okay. Don't let her get to you. It's what she wants in a way. She wants you angry. Don't let her get what she wants. Be better than her."
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Millie watched the two. "Aw the freak and the loner together. How quaint," she teased. Danny glared, hands curling up into fists. "Ignore her. She knows not what she says. I believe she is possessed or affected by the house," he informed Will.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    Will let his feelings flow, having enough of her bullshit. "Imagine that, coming from a clone. The real Millie left you here to be free of you. Have you not figured it out yet? No one wants you to touch them because you're disgusting. If you were the last person on Earth I would rather let humanity die than spend time with you! I've seen what kind of person you are, and frankly, I wish the better Millie was here, because she left the filth behind when she left." His anger had obliterate any need to be nice, as he was done with her. The plants, responding to him, would grow out of control with his outburst, not about to attack her...unless she tried anything.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Clearly the Millie clone was confused and delusional for she thought herself the real Millie. She laughed at Will. "Fool I am the real Millie. The one who fled this place was only a clone. Poor thing thought she was the real one," she said delusional. Remembering the medallion she made a wild grab for it. "And you, give me that stupid necklace!" she squealed as she tried tackling Blake to the ground. Danny grabbed at her to get her off of Blake. "Get your hands off him vile temptest!" he yelled and soon the two of them were rolling on the floor fighting one another. "Let go of me freak!" the evil clone yelled. "Stop calling me that you crazy b!" Danny yelled back.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    Will looked coldly at Millie, picking his way to the pair. When Millie was on top, he would grab her, putting her under his arm and locking her head in a hold he had learned from the ghosts, after that time he almost was taken from the house as a child.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    The clone yelled out in surprise as Will grabbed her from behind. She struggled to get him off. "Let go of me!" she yelled as she tried to elbow him. Danny watched the two. "Wait, don't kill her! If you do then we may never be rid of her and her stupid ghost will haunt us forever," he warned. Then getting an idea he smiled. "I have a better idea. How about we kick her out of the house? The window is still there, right?" he asked looking for the window. "I can fly her out of here," he suggested only too eager to get Millie out of the house.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • slifer:
    Will would look at Danny, hurt that he thought that he would kill Millie, not matter how much she angered him. "Sure, why not." Will would say, glad to be free of the clone. He tightened his hold, just enough to make sure she was secure, but not enough to hurt her.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Millie tried to grab Will off her to no avail. She glared at Danny. "Don't even think about it bird boy," she warned kicking towards Danny. Luckily Danny was faster than her and he grabbed up the screaming, struggling clone and flew her out of the closest window and set her down on the ground. "See ya!" he said as he flew back through the window leaving her on the ground. "Nooooo!" she screamed throwing up her hands in frustration. "Come back! Come back here right now! That's it I'm calling the Agency and they'll be here to take you far away bird boy," she coldly threatened pulling out her cell phone and dialing the number. Danny flew back and grabbed the phone out of her hands and smashed it into a million tiny pieces before flying back inside the house. Seeing her precious phone destroyed Millie screamed some more.
    Oct 15, 2023​
  • Mordo:
    Once back inside the house, Danny landed. "Well I'm back. Told you I would be. Oh and I smashed up her phone, so now she can't call anyone," he informed Will. "I...I'm sorry about those nasty things she said about you."
    Monday at 12:00 AM​
  • slifer:
    "I'm sorry about the things she said about you." Will would reply softly. The flowers around him would change to pretty roses without stems. Outside, Millie would land in a bush that changed to a poison ivy bush.
    Monday at 12:24 AM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny just blushed as Will made pretty red roses. "I...see you're feeling better now. These are nice roses," he said shyly. Immediately, the clone began to itch and scratch. Screaming she ran out of the bush and she ran through the grounds looking for a way out. "Oh forget this! You want that stupid necklace so bad, get it yourself you stupid, ugly house! I am so done with this place!" At last the real Millie was able to see and hear what her clone was doing. 'At last,' she thought. She had been cut off from her clone for so long that she was really starting to fear the worst. Sadly, she too felt itchy since she could feel what her clone felt. "Hey, I can sense you again. What's going on? Why are we suddenly so itchy? Anyways, how's the rescue coming along? Did you manage to find a way to free Will and Derek?" she asked her clone. The clone stopped running. "You are not the boss of me! I'm in charge now, so zip it and get out of my head!" she complained. The real Millie worried. "What did you do?" she questioned. "Ha! You'll never find out because i won't tell," the clone challenged. The real Millie just shook her head. "That's fine. I'll just reabsorb you and find out the truth anyway," she said eyes glowing pink. "What!? No! I'm the real Millie not you! You can't reabsorb me, you can't!" she squealed feeling desperate. "Oh yeah? Watch me." And with that the real Millie reabsorbed her evil clone and discovered the mission to free the others was a complete failure in part due to her stupid clone hindering the process. Disappointed and feeling guilty for all the trouble her clone had caused the real Millie broke down crying.
