SEXUAL SMUT Hibiscus Room

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Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female

When the letter appeared Oberon was shocked, he had been next to his Great Grandfather when it happened. The older Fae let out a soft laugh of amusement, a sound Oberon never heard before, never one to show that much, even to Oberon. Oberon had no idea what the letter was until his grandfather spoke up to him, "Seem The party is happening again this year, Lady Mar'irath's galas," Oberon eyes widened as he stared down at the letter thinking he was holding gold. Oberon had heard of the tales and rumors but never received a letter before today. He was even more surprised, shocked even, to be chosen. That was till his grandfather spoke up again, "I normally receive a letter every year around this time, I'm too old to go now… Lady Ma'irath is all to knowing. It's best you go"

Oberon looked at the latter and found it nice of the demon to extend an Olive Branch for him to relax, enjoy a night, he opened the envelope and read the content inside. His eyebrow raised as he saw a name, his partner for the evening. He didn't know who that was but decided it would be rude to not show up and leave his partner for the evening to himself. He smiles a bit as the letter set ablaze and in his hand was a key, or half of one. he nods his head at his grandfather's words. "Yes Great Grandfather, I'll be sure to go, It would be rude to leave my partner" he says softly, and stands up to go get dressed into something elegant.

It took him a while, he finally found the outfit he wanted to wear. He put light makeup and the outfit was nice enough to have its own silk almost see through the cape. It didn't show much of his back, if at all, but there were highlights of his wing when the light hit just right. Once he was finished he stared at himself in the mirror, his heart racing as he looked at his lean body. His hair normally tied into a bun or high ponytail, was flowing down his back to his thighs, it felt weird wearing it out like this.

He takes a breath and shakes his head, he will be fine. He took his letter and began making his way out, passing by the butler at the front door he spoke, "Please watch over great grandfather while I'm gone, I'll return tomorrow morning if anything happens please text me I'll be there right away" He then walked off, following the instructions to the large castle. He had no idea where it came from but chucked it up to the magic of this powerful Lady Ma'irath his heart was racing as he stepped inside the castle, and walked around. He saw men and women laughing and chatting, he realized they were all demons and his heart raced. He walked past a woman with a tray in hand with fruits, treats and drinks. He took a drink, and held his glass in his hands, the young Fae was nervous.

This wasn't his first party but it definitely wasn't his last. He silently moved through the crowd, looking at his key. He knew the room he had, and the partner's name but had no idea who this man was. He looked around the party, trying to spot anyone he knew before taking a sip of his drink walking around again. His heart was not calming down as he saw people in some interesting acts, his cheeks turned a light shade of red as he rushed off to not be a part of their game. Taking another sip of his drink he sighs, that was till he noticed him. A handsome man, in black and gray, slowly his heels clicked on the ground as he walked up to him. Was this man his partner… for the night, Oberon hoped it was, he couldn't help but think as he clutched his half of the key. With one last chug of his drink he took the final steps to make himself stand in front of the man.

He opens his mouth, only to freeze and close it, struggling to come up with words for a moment before just deciding to just introduce himself. That would be a good start, the fae looked at the other, his soft red eyes not meeting the others eyes to awkward for eye contact he stares just below the taller male's nose. "I'm… Oberon," he says gently, his voice unsure, "I'm sorry about… I wanted to introduce myself, you're very handsome."

Oberon started to lower his head, and play with his fingers as his confidence was slowly, and so easily breaking. He played with his hand, the metals of the claws tapped on his rings on his other hand.

「 #Fae #Ballroom #Song:LetItHappen @PavellumPendulum
The faintly scented, luxuriously penned letter from Lady Mar'irath had found Ariam well and unperturbed.

It was not the first time that he had received an invitation to one of her galas, nor would it be the first time that he accepted graciously. After all, it simply wasn't polite to refuse the offer of one of the Ladies, nor was it a very wise choice to begin with. And so Ariam marked off the evening in his pocketbook calendar and carried on with his days until that fateful night arrived. The evening air was both fresh and inviting, the sight of scantily clad serving staff and followers of the Lady equally so. Though Ariam did not often find himself thinking about the pleasures of the flesh, he did not turn himself away from them, allowing himself to take in what beauty he wished to see in the elegant curve of one's bare back or the taut sinews of a sculpted shoulder.

