STORAGE TESTING Ghostie's Spooks and Spirits (coding tests + charries)

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"Double dose with a toast to you creepy GHOST!"
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All fucking day because I have no life
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Modern, Supernatural,
Just gotta start this beeches xD


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❅❅❅ ▬▬

Nickname: ||Izzy||Iza||Iz||Belle||
Age: 17


Face Claim: Emeraude Toubia
Color Resource: B0DFEB



❅Theme Song❅
Upset - Drake

Izabelle Ilana Garcia

Ee-zuh-bel // ill-ah-nuh // G-ar-si-uh//




5ft 4in


144 pounds

❅Hair Color❅
Dark brown, almost black and falls down just past the middle of her rib cage. She usually wears it straight down, in curls, or in a nice bun.

❅Eye Color❅
Normally they're an icy gray color with flecks of blue in them, but they change to a darkish silvery-blue when she's angry or upset.

❅Clothing Style❅md
Iz's clothing style can only be described as girly and fashionable. She likes to wear a lot of cute dresses and skirts usually paired with a nice pair of flats or heels. Sometimes she'll go more laid-back with some sweatpants, a nice top and boots.

❅Three lobe piercings on both ears


❅She has freckles across her nose and cheeks


There is nothing written, recorded or ever even spoken that says Izabelle Garcia isn't a social butterfly. In all honesty she's a bit of a party girl, always going out with friends and ready to have a good time no matter what. She's extremely open-minded and always willing to take other's opinions into consideration. Izzy is a fashionista and she's always well-dressed and looking presentable. She is also pretty daring and spontaneous, always wanting to do new things and have fun without a legit plan of how to do it. Her curiousness only adds to her spontaneity, making her a little bit of a hot mess at times. Because she is so sociable, it is easy for her to make new friends. Don't let her slightly naive, spontaneous side fool you though, Izabelle can also be one of the most serious people ever. This really showing when she gets intensely into her work and, engaging in deep conversations or when she gets emotional (which surprisingly happens often; she's kind of acrybaby).

❅Positive Traits❅
❅Good listener

❅Negative Traits❅
❅Easily angered

❅Flower gardens
❅Fashion and design
❅Getting her nails done
❅Fashion shows
❅Deep conversations
❅Tall guys
❅Cole Sprouse

❅Messing up her makeup
❅Creamed corn
❅Being bored
❅Wet socks
❅When plans fall through
❅Squeaky shoes
❅Getting the end of a book ruined
❅Hot dogs
❅Fresh cut grass smell
❅Throwing away clothes or anything she thinks is important
❅The fact that her brother sometimes calls her Yzma because her name sounds close.

❅Designing clothes
❅Photography (especially in the Winter)
❅The Arts


❅Recent Years❅


Izabelle and Mindy are honestly the best of friends. Although the Renaldi's moved away, Iz and Mindy stayed in touch all the time and kept close. They also run a collaborative YouTube channel together!

❅Crushes/Significant Other❅


Mother: Valentina Rosalina Garcia
Father: Jorge Santiago Garcia
Older Brother: Valentino "Tino" Jose Garcia
Twin Brother: Santiago Sol Garcia
Younger Sister: Esperanza Maria Garcia

❅Her favorite colors are any shades of light blue and white
Her lucky number is 12
Her familiar is a snowy owl named Elsiya from the mid 1800s
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✮✮✮ ▬▬

Nickname: ||Wolf||Wolfy(Only to his sister; anyone else gets hit||
Age: 19


Face Claim: Christopher McCrory
Color Resource: 190FD4



✮Theme Song✮
West Coast - The NeighbourhoodBlue - The NeighbourhoodSelf Care - Mac Miller

Wolfgang Idris Renaldi

W-ull-f-guh-ang // id-ruh-iss // Rg-en-ah-ll-dee//


None except a tiny tiny tiny bit of mediumship


6ft 3.5in

Slightly muscular but not too buff, and athletic

207 pounds

✮Hair Color✮
Dark brown, almost black and shaved on the sides and in the back in a taper style. The top is a couple of inches long. It's always soft and well kept. Sometimes he likes to let it grow out and get a little shaggy and it's a bit curly when like that.

✮Eye Color✮
Normally they're an icy blue color but they get darker when he's angry.

✮Clothing Style✮
Wolf likes to dress in a lot of black. Not always black, but usually a lot of things he wears are black. He likes wearing flannels and band-tees, usually with black jeans and boots or Converse sneakers. Sometimes he'll dress a little bit nicer.

✮He has a nose ring on his left side.
✮Two lobe piercings on both ears, one of which is stretched to about 9/16th of an inch.

✮The one pictured on his neck
Cobra and Snake on his right forearm

✮He has a beauty mark right above the right side of his lip
✮Star shaped birthmark on the left side of his neck
✮He has a burn scar about the size of a baseball on his right side from a fire spinning accident


Wolfgang, or Wolf as he is most commonly known is a guy that's a bit of an asshole and kinda brooding. He's a guy with a bit of trust issues; and some insecurities about himself that makes him hard to be around in his eyes. Because he's grown so blunt over the years, he can be very insensitive to other people's feelings (even if he doesn't mean to sometimes.) Wolf has no problem telling people the things they don't want to hear but should, or how he truly feels about them. This gives him kind of a secretive vibe and standoffish, but he does have his reasons for keeping everyone at a distance. Wolf occasionally (and by occasionally, I mean constantly) get into fights because of his IED. He can be protective over the people he cares deeply about and has no problem fighting with anyone who attempts to come at him or someone he loves crazy. Because of his Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Wolfgang has sudden episodes of intense anger that he can't exactly help; and he feels as though no one will be able to be completely cool with him because of it. He feels like he's the only one (other than his sister of course) that will be there for him no matter what since no one else really has; therefore, it takes a while for him to actually be trusting of someone enough to let them into his life. Once you push past his indifferent tough guy exterior, you'll find Wolf is a really nice guy who's just protective, caring and has no problem showing his kind and gentle side. An example is the fact that Wolf can play the piano and cello tremendously and has quite the taste for classical music. Who fucking knew huh?! If you prove to him that you're a loyal friend, he'll stick by your side and be there for you no matter what. Once you get to know him better, it's clear to see that he's just scared to let people in.

✮Positive Traits✮

✮Negative Traits✮
✮Short tempered
✮Easily distracted

✮Good girls/guys
✮Classical music
✮Rap music
✮Mac and Cheese
✮Horror movies
✮Playing piano and cello
✮Inspirational stories

✮Bitchy people
✮Losing a fight
✮Being bored
✮Country music
✮His dad
✮Fake cheese
✮House cleaning
✮Broken promises
✮The thought of not doing and being enough

✮Playing with fire
✮Playing piano and cello

✮He love love loves classical music with a passion
✮He can play the piano and cello exquisitely. Only his family knows this and thinks he should share his gift
✮He senses and very seldom sees spirits sometimes like his little sister.
✮He was on the verge of getting a full-ride music scholarship before he dropped out of school
✮Although Wolf says that he dropped out of school so there's less drama and uproar about it, he actually was kicked out after a HUGE IED episode at school.
✮Wolf and Hayley have been in an on-again-off-again long distance relationship for years now although they've agreed to make it really official when they can see each other again. Not even his sister knows and Wolf knows she's gonna be fuckin' livid when she finds out.
✮When they visited their grandmother last summer Wolf would often sneak out at night after his grandmother went to sleep to hang out with Hayley. Again, his sister doesn't even know about this and he feels shitty about not being able to tell her.

✮Losing his little sister
✮Not being able to protect those he cares about
✮Hurting anyone (especially those he cares about) in an IED episode
✮Not being able to get his IED under control

✮Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)


✮Recent Years✮



✮Crushes/Significant Other✮
When they were younger they had a little bit of a kiddie romance. When the Renaldi's moved away they lost touch up until 6 or so years ago when the two reconnected via social media. They were in an on again off again long distance relationship for a while. The two of them saw each other again in person for the first time when Wolf and Minny visited their grandmother, usually having to sneak around because Wolf wasn't allowed out of their grandmother's manor without supervision.


Mother: Cassie Banner
Father: Jacob Renaldi - Skipped out after Minny was born. Fuck him
Sister: Minny Renaldi
Younger Brother(Adopted): Lyle Banner

✮His favorite colors are blue and teal
✮His lucky number is 21
✮He has a pet fruit bat named Amadeus
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Faceclaim: Bridget Hollitt
Penelope Jewel Marshall
24 years old

➳Hair Color➳
Penny's hair is jet black and falls just below her breastbone. She keeps it washed and conditioned, so it's constantly soft and silky.

➳Eye Color➳
Penelope has heterochromia iridium. Her right eye is a dark cocoa brown color, while her left is a beautiful hazel green.

5 ft 7in

137 pounds

Constellation ear piercings on both ears

Watercolor Wolf
Feather Anklet
On A Personal Level

➳Positive Traits➳

➳Negative Traits


➳Her eye color
➳Video games
➳The outdoors
➳Romantic comedies
➳Crystals and geodes
➳Gourmet food
➳Get-togethers with friends

➳Rude people
➳Stomach pains
➳Being upset or angry
➳Dirty laundry
➳Mumble rap
➳False compliments
➳Being rushed
➳Dirty things

➳Trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Capoeira
➳Problem solving

➳Losing her family (including the pack) or anyone close to her.
She already hates the fact she lost her mom.
➳She's lowkey scared of dying which is a little ironic since she faces death almost every day.
Thalassophobia - She absolutely hates deep water (especially lakes, rivers and oceans)
. If she can't touch the bottom, she's not for it
➳Cars - Just the thought of her mom's accident and stuff brings panic attacks to her.
Gotta Be Extra

Penny is a Taurus and was born on April 20th
Her favorite colors are any shades of pink and yellow
Penelope likes to spend her spare time arting (painting/drawing, writing etc.) in the woods by herself. Despite her mostly cheerful and extroverted attitude, she enjoys spending a lot of time by herself.
She was supposed to go with her mother the day she got into the car accident and feels guilty about the fact that she didn't. Penny wishes she could go back, as if there were something her twelve year old self could have done to prevent it.
She often wonders how her life would be if she and her siblings weren't born Lycan; however, she wouldn't dare ever leave the pack or else she'd feel like something was missing
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Faceclaim: Daria Sidorchuk
Belanor SunRae Moon
Cis Female
Spiritual|Kind|Nature lover

"Looks Aren't Everything"

Belanor has both a natural/ethereal form, as well as a human form. She is a Wood Elf; therefore, she has pale smooth skin with a slight blueish elven glow, and pointed ears. In her elf form, her attire mostly consists of well-crafted suits made from plant life. However, when she takes on her human form, her skin gets a more real looking flesh tone, studded with freckles across her nose, cheeks, back and shoulders. Her ears round themselves out and she blends with her tattoos and piercings.

☾Hair Color☀
Bela's hair is a fiery red color and it falls almost below her rib bone. It's naturally wavy, soft, and silky.

☾Eye Color☀
Sunny has a case of heterochromia iridium. Her left eye is very very light blue that it looks almost white, the only thing giving it the mostly blue tint being the darker blue ring around it. Her right eye is light brown with flecks of hazel in it.

