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Sareen Ibn Nadim
32 y/o, Male, Human/Arab-Persian, Merchant & alchemist

Of pleasant character Sareen is like any merchant, a man of charm and wit, ready to haggle and negotiate for the best deal for himself and rarely speaking in the interest of another. Instilled within him is the natural reservedness from the Arabs, instilled with their history of philosophy and jurisprudence. There is little the man takes offence to, used as he is to be disrespected as a trader while on the road, and above all to the differences in culture of the places he visits. A connoisseur of the scholarly arts Sareen rarely passes by an opportunity to dabble himself within the deeper folds of higher education and arcane knowledge contained within the Persian empire and its allies. An indiscrete dabbling that has earned the man quite a reputation as rumours whisper that within his learned mind there are curses and charms stored within, ready to be used. Some say it is his half Arab and Persian blood coursing through him, born from an union between the Ghulam and Foosla. Other sources suggest he may actually be a djinn, or born from an unholy copulation with a djinn, fulfilling the deepest darkest desires of luck seekers who wish to strike rich. Nevertheless, there is no proof of any talent for magic from the man other than his keen interest in anything that goes outside of the average human understanding, rune and all.

Ghazaleh was a plagued woman, born to a wealthy Persian merchant and described to live like a princess. A plagued woman haunted nightly by the images of creatures she didn't understand. Doctor and quack, all were invited to cure the lady of her ailments, as long as they worked in discretion and promised a cure. None helped and her hysterics remained. Once the object of envy for women and lust for men, everyone believed Ghazaleh to be the bride of a prince, a future king. Perhaps she would have been, if it wasn't for the misfortune of her ailing mind and the visions disturbing her.

A constant invasion, she would describe it later, when she was finally cured, but not after that a mysterious Arab had visited her, claiming to have the cure, wanting no payment and leaving behind only his name 'Nadim'. Months later her belly swelled and Nadim couldn't be found. Nine months later Sareen was born, hidden from the public and presented as a foundling, another future servant and employee of his very own grandfather.

Ghazaleh would eventually marry a much older man, hidden in seclusion and never to return to her maternal home in which Sareen was groomed into servitude without any knowledge of his own fortune of heritage. That was until 'Nadim' returned, claiming his son and taking the boy with him to travel. Years later once more and Sareen returned to the Persian empire, now a merchant himself, but with seemingly no mind to rival his mother's inheritance or lay claim on it.

If anyone asks, Sareen will claim that his mother was a simple Persian woman and his father an Arab merchant.

Endowed - Warp; to warp or to decay means to understand what's warped or decomposed to a molecular level. To know what components and building blocks hold it together or keep it apart. It is to know what the container is and what the filling is, how it breathes and reacts to every shift and change. It is all that and the ability to envision it. It starts with the ability to reform stone to sand and sand to stone, but ends with life itself. Each organism, different and unique, each breath not the same. Sareen can bend and break, but not return life or return to a previous state he hasn't been able to witness or see. An old wound stays a a scar, a missing limb won't return, death cannot breathe again. Sareen cannot create that what's not there anymore, or to begin with, or hasn't understood himself.

Literate but not formally educated
Trained in martial arts

Has no ability when it comes down to drinking alcohol
Has a slight obsession with gems and minerals, they fascinate him
Has runes and symbols tattooed all over his arms, back and shoulders.
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Berko of the Iqinile
23 y/o male | Human/Iqinile-Nubian | Guard

A man of few words and muddled background. Berko is a man of many reservations, preferring to keep to himself and seemingly to be alone as well. A man that stands firmly on his own, dutiful and loyal in his duties and almost of a one-track mind in how goal-oriented he is. His cause, his responsibilities are greater than what he is, and so his job is everything that Berko identifies himself with. A cause for which he would die, if ever needed.

