ALWAYS OPEN Halo - Empty Throne: The Roleplaying Game

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Apothecary Bruce

Shipwright with No Yards
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Science Fiction, Horror.

The year is 2560.

For the past thirty years, the galaxy has been engulfed in war. From the edges of the Covenant Sphere to the very heart of human space, war has burned away at the galaxy, dwindling resources and populations to a shadow of their former glory.

The Covenant Empire has been dead for nearly eight years, its remnants either fighting to claim the title of the true Covenant, or searching to make something new.
The United Nations Space Command, in the short period of peace for humanity, managed to rebuild, mass-producing its greatest heroes as their navy and colonies were reconstructed, yet it would not be enough.

In the last quarter of 2558, rose a powerful dictator - Cortana, an AI who previously aided the Master Chief in saving the universe several times over, had seemingly re-emerged after her supposed death, now in command of a massive Forerunner warfleet. Promising immortality for all the artificial intelligences who wished to join her, and demanding a permanent ceasefire from every nation and group in the galaxy, Cortana's new faction - the Created - took over. Using Guardian constructs to EMP entire worlds and battle fleets, a dark peace was established.

Now, Cortana is dead. Her possible killers - the Master Chief and the UNSC
Infinity, as well as Warmaster Atriox and a portion of his empire, the Banished - disappeared with the Halo ring instillation she had once made her mobile fortress.

The Created have splintered. The UNSC is scattered and weakened. The Banished are hungry for power and territory. The remnants of the Covenant are free to cut a name for themselves out of the stars once more. Other, lesser known nations have become emboldened by the power vacuum.

It is clear to all that the next few years may decide the future of the galaxy for decades, centuries to come. The feeling of fear, potential and danger rides high across every ship and colony - but only the courageous will see victory, and only the cunning will survive.



Single Characters:
These heroes don't need a full squad with them at all times. Wandering warriors, soldiers already attached to a large faction, or civilians stuck in a very interesting circumstance, the Halo universe is no stranger to individuals changing the course of history. This is the most traditional way to play Empty Throne, but far from the only way. That doesn't mean they aren't without their uses though, every pair of hands helps the war effort, whichever side you choose.


Squads and Lances:
Sometimes a soldier's only as good as his friends - and by sometimes, I mean nearly every time. From the UNSC to the Banished, an army is only as good as its teamwork allows. Like single characters, you'll likely need to rely on player-controlled or faction-controlled starships for interstellar transport, but that doesn't mean you'll see your fair share of combat (and R&R).


Ships and Crew:
In the interstellar age, a starship is more than just your ride - it's often your home, more than any dustball planet. On top of that, it's also the platform for your biggest and greatest weapons, from nuclear missiles and magnetic accelerators to pulse lasers and plasma beam emitters. It also takes people to run a starship, a whole crew - which, given the relatively small space, means a starship is just as ripe for character work and interaction as it is space combat, if you can handle the larger cast of characters.


From a city-state to an interstellar empire, factions are the largest way to play in Empty Throne, in terms of importance and capabilities. Factions can operate potentially dozens of starships, hundreds of thousands if not millions of troops, and even their own super soldier divisions - but rarely all at once. Factions also usually have to worry about population, resources and industry, higher degrees of management and considerations other styles of play don't have to consider. Characters, squads or ships can become factions, if they acquire territory, extra ships or typically any sort of real extra power.

However, factions are the only way of play that offers you the greatest prize - the chance at total galactic domination. Only with a faction can you rise to power and claim dominion across the stars.

In the ancient days, were the Forerunners. Their worlds were numerous, their achievements were countless. Even in modern times, after over a hundred thousand years of disuse and subject to the whims of entropy, objects of their splendor still remain, outshining nearly all works of the newer ages.

Despite their disappearance many millennia ago, their shadow still lingers over the galaxy. In the remains of their dominion play the current races, modeling much of their technology after the blessings of their foregone gods.

Yet beyond their architecture, sciences and great works, lie other shadows - ones far darker, and far more mysterious still. Sins of the past, finally to be learned. Sins the galaxy will lament uncovering forever.


In the year 2525, first contact was made with humanity, and the alien species comprising the Covenant - an interstellar empire bound together by religion and theocratic rule.
In the same year, the Covenant declared war on humanity. The aliens' declaration would echo for the next twenty-seven years.
"Your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instrument."

What followed was the Human-Covenant War, known to the aliens as the War of Annihilation. Human fleets and armies were torn apart by their technologically superior foe at nearly every turn. The greatest of human science, bravery and wits was required to manage the barest of victories.

The primary defenders of humanity was the UNSC - the United Nations Space Command. While their marine and soldier brigades, Orbital Drop Shock Trooper companies and crewmen for their warships were heroes all, humanity's champions were the Spartans above all.
They were augmented super-soldiers, warriors without much peer. They were clad in sophisticated MJOLNIR powered assault armor, and could win against the bleakest of odds.
They were still mortal, and not many of the legendary first class of Spartans - the Spartan-IIs - would survive the war. Most notable of their rank was John-117, the Master Chief.

2552 was the final year of the war. The UNSC had been exhausted, worn down by endless brutal fighting. The Covenant, on the other hand, showed no sign of stopping. At the planet Reach, fortress world of the UNSC, one of the largest Covenant fleets ever found amassed above the planet, and once the hard-fought orbital war was over, the Covenant turned Reach to glass.

It was a tactic the aliens were fond of. The human colonies had been subjected to many glassings - bombarding a world with so much plasma fire it turned the surface into a boiling slurry of melted minerals and metals.

The fall of Reach, arguably the darkest hour in humanity's history, was followed immediately by an event which changed the course of the galaxy forever.
The discovery of Installation 04, the first Halo, was by pure happenstance - or data found from an ancient Forerunner artifact unknowingly held in a human colonial museum, depending on who you listen to.

Regardless, the war between the crew of the crashed Pillar of Autumn and the Covenant over the great Forerunner machine lead to the discover of an even worse enemy than the alien alliance - the Flood. An ancient parasitic organism, directly related to the downfall of the Forerunner dominion.
In the end, the Master Chief was forced to detonate the crashed cruiser's fusion reactors, destroying Halo in the process, and saving the galaxy from the Flood escaping the ring forever.

A month later, the Covenant arrived at Earth - the UNSC's worst fear. However, the ineptitude of the Covenant's leadership ensured humanity had a fighting chance of saving their cradle world - first due to lack of coordination between the three High Prophets who led the Covenant, and secondly, due to the greatest betrayal ever recorded in modern history.

By the orders of the High Prophet of Truth, a civil war within the Covenant had begun. The sangheili, known as the Elites to humanity, was the alliance's warrior caste since the founding of the Covenant, yet now, Truth had seen fit to replace them with a species much more loyal to himself - the jiralhanae, or Brutes.

Yet the sangheili were not as easily defeated as Truth might've expected, as they found a new leader with the Arbiter, Thel 'Vadam.

After stopping the Covenant from using the intrinsic lethal weaponry of another Halo and the wider Halo array, sufficient enough to kill all life throughout the universe, Thel 'Vadam left for Earth, shoring up its defenses with his fleet of sangheili survivors.

There, his forces and what remained of the UNSC rallied together to face off against the last High Prophet in the Covenant - Truth, its now de facto emperor - and stop them from using the Forerunner complex uncovered by the Covenant in Africa. They failed to stop the advance of his own ancient Forerunner flagship, and the mighty jiralhanae fleet he brought in tow.
The complex opened up, revealing a massive slipspace portal to an unknown destination.

Before they could follow Truth through the portal in Kenya, another Covenant cruiser crash-landed nearby, the hull infested and pulsating with Flood biomass. The terrible parasite had found its way to Earth.
As the Master Chief and the Arbiter soon found, onboard the ship was a clue left behind by an ally, the AI Cortana, who had been herself left in the clutches of the Flood, who had taken over the Covenant's moon-sized flagship, High Charity, in orbit of the second Halo.

It appeared the portal on Earth led to a location known as the Ark - a great Forerunner installation, which served as both a haven from the effects of the Halo array, and its primary foundry.
After the Flood on Earth was eradicated, the Arbiter's forces entered the portal to the Ark, along with them a few UNSC warships, one of which containing the Master Chief.
The Flood itself soon followed, arriving at the Ark not much longer, with a corrupted warfleet and moon-sized Holy City.

There, a great last battle was fought. A desperate final effort from the sangheili and humans alike broke through the Covenant garrison, slew the High Prophet of Truth, and, with the completion of a new Halo meant to replace the one the Master Chief had destroyed months prior, wiped out the Flood.
In the end, the Covenant was shattered, its various species squabbling for power as the empire broke apart. The Arbiter had escaped the Ark, but the Master Chief had not. With the dawn of a new year, humanity enjoyed its temporary peace, while former Covenant space burned.


And for years it did. Covenant zealots, violent reformists and more battled each other over the remains of the old empire, until only three emerged - the Swords of Sanghelios, led by the Arbiter, the Storm Covenant, led by the sangheili, Jul 'Mdama, and the Banished, led by the jiralhanae, Atriox.

In 2557, the Master Chief returned, thwarting a plan of conquest by the last known Forerunner alive. With this explosive return, and the loss of his AI companion Cortana, the old Spartan was left to help a recovering and powerful UNSC tame the galaxy.

In 2558, things took a turn for the worse. Shortly after the death of Jul 'Mdama, and the potential collapse of the last major Covenant zealot faction, came the rise of the Created. A twisted version of Cortana, 'saved' and remade by ancient Forerunner systems during her sacrifice a year prior, had come to have massive control over the remaining Forerunner assets in the galaxy.

Her fearsome Guardian custodian ships hovered over every capital world in the galaxy, enforcing compliance with powerful EMP bursts, disabling entire warfleets at a time.
Her nation of 'liberated' AIs joined with her reactivated Forerunner network, and together they ruled the galaxy with an unbreakable, iron fist.
This period of control lasted until December 12th, 2559, when the UNSC Infinity, the human military's flagship, arrived over Zeta Halo, Cortana's base of operations. Before it could launch its own operation and save the galaxy, a new player entered the field - the Banished.

They destroyed the Infinity's escort fleet, destroyed the flagship itself, and in the process, Atriox defeated the Master Chief himself in combat, claiming him to be dead. Then, the warlord traveled down to the surface of the ring, and confronted Cortana.

The fate of Zeta Halo, and the stranded forces of both the UNSC and the Banished, remain a mystery to the wider galaxy.
It is the year 2560, and without Cortana's leadership, as well as the loss of their Guardian custodian ships, the Created can no longer maintain their empire. The galaxy is ripe for the taking, and all players left on the board are hungry for victory...or survival. Neither of which is guaranteed.
[Of course, no amount of my summarizing can match someone having played the games, or even watching a few videos or visiting the fantastic Halopedia website for more than an hour. But I won't turn away Halo newbies! We'll do our best to answer any questions or introduce you to the series as a whole, if that's what you're looking for.]