Those around him were draped in finery and jewels, so much so that he stood out simply due to his monochrome colour scheme, his grey slacks, black turtleneck and equally dark overcoat matching his wings and hair. He'd always found that extravagance had never suited him well. He much rather preferred seeing such styles on those whose bodies invited the silken fabric on their body to drape with more refinement and the jewels to scintillate with more enthusiasm.

With his free hand, the other busied with his cane, he accepted a glossy slice of fig, sinking his teeth into it. At the entrance, the envelope in his pocket, as it always did, had transformed into the familiar weight of a half-key, the smoke leaking out of his coat. His eyes scanned the expanse of the grounds, thinking on the name and chamber he'd been given.

Oberon. Hibiscus room.

And as though the man was reading his thoughts, he appeared before him. Near a full foot shorter than him, with his gaze downturned, Oberon, though dressed like someone who revelled in attention, seemed to be cautiously shying away from it now. Ariam watched him mumble, seeing his hair slip over his ear from the shifting of his head, silken and smooth. A faint but gentle smile passed across his lips, before he dipped his head down, offering out his hand with the utmost grace, only bringing his lips to Oberon's hand if allowed to in greeting.

He only spoke when he was standing up properly once more, letting go of Oberon's hand, eyes levelled and calm, "I appreciate the compliment. I believe you already know my name." He paused, his voice low, "You look wonderful."
code by wren.

Oberon looked at the hand surprised, as it appeared in his view, he pushed the strands in his view behind his ear. He looked at his hand for a moment, before slowly taking it, his grip wasn't strong if anything it was gentle. Oberon was expecting a handshake; he was instead greeted by the touch of the other faes lip on his gloved skin. His heart skipped a beat at that and he snapped his head up at the man.

His cheeks turned a bright shade red, as he spoke and complimented him in such a low voice. He opened his mouth for a moment, nothing coming out, before he turned his face away from the man, his pointed ear was red. He was grateful a staff member took his glass. He tried his best to calm himself, for just a moment and be composed. 'you got this Oberon,' he thought.

He turned back, and looked at the man again, "Then… I guessed correctly, you're Ariam?" He says gently, as he keeps his gaze low, still not looking the man in the eyes. Unable to bring himself to do it, he was sure if he did his heart might burst in either embarrassment or from how hard it was beating. "Then I'm very happy to meet my handsome partner for the evening."

He shyly moved closer, getting into the man's space a bit, his wing twitched. He was a bit sad that he couldn't dance with the other fae, and couldn't do many of the things to show his interests to the man. His interest, his own scent give him a way a bit, a soft scent of Lily of the Valley with a hint of Clary Sage.

"So… what shall we do tonight, sir" he says gently, as he glanced up at him just under his lashes, Oberon hand still in Ariam's the whole time. Though Oberon didn't realize m he tightened his grip a bit, "I'm open to explore." The shorter fae said as he pushed another stray strain of hair behind his ear.

「 #Layers-The-Away-Days #Fae #
Ballroom @PavellumPendulum
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Despite all of the impressions that those thickly lashed, sharp eyes gave, Oberon was less of a blade in Ariam's fingers and more like a jewel. Those facets glowed red under the honeyed light of the chandeliers, the colour crawling under his skin, all the way to his ears. Ariam waited patiently. Perhaps this was the other's first time? He couldn't say that he'd ever been particularly nervous when attending these events, since this specific facet of the world had never been a stranger to him, but it was understandable if one found themselves wading in a certain amount of anxiety. He said nothing, allowing Oberon the time to respond on his own terms.

"Yes." he replied simply when his name was said, eyes still lingering on Oberon's, though they wouldn't meet his own. It was tempting to brush his fingers over edge of the other's cheek, to have a feel of that silken hair before the time was right. The temptation grew stronger when Oberon edged closer, still ever so hesitant. He could smell the faint tinge of some sort of fruity champagne off of him in this proximity, bubbly and sweet, but he found himself pausing when something else seeped through.