    Monday at 12:37 AM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek didn't have much to say about this mess of the situation and would look at the ground. "So, that was weird, but it seemed that the house isn't...." he paused, walking over to the door and putting his hand towards it, but being thrown backwards. He just sighed.
    Monday at 8:56 AM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would place a hand over the wood that read safe haven and noticed that it could be pressed in. He did and slapping the table across the room, a pasageway would open. "I think this might lead deeper to the real house and maybe we can find some answers this way.
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Well, it seems that the doors for Hope's End stayed open a little longer this week. What an exciting Halloween party..... and have found a way to learn more about the house while getting rid of evil Millie. Will this passageway lead to answers or more heartache? Whose to say? Find out next week on Hope's End: part 4
    Monday at 9:00 AM​
Last edited:
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The doors to Hope's End have opened once again to get a peek into the house. The last time we left our heroes, a secret passageway found by Blake showed a path deeper into the house. We left our heroes, just about to enter and find some answers perhaps
      Today at 7:01 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look down the passageway and back at everyone else. "I think we might need to find a candle or some sort of light to go down there. It's pitch black."
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake would muse and nod in agreement. "It does look that way, I think my medallion can provide us with some light, but not much."
      Today at 7:49 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will took out the emergency flashlight from his pocket, a small free promotional one that someone had dumped in the trash, turning it on to light the way.
      Today at 8:16 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The passageway was illuminated by the flashlight and it looked like you could see that ti was leading down to the basement. Blake's medallion would glow and words appeared on the wall. 'This Way To The Heart of Home'
      Today at 8:20 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny just followed the two down through the secret passageway. He was relieved that the others had lights. He also pulled out his cell phone and turned on its light in case they needed even more light. He then noticed the message etched along the wall and his purple eyes widened. "Oh no way, are we seriously going towards the house's...heart? that's trippy for sure."
      Today at 8:25 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would look over at him. " I mean, I guess we are, that's what it says on the wall. I feel like this is a dangerous thing since we know the house doesn't want it."
      Today at 8:31 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny thought a moment. "Then maybe we should make the house think we are not going that way?" he cleverly suggested. "Just gotta think up how to go about doing that..." he pointed out trying to come up with more of a solid plan.
      Today at 8:36 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The walls would not cave in as the group traveled, as images would start flashing on the wall of the dead in the house, giving their birth and death dates.
      Today at 8:46 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "I think the house has a memory of everyone who lived and died here. It looks like it keeps all of its ghosts close to it."
      Today at 8:47 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will recognized some of the names, specifically the ones who used to be his nannies. So he would trust in the process, and start his way in the tunnel.
      Today at 8:50 PM​
    • Mordo:
      As the names and dates magically appeared before them along the house's walls, Danny felt sick to his stomach. "Well, that's certainly creepy and unsettling. I don't know about you two but i certainly don't plan on joining them. Maybe we could try going another way, so we don't end up like these poor ghosts?" he said panicking.
      Today at 8:51 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would let loose a sigh. "I don't think there is another way through the passage, other than going back the way that we came from. And that would be playing into what the house would want, but yeah, it's-" he paused for a beat as his name, birthday and death date appeared.
      Today at 8:55 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake had a feeling Derek was dead, so he didn't say a work. "I do think it doesn't matter, it is interesting though that the house keeps all the ghosts on the way to its heart."
      Today at 8:56 PM​
    • slifer:
      "I think it contributes to their being. The deaths fuel the house." Will replied, moving slowly and cautiously down the path.
      Today at 8:59 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      "Are you saying that each death in the house is fueling its life here?" Blake asked curiously.
