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Stray Shinku

Certified VRChat Menace!
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
It varies a lot due to my work schedule.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
I'm really not picky about the genres, but you will see me a lot on Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life, Action and Fantasy roleplays.
OOC Thread
Prologue - A brief introduction of our Omega God, Perseus, and the goddess of all deities of the Devine Real, Kami. The story will start in the middle of judgment to Perseus after being accused of perverted deeds and unpleasant pranks on some female deities. In an act of mercy, Kami decided not to ban Perseus and simply punishes him by taking his magic staff and grounding him in his apartment until further notice. After that scene in Agartha, the story skips to the Ryoo High School, the main setting of this roleplay, and a school located somewhere in the middle zone of USA, in the Mortal Realm, of course. Our main characters with their clubs and the important NPCs are going to make a brief introduction, and an unexpected problem that threatens to banish the Music and Art clubs is going to be revealed as well.

Chapter 1: That Everything Be for the Good of Our Clubs (Coming Next) - After discovering that their clubs are on the brink of closure, Akiyuki, and Michelle, with the obvious help of their gangs, go out for the ultimate quest of a new Commissioner for their clubs, deciding to work together for the first time in a very long time. Of course, everything is going to be for the sake of their beloved clubs that they created with a lot of effort and aren't willing to let go yet. However, Akiyuki and Michelle may try to put aside their differences and romantic past, but that doesn't mean that their friends will do the same. Will they put aside their difference for a day and find the perfect Commissioner brave enough to handle the infamous Music and Art clubs?
Potential Couples and Posting Order
1. Akiyuki x Michelle
2. Hiro x Alice
3. August x Penelope
4. Lucifer x Naomi

Posting Order
1. Akiyuki Brooks - @Shinku⭐Kun
2. Michelle Dubois - @DANAsaur
3. Hiro Assaragi - @Kurogane86
4. Alice Chiba - @Karyra
5. August C. Elliot - @Iceydaze
6. Penelope Larson - @ScarletNova
7. Lucifer Marlo Lestrange - @Shinku⭐Kun (created by Lulunopia)
8. Naomi Kyoya - @xLarius

1. Follow the Posting Order and make sure to check it to confirm if there has been a change in it.

2. In every IC posts, make sure to include the following:
-A picture that represents your character.
-Name of your character.
-Location of your character.
-Mention the name(s) of the character(s) you are interacting with, followed by the username of its roleplayer owner.
-This one is optional, but you can also add the names of the characters you mentioned, but really didn't have any means of interaction.

3. Do not hesitate in trying to create small plots of arcs about your character or something you planned with your roleplay partner. I encourage everyone to add to this roleplay sub-plots and such. However, please, make sure it is relevant to the story and don't come up with something that just looks out of place. (Ex.: bringing in an alien out of nowhere when this roleplay is clearly not Sci-Fi).
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Temple of the Deities, Agartha - the Divine Realm

The atmosphere around the Main Chamber was kind of turbulent as a judgment against Perseus was about to start. Sadly, this wasn't the first time he faced this life or death situation. Yes, Perseus was always clever enough to come up with something that luckily managed to get him out of problems unharmed, however, this time Perseus felt that it was different because not only he didn't have any excuses but this also was his 9th judgment and Kami, the Goddess of Gods, already had enough of him. Also, because Perseus was an omega god, he was despised by almost all of the deities, thinking that he is a waste of space and that Kami should've banned him centuries ago. Everyone has a shrine, a temple or a monument in their names in the Mortal Realm, and Perseus was the only deity among them that had nothing. No mortal practically knew about his existence, but somehow, Kami kept believing that one day, Perseus will be able to become a true god and earn a shrine with his name.

At the back of the main chamber was a big throne where Kami was sitting, her sublime, and celestial radiance illuminating everything around her. The other gods and goddess were on their feet, surrounding the chamber and facing Perseus, which was located at the exact center of the chamber, waiting for his judgment. Even when he has his usual cheerful expression, deep inside he was totally nervous and scared, uncertain of his fate. After all, it was his whole existence that was on the brink of disappearance. An arcane symbol that was below his feet on the floor began to glow a bright tone of orange, indicating that his judgment has started.

After clearing her throat, Kami slowly stood up from her throne, her expression solemn like always. "Deities of the Agartha, the judgment of Perseus, the Omega God, has begun," she said with a gentle yet firm voice. Everyone in the room smirked with excitement, mumbling a few words as they looked over at Perseus with disgust. They were obviously wishing him the worst. Kami sighed, knowing their evil thoughts in their heads, making her heart flinch with sadness. Still, she kept her solemn composure and put her eyes on Perseus, who looked back at her with a grin. "Ni-haha, it was about time, Kami-chan!" he said, his voice having a childish goofy tone. "The boredom is killing me and I almost fell asleep with all of this dramatic waiting." Most of the deities gasped with shock as they heard how Perseus talked to Kami with such a casual way, even putting her a friendly Japanese honorific. They were about to lose their heads.

"Hey, despicable god, it's with Kami-sama you're talking to!"
"Yes, better watch how you speak to her or you'll be punished for good!"
"How dare you do such a blasphemy!?"

Everyone began to shout insults at Perseus, pointing at him with their fingers in rage and just wanting to get rid of him. Perseus chuckled and turned his head to look at everyone, sticking out his tongue at them. "Buh! Y'all just jealous because I have a better relationship with her than anyone else here!" he replied, only feeding their rage. Kami, on another hand, closed her eyes in annoyance and sighed, raising her right hand to calm everyone. "My deities, there's no need to lose your heads for such a triviality. Besides, we all know that Perseus is like this. Now, calm down and let's proceed with the judgment, alright?" After her words, everyone went silent, giving death glares at Perseus. Apparently, he and Kami were close friends. Returning to her throne and sitting down, an angel appeared on the right side of Kami, holding a golden seal. When the goddess picked the seal, she opened it and began to read it loud and clear to everyone. "So, Perseus, you're accused of causing the following things: creating disturbance and annoyance during sacred ceremonies, making hoaxes to almost all of the deities, peeking at the goddess on the hot springs and hiding their undergarments..." Kami stopped reading and glared at Perseus with a serious expression, her right eyebrow lifted. "I didn't know you could be such a shameless pervert, Perseus. The list keeps going and I see a lot of things that I'm ashamed to even say out loud. I'm disappointed with you."

Perseus chuckled awkwardly and nervously, looking down at the floor with his face all red and some sweat on his forehead, not knowing what to say on his defense. He also didn't know Kami would say all of that out loud and it was really embarrassing. The deities shook their heads in shame as well, the goddesses giving death glares at Perseus after remembering the many times they have caught him peeking at them in the hot springs. After a minute, Kami cleared her throat and rolled back the seal, not wishing to continue with the list. "The list is long, so I won't lose time reading all of it. Besides, all of you probably know half of them." Returning the seal to the angel, this one literally poofed out of existence, and Kami stood up from her throne. Then, she grabbed her golden scepter that had a crystal sphere on the top, surrounded by four golden metallic wings.

Perseus realized that the time for his Divine Punishment has finally come. Sighing slightly, he slowly looked directly at Kami, keeping his same smile. Kami felt like if a knot of thorns was around her heart. She really didn't want to end Perseus' existence because of her hopes of him becoming a known god in the Mortal World were still there, but if she didn't punish him properly, the deities will begin to doubt if she's a good ruler or not. Wiping away the thought, Kami gripped her scepter tightly with her right hand, already with a final decision in her mind. Slightly lifting the rod, Kami slammed it on the floor, the arcane symbol above Perseus' feet changing to red.

"Perseus is declared guilty of the accusations," she said while looking down at him with a serious expression. The deities around the chamber gasped with excitement, a couple of them nodding and chuckling, mumbling that she will finally get rid of him. A deep knot formed in Perseus' throat after hearing Kami, but he kept his cheerful composure, waiting for the inevitable and accepting the consequences of his actions. "And I, Kami, sentence him to confinement in his apartment until further notice." A sudden and deep silence fell in the chamber after Kami revealed her sentence for Perseus, which widened his eyes in awe, blinking in confusion. "In addition, I'm going to confiscate your magic staff, Perseus, to ensure that you won't be able to continue with your impure mischievous pranks."

Perseus gasped with shock after hearing that last thing and took a step back from Kami, making a sad face. "H-H-Hold on there, Kami-chan," he said, once again referring to her with a friendly honorific. "I think that the confinement is more than enough punishment. P-Please, don't take my staff. It's literally my favorite item in the whole universe!" Frowning with annoyance, Kami held out her left hand, staring at Perseus. "Hand it over, Perseus," she said with a serious expression and tone. "That's an order. These are the consequences of your actions and the only way you can learn to think twice next time you wish to do something so pervert. Now, give me the staff or I'll be forced to take it from you the hard way." Swallowing hard, Perseus looked away with a pout, shaking his head as a reject of Kami's orders, which made the deities frown with anger and slowly began to walk toward him.