Pheromones? Ariam blinked, Lily of the Valley finding its way into their conversation. Oberon...? He was not sure whether to be impressed or aroused at the fact that the other was so openly showing interest, the twitch of his wing disturbing the loose cape of fabric sprawled out behind him. The question posed next was all that he needed to hear. Ariam held his hand with a bit more firmness now, turning and leading Oberon down the hall. "Let us see our room first, yes?"

He walked at a leisurely pace if anything, slowly and with confidence, his limp faintly visible as his other hand held his cane. "I believe this is your first time attending, unless my memory is failing me. I would have remembered a face like yours."
code by wren.

Oberon almost felt his own breath catching in his throat at the man's touch, his eyes looking at everything else about the man, how tall he was, how well dressed even if it wasn't for the setting it still held a sort of seriousness. It made Oberon curious of what he was, who he was, but that felt weird to ask, would it be weird to ask he wondered.

His thoughts escaped him when the man spoke, saying he was, made his heart skip excitedly. The younger of the two looked so happy to know that he got the right man, then his breath caught when the grip just tightened in his hand, and the man began to pull him forward. His eyes looking up at his head, his beautiful black hair, that was when he caught the white streaks was he older or did he put that in. He opens his mouth for a moment only to close it since that is rude to ask.

He kept following, beside the male now as he easily caught up, only being surprised at first by his actions. The limp is slightly noticeable to Oberon, making him realize the cane wasn't just for fancy things that he has seen a few men do. He blinked away from the man' leg as he spoke and snapped his eyes back to the ground, 'Ah! Umm, Yes I have never been to this party before, I always heard amazing things about how it's a night no one forgets." He smiles at the ground and plays with a bit of his outfit to calm his nerves "I have never been invited till this year, so this will be my first. I'm really happy they gave me partner. I'm not very good with social stuff, so it's nice to have someone"

he chuckles gently into his other hand, and looks away from the man as he stares down at the floor. His grip tightened slightly as they kept walking, he was curious if it would be weird if he moved his arm up to hold his elbow like he saw in events. He shakes his head and ignores the thought, "how many times have you been invited? I won't lie, at first I wasn't sure if I should go… social events aren't my thing, but I didn't wanna ditch or make my partner sad. I'm kinda happy I didn't, if my partner is this handsome and so far sweet to me" he smiles shyly, "Sorry I'm rambling, I start doing that when I'm nervous, please shut me up anytime I speak to much" he laughs nervously.

「 #I-Wish-You-Roses #Fae #Ballroom @PavellumPendulum
Ariam was well aware that he could come off older than he actually was. 38 was aged, but he wasn't old by any means, not in his book, anyway, but the partial blindness, the cane, the few streaks of white in his hair...? Well, they certainly did him not favours in looking any younger. He allowed Oberon to stare with out judgment, staring ahead politely, carefully sidestepping any couples that were forgetting the hallway around them, taking up more space than one would expect. Unless Oberon was a well-trained liar, he seemed to be awfully genuine and open about his thoughts on the entire gathering, which Ariam could appreciate. With an understanding expression on his face, he nodded, glancing down at the shorter man, "And what a pleasure it is to be your partner. I am honoured."

He almost chuckled then, thinking on how Oberon spoke like some sort of near lovestruck teenager, the grip tightening in his hand as he went on to ask him about his attendance of these events. Ariam waited until Oberon finished before responding, "I'm not the talkative type, so I have no qualms if you wish to speak." he stated simply, "I will admit that it has been nearly a decade since I began receiving invitations to attend these galas. Admittedly, some years have been better than others. But I rarely find them so unpleasant that I regret accepting my role in them."

There were worse things in life than preferences clashing every few moments or the vexatious sound of an overeager partner howling like a dog, loud enough to jostle the glassware. Ariam tried to accept things as they were, to see where the good was in a situation, even when it required some mental gymnastics to do so. He gave Oberon a small smile, "I can only hope that you will enjoy our evening together, but should you ever feel like leaving, please, feel free. I would not take offence."

They came upon the gold plated sign to their chamber, the beautiful cursive font spelling out their intended destination, The Hibiscus Room. Ariam let go of Oberon's hand in order to fish for his half of the key in his coat pocket, before handing it to the younger man. "In honour of it being your first time."
code by wren.

