IC Elyria City

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elegance is more important than suffering
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  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
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  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Slice-of-Life, Gothic, Horror, Fantasy

the industrial city

The fourth-largest city in Cervia. Like Black City, it is a melting pot of different people and cultures. However, the people there are a bit more relaxed than the ones living in the capital. They do a lot of manufacturing in Elyria, competing with the second-largest city in Northern Cervia. An interesting fact about the city is that it includes land that was once the USian city of Chicago.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 7:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 51.7°F (10.9°C). Chilly with a strong wind.



As usual, Elyria City is bustling with life. With kids out of school and people getting off their nine-to-five jobs, traffic is busy in the City Center. Decorations are going up for Hallow's Eve and Magi Moore, and many are planning a trip to the circus. Although there is rarely a crime-free day in Elyria, the city is largely peaceful. The economy is booming as businesses continue to find success.


Le Cirque de l'Étrange Returns!
The notorious traveling circus Le Cirque de l'Étrange has returned to Elyria City and will be putting on a show this Friday and Saturday 8 PM - 10 PM plus another show on Sunday 4 PM - 6 PM. If you can't make it this week, they will be hosting the same hours next week! Come see their spectacular trapeze artists, aerial silk dancers, fire breathers, and more!

- More fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


102.4 WKFR Radio Station

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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It's the same routine over and over again, and yet Atlas never gets tired of it. The enormous red-and-white striped tent, the blinding stage lights causing sweat to bead under people's collars, and the various props littered around the main stage for the various circus acts about to happen. Most of all, they never tire of the excited chatter of guests as they begin to file in and take their seats before the show begins. That is exactly what this is all about; awing and inspiring. If nothing else, Atlas at least wants to die knowing they provided thousands of people with a few hours of fun.

There's still a good half an hour before the show is set to start, and Atlas is doing their rounds in the back to make sure everyone is ready to begin. As always, the performers look lovely, dressed in the decadent costumes the Blanchards have designed. He can see the son, Lux, chatting away with Casimeer, one of the acrobats, while adjusting the man's costume. How much of that is because the man's costume actually needed fixing and how much was Lux wanting to touch him is anyone's guess.

Atlas finds themself grinning brightly as they watch their friends (they'll be damned before they refer to them as employees; they're basically a family, and not in the soulless corporate way) flitter to and fro in their last minute preparations. It's amazing to think that Le Cirque de L'Étranger all started with them, Vivika, and a few others in their parents' backyards, trying to impress their families with subpar cartwheels and balancing acts. It warms their heart to think back on those days when all they'd had was hope and ambition, knowing that they actually managed to achieve their childhood dreams exactly as they'd hoped. Not many get to say that.

"Attention, everyone!" they call, clapping their hands loudly to draw exactly that. "We only have about half an hour left before the show starts. Does anyone have any issues to report beforehand?"
code by wren.
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"So, yeah, that's why I think most human politicians were Sarpa," Dante finishes as he and Bellamy approach the abandoned Wilkerson Manor, armed with their cameras and voice records. The obvious essentials for both ghost and human hunting; they aren't newbs. He steps carefully up the decrepit steps, afraid the creaking, rotting wood will give way beneath his weight. He makes it up without incident, tightening the straps of his backpack as best he can with one hand preoccupied with his camcorder.

"You really think there are humans hiding out here?" he asks, trying the doorknob. Locked. Dammit. "We'll have to crawl in through one of the windows," he huffs, jumping off the steps instead of testing his luck once more. "I mean, I've heard more reports of ghost activity from the tunnels dug under this place than human sightings," he adds as he leads his friend around the building, searching for an alternative way in.

There's a broken window on the second floor, the hole large enough to crawl through, but he has to figure out how the hell to get up there in the first place. "You'll have to give me a leg up," he quips, approaching the window. "I can jump higher than you, so it makes sense. I'll pull you up after." He shoots Bell a wide, cheesy grin as though that'll persuade the man to his point.

Getting up proves to be a bit of a process. Even after he tosses his bag through the window first to reduce his bulk, it's still a tight squeeze, and the remaining glass shards dig into his skin and clothes. He grunts as he lands on the dirty tile of the floor, grimacing at the new cuts on his arms. "Dammit," he sighs, glancing around. It seems they've wound up in the house's bathroom, though only a spiderweb-covered toilet remains to suggest as much.