"You know the punishment of those who rise against my commands, right?" asked Kami to Perseus, gripping her scepter tightly, her heart beating fast, wishing not to be forced to take drastic actions. "Yes, and still, I ain't giving you my staff, you tyrant!" Perseus replied with a shout, glaring at her upset. Widening her eyes, Kami growled and thrust the rod of her scepter against the floor once again, and from within the arcane symbol, six red and black tentacles came out while a loud growl echoed around the chamber, making the other deities yelp with surprise and back off from them. Perseus screamed with shock as he felt how four tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs, lifting him a few inches from the floor. His face was blushing deep red and he glared at Kami with eyes wide opened. "H-Hey, what is going on here!?" he asked her, feeling like if he was in some weird and perverted anime. "I didn't sign to be part of this! Let me go!"

Smirking, Kami looked back at him. "This is what you get for trying to go against my will," she replied and motioned the free tentacles with her scepter to search Perseus' staff on him. As the tentacles began to slide Perseus around every place of his body, he began to laugh out loud as they only gave him tickles. "N-No, please, stop!" he said with his laugh. A few female deities began to blush deep red as they witnessed such a scene. Kami did her best to not join them.

After a minute, one of the tentacles came out from under Perseus' shirt, holding his magic staff.
"Ah, finally, there it is," said Kami with relief, glad that the tentacles didn't have to search his private parts. After the tentacle hand over the staff, Kami dismissed them with her scepter and they slowly began to go back into the arcane symbol, dropping Perseus on his knees. "This... This is the weirdest experience of my entire life," he said while breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath after laughing so hard. After examining his staff, Kami looked down at Perseus. "Be grateful that I didn't ban you," she said and turned around, heading back to her throne. Suddenly, two angels popped into existence on both sides of Perseus and grabbed him by his arms, the arcane symbol's glow fading to nothing.

"Escort him to his apartment and make sure he won't be able to escape," she ordered and the angels nodded, slowly flying away with Perseus, which slowly looked back at Kami with a pout.

Later on, everyone left the Main Chamber of Kami's mansion, leaving her sitting on her throne, lost in her thoughts.

Ryoo High School, somewhere in the mid-zone of the USA - the Mortal Realm

It was another beautiful summer day around the Ryoo High School. The skies were blue and clear, and a warm and pleasant breeze was passing by, making the branches of nearby trees dance on its rhythm and some leaves to drift behind. It was 6:30 of the morning, so the area of the Main Gates of the school has some students scattered around, chatting or greeting their friends. Once in a while, a couple of students came through the gates as well and members of the Student Council were making sure that everyone that entered was following the uniform rules.

In the Faculty Building, things were getting kind of chaotic around the Teachers' office. As everyone was doing their job, a male teacher abruptly opened the door of the office, stepping inside with an expression of despair. "I can't with this anymore!" he shout, holding his head. Everyone inside of the office got startled by his shout and quickly looked over at him in confusion. "The members of the Music and Art clubs are too much! They're always arguing and fighting with each other. They simply don't listen to me, not a single word. I'm done with it! I'm quitting been their commissioner!" A gasped escaped everyone's mouth after they heard those last words. They looked at themselves, wondering who will take care of those clubs now. This was the 6th time somebody has quitted been in charge of those clubs due to the same complaints.

Suddenly, Mr. Suzuki, the School Principal, came into the room. "Mr. Akita, please, reconsider your decision," he told him, sweating nervously as he knew how hard is to find somebody willing to take charge of the school's most troublesome clubs. Mr. Akita shook his head, glaring at Mr. Suzuki with widened eyes, his face looking like a psychopath. "Oh, there's no way I'm reconsidering that! I had enough of those delinquents! My stress levels are at the top thanks to them and my doctor said that if I don't want to die or something, the better thing to do is stay away from them as soon as possible." Mr. Suzuki sighed deeply and nodded, understanding him. "I see... Alright then, thank you for resisting this month with them. You did a good job." Everyone in the office nodded in agreement, some of them giving a friendly pat on the shoulder at Mr. Akita, who was calming down while taking a sit.

After a while, everyone returned to their seats and got back to their work. The Principal slowly exited the office, his expression stern as he was thinking of a solution to this problem. A club couldn't be ongoing if there wasn't anyone making sure that everything was alright. If this stays like this, he would be forced to disband the clubs and that was something he didn't want to do. After all, the Music Club was the main entertainment during the school festivals and was pretty famous around others schools because they were pretty good. The Art Club has won a lot of awards in the name of the school thanks to their masterpieces and most of the members were recognized by local artists. If Mr. Suzuki closes the clubs out of the blue, the school reputation will probably drop drastically and that was something he could bear to watch.

"I'm sure I'll find somebody in the next two weeks, I guess," he mumbled with a small smile, a new hope burning in his heart as he walked through the hallways with his hands behind him. A few students that passed him by greeted him with respect and he did the same. After all, Mr. Suzuki was a Principal loved by almost all of them after doing a really great job.

At 6:50 AM, everybody was heading to their respective classroom to get ready for their First Period. So those that were a little late still have a chance of making it on time to their homerooms.
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Michelle Dubois
Art Club President
Mansion | Classroom

The morning had barely came and yet Michelle Dubois was already wide awake in her studio at the mansion. She had just finished painting her fifth canvas and as her blue eyes stared longer at her creation, she felt disappointed. It seems her art style had changed and it frustrated her to no end.

"Non. Non. Non!" She screamed, her voice heavy with her french accent before grabbing the painted canvas and tossing it away out of anger. Four more paintings were scattered on the floor but the French American didn't care. "This is not what I want! No heart. No soul. This is garbage!"

Ever since the so called breakup, something has changed. At first it was unnoticible but as time went on she soon noticed it. She used to use vibrant colors when painting but now, all she used was reds, blues, blacks and greys. Of course people noticed it, especially her club members and when asked why the sudden change, all she could do was lie and tell them that she was trying something new. But she knew deep inside that wasn't the case. "This is because of that stupid pig!"

Clearly not in the mood to paint anymore, the female headed downstairs and found herself in the kitchen where the maids were already awake and preparing her breakfast.

"Good morning, madmoiselle" one of the maids greeted her, already used at seeing her hands and nightgown covered in paint. "We are already done with your breakfast so if you could just wait in the dining room, we'll serve it to you"

Her breakfast didn't last very long, and soon after she's done eating, she made her way back to her bedroom and began preparing herself for school.

Arriving at the school gates, Michelle stepped out of the black SUV and made her way to her class. As usual the halls were crowded with people. There was the couple that was always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the nerds who were busy with their trading cards. There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls.

She tried to manuover her way around, cursing under her breath and glaring at those who dared bump into her. It was fairly obvious that she was not in the mood so upon arriving at her classroom and sitting down on her seat, she couldn't help but curse in her native tongue "Merde! Ces personnes ne peuvent pas voir que je ne suis pas d'humeur? Les imbéciles!" Can't these people see that I am not in the mood? Imbeciles![/hr]

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Hiro Assarragi.
Location - Home then music room at school.

The alarm sounded in the empty house as Hiro woke up. He opened his eyes, sat up in his bed then yawned. He didn't say a word as he got up, washed his face and brushed his teeth. He looked into the mirror his expression never changing. Hiro finished getting ready and headed downstairs. He glanced at the entrance on his way to the kitchen, checking to see if his parents shoes were there. He realized it was just his, he blinked and continued to the kitchen to make a piece of toast and pour himself a glass of juice.

He turned on the T.V. as he waited for his bread to cook. The local news was doing a piece on local arts programs. They showed a few students that were showing off their paintings, and sculptors. Hiro heard the clang of the toaster popping up so he got up and buttered his toast. He went back to the table and took a bite of toast and a sip of juice. As Hiro ate he suddenly heard the sound of Bagatale 25 in A minor. He cringed as he heared the player laigh and giggle as tbey butchered the piece. He took tje remote and shut off the television. "Tsk, i can't stand it when total losers try to act all cool by showing off their shitty skills." Hiro finished his breakfast with an attitude and tossed his dishes in the sink as he headed towed the door.

After a 15 minute walk Hiro was at school, he still had an attitude as he walked through the students. His normal blank expression was replaced by an irritated gaze. 'Ggrrr, look at all these sheep.' He thought as he navigated through the crowd. 'You worthless fools, move out of my way I have precious little time to play Bagatale 25 in A minor before class starts, I won't be able to calm down until I've done so.' He finally reached the music room, ignoring anyone who was around. He made a b line to the piano, sat and started playing. As he played his irritated look transformed into a smug on as he spoke over his playing. "Yeah, see that you little turd! This is how you play that song. You're still 100 years away from being good enough to even lick my shoes." He said as laughed maniacally.