      Today at 9:01 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny watched as Derek's name and death date appeared on the wall and he felt a sudden chill wash over him. He looked over at him. Blake may not want to say something, but Danny sure did. "Um, are you a ghost too? Why is your name and on the wall?" he questioned unsure how to feel about this.
      Today at 9:01 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would nod. " Yeah, I died in this house a while back, I think Will was still here at that point, but the house did a good job of keeping us seperate and I don't know if it got bored with me or a freak accident, but I died her. I just wanted to be free."
      Today at 9:11 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will turned back to comfort Danny, as everyone here was still brand new to the house, in comparison to him. "He's been here for less time then I have, but his case was special. Though consider if you'll go to the afterlife if you're not here. I don't know if you'll stay on Earth if you do escape the house." He didn't know much, as this was all new to him.
      Today at 9:15 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny looked him over and he reached out to touch him to test to see if he was solid. "Hm, you're not transparent like the ghosts I see in movies and you are still solid. Interesting... At any rate thanks for letting me know. How come the other ghostly residents haven't made themselves known to us?" He then raised a curious eyebrow. "A...a freak accident killed you, you say? That's...terrifying. Sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine how scary dying must be."
      Today at 9:17 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny frowned at Will's strange words. "What do you mean we may not be on Earth should we escape the house? Why wouldn't we? I mean where else would we go once we escape?"
      Today at 9:18 PM​
    • slifer:
      "I mean for Derek, as he's a ghost. I don't know if the house specifically keeps him here, or will he wander the Earth." Will clarified.
      Today at 9:19 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would nod. "Yeah, I don't know what happens to me once I leave here, I do want to be alive again, but I don't think that is possible. It just sucks that I finally found a girl that I love and a way to have a life and no matter what, I'm either going to stay dead and attached to the house or be dead and wonder. Yeah, dying is pretty bad. That musical was very wrong about that."
      Today at 9:20 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake would watch them curiously. "I guess the fact that there are no other ghosts means that the house must be using them for something."
      Today at 9:21 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny frowned at Derek. "A...girl? You don't mean that girl I threw out, do you? Thought you didn't like her cause she was pushy and rude? I know I didn't like her. She was really mean to all of us," he pointed out unaware that Millie could clone herself and the rude one was just one of her clones, an evil one. He kind of missed that bit about her being able to clone herself. "So um not to be a bummer or anything, but what will happen you think if none of us can escape?" he asked Will.
      Today at 9:26 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would muse for a second. "I imagine the same thing that happened last year and the year before that and the year before that. The house will do its thing where it doesn't exist in space or picks a random location that we can't leave, lure new people in and kill them. Probably kill us or let us live a life, never seeing the outside again and just knowing that it exists. What it always does essentially."
      Today at 9:29 PM​
    • Mordo:
      Danny's face paled and he gulped. "Yeah...that doesn't sound very pleasant. Although to tell you the truth I don't have much of a life outside here anyway. That's why I'm seriously considering sticking around here. uh that is so long as the house doesn't kill me or anything." To Danny it was either life on the run until he gets captured by crazy gifted hating agents or living out the rest of his days trapped inside this creepy haunted house with ghosts for company.
      Today at 9:35 PM​
    • slifer:
      "I don't have documentation, and if I do, the house has it. I can't leave. No one outside even knows I exist, other than the three of you and Millie." Will admitted tightly. This week has been taxing on his emotions, and he didn't know how he would live outside the house.
      Today at 9:40 PM​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake would look up at him. "There is more than one way to get some sort of documentation that you would need to survive in this world. I mean, no one ever really knows if anyone exists, so I'm sure that I can find a way to get you the stuff you need. I imagine that I could also support you as could anyone else. People are usually kind and accepting if you give them a reason to be."
      Today at 9:44 PM​
    • Mordo:
      As they walked Danny wondered just how far away they were from the evil house's heart and he also wondered what a house heart would even look like. A fireplace probably, he surmised. He decided to share his theory with the others. "So uh not to complain or anything, but we've been walking for quite awhile now and i was just sort of wondering how much further we are from the heart? And speaking of hearts, have you ever seen the house's heart before? I'm guessing it's a fireplace," he asked Will and Derek mostly since they were there the longest.