That would be who Berko is on a surface level. Scratching that away, with a whole lot of patience and time, one finds an equally dedicated man that doesn't know how to value himself. A man who longs for acceptance and who wishes to belong. Berko is, despite his introverted habits and seeming lack of interest to interact or befriend anyone, not as gruff looking as his appearance suggests him to be with a far greater heart than he gives himself credit for.

As one of the rare remaining Iqinile in Nubia Berko has known prejudice and ostracization based on his background. The Iqinile, as history learns, were never accepted by the Nubians, leading to their diaspora and eventual settlement in Dein. Berko would have been one of them if it hadn't been the simple decision of his family to remain. "We aren't home here, we won't be there," his father had explained, which is all Berko really got from the equally stolid man. Eventually, they would become one of them.

If they worked hard enough and married often enough, them would fade and only 'us' remained. This was the philosophy on which Berko was taught. While fellow Iqiniles in Dein sold their unique abilities, his father offered his in service, and Berko soon followed, training hard, working hard, all with the idea that he was of 'service' and meant to 'serve', for that was their key to acceptance, eventually.

Qamata's blessing; the unique attribute of the Iqinile that blesses them with hardened skin and durability. A natural armour that protects them from harm, though not all, but makes them perfect to serve as guards.

Cold reading; as a guard Berko has learnt how to filter the information of the environment and how to read for signs of danger. A fine instinct that has served him well.

Hand-to-hand combat; a necessary specialisation as part of a line of defence, the last one even. One has to go through Berko first, and Berko is determined not to let anyone slip past him.

Discoloration; The hair on top of his head, patches of his skin and his eyes, all have been affected by a mysterious condition that discolours them, turning them pale or even white. What is causing it, and how is a mystery to every doctor he has seen, and Berko has left the mystery a mystery. He isn't suffering, other than that the patches of discoloured skin tends to be dryer and easier sunburnt, but as long as he can see, hear, feel and serve he sees no issue in his discoloration.
Moysei Pyre
55 y/o male | Human | Vagabond

Pyre, as he likes to be called, is a man who is known to talk a bit too much and doesn't seem to take much in life seriously. A bit too curious and nosy for his own good the man often finds himself at the wrong place at the wrong times looking mighty suspicious, but his natural charm and amiable nature always gets him out of the worst situation. Able to make friends wherever he goes this wanderer is just looking for the biggest bonfire party to join.

Okay, so the man is born somewhere and comes from somewhere. That is for certain. The money also must flow from somewhere, even if the man claims that he is just very good at gambling and makes his fortune as such. One rumour claims that he is the son of a wealthy man that inherited said wealth and now lives his life in leisure. Others say that he is actually a high ranked officer on a sabbatical. Whatever the case, Pyre has power and he has influence that comes with his charm.

Some claim that he is on the run. If one asks Pyre what he is trying to escape he will respond 'responsibility' but when pressured his face will grow very grave when he says that he is trying to outrun the devil himself for the hot trail he leaves.

The truth, is a whole lot mundane. Pyre is indeed on a sabbatical, though it was never approved, as he is still technically 'at work' it is just hard to define the job of a travelling scholar whose entire job exists out of, well, exploring.

Master haggler
Escape artist

Pyromaniac: Pyre has a strange obsession with the element of fire, always found near a source of fire and definitely always the cause of a bonfire, if not dancing in joy of one. It isn't that he wants to watch the world burn, he enjoys his worldly stage too much for that, but it is as if the flames are summoning him, beckoning him to come closer and dance with them, to be consumed. The fact that fire doesn't seem to hurt the old man makes it all the stranger.

Mystic: The truth behind Pyre's travels and constant pursuit after the new, and behind his supposed flow of wealth and influence, is the fact that Pyre is a travelling mystic, known and welcomed to most institutions Pyre is a name within the educational households for his vast knowledge of the occult, myth, religious philosophy and alchemy, amongst the many schools. A man with a talent in all scholarly fields, but none truly mastered other than having a glib tongue and grand ideas.