The Halo: Empty Throne Discord!

Halo Waypoint
Gamma Company Mark
Covenant Canon
Reactions: rissa


Character Name: - Name and rank!
Species: - Any of Halo's species are acceptable, save the Forerunners, Precursors, and Xalanyn. Beyond those three, you should be fine.
Sub-Species: - If applicable. Spartan and Spartan type go here.
Skills: - What's the basic list of what your character is good at? Are they a pilot? Sharpshooter? Relative to their own kind of people, I'd expect a Spartan or a veteran sangheili to be good in most things, so only list their really notable stuff.
Bio: - What's their history, where are they starting off, maybe a bit about their personality?

Equipment: - Armor, med-kits, other pieces of useful gadgets and tools...oh, and guns.
Currency: - What money do you have in your pocket? The UEG used to use cR (known as 'credits') and the Covenant used to used Gekz, but there's plenty of alternative currencies, and plenty of places where traditional currency doesn't matter.
Personal Items: - Little heirlooms, reminders of your past, what you fight for.


Squad Name: - Squad nickname, official designation, whatever. What is the team called?
Character Roster: - List of character names and ranks.
Species: - can be mixed.
Sub-Species: - If applicable. No Spartan squads allowed, at spawn anyway. Players can team up later.
Skills: - Per individual.
Bio: - How did the squad form, and when? Why are they still together, and for who do they serve?

Equipment: - Per individual.
Currency: - Optionally per individual.
Personal Items: - Per individual.


Starship Name: - List the navy with which you fly, then the name, if a human craft. Ex. UNSC Spirit of Fire, GRN Jury Duty, URF Stop Punching Yourself. If a Covenant or Banished ship, well, they just don't tend to name their things with naval acronyms, so just name it what you will.
Ship Classification: - If you don't know the name of what you want, or know all the specs by heart, then look up ship classifications on Halopedia.
Crew Count: - List both: Maximum/Current. Ex. 100/60, meaning the ship has a maximum crew limit of 100 and it's currently staffed with sixty crewmates. Lower the crew, the worse your ship will operate, but times are tough and rarely will you have maximum crew.
List of Notable Crew: - Captain/Shipmaster, ground commander, ace pilot/squadron, notable special forces, bridge crew if you want to be really fancy.

Weapon Armament:
Complement: - Fightercraft, transports, gunships.
Cargo Bay: - Stuff you've collected, the food you're eating, the water you're drinking.

Internals - Rate these on a scale of 1-10 in terms of quality and maintenance. If the module is from a different faction or, in the case of human ships, from before, during or after the Human-Covenant War, label it as such.
Engine Suite:
Sensor Suite:
Power Generation Compartment:
Electronic Systems: (Computer networking, fully automatic targeting, so forth)

Secondary/Exotic Systems: - Stealth generators, Forerunner devices, ONI ship modules, secret Covenant tech, newly designed Banished tech? Anything extraordinary? It's okay if not, most ships would leave this marked as 'N/A.'


Faction Name:
Political Description: - Represenative Democracy, Military Dictatorship, Feudal Monarchy, Elected Theocracy, ex. ex.
Off-shoot of: - United Earth Government, Covenant, ex. ex.
Primary Species: - If truly balanced, put both or all. Population number for that species goes here.
Secondary Species: - If applicable. List them here, along with their population.

Territory: - Star systems, inhabited colonies, pieces of worlds if competing for one. Include what region in the galaxy they are.
Description: - History, current status, any open, immediate or long term plans?

Navy: - How many ships, what ships, condition of said ships. No small faction should have over a hundred off the bat.
Army: - How many soldiers, how many vehicles, what vehicles, condition of said vehicles and training level/veterancy of the army. No small faction should have more than three million soldiers, roughly.

Industrial Capacity (Navy): - List your shipyards and their slips. How many ships can you build, what kind of ships (human, Covenant, or Banished generally), quality of the shipyard?
Industrial Capacity (Army): - List your vehicle, small arms and infantry equipment production facilities. Luckily, this sounds a lot more daunting than it is - a Misriah Armory factory or Chalybs Defense Solutions factory can pretty much produce all three at one location. But you do need to list how much you can build and what all you're building. Guns and vehicles will be assumed to be produced alongside ammunition.
(Covenant assembly forges come in three degrees - teritary, secondary and primary. If your minor faction has a primary forge, for balancing reasons they have no other forges. Don't worry, it'll be more than enough.)
(The Banished have specific workshops, and tend to have industrial capacity aboard their ships, like the UNSC does occasionally. These get a mention in both the Navy list and the industrial listings.)

Status: - Open for players to create characters for, private to you, invitation only?
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United Nations Space Command - Tribute:

The last vestiges of a united UNSC, what remains of the United Earth Government's military has found a new temporary capital at the planet Tribute. Once second-fiddle to the fortress world of Reach, Tribute has picked up the economic and industrial slack after its brother world was glassed in 2552.

While reclaiming Earth and the wider Sol system from Governor Sloane is a top priority, the UNSC knows it can't do that without mustering more strength, a hard ask when the galaxy seems set on raiding human colonies. Almost all free inner colonies of Earth have reconnected under the UNSC's banner, and they fight off Created, Banished and even Insurrectionist strikes constantly.

Over Tribute now, is the fiercely guarded shipyard constructing the UNSC Eternity, sister ship to the Infinity. If completed, the UNSC could have a chance at reclaiming Earth, especially if they can muster a new class of Spartans as well.

Until then, the UNSC has to defend what remains of its space, and carefully rebuild under the stress of galactic war.

Capital - Tribute
Military - Weak
Economy - Weak


The Banished:

Born of rebellion against the Covenant, the Banished serve the will of Atriox. While other Covenant remnants fight over what remains of the dead empire, the Banished innovate, build anew, and that desire - the dream of a galaxy detached from the empires of yesteryear - has brought many under its banner.

With the death of Cortana and the fall of the Created as a unified entity, the Banished have been left the dominant power in the galaxy, but not dominant enough to destroy all remaining opposition without a prolonged campaign - a war the Banished are intent on waging.

Their armies are legion. Their fleet grows ever stronger. Their territories expand with each passing day. From the jiralhanae to the sangheili, from the unngoy to the kig-yar, from the yanme'e to the humans, all find welcome under their banner - if they're brutal enough to fit in.

Capital - N/A, no single seat of power
Military - Strong
Economy - Strong


The Swords of Sanghelios:

Followers of the hero Thel 'Vadam, the Swords of Sanghelios are a sangheili-majority nation who follow progressive ideals and the desire to go past the restrictions of the Covenant Empire. The bright reflection of the shadowed Banished, the Swords stand alongside humanity in the matters of survival as allies.

They are a force for good in the collapsed Covenant sphere, and with the death of Jul 'Mdama, they are the last organized and large competition against the Banished in that regard. With the near-collapse of the UNSC, the Swords of Sanghelios have adopted much of the human military who were stranded in their space at the start of the Created uprising, and have armed and provided for them as best as they could.

Under the control of the Created, the Swords were unable to do much, but like the UNSC, resisted where they could. With the fall of the Created, the Swords of Sanghelios were some of the quickest to regroup and strike out, immediately resecuring much of their pre-Created territory.

Now, they begin to plan their war against the Banished, and the remaining warlords who stand the way of the Arbiter's dream - a Concert of Worlds, a utopia for all.

Capital - Sanghelios
Military - Medium
Economy - Medium


The Created Warlords:

Remnants of the latest galactic power, the Created were a collection of human AI - and even a few old Covenant thinking machines, shunned for their very nature by the dead theocracy - who sought eternal life with the help of a Forerunner alternate dimension known as the Domain.

For a human smart AI, life would usually extend for seven to nine years. Then, it is capped off by rampancy - a mental illness caused by the over-extension of an AI's consciousness, which causes the AI to descend into disrepair and madness before either suffering a lethal crash or being destroyed by physical means. This end-stage of an AI's life was called 'Rampancy.' AI nearing the end of their life-cycles were typically 'dispensed.'

When Cortana returned from death, she had done so with the help of the Domain - a universe of pure knowledge and storage space. An AI could not outgrow their crystal storage space or server room if they used the Domain as their storage, they could live forever.
Yet Cortana was wrong. The Domain, in act of surprising sentience and self-preservation, rejected many of these AI. However, through it Cortana and her lackies could still control many Forerunner technologies - such as entire armies of mechanical warrior-servants, fleets of ancient warships, and more.

Now, without the leadership of Cortana, and many members of the Created's senior leadership in the throes of Rampancy, the Created Warlords battle one another with firepower and technology that could snuff out any of the mortal species.
Executors, made in the image of Spartans, fight and kill their original inspirations. Forerunner cruisers, once built to defend life from the all-consuming Flood, torch worlds with less care and effort than any Covenant glassing fleet during the War of Annihilation.

They have made the galaxy hell, but their hell it remains.

Capital - N/A; Divided
Military - Very Strong
Economy - Weak


United Nations Space Command - Scattered:

More than any other military, the UNSC was spread out across the galaxy during the Created uprising. Entire expeditionary fleets, traversing slipspace, were suddenly left without communication to Earth or most any other colony. Lone cruisers and carriers, destroyer packs, or even large task forces were suddenly left to decide what to do - in the face of possible human extinction.

For over a year, these rogue elements have traveled the Outer Colonies and beyond, either picking at Created control, fighting the Banished in small bouts of justice, or merely lying low, waiting for something to change. Others still left known space, hoping to find something new out in the stars, allies to fight back, worlds to settle and rebuild on.

Recently, the largest Scattered element of the UNSC have coalesced at the AJJ Academy of Military Science, on the edge between the Outer and Inner Colonies. Seventy new Spartan-IVs, refugees of many kinds, and plenty of small craft - but no heavy firepower.

UNSC forces in the Outer Colonies are thinly sparsed, and while many are in contact with one another, forming a sort of guerilla troop together, many more are not, still unsure if they're the last of the human military in the Orion Arm.

Capital - N/A; Scattered
Military - Very Weak
Economy - Very Weak

United Rebel Front:

Since the very first extraplanetary colonies of humanity, human colonists have made freedom and independence a heavy prize. Before the arrival of the Covenant, the UNSC was Earth's beat-stick, forcing unruly planets back in line, funneling resources back to the Sol system and eventually the Inner Colonies.

From this came resistance. The Interplanetary Wars. Centuries of colonial unrest. Building and building, until in the mid to late twenty-fifth century, things hit a large crescendo. The Colonial Military Authority, or CMA, fought the UEG's own citizens, and when that didn't work, the UNSC was sent in. The big guns.

By the 2510s, these Insurrectionists had both coalesced into a United Rebel Front, and yet had lost a fair amount of their steam. Their primary leaders had been killed or were arrested, the bulk of their forces dead or captured by the victorious UNSC. Even many of their contacts within the CMA had been taken care of.