      Today at 9:51 PM​
    • slifer:
      Will felt a pang of thankfulness at Blake's answer, that he had somewhere to go if he escaped. "I mean, maybe. That does make sense, but the house had been kind to me up until now, so I'm not sure." He wasn;t sure, but Derek might have a better idea of where it could be.
      51 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would offer a shrug. "I honestly don't know, this is the first time I have ever even found out about the heart."
      44 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " I mean, yeah, I guess that makes sense."
      44 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The passageway would finally end and the group would find themselves in front of a glowing.....pedestal.
      43 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake's medallion glowed in response to the pedestal and the room showed a giant fireplace along with an actual beating heart above.
      42 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Danny could hardly believe his eyes for their sitting before them was an actual pumping heart along with a massive fireplace. "The…the heart! I don't believe it! It looks like a human heart! How creepy!" He gasped. "We've found it. So what do we do about it?" He asked unsure what the plan was. Were they going to stab the heart or put the fire out or something? He'd support whatever the others chose to do.
      36 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      'YOU"RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE' the house said, its very foundation shaking.
      32 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Startled, Danny grabbed for the thing closest to him; which happened to be Will and held on as the house shook with anger. "Ahhh it knows we're in here! We're doomed! What are we going to do now?" he asked freaking out.
      27 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      "I don't know." Will replied, putting Danny behind him protectively. He was wavering at the finale, and wasn't sure what to do. "Blake, what do we do?"
      25 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake's eyes would glance around the room and walked over to the pedestal. He looked down and his medallion glowed again, revealing what was happening. "We ignore the house. It can't hurt us in here. This is the last thing.
      21 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake was right as the house was spinning, rotating and changing outside of the room, but there was nothing it could do to them in the room.
      20 minutes ago​
    • slifer:
      "So how do we leave then?" Will asked Blake. For all that he had lived in the house, he wasn't sure what do do from here."
      20 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      "Are you sure? I feel like maybe we should try to do something. Maybe we should put the fire out," Danny suggested still panicking. He looked around the room for anything he could use to possibly snuff out the flames like blankets and towels.
      17 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Blake would nod. "I'm positive. It looks like the house is molding itself into the only way you can ever get out of it. There is only-"
      16 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Derek would cut Blake off, coming to the realization. "It's an escape room, it's how I got here. It's what Millie was doing before she got trapped. The only way out is the same way in, to solve an escape room except the final one, the whole house is the escape room.
      15 minutes ago​
    • Mordo:
      Danny narrowed his eyes at Derek. "An escape room? Really? So what are we looking for exactly? Never did an escape room myself before. Is there like a key or something we need to find?" he asked as he started looking around for any object that stuck out to him from the rest of the room's objects. He figured the object that sticks out the most; the one that didn't belong with the others would be the key to escape and to their freedom.
      11 minutes ago​
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      " I think a key might be a good start..... though, something tells me we are not going to find it now. I'm not sure what though."
      9 minutes ago
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      The House had finished its rearrangement as the room started to change around. Right above was a timer. There were two seperate times. One was a countdown for seven days. The other was a countdown for a little over three hours. The seven day one was counting down for now. A loud thud could be heard as for the fourth week in a row, the doors closed to Hope's End.
    • Mordo:
      Watching the timers appear, Danny groaned. "Ack, we haven't much time! We have to find the key or solve the riddle or whatever it is before the timer hits zero. Ugh, it's hopeless! If only I knew what we were looking for," Danny complained clearly getting frustrated.

      7 minutes ago
    • LuckycoolHawk9:
      Will our young four heroes be able to escape the final escape room? Will the cursed house finally have nothing left? Find out next time on the final part of Hope's End, A Story of Escape Rooms.

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Despite the fact that seemingly no time had passed for our party, the timer for seven days dinged down to zero and the door to escape the house reopened. Much to the horror of the four heroes, the timer for the escape room was now at two hour and 58 minutes, taunting everyone with how little time they had to get out of this labryinth of a house.
  • Mordo:
    Danny winced as the timer immediately went to zero dashing whatever hope he once possessed. "No! That's not fair! It said seven days only seconds ago!" Danny whined. Danny then started to desperately search the room for anything that stuck out to him. He began throwing things about the room mumbling under his breath, "gotta find it! gotta find it before it's too late!"
