PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Hello, March! Hello, Update Day!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster


"Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour."
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Breaking News: Owlmom has scheduled Monday, March 13th as Iwaku's next Update Day! While it shouldn't take longer than half a day, come hang out and chat with us in the official Discord server while we wait!

As well as local news from one of our leads, @Kuno - To keep the site looking spritely and sheen, there's been an update to our Coding Lab and Showcasing archiving policies. Effective immediately, threads that haven't seen a new post in a year OR threads belonging to inactive and/or lurker members will be archived.

Whew, that was alotta love!

Iwaku's Love Festival flew by one Valentine at a time and revealed a bit of our community's softer side. Sugar daddies, shout-outs, and romantic gestures aside, after a busy and event-filled February, March rolls in on a relaxing (if a bit chilly) breeze. No scheduled events* or threads this month folks, just some good old fashioned springtime blues as we clean house, respond to roleplays, and get cookin' on future shenanigans. In the meantime though, take a peek at what's currently brewing.

*Because we know some of you cool cats and ghouls just can't get enough of us, keep an eye out for the official Live Reads event thread, where @MaryGold and @PavellumPendulum will be reading your roleplays! Planned reads are for the 10th, 17th, 25th and 31st at 6-7 pm CST.

Update: The official thread is right here!!!!!!!​

Realm Activity Trophies

Iwaku is lavishing in Roleplay Realms at the moment and these featured roleplays, large-scale and character-rich, allow Game Masters to weave narratives in new and exciting ways. The 2022/2023 WaRP is over and most Realms are set up and open to new players. Coming soon are trophies based on realm activity! Join one or join them all, a new set of trophies bouta drop. :yell:

Roleplay Help & Writing Guides Overhaul

Spring is right around the corner and even roleplay sites can do a bit of spring cleaning. For us, this means focusing on dusting the Roleplay Help subforum, with fresh guides based upon old ones, as well as the addition of new guides by people like you!

Would you like to get involved? Get one of your guides and/or lessons featured?
Head on over to the Roleplay Help subforum and see where you can help!

The coveted trophy lives... but for how long?
Owlmom's 30 Topics in 30 Days is still active, lingering... How many of us shall receive her blessing and be graced with this trophy? I guess only time will tell.

There's no staff events this month, but that doesn't mean you can't run one!
I betcha forgot that any member on the site can host an event. @PavellumPendulum has an excellently written PSA here on how to do so!

Oh, and one last thing before I sign off...

Do you—

Want new friends? More players for your roleplays or new and compelling interest checks? Vote for Iwaku and keep those fresh sparkly faces coming in!

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