"Do you wanna light up before we start?" he chirps, digging through his bag for his pre-rolled joints and lighter.
code by wren.

Wilkerson Manor.

Bell feels his stomach doing flips, but he's not sure if he's actually nervous. His organs are training to be olympic medalists at this point and though he'd like to give them full marks, it's not very helpful at the current moment. It might just be his wicked strong enthusiasm propelling him forward, decked out with all his human hunting gear (which Dante calls ghost hunting gear), but he genuinely really wants to find something tonight. Something big. Something the government is hiding! Anything! He's not desperate, but it would be super fucking cool, plus him and his buddy Dante could grab some sweet diner food afterwards and really celebrate.

Dante tries the doorknob, but all it does is whine in his hands from being rattled. Locked. Guarding all the humans... Bell shrugged. "I think they could be anywhere. But this would be a good place for them. No one goes here. 'Cept us." he gives the other a grin, all toothy and boyish. He follows in Dante's footsteps, peering around corners and sometimes applying some pressure to a window here and there, searching for any weak spots that might allow the two of them into the heart of the manor. "Always with the ghooooosts, dude. Cmoooon. If we find a ghost, we find a ghost, but you gotta be more ambitious than that. Everyone's seen a ghost, no one's seen a human."

They've had this conversation about a billion times, but Bell refuses to relent, even while repeating his same points with the same intonation, time and time again. Ghosts are cool and all, sure. He'll take a ghost sighting over not catching anything tonight, but they've gotta look harder, search farther. The world is full of secrets for them to uncover together, shitty recording equipment in hand.

When they finally find a good entry point, Bell doesn't complain much aside from jokingly when Dante requests some help getting up to that second floor window. "You better have not stepped in any dog shit. I'm forreal." he warns, but he's got that goofy smile on his face anyway.

It becomes a whole process, getting the both of them into what seems to be a shitty little bathroom that smells like dust. And definitely tastes like dust. Bell gets some on his tongue by accident when Dante wrangles him up and in, making him sputter briefly. His eyes find the new array of tiny cuts that Dante has collected when he stands up proper, making a face. "Yeeeesh. Injured on the job already, bud? No way insurance is gonna cover this as a work expense so be careful." he snickers, but peers in closer when his friend mentions smoking, "Oh, fuck yeah. Maybe whatever's in here will want a hit of it too. Did you bring sumn good?"
Code by Jenamos
  • Haha
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.
The circus was in town.
They weren't going to be here forever and who was Kelvan to deny himself the opportunity to see the show! When the mundane and ordinary became mind numbingly boring, there was always something like this springing up at just the right moment to keep the excitement going. He loved every minute of it, to be honest. It was like a brand new party with trapeze artists and all the daring high wire acts he'd probably be too chicken to ever try out for himself for fear of falling and breaking his neck. But, hey, if they ever wanted themselves quick the talented juggler, he could probably show them a thing or two that might possibly impress! Or maybe not. Everyone in the circus was likely far more talented than he ever could be. They probably tossed swords and flaming torches. All he ever tossed were glass bottles and metal cups.

Well. He did light the bar on fire a few times-very controlled fires of course! Maybe that counted for something.
Actually, he didn't know why he was even thinking about this. It wasn't like he was coming here to toss in his resume and sign up to join a traveling circus. No no! He had come here to have a good time with a good friend and that was that! Truth be told, he wasn't entirely certain if this was India's scene either, but they'd find out together!

Okay. So he didn't do events like this all that often. His scene was usually one with more music, more dancing, more bodies rubbing against one another, and much less just sitting in a seat and watching a show. He sometimes got antsy just sitting in one place, but these performers and their arts were right up his alley and, hell, maybe he'd see something he wanted to try for himself. "Augh.." he grumbled out loud. There he went, thinking about it again. Ah well, a man could dream.