    Yesterday at 7:42 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would walk over to the time that was counting and was almost at two hours and thirteen minutes and with a punch ding it on the side of the counter. It seemed that simple attack had given the party one more hour to escape the house.
    Yesterday at 7:47 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Danny throwing things around the room would cause a golden key to fall out of a book that had been thrown. It was unclear what the key was currently for, but it might prove to be useful in the future.
    Yesterday at 7:49 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Hearing a metal ding hit the floor caused Danny to stop ransacking the place long enough to turn and spy the small metal key laying unceremoniously on the floor. His purple eyes blinked as he stood up and walked over to it. He picked it up and examined it in the room's light. "Hey guys, I found a literal key. Which door you suspect this opens? Hopefully the way out," the hummingbird boy asked the others feeling a bit more hopeful.
    Yesterday at 7:52 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would look around the room. "Probably something in the next room that needs a key, it looks like the door is open now," he said. It seemed that not only the door to the haunted house had opened, but the door to exit the room into the house as well had opened up.
    Yesterday at 7:56 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Blake's words. "Great! Let's please get out of here!" Danny said hurrying out of the first room and into the next. He saw the exit door and tested the key on it. He turned the knob and...
    Yesterday at 8:01 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Danny didn't think it would be that easy, did he? It was very obvious that the key wouldn't work at all, even if he turned the knob because there was no keyhole. However, there was a gold box on the table with a keyhole...perhaps for the key. Actually, the only thing in the room was the table and box. How strange.
    Yesterday at 8:08 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Upon closer inspection, Danny noticed there was no keyhole at all! Cursing under his breath he turned around and spied a table with a creepy, mysterious box sitting right on top of it sitting suspiciously all by itself. Wondering if the key might fit such a box, Danny taking a deep breath walked over to it. Looking at it he wondered if the box was even safe to open. For all he knew there could be something dangerous lurking inside just waiting to be freed from its prison. Picking the box up he gave it a little shake to see if he could hear anything strange in there. He looked at the others who were probably staring at him at this point. "Uh, do you guys think i should open it or do you think there might be something horrible and deadly lurking inside?" he asked revealing his paranoia.
    Yesterday at 8:14 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would look at him. "I think that we don't have a choice when it comes to opening it or not. It's the only thing in this whole room."
    Yesterday at 8:16 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake had somehow managed to drag Will in from the previous room and looked over at him. " I mean, it has to do something, Derek is right though, it feels like we don't have a choice in the matter."
    Yesterday at 8:17 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    There was a clanging, almost as if it was metal hitting against metal when Danny would rattle the box. The door to exit this room was made of wood.
    Yesterday at 8:18 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny nodded at them. "Alright. You asked for it," he muttered under his breath as he shook the box. He heard metal rattling within. Wondering if there was possibly another key inside, Danny stuck the key he was holding into the box's keyhole and turned it revealing...
    Yesterday at 8:23 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Sadly for Danny, there was not another key in the box. There was however....a axe. Huh- it was certainly unclear what to do with an Axe and a WOODEN door, maybe Danny could ask the party what they thought.
    Yesterday at 8:26 PM​
  • Mordo:
    As soon as Danny saw the axe sitting inside of the box he knew just what to do with it. He had seen the wooden exit door. With a mad twinkle in his eye he grabbed the axe and made a bee line for the wooden door. Clutching onto the box tightly, Danny carefully positioned himself before giving a good, strong swing towards the wooden door. Again and again he swung hatching at the wooden door. 'Here's...Danny!' he thought to himself unable to fully keep from making a Shining reference.
    Yesterday at 8:31 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The door would come crashing down with a hard thud onto the ground. The house would shake, it being unclear if it was mad that Danny had figured out the hard riddle, was mad at the Shinning reference or was just throwing a fit in general. The shaking would cause everyone else to lose their balance as the room had also shifted and turned sideways as the party would be dropped into the next room, the axe thankfully avoiding nicking any of them.
    Yesterday at 8:35 PM​
  • slifer:
    Will woke up, feeling a little dizzy
    Yesterday at 8:40 PM​
  • slifer:
    The house had knocked him out for a little while, but he had come back.
    Yesterday at 8:41 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would be relieved. "I thought you were going to be unconciouse for our whole escape, but you aren't which is great."