5 ft 4in

She has two lobe piercings in both ears, one a pair of opal studs and one a pair of rose quartz studs.

Sun and Moon
Tree of Peace
Dream Catcher
"I'd Love For You To Get To Know Me

☾Positive Traits☀
☾ Energetic

☾Negative Traits☀

☾Hard for her to express herself emotionally sometimes
☀Too cautious

Her eye color☀
The outdoors☀
Crystals and geodes☾

Making medicine☾

Rude people☀
Broken promises☀
Being upset or angry☾
False compliments☀
Being rushed☾
"A Virtue In A Perilous World"


Wood Elf - These elves can usually be found in forests or just out in nature in general.

☀Virtuous Power☾
Elven Physiology
☾Enhanced Agility
☾Enhanced Reflexes
☾Magic (sometimes, not all)
☾Enhanced Accuracy

Plant Manipulation
☀Sun has the ability to manipulate plant life. She can grow, shape and manipulate all forms of plant life including, wood, vines, moss, etc.
☀Plant Growth
☀Plant Attacks


"I Tend To Overshare"

☾Tauno☀Temperance☾Relationship Here☀☾






➳Although Bela is giving, patient and usually a non-violent person, that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to use a weapon or two. She is skilled in archery and knows her way around a dagger and some throwing knives.
Her favorite colors are yellows and any pastel
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Location: Home --> Renaldi Manor

  • "Izabelle, you have to give Mindy and Wolf all of their presents today! It's a welcome home party, for God's sakes!" Valentina said as she followed her daughter to her room, wrapped boxes in hands. Izzy assured her that they only needed a couple simple gifts; a tee shirt, some snacks, maybe a new mod and/or pipe for Wolf and a cool journal or the Teen Wolf box set for Mindy. But Val had insisted on getting just about every gift she and Iz for her daughter's friends.

    "Ay dios mios mamá! ¿Cómo te pones así? How do you get like this? You know Mindy's gonna think all of this is so extra!" Izabelle groaned as she rolled her eyes. If it was one thing she knew about her best friend, it was that she wasn't exactly the one who wanted to be the center of attention. It was already hard enough to get her to throw a 'Welcome Home' party. "So you're telling me that your friends aren't gonna want all of these nice presents?" Valetina asked, her Colombian accent ringing in her ears.

    "Mama. that's not what I said, I'm just saying that this is a lot right now and Mindy's gonna think you're embarrassing and extra." Iza just shook her head and threw her hands up in defeat. "Have Santi take them to the car, mama." Belle sighed, to which her mother replied with a clap as best she could with two boxes in her arms and nodded as she left the room; a proud smile perched upon her face.

    Izzy giggled at her mother as she finished up her famous Not-Too-Messy-Messy Bun and packed the last of her things in a bag before she stopped by Roz's bedroom to make sure she was ready to go. She lightly rapped on the door before leaning against its frame, arms crossed over her chest as she smiled.

    "You ready to go chica? It's time to partay." Izzy laughed as she did a little dance in the doorway. Izabelle was excited for everyone to get together with Roz, especially because that meant she and ALL of her friends could be together. It'd been a long time since Izzy, Mindy and Roz had spend some quality girl time together, so of course that would be exciting as hell!

  • "First of all, I will never say 'partay' like that," she told her cousin in a teasing tone before nodding as she shut her cupboard and walked to the bedside table to grab her phone and shove it into her back pocket. "But yes," Roz chuckled. "I'm ready to go." As always, she was dressed simply in a pair of denim shorts and a loose black t-shirt that was tucked into the front and rolled up slightly at the sleeves.

    Since both girls were good to leave, they got into the car and made their way to Mindy's place, chatting idly along the way. Roz was beyond excited to be meeting everyone. In truth, she was really only familiar with Mindy and her brother a little. She had heard of a girl called Hayley who was also Izzy's friend, but Roz had never met her. Nevertheless, nothing could get her excitement to dwindle because she always enjoyed meeting new people.

    It wasn't long before the two cousins pulled up outside the Renaldi household. "She wants us to enter through the other door," Roz explained when they got out. She'd read the text since Izzy had been driving, and now she helped Izzy take whatever stuff she had brought along to the door around the other side of the house. With her free hand, she opened up the door and walked straight inside. It wasn't hard to follow the voices to a large family room where she happened upon Mindy, and she grinned. It had been so long since she saw her hat she was quite excited to see how she, and her brother -- who currently wasn't around -- had grown. Probably like they'd be to see how she herself had grown.

    "It's so good to see you!" She said with a grin, setting down whatever she was carrying to go give Mindy a hug. "Where's Wolf?" She had not been as close with him as she had been with Mindy but she still considered him a friend.

    It then occurred to her that they were not the only ones around, so her gaze shifted to find two other boys in the room. She offered them a small smile before realising that one of them seemed way too familiar. Roz's eyes scrunched together in confusion and curiosity as she tried to put a name to the face, before it hit her. It had been a couple of years ago, when she had still been young, but there was no doubt in her mind that this was the boy she had been friends with all those years ago, before the fire.

  • Izabelle laughed, making her tone of voice a tad sarcastic before asking, "What, you don't like paar-taayyyss?" Iz spoke through giggles, dancing in a circle as she did. The brunette let out another quick laugh before taking a deep breath with her hand on her chest before she collected herself. "Sorry, my mother came out a little." Iz smiled at her cousin. The two of them checked in with Izzy's mom. And as they skidded along the icy roads to the Renaldi House on the edge of town, Belle took the quality time in the car with her cousin to catch up; and of course, jam out and have a karaoke session to their favorite songs! Because who didn't get down at stop signs and red lights to Drake and the occasional Hannah Montana song?!

    !Ping! Belle's phone buzzed as she drove, but because she was a good responsible driver, she had Roz look at it. Mindy just wanted everyone to go through the back door; which made sense, because who the fuck wanted to walk up stairs every time someone came to the door?


    Iz was highkey shook to see that her mini cooper wasn't the first in front of the house. She was usually the first one to these things! 'Pithed', she thought to herself, chuckling. Roz helped grab the presents out of the car and the girls made their way to the back of the house, taking no time to push the door open (because are they really your best friends if you can't just walk in) and go down the stairs to the family room where most of her friends had collected.

    "Please, no one think I'm being aggy or trying to one-up you by bringing gifts!" Iz spoke quickly as she and Roz entered the room. "My mom's extra and all of you know that." She laughed, setting them down on the floor next to the snack table.

    Iz heard Roz ask about Wolf, who she had only just noticed wasn't in the room, and as if Hayley pressed the Jeopardy button, Iz's phone buzzed to say that she and Wolf were on her way back to the house. "He just picked up Hayley. The two of them are on their way." She smiled, sliding her phone into her back pocket.

    Izabelle was basically the only person who knew about Hayley and Wolf's secret relationship. Iz and Hales had gotten even closer when Mindy left, so it was only like a rule or something! And as much as Izzy wanted to let Mindy in on her brother's relationship with their childhood best friend, like her cousin on her father's side Tiylea said, 'that was between them and God.'

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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade

Location: Reeves' House --> Renaldi Manor

  • Wolf had spent the last twenty minutes outside (with no coat might I add because that would make him a bitch boy), attempting to fix the mailbox that he'd hit with the moving truck yesterday. In his defense, the truck was huge, and he didn't see the mailbox. It was taking absolutely everything in him not to duct tape the broken pieces of wood together and he was just about to take the tape out of the tool bag when Mindy told him to just get one of kind you hung up next to the door. "Oh thank God!" Wolf sighed in content seeing as he didn't have to spend any more time outside in 30- degree weather. Cassie and Rachel laughed at their sun as he struggled and made their way to the car. "You guys have fun, and no drugs and alcohol!" Rachel pointed sternly at him to which Wolf scoffed. "We would never Moms!" He shooed the car off and chuckled; shaking his head as he walked in the house. If only they knew the wild ass plans they had up their sleeves tonight. Wolf had already gotten some spiced rum and a bottle of vodka, along with two grams of oil; and if he wasn't mistaken Damien's cousin Ben was brining some flower to smoke. It was definitely about to be one hell of a night!

    "Hey so I'm gonna head out to go pick up Hayley, she needs a ride over and I said I'd pick her up." Wolf explained to his sister, hands stuffed deep in his pockets. Frankly, he was hoping Mindy wouldn't think much of him going to get Hayley. In all honesty, he'd just wanted to see her before everyone got together at the house. None of their friend's knew about their somewhat long-standing relationship-- well except for Izzy -- who had known for a while because Hayley had said: 'That rule doesn't apply to best friends'. Of course if that were true, Wolf would have told Mindy, huh? And he wanted to! But with the way things were set up now, Wolfgang was in way too deep to let Mindy in on his and Hayley's secret relationship now.

    "Oh yeah, yeah." Mindy nodded in agreement. "That's nice of you, I hadn't heard from her yet, so thanks for going to get her." Wolf smiled sheepishly as he nodded. "Yeah of course, I want all our friends here for this too. Shit is gonna be lit!" Wolf howled the last sentence, clearly expressing his excitement for their get-together. He grabbed the keys from the hook by the front door and left. sending Hales a quick 'I'm on the way' text before driving off.

    As he pulled up to Hayley's house, a small bit of anxiety surged through him, just like it did whenever he had to spend time with his girlfriend's family. Wolf just wasn't sure if her mom liked him like Hayley said she did. He knew she didn't have any reasons not to like him, but there was something about himself rubbed him the wrong way just enough to give him anxiety about it. He took a deep breath before knocking on the front door; smiling softly as it swung open.

  • She had received the text. The old bunch were gathering up at the Renaldi's. Yes they were back, and perhaps some of the memories from the past would return. Hayley Reeves was quite excited about the meet. Upstairs in her room, she was almost if not ready. Listening to some easy, casual music, she had picked up the right, appropriate outfit for the day. She was looking in the mirror and making sure her simple make up was all good.

    Downstairs, the knock on the door prompted her mother, Selena, Hayley's mother walked from the kitchen and opened up the door. "Yes?" She asked, but with a rather curious expression plastered on her face.

    At first glance it was hard to remember who was standing there, however, a short moment later, a short smile crept up on the corner of her lips. Turning to the side, she raised her voice. "Hayley, looks like your friend is here.." Returning her attention back towards Wolf, she squinted, smiled, making the boy nervous.

    "Hayley!" The second time, however, her daughter could hear her mom. "Whaat?!" She asked, opening up the door to her room.

    "Your ride has arrived."

    Pulling the door back, Selena beckoned for Wolf to come inside and wait. It wasn't snowing outside, but it was cold. "She should be down any minute."

    Upstairs, in the room, Hayley was nervous. Wolf was waiting for her. She was going to meet the others, and his sister, Mindy. Oh, this was going to be awkward, but she hoped for the opposite. Quickly, without wasting time, she picked up her phone and got ready to head down to where her mom and Wolf were.

    By now, she probably assumed her mother would be grilling Wolf. Knowing how protective she is, that would not be surprising. Meanwhile, down by the door, Selena just observed Wolf for a few seconds before speaking up again. "My my, it really is you Wolf? You've grown, haven't you."