Truth be told, he wasn't paying too much attention to the time nor space and just picked the nearest entrance and strolled on in. "This seems right... right?" There was a shrug of his shoulders and a random thought that popped into his head. "I wonder if they've got popcorn." At a brief glance, there weren't a lot of people in the immediate vicinity, so maybe he was a little conscious of himself after all. Maybe he'd come in the wrong entrance, or was just a bit too early for the show. Or maybe both. "Whoops. Okay, we might be a little early. Well. We could probably ask someone, huh?"
@Dusk | @Ghostie
code by wren.
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India honestly didn't care what she and Kel did tonight, she was just glad to be out of that godforsaken rehab center. It would be nice to be around people who didn't act like fucking weirdo tweaks. The only good thing that'd come from her... Adventure was the fact that she met a certain cool-ass werewolf she wanted to get to know outside of a rehab facility. She couldn't remember if Nolan said he was getting out that next week or the following, but she'd have to remember to tell him about all the bright lights and shimmering costumes she saw as she and Kelvan visited the big top!

Kelvan's audible groan snapped the purple-haired vampir out of her thoughts and she took a look at their surroundings. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen many people around, so maybe they had gone through a wrong entrance? To be completely honest, it was just like her to get lost in a circus tent.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure?" India furrowed her eyebrows but her expression immediately changed from confusion to delight as Kelvan made mention of popcorn. "It's hilarious that you could think of snacks even though we have no idea where we're going. I'm sure they have food somewhere." India chuckled a little as she took one more brief look around and shrugged. "Yeah dude, we're gonna have to ask someone."
code by wren.
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  • Love
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"I can't help it," Kelvan whined, "Popcorn is so good. Especially after it's had a day to sit and soak up all that butter!" He was licking his lips, practically drooling already. There was just nothing better in the world than puffed up starch pieces covered in melted, churned animal milk! Even better than the vintages in his bar or the taste of a fresh humanoid after they've been relaxed and soothed and were waiting for him like a meal on a silver platter. Sometimes he'd just rather sink his teeth into a salty, buttery treat even though he could never sustain himself on popcorn alone. A pity really.

...Maybe if he drizzled a little B negative on it? That would make it even better, right? Or maybe it would make it far too soggy having two separate liquids soaking into it. And why was he thinking so much about this! He was hungry. That was his excuse. He should not have come here hungry. A terrible mistake really, but an easy one to make.

Luckily for each of them, there were other people here, a few here and there just ahead. However, not a one that he glimpsed looked like your regular average circus goer who bought a ticket and would be after looking for their seat. They seemed... busy, and Kel snapped his fingers. "Think I figure out our problem. I let my stomach doing the walking for us and I'm pretty sure I led us astray." This clearly wasn't the front entrance and he was fairly certain they were not where they were supposed to be. Another honest mistake, right? They weren't going to get booted out by some angry circus performers, right?

To be kicked out before they even got to see the show sure would be one hell of a mood killer, but, if Kelvan was anything, he was resourceful! He'd find them a nice bar or a club with some jammin' music and make up for being a doofus with no sense of direction! Or, if they could just kindly get directed along to the front of the theater, then he'd make up for it with way too many snacks that would be good for him.

Two fingers between his lips, he gave a low whistle, then waved a hand and called out to the nearest person he saw. An employee here, he assumed that far, a rather pretty looking one at that, he approached to ask, "Hey, excuse me? My friend and I came to see the show and I got us a little lost. I suppose we are a little early, but do you suppose you can point us in the right direction? And please don't kick us out. It wasn't my intention to come sneaking around! I might be an idiot tonight."

@Dusk @Ghostie
code by wren.
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Reactions: Dusk and Ghostie
Dante sticks their tongue out at their friend's teasing. "You should be thanking me for knocking some of that glass out of the way and damaging my perfect body so that you'd be able to come through unscathed," they proclaim as though their intentions had been noble and protective and not just trying to haul their body through a broken window. "You'll have to apply the antibiotic cream for me later in return for my sacrifice."

Their expression turns nonplussed at the implication that they'd bring anything less than the best, pressing an offended hand to their chest as they thrust a joint into Bellamy's hand. "Who the fuck do you think I am? You know I have the best weed." Technically, the spiky-haired man who hangs out and collects bottles at the 7/11 near his workplace who likes talking about alien invasions has the best weed, but Dante gets a discount because alien invasions are a favorite topic of theirs as well.