    Yesterday at 8:42 PM​
  • Mordo:
    As the house threw its little tantrum, Danny losing his balance began to hover a bit off the ground using his wings. "What's the matter house? Can't you take a joke? Where's your sense of humor, huh?" he taunted. The hummingbird boy could not prevent himself from being tossed into the next room, however. He quickly grabbed the axe to prevent it from accidentally hitting anyone. "Are you guys okay?" he asked as he landed onto the hard floor. Noticing he had awoken, Danny walked over to Will. "Oh good you're awake! I was starting to worry. Um we all were. Are you okay?" he asked him, concerned.
    Yesterday at 8:42 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Will would get an instant sense of familiarity when they were thrown into the next room, it was a room that he had known his whole life. It was the bedroom the house had provided him with.
    Yesterday at 8:45 PM​
  • slifer:
    "I'm fine. What's happened while I was out?" Will asked, trying to look around for clues.
    Yesterday at 8:45 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Nothing much, we got to the next room, I adjusted the timer and Danny broke a door with an axe. ..I don't think I have ever been in this room in the house."
    Yesterday at 8:47 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny just smiled at Will. "Oh not much. I just found a key that fell out of a book which led me to a golden box and when I opened that up I found this axe and then I used the axe on that wooden door and then the house dropped us into this room I guess. Do you recognize it? I mean of course you do. You must. You've only lived here your whole life..." Danny replied looking around the room unaware it is Will's.
    Yesterday at 8:48 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would look around the room. " This looks like someone's bedroom. I wonder if someone has lived in it."
    Yesterday at 9:09 PM​
  • slifer:
    They had found his way to Will's room, a room with sky blue paint on its walls. It was a mix of adult and child, with various things on the walls marking the times where Will became obsessed with a subject. Dinosaurs and space made up a small corner of his room, while his new love, forests, nature,, and animals filling what was the rest of the decor. Books lined a shelf, all of them with imperfections as they had been found after someone threw them away. At the very least, his sheets were reasonably new, a blue comforter on sheets with sailboats on it, and a side walk in closet filled with quite fashionable clothing.
    Yesterday at 9:14 PM​
  • slifer:
    From Will's expression, he didn't expect the group to come to his room.
    Yesterday at 9:15 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny looked around at the bedroom. "A lot of toys in here. Must have been a child's room at some point..." he observed. "Who's room was this anyway, Will?" he asked as he hunted around for the next clue.
    Yesterday at 9:17 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Will would be able to notice something immediately off about the book shelf that nobody else would notice at a glance. There was one seemingly perfect new book sitting amongst all the imperfect ones.
    Yesterday at 9:17 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "This feels like the room of someone who has been in the house for a long time."
    Yesterday at 9:18 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would look around. "This room is so nice, but there has to be something off about it."
    Yesterday at 9:41 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny frowned as he started to rummage a pile of things in one corner of the room. "So whereabouts do you guys think we should search for the next key?" he asked. "Ugh, that key could be literally anything and anywhere!" he grumbled in frustration.
    Yesterday at 9:42 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake had started to look through the books. " All of these books seem to have some sort of defect on them....well... most of them."
    Yesterday at 9:49 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny nodded over at Blake. "Okay, well that's a start. Soooo are you saying we should be looking for a book that is in perfect condition or something?" he asked him walking over to see what he was looking at.
    Yesterday at 9:51 PM​
  • slifer:
    Will looked upset at them being in his room, that they were searching through his things."Stop touching my things!" He said angrily, walking up to the bookshelf to pick up the book, thrusting it at everyone else.
    Yesterday at 9:56 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    It was immediately obvious that the there was one book in perfect condition, a blue book entitled " Don't Leave Me Alone, I Need You With Me."
    Yesterday at 9:56 PM​
  • slifer:
    Will looked upset at them, pushing the group outside his room with the book and slamming the door on them, needing to be alone, as the house's manipulation was getting to him
    Yesterday at 9:59 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny frowned. He didn't mean to make Will so upset. He had no idea this was his room. "Oh sorry. I didn't know this was your room. I was just trying to figure out what the next key was," he apologized backing off. But a small smile crossed his lips when he noticed that the book Will had picked up seemed much more perfect than the others. It had to be the key they were searching for! "Will, you mad genius you! You found the right book! I mean it's gotta be it, right? It's the only book that is in perfect condition. See?" he said motioning at the dusty bookshelf and at the older, more worn out books.