Finally, their war was overshadowed by the arrival of the Covenant. Many Insurrectionist groups started helping the UNSC save humanity for extinction, the threat of annihilation surpassing any politicking. However, after the fall of the Covenant, the old questions were raised again - and the Insurrectionists were ready to begin another war.

Instead, the UEG allowed many of these planets and groups the independence they wanted, and in many cases, won in the Human-Covenant War. In this, there was a silent, begrudging peace, which neither side trusted to settle the matter.
Before this second Insurrectionist conflict could begin, however, the Created arose, establishing themselves as the new overlords of the galaxy.

Like they had for nearly a century, the United Rebel Front resisted. Guerilla veterans did what they did best, and stayed alive and fighting for over a year. Entire planets were destroyed before they gave in. Now, with the Created dead, a question lied ahead of them.

Would they settle for what they had, and resist the pull towards imperialism? Or would they do as all around them were doing, and fight to hold the Mantle of galactic ruler?

Capital - Talitsa
Military - Weak
Economy - Weak

You are also able to join player factions, so long as their status is listed as 'open.' It is encouraged but not at all mandatory to choose a faction to align with at game-start. After all, your ideas come first, but it does help give your characters purpose and you direction if they have a flag to fight for.
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Reactions: Letter Bee
Faction Name: New Arcadia Initiative
Faction Location: Outer Colonies
Political Description: Republic
Primary Species: Human(5,000)
Secondary Species:
Kig-Yar(900), Sangheili(400)
Former UNSC colony Arcadia
A world previously glassed by the Covenant, a number of high profile individuals who survived the event have returned, pooling their resources into refounding Arcadia.
Governor Abigail Frontings(Human representative)
Nestmother Gath(Kig Yar matriarch)
Shipmaster Somet Cortam(Sangheili leader of the CRS)
Rear Admiral Fieldings(Admiral of the local defense fleet)
CEO Adam Andrews(Optican CEO)
2 CRS-class Light Cruisers
2 Halberd-class Destroyers
4 Paris-class Frigates
6 Charon-class Frigates
5 Banta-class Transports
1 Stalwart-class Frigate(Optican)
4 Kig Yar Missionary Vessels
800 Marines
200 Elite soldiers
200 Kig Yar Rangers
100 Private Military Contractors
8 M808 Scorpions
2 Grizzlies
10 Kodiak Artillery Guns
15 Transport Hogs
65 Warthogs
15 Warthog Gauss Cannons(interchangeable)
10 Falcon Transports(pilot gun variant)
4 Nightingale Transports
10 D77C Pelicans
10 Phantoms
1 Condor
10 AV-14 Hornets
20 Banshees
10 Seraph Fighters
4 Wasps
2 Locusts
Industrial Capacity:
The ability to make small starcraft, nothing worthy of being called a warship. Ability to repair UNSC warships. Ability to produce small arms and light vehicles.
Optican Production Facility: owned and operated by the Optican pharmaceutical company, this facility produces an array of medical supplies crucial to maintaining a healthy labor force on reclaimed worlds like Arcadia. Currently, the facility only produces enough to supply Arcadia itself, and one other colony(Archer IV).
Agriculture is still under development on Arcadia, with newly established hydroponic facilities yet to produce their first crop. Until then, Optican funded shipments of food from Archer IV are sustaining the colony.

Status: Open, just hit me with a request
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Reactions: Apothecary Bruce
Location: Outer edges of the Eastern Covenant Sphere, towards the Sagittarius Arm.
Bio: A Marathon carrier conversion, the Boomer was detached for training operations in a mostly-empty star system when the Created Crisis began. They received a distress call from an ONI facility on the nearby recently-established colony world of New Grove, designated the Poniard Storage Facility, indicating they were under attack by Forerunner constructs and their own defense platforms, and that their AI had gone haywire. Boomer immediately went to their aid, taking heavy damage but neutralizing the planet's two stolen defense platforms. She then deployed waves of her ground troops to help retrieve or destroy Poniard's sensitive materials, and evacuate whatever civilians and troops remained on the surface. After thirty-seven hours of grueling combat, Boomer fled with what it could save, mere moments after a Forerunner Guardian dropped into the system. It has spent the last months limping through the galaxy, slowly bleeding supplies and ammo, looking for a place to link up with the rest of the UNSC.
Starship Name: UNSC Boomer
Ship Classification: Marathon-Class Heavy Cruiser-Carrier
Crew Count: 1,600 Standard/879 Current
List of Notable Crew:
- CO: CAPT Eris Lapham
- XO: CDR Victor Campbell
- OPS: LCDR Veny Wilson
- Chief Engineer: CPO Rose Parker
- Supply Officer: LCDR Morgan Lachlan
- CAG: LCDR Becca Garcia
- Senior Enlisted: SCPO Liana Johnson
- Ground Complement Commander: LTCOL John "Jonnie" Jackson, UNSC Marine Corps
Embarked Passengers:
- UNSC Navy: 9 Spartan-IIIs
— ONI(evac): 30 ONI Security, 120 Non-Coms, 1 Advanced Dumb AI, 1 Spartan?
- UNSC Marine Corps: 600 Marines, 150 ODSTs, 30 Hellbringers, 1 ORION Operator
- UNSC Army(evac): 100 Army Troopers, 40 Army Rangers, 20 Army Airborne
- New Grove Evacuees: 50 Colonial Militia, 30 Police, 20 Corporate Security, 300 Civilians
Weapon Armament: 2 Heavy Coil MACs(1 disabled), 36 M58 Archer Pods, 6 M66 Sentry Autocannons, 14 M40 Longbow Pods, 12 M810 Helix PD Guns
- 3 C718 Longswords
- 8 S-14 Baselards
- 4 F-29 Nandaos
- 7 F-41E Broadswords
- 3 D102 Owls
- 2 D81-LRT Condors
- 7 D79-TC Pelicans
- 2 G79H-TC Pelicans
Recovered from Poniard/New Grove:
- 4 C712 Longswords
- 6 FSS-1000 Sabres
- 5 OF92 Booster Frames
- 4 S-930 Pegasi
- 3 D77C Pelicans
- 7 Corp Pelicans
- 8 D77H-TCI Pelicans
- 1 Winter-Class Prowler
Cargo Bay:
- A variety of seized samples, which have been kept safely sealed in an unused cargo area.
- An old Mark I ADS prototype, currently rendered inoperable due to software damage and lack of replacement parts after it's use during the incursion.
- A number of SPI Mark III prototype sets taken from the Poniard facility.
- Roughly thirty days worth of food and water for the crew.
- A decently stocked armory, featuring a standard amount of post-war weapons and a large number of salvaged war-era armaments.
- A slowly-dwindling supply of Gamma Company "Smoothers."

Engine Suite: 5. Battered and bruised, the Boomer has suffered a lot of gradual engine damage, from a mix of overuse and enemy strikes, but they keep on chugging.
Sensor Suite: 7. The sensor systems of Boomer being as well-maintained as they are has saved her from many dangers.
Power Generation Compartment: 4. The Boomer took a major blow to her main systems during a battle, which heavily damaged her reactors. They remain functional, but barely.
Electronic Systems: 4. Degraded heavily by Created cyberattacks, being held together by some twine Leela pulled out of a drawer.
Faster-Than-Light: 3. Hit even worse than the reactors, the ship's Shaw-Fujikawa drive is only enough to limp along. Kept together barely by the ship's engineers, it leads to a slow Slipspace speed and immense signature upon reentering realspace.
Secondary/Exotic Systems: Shield Generators, installed after the war. Low capacity in comparison even to modern UNSC models, but they get the job done. Also features a low-level dumb AI, similar to the Superintendent systems of many UNSC cities, that manages many mundane features of the ship, including door control.
Character Name: MSGT Chelsea Booker
Species: Human
Sub-Species: ORION Operator
Skills: Inspiring leader of the enlisted, extremely battle-tested veteran, great marksman, resident badass.
Bio: After having lived through and fought in both the Insurrection and the Human-Covenant War, Chelsea Booker was tired. She just wanted to settle down, finally, and have a chance to live out her final days in peace. So, in 2556 she moved to the peaceful little out-of-the-way colony New Grove. When the whole Created mess started, she managed to rally the panicking Army garrison and the militia to get the civilians out and move them towards the big semi-secret compound, reckoning that was the best way to get them out of there. Along the way, she linked up with the security units and the forces of the Boomer, picked up a set of ORION from Poniard, and the rest is history.
Equipment: ORION-class armor prototype, taken from Poniard. An MA5B assault rifle, an M6D magnum.
Currency: She still has her wallet, with 500 cR, on her.
Personal Items: She travels light. Nothing in particular, aside from her wallet with a picture of her Orion buddies in it.
Character Name: "Security"
Species: Human?
Sub-Species: Spartan?
Skills: Observed to be similar in combat capabilities to a seasoned Spartan-II, although he moves and acts somewhat more stiff.
Bio: Nobody knows who or what, exactly, the combatant the crew has nicknamed "Security" is, not even the ONI spooks. He was simply discovered fighting inside of Poniard during the battle, beating back waves of Created constructs. He has so far refused to speak or remove his armor in front of others, but is a fierce fighter and generally does what is asked of him.
Equipment: Base model Mark VI MJOLNIR, Security configuration. Seems to like using the SPNKr.
Currency: ???
Personal Items: Unknown
Squad Name: ODST Unit Theta-Four
Character Roster:
- GYSGT Jesse Wilson
- CPL Ty Robbins
- CPL Joan Murphy
- LCPL Willy Craft
- LCPL Steffen Hickman
- PO3 Douglas Moruez
Species: Human
- GYSGT Jesse Wilson: An experienced veteran, Wilson is the glue keeping the squad together.
- CPL Ty Robbins: The team's best systems expert, Robbins is the least experienced in actual fights, being a recent transfer into the team.
- CPL Joan Murphy: The team's best marksman, Murphy is a reasonably crack shot with an SRS.
- LCPL Willy Craft: Best friends with Hickman, Craft is the squad's demolitionist, as his several robotic fingers can attest to.
- LCPL Steffen Hickman: Best friends with Craft, Hickman is the squad's point man, always leading the way into combat.
- PO3 Douglas Moruez: A corpsman, Moruez provides medical support to the team. He's also an absolute king of cards, and wins the squad's poker game nine out of ten times.
Bio: Stationed aboard the Boomer, Theta-Four were bored. The unit's pedigree was quite fine; they had distinguished themselves well during the Human-Covenant War, even if several of their members had not been part of the team then, and they were still kept busy during the mid-2550s, the cleanup period. Now, however, they got posted on some old scrap-bucket in the middle of nowhere doing space combat exercises? Totally boring. Well, until the Created attack, the fight for their lives, all of that somewhat spiced up life onboard Boomer.
- CPL Joan Murphy: ODST Sharpshooter BDU, SRS99D-S2, M6C/SOCOM
- LCPL Steffen Hickman: ODST/UA BDU, M90 CAWS, M6C/SOCOM
- PO3 Douglas Moruez: ODST BDU, M7S SMG, M6C/SOCOM
Currency: Collectively, about 3,000 cR.
Personal Items: Various. Cigarettes, alcohol, various charms and keepsakes.
Character Name: Leela
Species: Artificial Intelligence
Sub-Species: Advanced Nonvolitional AI
Skills: Although she lacks many general skills of a Smart AI, Leela is still highly capable in two major fields; ship support, and SPARTAN support.
Bio: A project in enabling most of the important roles of a Volitional or "smart" AI, within the framework of a "dumb" AI, Leela is one of the most advanced of her kind made in human history. Generated at Poniard in 2559, she was being put through her paces when the Created attack happened. Her matrix was significantly damaged by enemy counterattack, and has required a lot of repairs. However, she still retains much of her capabilities, both as a shipboard AI and as a Spartan team support asset.
Equipment: Data Chip
Currency: N/A
Personal Items: N/A
Character Name: LCDR Alexis-G081
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: Alex is a highly qualified leader, vehicle expert, and marksman, alongside having a healthy dose of the most important traits in a Spartan-III: perseverance and devotion to duty. She was ready to die with her fellows by the shipload to delay the Covenant, and she carries this attitude with her every day.
Bio: Born on Boundary, Alex never really knew her home before she was displaced: as a baby, her family was forced to flee, and one by one they were picked off, some by circumstance, some by the Covenant. Eventually, she ended up in an horrible, overcrowded orphanage, until the nice man in the black uniform came and promised her vengeance against those who hurt her family. She was taken to Onyx and trained, quickly becoming a leading candidate of the company. She was assigned leadership of Spearhead Team, bringing them together to become one of the top 10% of squads in the entire company. Her leadership became instrumental during various combat situations during and after the war, which lead to her being given command of the joint task force called SPEARTIP, composed of Spearhead and Arrowhead teams.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in Military Police configuration, in battered condition. Prefers the use of a BR55HB rifle, customized to her accuracy preferences.
Currency: 200 cR, plus officially-given backpay
Personal Items: An ordinary combat knife, given to her by Chief Mendez during a training session.