They swipe at their face, grimacing at the wet stains that dot their jacket from the blood beading there, before pulling out another joint for themself and then their lighter. When they're done lighting theirs, they wordlessly lean forward to light Bellamy's joint for him, a force of habit given how often they've performed this little ritual in the couple of years they've been living together. They lean their head back against the grimy bathroom wall, closing their eyes as they take a hit, savoring it for a moment before releasing it. They can already feel some of the tension in their body melting, like a Pavlovian response, the sting of their new cuts ebbing.

"Alright, let's keep going." They stand and gather their things, slinging their bag back over their shoulders and heading toward the doorway with a camcorder in one hand and their joint in the other, moving cautiously over the rotting floorboards to avoid falling through to the floor below. The staircase to the lower level isn't far from the bathroom, thankfully, so they proceed down the hallway and pause at the top. "Do you want to go straight to the tunnels, or should we explore up here first?"
code by wren.
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: PavellumPendulum
Vivika had visited Elyria City many times before, both with the circus and on their own. It was one of their favourite cities, full of diversity without the overbearing weight of places such as Black City.

The performer strolled along the circus perimeter with their lute slung across their chest and a harmonica tucked into their leather satchel, the strap of which they idly fiddled. Their odd eyes scanned the scene in search of any abnormalities. A strong wind tugged at their clothes and hair, and Vivika basked in it. They had always had an affinity for the wind, and a windy day always brought up their mood. The stronger the wind the better.

They raised their head at the sound of a low whistle, gaze immediately flitting in that direction. It was audible, despite the wind, and it was an unmistakably human note. Vivika's eyes landed on a duo consisting of an athletic-looking man and a woman with brightly coloured hair. A mere moment later Vivika would've spotted them as their eyes trailed the scene. Vivika closed the distance between them and the two in one fluid motion until they were only a couple of feet apart. A gust of wind sent their buoyant hair into a frenzy, strands flying in and around their face. They laughed melodiously as the man finished his statement.

"Hello to you too," they teased. "I'll hardly kick you out for getting lost." There was always the chance that they were intentionally sneaking about, even if they denied it, but the man seemed sincere enough. Vivika gestured the two forward in the direction of the entrance and waited for them to proceed. They eyed the two casually in case either of them had taken anything, but nothing appeared amiss.

"My name is Vivika," they said, "and I take it this is your first time here?"
Code by wren.
  • Love
Reactions: Ghostie and Lyrikai
There are stranger situations to be in than driving downtown to pick up your estranged, homeless twin brother whose boxing career has fallen apart because of his crippling drug addiction, but it's certainly the most awkward position Wendell has found himself in. He loves Nolan, but Nolan hasn't loved him in years, it seems like.

He doesn't remember anything specific tearing them apart, but it's probably the drugs. When he'd found out about his brother's substance abuse, he'd tried to approach it as delicately as he could, but it had only made Nolan defensive. He won't talk to their parents now, likely from shame, so it's Wendell who has to be the middle man listening to his parents disappointed ranting about their son's failures while Nolan huffs about their sentiments.

Anyway, they were close in their youth — him and Nolan. As twins, they were bound to be. They went everywhere together and were even dressed the same for a good portion of their youth. It's dramatic, and perhaps cliche, to admit that Nolan being mad at him feels like losing a piece of himself. It was bound to happen, of course, with them becoming adults. Not this exact situation, but they were going to split up eventually. Nolan had always been interested in sports and the fast life while Wendell was tempted by a quiet life where he could sculpt in peace. He'd at least hoped their split would be more amicable.

But Nolan took his call and his offer to let him stay with him, so maybe all isn't hopeless after all.

Elyria House of Recovery is a small, professional-looking building. It looks clean, and the outside looks homely enough with its pleasant signs offering respite for those who've fallen so low they can't ignore their descent anymore. He recognizes his brother standing awkwardly outside the building even from several feet away as he pulls into the parking lot. It's like looking into a mirror that's turned him blond. Oh, and that's given him a punk aesthetic.

"Hey," he greets as he pulls up next to him, shifting the car into park so that Nolan can load his stuff into the car. He doesn't seem to have much. "Need help loading the trunk?"