    "How is your sister? Your mother? Is she back as well?" Selena had her reasons for asking.

    "Where are you two going anyways?" The actual details for the day was not shared with her by Hayley, so curiosity caught the cat. Besides, she was overprotective over her one and only daughter, and there was plenty of good reasons behind that.

    "Alright, alright." From the background, there was Hayley, walking down the stairs. Catching both their attention, she continued.

    "Hey Wolf." A genuine smile was plastered on her face. She was happy to see him. Overjoyed even. Getting up close to him, she almost gave him a tight hug and a kiss but stopped. Their relationship was a secret from the others, but also Selena, her mother.

    "Don't mind my mom, she tends to ask too much of my friends.. Right mom?" A rather annoyed smile was plastered on her face for a mere second.

    "Hmm? Oh no, I did no such thing." Selena responded.

    "Right.. but we should get going, the others are waiting." Hayley nudged Wolf towards the exit.

    "Hayley.. Hayley.. Before you go.." Her mother extended her arms, and Hayley just knew what she had to do. Somewhat embarrassed, she approached her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

    "Love ya mom.. Now bye.. I'll call you later.. I mean if I don't you'll never stop calling me.."

  • Wolf chuckled a little when he noticed the face Ms. Reeves made as she opened the door. It had been a long time since they'd last seen each other.

    Nine years ago to be exact.

    So it made sense that she had almost no idea who he was at first glance.

    "Uh, I'm here to pick up Hayley, Ms. Reeves." Wolf said softly, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck underneath his favorite trapper hat. He chuckled again as Selena yelled for Hayley up the stairs. And he couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face as Hayley simply responded back.

    "She should be down any minute." The woman smiled and Wolf nodded, smiling back at her. He observed many different things around the house a little nervously as Hayley's mom observed him. Wolf tried his best not to be awkward, with no success seeing as he couldn't find anything in the room to strike up a conversation about. His heartbeat picked up when Ms. Reeves spoke up again. "My my, it really is you Wolf? You've grown, haven't you. How is your sister? Your mother? Is she back as well?" Selena asked, which made Wolf chuckle again. Of course that's where Hayley gets it.

    "Yes ma'am, it's really me; all grown up." Wolf smiled, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Mindy's doing well, and Mom's back as well. She's even remarried, I can't seem to remember if you were at the wedding or not." Wolf furrowed his eyebrows a little. "We're just all getting together and hanging out. You know, watching movies, binge eating tons of pizza, usual teenage things." He chuckled.

    As Hayley came down the stairs, there was almost an instant feeling of relief that washed over Wolf. He'd almost let out a content sigh, but didn't want to make things any more awkward than they already were. "Hey Hales, it's been a while." Wolf was "alright" with the quick hug they were able to give each other, but he definitely would have preferred a kiss to a hug. "That's what moms are for, Hales." He laughed a little, looking betwee Hayley and her mother. "Try having two of them." Wolf joked, smiling as they hugged. He couldn't help but love the close relationship Hayley had with her mother. Yeah part of it was because of how protective Selena was over Hayley, but another huge part of it was love too.

    Wolf let out a breath of relief once the two of them had gotten settled into the car. "Your mom gives me anxiety not knowing we're together." He looked out his window up at the house to make sure her mom wasn't looking, (even though he knew the windows were tinted enough). "Imagine how it'd be if she knew we were dating. Maybe she'll stop?" He laughed, leaning over to kiss Hayley softly. He pulled away, looking in her eyes before he spoke again. "But do you think she really likes me?" He chuckled.

  • Once they finally left her house and got in the car, there was no need to keep their relationship on the low end, but Hayley couldn't help but notice how careful Wolf was acting, looking towards the house. "Knowing her, she will eventually." She chuckled to the thought of it.

    A moment later, they kissed one another, and it felt great to be normal around each other again. However, his next question was funny. "Maybe she does?" She teased, leaning her head against his shoulder.

    "I'm just glad you're here." Tilting her head, making eye contact, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. A thoughtful smile was plastered on her lips, before she pulled back. She remembered to text Izzy back.

    "I should let Izzy know we're on the way." Pulling her phone up, she was happy, and one could see that immediately.

    *Wolfy just picked me up, we're on our way lovely, see you soon <3*

  • Wolf just nodded and smiled, driving off as Hayley's fingers typed away at her keyboard. He'd started to drive with one hand -- something he had perfected while eating bugers and driving to school late -- taking Hayley's hand and placing a kiss on the top, smiling to himself. Honestly, he cherished times like these that they had alone because the two of them didn't get to be all lovey all the time. That was what was so shitty about keeping their relationship a secret from everyone. And not to mention the consequeces of all of it when people found out later or if they happened to slip up. But they'd cross that bridge when it came.

    As the couple pulled into the driveway, Wolf couldn't help but feel prideful at the amount of cars in front of their house. They'd done it! All of the friends were back together again and this would be a night of magnificence!! He walked over to the other side of the car, letting Hayley out and giving her one more kiss before taking her hand and making their way to their friends. There was, however, the bittersweet moment of letting her go just before everyone saw them downstairs. "Hey guys! Well isn't this litty litty like a titty?" He smirked.

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Faceclaim: Bill Skarsgard
Zeppelin Abadante Locuste
Cis Male

"Pain is beauty and I'm always in pain"

Zeppelin's demonic form is one to be feared and make your skin crawl, however his human form is one that is intimidating and charming all in one. Zep is a locust demon. Standing at a little over 18 feet tall with a menacing wingspan. In his demon form Zeppelin is only bone with no flesh and tentacles where his mouth would be. The only noise he makes sounding like swarms of locusts; therefore he speaks through telepathy.

☠Hair Color☠
Zeppelin's hair is brown and a couple inches long. A little bit shorter on the sides than it is on the top. He usually keeps up with it nicely and wears it neat and slicked back most of the time

☠Eye Color☠
Zeppelin's eyes are a storm grey color usually; however when he gets extremely serious or angry his eyes change to a dark grey. Sometimes they'll even go black

6 ft 3.5in

Zep had both of his nipples pierced as well as venom bites (two verticle bars), and snake eyes (a horizontal bar through the front) in his tongue.

Sun and Moon
Tree of Peace
Dream Catcher
"Why The Fuck Do You Wanna Know?"

☠Positive Traits☠

☠Negative Traits☠


☠Expensive things

☠Red roses
☠Fuckin shit up
☠Social gatherings
☠Lavish clothes
☠Being complimented/admired

☠Being ignored
☠False compliments
☠Being challenged
☠Nasty food
☠Being forced to work
☠Wet clothes
☠Being irritated
"Avoid sloth, the mother of all vices..."


Sloth's domain used to be one of lavish and expensive pleasantries and technology. This meant that the streets were studded with beautiful lights, statues, and --with the laziness of Zeppelin -- skywalks (sidewalks but like escalators). You'd think cuz the fucker has wings he'd use them! Nah he's just that lazy.Years ago, Desidia was struck with a meteor leaving the city in ruins. With the meteor still embedded into the city, Zep decided to rebuild; however, being the lazy asshole he is, Zeppelin his people to do it for him. His people were always loyal and willing to do what they could for Zep before; therefore it was only fit they do so after chaos reigned. Because they worked to build their city again, Zeppelin makes it a mission to give out to his people, and they are a somewhat wealthy community. He's not just gonna manipulate the fuck out of them to work and then say 'fuck you'! He's a goddamn gentleman! In the middle of the city is a deep, abyss-like pit where they watch executions, and throw bitches in and shit.

Sloth/Locust Demon. These demons take on many different forms, however the people of Desidia often take the form of human-like bug creatures.

☠Sinful Power☠
Sloth Manipulation
☠Zeppelin has the ability to sense and manipulate the laziness of themselves, as well as other creatures like people and animals. He can somewhat manipulate other emotions, but it is more draining and unpredictable.
☠Sloth Absorption
☠Sloth Negation
☠Slight Emotion Manipulation
☠Emotion Attacks

"The lazy part of me is like 'ehh I really don't wanna' and the fact that I really fucking don't wanna square up with my siblings is like 'DON'T FUCKIN' DO IT!' But the destructive, leader, asshole in me is like, 'Hmm you know what I could rule Hell.' I don't know where the fuck I stand really."
"Honestly this is too much"


☠Drocell☠Greed☠RSHIP HERE|WIP☠



☠Krenari☠Pride☠RSHIP HERE|WIP☠


☠Despite being rather lazy and sometimes careless demeanor, Zeppelin is exceptionally intelligent and resourceful when it comes to research and book smarts as well as hand to hand combat.
☠His favorite colors are gold, oranges, purples and most dark shades

Coding by @Spectre of the Fade
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade
Faceclaim: Bridget Hollitt
Penelope Jewel Marshall
24 years old
Location: Pack House --> Festival

"Ooh fried Oreos! My fave!"

Although everyone else was helping set up for the Moon Festival tonight, Penelope lay asleep in her bed in a mound of blankets; curtain closed, door locked and it completely quiet just the way she liked it. Sadly, as much as she wanted to be awake and helping prepare for the festivities, Penny was an anxiety-riddled night owl; so of course everyone should have expected to see her later that night. She awoke around noon, but only to check her phone before she fell asleep; the only other time she got up being an hour before the Festival when her sister JoJo knocked on her door.

"You gotta get up and get ready for the bonfire!" Penny groaned as she heard JoJo's footsteps recede down the hallway. She groaned once more as she pulled herself out of bed and grabbed her stuff to take a quick shower. "I wish you would have woken me up a little bit earlier." Penny grumbled to her sister as she walked into the bathroom. She hated quick showers, but she couldn't blame anyone but herself. After her shower, Penny made her way back to her room where she got herself ready for the night, where she would gorge herself on festival food and probably a deer or two honestly. She put on her favorite makeup playlist which consisted of mostly rap and a good amount of the song Wake Up by Jesse Rutherford because what girl didn't love a good song about getting ready and looking good.

By the time she'd finished getting dressed and putting on a face, she was almost absolutely sure she was late for the festival. PJ grabbed her bag, turning her stereo off before scrambling out the door to the festival. Penny couldn't help but notice Tyson because as fucking always, he was being extra as shit. Did he really have to kill something in the middle of the festival? No. Was he? Yes. Why do you ask? Because if he wasn't going to be extra, who the hell was? If it was one thing Penny knew about Tyson Fuller, it was that. They were pretty close after all.

She ran past a booth with Italian sodas and decided to grab one because there was no way she was gonna drink on an empty stomach. Penelope took a stand next to Jamie in the back and raised her glass as Dorian finished up his speech. She would be sure to get a drink later, even though she knew there was no way she was drinking anything more than a few jello shots (which she had to force down 'cause she hated jello) and maybe a beer later. So, for now, she graced the food stalls with her presence. Being sure to get a couple carne asada tacos, and a turkey leg. Penny spotted a few of her pack members sitting around a bonfire, enjoying food themselves and she smiled.

"Ooh, fried Oreos! My fave." She spoke as she walked up behind her friends, sneaking a diabetes covered Oreo from Jude's plate. "Hello wonderfuls!" Penelope beamed, sitting in front of the fire on a nearby log before giving a small wave.

