ROLEPLAY FurSwap!Chara's Roleplay Idea Scrapyard

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Looking for Group/Partners
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
usually from 4 PM to 9 PM. I can notify if I have a special case on a specific day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy, Cozy Fantasy, Magical Realism, Low fantasy, AU, Action, Adventure, Scifi, Slice of life,
Sooooooooooo, because I'm a lazy ass ADHD + Autistic piece of dust, I wanted to see if any of you all had spare ideas that you originally wanted to do, but eventually scrapped because of reasons. I wanna see if I can repurpose some of them into new ideas or current ones! Dump away, this scrapyard isn't gonna fill itself!
(Side note here, this isn't limited to scrapped ideas either. any ideas you have done before are also welcome!)

For the bluestar sector, please go here to drop off your bluestar ideas to the scrapyard! thank you!
edit: WOW ok, I didn't expect so much good reception, but thank you all! I appreciate it!
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  • Love
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is he a serial killer, is he cursed.... i dont know, it's yours now FLY FREEEEEEE 8D
  • Haha
Reactions: Megasis

is he a serial killer, is he cursed.... i dont know, it's yours now FLY FREEEEEEE 8D
All I know is I wanna play this out. I have no idea how it would work but it's a fascinating idea!
I've had an idea floating around I found recently that I must have scrapped a LONT time ago

It was an idea about a witch who kidnaps people and turns them into birds that she fills a big aviary with
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Megasis
1001 Arabian Nights! Well, months?
I once had this idea for a sci-fi (or speculative fiction if you may) RP.. it was a bit.. well.. it borrowed a lot across the board
Think... Strange Days meets The 5th element meets Deus Ex meets Cyperpunk hentai meets BioPunk undertones meets Judge Dredd (among others :D )

so.. yeah.. it was a "mess" but started off really good, but I guess the person I wrote hat with got to confused on the direction and stopped responding :(
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Megasis
Any plot I've ever wanted to do is free for grabs. Take my shit. I love to see it flourish. I don't actually have any plots I can think of that I've scrapped, because most of them go "on hold" rather than to the junkyard. Personally, I'm a big fan of any plot where one character is kidnapped by the other. It creates an interesting dynamic. A current favourite is fae + kidnapped human as a result of a reneged deal.
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Any plot I've ever wanted to do is free for grabs. Take my shit. I love to see it flourish. I don't actually have any plots I can think of that I've scrapped, because most of them go "on hold" rather than to the junkyard. Personally, I'm a big fan of any plot where one character is kidnapped by the other. It creates an interesting dynamic. A current favourite is fae + kidnapped human as a result of a reneged deal.
Thank you for saying. however, as I said, scrapped ideas aren't the only ones allowed to be put here. you can put ones you've done before as well!
I attempted a story once about a girl on a journey across some fantastical/post apocalyptic setting (never decided which) after becoming bound to a cheerfully murderous sentient longsword. Never got very far with it, hence the muddled setting, but I did like the back and forth I'd sort of planned out between the two - that sort of snarky banter I like writing.

"Why's your first solution always stabbing?"
"What a stupid question. I'm a sword. Would you ask a hammer why it wants to hit nails?"
"Can't say I speak to a lot of hammers."
"Trust me, you're not missing much. Incredibly dull."

Might come back to it some day but in the meantime, maybe someone else can have a better crack at it than me.
I once had this idea for a sci-fi (or speculative fiction if you may) RP.. it was a bit.. well.. it borrowed a lot across the board
Think... Strange Days meets The 5th element meets Deus Ex meets Cyperpunk hentai meets BioPunk undertones meets Judge Dredd (among others :D )

so.. yeah.. it was a "mess" but started off really good, but I guess the person I wrote hat with got to confused on the direction and stopped responding :(
Whooooa amazing inspo though, those story vibes are GREAT O-O


for the win

Also just so I'm contributing to the conversation a little bit:

I've had this story idea forever that's sci-fi. A universe where Earth is basically in the setting of Wall-e/Alita Battle Angel. The equivalent of what happens to earth years after global warming destroys the planet's atmosphere and whatnot. Kinda dystopian/apocalyptic. Lots of places aren't habitable anymore cause of the air quality and only hubs of colonies are habitable with breathable air. But some people go out into the wasteland as scavengers/bandits/etc.

A really loose idea but I'd still like to do it sometime! I feel like I always have sci-fi ideas cause there aren't many people who enjoy writing in that genre. Even I get overwhelmed with that genre despite still loving it x-x
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I attempted a story once about a girl on a journey across some fantastical/post apocalyptic setting (never decided which) after becoming bound to a cheerfully murderous sentient longsword. Never got very far with it, hence the muddled setting, but I did like the back and forth I'd sort of planned out between the two - that sort of snarky banter I like writing.

"Why's your first solution always stabbing?"
"What a stupid question. I'm a sword. Would you ask a hammer why it wants to hit nails?"
"Can't say I speak to a lot of hammers."
"Trust me, you're not missing much. Incredibly dull."

Might come back to it some day but in the meantime, maybe someone else can have a better crack at it than me.
Sword: "Harrumph! My solution isn't always stabbing!" 😤 "A good cut has more stopping power against unarmored opponents, and I'm always up for a pommel strike or a nice hit with the quillons. ...What?"
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I've given up on my partner connections thread but my most ambitious idea is up for grabs.

Post Apocalypse x Changeling the Lost

Set on an Earth where the Cold War became Hot and the nukes dropped, destroying civilizations and ecosystems in one fell swoop. The Balance shifted to extreme biospheres of nuclear winter and hostile desert populated by mutants, weird fauna, robots, and remnants of humanity. The Fae Courts which governed the seasons that once hid in the magic of the beautiful places were shattered, and the Doors that lead into their Realms have been swung open. These Old Courts wish to regain power, while New Courts seek to replace the old to find New Balance. Though the premise is ambitious, I'm thinking the focus can be made simpler for an individual story or stories focusing on the interaction between mortals and fae.
reupping this for newbies
Anti homophobic girl ends up being found out by parents, who are homophobic, disowned, and builds a new life