Hiro finished playing with mins to spare, he took a deep breath to calm down then ran to class. Along the way his attitude mellowed out as did his glare which was replaced with a neutral stare. He made it to class, greeted everyone he passed and took his seat. He put away his bag and pulled out his notebook and pen, clearly ready to get class started.

Alice Chiba
Home -> School Classroom​
Alice Chiba hated mornings. As the alarm clock bared, Alice rolled over to glare at it. Couldn't school start an hour later? She'd be awake and on time all the time then. She turned off the alarm and laid in bed. She was rubbed the sleep out of her eyes when-

"Rise and shine, sunshine!" Her father burst in, yelling and being his usual morning person self. Alice envied that he had to go to work at 9, while she needed to be at school before then. She was just far too tired to be bothered with going and learning... whatever they were going to learn today. But if she didn't go today, then she couldn't go to the Art Club later. "Come on, you've got another day of learning ahead of you!"

Alice rolled out of bed, unable to muster an equally enthusiastic response. "G'mornin'... Dad."

Ever since she'd skipped school the one time, he was nervous. He clearly wanted to make sure she was doing her best and going to school every day, and sooner or later he'd crash from all the effort. But it was nice to know someone knew she wouldn't fit in.

She dressed and ate quickly, the two of them rapidly getting on with their days, and she wondered what would happen if she skipped school again as she stuffed toast into her mouth. Would he get angry? Yell at her? Or would he do the thing that he did when she missed his expectations and give her the sad dog eyes? Probably the last thing was more terrible than the first two, Alice decided.

With a quick goodbye, Alice was off to walk to the school. Her father had done almost everything in his power to live in the school's backyard, and they'd settled for being a few blocks away.

The walk wasn't long, but she found new ideas as she walked. Fall was really setting in now, and the trees were almost all yellows and oranges and the occasional firetruck red. She picked a few up that weren't too dirty for ideas when it came to club time.

When arriving at the school she settled into her desk with a thump and a lazy placement of her bag on the desk. She'd probably have to stuff all the notebooks into the cubby later, but for now she was content with sitting in her chair.

As she looked out over the schoolyard, she hoped that the day would pass quickly so she could go to Art Club and draw the ocean of trees just beyond the schoolyard.
August "Ace" Elliot

It was a pleasant morning. It wasn't too cool or too warm, the birds were singing, and the radiant morning rays hit the autumn leaves at just the right angle that it seemed the trees wore glowing crowns. Truly a perfect day to go to school. In the distance, an alarm clock was blaring, working hard to awaken its master so he too may enjoy this glorious morning.

However, it was promptly smashed with a well practiced fist, forever silenced. "Shuddup already. I'm up." August mumbled in his sleepy stupor before falling back asleep as quickly as he had awakened. It was clear he had no intention of waking. If his loud snoring wasn't proof enough, his bruised hand that had slipped out of the blanket and off the edge of the bed further strengthened that notion. Aside from the bruises, he seemed perfectly harmless and at peace. Peace that only lasted a good five minutes before his bedroom door opened with a bang.

"Wakey wakey hands off snakey~"

Like the clock, his peace came to an end when a soft but willful voice sang out to him. It was followed by a sudden weight coming down on his back repeatedly with the force of a thousand waterfalls as his younger sister, April, mercilessly hopped onto his back knees first and bounced about happily. If he wasn't awake before, he definitely was now. "I'm awake! Stoooop!" He wailed for mercy and tapped out as he felt his back break in about four different places.

Luckily for him, April was a good child. She stopped bouncing on him but settled for sitting on his aching back instead. "No magi-" "PLEASE!" August interrupted her and tried to squirm away, his hands gripping the sheets until his knuckles were white. "Okie dokie~" She hopped off without a word of complaint and ran out the door. Her was mission completed and August was left sore, awake, and hungry. Never on to lose his temper on his younger sister, he grumbled at his own inadequacies before rolling off the bed, and crawling to his drawers to select his clothing and get ready for the day. It didn't take long was color coded and neatly folded into little bundles.

After a quick shower, he put on an apron and cooked up a quick breakfast consisting of leftover mashed potato pancakes, over easy eggs, and ham. Since his mother was busy sleeping in, it was only him and April at the table. They were running late, as usual so there wasn't much room for chit chat. After polishing off their plates, August washed them and they set out for school. "Here, hold my pinky. I don't want you to get lost." He politely held out his pinky only for it to be slapped away. "I'm not a child, Aniki. You don't have to follow me to school either. My friends already find you weird." April pouted, her plump flushed cheeks begging to be squished and pinched until they ached. It greatly pained him to have to hold himself back from pinching them.

Seeing her brother's pained face, April thought it was because of her rejection and promptly held his pinky for him. "Alright already, stop making that face." She acted cool, her face no longer showing any sign of embarrassment. The reddened tips of her ears however, showed otherwise. Her cute tough girl act painfully reminded him of how fast she was growing. It felt as if she was learning to walk the day before.

About a block away from her school, he stopped dead in his tracks, causing April to pause as well and send him a questioning gaze. "You're so big now. I'm sure you don't need me to lead you the rest of the way. Be safe." Taking a second to ruffle her hair, he turned away towards the direction of his school. With his bag slung over his shoulder, he actually looked like a cool older brother for once. He didn't take more than two steps before he was stopped by a hug from behind. "Take care, niichan." April mumbled before quickly releasing him and rushing off to her own school.

A little action from a little girl but it was enough to make a big impact. His heart warmed up and he had forgotten the pain from before. In a much chipper mood, he rushed to get to school as well. When he arrived, the student council was still at the gates, waiting for students to arrive. Not wanting an argument so early in the morning, August opted out and went the usual route. After tossing his bag over the gate, he climbed over himself. His landing was well practiced at this point as he landed in a crouched position and even did a cool superhero pose. "Ooh, yeah~ Another great day to show these people how awesome I am!"

With only a bit before class started, he pulled out a paperclip and entered the art club's room with ill intentions. With only so little time left before class, he quickly rearranged their inventory. It was a small prank compared to the time he smeared their paint on the walls but a quick one nonetheless. August was sure that this prank would still lead to some confusion and maybe even some bickering between them. The best way to take a group down was from inside after all. Also, anyone who was used to a certain brush or paint being in a certain spot would surely make a mistake somewhere along the line.

With only so much time to spare, August casually exited the room, locking the door behind him and left towards his own class. He happened to share the class with Hiro who he instantly spotted. Pulling out a box out of his bag, he approached his younger musical senior bro with a bashful smile. "K-ouhai. Please accept these. I made them just for you!" Not taking no for an answer, he tossed the box of sweets onto his friend's desk, neatly centering it immediately after before taking up the seat beside him, earning himself a glare from the seat's owner who just happened to walk in at that moment. "They're those French cookies. Macarons? I don't know. Cute, right? You'd better eat them all. They're full of my love." Placing his hands over his heart, he emphasized this point before going to his own seat before the teacher could walk in and scold him. Properly seated, he pulled out a pen and notebook, lining both up perfectly parallel to the sides of the desk. "Perfection." He quietly admired his work and waited for classes to end so he could go play.


Home ⟿ School
Sister & Macarons


Penelope Larson

Location: Larson home --> Classroom
Interaction: Michelle (@DANAsaur), Alice (@Karyra)
Mentions: Naomi (@xLarius), August (@Iceydaze), Hiro (@Kurogane86)

Penelope calmly slept in her bed. Her covers were half of off her body, revealing her in her large over-sized shirt she wore as pajamas. The bottom was hiked up, almost to the point of exposing some places that it shouldn't but luckily stopped just before it got there. Her body twitched slightly, and her eyes started to open as she awoke. She glanced at her alarm clock, but it was too fuzzy to make out what it said. She reached over and felt around on her nightstand, feeling the edges of frames and took hold of her glasses, placing them on her face.

She stared blankly for a second, until she realized the numbers on the clock. "I'm going to be late!" she suddenly shouted out. "The alarm didn't go off!" She pushed herself out of bed and ran around her room. She grabbed her uniform and rushed as she put it on.

Her room was a scattered mess. There were clothes thrown on the floor, on her desk chair, and hanging from her drawers of her dresser. There were canvases of paintings everywhere and one half painted on the aisle she had in her room. But that wasn't the only mess that littered the room. There were books, scrap paper, paint bottles and brushes, pencils and pens, and many other random items lazily placed around in the room in what seemed like no order at all.