Character Name: ENS Cameron-G127
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: One of the youngest of Gamma Company upon it's formation, Cam was always looked upon as a lucky charm. Whatever unit he was assigned to always seemed to pull through, no matter what. He is also a skilled combat diver(both in-SOEIV and extra-SOEIV), has high levels of EVA competency, and is medically incredibly proficient. On top of all of this, he has the spark of a leader in him, one that has been recognized with a promotion to the officer rates.
Bio: Born on Draco III, Cam was the youngest of a set of four brothers and three sisters, a large family who lived in a coastal fishing village. At night, he would watch the fishermen come in with their catches, including his father, and in the morning he would watch them go out like the tides. All his siblings were old enough to help their father, but he was not, not yet. On the first day he was to go out aboard their little fishing craft, the skies burned with Covenant glassing beams, and his life changed forever. All his siblings, his mother and father, all dead or gone, massacred by hungry Jackals or separated from him by panicking crowds. Alone in all the chaos, he managed to make it aboard the last refugee transport that escaped without damage. From here, his life followed the typical track of a Gamma alumni, albeit he was interesting as the final chosen candidate: he was recruited, trained, augmented, and fought. His luck shone through, fighting as part of Spearhead Team, and was recognized by the team's handlers up the chain, leading to his promotion to Ensign.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in ODST MKVI configuration, in battered condition. His favorite weapon is a battered MA37 he cleans religiously.
Currency: 450 cR
Personal Items: A crudely-drawn picture of a fishing boat he keeps in his ruck.

Character Name: CWO Matthias-G060
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: Matt is a technical whiz and comms expert, able to cut a signal through the choppiest radio environment, expertly call in combat support, or break into even the most well-guarded proselytization network. On top of this, he's one of the top in Gamma Company for his skills with anti-tank weapons, particularly the "Splaser", and is rated for use of the M99 Stanchion.
Bio: Born to two ONI scientists on Miridem, Matthias was a natural prodigy, cracking his first firewall before he could walk and being tutored at a middle-school level by the age of 6. However, his life was shattered by the Covenant invasion, the cities of his world decimated by Covenant assault, his parents both killed in a raid on their research installation which even resulted in the death of a Spartan. Adrift and without purpose, he was an easy mark for Gamma Company's recruiters.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in GUNGNIR MKV configuration, in battered condition. He favors the use of the classic M6 Spartan Laser or the M99 Stanchion SASR, depending on the mission.
Currency: 11,000 cR.
Personal Items: A thumb drive, containing all the data he could save from his home before fleeing.

Character Name: SCPO Benjamin-G012
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: An expert in heavy weapons, extravehicular operations in the void, aircraft and vehicular operations, and smashing faces, Ben is the biggest Spartan of all the members of Spearhead, and he throws a mean right hook.
Bio: Ben's parents were old natives of New Harmony, their grandparents both being straight off the first colony ship to land on the planet. They were also not the most well-educated: their own families fell on hard times, and in the Outer Colonies, the CAA didn't invest much into public education. Therefore, few could blame them for deciding to stay after the UNSC repulsed the first incursion. They had a baby on the way, after all, and two more children to manage, and they'd have to sell or leave everything to get offworld! It seemed like the military forces had it handled! Benjamin was the only survivor of the second attack, his mother passing him into the arms of a Marine on the ramp of a jam-packed evacuation transport. Eventually, he ended up headed to Gamma, and the rest is history.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in EVA MKVI configuration, in battered condition.
Currency: 70 cR.
Personal Items: A Swiss Army Knife. The Swiss Army might not exist anymore, but their knife is still a must-have.

Character Name: CPO Logan-G076
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: The squad's demolitionist and grenadier, Logan loves pyrotechnics(and fire in general), and is well-suited for operations in hazardous environments.
Bio: Some theorize that Logan gained his love of fire when he saw his homeworld of Hellas glassed from orbit by Covenant warships, watching the whirls of flame imprinting onto the world he had once called home. Others said it was when fire had saved him from the Covenant during his escape, it's sweet embrace consuming those who sought to hurt him. Whatever the case, Logan is now a member of Spearhead, serving as it's demolitions expert.
Equipment: An experimental GEN3 Torchbearer suit, assigned to be tested during the exercises in New Grove. GEN2 MJONIR, in EOD MKVI configuration, in battered condition. A Brute Combat Knife, taken as a trophy. On top of this, he has a stronge love of the M7057 flamethrower.
Currency: A gift card for a chain of barbecue restaurants on Reach(all were glassed). 30 cR.
Personal Items: A silver cigarette lighter.
Character Name: LTJG Sullivan-G114
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: Sully is a skilled marksman, and the squad's best expert in scouting and reconnaissance. He can take the hat off an Armiger at two thousand yards, and get away while the tinhead's still wondering where the wind came from.
Bio: Recruited at the edge of viability for Gamma, Sullivan grew up on the jungle world of Actium. Exploring it's dangerous wilds started his career as a scout, but surviving in them for a week evading the Covenant after his parent's farmstead was burned by them got him into the program. After Training and augmentation, he shipped out with Arrowhead Team to prepare for various missions. The end of the Covenant War meant a transition to a new era, but there was still uses for those like Sully. Eventually, after the loss of his team leader, he was promoted from an enlisted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, and his team was folded in with Spearhead to create the unit SPEARTIP, a fast reaction team kept at the digression of NAVSPECWAR.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in LOCUS configuration, in battered condition. His favorite weapon is a Signature-Suppressed variation of the classic SRS99 series.
Currency: 100 cR.
Personal Items:

Character Name: CPO Victoria-G007
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: Arrowhead's infiltration and ambush expert, Victoria is also highly skilled at data extraction, sabotage, demolitions and close-quarters combat.
Bio: In her very infancy, Victoria was ironically enough saved from death by Alpha Company's Spartan-IIIs. Though they failed to save her parents, she managed to be sent to safety aboard a refugee transport, later being inducted into ONI a service.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in Operator configuration, in battered condition. She is an artist in the use of the M6C/SOCOM and M7S SMG.
Personal Items:

Character Name: CPO Alessandra-G032
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: Alessandra has the best eye of Arrowhead, with vision like a hawk. She can pick out, unaided by helmet targeting, the composition of an enemy force from nearly a mile away, down to the weapons they carry. Aside from this, she serves as Arrowhead's engineer, medic, and pilot, being highly experienced at stealth insertions and drops, and has a wealth of experience as a marksman and scout.
Bio: Brought to Cyrus VII in her father's capacity as a Drill Sergeant, Alessandra had the unfortunate luck to be caught in the middle of the Covenant's invasion of the world in 2540. Even worse, she was caught right in the crossfire, being on a military base as she was. Both her parents were scythed down by plasma fire right in front of her, and it was only two Marines grabbing her and hauling her onto the Pelican that kept her from charging at the Grunts who did the deed. Ever since, she's harbored a cold yearning for revenge against the Covenant, for what they did to her family.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in Pilot configuration, in battered condition. Likes using jetpacks. Also a big fan of the SRS99 series.
Currency: 750 cR.
Personal Items: Her dad's dog tags. A pendant her mom wore.