Oberon stared straight with a few glances, he was careful to remain close to Ariam, not wanting to bump into anyone as they walked through the halls. He listened to the man speak and took his words and was a bit confused, he looked around him and noticed how everyone acted. Making Oberon of the two curious he shakes his head, he should focus on his partner.

Oberon couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, "Why would I leave you? You've been nothing but a gentleman to me, and I'm not that easily scared" he says confidently, or as confident as the Fae could be.

He blinked looking at the door, he felt his hand being let go, making the fae turn to the other. Tilting his head as he watched him pull out one half of a Key, he takes it when it's handed to him and reaches into his pants pocket, pulling out his. He watched as the keys fuse together, making the smaller fae beam then look at the door to find the keyhole, pushing stay hair out of his eye a bit. It took only a moment, inserting the key and turning, the door opened for them.

The inside was breathtaking to Oberon, his eyes widened in awe, as he stepped inside. He looked at the room shocked, it was beautiful flowers everywhere and a lovely round bed with flowers as well. There was a door in the room leading to what he guessed was a bathroom. He takes in the sight, before it slowly drawn to him, why did he have a key to a room with another man-

He paused, his eyes widened, as he freezes up, this was a sex party. Similar to the ones that Halo mentioned once a long time ago, which Oberon ignored and was a bit flustered at. Oberon was at a sex party, his great grandfather knows this is a sex party and sent him to it anyways. His face and neck slowly began to turn red, as he realized his mistake. His mind was wondering a bit before turning to Ariam, he now understood why the man told him he could leave.

He looked away, taking in everything again, then couldn't help but think… maybe this was his chance? One chance to experience some sort of… thing. Having one wing has always stopped it, so many people couldn't stop looking at him with pity and he could never bring himself to take advantage of the people who did sex work, they already had to deal with it everyday he just wanted peace. They only just remained by his side for warmth to have someone to sleep next to... to feel normal for just a moment, to keep the nightmares of being alone at bay.

Oberon used to have many people wanting to marry off to him, but now there was nothing, he was broken merchandise. Maybe this can be a chance, just a small chance, this man came for sex… he wasn't a sex worker or anything. He takes a breath, then turns to Amiar, almost unsure.

"this room is pretty… but are you sure you want to do this? I just want to make sure, you should have a say especially as this will lead…" his voice trailed off, as the fae became even more flustered, "I'm not having second thoughts, I just want to make sure that we both are ok with this, my friend always said consent is important when it comes to sex and make sure both parties are ok with everything, and I take that advice to heart."

「 #All-I-need #Fae #Ballroom @PavellumPendulum
He had never laid eyes on the Hibiscus Room, but it was every bit as exquisite as the previous rooms had been. Those memories had been faded with time, though they were still solid enough to reminisce on, but this room was marking a mark of its own on his mind. From floor to ceiling, white blossoms curled over each other as though incapable of living without one another, with splashes of pink sometimes interrupting the puffy, cloud-like flowers. An intricate set of windows allowed the moonlight to pour in, over the delicately organized shelves on the walls, touting books, art and various tasteful sex toys. The ground underneath the two of them, as they entered, was plush and littered with petals, with the room sporting a hot springs-esque tub and a luxuriously decorated bed.

Ariam closed the door, though he paused when Oberon turned back to look at him, his eyes wide and blush creeping down past his neck and down into the collar of his clothing. Ariam stepped closer, head tilted slightly down to hold eye contact, tempted to brush their lips together right then and there, but Oberon spoke. ... Asking for his consent?

The older fae blinked. Why would he have come if he did not consent? It was an odd conversation to have at such a gala, but Ariam could respect the dedication to ensuring that everything was crystal clear, he supposed. With a gentle hand, he reached out, his fingers brushing against the other man's jawline with only the slightest touch, tilting up his chin. "Your friend is wise. I am interested in whatever you are comfortable in showing me and sharing with me." he whispered, voice deep and cool, though there was a hunger that shadowed his gaze, "May I kiss you?"
code by wren.
  • Love
Reactions: DemonLordCry

Oberon didn't want to stare too long into the others eyes but couldn't stop himself, the way his eyes held him in place after he spoke. Watching him move closer to him like Oberon was a prey made the fae heart race, his breath caught in his throat as he finally broke away from his intense gaze, though that was quickly cut short as Ariam reached out and touched him. He couldn't help but lean into the touch, his warm hands only for it to til his head up at Ariam, his red eyes forced back on Ariams Hazel and discoloured eye as he spoke.