➳Coding by @Spectre of the Fade c:
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Spectre of the Fade
Faceclaim: Carolina Porqueddu

Amara Diane Withersby
24 years old

"Pretty isn't everything...right?"

5ft 9.5in

145 pounds

∞Hair Color∞
Amara's natural hair color is dark brown but she dyes it all sorts of colors. Her most favorite being white

∞Eye Color∞

∞Self harm scars on her chest/sternum (she plans to get it covered with this tattoo)
∞She has old piercing scars on her lower lip from old snakebites

∞She has a blotch that kinda looks like the Nickelodeon sigh on her right hip


Caged Owl
Sunflower Half-Sleeve
Crazy Legs
"I am sweat -- flaws -- veins -- scars. I am HUMAN."

Positive Traits∞
∞Dependable∞Wise∞Intelligent∞Charming∞Adaptable∞Curious∞Quick learner

Negative Traits∞
Amara is so all over the place when it comes to her personality, it's fuckin' wild! She's almost literally half of her mother and half of her father. Her mother being the parts she highkey dislikes the most. Like her father, she is energetic and adventurous; always willing to get out of the house to go on a photography run through a cemetery, go bar-hopping (as if they had more than 4 bars in Rosewood) through the city, or even ghost hunt in abandoned buildings. She's always been kinda dark like that. It's definitely all the video games and horror films. Not to mention her father is a renowned comic book writer and has helped on a couple horror games. Amara is passionate about the things she wants in life and what she loves to do, which includes her art, writing and lowkey her modeling too. She's always been ambitious and had huge plans for herself and her future, despite the small town she lives in or how her mother thinks about her dreams. She can be so indecisive and wishy-washy sometimes, especially when it comes to what she wants to do and how she feels about her mother. There are times she'll step in and stand up to her mother, but there are also times where she'll shut up and let her mother walk all over her. It's definitely something she really can't stand about herself. Like her mother, Mara is eloquent and sometimes extremely professional in the way she speaks, the way she writes which her father had some workings in and the way she does some things. She is immensely social, always down to go out with her friends and meet new people; whether it be at a nightclub or just at university. Her model-esque looks and charm adding even more to the social butterfly aspect of her personality. Sadly, Amara feels as though she's gotten a lot of her negative personality traits from her mother. This being her depressed attitude that comes from not only being the daughter of a somewhat vile bitch like Antonia, but also from the insufferable feats she has to go through in the modeling world.

∞Horror movies
∞Comic books
∞Video games
∞Freddy Krueger
∞Her father
∞Hot chocolate
∞Ghost Adventures
∞Creepy things
∞Asian food
∞Creative writing classes

∞Throwing up
∞Her mother
∞Slimy things
∞Being alone
∞Small minded people
∞Authority figures

∞Feeling like a failure
∞Getting stuck (mentally and physically)
∞Shitty movies
∞Feeling weak

∞Advice giving

∞Amara has not yet told her mother that she is going to major in English and become an author. She is absolutely dreading it because she doesn't want to disappoint her.
She's been struggling with Bulimia since before she got out of high school because of the pressures put on her by her mother and the modeling industry.
∞Amara has taken to doing Xanax, Acid and Molly to take her away from the shit and problems in her life. She told her friends that she'd stick to shrooms since it's much safer, but clearly that ain't the truth.
"Never been a perfect soul but I will not apologize!"

There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.


Antonia Lara Withersby∞Mother∞Alive∞
Dexter Dean Withersby∞Father∞Alive∞
Karli Danielle Withersby∞Younger Sister∞Alive∞
Dalton Ace Withersby∞Younger Brother∞Alive∞

∞Kimiko Underwood∞Best Friend∞Kimi and Mara are besties until the end. They've been friends since Kimiko was in the 5th grade and Amara was in the 7th. Although Mara would soon leave her friend for high school soon, that did not stop the two of them from becoming tight as fuck!

∞Romantic Interest∞


"Aren't we all goin' through something?"

∞Amara is a Gemini and she was born May 30th
∞Her favorite colors are purples and yellows.
∞Her mother Toni is a former model and runs her own agency which Mara works for
∞Her father Dex is a comic book writer and her inspiration. She's a absolute daddy's girl.
∞Her younger sister is a model for her mother's agency and honestly Mara is lowkey intimidated by her.

∞What's She Struggling With?
Amara, just like everyone else in her little town, is dealing with plenty of different demons. Her mother and father are going through a divorce which although she isn't necessarily going through the divorce, she hates the fact that her parents are breaking up and is taking it just as hard as them. She is also struggling with her own insecurities and the pressures of modeling like her mother (and not wanting to disappoint her), which has caused her to develop an addiction to Xanax, as well as bulimia. She's scared as fuck to tell her mom that she would rather write than be a model because she's so adamant about she and her sister modeling like her. Mara would much rather write books or become a screenwriter and maybe be an alternative model on the side

∞Is It A Secret?∞
While her parent's divorce is not a secret, Amara's drug addiction and bulimia is something that she really doesn't like to talk to anyone about. Even her best friend. She often likes to tell herself that she has her drug addiction in check (knowing Goddamn well she doesn't) so she doesn't talk to anyone about it. She doesn't talk about her

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Faceclaim: Ash Stymest
Adonis Jared Fyre
26 years old
Lead Singer of Break The Silence

"I'm not much of a looker, love. Just kidding!"

6ft 1in

194 pounds

♬Hair Color♬
Adonis' hair is jet black and shaved on the sides/back while it's long on top in a taper style.

♬Eye Color♬

♬He has a scar on the bridge of his nose from an old bridge piercing
♬Battle scars here and there from life

♬He has a star about the size of a nickle on his left ankle

♬Hoop in his left nostril
♬His right eyebrow has a black bar in

Lit Hands
Guitar Backpiece
Carpe Diem

♬Health Ailments♬
♬Dating Anxiety
"I'm honestly a goofball! Not many get to see that."

♬Positive Traits♬
♬Creative♬Passionate♬Warm-Hearted♬Flirty♬Always hungry♬Straight-forward♬Leader♬Confident♬Generous♬

♬Negative Traits♬
♬Bossy♬Jealous♬Stubborn♬Arrogant♬Shitty at listening sometimes (just tell him to shut the fuck up if you need to)♬Dominating♬Impatient♬Sensitive♬
On the outside looking in, you would think Adonis was this vulgar, blunt, badass; and while that assumption wouldn't be completely wrong, it definitely isn't spot on either! AJ gives off quite the bad-boy persona when it comes to his band and him being on stage, but anyone who's spent any time with him offstage knows that Don is a sweetheart and a fucking goofball. He's always been charismatic and a charmer when it comes to people. When you're feeling down or honestly just any time, Don is bound to make some weird face, do a funny dance or say something completely fucking hilarious to cheer you up. Quite the class clown that one. Don loves seeing the good in people (until he just fucking can't anymore) and his optimism always shines through his bright smile, want and need to bring people up, and the persevering attitude he tries to keep even when shit hits the fan. Adonis has proven time and time again to be loyal and protective, and honestly a little bit possessive at times. As long as you prove to him that you're on his team, he's gonna fight for you (literally and metaphorically) and make sure you know where he stands on the matter. He can't stand seeing the people he cares about get hurt and get stepped on when everyone he fucks with is so good! Don't let his loyalty fool you though, when you've fucked up, he's bound to let you know and you better believe he's not gonna give a damn about your feelings when he does. If you've done him or anyone he care about dirty, ooh you're in for some trouble because he's not fucking with you! AJ is petty enough to hold a grudge and if you've done enough wrong, he might even square up with you! Who knows? HE'S INTOLERANT OF BULLSHIT, ASSHOLES, STUPID IDIOTS, etc. The list goes on. Because of his past relationships and betrayals -- especially by people who were supposed to be the closest to him, Adonis can be a little bit standoffish and very much secretive. He doesn't mean to be at times, and he tries his best to stay positive, but sometimes things just get to him and he shuts everyone out. There's just some things he doesn't like to talk about. Also because of aggy relationship and past shit, AJ's been on a bit of a promiscuous streak. HE BEEN HOEIN 'ROUND A LITTLE BIT! Although he would much rather settle down for something more serious.

♬His little sister
♬Horror movies
♬Romantic comedies
♬Jam sessions with the band
♬Smoking weed
♬Collecting lighters
♬Late night drives
♬Led Zeppelin

♬Bad memories
♬Not being able to smoke
♬His father
♬Bland food
♬Being ignored
♬The cold
♬Not being able to have a steady relationship
♬Stains on anything
♬Small minded people
♬Ordinary life

♬Nasty smells
♬Always being on tour
♬Being cold
♬Sore throats
♬Writers block
♬Fuzzy socks​

♬Singing and screaming
♬Boxing and MMA

♬Adonis was seduced and sexually assaulted by his neighbor Eliza Moore when he was 17 years old. He lowkey feels like it wasn't a sexual assault because he was attracted to her and sorta did pursue a relationship with her.
♬He absolutely hates talking to his father because he feels like he's a coward, a liar and just a downright asshole for leaving them. He doesn't contact him all that much.
♬Adonis' doggo Amy-Maria is his emotional support animal from after the sexual assault, but he says he saved her when she got hit by a car. Only secret is why he has her, because he likes to say he saved her when in reality she saved him. He named her after his favorite band front-women, Hayley Williams and Maria Brink.​

"When I was a boy I lived on Poplar Street..."

There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.There is a lot of history shit that's gonna go here.


Persephone Jane Fyre♬Mother♬Alive♬
Axel James Fyre♬Father♬Alive♬
Calliope Jessamine Fyre♬Younger Sister♬Alive♬
Hayley-Maria Fyre♬Doggo♬Alive♬

♬Jae Foster♬Best Friend♬Jae and Don met while Adonis and a few of his friends were wildin' out at a karaoke night in L.A. The two drunkenly decided to start the band Break The Silence that night and for the last three years; shit's been pretty lit!

♬Calliope Fyre♬Sister and Best Friend♬AJ is only four years older than Cali, so it's no surprise to anyone when you see that these two are extremely close and Don has such a protective side towards her. Adonis would do absolutely anything for his baby sister and he loves working with her in the band.

♬Meadow Bloom♬Close Friends/Former FWB♬AJ and Meadow are very close friends! So close even that they've hooked up a couple of times! Guess you could call them fuck buddies if you want!

♬Romantic Interest♬
♬Kellie Nicholson♬Eventual Girlfriend♬WIP♬



"The people I've come to know and work with make all of this worth it!"