She looked at herself in the mirror she had as she fixed her hair quickly, then left the room to join her parents in the kitchen where breakfast was. "Good morning," she muttered as she took her seat down at the table.

Her father, sitting to her right, looked over at his watch. "How do you get up late every time, with barely any time at all, and still end up at the breakfast table on time?" he commented. He looked over towards his daughter.

"Because you always taught me to be on time, Captain Papa!" Nelly commented, using her usual nickname she had given to her dad long ago. She gave him a teasing salute and then went about putting some food on her plate. "I just don't understand why my alarm didn't go off again."

"Because you slept through it like usual," her mother then cut in. Penelope responded with puffed out cheeks in a pout then took a big bite of her piece of toast. She finished her food fairly quickly, then got up and gave them both a good bye kiss. She took hold of her school bag and headed out the door.

She made her way down the sidewalks. While she wasn't super close to school, she could still walk without it being too much of a hassle, except when it was raining of course. She arrived on time, despite her alarm clock problem and went right on through the gates with no problems. After all, her uniform was just fine. It wasn't until she arrived in the school that she went into the bathroom and put her finishing touches on her look, like the flower in her hair and a few quirky pieces she tended to switch up ever so often.

Once done with that, she headed for the classroom. She was excited to see her friends of the art club, but her smile momentarily was replaced by a frown and grumble when she thought about the music club they'd have to deal with. But she wiped that frown away and smiled again.

She pushed open the door of the classroom. "I'm here!" she shouted out to no one in particular, but it was probably to her friends. Though, everyone in that classroom was sure to be used to Nelly by now. Naomi wasn't there yet, but she saw Michelle and Alice and ran right over to them.

"Mishie! Ali!" Nelly said but her clumsiness already decided to start working today and she caught her foot on someone's bag and tripped. She somehow found herself rolling even though that didn't even seem possible, and then stopped right near August. And he was with another one of the Music club members too, of course. At least, by some miracle, Penelope wasn't hurt at all, but her glasses had slid off her face and were somewhere on the ground. "Mishie! Ali! My glasses!" She fumbled around trying to feel for them.
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Interactions: None
Mentions: Hiro and Penelope
Locations: Home - School




Lucifer groaned slamming his hand onto the alarm clock effectively turning it off and knocking it onto the floor. Looking down at the clock he let out a huff at the time. 30 minutes till he needed to leave. The clock was on time as usual. Crawling out of bed Lucifer looked around as his mess of a room. Various clothes tossed here and there as well as random papers with pranks written on them were strewn across the floor of the back right corner of his room. Rubbing his face he walked around grabbing his uniform and quickly changing.

Walking out of his room he was hit with the smell of breakfast being cooked downstairs. Jogging down the steps Lucifer walked into the kitchen and waved to his parents who were doing their own thing. His mother was hard at work cooking a good breakfast for them while his father was reading the newspaper. A normal looking family. Though if anyone knew them they would know this family was anything but normal. From a troublemaking son to demanding parents. Lucifer revealed in the chaos he brought his parents and would always play stupid little pranks on them.

Going through his backpack Lucifer made sure he had everything for the day. Nodding to himself he turned in time to see a plat being put down in front of him. Smiling in thanks he dug in eating everything on his plat in only a few minutes. Looking over at the clock he jumped out of his chair, pulling on his backpack and shoes, and raced to the door in hopes of escaping before he had to talk to his parents. Thankfully it seemed as they had nothing to lecture him about today as he managed to get out the house with no problems.

Arriving at school he wandered through the halls pausing at the music rooms door to hear Hiro brag about his music. Shaking his head Lucifer walked into homeroom and was about to take a seat when one of the art girls came rushing past him and fell on her face. A loud obnoxious laugh came from Lucifer as he stepped over the girl and took a seat.

Naomi Kyoya
Location: Kyoya Residence School
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Aish! Dai you're going to be the end of me!" Dai, also known as Daichi, also known as her littler 6 year old brother who liked to pull heartstrings but also liked to sharpen all her pencils until nothing was left. She puffed up a singular cheek before looking frantically around for a parental figure, Naomi had been awake for awhile due to being the designated babysitter for the morning. If she wasn't awoken by her brother's frantic tugging it was by her grandmother's bucket of water much to her bed's dismay. "If you're going to mess with my things I'm not going to let you sleep here anymore." To that her brother groaned in defeat.Thinking about it now, it was amazing that despite the "elegant" persona displayed by her grandmother it didn't take the elder very long to pull out a slipper to smack a poor victim around. "Mother-" She called out to her mother but instead found herself looking down at her grandma, an irritated expression on her face. Her grandmother refused to speak Japanese or English to her, the reason she wasn't too sure of. Naomi replied in Chinese, "I'm sorry grandmother but could you watch Dai-" Looking a bit panicky for a moment she remembered to finish, "chi?" At that comment her brother frowned in a haughty matter. "I'm practically an adult now!!"

"Just a few more years, Daichi. Oh heavens up above save me... Back straight, Naomi my little plum tree." Although the nickname was endearing, her grandmother's tone was nothing but threatening. "Yes, of course grandmother." Naomi replied almost immediately. Naomi ran to her room to shove her box that held her painting brushes into her bag. Naomi took a few glances around her room, it was quite orderly and had many paintings hanging around her room along with her brother's name written in Chinese letters hanging on her wall. It was eerily clean and everything was neat and orderly. Not that her grandmother would allow anything less. After all considering that in the morning, she would get on your case for not eating her porridge or the cabbage set on the table with the typical soy sauce. Occasionally a bowl of cereal here and there but only when her grandmother was away or wanted to dedicate her morning to the small shrine set up.

She slipped a winged clip into her hair before standing in front of her grandma, "Is father in the car?" Although her father had flexible hours she was still getting used to the idea that for every moment she delayed that her father would have to return that much later. "He is. Make sure you try your hardest at studying. At the rate your going at you're going to end up as a peddler living on the streets-" At that Naomi furrowed her brows before giving a weak smile. "Of course, grandmother." She walked up to her brother before patting his head, perhaps she caught on the nicknames from her grandmother. "Have a good day my little sunshine. Please try not to kick another soccer ball into a poor victims face now." To that he sighed before saluting, "Yeah 'course. Little sunshine, will be on his best behavior." Naomi's grandmother bopped him on the head, "Daichi." Perhaps she was scolding him for his language rather than his sassy demeanor. At that he rubbed his head, crouching down, "Grandmother! Please take mercy on me."

Naomi swallowed a small chuckle not wanting to irritate her grandmother any further. She slung her backpack over her shoulders before walking outdoors, surveying her perfectly cut lawn with flowers lining the sidewalk from the door. She got in the car and her dad told her what he had been saying since elementary school which was; "You know the drill, Nao. Stranger danger, but for the most part behave yourself." To that Naomi smiled weakly. Behave yourself. Perhaps he was implying that she didn't do that daily. Or maybe it was her brothers influence getting to her dad. She calmly exited the car before taking a deep breath. She moved slowly through the hallways flinching at any physical contact she was forced to make. Out of pure habit she continued to murmur, "Excuse me." Despite having dealt with the issue many times before. Each time it happened she gripped tighter and tighter on to her bag. Naomi was a bit later than usual, knowing herself she was probably the last one. Especially at this time.

Usually she'd start off the day by setting up her desk before paying attention to her friends but it seemed that today fate was just out to irritate her. Calmly she entered the classroom as she furrowed her eyebrows muttering under her breath, "Of course, Sir Devil himself basking in the pains of others." She grit her teeth before taking a deep breath, her expression a bit calmer as she approached her friend. Naomi was lucky she didn't have eyesight problems. Otherwise her grandmother would never let her father live that down accusing him of cursing the family with "faulty" genetics. "Good morning, Penelope. You're not hurt are you?" It seemed to Naomi that if Penelope lost her glasses it must have quite the fall. She couldn't say she was very surprised at Penelope's accident though. Her friend tended to be more on the hyperactive side. Naomi didn't have to look very long as she swiftly picked up the glasses and presented them to Penelope.

"Despite your temporary loss of sight I'm assuming your morning has been just fine if not better?" Naomi inquired before offering a smile. Even if Penelope replied she was fine, Naomi was still trying to subtly look over Penelope despite being aware that her friend was like a rubber band. Naomi had no doubt that she'd snap back to life in simple moments. Despite being close to the members of the music club, Naomi held her cool demeanor. If they provoked her she couldn't guarantee a peaceful morning. Usually she wouldn't condone violence but the music club kids were beyond the golden rule.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Penelope Larson x @ScarletNova
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Akiyama Brooks
Music Club President
Villa | Ryoo High - Classroom

As the alarm on his phone began to ring the same annoying sound that wakes him every morning, Akiyuki sighed and groaned with annoyance, rolling on his bed and covering his ears with his pillow. However, the alarm was really loud, so any efforts of ignoring it were futile for Akiyuki. Clicking his tongue, the black-haired guy gave up and opened his eyes, sighing and lazily rolling to his right, toward the nightstand beside his bed and tapped the screen of his phone with his right index finger, finally silencing the alarm. Relieved, Akiyuki kept laying on the bed, looking aimlessly at the white and tall ceiling of his room.