Oberon was silently for a moment, licking his lips nervously at the mention of a kiss, he shyly let his hands run up the man's chest and began to stand on his tipy toes to get closer to the fae in front of him, his hand moving higher and higher till they found themselves behind the older fae's neck he couldn't help but let out a breathy "please" at the request, his eyes fluttering shut anticipation to the kiss that was to come.

Oberon kissed before this day, back when he was 15-16, before the attack. It wasn't the best, especially since it had been experimenting to the younger fae, but Oberon would like to say he's still got
「 #All-I-need #Fae #Ballroom @PavellumPendulum
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Oberon's cheek slipped into Ariam's hand with ease, with something akin to yearning. Ariam's instinct was to close his hand into a near-fist, to hold tight to the soft flesh offered to him, but he resisted, something flickering in his eyes. His mind was misbehaving again, spurred on by the roiling hunger in the pit of his stomach, ravenous for more warmth against his bare skin. Oberon's hands ran up his chest, making contact against his body through his sweater, climbing all the way to the back of his neck. Ariam found it difficult to ignore that shyness, that anticipating, yearning look and fluttering lashes. What could one do except oblige? Even through one good eye, Oberon was a sight that begged for tenderness.

Ariam held the other's chin and jaw with a touch more pressure now, fingers pressed into the skin presented to him as he leaned down. Oberon could say no more. Ariam would swallow it whole, their lips meeting with a natural certainty, as if Ariam had always known that they would meet in this way, connect in this way. Their tastes intermingled when Ariam's tongue lapped against Oberon's lips, the syrupy sweetness of figs and the coolness of fizzy champagne finding purchase in one another.

His cane was purposefully set aside, leaned against the door frame as they kissed. He needed to lean slightly on Oberon, his other hand resting on the shorter man's shoulder due to his balance issues. When they finally parted, his hunger had only been partially sated as it continued to grow. His eyes flicked over to the large bathtub further in the room, surrounded by lush, snowy white blooms. "Shall we bathe first?"
code by wren.
  • Love
Reactions: DemonLordCry

Oberon had never felt this way, when he felt the others lips on his own he felt he was being eaten alive, he always thought he knew it all, but the few kisses he had was nothing like this. He could practically feel the hunger, taste the man's sweetness, Oberon could kiss him forever if it was this. Oberon knew he could get addicted from this if he wasn't careful… but the fae couldn't bring himself to care, happily accept everything this man gave him. His lips easily parted for him, Oberon accepted his tongue inside when he felt the warm against his lip, he wanted more as much as Ariam would give him.

Oberon couldn't help himself when let out a soft whine once Arian pulled away from them. He almost chased after him, following his lips for more, but stopped himself. Oberon panting a bit as he slowly fluttered his eyes open, to stare up at the taller fae. Oberon's heart was pounding as he tried to understand the question for a moment.

Until it finally processed, he hadn't even noticed Ariam was leaning on him for support the whole time, so it took a moment. He looked at him surprised before looking away almost shyly. "Sure… I don't mind that" he says softly, he turns to look at the bath, his cheeks red. He held onto Ariam to let him lean into him still, before slowly moving towards the bathtub. The smaller Fae looked nervous, as he moved away from the older once he was sure Ariam had something to hold onto for balance.

Oberon reached toward the top of his shirt and slowly undid the buttons, his cap attached to the fabric of his shirt like many of his clothes. He slowly unbuttons his shirt, before carefully letting it fall to the ground behind him. His lean frame was slightly muscular from jocking, there were a few scars here and there, mainly on his back from the attack. Around his neck was a collar with thin lines of white gems that went down across his chest and back almost as if trying to cover his scars. Oberon looked more nervous, his one wing twitched as he tried to keep the fact he only had one wing hidden for just a bit longer. Not wanting to lose this, one good thing.
「 #Peppers-Lana-Del-Rey #Fae #Bedroom @PavellumPendulum
  • Spicy
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
The whine that escaped Oberon's lips tasted almost as sweet as his tongue did. Ariam chuckled quietly but did not tease him any further. There would be time for that later in the night. In the meantime, with Oberon's help, he managed to slowly make his way over to the blossom-framed bathtub. The luxurious scent of pale flowers intermingled with the scents of their own arousal. Carefully letting go of his partner for the evening, Ariam moved in a leisurely fashion to remove his coat, shirt and slacks, his eyes downturned and movements graceful, as if to show Oberon that he was allowed to look as no judgement would be passed over him.