♬Adonis is a Leo and he was born July 30th
♬His favorite colors are gold, red, and black.
♬His mother Persephone is a former songwriter, but after Axel left she started working at a high school as a choir teacher.
♬His father Axel was a famous songwriter and producer up until he started doing drugs and left them.
♬Adonis was in a relationship with model Daliah Stirling for two years. He was almost certain that she was the love of his life until he found out that she was cheating on him. This is where his trust issues and standoffish attitude stems from.
♬Adonis wasn't born with a British accent, but he's hella fuckin' good at faking one and does it often. Mostly while on stage and during interviews. Sometimes the band will catch him going in and out of British and American accents.​

♬What's He Struggling With?♬
Adonis is struggling with his no-good ass father just getting up and leaving him, his mom and his sister for drugs. He just can't fathom how he could do something so shitty, even if it is the fact that the drugs have altered his mind. He's also dealing with his the breakup from his long-term girlfriend, and how those two things have sorta changed his personality a bit. Don feels as though these things have not only negatively impacted his life, but his usual optimistic and cheerful personality has altered as well. Oh and let's not forget the secret assault/relationship he had with his neighbor years ago!​

♬Is It A Secret?♬
Did you really think that the son of famous Axel Fyre would be able to keep the fact that his dad is a drug addict that up and left, and his ex-girlfriend was a dumb beech that cheated on him when he would have given her everything a secret? HELL TO THE FUCK NO! The media was and sometimes is STILL all over that shit! However, no one knows about his sexual assault from high school.​

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Faceclaim: Bridget Hollitt
Penelope Jewel Marshall
24 years old
Location: Festival ---> Walking to Pack House

"And I didn't even get to drink a beer. Damn it!"

Penny couldn't help but steal an Oreo off of Jude's plate. She hadn't had one in a while and didn't yet get the chance to stop by the stand for the oily delicious treats. Not to mention all the extra goodies Jude loved to spice his cookies up with. Although Penny would much rather go more simple with just some caramel and powdered sugar. M&Ms were just too much for her. Penelope bit the gooey cookie in half, blushing a little at Dusk's comment -- which of course he wasn't wrong about. She gave a slight curtsy, laughing as her sister walked up behind her commenting, "Stealing Oreos, I see, and from Jude? Don't you know never to mess with his food?" Dusk interjected, making a comment about how fearless she was. That, he was a tad wrong about. Everyone was afraid of something. No matter how much anyone wants to tell or prove to you they aren't; there's always gonna be something that triggers your brain and says 'that's fucking terrifying.'

Nell just giggled and nodded when offered her sister's other slice of pizza laughing harder when Jude made a comment about her being a campground raccoon. "They don't call me the Penny-Pinching Bandit for nothing," She smirked and took the other slice of pizza from her sister's plate, taking a bite. "Raccoons don't give two fucks. A racoon'll fight ya." She laughed a little as she handed her plate over to her friend in case he wanted a make-up taco for the Oreo she had savagely stolen. "I have no regerts." Penny laughed, smiling as she took another bite of pizza and looked around at her group of friends -- her pack -- her family. Well a small part of it at least. And this was what she loved the most about it. The togetherness and the caring, do anything for you mentality they all had for each other that showed in the smallest of things. Like Dusk tending to the fire or everyone sharing food and enjoying each other's company.

Penelope often wondered if the reason that Tyson acted out was because he felt like he wasn't a real part of their pack. Wasn't their family. She and everyone in the pack knew that. Penny felt that even Tyson knew it, but maybe he just didn't care enough to follow instead of lead. However, you gotta be a follower before you can be a leader. And if you aren't a good follower, could you be a good leader? Guess that bridge would be cross if it came to it.

Penny noticed herself zoning out a bit when she realized Dinah was speaking to them and Penny almost didn't hear a word. Almost. Dorian wanted to meet with them at the mansion. "Oh, God. Anxiety." Penny whispered to her sister as they all started for the mansion. The news of Dorian wanted to see all of them forming her into a walking ball of nerves and anxiety. This was basically a family meeting; and those were almost never good. "Okay, but is anyone else completely scared shitless right now, or is it just me?" Penny let out a nervous chuckle. "Jamie, c'mon you gotta be in the same boat as me." She mumbled to her friend before noticing she was kinda ruining a cute moment. "And I didn't even get to drink a beer. Damn it!" She shook her head, regretfully.
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Faceclaim: Carolina Porqueddu
Amara Diane Withersby
24 years old
Location: Home ---> Awareness Fair

"You know me all too well."

"She say she love me at dusk, but at dawn I pack up my things and I'm gone. And I don't know where I'm gonna go, but I don't care I'm on the road. Never been a perfect soul, but I will not apologize!" Amara sang along to grandson's newest song -- which was an absolute bop in her opinion -- and danced a little bit as she threw different colors of paint on a canvas. The portrait of her as an angel of death and despair, dressed in her least favorite modeling outfit. Among other things. There were harsh quotes all around the painting, some quotes around the entire painting and you could see a light blueish shading around the angel with Amara's mother's words being the only ones permeating the force-field around her.

Her father Dexter came in, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile on his face as he watched his daughter. Dexter made his way over to his daughter and the two of them stood back to take a look at her work. "Is this song about your mother?" He chuckled as he put an arm around her shoulder and gave a light squeeze. Amara just smiled and looked at him. "One of them." They laughed together and Mara placed a kiss on her father's cheek. "Tell me your ideas and concept, wonderful artist." Dexter spoke in his British accent as he took a bow which caused Amara to laugh. This was exactly why she loved staying with her father. The two of them could play around and be themselves around each other. It didn't feel that way when they were around her mother.

"Well, as you can probably tell, I'm the Angel of Death," she laughed nervously, her dad nodding as she continued to explain. "Which represents the darkness and depression that sorta carries on throughout my life. In the background I was sure to put a lot of the things in there that I don't like much or makes me feel insecure. And the quotes--" She started again but was soon cut off by her father. "Represents all the words that you try not to let get to you, but your mother's are the most harmful so they're the only ones that get to you?" Dexter raised an eyebrow at his daughter and smiled which made Amara smile.

"You know me all too well." Amara hugged her father from the side, smiling as they admired her artwork for a while longer. "What does all of the splatter mean, darling?" Amara furrowed her eyebrows at his question and thought for a moment. "It stands for the chaotic and fast-paced obstacles and situations that life throws at you. Good and bad. Part of a multi-genre piece for class." Dexter nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. "I love your thought process, love. Your artwork and writing has that dark sense that you got from me. I love it." Amara smiled. She couldn't help but give her father another quick hug. Another reason she loved being with her father. They were so in sync with each other like she and her mother weren't. They shared more than one common interest and passion.

A tear slipped down her cheek as they hugged and Mara felt her phone buzz in her pocket. "I'll leave you to get ready, love. We'll head out for the fair in a bit." Dexter wiped the tear from her cheek and placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving, shutting the door behind him. Amara took a deep, shaky breath, smiling a little bit as she read the group text Kimi had sent to her and Rosalind.

∞I'll be on my way soon; Dalton's driving me and Dad! See you in a bit!∞

Amara's fingers typed away at her phone before she threw it onto the bed, and rummaged through her closet for an outfit to wear to the awareness fair (OOH THEM BARS!) they were having in town. Those mines were honestly the last thing that needed to stay open in Rosewood. It was only a matter of time before something happened or someone did something crazy when it came to the mines. Mayor Merryweather needed to get his priorities in check.

Just as Mari had finished her makeup, her father yelled up to her. "Your brother's here, let's go!" Amara slipped her jean jacket over her shoulders, grabbing her little backpack-purse and running out the door past her father. She hopped in the backseat behind her brother, with their father in the passenger seat. Dalton was the baby, but he was the sanest out of them all. Right next to their father. Mara gave the curly-headed kid a noogie, as well as a kiss on the cheek. "Hey! Mara stop! I'm not a little kid anymore." He protested, struggling to get away from his big sis; which only made Amara laugh more. "I know, you're the baby!" She laughed and playfully pushed his shoulder. "You are in my truck, big sister." He turned around to look at Amara. "And I cosigned so you could get your truck. Try again." She smiled matter-of-factly before scrolling through social media on her phone. Dexter laughed and gave his son a pat on the back as they drove off. "She's got a good point son." Amara laughed. "This is basically my truck too." That remark earned her a sarcastic mocking laugh from Dalton.

The rest of the short drive was spent talking and grooving to 107.5 Wild Rock. Dalton was working his way up to Chef Assistant at his culinary school in Portland and he and his friend's were thinking of opening a food truck. Amara could see that. Their father was working on a new comic and was completely stumped on a horror villain. She would be sure to put some time away to brush up on some horror flicks with him. That of course was their cup of tea.

"Alright I say we meet up later? There's supposed to be a concert or firework show tonight, so we can meet again at that? Or you'll probably just wanna hang out with your friends. Either way, have fun! I love you guys!" Dexter recited his little speech, and with that, he was off to the food stands. "Catch ya later little bro." Amara and Dalton shot finger guns at each other and went their separate ways.

Hey, just got here! Gonna pick me up a funnel cake and I'll see you soon!

Amara sent a quick group text to her friends before she went and stood in what seemed like the longest line for a funnel cake with extra strawberries, chocolate sauce, powdered sugar, and whipped cream; her mouth almost watering at the sweet treat in front of her. She looked around to see if she could find Roz or Kimiko, taking no time to dive into the fried goodness when she saw Kimi sitting at a picnic table. Amara took another bite, groaning in pleasure with her eyes closed as she sat down across from her friend. "So glad my mom has work, she'd kill me if she saw me eating this."

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Location: Awareness Fair & Dance Studio

"I thought you'd have a plate of food already."

Adonis laughed and playfully pretended to slap the ass of his best friend as he faked a horrible lap dance. That was until he heard the sputtering cough of their bus engine choke out its last noise.

"This is beginning to feel like Wrong Turn movies," Jae groaned and threw his head back. AJ was thrown forward as Larry slammed on the breaks, catching himself before he fell and made his way off of the bus after his best friend and sister. Adonis told everyone that it would have been much better to just go in on a new tour bus; but the way to go clearly was "fix" everything and now they were in some unfamiliar territory, possibly on the verge of being Jeepers Creepers food. Not cool. Not cool at all. "Next thing you know, we're going to run into Leatherface." Calliope commented, causing Adonis to chuckle. "Oh come on you guys. This is definitely the exact plot of the second Jeepers Creepers movie. Bus and all." He sighed, not wanting to burst anyone's bubble. Of course he, his best friend, and his sister would all mention something about horror. They were all horror movie buffs; hell Jae even had Jason Voorhees on his arm. He'd tried to talk Don into getting his favorite villain Freddy Kreuger on his leg, but AJ didn't know how down for that he was just yet.

The five mile trek was nothing that could break Adonis' cheery spirit. He strutted down the highway with his friends and bandmates, dance-walking and singing the Krusty Krab pizza song as they made their way along the stretch of highway. "Okay, but is anyone else just ready to get something in their stomach?" AJ questioned as they came to the town sign. Welcome to Rosewood, Population 1,200. Small towns always made AJ smile. There was something about the small, rural areas that he enjoyed and slightly envied. Being a kid with famous parents in a huge city like L.A was nice, but small towns were different. They were a lot more communal and had a way more friendly vibe. Guess that was just what happened when your world is small enough to know everyone.

"Can you smell that? I smell BBQ!" Jae commented, and with that he was off into the distance, leaving him and the rest of the band behind. "Small towns are exactly the kind of place where people get killed. This is basically a horror movie," Cal muttered and Adonis laughed as Jae disappeared into the distance at the smell of good cooking. Usually, Adonis would be the one in Jae's shoes, so it was weird to see the roles switched up. They hadn't reversed much however. because by the time they'd gotten to him, Adonis would have already eaten a plate of mac and cheese, a deep fried Snickers and a funnel cake by now. "I thought you'd have a plate of food already." Adonis chuckled, putting an arm around Jae's shoulder when he handed him a flyer. An awareness fair huh? How could anyone in a small town like this be unaware of anything? More like a 'Get It Together' fair.