A lot has happened to him since he broke up with Michelle a year ago and Akiyuki's usual behavior also changed. Drastically. This ended up making Akiyuki, a famous singer/songwriter in his school and local academy world losing his motivation, and his passion for music was slowly fading away. And it was all because of Michelle Dubois. When they were together, Akiyuki was inspired to sing and write song practically all the time, most of them, obviously, been about love and other lovey-gooey stuff. Akiyuki was feeling like living in Cloud 9, but everything went down after his abrupt break-up with Michelle. Right in the middle of Christmas's Eve. This was the only reason why he hates so much Christmas season now.

Shaking off his thoughts, Akiyuki pushed himself out of his bed and walked all the way to his bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower to get ready for school. He was in his family private villa all alone for this weekend that ended. The reason: his father was in his home, a big mansion, and Akiyuki wasn't in the mood to bear be around him for the weekend, especially knowing how much he keeps persisting him to change his mind of being a musician and follow his professional business path. There was no way Akiyuki would choose such a boring profession even when he father practically forced him to take courses in the basic economy since a young age. Now he is old enough to stand against him.

As he was now all dressed in his uniform and ready to go to school, the horn of a limo alerted him that his ride to school finally arrived. Sighing, Akiyuki exited the villa with his messenger bag and his guitar in its suitcase. "Good morning, young Master," greeted his driver as Akiyuki approached him, kindly bowing at him. Akiyuki nodded and put his baggage besides the man. "Morning, Jones," replied Akiyuki bluntly. "And, for the last time, stop calling me "master". It's just too weird, man. It makes it sound like you're my slave or something." Sighing, Akiyuki opened the door of the passenger side and got inside the limo. "Now, hurry up and get my baggage inside. I don't want to be late for school." Nodding, Jones put Akiyuki's stuff in the trunk of the limo before getting inside the vehicle and driving off.

On his way to Ryoo High, Akiyuki was checking the texts from every one of the Music Club in their private chat room on his phone. Right now, they were pretty much saying good morning at everyone, with a couple of cute emojis and images from August, and some humorous ones from Lucifer. Akiyuki chuckled at some of them while eating a honey nut bar. Akiyuki was really lucky to have them on his club and he was luckier by the fact that they were the only ones that seem to bear him in this "difficult time", even when Hiro once in a while say rude and cold comments like "You need to put your shit together and move on" or "Stop being such a wimpy and whiny child and get your ass to work on a good song, Akiyuki". Yes, that was Hiro for everyone, but Akiyuki and the rest were already accustomed to such a cold attitude. He was like the Tsundere cat mascot of the Music Club, but don't say that to him in the face, though.

"I freaking love these guys," thought Akiyuki as he locked the screen of his phone with a small smile, taking the last bite of his bar. Without them, Akiyuki was pretty sure he would've laid himself to waste after his rupture with Michelle. He knows that they told him that they owe him a lot, but personally, Akiyuki felt that it was him that owe them a lot. "After all... You guys saved me since that day you all agreed to join me. Thank you, guys."

After arriving at Ryoo High, Akiyuki exited his limo and said goodbye to Jones before heading inside the school, practically running fast as he was about to be late for class. "Oh, hell no! I don't want to face that white-haired Demon!" he said as he ran through a hallway, passing by the Music Club. He cursed under his breath for not being able to spare some time in there with his guitar. As he reached the Science Classroom, Akiyuki suddenly jumped inside and quickly bowed. "GOUMENNASAI, AZUMI-CHAN!" he shouted loud and clear, apologizing to Azumi Kisaragi, the Science teacher of 11th Grade, for his delay. The funny thing was that Azumi wasn't in the classroom yet, so, technically, he was early at class.

After not hearing Azumi's complaints and her threats for being late for her class, Akiyuki slowly stood straight and looked a desk that was in front of the left side of the room where Azumi should've been. As he found it empty, mostly every student began to laugh at Akiyuki. Realizing he embarrassed himself, Akiyuki gripped tightly the handle of his guitar case and quickly began to walk to his desk, blushing red. His seat was, oddly enough, a chair after Michelle's seat to the right. As he reached his desk, Akiyuki carefully laid his guitar case on the floor before dropping his messenger bag on top of his desk. "Ugh, I can feel that today's gonna be super shitty," Akiyuki mumbled as he took a seat, leaning his back against his seat.

Curious and secretly, Akiyuki slowly turned his head to look over at Michelle and he could tell instantly that she wasn't in a good mood and he wondered if August, Lucifer, or Hiro were the reason. Not giving it too much care, Akiyuki clicked his tongue and looked away, crossing his arms. "Whatever, man. She's always that cranky, anyways," he thought and slowly looked down to his guitar. "Oh, I just want to have some peaceful time with you, my love."
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Michelle Dubois
Art Club President
Location: Classroom
Interactions/Mentions: Everyone

One by one students trickled in inside the classroom.

First one to enter after her was Hiro Assaragi, a member of the Music Club who in her opinion, was too neutral and too cold. Michelle knew she shouldn't judge a book by its cover but she just couldn't wrap her head how a guy like him can play music. To her music should have soul, just like art. And based on how she sees Hiro, he's far from someone who have a soul.​
Well, I never heard him play. Not that I care After all, during her so called relationship with Akiyama, she never stepped foot inside his clubroom. Why would I when I have far more important matters to attend to? Besides, its not like hearing them play would inspire me nor make me successful in my art

Next to enter the classroom was Alice and immediately her mood perked up. Seeing someone from Art Club easily lifted her spirits. Michelle was about to greet her and perhaps talk to her about the new art gallery that's about to open but it seems Alice was not in the mood. "I guess I am not the only one having a bad day.."

Just then another person entered. "Idiot" Michelle greeted the pink haired male named Ace under her breath, smiling smugly at the nickname she chose for him. Its not that she hates Ace, she juts despised him. How can she not when he once trashed her beloved art club? Since then she developed a certain distaste towards the male and what a lovely coincidence that Elliot sounds close to idiot.

At the mention of macarons, Michelle almost gagged. The female loved french patries but seeing Ace giving it to Hiro somehow ruined it for her. She felt like he disgraced France just by saying the word macaron.
I better avoid macarons up until next week. I don't think I can eat one without thinking about the pink haired rascal..filling it with his.. eeew.. love

Michelle was then distracted from her thoughts when a ball of sunshine named Peneople clumsily entered the room, immediately wincing as Alice stumbled and fell, her glasses now on the floor. Michelle was about to help the poor girl when none other than Lucifer came in, laughing obnoxiously at Penelope before Naomi entered and helped Penelope.

"Gargoyle" she muttered under her breath, glaring hard at Lucifer as she stood up, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. "laughing at someone's mishap. His name really suits him! I am certain their so called leader didn't teach them proper ettiquette and manners. No wonder they're so chaotic. Hmp!"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Just a few seconds after her statement, Akiyama loudly entered the room by yelling an apology to their non-existent teacher. Michelle couldn't help but loufly laugh at his embarrassment.

"Ahahahaha~" the french girl let out a typical rich girl laugh, covering her lips with a hand and feeling a bit disappointed that she forgot to bring her fan. Jut seeing Akiyama in pure embarrassment or misery somehow lifted her mood.

"How embarrassing for the leader of the Music Club" she whispered to one of her club members, carefully eyeing Akiyama. "No wonder they are ranked lower than our club. Their leader clearly lacks drive as well as responsibility. I bet he couldn't even tell time because if he did, he won't assume he's late."

Just then Akiyama's voice reached her ears, pertaining to her as always cranky. Immediately Michelle's eyes sharpened and narrowed at him. She knew she shouldn't stoop so low to his level and cause a scene. After all, Michelle believes she is better than him. I shouldn't waste my time to a low life like him

Deciding to let his comment slide for now, the female then focused on her friends and clapped her hands twice to gain their attention. "Girls, I have an announcement to make."

"As you all know, a new art gallery is opening this weekened and I was wondering if you all would like to come with me and check it out? I assure you the tickets will not be a problem and we can all get ready at my mansion."

