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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Online Availability
Tuesday-Thursdays most of the day sporadically. Friday-Monday after 7 pm cst for replies, but can plan from my phone.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Harry Potter. Oh god will I forever love you. I also really love anything fantasy, magical, shapeshifters (no sex while in furry), romance, action, and can be convinced to do modern but usually need an interesting plot.

So, I was in a really bad car accident a few months back and had to abruptly leave. I just got out of the ICU two weeks ago and just got electronics today so I'd like to start a few roleplays. If there were any people I had a roleplay going with that would like to continue, please send me a PM! So, rules.​

Communication. This is important to me. I understand that things happen, trust me I understand, but if you're going to be gone longer than a week please let me know. I'm an extremely patient person so that won't be an issue at all but I just want to know what's going on. Also along with this, is that I would like a partner that will plot with me. How will our characters interact, what ideas do you have to add into the roleplay, etc. It's important to me that we both enjoy the roleplay.

Content. I can write anywhere from 3-10 well crafted paragraphs and I'm really looking for roleplay partners at this time that can match that. If we double, which I love, then please make sure to put the same amount of effort into each character. I also do not force romance, it should come naturally. I love angst and awkward moments as well and if you are older than 18 I wouldn't be opposed to a mature roleplay with a smut content of 80/20 plot to smut or at most 70/30. I would prefer roleplay partners 16+, it's just a preference.

Posting speed. This is really going to depend on work and my injuries. Usually I can reply at least once a day if not every other day. Right now its about one reply per three days but that should pick up. If you cannot reply that fast, that is okay! I'm extremely patient. I just ask if it's going to be longer than a week you let me know.

Pairings. I have no problem with doubling, it's something I truly enjoy. As for pairings, I can do MxF, FxF, and MxM however the slash roleplays haven't happened in a very long time. If you would like a slash then I would prefer that we double so there is one mxf and then the slash. If a pairing you'd like is not listed below, just ask. Worst I can say is no.

So if you've made it through all of that here are the pairings I'd enjoy:

Types of Roleplay/Genre/Things I'd enjoy in roleplay
All HP Era's!
Arranged Marriage
Supernatural worlds

Harry Potter
Draco/Hermione—will love you forever if you portray a well rounded and mostly canon accurate Draco.
George or Fred/Hermione
George or Fred/OC

Prince x Princess
Prince x Female Captain of the guard
Prince x undercover female captain of the guard
Princess x King
Princess x Commoner
Prince x Commoner
Witch x Human
Shifter x Human
Vampire x Human

Again, if you have any ideas/pairings that I haven't mentioned just ask!
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Hey there! I would love to do a Harry Potter roleplay with you! I can definitely portray Neville or Ron for your Hermione if you'd be able to portray Harry for my OC :3
Hey there! I would love to do a Harry Potter roleplay with you! I can definitely portray Neville or Ron for your Hermione if you'd be able to portray Harry for my OC :3

I could definitely portray Harry for you if you'd portray Neville for me! Want to send me a PM?
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Reactions: Alexis
Hello, there! If you're still looking for partners, I'm very interested in the shifter or vampire and human pairings (I enjoy playing either human or nonhuman roles).

Feel free to reply or send me a conversation if either of those suits your fancy. Thanks for your time!
Well the pm we had going is still open if you want to try again.
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