His body was moderately built in the chest and arms, though it tapered off around his slimmer waist and legs. With his balance issues, working out his lower half took more effort than it was often worth. Primly, he folded up his clothing and placed it on a nearby end table in a neat, perfect pile before finally turning back to Oberon, fully nude and truthfully, half-hard in the open air.

Ariam laid his eyes on Oberon once more. An expanse of lean muscle was demurely on display for him, shimmering finery set aside to reveal smooth skin and an oddity that Ariam had expected under that cape, what with the way that it had twitched lopsidedly. Oberon had a single wing. Ariam bowed his head in gently deference, leaning over on the edge of the tub and turning on the tap so that hot water began to flow. Elegantly, he brushed a few of the flower petals and bulbs into the flowing water, letting them intermingle within the tub. He gestured to the small glass bottle nearer to Oberon, exotic and pricy flower oils. "Please, do me the honour."

He let the seconds pass, seated on the edge of the tub in a leisurely manner, watching Oberon, before he finally spoke, "You are divine in every sense of the word, Oberon. But if you do not want me to look at your wing, I will not, not without your permission."
code by wren.
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  • Spicy
Reactions: DemonLordCry

Oberon had watched Ariam silently his own words caught in his throat along with his breath. His heart squeezed tightly in his chest at how perfect this man was. Ariam looked as beautiful as a painting sitting there nude, Oberon wished he had the skill of art like Halo did so he could put it down on paper to stare at forever. Oberon wasn't sure he wanted to show off this man's beauty or keep it to himself, both so tempting. His eyes ran down the man's body, so many times, Ariam couldn't help himself at the sight could he, Oberon thought.

Oberon was snapped out of his thoughts when Ariam spoke to him and he blinked, snapping his head away to where Ariam was mentioning, embarrassed. Oberon had realized he might have stared too long. Even with Arima seeming to not judge him, he couldn't help but feel slight shame from how much he gazed at him. He didn't want to make his partner uncomfortable, make him think something negative with his stare, even though anyone with eyes could see the hunger in them.

He made his hands occupied, looking at the different oils in the basket, as he tried to calm himself. Only wearing his pants, not yet nude himself, having gotten distracted by a fae. He looked at the different scents sniffing a few and making faces at some smells and putting them to the side to not use. He paused when Ariam spoke again though-

'Divine' he thought, Oberon never heard that being described, no that's a lie Halo called him that but Halo says that about everyone. He paused and turned to him, and softly and almost shyly, "D-Do my wing not disgust you? I-... I was hiding them for you… for everyone actually."

Oberon knew how people stared at him, how much his mother tried to hide their gazes from him but it was hard to, he heard the whispers. Even though it was an accident, he lost it protecting his brother, some people looked at him with disgust. He was flightless, unable to do many of the things fellow Faes could. Lost so many suitors because of it.

He finally picked one of the oils, a scent he enjoyed and handed it to Ariam, and smiled gently, his long black hair flowing beautiful some strands in the front of him while the rest laid on his back, covering the nastiest of scar there. He then began to undo his pants and exposed more jewels underneath, and panties he then began to remove them all slowly till he stood nude in front of Ariam. Unlike Ariam, it wasn't as packed down there, but not small, it was just as hard tho.
「 #If-U-Think-Im-Pretty #Fae #Bedroom @PavellumPendulum
  • Wicked
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Ariam took the bottle handed to him with ease, his eyes gliding over the intricate label, handwritten and sealed. Rice flower and wild rose. He listened to Oberon while taking a cursory sniff, the scent coming across as mild and faintly sweet, more than lovely enough to be worth adding to their already floral bath. He uncapped it and let a healthy dose trickle out to mix with their bathwater, which was reaching the midpoint of their tub, before he set the bottle aside with care and turned off the faucet. He turned his eyes back to Oberon, lovely, fidgeting, anxious Oberon. "Does my eye disgust you? My weak leg? The grey in my hair?" he questioned coolly, his voice softer now that it did not have to sit atop the sound of running water, "Perhaps your wing would bother someone who cared less for your comfort, but that person is not me. We are differently abled than others, but that would never detract from our value."