"So, do you want to come with me? Think of it like a.. what do you call it? Excursion? The thing you do for school.. uh, is it field trip?"
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Hiro Assarragi.
Location - Classroom at school
Interacting with - @Iceydaze @Shinku⭐Kun @DANAsaur
Mentions - @Karyra @ScarletNova @Lulunopia @xLarius

As soon as Hiro was back to his old emotionless self she walked in. Gigantress herself Alice Chiba. Hiro cringed at the sight of her and her unladylike way of sitting at her desk. 'Geez, that giant will never make a decent bride. Why can't she learn to be quiet when she enters a room. He then saw her boss, the cold hearted woman that snapped his Presedents heart in two. She was the reason he's been in a creative funk unable to write anything decent in months. "Tsk." He said getting irritated again.

Suddenly Ace dropped a box of french cookies on Hiro's desk. "Wh.what?" He said at the mention of love filled pastries. "Cut it out" he said as he turned bright red shoving the box back into August's arms. His fingers starting tapping on his desk like he was pressing piano keys. It was his defense mechanism, he only felt confrontational when he was playing. He looked over at August his neutral face replaced with a stern glare. "Don't get all familiar with me you two bit musician. The only reason I stand you is because I respect Akiyama and his club."

Before Hiro returned to his seat another Art club member fell near him and Ace. Hiro just rolled his eyes and shook his head at the disgrace before him. "Pitiful" he let slip before returning to his seat. A loud annoying laugh echoed throughout the classroom. Hiro knew right away Lucifer had arrived. Hiro didn't bother greeting him since he was to busy laughing at the clumsy girl. Another member of the art club helped her up asking if she was ok. Hiro rolled his eyes thinking if she falls down that often she needs a helmet and pads.

Hiro's mood changed when Akiyama showed up. He immediately embarrassing himself thinking he was late just then that cold woman started laughing. Hiro stood up quickly knocking his chair back. "That's it!" He yelled out as he glared at Mitchell. "You stupid girl, you shut your mouth when in his presence. He's got more talent in his little finger than you ever will." He looked at Akiyama who was embarrassed and starring at his guitar. "Damn it prez, get over that witch already. She ain't worth it and to be honest she's not even cute."

Alice Chiba
School Classroom
Interactions: Assarragi @Kurogane86 ; Nelly @ScarletNova ; Michelle @DANAsaur

The leaves just beyond the window were so tempting that Alice felt like bolting out of the classroom to set up her easel before class actually began. However, that would also cause her dad to give her the sad puppy dog eyes, and she really wasn't eager to see those again any time soon. He was already doing so much for her that she couldn't bear to make it any worse for him. Skipping school was just a whim. Though... as 'Ace' walked in, she remembered why she skipped in the first place. She suppressed a groan as he walked in. He ignored the white haired boy who thought of himself as more of a prince than he really should. She'd be surprised if he could actually play chopsticks.

She had a sinking feeling the little redheaded punk had done something to their art room again. She'd have to deal with that later, it was too close to the start of class.

He wasn't worth getting suspended, though. He had no idea how lucky he'd been. How punchable his face was. Though the sweets he threw onto the desk made her wish she had beaten him up for those macarons. Then again... he could win, as she wasn't feeling like starting a fight right now. He was lucky today for sure.

Michelle was around, but Alice didn't really feel up for bothering her either. Fortunately, Nelly caused something to happen. The poor girl was such a klutz. "Aww Nelly you don't have to rush in here ya know. That's how come you keep tripping like ya do."

Alice was already on the hunt for them when Satan walked in. Fine, his name was Lucifer, but he walked over her and ignored helping her. Alice mumbled something about chivalry and continued to look.

"Hey Naomi, help us look for-"
And there was Akiyuki yelling an apology. Alice shook her head and continued. "Nelly lost her glasses. Can you help?"

Michelle talked trash about the Music Club, and invited them all to the art gallery. "Oh, uhm.... is there like a dress code for that place? I don't mind going, but I can't see the art if I'm kicked out... I'll have to borrow something maybe..."

It won't fit though. Borrowed dresses never really do fit for me.

Alice always forgot Michelle was such a rich girl, but the mention of the mansion and getting ready put her a little on edge. Was that okay? She might break something expensive. That or Nelly might. The thought of it almost made the

However, thankfully Assarragi gave her an excuse to change the subject. Violently.

"What did you say, ASSarragi?"
Alice stood and cracked her knuckles. "Because I'm pretty sure that it wasn't my club leader who just tried to apologize to the air, there pretty boy. If he's so talented, then how come you're only getting sweets from the other members of your club? Seems pretty sad to me, doesn't it. If you're lucky, maybe you can play keyboard in the park and get a whole dollar out of it."

Alice carefully walked over and stole a macaron. After quickly taking a bite out of her stolen sweet, Alice said, "these are terrible, too. Sorry, guess I'll have to call a health code violation on them and take them to the trash."

With that she snatched the box up and started to walk away. She wasn't about to pass on an opportunity to steal sweets from the music club. The punks wouldn't even try to fight back, the wimps. Their leader might even burst into tears if pushed hard enough. He looked close to tears earlier when apologizing to the air. Though... Ace probably would pull a prank on them -if he hadn't already. Two for the price of taking a box of sweets.
August "Ace" Elliot

"Hiro, ah…" His gift and affection rejected, August sighed helplessly. How could their pianist be such a tsundere? "You know, there's a chinese saying that says hitting is closeness; scolding is love. I know you care for me a lot but you don't have to be so forward about it. Save it for when we're behind closed doors, alright?" A mischievous grin played on his lips, his eyes narrowed dangerously upon his club mate as if to suggest hidden meanings that were nonetheless nonexistent.

It could be said his mood was good today. He dropped his little sister off without a fuss and now Hiro was reciprocating his "feelings" for all to see. The lad made some of the most charming faces whenever he was agitated. Compared to Hiro's usual apathetic bearing, he much preferred this side of his friend. Unfortunately, the moment didn't last long. Moments after he made waves of uncomfort spread throughout the classroom, a certain girl came to ruin the moment with her presence. Not only that, she fell close enough to him that he noticed the smallest strand of her hair dirtying his path out of this hellhole. He was about to chew her out for her insolence when something else caught his attention.

"August…" A pitiful cry that only August seemed aware of filled his ears with their plea. Puzzled, he glanced down to find a pair of spectacles not far from where Penelope had fallen. "Crush me..." They begged for release only he could bring. Either he was completely delusional or the glasses felt the same pain he did when that piggy appeared. His foot hovered over, ready to end their suffering when Naomi came to their rescue.

It was irritating. He was one step away from freeing those glasses from a lifetime of servitude and that chance was ruined by a girl who had no business with him or those glasses. To make matters worse, their leader criticized not only their club but Akiyama as soon as he entered as well. On what bounds did she have the right to interfere with their matters?

Hiro was the first to step up for them, once again showing his passionate side. Riled up, August couldn't help but add in a word or two of his own. "Seriously, if you consider our leader beneath you, what does that make you, for liking him so much? You do like him, right? Ah, they say distance makes the heart fonder but I didn't think you'd miss him to this point. Don't ever think of getting him back. Hiro is right, Aki's talent far surpasses yours by now. If I remember correctly, that last entry of yours in the school paper was kinda dull, wasn't it? Way too much grey. I may not know much about art but I know trash when I see it. You should just give up and let your daddy pay to get you into college." What started off as a word or two became a rant of pointless points. Knowing absolutely nothing about her family aside from the fact that she had money to spare, he tossed the first insult from the book on how to pick on rich brats and left it at that.

Or he would have left it at that if Alice hadn't butted in as well. That amazon not only stole a personally crafted macaron but the box as well. Angered by her outrageous behavior, August pounded a well practiced fist on his desk, breaking his pencil in the process, and got to his feet to follow the tall girl. "Hey, Chubby. What do you think you're doing?! Just because Hiro doesn't want them, doesn't mean someone like you can have them. Make your own if you're so capable!" Unwilling to let her have them, he pulled the box away and flung it, sending it flying carelessly without looking where or rather who he mercilessly threw the box of sweets to.

The moment the box left his hands, the atmosphere changed. As if in slow motion, the box of sweets practically flew in the air in a graceful arc across the classroom. Slowly, it opened up, releasing several of Ace's homemade macaron's onto the observers. Coincidentally enough, judging by its trajectory, it's target/s were none other than the art club members; particularly the four eyed pig haired girl. Regardless of whether it hit her or not, the treats couldn't possibly miss all of them right? If anything, they would most definitely leave a mess.

Normally, August wouldn't have minded them getting hit. If anything, he'd celebrate and make fun of them for weeks to come. However, one glance in their direction made him taste nothing but regret. "Aki! Watch out!" Their unfortunate leader had the luck to be sitting so close to that hateful woman. It would be amazing if he wasn't hit by the oncoming projectiles as well. If August could, he would shield him from the oncoming panda assault but he was much too far to be of any use at the moment.