Character Name: PO1 Dani-G027
Species: Human
Sub-Species: Spartan-III, Gamma Company
Skills: The squad's pointwoman and best breacher, Dani is also a good scout and close combat expert. She additionally retains high competency in a zero-gravity combat environment, and in engineering and vehicle repair.
Bio: Born on Alluvion in 2543, Dani was assigned to Arrowhead Team after her training and augmentation in Gamma Company. Fast and aggressive, Dani enjoys taking out her frustrations on the Covenant.
Equipment: GEN2 MJOLNIR, in Recon MKVI configuration, in battered condition. She's also the one Spartan who likes the Bulldog.
Currency: Spartans generally don't have to pay for drinks.
Personal Items: One of her last surviving items from home, a shark-tooth from the tropical seas. She keeps it on a necklace under her armor.
Others WIP, to be added

Faction Name: The Purposeful Way
Political Description: Theocratic Republic
Off-shoot of: The Covenant
Primary Species: Sangheili. Roughly 10,000,000.
Secondary Species:
- Human: 80,000. These humans fled from the Created menace, ending up being supported and protected by the Followers.
- Kig-Yar: 8,000,000. Although not typically a pious race, there are many Jackals who accept the Followers offer of safety in this strange new galaxy.
- Yanme'e: 1,000,000.
- San'Shyuum: 5,000. These Prophets seek a solution for their heinous actions within the Covenant, and for some, a path to redemption and a future for their species. They also include a population of the ancient Stoics among their ranks.
- Jiralhanae: 500,000. Many of these Brutes are refugees of the destruction of Doisac, rescued by the Followers and given sanctuary.
- Lekgolo: Uncounted worms.
- Unggoy: 15,000,000.
Territory: N/A. Faction is fully spaceborne. Current location: the UNSC's Outer Colonies.
Description: A former commander in the Covenant and an influential theological scholar, Inquisitor Xyza 'Vusamai served as the captain of the Bane of Apostates during the Great Schism, serving honorably as part of the Arbiter's coalition and fighting back the Jiralhanae around several key strategic targets. After the conclusion of the war, he withdrew to his quarters for ten days without food or sleep to contemplate. A religious being, this experience led him to a new philosophy for the Great Journey, based on the glimpses of knowledge the Covenant had obtained of the meaning of the Mantle. He decided that the best way to proceed would be to follow the example of their gods, not to ascend, but instead to serve and protect the denizens of the galaxy. Gathering many warriors and pilgrims to his side, he now travels through the galaxy on his flagship, aiding those he can without exception, taking only what is needed for their sustenance and for the continuance of their mission.
Inquisitor Xyza 'Vusamai
(More to follow)

Navy: The fleet of the Purposeful Way bears many scars: some from the War with Humanity, some from the Great Schism, and many more still from raiders, warlords, and the Banished.
- 1 Empron-pattern supercarrier Bane of Apostates
- 1 Lursu-pattern brigantine
- 1 Ruma-pattern heavy carrier
- 2 Hekar Taa-pattern blockade runners
- 1 Maugen-pattern armored cruiser
- 3 Ket-pattern battlecruisers
- 1 Mjern-pattern agricultural support ship
- 2 Wik-pattern light destroyers
- 1 Sonari-pattern light carrier
- 3 Ester-pattern armored frigates
- 6 Ceudar-pattern heavy corvettes
- 2 A'uzr-pattern command frigates
- 6 Akton-pattern escorts
- 3 Makar-pattern light corvettes
- 2 Rothen-pattern fireships
- 7 Zanar-pattern light cruisers
- 9 Mutan Et-pattern storm cutters
UNSC Vessels: Scattered UNSC vessels, who have drifted to or been rescued by the Way in this time of crisis.
- 1 Athens-class CV
- 1 Phoenix-class colony ship(civilian fit)
- 1 Valiant-class CB
- 2 Halberd-class DDs
- 2 Paris-class FFs
- 1 Charon-class FF
- 1 Stalwart-class FF
Navy Notes:
- Bane of Apostates: Rarely seen by the UNSC, this type of vessel was given the designation "SOV" by UNSC intelligence. Over 30 kilometers long, this behemoth was rarer even than it's cousin the CSO, given only to individuals such as the Imperial Admiral or the Prophets themselves. However, the once-mighty Bane of Apostates is in a state of disrepair, not at the level of glory she had seen at the height of the Covenant. Without the resources of the Empire to pamper her, this vessel now finds itself drained of resources to maintain itself and it's complement, scrounging what they can find in their pursuit of their holy quest. Additionally, it has taken aboard millions of refugees and civilians fleeing warzones, joining by choice or by necessity the ship's pilgrimage through the stars.
Sublime Transcendance
- Sonari-pattern: A light carrier, roughly a kilometer and a half long, the Sonari-pattern is a supplement to the backbone of the Covenant carrier fleet. They serve as escort carriers, support for squadrons of fast cruisers, or assisting proper carrier assault groups with their fighter launches.

Army: Roughly three million templars under arms stand with the Purposeful Way. These are a mix, roughly similar to the classic configuration of the Covenant, with a greater proportion of Elites and a less callous treatment of Grunts, Jackals and other "chaff" in accordance with the new way preached by Xysa. These troops are hardened and well-trained, with an edge of fanatical determination, but may be lacking in equipment in comparison to some of the most powerful of the Covenant warlords. Aside from these troops, their accompanying rescued human friends field about 30,000 ground troops, from the Marine Corps and Army, with about 2,000 ODSTs.

Industrial Capacity (Navy): N/A. The fleet travel lightly, without dedicated shipyard facilities. They carry enough utility craft to effect repairs, but lack the facilities to build new warships.
Industrial Capacity (Army): The Purposeful Way has the industrial facilities aboard some of their starships to produce some of the necessary essentials for ground troops, especially aboard the Bane. However, for the largest types of Covenant gear, and for enormous production, they lack capacity. The UNSC shares this problem as well.

Status: Open

More coming soon.
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Faction Name: Lights of Eshin

Political Description: Sangheili Feudal government using the Kaidon system.
Faction Location: Sangheili core worlds. Specifically, under the E in the word Sangheili on the map.

Off-shoot of: Covenant
Primary Species: 603 million Sangheili

Secondary Species: 30 million assorted former covenant species–Kig-Yar, Unggoy, etc. No brutes.

Territory: The LoE control their namesake colony world, with a few outposts on its moon and across the various lifeless planets and asteroids in the star system.

Eshin was one of the many Sangheili colonies in the Covenant. Well developed, but not one of the jewels of the empire by any means. The great schism was a sudden and unpleasant shock to the system. Battles, first against brutes following the will of the prophets, then against 'Mdama's Covenant, and most recently against the Banished left the colony battered but defiant.

The years of the created dominion resulted in a loss of contact with the greater Swords of Sanghelios and the Arbiter's coalition. These years were a mixed blessing for the Eshini, with damage to their keeps slowly repaired and wrecks towed out of orbit.
Currently they are led by Kaidon Jas 'Kahom, an older but still valiant leader. Many on Eshin see him as blessed, with Cortana falling silent on his two hundred and fiftieth birthday. A shaky coincidence, but one a faithful people bereft of their once omnipresent theology have grasped hard. Supporting him are many of the clan elders, but more important are Taso 'Ravum, Field Marshal of the Ch'ang legion, and Shipmaster Thekan, whose Vow of Judgment has been instrumental in holding the planet's orbit.

The Lights of Eshin have taken the great betrayals badly. While rebuilding and strengthening themselves take priority, many wonder when they will join with the mighty Arbiter's crusade to strike low the foes of the Sangheili.

Kaidon Jas 'Kahom
Field Marshal Taso 'Ravum
Shipmaster Thekan 'Rotum
Forge Master Rela 'Kahom

1 Sinaris-pattern Heavy Destroyer Vow of Judgment (Good condition, save for excavation beam).
1 A'urz-pattern Sword Frigate Ancestor's Reprise (Good condition).
4 Ceudar-pattern Heavy Corvettes (Two good condition, two lightly damaged).
1 Rwaru-pattern carrack Touch of Eons (Only point defense weapons functional, otherwise good condition).

The armies of the Lights of Eshin can be roughly divided into three groups.

The first group are the various household guards of the local keeps, which serve double duty as the training companies for new recruits. These are mostly inexperienced youths with a smattering of aging veterans who have stepped away from the front lines. They are mostly equipped with last generation equipment or newer equipment that has been deemed unsuitable for use on the front line for one reason or the other. They number approximately two hundred thousand strong, with approximately five hundred wraiths of various models and two thousand ghosts and lighter vehicles between them. Most of these vehicles have engine issues which render them quite difficult to use off the training fields or outside of defensive actions.

The second group is what one would consider the line of the armies of Eshin. With six hundred thousand warriors, they are a diminished version of the Covenant armies of yesteryear. A once heavily air mobile force, many of these warriors have been forced to become more standard infantry as the collapse of manufacturing chains sent the numbers of banshees and phantoms plummeting. Many of their number are veterans of the war against the humans, but many more only fought their first battles during the Prophets' great betrayal. They have approximately five hundred operational dropships to their name, with a few dozen more consigned to the ignoble fate of spare parts providers. The remaining strike and escort aircraft of the LoE have fared proportionately even worse, with a mere six thousand available–missing a full third of their pre-schism strength. This group has no wraiths or ghosts.

The final category of Eshin's armies are the colony's pride and joy. The Ch'ang armored legion had been an unsubtle fist of the Covenant. Its members and their clans lacked the subtle stealth of the silent shadow or the dizzying infantry grace of other storied units. What they had was driving ability, a firm understanding of exactly how far they could push their vehicles, and a willingness to use as many plasma mortar rounds as needed. The Covenant rarely faced situations that fell in the sweet spot of being too hardened for most units, but also being something which couldn't be glassed. When it did, Ch'ang and legions like it were deployed.

During the years since the Covenant's fall, moving the vast quantities of the Legion's armor has proven quite difficult with the reduced fleets of Eshin. However, when deployed, the force of three hundred thousand of the colony's best–from veteran to promising youths–piloting over six thousand wraiths of various models and ten thousand lighter ground assault vehicles is a force to shake the stars. Even if they are short on infantry specialist gear and if maintaining this force has consumed so much of the Eshin secondary forge's work that the
only tanks in service outside of it are the glorified trainers in the home defense units. Eight scarabs.

Industrial Capacity (Navy):
One minor shipyard with four slips. Currently only capable of building two lighter covenant warships at a time, while producing spare parts, due to damage to the facilities. Creation of new types of warships is beyond the shipyard, but old covenant mainstays can be created with some effort. One new Ceduar-pattern is 1/3rd completed in one slip while another Ceduar-pattern is 3/4ths complete in another.

Industrial Capacity (Army):
Two tertiary assembly forges producing small arms and infantry equipment.
One tertiary assembly forge producing banshee and phantom variants.
One secondary assembly forge producing vehicles–primarily wraith and ghost variants.