He paused, eyes back on the water, before a humourless shrug came across his shoulders, a faint smile on his lips. "I know the feeling of being considered a damaged product. I would never try to cast it upon someone else."

Carefully, he moved his legs, straining with mild effort, to shuffle into the hot water, easing himself down using the assistance of the edge. The water rose with the addition of his body and he sighed pleasantly, engulfed in warmth and shiny with luxurious, fragrant oil. "Come join me, if you like." he gestured for Oberon to follow, finally setting his eyes on him and seeing the other man's nude body, faint amusement and hunger joining forces in his gaze at all of the exposed skin and the discarded panties on the floor.
code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: DemonLordCry

When Ariam asked if his features disgust him, Oberon couldn't help but shout out a "No," so easily, his voice not wavering at all when he was asked, he did go silent as Ariam continued though. Oberon listened to the rest of the man's speech, his gaze back on the handsome man before him. Oberon wished he had that confidence the man had, he did… at times, but never at the right times, not when it was most needed.

He slowly nodded his head, as he looked away, agreeing with Ariam, he didn't see Ariam as broken or damaged. He just saw the man as handsome and good with words, Oberon couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at his own thoughts. He took a breath, and turned back to meet Ariam gaze, only to freeze up as he saw the hunger in his eyes. Something he hasn't seen before, his cheeks warming and his shoulder turning a light shade of pink along with his cheek.

"Y-Yes," He said gently in a small voice as he moved forward and towards the bathtub, careful of the flowers as he lifted his leg up and put a foot inside the water. He was careful not wanting to slash him, he didn't even mean to look as graceful as he did entering the water. His wing fluttered trying to avoid being wet at first, his long hair pooling around him as he sat down into the water. Reaching just above his chest.

The fae, looked unsure for a moment before moving towards Ariam. He looked hesitate for a moment, before being by his side. "Are we gonna have sex in the tub?" He asked bluntly, his filter not catching up, "I mean... Kiss... Are we gonna kiss in the tub."

「 #Do-You-Like-Me #Fae #Bathtub @PavellumPendulum
  • According to Plan
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The water rose in the tub, fragrant and warm. The steam that lifted into their faces was floral, soaking the oils into their skin and softening them for the night to come. Ariam caught sight of Oberon's back, the scars and sensitive muscles where his other wing used to be. His fingers twitched, jaw tensing briefly, the flicker of hunger in his eyes devolving into something else, something unspeakable. He ironed out his tension as quickly as it had washed over him though, sliding his gaze coolly over to the window across from them, allowing them sight of the palace gardens, even from their room. His mind never liked to behave itself for long.

He rolled his shoulders, gaze darkened. Oberon made the first move towards him, slipping closer in the tub, a sweet little thing with shy eyes and a filthy mouth. Ariam let out a rush of air from his nose, something akin to a laugh, before he leaned forwards and pressed his lips to the other's forehead, then his eyelids, his cheeks, his nose and lips. He only lingered a moment, before continuing across Oberon's jaw with tender kisses and nips at the skin, dragging his tongue down the pale column of his neck, sucking a bruise at the junction between collarbone and chest. One hand held the edge of the tub for leverage, while the other palmed Oberon's lower thigh, holding him steady, but not venturing further up.

"Do you want to make love in the tub?" he questioned against Oberon's skin, his faint smile audible.
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  • Spicy
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The shorter fae had not noticed the shift in the other's face, how Ariam stared at him at first. His heart raced when the man noticed the others stare at him, the dark gaze held Oberon in place. His breath caught in his throat, only to shudder when he felt his lips against his skin. They were soft, gentle as they moved, kissing different parts of his face. Oberon's heart shuddered as he closed his eyes accepting this affection, something he missed. He couldn't help but hide his face into the other, as he let out a gentle moan. His body turned a soft shade of pink from embarrassment that ran down his face to his chest.