Apparently he had somewhat switched bodies with his best friend and sister because they'd swarmed the food trucks and stalls even faster thn he had. For once, someone had finally bested him when it came to food. "This place is fucking lit!" Jae screamed as he bit into a fried prawn. Of course, if there was shrimp involved, Jae was going to be all for it. "I'm probably gonna grab a pretzel or something and scope out the town a little bit. I shall return. Catch up with you guys in a bit." AJ made his way around the fair to one of the many food stands for a soft pretzel with cheese and a mangonada; after which he decided to walk around and check out the rest of the tiny town. Adonis had come across a small dog park; where owners who were too busy with their pets to enjoy the Awareness Fair were throwing sticks and tennis balls to their furry friends. He'd also stumbled upon numerous small businesses (most of which were closed due to owners being at the fair) and -- to even further pique his interests -- a dance studio. AJ couldn't dance to save his life. In all honesty, the only thing making the studio as interesting to him as it was being a gorgeous brunette dancing around the room. She hadn't even noticed him come in and Adonis didn't want to interrupt her routine; therefore, he stood back, taking a seat in a nearby chair to watch her move swiftly across the floor to the music.
"How did you even get in here?!"

While the rest of her peers were attending the Awareness Fair, Kellie Anne Nicholson was taking full advantage of the empty studio to practice her solo for the upcoming dance competition. Kehlani's "Gangsta" was playing over the speakers for what seemed like the hundreth time, the girl's strong muscles aching over the repeated motions of the dance. Her curvaceous, athletic body moved along to the music in a sucession of clean-cut steps: pliés, aereals, jetés, splits... All moves carefully calculated and executed to perfection. Right as she was doing one of the last turns of the routine, her brown eyes fell on the literal description of a tall, dark and handsome stranger sitting on the nearby chair, light-colored eyes greedily following her every move.

The brunette let out a loud shriek of surrpise, eyes wide with worry. The stranger in front of her was nothing short of drop-dead gorgeous: with perfectly styled jet-black hair, an athletic build, and the fashion sense of one of those popular punk rockstars. But no matter how goddamn attractive he was, the fact still stood that this stranger had not only quietly snuck into the studio, he had also been watching her for God knew how long without Kel noticing. And that shit was scary.

"Oh my God! Who are you?! How did you even get in here?!" she cried out, voice dripping with panic.
"Shit, I'm sorry!"

Adonis jumped a little bit at the woman's reaction, but he also couldn't help but laugh. Who wouldn't spaz out a bit when it came to random people watching you dance? Especially when it was a random stranger and you weren't expecting them to be there. "Shit, I'm sorry!" He shook his head as he stood up, backing closer towards the door. "I didn't mean to scare you. The door was open and I just thought I'd watch." Adonis chuckled nervously as he ran his fingers through his hair; his British accent on and basically booming throughout the now quiet room. . "It's--" he started before stopping to think of the right word -- "Interesting to see you dance like that seeing as I look like an injured lemur." He laughed a little before holding a hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Adonis." He introduced himself. Although he couldn't very well say he and his band just crashed outside of their town, so he settled for: "My friends and I are just touring and sightseeing in cities we've never been." He smiled. And to be honest, he wasn't telling a complete lie. They were touring and some of they cities they'd drove through none of them had been to before. AJ was just sure to leave out the fact that he and his group of friends were in a famous rock band whose tour bus broke down. She didn't need to know all that -- yet.
"I'm not sure why you guys would visit this town."

The young man's last comment brought a smile to Kellie's face, and visibly eased some of the tension between them. Although she was hesitant, the stranger's demeanor seemed open, honest and friendly, so she figured the least she could do was be polite while keeping in mind where the nearest exits were located. Of course, it didn't hurt that he had the looks of a Greek god.

"Kellie Anne," the girl shook his hand and replied quietly, in a completely different demeanor from the passionate dancer pouring her heart out in every move just a minute previously. "And to be quite honest with you, I'm not sure why you guys would visit this town. There's not much to do around here."
"I like little towns like this."

All AJ could do was chuckle, running his fingers through his hair. He could tell the girl was a bit hesitant, and confused about him being there. With her in the dance studio and just in the small town of Rosewood in general. Again, it wasn't like he and the rest of the band were there on their on whim. Hell he would have loved to be in the next few states, or even towns over on a bus with some air conditioning and a bed. But he would take the time with his band in this unfamiliar place to enjoy some new things and meet some new people.

It was then that it hit him that she had absolutely no idea who he was. 'Whoa, this is kinda weird.' He thought to himself. If he'd have stumbled into some random dance studio with any other girl, she'd have probably been screaming, asking for pictures and calling her friends by now. It would be nice to actually be able to be in a town where they didn't get swarmed by paparazzi and chased by groupies the whole time. "I like little towns like this." Adonis smiled. "There's something about the togetherness that you just don't see that much of in L.A." He explained, while trying not to give too much of who he was away.

"And that isn't completely true. There's that awareness fair going on in the center of town. It's pretty nice, all my friends are raving over the food." He chuckled as he took a bite of his soft pretzel. "I was gonna head back if you wanted to check it out?" Adonis suggested. He'd been gone checking out the town for quite a while -- long enough to get dark even -- and it was more than likely that his sister and friends were wondering where he went.
"Um, sure! I would love to."

His mention of LA earned him Kellie's curiosity. Although she'd been born in Hialeah, moved to Palm Beach for high school, then to Rosewood for college. The brunette had been raised in Silicon Valley, and had frequented LA for dancing competitions. It would definitely be interesting to converse with someone who had an idea of where she came from -unlike most of the Rosewood locals, who hadn't been ventured further than 25 miles outside of town.

In all honesty, Kellie had never considered attending the awareness fair in the first place. Her understanding of the event was that it was more so for young adults going through personal issues and wanting to meet other like-minded people in a fun, relaxed environment. And although God knew she had issues indeed, finding solace in strangers was definitely not the way she wanted to deal with things. But Adonis was definitely cute, he had her interest and her body was begging her for a break.

Finally, the girl spoke up. "Um, sure! I would love to," Kellie said with a small smile. "Let me just take a quick shower, though. I've been dancing for at least two hours now, and the last think I want is to expose you to any foul body odors." she added with a laugh, brown eyes shining with their usual softness and warmth. And with one last look, she turned on her heel and walked off in the direction of the studio's bathroom

Kellie Anne emerged from the showers less than ten minutes later, now dressed in white shorts, a white halter crop top and white Converse sneakers. Her long locks of hair were tied back in a high ponytail, and she'd managed to sneak in enough time to emphasize her eyes with eyeliner, fill in her brows, and apply to her lips a fresh coat of dark red lipstick. Her dance gear remained safely tucked away in her locker, her only important belongings held inside the small bronze purse hanging from her shoulder. Slightly shaking with nerves, the young woman approached her visitor until she stood right in front of him.

"Ready?" she asked Adonis with a shy smile, biting the corner of her lower lip.
"Who are all of you guys?"

AJ rocked from heel to toe as he ate his pretzel and awaited an answer from the woman he knew now as Kellie Anne. He usually wouldn't have invited someone who he'd just imposed on and seemed to be minding their own business; however, the gorgeous girl seemed as if she needed a bit of a break from dominating the dance floor. And it was dark, so he couldn't very well let a lady like herself go out alone at night. Adonis was sure to keep cool and collected when Kellie agreed to attend the fair, although he couldn't deny the enthusiasm bubbling over inside of him slightly.

"Awesome. Take your time gettin' all dolled up, and I'll be here when you're done, love." Adonis' accent rang out as he lowkey flirted with the dancing queen. Pros and cons of being such a flirt and having almost no filter when it came to promiscuity lately. As Kellie bounced away to the shower room, Don pulled out his cellphone and sent a group text to his best friend and baby sister.

♬Yo sorry I dipped out so long! Lost track of time, but I'm on my way back now! ♬

AJ slipped his phone back into his pocket and couldn't help but bite his lip at Kellie in her new all white outfit paired with a cute high-pony.

"Yeah I'm ready, love. Let's hit the town." He smirked a little bit, holding the door open for Kellie like the gentleman he was. It wasn't a long walk back to the awareness fair and by the time he and Kellie had gotten there, the panel with the mayor was just about over and very much empty except eight or nine people. Lame. Not too far away though he spotted Meadow with who looked to be a small group of locals chatting with the rest of the band. "I see my friends!" Adonis started for the group of people, waving as he approached.

"It looks like I'm not the only one that's been getting acquainted with the friendly locals!" AJ chuckled running his fingers through his hair. AJ chuckled a little bit before gesturing towards his guest. "Are we all talking about how our shitty bus broke down earlier today?" Adonis nodded, remembering that they were gonna have to spend some nights in a hotel. "Uhm, by the way, this is Kellie. We met when I scared the shit out of her at the dance studio." He added, laughing.

"Kellie this is Cassidy, Meadow, Jae, Calliope and Luke." He introduced. "Sorry, if I sound rude, but who are all of you guys? Well other than the lovely Kimiko since she's already introduced herself."

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Faceclaim: Ash Stymest
Adonis Jared Fyre
26 years old
Location: Outside Rosewood ---> Awareness Fair
Faceclaim: Bridget Hollitt
Penelope Jewel Marshall
24 years old
Location: Pack House

"I'm getting my Jughead Jones on."

Penelope internally groaned at her sisters irritated glances. If she would have said something about it, there would have been way more problems than it was worth. And Penny couldn't help but tell that Joanna was already aggy. "You shut up," in a mocking tone was all she would say about it. Was Joanna that pissed that Penny made her sit in the car with Tyson? If she was, she'd get over it soon. Besides, JoJo was way more calm and collected when it came to those kinds of things. Penny on the other hand, would have probably started a little bit more shit about it. AND Ty and Joanna had some rather wild and scandalous history. Hint hint. She'd be alright for now.

Their ride to the diner was exactly the way she expected it to be. Vibrant and uplifting, although uneventful. It was just what she needed after the anxiety at home and before the anxiety she was being thrown into soon. Penny could get down with the music choice Dusk chose. Although she was mostly a rap queen, she could enjoy some good rock music from time to time. As they approached the diner, she couldn't help but be happy that they were in town; even if it was on a mission. These wolves would probably be cool anyway. And if they weren't, Pen was absolutely certain that everyone there could stop some shit from going down.

"I'm definitely feeling a burger before some confrontation." Penny pointed her finger guns towards the diner as she and the rest of the pack made decisions on who was going with Aunt Helena to meet the lone wolves. Because of things with Joanna and just because she felt that she'd do better listening in on things at the diner. Penny, Dusk, Jaime, Jude and Ryland would do better ambushing if and when things got crazy. Plus it gave them a chance to think up a solid plan (and eat some food.) Joanna, Tyson, Zarina and their aunt were a force to be reckoned with in close situations and would do way more damage straight up.

