Hello! I'm new here!

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy! I love roleplaying as supernatural creatures, especially dragons :)
Hi everyone! I'm new around here!

I'm someone who used to RP a lot back in the day on sites like gaiaonline, msparp, and various warrior cats sites, (yes I'm old lol) but I kinda fell out of it for a while. Recently I found myself craving roleplaying again and realized that most of my site of choice are dead or pretty damn close, so I went looking for a new haunt and found this place, which seems pretty chill! I don't really like roleplaying over discord, I much prefer forums (again, old :P ) so I'm giving this place a try!

As for what I'm into... my mainstay of roleplaying has always been dragons. I frickin love dragons. I'm more interested in roleplaying oc's these days, but if you check my profile you can also see the kinds of fandoms I'm into. I'm still working on my profile, and I will definitely be lurking around the next couple of days to scope out some groups I'd like to join and get a feel for the site.
Hiya! Welcome to Iwaku!
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Welcome. Like you, I like forums for my writing over discord or other chat clients. I don't write really long posts all the time but when I do, having to break it up for a chat message is always a meh moment. If you find any cool groups or RPs and don't mind letting me know, let me know? I'm betting that what you find fun I might find fun too
Hey misiabear!

Glad you're here, welcome to iwaku :) It's so fun that you're wanting to get back into roleplay! When I came to the site a few years back, I was in the same situation. Needed a new place to call home and iwaku ended up being the place for me. I hope it can become your new writing home too!

We have a great community, but there is a lot going on at any given time. To help familiarize yourself with the site, check out Newbie Navigation. It'll help!

And for any questions that doesn't answer, please reach out to staff. We have the green usernames and are always here to help!

Happy writing!

P.S. Dragons are AWESOME O-o
  • Thank You
Reactions: misiabear
Welcome. Like you, I like forums for my writing over discord or other chat clients. I don't write really long posts all the time but when I do, having to break it up for a chat message is always a meh moment. If you find any cool groups or RPs and don't mind letting me know, let me know? I'm betting that what you find fun I might find fun too
Thank you! Yeah idk, I just never got into discord, its too fast paced and overwhelming for me... Currently I'm trying to weasel my way into a warrior cats group rp so we'll see how that goes! But yeah, once I get more familiar with the site, I'm considering trying to start my own dragon centric rp group, so keep your eyes peeled for that, or I can send you a message if you want! :D
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Hey misiabear!

Glad you're here, welcome to iwaku :) It's so fun that you're wanting to get back into roleplay! When I came to the site a few years back, I was in the same situation. Needed a new place to call home and iwaku ended up being the place for me. I hope it can become your new writing home too!

We have a great community, but there is a lot going on at any given time. To help familiarize yourself with the site, check out Newbie Navigation. It'll help!

And for any questions that doesn't answer, please reach out to staff. We have the green usernames and are always here to help!

Happy writing!

P.S. Dragons are AWESOME O-o

Thank you for your help! I'm really liking the vibe of this place so far, and I won't hesitate to reach out if I need it!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Megasis
Welcome to iwaku! \o/
  • Thank You
Reactions: misiabear
Welcome! I also prefer PBPs these days. I used to rp via chat with friends, but I've since lost that skill and just couldn't get back into it again (;´∀`)