Dante's tongue peeks out between his lips. Bell can't even bring himself to roll his eyes, a snort escaping him instead. Perfect body indeed. Bell can see the blood beading across his friend's body in tiny drops on skin, exposed or not, a punishment from the glass bestowed unto only the noblest of hunters. "You're my hero, bro. Anything for you." he chuckles, dishing out a comforting bop on the back with his hand for the other, but he stops when Dante's gift of a blunt is thrust into his hands. Not that Bell is shit at rolling his own joints, but when Dante babies him like this, it makes him want to squish those cheeks of theirs between his palms.

It's already in between his lips without him even thinking about it, his body leaning forward instinctively to let Dante light it for him. He's not sure why his head always tilts down like that without him meaning to. It's not like they're shorter than him. They're only an inch apart, but his body just seems to do whatever feels right, even when it doesn't make much sense to him. Bell lingers near him in that moment, eyes closing briefly as he takes that first pull, but he moves away before blowing out. Only cunts puff smoke into people's faces (unless it's funny. Then it's fine.)

"You're the fucking best." he agrees with Dante way too late, after that section of the conversation has already closed its doors, but he doesn't really care. He'll say it as many times as he feels like it.

They get another puff or two in before they're back on the grind, treading lightly outside of the dusty bathroom. Wilkerson Manner ain't exactly the safest place to be walking with a heavy step, not unless you like dropping from the ceiling into new rooms to explore. Dante asks him where he wants to go. Bell has to take a second to stop fiddling with his own camcorder, ripping some tape off it that's bothering the grip of his fingers from a failed attempt to strap the thing onto his chest like some sort of police body cam. "Tunnels, dude. We gotta go biiiiiig tonight. I wanna try Todd Howard."

He pats his bag as though comforting the new handheld weight within, something he'd found at a thrift store and hadn't been able to shut up about for the past week. Todd Howard was the name he'd given his new lead detector, to join the ranks of Keanu Reeves (his dowsing rods) and Dolly Parton (his human bait kit). Through his research about the last sightings of humans, he'd found that some other searchers now used lead detectors to find them because their use of cosmetics (many being lead based) left traces amounts in humans.

The floors complain under them. Bell's eyes drift to a painting on the wall, large and imposing in the dark. He stares at the stoic faces, their eyes boring back into him in return as he takes another puff of his blunt, filling the air with sweet smoke. There's a cat on the lap of one of people in the painting, fluffy and straw yellow. Bell points. "Yo, it's you, Dante."
Code by Jenamos
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India laughed lightly at her friend's brief moment of gluttony before wrinkling her nose a bit at the thought of hours old popcorn soaked in clarified butter. "Yes, but fresh popcorn with extra extra butter is definitely way better. Ooh or some mozzarella sticks!" She stifled a jump, a little too giddy with excitement at the thought of a good snack.

Now she was craving the deep fried cheesy deliciousness; maybe even throwing a little bit of O neg in the marinara sauce and oof chefs kiss right there! And now she understood where Kelvan's head was at in terms of them getting lost.

"Well, shit." India took another look around. Pursing her lips a little bit, she let out quiet a deep breath. Now that she thought about it, there were way too many performer looking people in awesome costumes around for them to be in the right place at all. Of all the places for Kelvan's stomach to lead them astray, it was dope that it seemed to have led them backstage.

India could've let out a sigh of relief as Kelvan waved down someone who would hopefully lead them in the right direction and not kick them out before the show. They had gorgeous eyes and India wanted to ask what their curl routine was if they had any. But there were other priorities to tend to. Like where the hell they were going.

"Was it the awe-inspiring looks or the getting lost that gave it away?" India joked with a small laugh. "My name's India and this is Kelvan," she gestured towards her friend. "We've been wanting to come to a show for a while now, and were ecstatic when we saw you were in town."
@Lyrikai @Dusk
code by wren.
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Dante nods sagely. "I mean, with these floors, we might wind up in the tunnels whether we want to or not," he jokes with a snort. As if to prove his point, the first step groans loudly as he puts his weight on it. "Be super careful, dude," he warns, proceeding carefully. "I'll never forgive you if you break that camera; it was expensive," he says as if his main concern isn't Bell breaking his stupid neck.

"I think bringing Todd was a good idea," he starts as they walk, lips curling around the silly name with fondness for his friend's eccentricity. "But I don't know how much good it'll do here; this house is older than shit. The paint is probably filled with lead. We're probably breathing in sooo much mold and asbestos right now."