Penny giggled and nodded at Dusk's comment as they started for the diner. "To burgers and chocolate milkshakes," she laughed and slid into a booth with her friends. "I'm getting my Jughead Jones on." Pen danced as she looked at a menu.

"Alright so I know some of us are probably ready for food, but we also gotta remember that we're on a mission." Penelope spoke seriously as she scoped the menu for something she wanted to eat. "We need a game plan; in case things go south, we need to be able to spring and fast." Penelope talked quietly just in case someone was listening and just because it'd be weird if some normal people overheard them. A middle-aged, redheaded diner waitress with big hair and oval glasses came over to take their order. Her silly personality and eyebrows made Penny smile. She was nice. As she left though, Penny got back to business.

"Someone should listen in and maybe I can take notes just so we know a little bit about what's going on?" Penny had a bit of a questioning tone in her voice as she pulled a notebook and pen out of her tiny backpack. She wasn't used to taking charge like this very often, and she knew she could if she had to; but she hoped she wasn't coming off as too much or bossy, which she knew she could also be. "I know that's something we can multitask with and still be able to jump up if we need to." Penny nodded and although she wasn't letting it show much with her slight take in the reigns, she was as nervous as a sheep in wolf's clothing. And she's a werewolf!
Mentioned: Tyson @ Justin ||

Interactions: Jude @ Mun || JoJo @Autumnbruh || Jamie @Miyra ||

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Faceclaim: Bridget Hollitt
Penelope Jewel Marshall
24 years old
Location: Pack House

"I'm getting my Jughead Jones on."

Penelope internally groaned at her sisters irritated glances. If she would have said something about it, there would have been way more problems than it was worth. And Penny couldn't help but tell that Joanna was already aggy. "You shut up," in a mocking tone was all she would say about it. Was Joanna that pissed that Penny made her sit in the car with Tyson? If she was, she'd get over it soon. Besides, JoJo was way more calm and collected when it came to those kinds of things. Penny on the other hand, would have probably started a little bit more shit about it. AND Ty and Joanna had some rather wild and scandalous history. Hint hint. She'd be alright for now.

Their ride to the diner was exactly the way she expected it to be. Vibrant and uplifting, although uneventful. It was just what she needed after the anxiety at home and before the anxiety she was being thrown into soon. Penny could get down with the music choice Dusk chose. Although she was mostly a rap queen, she could enjoy some good rock music from time to time. As they approached the diner, she couldn't help but be happy that they were in town; even if it was on a mission. These wolves would probably be cool anyway. And if they weren't, Pen was absolutely certain that everyone there could stop some shit from going down.

"I'm definitely feeling a burger before some confrontation." Penny pointed her finger guns towards the diner as she and the rest of the pack made decisions on who was going with Aunt Helena to meet the lone wolves. Because of things with Joanna and just because she felt that she'd do better listening in on things at the diner. Penny, Dusk, Jaime, Jude and Ryland would do better ambushing if and when things got crazy. Plus it gave them a chance to think up a solid plan (and eat some food.) Joanna, Tyson, Zarina and their aunt were a force to be reckoned with in close situations and would do way more damage straight up.

Penny giggled and nodded at Dusk's comment as they started for the diner. "To burgers and chocolate milkshakes," she laughed and slid into a booth with her friends. "I'm getting my Jughead Jones on." Pen danced as she looked at a menu.

"Alright so I know some of us are probably ready for food, but we also gotta remember that we're on a mission." Penelope spoke seriously as she scoped the menu for something she wanted to eat. "We need a game plan; in case things go south, we need to be able to spring and fast." Penelope talked quietly just in case someone was listening and just because it'd be weird if some normal people overheard them. A middle-aged, redheaded diner waitress with big hair and oval glasses came over to take their order. Her silly personality and eyebrows made Penny smile. She was nice. As she left though, Penny got back to business. "Someone should listen in and maybe take notes just so we know a little bit about what's going on?" Penny had a bit of a questioning tone in her voice as she pulled a notebook and pen out of her tiny backpack. She wasn't used to taking charge like this very often, and she knew she could if she had to; but she hoped she wasn't coming off as too much or bossy, which she knew she could also be.
Mentioned: Dorian @ Kash || Tyson @ Justin || Charlie @ Lusty || Dusk @ Pyra

Interactions: Jude @ Mun || JoJo @Autumnbruh || Jamie @Miyra ||

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Faceclaim: Chloe Grace Moretz
Twilight Rain Dupree
18 years old
Student & Music Store Clerk

"We're all beautiful! Every single one of us!"

5ft 5in

145 pounds

☽Hair Color☽
Twi's hair color is naturally dirty-blonde with lighter tinges in there. She usually wears it down or she'll put it in a ponytail/messy bun when she needs to or a cute updo when she's dressing nice. Sometime's she'll even go a little overboard and wear it in a wild style.

☽Eye Color☽

☽Distinguishing Features☽
☽Freckles across her nose and cheeks
☽Miscellaneous scars here and there from childhood

☽She has a small misshapen triangle about the size of a dime on her right ankle


Little Universe
Colorful Music Scale
"I'm just me I guess. Nothing too special."

Positive Traits☽

Negative Traits☽
☽Moody☽Hypersensitive☽Overly competitive☽Pessimistic☽Suspicious☽Naggy

There are times where Twilight can be described as an introvert, but there are also times where she can be rather extroverted. It all depends on the time, place and who she's with. More often than not, Twilight is the kind and cheery girl who's always trying to be positive despite her sometimes bouts of pessimism. For as long as anyone can remember, Twilight has been the girl that someone can go to when they need a shoulder to cry on or a ride when you need it. She's immensely dependable and patient, even when it seems like it isn't warranted; because of this, Twilight has proven to be loyal time and time again. Because of her huge and almost constantly growing family, Twilight has been known to have a bit of a nurturing and protective attitude towards not only her family, but also her friends as well. Being the eldest of her siblings, Twi developed fairly motherly instincts; whether it be cooking breakfast for the family early in the morning, helping her younger siblings with homework, or even carpooling Ollie and his mates to soccer practice or Maddi and her fellow thespians to theater. Although she's soft-spoken and not much of a girl to voice her opinions or something in fear of making someone uncomfortable or hurting their feelings; she's quick to go off the handle and a little bit out of character when it comes to protecting her friends and family. Twilight is trying to learn to speak up for herself more often and really show who she is. For the most part, Twilight is a very positive person. She's a see-the-silver-linings kind of gal, and believes that no matter what, something good will always come out of the bad things. While she tries to keep a positive and happy vibe most of the time, like everyone else, there's always gonna be times where Twilight gets down and emotional, and lets things get to her. When this happens, she tends to become very isolated, insecure and kinda shuts herself out. It's times like these where she's glad she has her family and friends to drag her out of bed and make her feel like she's worth something again. Twi is that of a virtuoso at heart. Despite her passive personality, when it comes to the arts and especially music, Twilight is a wizard! She is always practicing playing piano and cello, writing, and cooking; among many other things she tends to dabble in.

☽Playing piano
☽Her family and friends
☽Tangled (Disney Movie)
☽Art and museums
☽Playing cello
☽Board games
☽Helping people out
☽Chilling and eating with her friends
☽Fancy meals
☽Dancing (although she can't)​

☽Stomach pains
☽Public speaking
☽Getting the end of a book ruined
☽Very personal questions
☽Talking about her biological parents
☽Frozen food
☽Strangers and weirdos
☽The color chartreuse

☽Being rushed
☽Not having things planned out
☽Losing in any way
☽Rude people

☽Playing piano and cello

☽Humming/Singing while doing daily activities
☽Bouncing her leg in times of restlessness
☽Chewing her bottom lip when she's nervous, thinking hard or in awkward situations.
☽Tapping her fingernails
☽Doing weird little dances or making faces randomly

☽Twilight has the hugest fear of failure. She feels as if everything is going so well in her life and she's doing amazing things; so she's just scared as hell for anything to happen that would mess things up or make them overly complicated.
☽Losing her friends and family is something that would be absolutely devastating to Twilight. She's from sort of a huge family that's been growing and growing all her life. Being adopted and so close to all of them, she would hate to lose anyone.
☽Even though Twilight is 18 and could legally have her younger brother put into her custody for the remainder of his 'childhood', she's nervous about their biological parents taking them away from their family someday. And to be honest she's sorta scared of their parents. They're basically strangers.​
"Life's been kinda hectic! But also sorta as planned."

Twilight was first born to Jessica Joan and Sam Edward Hawlee. The two of them were fairly young parents and lovers for ever longer. The pair were quite the wild couple. Jessica coming from a tough-ass single dad biker was attracted to Sam, who'd been driving/riding since he was 14 and scored pounds of weed and bags of coke at a time. While it was clear when they got pregnant that Sam was bright eyed and bushy tailed to be a father and completely ready to clean up his act, the same couldn't exactly be said for Jessica. She wasn't yet ready to give up their wild-child college-partier attitude; however she didn't want to lose Sam either, so of course she decided to keep the baby. Jess would constantly pretend to be excited about the pregnancy around friends, family and even her husband. Because of this unwanted pregnancy and facade towards the end of the second trimester, Jessica was sent into a depression during her pregnancy and started to use drugs in secret, getting high whenever she could when she was by herself. After using for around a month and a half, almost two months, Sam found out that Jess had been using. He was absolutely heartbroken and furious with his wife; the two getting into a small physical altercation that sent Sam to jail for quite a while. All of the stress, and craziness sent Jess into premature labor. Twilight (who at this time still had no name) was born addicted. She was put into a program for babies born addicted who need love, cuddles and mothers to feed and spend time with them. It was during this program where couple and foster parents Jamie and Katherine fell in love with Twilight and took no time starting to file the paperwork and adopt her into their family. Sam and surprisingly enough even Jessica was devastated about the "loss" of their daughter and Sam couldn't believe how careless his wife could be during her pregnancy; however he couldn't leave her to deal with her demons alone. The two of them sought help for Jessica and once she got sober continued their relationship. In comes another surprise! As sad as it sounds, accident child number two comes in! Sam has high hopes that his wife will be able to keep things together this time with his support as well as some therapy. To their dismay, Jess relapses, leaving Sam distraught and by this time absolutely done with his wife's shit. This time Sam leaves Jessica, promising to come back and get custody of his second child like he couldn't with the first. Jessica of course couldn't have this happen and sets up Sam before he can get the paperwork through the courts. Her son is then sent into the foster care system; to which he gets adopted by the Dupree family as to keep siblings together. Twilight came up in a household where her parents made sure that she and her siblings knew they could do and be whatever they wanted. Twilight was always very virtuous and artistic from a young age. She took to playing piano from the time she was five and cello from the time she was ten. Her mother Jamie working as a kindergarten teacher and Katherine working from home as a travel agent. Growing up Twilight was often described as very shy and quiet. She kept to herself mostly, the few friends she met in kindergarten being Remi, Lily and Gabe; and even they had to bring her out of her little baby shell! Twilight was always an ambitious girl who knew what she wanted and did absolutely everything she needed to get it! She loved that her parents were so open, accepting and supportive; and she loved that every so often their little family would get bigger when another member would join.

