Game On (Nemopedia & Starlighter)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Consider this the hint of the century
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Info | IC

In the not so distant future, virtual reality has revolutionized the way soldiers are trained. Instead of spending months on end labouring against a strict system, combatants now work against a system that's flexible, and smart. From start to finish, the Game is a series of challenges designed to test strengths and weaknesses, build teamwork and competitive learning, and most of all, hone the skills of some of the world's most deadly agents. From volcanoes to life or death tests of cognitive problem solving, everything is fair game... and it doesn't necessarily make a difference whether or not you want to play.

Challenge I: Intro to the Game, The Maze

The initial challenge of the game is a maze filled with traps. The goal is merely to navigate from start to finish without the obstacles stopping us. Further challenges to be determined as needed.

Character Schtuff

One character has had a hand in the development of the game, but has since been dropped into the program itself. The other will awaken with no memory of why or how they arrived where they are.

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Play; Teko; Tenali Ramakrishna;
Liselot Cracchiollo
' Cryptologist Lys ' - 24 y/o
A young redhead of mixed European descent and a budding talent within cryptology working on her thesis. That was Liselot's introduction to the government project 'The Game'. The goal of the project was to effectively train the youth of the state without forcing them into the military. Liselot's goal is to analyse and develop the codes and stages the citizens would be exposed to in 'The Game'.

Liselot is often described as quiet and demure, focused more on work than on the social workings surrounding her. However, that is only facet of her act and character. She is conniving who acts only with a purpose and shares only if she believes it fits the time and situation. Having never quite understood the world in the same way as her peers do Liselot was rather disturbing as a child. Words like empathy and sympathy held little meaning and imagination to her. Where displaying emotions came naturally to others Liselot had to study them, attach them to a logic and 'decode' them to understand what the social rules surrounding them were. It made her observant as she learnt how to follow the crowd and thus seeming like she belongs. However, it is in more complicated and trying times that Liselot's lacking are more pronounced. Her default stature of trying to reason her way out and to apply herself to logic is what keeps her focused and stay in control, but her lack of an (authentic) emotional reaction is what disturbs the rest. To the world she is a code, much as the world feels like a code to Liselot.
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LANTON, CHLO | 22 | 07/23 | FEMALE |​
"Loading Profile..."

"A face to remember...."

Chlo is short of stature with a delicately feminine build, thin to the point of apparent fragility. She's light as a feather and pale as parchment, with long, unruly black hair that is usually swept back over her shoulders or up into a ponytail. Her eyes are a dark, penetrating brown, round and often narrowed in a focused, calculated precision that inspires the unmistakably eerie sensation of being being reduced to the sum of one's parts.

"All the days before today...."

Chlo never knew her father; she was raised by her single mother alongside her little brother, Cale. With their mother typically away from home working more than one job at a time, Chlo was tasked with taking care of her younger sibling's more immediate needs, acting nearly as a second parent to him by forfeiting the majority of her own childhood. She excelled at her education and in helping her brother, proving herself to be a remarkably fast learner with a unique aptitude for retaining information and being able to reiterate it clearly in a way that is easily absorbed by others. She graduated early, and set out in pursuit of a way to help in providing for her family with the intent of allowing her brother greater opportunity than that which had been afforded to her.

While in the process of seeking employment, she was approached by a recruiter scouting for high potential candidates for the Game. With the offer clearly represented before her, she swiftly turned it down. Despite the allure of a lifelong challenge that would never fail to keep her stimulated and engaged while allowing her to serve her country, she couldn't bring herself to abandon her mother and brother.

In the end, it didn't matter. The 'request' was little more than a courtesy. In exchange for her loyalty to blood over law, she has entered the Game with no recollection of it's nature, and only a few memories of her past.

"This is me...."

Chlo has never allowed for thoughts of putting herself first - always her brother, always her mother, always the good of the family unit - what she could lose that they could gain. Every day for all her life, she has forced aside childish whims and self-pleasing desires, teaching herself discipline and self control. To think about the good it will do them, and not the empty space left by her sacrifices. But even the best self control is not enough to fill a gaping hole.

The one pleasure which she has never successfully suppressed is the thrill of a challenge. Whether it came in the form of a dare, being told a task simply couldn't be done or that a puzzle couldn't be solved, she has always been eager to apply herself and figure out how it could be done for the pure satisfaction of knowing she could do it. While the fear of detriment to her mother and brother holds her captive, no risk to herself could ever be too great, simply because there is a certain measure of gratification to be found in defying the odds.

As a remarkably fast learner and one quick to adapt to new circumstances and information, Chlo's interest can only be held for as long as it takes her to understand; once she has reached the point of an object or situation yielding no new knowledge or experience, she will move on quickly to something new and - ideally - more complex. She is continually on the hunt for different stimulations and new distractions, with little regard for the form they might take.

After all, beggars can't be choosers.

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