Penelope Larson

Location: Classroom
Interaction: Michelle (@DANAsaur), Alice (@Karyra), Naomi (@xLarius), August (@Iceydaze), Hiro (@Kurogane86)
Mentions: Akiyuki (@Shinku⭐Kun)

Penelope might be practically blind when she didn't have her glasses, but she could surely hear just fine, fine enough to know that Lucifer decided to laugh at her rather than help her out. Typical of someone who was in the same club as that violent red-head. She puffed out her cheeks, annoyed at the accurately-named young man as he stepped over her. With Alice's help, she attempted to find her glasses still. But Naomi arrived and picked up her glasses for her. Nelly took hold of the glasses and placed them onto her face, where she could finally see her savior's face.

"Oh, Nini, you're an angel!" Nelly commented with a river of tears running down her cheeks. A couple seconds later, those tears had disappeared and she sniffled once, until it was like they hadn't even been there at all. "I'm just fine. It takes a lot more than just a simple little fall to get me down."

Penelope reached out her arms like she was about to hug her little angel from heaven, when she was distracted by the arrival of Mishie's ex boyfriend who was the president of that rotten music club. Look at him. Entering with such an embarrassing and obnoxious way, had he no shame...

Like she was one to talk.

The Michelle mentioned something about going to an art gallery. Penelope's eyes lit up in excitement. "Count me in!" If she was able to look at art, then she was happy. She didn't care if it was for the rich people and she'd look like an utter weirdo being there. All that matter was enjoying what she loved.

But all was not well in the end. One thing led to another and the arguing started between the two clubs, just as it did almost every day. Though, Penelope stayed out of it until August decided to join in.

"Hey! Don't talk to my friends like that you pompous sadist!"
Penelope shouted towards the red-head known as August. She placed one hand on her hip and another was pointing directly at him. "The one's who don't know anything about talent are all of you. I'd rather hear someone vomiting than listen to all of you and your so-called music!"

"And don't you call my Ali chubby. All my friends are beautiful the way they are. If you music nerds can't see that, then you're blind."

But during her sentence the box of macarons suddenly went flying through the air and somehow they mostly ended up towards Nelly. He totally did it on purpose, didn't he?!

"It's raining macarons!" Nelly shouted as they suddenly came falling down onto her. Pieces broke and fell into her long blonde hair and dirtied her uniform. She had attempted to dodge them though, which obviously had failed since she was covered in macaron pieces, but one did happen to land unharmed in her hand.

Her face suddenly got really red as her cheeks puffed out again. "August! Look what you just did!" she yelled out. She lifted up her hand, held the macaron in it, and then suddenly threw it directly at his face.

Lucifer Marlo Lestrange
Mentions/Interactions: Everyone from the Music and Art Clubs

Lucifer was hearing some rock music from a playlist on his phone, the music practically blasting through his black and red headphones as the volume was on its loudest. He was smiling mischievously and slightly shaking his head to the rhythm of the song, but the arrival of an annoying girl caught his attention as she passed him by, making his scarlet eyes follow her. "Man, how much I wish the white-haired demon was here," he mumbled, clicking his tongue with a disappointed expression. Everyone in the 11-5 knew perfectly how strict was their home teacher about being early at her class. Even if you arrive just a single minute later after 7:00 AM, she will be beyond pissed and will merciless give a proper punishment.

When Naomi helped her clumsy friend getting her glasses, Lucifer rolled his eyes away and picked his phone to change her music, cursing under his breath as he wanted to see Penelope suffering a little longer or contemplate August crushing them mercilessly. That would be just perfect and more than a reason to laugh out loud at Penelope. Just like his name, Lucifer was a really evil prankster. "Fufufu~ Just wait for them to enter their clubroom," he thought, chuckling as he remembered the little trap he put on the top of the door of their Art Club.

Minutes after Naomi's arrival, Akiyuki, the beloved leader of the Music Club, abruptly stepped inside the classroom and automatically apologize to an Azumi nobody could see. A drop of sweat appeared on the right side of Lucifer's forehead as he watched such a sad scene. "Damn it, Prez," he mumbled and as he paused his playlist to take off his headphone, he heard the annoying and typical rich girl laugh from Michelle. Frowning, Lucifer quickly turned his head to give her a death glare. Who the hell she thinks she was to laugh at his Prez!? He felt completely triggered and he was glad to know that Hiro and August felt the same way.

The first one to lash out at the Art Club members was Hiro, "reminding" them how badass and way better than Michelle their Akiyuki was. Lucifer nodded while smirking, glaring at them from behind. "Tell them more, Hiro-kun!" he said with a chuckle, but then, Alice Chiba, the "Troll Giant" of the Art Club, stepped out to defend her club, having the balls to say that their club didn't have the money to be able to buy sweets while stealing the macaroon August made. She practically called them poor!

Growling angrily, Lucifer closed his hands into fists and glared at Alice. "Who the hell you think you are to talk to us like that, you troll!?" he yelled at her and when he was about to say more, August stepped in as well, defending their club and trying to rescue the box of macaroon he made with so much love. Unfortunately, he snatched the box from Alice's hands way too hard because it practically went flying through the hair. By this point, the whole classroom was in slow motion as the box opened and macaroons began to rain, falling over most of the Art Club members.

Lucifer laughed out loud, giving August two big thumbs up. "Nice aim, Ace!" he said with a cheerful tone, but when he heard August calling out the name of their club president, he blinked in confusion before he turned his head toward Akiyuki. Two macaroons were about to hit him right on his face while the poor Akiyuki was innocently hugging his guitar with a loving expression, floating hearts hovering around him.

"A-Aki-kun, dodge, my dude!" Lucifer shouted with widened eyes, quickly rushing toward Akiyuki in an attempt to stop the macaroons to assault his club president.

Naomi Kyoya
Location: School {The Classroom}
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As tears appeared on Penelope's eyes, Naomi's own eyes widened. "A-Ah Penelope are you really-" She was going to finish with an ,'Are you really alright?' but instead watched as the tears thankfully disappeared in a flash. Unfortunately Naomi was a sympathetic crier- She wouldn't know what to do and instead probably freak out herself. Naomi's expression softened as she calmly gazed at her friend with a fond smile, attempting to ignore any other distractions to sway her smile. "The rescue mission was successful, Alice." She lightly joked in hopes to turn any attention away from the ever persistent Racket Club. She noticed Penelope holding out her arms with an expression of bliss on her face before they both were distracted by the sudden appearance of Michelle's cause of frustration and sudden art blunder.

For that sole reason, Naomi couldn't help but feel resentment. Both as a viewer of art and Michelle's friend so it was to her own entertainment to see him flounder like that. She couldn't help a muffled giggle to slip out of her mouth. Even if he begged forgiveness from their rather harsh teacher in the way that he asked it practically screamed desperation but also it'd never work. Especially since his entrance would have disrupted class entirely as it was potentially interrupting her. She realized she was blankly staring before she returned her attention to Michelle's words, apparently offering tickets for the new gallery.

Naomi's mouth opened slightly as stars seemed to appear in her eyes, "I don't know how you do it, Michelle. I feel spoiled rotten!" She was about to continue the discussion when speaking of spoiled rotten- Hiro's irritating voice rang out and Naomi could just feel the atmosphere grow more heavy with each passing moment. Then the devil's advocate seemed to egg the narcissist, Hiro, on. Typical of him, she really couldn't expect any good from the devil at all. She resisted the temptation to simply turn around and wipe the probable smirk off his face. When he decided to insult Alice she couldn't stand it for any longer. Naomi bit her lip and rapidly turned around shooting back, "Troll?! Wow I have no idea what your standards of beauty are but it's amusing to know that troll's are gorgeous in your eyes!" Pfft, Lucifer Lestrange. More like Lucifer Deranged. Alice came to Michelle's defense first as Naomi then was practically shaking trying to hold any further laughter from slipping out of her lips. The Racket Club was making so many mistakes if trying to make music wasn't one in the first place.

She felt her laughter fade when the red-head began to speak. Did he realize that he was digging not only his, but their entire groups graves? After Penelope spoke up Naomi thought huffily that the same could be spoken of if not worse of his own leader. Didn't his group's short fused Hiro say, 'get over that witch already'? That implies that it's more like his leader hadn't gotten over Michelle. Not the other way around. Naomi also couldn't fail to see how their section in the newspaper had become more vague and shorter than usual in testament to this thought. Naomi fully agreed with Penelope's point. She murmured under her breath with amusement, "First deaf now blind. They really don't have much if anything in that case, going for them."