Katherine Jane Dupree☽Adoptive Mother☽47☽Alive☽
Jamie Marie Dupree☽Adoptive Mother☽44☽Alive☽
Danielle Sara Dupree☽Adoptive Sister☽17☽Alive☽
Jacob Sean Dupree☽Biological Brother☽15☽Alive☽
Oliver James Dupree☽Adoptive Younger Brother☽14☽Alive☽
Madalyn Dawn Dupree☽Adoptive Younger Sister☽14☽Alive☽
Dawson Kamille Dupree☽Adoptive Baby Sister☽1.5☽Alive☽
Jessica Joan Hawlee☽Biological Mother☽38☽Alive☽
Sam Edward Hawlee☽Biological Father☽42☽Alive☽

Remi Piper Hadaway☽Best Friend☽Remi and Twilight met in her mother's kindergarten class. Remi sat next to Twilight in class and happened to like the Winnie the Pooh pinch pot she made. The two became fast friends, bonding over their similar interests like art, books, music and most horrible movies and tv shows.☽
Gabriel Xavier Best & Lilian Amanda Best☽Best Friends☽Twilight also met Gabe and Lily while in kindergarten. The two of them were lowkey the little rich kids that had the other parents shook when they didn't got to a private school. Remi, Lil and Gabe were already friends from childhood and the two of them got really close with Twilight when Lily called out Gabe for having a kiddie crush on Twilight. You could lowkey say Gabe was her first boyfriend! Twi thinks of Gabe and Lily as her brother and sister.☽
Liam Skylar Hastings☽Best Friend☽Liam and Twilight met during her seventh grade year when a lot of their "friends" made fun of him for coming out as transgender. People are shitty! Twilight didn't care that Liam was trans and welcomed him into their friend group with open arms. Her parents were lesbian for God's sake!☽
Harley Madison Bales☽Best Friend☽Although Harley is the friend that was more recently introduced into the group, she's loved by everyone and is becoming extremely close, extremely quick! Harley is with Lil when it comes to the wild-child train! She's usually the one to push and prod Twilight into getting out of her shell more often.☽

"Sometimes there's nothing wrong with oversharing."

☽Twilight is a Cancer and she was born on June 30th
☽Her favorite colors are light blue, silver and green.
☽Twilight was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age.
☽Her absolute favorite food is sushi
☽Twi has a pet chinchilla named Rosie and she plans on having many more pets
☽Although Twilight and her brother Jacob know of their biological parents, neither of them know who they are or even if they want to meet them.
☽Twilight is Captain of her school's soccer team as well as first chair cellist.

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Faceclaim: Kiana Lede
Ayira Jamari Mornstone
22 years old
Student & Waitress

"We're all beautiful! Every single one of us!"

5ft 7in

151 pounds

✧Hair Color✧
Ayira's hair is jet black and naturally curly. It falls down just a couple inches past her bellybutton.

✧Eye Color✧
Ayira has a case of heterochromia iridium. Her left eye is a green color while her right eye is light brown with flecks of hazel in it.

✧Distinguishing Features✧
✧Freckles across her face, shoulders and back.
✧Miscellaneous scars here and there from childhood

☽She has a small birthmark about the size of a silver dollar on her right thigh that kinda looks like a cat.

✧ Nose

Holding Hands
Little Universe
Colorful Music Scale
"I'm just me I guess. Nothing too special."

Positive Traits✧


Negative Traits✧
✧Overly competitive

There are times where Twilight can be described as an introvert, but there are also times where she can be rather extroverted. It all depends on the time, place and who she's with. More often than not, Twilight is the kind and cheery girl who's always trying to be positive despite her sometimes bouts of pessimism. For as long as anyone can remember, Twilight has been the girl that someone can go to when they need a shoulder to cry on or a ride when you need it. She's immensely dependable and patient, even when it seems like it isn't warranted; because of this, Twilight has proven to be loyal time and time again. Because of her huge and almost constantly growing family, Twilight has been known to have a bit of a nurturing and protective attitude towards not only her family, but also her friends as well. Being the eldest of her siblings, Twi developed fairly motherly instincts; whether it be cooking breakfast for the family early in the morning, helping her younger siblings with homework, or even carpooling Ollie and his mates to soccer practice or Maddi and her fellow thespians to theater. Although she's soft-spoken and not much of a girl to voice her opinions or something in fear of making someone uncomfortable or hurting their feelings; she's quick to go off the handle and a little bit out of character when it comes to protecting her friends and family. Twilight is trying to learn to speak up for herself more often and really show who she is. For the most part, Twilight is a very positive person. She's a see-the-silver-linings kind of gal, and believes that no matter what, something good will always come out of the bad things. While she tries to keep a positive and happy vibe most of the time, like everyone else, there's always gonna be times where Twilight gets down and emotional, and lets things get to her. When this happens, she tends to become very isolated, insecure and kinda shuts herself out. It's times like these where she's glad she has her family and friends to drag her out of bed and make her feel like she's worth something again. Twi is that of a virtuoso at heart. Despite her passive personality, when it comes to the arts and especially music, Twilight is a wizard! She is always practicing playing piano and cello, writing, and cooking; among many other things she tends to dabble in.

☽Playing piano
✧Her family and friends
✧Tangled (Disney Movie)
✧Art and museums
✧Playing cello
✧Board games
✧Helping people out
✧Chilling and eating with her friends
✧Fancy meals
✧Dancing (although she can't)​

✧Stomach pains
✧Public speaking
✧Getting the end of a book ruined
✧Very personal questions
✧Talking about her biological parents
✧Frozen food
✧Strangers and weirdos
✧The color chartreuse

✧Being rushed
✧Not having things planned out
✧Losing in any way
✧Rude people

✧Playing piano and cello

✧Humming/Singing while doing daily activities
✧Bouncing her leg in times of restlessness
✧Chewing her bottom lip when she's nervous, thinking hard or in awkward situations.
✧Tapping her fingernails
✧Doing weird little dances or making faces randomly

✧Twilight has the hugest fear of failure. She feels as if everything is going so well in her life and she's doing amazing things; so she's just scared as hell for anything to happen that would mess things up or make them overly complicated.
✧Losing her friends and family is something that would be absolutely devastating to Twilight. She's from sort of a huge family that's been growing and growing all her life. Being adopted and so close to all of them, she would hate to lose anyone.
✧Even though Twilight is 18 and could legally have her younger brother put into her custody for the remainder of his 'childhood', she's nervous about their biological parents taking them away from their family someday. And to be honest she's sorta scared of their parents. They're basically strangers.​
"Life's been kinda hectic! But also sorta as planned."

Twilight was first born to Jessica Joan and Sam Edward Hawlee. The two of them were fairly young parents and lovers for ever longer. The pair were quite the wild couple. Jessica coming from a tough-ass single dad biker was attracted to Sam, who'd been driving/riding since he was 14 and scored pounds of weed and bags of coke at a time. While it was clear when they got pregnant that Sam was bright eyed and bushy tailed to be a father and completely ready to clean up his act, the same couldn't exactly be said for Jessica. She wasn't yet ready to give up their wild-child college-partier attitude; however she didn't want to lose Sam either, so of course she decided to keep the baby. Jess would constantly pretend to be excited about the pregnancy around friends, family and even her husband. Because of this unwanted pregnancy and facade towards the end of the second trimester, Jessica was sent into a depression during her pregnancy and started to use drugs in secret, getting high whenever she could when she was by herself. After using for around a month and a half, almost two months, Sam found out that Jess had been using. He was absolutely heartbroken and furious with his wife; the two getting into a small physical altercation that sent Sam to jail for quite a while. All of the stress, and craziness sent Jess into premature labor. Twilight (who at this time still had no name) was born addicted. She was put into a program for babies born addicted who need love, cuddles and mothers to feed and spend time with them. It was during this program where couple and foster parents Jamie and Katherine fell in love with Twilight and took no time starting to file the paperwork and adopt her into their family. Sam and surprisingly enough even Jessica was devastated about the "loss" of their daughter and Sam couldn't believe how careless his wife could be during her pregnancy; however he couldn't leave her to deal with her demons alone. The two of them sought help for Jessica and once she got sober continued their relationship. In comes another surprise! As sad as it sounds, accident child number two comes in! Sam has high hopes that his wife will be able to keep things together this time with his support as well as some therapy. To their dismay, Jess relapses, leaving Sam distraught and by this time absolutely done with his wife's shit. This time Sam leaves Jessica, promising to come back and get custody of his second child like he couldn't with the first. Jessica of course couldn't have this happen and sets up Sam before he can get the paperwork through the courts. Her son is then sent into the foster care system; to which he gets adopted by the Dupree family as to keep siblings together. Twilight came up in a household where her parents made sure that she and her siblings knew they could do and be whatever they wanted. Twilight was always very virtuous and artistic from a young age. She took to playing piano from the time she was five and cello from the time she was ten. Her mother Jamie working as a kindergarten teacher and Katherine working from home as a travel agent. Growing up Twilight was often described as very shy and quiet. She kept to herself mostly, the few friends she met in kindergarten being Remi, Lily and Gabe; and even they had to bring her out of her little baby shell! Twilight was always an ambitious girl who knew what she wanted and did absolutely everything she needed to get it! She loved that her parents were so open, accepting and supportive; and she loved that every so often their little family would get bigger when another member would join.

Annie Reola Mornstone✧Mother✧55✧Alive✧
Rupert Giles Mornstone✧Father✧52✧Alive✧
Gianna Jenae Mornstone✧Older Sister✧29✧Alive✧
River Dawn Mornstone✧Younger Sister✧17✧Alive✧

Remi Piper Hadaway☽Best Friend☽Remi and Twilight met in her mother's kindergarten class. Remi sat next to Twilight in class and happened to like the Winnie the Pooh pinch pot she made. The two became fast friends, bonding over their similar interests like art, books, music and most horrible movies and tv shows.☽
Gabriel Xavier Best & Lilian Amanda Best☽Best Friends☽Twilight also met Gabe and Lily while in kindergarten. The two of them were lowkey the little rich kids that had the other parents shook when they didn't got to a private school. Remi, Lil and Gabe were already friends from childhood and the two of them got really close with Twilight when Lily called out Gabe for having a kiddie crush on Twilight. You could lowkey say Gabe was her first boyfriend! Twi thinks of Gabe and Lily as her brother and sister.☽
Liam Skylar Hastings☽Best Friend☽Liam and Twilight met during her seventh grade year when a lot of their "friends" made fun of him for coming out as transgender. People are shitty! Twilight didn't care that Liam was trans and welcomed him into their friend group with open arms. Her parents were lesbian for God's sake!

Max Kruegar✧Ex-Girlfriend and Psycho
"Sometimes there's nothing wrong with oversharing."

✧Ayira is a Virgo and was born on August 26th
✧Her favorite colors are teal, black, lime green and grey.
✧Twilight was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age.
✧Her absolute favorite food is biscuits and gravy.
✧Ayira has a black lab puppy named Bongo that she absolutely adores. He is in training to be her emotional support animal.
✧Ayira is thinking about going to culinary school to become a chef, or getting her business degree to open up her own restaurant one day.​

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