His wet hands resting on the man's shoulder unsure where else to place them wouldn't make the other uncomfortable. He didn't want to mess this up, disappoint him, make him leave. His own thigh felt warm from his touch, it almost made Oberon believe the man was a fae of flames, with how easily he set him a flame, his own cock hardened under the water from simple kisses and hands.

"Would you… prefer it here, would it be easier for you. I never went far..." he confessed so softly under his breath, to the fae.

「 #Fae #Bathtub @PavellumPendulum
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  • Wicked
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That soft moan was an invitation, the sound of prey giving in to the jaws of a force stronger than them. A sigh escaped Ariam, hot and sticky and pleased, humid air sticking to Oberon's skin, his head pushed further into the crook of the other man's neck as his shoulders were used as a resting place for callused hands. His eyes flicked downwards to catch a glimpse at the hardened cock between Oberon's legs, so easily within reach... They matched. If Ariam had been halfway there in the doorway, he was truly at full mast now, pulling away slightly to meet Oberon's eyes once more.

Wordlessly at first, he stroked his fingers across the younger fae's thigh, up his hip and finding a steady grip against his waist underwater, another gentle, unassuming kiss pressed to those pretty lips. He let the question sit in the air, soaking up the floral oils and the unmasked hunger on display before he answered. "It is easier for me to sit, yes. Come, little lily." he pulled him closer, assisting him in turning over and bringing his thighs to either side of him in a straddling position, motioning for Oberon to lean into him.

"We will go as far as you would like to go. If you want me inside of you, you must say the words, Oberon. Tell me what you want."

His fingers held their tentative spots against Oberon's sides, ready to reach between them and stroke them both to completion if that was what he wished. If he wanted to give Ariam the honour of being the first to claim him, Ariam would gladly accept.
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The fae body couldn't help but shiver while his voice let out a lewd sound between his lips. Oberon's eyes fluttered open as the other pulled away, making the male chase again. So easy this man made Oberon weak, wanting, he normally hates that feeling but now… now it felt intoxicating. Feeling his warm hands run down his body, then up again, he couldn't hold back the soft sweet sound that escaped his lip.

How easy the man lifted him up, helped him, guided him to his lap, did something mentally to Oberon. This position he was used to riding had always been something he was skilled at. It made Oberon think about using that skill here. Oberon stared at him, how close they were. Almost touching, biting his lips at the idea of them touching, of the bliss they could- would feel.

Oberon, let his eyes wander down then back up as the male spoke, encouraging Oberon to give in to his wants. Wanting Oberon to use his words, something he had always been able to do but with Admire something about him holding back. Oberon felt shy under the older Fae.

He reached towards where the male's hand was taking it, his face red, he slowly began to lead Ariam's hand downward. "P-Please, Ariam" he says in a small voice, "Please enter me, please teach me how to have sex"

「 #Fae #Bathtub @PavellumPendulum
The water around them was warm, but their skin radiated heat, evaporating all of the floral oils into the humid steam, leaving only the scents of the twin pheromones twisting and melting into one another between them. Oberon led Ariam's hand lower, to where their cocks sat in anticipation near one another, their thighs stacked and caressed by the heat. The older fae nodded with the utmost care and seriousness, one hand now holding the small of Oberon's back to push him forward, taking his lips into another kiss. He pressed the head of his dick against the flesh of his ass, his other hand now reaching between Oberon's cheeks to tentatively rub a finger at the puckered hole presented to him. He worked at him with practised ease, their tongues dancing a slow, languid tango, until he was able to insert a finger, tenderly preparing the other's inner walls.

Ariam pulled away, letting his eyes flutter shut and letting their foreheads rest against one another, gradually building a rhythm and inserting another finger. "Have you ever touched yourself here?" he asked softly, fingers squished tight within him, voice velvety and coaxing, as though all the love in the world was now contained in the tiny space between them where they did not touch, as though they'd spent lifetimes caressing one another. "I'll fill you here soon, love. Breathe deeply for me."
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  • Spicy
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