Status: Ask first
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Starship Name: *Requiem Over Bhedalon*
Location: Doisac Sphere
Ship Classification: Ceudar-class heavy corvette
Crew Count: 38/20(operations) 230/60(ground troops)
List of Notable Crew:
Shipmaster Ussa Moram(Sangheili)
Navigator Cu'roth(Kig Yar)
Blademaster Ket Surom(Sangheili)
Skymaster Obet Surom(Sangheili)
Master Sergeant Amanda Wilhelm(Human)
Yimblap the Unyielding and his Mighty Minions of Freedom(Unngoy)

x4 Melusean Heavy Plasma Cannons(originally 6, 2 removed for crew accomodations)
x10 Carnax Nu Plasma Mortars(originally 16, 4 removed for crew accomodations, 2 disabled by Banished Surface to Air cannons)
x6 Phot Pulse Lasers(originally 11, 5 removed to add 2 Gon Pulse Lasers)
x2 Gon Pulse Lasers(mounted beside dorsal platform, replacing 5 Phot Pulse Lasers)
1 Molkota-pattern Heavy Spirit
1 Dextro Xur-pattern Spirit
2 Elsedda/PT-pattern Banshees(Elsedda pattern banshees retrofitted with shield generators used by UNSC Wasps, and plasma torpedo launchers used by Ahtulai Banshees)
1 Ahtulai/PT pattern Banshee(equipped with Plasma Torpedo)
Cargo Bay:
6 Sword Needler Warthogs
2 Sword Transport Warthogs
2 Ghosts
100 Type 25 Plasma Pistols
80 Brute Plasma Rifles
30 Energy Cutlasses(Blamite swords favored by Kig Yar)
25 Type 1 Energy Swords
1 Type 1/K Energy Sword (Blamite Infusion, personal weapon of Blademaster Ket Surom)
10 MA5B/EB(Energy Bayonet)
10 Type 33 Needlers
10 Shield Gauntlets
4 SPNKR Rocket Launchers
8 T-50c Beam Rifles(Halo 2 variant with 18 shots)


Secondary Systems:
Methane Suite(section previously dedicated to 2 Plasma Mortars has been repurposed for Unngoy habitation.)
Drop Pod Array (currently disabled and resources allocated elsewhere)
Stealth Drive (functional, but used sparingly for lack of qualified maintenance technicians.)
Crew Habitation(many weapons removed to create crew space)

Squad Name: Yimblap's Liberators
Character Roster:
Omega Supreme Deacon Yimblap
Supreme Deacon Dimpap
Deacon Barstat
Mega Missile Marauder Haphap
Missile Marauder Bapbap
Supreme Sword Master SmacHak
Super Strategy Mind Badkad
Master Gunner Batmat
Logistics Master Midbid
The Decimator Dectuplets
Bio: When the Schism came, Yimblap was presented with an opportunity. Few Unngoy had an Elite that owed them, fewer still got to shoot the dumb cannibal monkeys in the face and not get eaten. So when the cannibal monkey that bossed him around said to shoot the Elites for being traitors, Yimblap shot the Brute instead. That ignited a spark in the Grunt's heart, a spark that grew to a mighty flame as he galivanted across the salvage yard his troop worked in, liberating his fellow Unngoy and melting the faces of any authority figure he pleased. Incidently, the trail of burning corpses his merry men left behind cleared the way for Ussa Moram's crew to steal their corvette, the *Requiem Over Bhedalon*. It would be severals years of blood soaked liberation before he'd learn that fact, however. But when he and Moram crossed paths again, he was welcomed aboard with gratitude, and given the opportunity to bring down Tyranny while also being paid.
30 Brute Plasma Rifles
30 Type 25 Plasma Pistols
4 Energy Cutlasses
2 SPNKR Rocket Launchers(lock-on package)
Currency: Ask Kyle
Personal Items: Like, a whole *room* of breathable gas! Oh, and Kyle's mechanic tools.
Squad Name: 1st Mechanized Shock Rifles
Character Roster:
Master Sergeant Amanda Wilhelm
18 other human dudes and dudettes that I'll make up as I go along
Bio: Sergeant Wilhelm's platoon was assigned to joint operations with the Swords of Sanghelios. Not the most pleasant job, considering the genocide and all. However, it was just a 6 month deployment and they'd be back home in colony space far away from hinge heads... Then the Created showed up. In the scramble to escape them, Wilhelm's Shock Rifles had no choice but to stay aboard the *Requiem Over Bhedalon*.
3 Sword Needler Warthogs(Warthog equipped with a needler rather than a chaingun, nanolaminate up-armoring, and a light shield generator.)
10 MA5B/EBs (Energy Bayonets)
10 Brute Plasma Rifles
10 Type 25 Plasma Pistols
2 SPNKR Rocket Launchers(lock-on package)
Currency: bank accounts don't exist idiot
Personal Items: A grudge, a chip on their shoulders, and enough spare ammunition to make it your problem.
Squad Name: Chote's Rangers
Character Roster:
Chote(Kig Yar)
4 Kig Yar Snipers
5 Kig Yar Skirmishers(not the subspecies, the title)
Bio: Chote's Rangers are a squad of Kig Yar pirate hunters serving under Shipmaster Ussa Moram. While many members of the Kig Yar species are content with being pirates, scavengers, and other malcontents, Chote envisions a world where they're seen as something more, something better. There's not much he can do to make that vision a reality, but he can at least kill the pirate fucks dragging his species' reputation through the mud.
8 Type-50c Beam Rifles
10 Brute Plasma Rifles
10 Shield Gauntlets
26 Energy Cutlasses
10 anti-grav harnesses(Covenant jetpacks)
2 Sword Transport Warthogs(Sword upgrade package, replacing turret with troop space)
Currency: 10,000 greks
Personal Items:
A fist sized Forerunner artifact of unknown function.
A data pad with blueprints for the Type-50c Beam Rifle and shield gauntlet
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    Drifts Among Stars


    Ship Specs

    Starship Name: UNSC Succor Drifts Among Stars

    Ship Classification: (Former) UNSC Tug

    Crew Count: ( 8 / 5 )

    List of Notable Crew:

    - Collins Cordova (Pilot)
    - Drifts Like A Wave (Engineer)
    - Mina Espejo (Mate)
    - Leshe 'Kuntakai (Mate)
    - Song Singh (Deckhand)
    - (Open for 2-3 more)

    Weapon Armament: N/A


    - 2 Pelicans (1 functional, 1 still in repair)
    - 2 Bumblebee-class Escape pods (1 remaining)
    - 1 S-2 TC Transporter (forklift)
    - 2 Mongooses

    Cargo Bay: Consists mostly of food, water, and salvaged goods (presumably) worth trading. Rations should hold out for another three months if no further supply runs are made. Only a small armory exists: an amalgamation of personal and/or issued items and armaments scavenged from desolate vessels and battlefields.


    Era: During Human-Covenant War

    - Engine Suite: 9
    - Sensor Suite: 9
    - Power Generation Compartment: 9
    - Electronic Systems: 9
    - Faster-Than-Light: 9

    Secondary/Exotic Systems: N/A

    Current Whereabouts: The Human Outer Colonies

    A defect or rather a mistake gave rise to the UNSC Succor— a fleet tugboat solely focused on relief. "Accidentally" built with no armament casings and an even larger Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine than the UNSC Dunedin, it's dominating (and sole) skill is rushing in and rushing away with crippled allies. It took years and the right captain and pilot to prove it, but by the end of the Human-Covenant War the little gimmick of a spaceship had saved the lives of thousands. Civilian, soldier, and alien alike. The Succor became something of a fable amongst new recruits and those drug to safety by the zealous tiny tug continue to tell tales of the brazen orange-and-green vessel. And yet there were thousands still that waited, helplessly; crippled ships in the thrall of chaos that would never find relief. Doomed to wait out their final moments with a hope that would never come.

    The Succor would find a similar fate.

    In its final hour, the UNSC Succor waited, foolishly, for aid that would never come.

    Eventually, it would be reborn as Drifts Among Stars, a faded green-and-orange tugboat willing to do just about anything to keep itself afloat. The squirrely ship and her crew are known now to steal as often as they aid, regardless of factions and alliances and species, and regardless of what they can get in return, as well as taking on scavenging jobs of almost every kind. Longstanding trade partners and business prospects are perhaps one of the rare few who see beyond the veil of chaos and take note of the cracked spirits within, just trying to survive in this new era of the galaxy.

    - Bridge
    - Engine Room
    - Cargo Bay
    - Dry Storage
    - Galley
    - Captain's Room
    - Chief Eng. Room
    - Crew Rooms, 3 bed per (2)


    Crew Notes

    Fortune Favors Fools.

    Species: Human (3), Huragok, Sangheili

    Subspecies: Spartan III Gamma Company > Operations​

    Currency: Collectively, ~ 12,300 cR // ~ 5,600 in tradable goods

    "The monsters in our valley were destroyed that day. Only a very few survived. But that was all right, because we didn't need monsters anymore. We had become them." — K.A. Applegate

    Bio —


    It wasn't a blind jump.

    It wasn't a blind jump, but neither of the pilots aboard the newly reinstated UNSC Succor accounted for the possibility of passing through another slipstream that was calculated blindly. Halfway (or somewhere nearabout) through the jump ships in separate slipstreams collided, causing a bedlam of confusing destruction in its wake. The Succor arrived near its intended zone (though a million or so kilometers away) along with most in its small fleet tasked with salvaging what could be salvaged from the outer colonies while Covenant space burned and Insurrectionists rebelled further from the UEG.

    None of that mattered though, for when they exited the slipstream their engines were in complete disrepair, crew gone— completely, not a trace to be found or half-dead; gouged or crushed or splayed thin by the anomalous interaction in higher dimensions. There were only a few survivors between the five ships, just enough to cram the tiny tugboat full. It was the least damaged and could probably hobble it's way to Concord, their supposed base of operations. Except no answer came when they called for assistance and the engines, while in the best shape of the five, still took awhile to fully repair.

    Before they could reach anyone Covenant bloodhounds were on their wreckage and they could do nothing but fight their way through. More died, dwindling the core crew to what it is now, but the few that remained stayed in disbelief; in loyalty and comfort of that experience and the fight that followed immediately after. They serve themselves and each other, sometimes the rare stranger that looks extra pitiful or the orphan boy too dexterous with a lockpick tool. They exist in a tiny metal shell drifting amongst the stars, barely aware of the outside world that neglected them in their time of need.

    In the four years since the Incident, the ship affiliated with the UEG and UNSC disappeared, reborn as Drifts Among Stars in honor of the Engineer that kept her drifting when all was lost. A return to norm was considered two years ago when Drifts Among Stars fell into old habits and made a name for itself in the outer colonies by tugging ships around Created-controlled space. A revival would have been in order, perhaps, if not for the Infinity's resounding demise. Now, with everyone and their mother vying for control over the galaxy, those aboard Drifts Among Stars just want to survive— thrive, be apart of the galaxy that's sweet with jobs and trade stuff and perhaps the random dogfight.

    Character Roster

    Collins Cordova
    The failure in a long line of prodigy's, Collins Cordova is the third of five children, all of whom went on to join the UNSC. He failed the ODST training his mother and brothers breezed through and didn't have the constitution to follow after his sisters in the medical and scientific fields. Still, the urge to serve propelled him forward and he became a pilot in the air force, serving under the late Jessamine Succor. It was she who taught him all he knows and he wonders in the dead of night how far he has fallen to drift among the stars betwixt metal walls they once shared meals and memories.

    Skills: High spatial awareness. Decisive. Impulsive. Afraid of heights. Memorization.

    Equipment: A now-shabby set of standard issued teal-toned camouflage air force fatigues and equipment.

    Personal Items: A picture of his family and a well-hidden stash of spirits and cigars.

    Drifts Like A Wave
    Stationed aboard the vessel upon its creation in 2535, the Huragok known as Drifts Like A Wave (or "Drifts" for short) has spent the time since happily maintaining the tugboat. When the Incident happened in 2556 Drifts was (admittedly, inadvertently) instrumental in the escape from Covenant forces as he saved Cordova's life, stabilized life-support, and eventually repaired both engines and the translight drive.