    Yesterday at 10:01 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake had managed to get up before Will pushed them out and slammed the door. "I think he might need some alone time."
    Yesterday at 10:02 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would not be part of the group pushed out, mostly because he had been looking at something else and had made himself intangible. "You know that they were just trying to help, you know that if we want to get out of the house, we're going to need to leave it behind. It wants us to stay and that has never been healthy, Will."
    Yesterday at 10:04 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny frowned as Will angrily pushed them out of his room and slammed the door on their face. "Will?" he asked knocking on the door. "Will, please open up so we can talk about this. I didn't mean to offend you, okay? I just... Come on man, let us in. Don't you want to leave this house? We haven't much time left to get out of here, you know," Danny reminded him through the door.
    Yesterday at 10:04 PM​
  • Mordo:
    "Look, if you don't open the door I'll just size shift and crawl under. But, I want to give you the chance to open it on your own, okay?" Giving a sigh he turned to Blake. "Yes, I can understand him needing some time. But unfortunately, we don't exactly have a whole lot of time left. We need to find a way out of this house before it is too late."
    Yesterday at 10:09 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would notice a timer again. "It looks like we have an hour and a half left to escape."
    Yesterday at 10:26 PM​
  • slifer:
    "Get out of my room Derek!" Will shouted at the ghost, trying to shoo him away with a worn textbook about old English. "I need a second! You're all pawing through my stuff! The clue was found already!" He wasn't trying to be mean, but they were upsetting him, as they wanted to go through his room to find something they already had.
    Yesterday at 10:29 PM​
  • Mordo:
    "Damn it! Okay, that's it! We so don't have time for this! I'm going in," Danny hissed in response to Blake informing them they only had an hour left. Using his powers he shrunk himself into the size of an actual hummingbird. He was then small enough to crawl underneath the door. Once back inside the room he made himself normal sized again and unlocked the door allowing Blake back inside. "Sorry Will, but we need to move on. Any idea on how to use the book to proceed to the next room?" he asked.
    Yesterday at 10:34 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Outside of the room, Blake's necklace would glow as the door was opened between the two of them as the old English textbook would glow as well.... turning into a spell book. The book would flip open to a new page and it was a spell on how to free the darkness out of a cursed house.
    Yesterday at 10:46 PM​
  • slifer:
    Will released the book, letting it drop to the floor and backed out of his room as they forced open the door, as everyone was invading his space, that this was too much for him- what they and the house were doing was too much for him.
    Yesterday at 10:48 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Upon leaving his room and the rest of the party behind, something very strange happened. For the first time ever, the house opened its door for Will to catch his breath outside and away from the chaos.
    Yesterday at 10:49 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Danny watched as both the book and Blake's necklace glowed. The book then transformed itself into that of a spell book. Interesting... It then landed on a particular page. "Well, that's convenient," Danny scoffed. "So, what do we do? Just read this spell out loud or what?" he asked the others.
    Yesterday at 10:56 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would consider and then look back at the book. "I think we should do this with Will, it is his home that we are in," he replied, watching as the book flipped through some pages and showed a spell about becoming alive again.
    Yesterday at 11:06 PM​
  • slifer:
    "Help Derek first if you can" Will would call out, not looking too well now that the possibility of his home being destroyed was becoming more and more real. "Read the spells.!"
    56 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake's amulet would glow this time, flipping to the right page and showing a spell to make Derek alive. All it needed was love to be performed. Welp, guess he would have to wait until they found Millie and were out of the house.
    54 minutes ago​
  • Mordo:
    Danny nodded at Blake. "I mean yeah, for sure. But Will seems mad right now and he might be too mad to do much of anything for..." he stopped short upon hearing Will call out for them to help Derek out. "Okay. Derek it is then." He looked at the spell the book had landed on. Seeing one that looked promising, Danny began to read the spell aloud.
    53 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Reading the spell to make Derek alive again would sadly not work as there was no love in any of the spell. The amulet would glow and the book would float out to Will, showing him the spell to free the house of its darkness. It even specified it wouldn't destroy it.
    48 minutes ago​
  • Mordo:
    Danny felt bad that he was unable to help Derek. "I'm sorry, Derek. I tried. I really did. Thought it would work," Danny apologized. He then watched as the book floated over to Will.