After much creeping, they finally reach the bottom of the stairs, leaving them on the bottom level of the building, which seems in even rougher shape. Vines have managed to somehow get inside and start wrapping around the walls, and the floor is riddled with holes big enough to stick his foot through. A rat scurries in the shadows, disappearing inside one. He sweeps his camera around in silence for a moment before turning back to his friend. "Alright, now we just have to find the staircase. If I remember the map right, the entrance should be by the kitchen..."

He moves to place his hand on the wall to steady himself but thinks better of it given all the dust and fuck-knows-what-poisonous-substances he might get on his hands. When they reach their destination hallway, there's no sight of a staircase, but there is a suspicious bookshelf stationed against the far wall. "How inconspicuous," he snorts, glancing around it to try and get a look behind it. No good, it's quite flush. "Do you think we've gotta pull one of these books?" he asks, pulling back to observe the faded spines.
code by wren.
  • Ah Seen It
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"Nothing changes if nothing changes. Nothing changes if nothing changes." On and on he repeated the mantra, quietly to himself as he fidgeted outside the building. He was being released, he was ready to participate in the outside world again. And yet.. He didn't feel ready. Far from it. He had begged his doctors, the nurses, and the front desk, to let him stay longer, just a little bit longer, but his doctor deemed him well enough to go home. He had been sober for six months, but Nolan feared more than being tempted back into the drugs. He feared what waited for him outside rehab.

He had failed so many people before he had been admitted. His fans, his staff, his friends, his family. It was a miracle that he had a single person left to call. And it was by the Gods' direct influence that the one person he did call agreed to let them stay with him. His brother. His brother whom he had yelled and cursed at before ceasing contact with him for months on end.

Wendell may have sounded fine with him on the phone, but he could easily be holding his own resolved anger with him. Or disappointment, as if Nolan didn't get his fair share of that from his parents. At some point, he'd have to face them too, but today was not that day.

The only thing holding him together was the mantra that fell softly and quickly from his lips, again and again. Things were to change, they had to change for things to get better. Or at least that was the abbreviated version of the explanation his doctor gave him. If he had changed, maybe his brother would have changed his mind about him too. Maybe he wasn't angry at all. Maybe he was going to show up and smile at Nolan and tell him he did well staying sober for six months and that he forgave him for being an asshat and everything would be okay.

And maybe he wouldn't show up at all after realizing what a terrible idea it'd be to let Nolan of all people live in his -

His mind had been hushed by the sight of an all too familiar car pulling up with a far more familiar driver. His brother came after all, and though he wasn't smiling, he wasn't scowling either. He could do this, this he could work with.

"Hey," he responded, hoping and praying to every god out there that he didn't look as if he was about to cry because he certainly felt like crying. He quickly moved to the back of the car and threw his duffle bag into it before shutting the trunk. "No need. This is all I have." Everything else he owned was taken by his staff and manager as collateral for everything. He was a fool for overdosing during a match and an even bigger fool that his manager made him sign a contract that had his best interest in mind.

Quickly, Nolan climbed into the passenger seat and clipped his seatbelt in. There was nothing more to say, was there? Should he apologize now? No, he should do that when they were home and there was a bathroom nearby he could throw up in as his nerves made him all too sick. All he could do now was hug himself and press his body against the door. His green eyes stared at the rehab center until the car began rolling and it grew smaller and smaller as his own nerves tightened.

"Thanks for coming," he gently whispered, his eyes staring outside his window instead of his brother's face. He owed him that much right now, and he knew it. "I almost thought you wouldn't." Not that he would have blamed him at all. It was just a fact, one that he was regretting that he said at all. Wendell could have read it as him being entirely ungrateful. He could throw him out of the car right now.

Nolan hugged his sides tighter.

@wren. 」​

  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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Kelvan could have spent probably literal hours standing around listening to his stomach growl over the desire for popcorn and mozzarella sticks. He might possibly have died of starvation standing there pining over food, but it would be a death so worth it... a death daydreaming about the tastiest snacks ever to grace this planet! The only death that could have been better was one of actually dying from eating too many of his favorite snacks.