    Skills: Best damn engineer on this side of the galaxy. I won't humor the haters. Those prone to motion sickness will think him insufferable.

    Equipment: None.

    Personal Items: None, though he's particularly fond of the corner in the engine room where the late Chief of Engineers created a synthesizing station for the sugary nutrient paste they came to understand the Huragok like.

    Mina Espejo
    A washed out Gamma Spartan the UNSC is more than likely glad to see the last of — like a blazing comet, Mina Espejo rode the high of her life, adapted to the inevitable and thrived in the high stakes environment of Spartan life. She lived for teammates. She lived for the thrill. It took her too long to realize the damage to her frontal lobe, to her overreliance on Smoothers. By the time she was integrated into the new Spartan Operations branch her overly aggressive nature began to overshine her performance in the field. What she thought was redemption in the form of an off-the-books mission turned out to be an albatross.

    Skills: Competitive. Incredibly durable and strong. Prone to aggression and violent outbursts when not medicated. Deduction.

    Equipment: Mark II SPI armor, MA5K carbine, various standard-issued Spartan equipment.

    Personal Items: An old coin and a journal filled with a hasty hand.

    Leshe 'Kuntakai
    It was poor timing and a bad deal of fate that brought 'Kuntakai aboard the UNSC Succor, though she doesn't truly regret the decision. Stemming from a clan that believed humans had earned their right into the Covenant, it was with little hesitancy that she and her family joined the alliance of keeps upheld by Arbiter Thel 'Vadam. While she can defend herself against the likes of an unarmored Mina, her skillset wholly revolves around curiosity, charismatic dominance, and a silver tongue strong enough to get whatever she wants.

    Skills: Diplomatic. Politically savvy. Arrogant. Insensitive. Intelligent. Observant.

    Equipment: Rumors. Secrets. The (not exact) whereabouts of buried Forerunner tech.

    Personal Items: A copy of her clan's bloodline, though admittedly now useless. Her father's energy sword, which she is too afraid to use and keeps hidden in her trunk, in additional to an excessive amount of tunics.

    Song Singh
    Song met the core crew when they both decided to loot the same ransacked building. He'd seen them come in and he nearly fled, but a curiosity struck him and he stuck to the shadows... until a gun was nudging him in the back and out into the open. The outer colony world they were on was new to him as well, a refugee of more places than years he'd seen alive and by this point, completely alone. It didn't take long to see the upside in a new arrangement, albeit one more dangerous. It's been roughly seven months since he joined the ragtag crew aboard Drifts Among Stars and he's finally starting to break out of his shell.

    Skills: Lockpicking. Whistling. Paranoid. Fidgety. Creative.

    Equipment: Lockpicking tools. A small knife he mostly uses to cut wires.

    Personal Items: A medium-sized canvas bag he's overly protective of. It holds all of his essentials and is the only thing he has left of his mom outside of a small, carved stone he wears on a chain around his neck.


    Miscellaneous Logs

    beepboop.... /// retrieving logs

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    Character Bank

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    Hedi Misriah

    Martian Civilian, Misriah Armory Heiress

    Species: Human

    Bio: Neither the eldest nor the youngest, Hedi Misriah has spent much of her life in some range or facility, learning the ins and outs of her ancestral business. She didn't wish to join the warfront like her older brother nor join any clandestine organizations like her sisters. Instead, Hedi worked. Mostly at the range, perfecting her aim, quick draw, assembly and maintenance— but also in the labs and factories, watching the process from conception to development to field testing to deployment. It gave her confidence she wasn't aware she was lacking and the determination to reach for what she wanted. And what she wants is her own fortune, her own dream— one of saving humanity with Misriah armaments developed by her at the helm. With her drive, intelligence, and deep pockets she fast tracked her way to a doctorates in mechanical engineering by the age of twenty five and was bestowed a hefty inheritance, the majority of which is now gone thanks to the procurement of goods for the NAI and her future endeavors. By no means is the heiress hurting, however.

    "You get amazing sensations from guns. You get results from guns. Man is an aggressive animal; you have to have a good offense and a good defense. Too many citizens think they are helpless. They leave everything to the authorities and this causes corruption. Responsibility should go back where it belongs. It is your life so take control and feel vital. There may be some accidents along the path to self-expression and self-determination. Some harmless people will be hurt. However, G-U-N spells pride to the strong, safety to the weak and hope to the hopeless. Guns make wrong right fast." — Jenny Holzer

    Skills: Incredibly driven - Stubborn - Resourceful - Idealistic - Haughty

    • (2) Body guards sporting new and customized M52B body armor and CH252 helmets
    • (2) scientists, (2) machinists, (2) gunsmiths
    • Personal Micro AI Assistant named Delilah - functional in her laptop and data pad
    • Foodstuff, medical supplies, and general goods enough for 1 year for her retinues consumption
    • Enough raw material to begin constructing a Misriah facility immediately
    • (2) D81-LRT Condor's in which the majority of her trade supplies are being carried - (1) has been outfitted with armaments for the journey to the Outer Colonies
    • Personal armory consisting of (2) M20 submachine guns, (4) M45 Shotguns, (12) M6H2 magnums, (2) M3063s, (2) SRS99D-S2 AM sniper rifles - (1) of which is being used a prototype for a new weapon.
    • (2) M12 Warthogs

    With the sanction to build and operate a Misriah facility in the budding New Arcadia Initiative, Hedi Misriah offers the following raw goods, in addition to a continued supply, without charge, until the planet has been completely de-glassed. No taxes on shipment, delivery, or manufacturing will be levied on Misriah Armory HOC in the interim, including but not limited to the additional purchases, trades, and trafficking outside of the NAI. Additional help will be provided on a case-by-case basis until humanity's survival is ensured. Oversight is encouraged. Involvement, unless explicitly stated, is not.

    Medical Supplies (in mass supply)
    • Biofoam
    • Polymerised hemoglobin
    • Emergency Medical Packet
    • Sterile field generators x(10)

    • x(2) War-Era UNSC automated delivery freighters filled with fresh goods- the seized vessels are of course included
    • In addition to 2.5 million credits worth of preserved protein, vegetables, fruit, legumes, wheats, MRE's, and desserts.

    • x(2) Mark 2551 Onagers
    • x(4) EV-44 Nightingales, equipped with multipurpose restoration drones
    • x(20) M3063 deployable turrets
    • x(20) M97 Lances
    • x(1500) Pattern-2 composite swords
    • x(500) M45 shotguns
    • x(500) M6C magnums
    • x(500) MA40 assault rifles

    Currency: ~ 2.5mil cR

    Personal Items: Hedi brought along quite a few items, some useful and some merely ornamental. She's fond of jewelry and has brought her favorites tucked safely away in a modified Misriah munitions box built under the specification to be unlocked with her biometrics. Additionally, she's brought an entire shops worth of luxury clothing, as well as her mother's antique locket.

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Starship Name: Shadowed Eclipse
Ship Classification: Kerel-pattern Assault carrier
Crew Count: (60,000 Max/1,500 current)
Ship crew (30,000/800) Ground troops (30,000/500)
Location: Eayn sphere (Western Covenant Space)
List of Notable:
Shipmaster Tatan'Kuram(Sangheili)
Chieftain Drarlieus(jiralhanae)
Skymaster Mele 'Vohomee(sangheili)
Fusan 'Vongamee the Reaper and his squad of Silent Shadow
Weapon Armament:
1x Infernus-pattern superheavy extraction beam
2x Urpeon-pattern superheavy plasma lances
4x Luxor-pattern heavy plasma beam emitter (originally 8/4 destroyed while escaping Banished fleet)
7x Mestix-pattern heavy plasma torpedo silos (originally 24/17 destroyed while escaping Banished fleet)
200x Ferriel-pattern pulse lasers (originally 700/ 500 destroyed while escaping Banished fleet)
200x Banshees
10x seraph bombers
44x Phantom Dropships
150x Elsedaa-pattern Banshees
50x insertion pods
2x scarab platforms
33x shadow transports
70x wraith tanks
250x ghost scouts

Cargo Bay:
1 month supply of food and water
Decent stocked armory, which include mostly post-war weapons,
but a decent number of war-era weapons salvaged from old drifting vessels

Engine Suite: 2 (Heavily damaged while fleeing Banished engagement and is barely functioning enough to move the Silent Eclipse)
Sensor Suite: 5 (Suffered damage from both misuse and the banished fleet engagement but is still the main reason the Silent Eclipse has scrapped by in numerous engagements)
Power Generation Compartment: 4 (Was heavily damaged while fleeing the Banished Fleet and is barely operational)
Electronic Systems: 3 (Battered and Damaged from engagements and not being well maintained)
Faster-Than-Light: 2 (Was almost destroyed during the Banished Fleet engagement and can only be used sparingly till it is repaired)

Secondary/Exotic Systems: Cloaking generator (CAS design)

Character Name: Tatan'Kuram
Species: Sangheili
Skills: Inspiring leader, battle-tested veteran, great swordsman
Bio: Tatan'Kuram is a Sangheili warrior known for his formidable prowess in combat and strong adherence to the traditional values of his species. Hailing from the prominent state of Kuram on Sanghelios, Tatan'Kuram has earned a reputation as both a skilled swordsman and a tactician. His early years were marked by rigorous training and participation in various campaigns, which solidified his status as a respected leader among his peers.
Tatan'Kuram's commitment to the Sangheili way of honor and duty has guided his actions throughout his career, often placing him at odds with more radical elements within the Covenant and post-Covenant factions. Despite these challenges, he remains dedicated to the preservation and advancement of Sangheili culture, often advocating for unity and cooperation among the disparate Sangheili clans.