Although at first her eyes had widened in response to the flying macarons, but then shut her eyes tightly bracing herself for it. Hesitantly as she felt the a macaron land in her hair she noticed that Penelope had unfortunately taken the brunt of the raining sweets. She brushed as many crumbs off of her hair as she could as a look of pure fury appeared on her face, furrowing her eyebrows. Although from the way the other male had called out in protection for their club leader it seemed to be an accident.

At the moment Naomi could care less, if there was something you didn't mess with, it was her hair. "I thought they already hit rock bottom in terms of intelligence-" She grit her teeth reaching out for an innocent cup of yogurt lying on the desk beside her in order to retaliate as she noticed the lowly gremlin himself- Lucifer, rushing towards their leader and so instead of grabbing the cup, instinctively she shot out her leg to trip him.

Wow, she didn't even know that, that deeply within her subconsciousness she really couldn't stand the male.

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Penelope Larson, Michelle Dubois, Alice Chiba, Lucifer Lestrange
(@ScarletNova , @DANAsaur , @Karyra , @Shinku⭐Kun )

Akiyama Brooks
Music Club President
Location: Ryoo High School - Science Classroom
Interactions: Michelle Dubois (@DANAsaur) | Mentions: @Everyone

Akiyama was very aware of what was happening around him. The arguments and conversations between his friends and the Art Club. The whispers and mumbled of everyone in the classroom while watching the clubs heated discussion. Most of them weren't surprised, though, as this was typical behavior from among these rival clubs.

When the Alice began to insult Akiyama, he scoffed while glaring at her. Then, he clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes away from her, leaning his back against his chair while crossing his arms. To be honest, he wasn't in the mood to waste brain cells for her. Besides, he knew that "Green Giant" was just taunting him and Akiyama won't give her that satisfaction.

"Hmph. I won't lower myself to deal with this lowlife," Akiyama thought and widened his eyes by the realization of such a mean statement. He sounded like the typical rich guy that's mean to everyone, which he wasn't. Sighing with annoyance as he blamed the Art Club for it, Akiyama took off his glasses and began to carefully wipe the lenses with his shirt, listening to Hiro and August defending him. Smiling with a slight blush as he heard them preaching his talents, he put back his glasses and turned his head to look at them. "Well, thank you, Hiro and Ace," he said and shrugged his arms with a grin. "But don't waste too much energy trying to explain to them what real art and talent is. I mean, what can you expect from a club that already lost two competitions in a row? I blame their leader. Her recent "art" wasn't even worth hanging on a trash bin."

Without knowing it, Akiyama joined the heated arguments, throwing some dirt at Michelle. It was true that the Art club lost the last two art exhibition competitions held between the best high schools in the USA. However, the Music Club were not that different, though. The lost the last high school bands competition held between the best high schools of the USA as well. Akiyama blamed himself for it even when Hiro and the rest told him that it wasn't. Akiyama took the loss so personal that he went depressed for two full weeks, refusing to play any instruments at all.

It has been a tough year for both the Art and Music clubs and it was apparent that they were blaming each other for it. The only truth was that their leaders may actually have the blame for the recent losses of their clubs.

When August and Alice began to have a small fight after the giant girl took Ace's homemade macaroons, Akiyama turned his head away from them and looked down at his guitar, feeling at peace once again. Smiling with bliss, he took his guitar and hugged it. "Oh, I love you so much, Re-chan~!" he mumbled with a random sparkling aura around him. Akiyama was so caught up with his guitar that he didn't realize when August forcefully took back his macaroons, accidentally tossing them in the air.

The first one to warn him about the incoming macaroon rain was the same August, followed by Lucifer, which rushed to his rescue. Unfortunately for the "devil", Naomi, someone that looks as innocent like Penelope, slid her leg toward Lucifer's way, making him trip. Yelping with shock, Lucifer fell toward Hiro, probably knocking him off with him.

The yelp snapped Akiyama back to reality and when he turned his head to look at them, three macaroons were heading his way at full speed. It was too late to for him to react, so two macaroons hit him, on top of his head and another one in his forehead. The last one hit his guitar's strings, making it play a note. Akiyama's body suddenly froze when he heard his guitar, knowing what just happened to it. Saying that he was beyond piss was an understatement. He can allow anyone to mess or even hurt him. He pretty much didn't care. But when it comes to his guitar... His beautiful, defenseless, and innocent guitar... Akiyama will not forgive and tolerate nobody that dares to hurt or even touch Re-chan!

Gently laying his guitar on top of his desk, Akiyama slowly stood up from his chair with a suspicious dark aura around him. "Ne, ne... Who the fuck has the balls to do this to Re-chan?" he asked with a monotone voice that even when it was surprisingly calm, something about it was creepy. He had some macaroon crumbled on his hair and a little of strawberry filling creme on his forehead, but when he spotted some of that creme on his guitar, he clenched his hands into fists, a burning rage eating him inside his body.

"This... This is your fault, isn't it?" he asked, slowly turning his head to give Michelle a death glare. "I bet you did this on purpose too. If that's so? Then, allowed me to make my move now." Wishing to avenge his guitar, Akiyama crouched down to pick a macaroon and when he stood back, he walked toward Michelle. Once he was in front of her, he looked down at her with an innocent smile before slowly crushing the macaroon on top of her head. The sweet had a chocolate filling creme, so it practically ruined Michelle's hair for sure.
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Michelle Dubois
President of the Art Club

Location: classroom
Interactions: Akiyama
Metions: everyone

Michelle just stood there, unable to comprehend what's happening. One minute she was listening to her club members' reaction about the art gallery, and the next all hell broke lose.

Everything would have been fine and dandy if the Music Club didn't exist or they just leave them alone but no: Asaragi Keita decided to open his mouth and began insulting her, telling her that she's not worth it or even cute. Alice was quick to defend her honor. Although she doesn't need defending and could handle it all by herself, Michelle still felt thankful towards the blonde.

"Alice, thank you but you don't have to-,"

Just then she heard the filthy mouth of August spouting nonsense about her. Michelle was certain something else happened after that but she was too busy dwelling on August's words.

She was more than appalled by the idea of her wanting to get back to Akiyama. As if! Granted he did became my boyfriend but that's besides the point! If he really was my boyfriend then he wouldn't drag me down. He would have supported me instead of being clingy and always asking for my time.

Michelle was planning on letting his words slide, to not lose her cool but when August mentioned her dead father, she snapped.

The french girl was fine to be insulted. It was something that wasn't really that big of a deal for her. But to drag her father who's dead and cannot defend himself?! That's a completely differrent story. Even if Michelle barely felt love from her father, she still loved him dearly. So hearing August mentioning her father without knowing anything about her, that's something she cannot tolerate.

She was ready to drop her calmness, ready to rip him to shreds, ready to unleash the beast when someone prevented her.

Akiyama Brooks stood in front of her and smashed a macaroon on her hair.

Gasps were heard from the room, and suddenly everything stopped and went dead quiet. Michelle just stood there on her seat, her eyes downcast and her face covered with her now sticky hair. She wanted to snap so bad that she didn't realize her hands were bleeding from how hard her nails was digging into her palms by how tight she's clenching her fists. She wanted to shout at them. To nag at them.

But instead of words spilling out of her mouth, tears spilled out of her eyes. To make Michelle cry was something hard to do and Akiyama knew it very well. She never let anyone see her cry except when she is truly and deeply hurt.

Without an ounce of hesitation, Michelle glared at Akiyama, her blue eyes cold and menacing.

"This is all your fault" she whispered in a tone dripped with malice and hate, her french accent now becoming thick out of anger. "I tolerated everything your club members said about me and my club but to drag my father into this?!"

"I really can't believe you, Akiyama. You really are the worst"

"Now I regret that for a moment in my life I even loved you with all my heart"
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Hiro Assarragi.
Location - Classroom at school
Interacting with - [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/24/24634.jpg?1528038759[/IMG] Iceydaze [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/18/18972.jpg?1536200917[/IMG] Shinku⭐Kun [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/16/16227.jpg?1470559255[/IMG]DANAsaur
Mentions - [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/14/14072.jpg?1536180896[/IMG] Karyra [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/5/5556.jpg?1529730560[/IMG] ScarletNova [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/18/18617.jpg?1528315378[/IMG] Lulunopia [IMG]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/21/21042.jpg?1534566580[/IMG]xLarius

Hiro walked right up to Alice, "Look what you did you stupid tree! Because of you and your nonsense your whole club is going out of control causing all kinds of chaos." As he spoke everything seemed to go wrong with Ace's macaroons. They hit some members of the art club and even hit the presidents guitar which made him go mental. He crushed a macaroon into the art club presidents hair. Hiro spoke up "finally, now finish her!" He said as he balled his fists and grit his teeth a grand concerto going off in his mind. "Show that finger painter that music is truly the ultimate form of expression."
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