    39 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would nod. "It's okay, that was bound to be what happened. Magic has always been a fickle thing for me."
    37 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The book noticing that Will couldn't or wouldn't do it, would float back to Derek and flip to a new page about escaping. There was just one problem. "This spell is only for three people."
    29 minutes ago​
  • Mordo:
    Danny bit nervously on his lower lip at the bad news. "Wait, so only three of us can get out of here? Wow, this just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?" Danny asked getting annoyed and frustrated. "So, what do we do about it? I mean we all want out of here. It wouldn't be right leaving one of us behind," Danny pointed out getting worried. Just the thought of having to sacrifice one of his new friends to escape sickened him. he felt like throwing up.
    25 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would be musing for a second before he decided to ask Derek the question. " Does the spell specify three people or three bodies can escape?"
    23 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would raise an eyebrow, confused by the question and then skimmed it. " It specifies three bodies, doesn't matter how many souls they have. What a weirdl specifc distinction."
    22 minutes ago​
  • Mordo:
    Danny raised an eyebrow at that. "Really? Let me see that," he said rushing over to Derek's side to glance at the spell for himself and sure it enough there it was: only three bodies required for the spell to work. He laughed nervously. "Well that settles it now doesn't it? Well don't you see? Derek's a ghost. He can just uh possess one of us during the spell and escape that way," Danny pointed out. He then wondered which of them Derek would possess.
    18 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would look over at them. "I will say that I am not comfortable with the idea of possessing Will, so it will either have to be you or Blake," Derek replied, looking at the amulet and then tilting his head. "And I don't know if Blake's amulet is going to let me posses him, even for the spell."
    15 minutes ago​
  • Mordo:
    Having seen this coming a mile away, Danny just sighed. "Yeah, figures it would be me. Just my luck. Okay, go ahead and do your thing before I change my mind," he told Derek as he mentally prepared himself for possession. Though he wasn't sure if he would ever be one hundred percent ready. He then started telling himself he was doing this for Will, for all of them, so they could all escape. 'For Will. For all of us,' he mentally chanted.
    7 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek hadn't ever truly possesed a person, but it seemed to work easily, sliding himself into Danny's body and letting the book come over as well.
  • Mordo:
    Getting possessed felt unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It felt really weird. He wasn't fully aware of what was going on either since Derek had taken over. next thing he knew Derek left his body and he once again felt in control of his own body. "Okay, that was pretty fucking weird," he admitted once Derek left his body. Feeling a headache coming on, Danny rubbed his head. "Oh my aching head," Danny groaned. Looking around he saw that they supposedly made it out of the house and that the house completely vanished from sight.

  • 6 minutes ago
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would chant the spell as he was able to read it, while in Danny's body and there was a light as the trio and Will would find themselves outside of the house,..... just as the doors slammed shut and the house would disappear.
    5 minutes ago​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    It seemed that the quartet had indeed made it out of the haunted house, alive and well, Derek making himself seperate from Danny as he would notice that the security people chasing Danny were gone. "This feels like we escaped the house.... but something doesn't feel finished."
  • Mordo:
    "Wha...what do you mean something feels unfinished," he mumbled to the ghost. He gulped upon seeing they were now trapped inside some creepy ass woods with an equally creepy, evil laughter to boot. "Oh great just great! Now we're stuck in these creepy woods with some weirdo laughing at us. So what else is new?" he sarcastically complained, annoyed. He threw a rock at the new timer in frustration.

  • 4 minutes ago
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Blake would be proven to be right, as all around them were trees on every side with no path to any road in sight. It would be noticeable that Millie had left some footprints behind for them to follow, but it was unclear if she made it out. It seemed that escaping the house wasn't the only thing you needed to escape in Hope's it looked like there were still woods to escape from as well. The wind would quietly blow as some doors would close far in the distance again, not the doors to the house, but it sounded like distant doors in the woods. It seems the foursome and possibly Millie were still trapped in Hope's End.... as it wasn't just the house. A timer showing the date November 19th, 2023 at 7PM would appear. There was dark laughter as it seems our heroes would have to wait. Would they ever truly escape Hope's End or was all hope's lost? Find out next time for the next installment: Escape from The Hope End's Woods..... Good Night and stay safe.
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