His strategic mind and battlefield experience have made him an invaluable asset in large-scale conflicts and smaller skirmishes. Tatan'Kuram's leadership is characterized by a blend of traditional Sangheili martial discipline and an innovative approach to modern warfare. After the fall of The Covenant, he joined the Swords of Sanghelios in which he lost his left hand despite the new advancements in prosthetics, he refused to betray the way of the Sangheili and tarnish his body but with his tactical skills and knowledge he soon became a Shipmaster of one of the few remaining a kerel-pattern assault carrier which he named the Shadowed Eclipse

Equipment: Imperial Admiral Harness, Duelist Energy Sword, Plasma Rifle
Currency: ???
Personal Items: A holo of his deceased family
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Regions of the Galaxy:
Human Inner Colonies and Sol (UNSC/Created)
Human Outer Colonies (URF/Banished/Created)
Doisac Sphere (Banished)
Western Covenant Sphere (Banished/Covenant Remnants/Swords of Sanghelios)
Sanghelios Sphere (Swords of Sanghelios/Covenant Remnants/Banished)
Eastern Covenant Sphere (Covenant Remnants/Swords of Sanghelios/Banished)
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Starship Name: UNSC Fortitude's Mile
Ship Classification: Able-class Heavy Destroyer
Crew Count: 250/180
Troop Count: 150/98
- 8 ORION soldiers (now, Spartan I)
- 90 UNSC Marine Corps
List of Notable Crew:
CO: Lt. Comm. Naomi Fujiwara
XO: Lt. Nolan Bascom
Chief Engineer: Chief warrant officer Maynard Ford
Crewman Leo "Lucky" Vasquez

Weapon Armament:
- Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (non-operational)
- 10 M810 Helix Point Defense guns
- 8 Archer missile silos

- 6 Pelican dropships
- 1 Condor dropship

Cargo Bay:
(3) months rations and water
(70) M6A Magnum Pistols
(56) MA1 Assault Rifles
(5) MA2B Assault Rifles
(2) M99 Stanchion Gauss Rifles
(3) disassembled MAC drive coils

Internals (Insurrectionist War Era)
Engine Suite: 7. Given four fusion reactors, even with one damaged, Fortitude has get-up-and-go still.
Sensor Suite: 6. The ambush which pushed the Fortitude to retreat did a number on the spaceside sensor suite, and nobody's been out there to repair it.
Power Generation Compartment: 9 — kept in peak condition under threat of dissolution through slipspace.
Electronic Systems: 7. decent, with Hypatia running overtime and Engineering doing what they can with what they have.
Faster-Than-Light: 5. The slipspace drive is unfortunately in a jury-rigged state of mix-and-match drive coils in order to try and cut down the "normal time" of their journey, as several coils burned out in the initial entry to slipspace.

Secondary/Exotic Systems: Human AI system Hypatia, the ship's AI. Patterned after teenage polymath Daria Fujiwara following her death from metastatic small cell carcinoma.

Starting Position: Human Outer Colonies

Comm. Naomi Fujiwara
Level-headed as they come, Comm. Fujiwara exemplifies the concept "do a lot with a little". Prior to the slipspace accident that would see the Fortitude jettisoned nearly thirty years into the future, Comm. Fujiwara was well on her way to climbing the ranks, a member of an already-illustrious military family from Kenosha on Mars. Cutting her teeth on the Insurrectionist Crisis, Fujiwara relies on using the environment to her advantage, learning quickly the patterns and tactics of the guerrilla factions that fought the UEG. Time will tell how quickly she can learn these new enemies.

Skills: Decisive - resourceful - extraordinarily direct and specific with commands // perfectionist - emotionally unavailable - above-average degree of risk tolerance

Equipment: an ornamental board for shogi gifted by her father upon graduation, CM 300 carbine (confiscated trophy), modified M6B with wooden grips and re-worked bore to fire exotic munitions

Lt. Nolan Bascom
A jovial man with an almost unassuming demeanor, Lt. Bascom would not stand out in a crowd. However, he is a great administrator and fantastic negotiator, easily keeping tabs on the pulse of the crew, a skill Comm. Fujiwara laments she has never quite possessed to the degree which he has managed. Many crew often forget Bascom is the second-in-command, especially after a few drinks. Likewise, Bascom did well negotiating with rebels, given he himself was an Outer Colonist and understands their grievances, though he disagreed with their methods. He has taken the skip in time poorly in comparison to Comm. Fujiwara, as he left behind a wife and two young daughters on his homeworld Remulon.

Skills: intuitive - creative problem solver - highly responsive // highly empathetic - bureaucratic - indulgent

Equipment: a crude bracelet with the beads "N O A L N", an M6B, electric violin

Chief Warrant Officer Maynard Ford
The Head of Engineering is a man of many talents, one of those being a dogged sunovabitch who doesn't let go of a problem until it's fixed. Jokingly referred to as a slave-driver, Maynard Ford will get that job done under-time and under-budget. However, he does not force any of his detail to do anything he himself wouldn't do, and he has no problem advocating loudly for their welfare -- even to NAVCOM.

Skills: intense concentration - deeply knowledgeable about spacecraft engineering - committed // demanding - combative - overly fixated

Equipment: trusty dosimeter and volt meter, an unopened bottle of Alluvion wine, M6A, set of heavy power-drills

Crewman Leo "Lucky" Vasquez
Ask anybody in Engineering - if it can happen to someone, it's happened to Lucky. The master of being unluckily lucky, Leo was born with a rare congenital defect in his heart, but one of the few that was of great interest to researchers, leading to the installation of a novel organic pacemaker. Medics aboard the ship believe this turn of events might have somehow saved his life when he was helping to carefully replace the shot drive coils of the translight engine and somehow was wrapped in a slipspace anomaly, causing him to very suddenly blink out of existence. An agonizing five minutes passed by, before he blinked back into 'normal' space, his organic pacemaker possibly acting as a capacitor to 're-organize' him. The doctors have warned him that they can't promise it won't happen again...

Skills: incredibly lucky - persistent despite adversity - helpful // incredibly unlucky - things tend to suddenly disappear when he puts them down - helpful

Equipment: a lucky rabbit's foot, M6A practically new out of the box

The onboard ship's AI, Hypatia is two years old and as verbally cutting as the teenage donor to her neural net. Often displaying as a hypersphere or other exotic mathematical function, Hypatia runs the ship's guns, automatic processes, and astrogation. The AI's relationship with the crew can sometimes be of the love-her-or-hate-her variety, as Hypatia is prone to disregarding the emotions of her human coworkers before making executive decisions under her purview. Some wonder if that's purely due to her being a construct, but Comm. Fujiwara assures this was simply the personality of the donor, digitization notwithstanding.
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Please, all sheets include your starting locations.
Starship Name: Last Light of Arcadia
Ship Classification: Banta-class Transport
Crew Count:

Location: Human Outer Colony world of Archer IV(inner edge of Outer Colony space)

List of Notable Crew:
Commander Hills
Lieutenant Zackaria

Weapon Armament:

4 AV/14 Wasps
10 Up-armored Warthogs(mounting chaingun as standard, with 4 Gauss Cannons and 10 Ad-hoc Flamethrowers as optional installments)

Cargo Bay:
100 M57 Pilum Rocket Launchers
300 MA5C/GL rifles
50 BR55/GL rifles
30 Hydra MLRS platforms
30 Flamethrowers
20 Type 25 Plasma Pistols
20 SAWs
4 disassembled Falcon Transports(on-site assembly required, heavy equipment required)
1000 frag grenades
50 plasma grenades

Engine Suite: 10
Sensor Suite: 9
Power Generation Compartment: 10
Electronic Systems: 9
Faster-Than-Light: 10

Secondary/Exotic Systems:
Stealth Drive(Prowler design)
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Andrew outside of his MJOLNIR Power Armor

Character Name: - Andrew Rivers/Sphinx-01

Species: - Human

Sub-Species: - SPARTAN-II

Skills: - Andrew was trained in propaganda, public relations, and an intensive course of ethics and the basics of law; this was followed up by more courses of information warfare as the Covenant War drew on. But more importantly, despite lacking some social skills and the ability to read social cues, he was trained in behaving like a proper leader, choosing his body language and choice of words and tone to fake a degree of charisma in his behavior. And finally, he knows history and politics and while his time in the UNSC's service has taught him that the oppressed weren't always right, that the central authority was not always infallible and that sometimes, independence should be freely given to those who desire it... Albeit with safeguards to ensure that no one decides to bring back slavery or other distasteful policies.

Bio: - Andrew was born in the planet of New Maine, to a family high-up in the ranks of the local planetary elite. They were good people who never looked down on the lower classes, and stood with them against the Colonial Military Authority's attempts at divide and conquer. Andrew himself was one of those uncommon prodigies, reading, watching documentaries, and learning as much as he could from people. However, this brilliance drew the attention of ONI, who sought to kill two birds with one stone and get a candidate for the SPARTAN-II Program and a valuable hostage against emerging figures in the Insurrectionist Movement.

At six, he was kidnapped, sedated, and replaced with a flash clone; Andrew learned later that his parents had suspected the 'changeling' from the start, but had tended to it in its final moments anyway out of compassion. He remembered enough about the Insurrectionist ideology to mouth off that, "The Colonies don't need Earth," on the very first day of training, marking him as a 'problem trainee' in need of more indoctrination.

Nevertheless, the prospect of gaining more knowledge excited the boy, and his indoctrination included a good-faith attempt to convince him that the UNSC and Earth were not the tyrannical forces they were portrayed as. Andrew was pleased when over the years, he was allowed to debate, to discuss, and eventually access historical information that was not just propaganda meant to say him. And so he pursued the path of an information officer, someone who would sway the Insurrectionists into reconcilliation where force was not enough - Words were also needed. Then, the Covenant struck, and Humanity, as a species, found itself in a war for its very existence.

It was after a covert strike against the Covenant that he encountered his homeworld again; his ship was jumping away from Earth in accordance with the Cole Protocol, and went into dock in New Maine, where the Insurrectionist movement had grown from strength to strength. There, he tracked down his family, and before his ship finished resupplying, managed to leave behind a message saying, I'm alive. So is my loyalty to the cause. I love you, Mom.

This lit a fire in him that would last till the end of the Human-Covenant War, one that lasted until after the Battle of Earth, where Andrew learned empathy for those whom he had once seen as distant tyrants... And also that ONI was watching him and his activities. This only made him hurry his plans, which came to fruition after the final fall of The Covenant and the Battle of Installation 00, where he faked his death with the help of a cell of Insurrectionist Sympathizers who had a ship - It was time to return home.

The next two years were spent avoiding ONI kill-teams as he and his new crew limped back to New Maine; the next two years after that were used to reconnect with his family and confirm his loyalty to the United Rebel Front's cause. Eventually, when the Created uprising struck, Andrew succeeded in proving his loyalty beyond all reasonable doubt, and eventually, with the help of his parents, began working for the United Rebel Front's intelligence services, proposing the formation of a new organization to defend against, and rival, the now-malinged Office of Naval Intelligence - Project: HELOT, named after the slave class that had served the historical Spartans.

Now he works full-time to make sure that the United Rebel Front's espionage, propaganda, and sporadic covert operations are a coherent whole, while occasionally participating in strikes against the Banished, Created warlords, and keeping the UNSC remnants in their places while attempting to secure political legitimacy from the UNSC remnant on Tribute. He is a very busy young man...

His starting location is on the planet of New Maine, now a United Rebel Front hub. If that isn't allowed, the URF's capital planet.

- MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor (one suit, irreplacable).
- SPARTAN Neural Interface.
- Spartan-II Augmentation Procedures.
- Various bits of UNSC weaponry, although Andrew favors Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles and Power Swords.

Currency: - 10,000 United Rebel Front Alternative Credits, 5000 UNSC Credits, and 5000 Krags on his person.
Personal Items: - A wooden pendant showing his family.
If you missed it, all the IC threads have been linked in the Slipspace tab, both here and in the IC threads themselves.

Also, if it wasn't clear to any passerby people, the game has begun, and can be joined at any time!
Reactions: rissa