They were lucky not to be getting booted out of the place for snooping or sneaking around or for disturbing the artists at work. Now that he was one hundred percent certain they were in the wrong place, at least he didn't have that worry hanging over him and he could relax a little. "Thanks for not thinking we were here to spy," he said with a slight smirk. He had no qualms against admitting when he was an absolute idiot that couldn't seem to read signs that surely existed around here to point them to the proper entrance. Luckily this Vivika was nice and directed them without calling security.

"Super stoked! It's a pleasure to meetcha!" he agreed with a nod, "I love a good show! And some good snacks to munch on while watching, of course. I wish I had talent like everyone here. Best I can do is juggle bottles, but I bet a lot of people can do that." He was also really good at drinking what came out of those bottles, but that was exceedingly less impressive. "You one of the performers here?" he asked, taking a wild guess that they weren't some backstage hand that swept up garbage. Surely not!

@Dusk @Ghostie
code by wren.
  • Haha
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He wasn't expecting much of a reaction from Nolan, but seeing his despondency still makes his chest ache. He knows him well enough to know when the man is suppressing tears, and this is one of those times. He tries to smile, hoping it'll offer reassurance, but it's shaky and fleeting in the face of Nolan's tragedy.

The fact that he can fit everything he owns in a single duffel bag makes the wound gape all the more. When Nolan is in a better mood, or when his bad mood is so sustained that he has no other choice, he'll drag him to the store to buy some more clothes and toiletries at least.

Not wanting to force a cheery mood where there isn't one, he remains silent while his twin tosses his bag in the trunk and then rounds the corner to join him in the passenger seat. Putting the car back in drive, he slowly maneuvers out of the parking lot, casting worried glances at Nolan, whose gaze has fixed itself out the window. He's closed off, hugging himself tight and bunched up like he wants to just disappear entirely.

It doesn't leave much room for conversation, but thankfully, Nolan speaks first. "Of course I came, Nolan. You're my brother and I love you; I'll always be here," he promises, grave. It breaks his heart that Nolan assumes he wouldn't be. Is the trust between them really so shattered? "Thank you for calling me. I know it must have been difficult."

Should he ask about rehab? Should he ask about any of it? Before he chews a hole through his lip, he cautiously starts, "What was it like there? Not too bad, I hope?"
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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The house doesn't want them to discover it's secrets. Bell doesn't blame it, if it's been harbouring the final descendants of a supposedly long gone race, it likely protects them for a reason. It doesn't mean that he won't work to bring the humans back into the world once more though. The truth needs to be known, he has to prove that they can atone for the disappearance of a whole race of people by saving what is left of them. He listens to the house's bones rattle and whine with every step they take, sticking closely but safely to Dante. He wouldn't really want to see either of them go slipping straight down into the basement, with the added bonus of a couple broken limbs.

Bell chuckles, probably not worried enough for his own health at Dante's analysis of Todd Howard's potential usefulness here. "Just breathe the joint in deeper. Block out all the mold n' asbestos, bud." he instructs, but it's only half serious. He isn't stupid enough to actually believe it, but finding what he's looking for is worth a couple puffs of toxic substances, he's absolutely certain. It'll all be worth it in the end, somehow.

The bottom of the stairs smells damp. While upstairs had been something more of a dry rot, bony and sharp in it's decomposition, this lower floor, closer to the dirt, is like a living corpse, still vaguely humid and being picked apart by scavengers. When the rat scuttles into the darkness, Bell squints after it until he can't even make out it's shape anymore. He follows after Dante, quiet for once, pondering the earthy smell in his lungs, coating his teeth. He remembers the hallway from their copies of the floorplan, but the staircase was missing. More sleuthing it was, then.

He thumbs through the spines of different titles, in various languages, some that he doesn't even really recognize. The books are worn and layered in dust, but even when looking closer, he's not sure that he can pinpoint an obvious pattern that could potentially trigger something. Quick to be distracted, he drags his hands over the wall with less caution than Dante, eyes narrowed from focusing, trying to see if there is a ridge that will tell them that there even is a potential entrance to the basement here. His shoes scrape the ground, attempting the same manoeuvre below, just a touch more clumsily.

