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Manna Beast

I don't trust trees. They're shady.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
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  1. Speed of Light
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  3. 1-3 posts per day
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  8. Slow As Molasses
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All day, every day
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-Fantasy with means of magic and sword based feelings, i do prefer a bit of romance in stories
-Modern with again a fantasy feel
-Cut in anything with a bit of Romance and I can give it a try.
I have a topic of discussion with my husband that may be the equal form of pineapple on pizza that I need opinions for!

Grilled cheese, dip or not to dip in ketchup!

Myself and my son both dip and my husband does not! So I need opinions! And to giggle of course.
I don't dip, but then again I'm one of those occultists that puts mayo inside the grilled cheese and grills it with butter on the outside, so...
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NOOOOOOO I VOTED TO DIP, but I was thinking of tomato soup, I just YEETED in my vote, NOT THE KETCHUPPPPPPPPP
K-ketchup? That's a new one. I don't dip either way. I don't really eat tomato soup, though I'm sure i'd like it. But I prefer just eating my grilled cheese with some potato chips.
I dip my grilled cheese in tomato soup and mayo sometimes
I like to dip into the tomato soup but not every bite. I also like a grilled cheese with tomato as part of the sandwich. I have no apologies
Say YUP to the 'CHUP!

I don't like it but I encourage everyone to do it anyway.
I don't like grilled cheese. >:[
Ketchup? Methinks you misspelled marinara. In which case, dip that ish!

The idea that pineapple doesn't belong on pizza may well be one of the greatest deceptions of our time.

Wow, we're at an impasse now.
Depends on the type of cheese! A young mature cheese? Dip. An old cheese? No dip.
I dip.... as a bonus, I have a shirt that reads "I put ketchup on my ketchup." Just to be clear about my stance in general.
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ketchup is just cold tomato soup, fite me
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Hello I have been summoned to a fite
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  • Nice Execution!
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ketchup is just cold tomato soup, fite me

have u never heard of sPICES!!!!!!!!!!! this is FALSE BEYOND REASON

DIP YES BUT INTO KETCHUP???????????????????????
to each their own fam but highkey sounds like a waste of a good bite o grilled cheese
Just because they're both tomato-based does not make them the same thing!!!! I don't think Ketchup and grilled cheese would be awful, but it isn't my first, second, or last choice. So not dip.
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I admit I don't feel so enthusiastic about pouring a Bloody Mary over my french fries.
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Dipping, what would you dip it into-


Why would you dip a perfectly good grilled cheese into the worst sauce mankind ever created?!
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Nah. If it was some other sauce like more cheese I'd dip.
And all along, I bet you all thought that it was blood on my avatar's face. Dipping grilled cheese is just that serious.
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I dip in sour cream. Anyone else? No? Okay....I'll go back to my dark corner. *slinks back to shadow corner, not to be heard from for another month*