"Could try it. Doesn't look like there are any super similar colours or anything, so I ain't really sure." he mumbles, before his fingers feel a slight indent, a line. He leans in closer, but even with his flashlight on it, it's difficult to see the line all that well, if it means anything or not. Regardless, it's fairly close to the bookcase, so maybe this is where the hallway will open up if they figure out shit with the books. "You know how to read italian?"
Code by Jenamos
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: wren.
"It might be some of both," Vivika replied lightly to the woman who introduced herself as India, and who introduced her companion as Kelvan. They seemed decent enough at first glance, at least, even if the man's comment about not suspecting them made him seem more suspicious. But Vivika didn't think there was anything to be read into that statement.

"I am glad you're eager for our show, I don't think we'll disappoint you. We have some excellent performers," the musician said as they started in the direction of the guest entrance, passing by the backs of tents and equipment on the way. There was a pronounced bounce to their step.

"Juggling is a talent." Vivika stated in a way that suggested they would hear no argument on the matter.

"I am a performance musician," they said, having perked up at the question regarding their position in the circus. Their hand flitting up to the strap of their lute, which they idly fiddled. Another pleasant breeze rustled their hair, causing little strands to jump unresisting into their face. "However, I also work as a stagehand," they added. "I find both aspects satisfactory."

From the place the duo had wandered, it was not a long walk to the circus entrance. As the trio walked, the surrounding area quickly started to fill with people. All sorts of people, eagerly entering the circus grounds to take their seats and buy their confections. The mood was electric, and Vivika never tired of it. They stopped, and turned around to face their companions, a small smile on their lips.

"Here we are," they said. Their hand slipped from the fabric of their strap so that they could gesture to the ticket booth and wooden entrance with both arms. "Can I do anything more for either of you?"
Code by wren.
  • Nice Execution!
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Nolan was a horrible brother and an even worse older brother. Wendell shouldn't have to help him, it was Nolan's job to help and look after him. But he hadn't been very good at it for years now, though the past few months it had been eating him away. And yet, Wendell so easily called him his brother. It made the tightness he wounded himself with loosen. It meant Wendell didn't secretly resent him for his mistakes, including the remark he made earlier. It meant that he could change what he feared was unchangeable with their relationship.

"It was nice," Nolan replied, keeping his eyes on the passing buildings outside of his window. He remembered the exact road when he was being driven to the rehab center. It felt surreal to be driving away from it now.
"I hated it at first, but after a while, I didn't want to leave. It was clean, and the meals were good, the exercises helped, and I didn't feel judged or hopeless. I still don't think I'm ready to be released, but my doctor said I am."

He sighed from deep within his chest and looked back at Wendell, biting the inside of his cheek. "Wendy, I'm sorry. For everything. I know it's late, but I am." There were better ways to apologize, but getting the words out was the most important part. If Wendell didn't accept it... well, he had every right to. Nolan hadn't even shown him how much he changed,, he could easily read it as empty words. Or he could believe it and still not want to accept it.

But they were brothers. Wendell said it. That had to mean something, right?
@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
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Well, that was a better answer than expected. "I'm glad that they took good care of you, and that you feel like it helped." He should have been more involved with his brother's recovery, visited him more often, even at the start when Nolan acted like he couldn't care less if he lived or died. He knew that Nolan was hurting.

His heart aches at the apology, and he reaches across the console to squeeze his twin's hand. "I'm sorry, too," he says. For everything that he should have done but didn't. "You're clean now, though, and we're both still young. You have a fresh start and a whole lot of life left to live. Nothing is over, it's just the beginning," he smiles. It's unlikely that Nolan shares that sentiment, too much of a jaded cynic after everything, but hopefully it's a realization that will set in gradually.

After about six more minutes, they reach the driveway to his moderate hillside cabin. Once he's pulled them into the garage and kills the engine, he rounds the car to help Nolan unload his stuff. There really isn't much of it. "I don't leave the house much except for groceries or for exhibitions, so you're welcome to use the car whenever you'd like," he offers, leading them into the house.

The interior is very modern, all wood floors, off-white walls, and marble countertops. It looks more like something you'd see in a furniture store than something painstakingly designed and individualistic to Wendell, the only exception being the various paintings, plants, and sculptures decorating the tables and halls. "Do you remember where the guest bedroom is? I can show you if need be."
  • Sweet
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