• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Creator of Worlds
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Sc-fi, Horror, Steampunk, anything really


Welcome to Elemi Chronicles! This roleplay idea is for the WARP Contest. The genre of this roleplay is High Fantasy with Science Fiction elements. The intricate workings and specifics of the Elemi draw inspiration from the world of Pokemon. This post serves as the navigation point between all information available. The OOC Information, New Player Guide, Lore Archives, Elemi Compendium, Storybook Information and Roleplay Perks are all categorized into six sections. Make sure to read through everything available so you better understand how this roleplay works. If you have any questions, be sure to let me know.

OOC Information

This section is for the out-of-character information every player needs to know and use to join the roleplay. The threads for this category are Realm Expectations, Rules and Guidelines, Character Creation Outline, and Roleplay Resources. Each post goes over the base details on all out-of-character knowledge, while the next section dives deeper into all topics that New Players should familiarize themselves with.

Realm Expectations

Rules and Guidelines

Character Creation Outline

Roleplay Resources​

New Player Guide

Elemi Chronicles is an in-depth, large-scale roleplay with information on every aspect of the game. Before posting on the forum, I recommend that players read the New Player Guide. This guide will provide the necessary information to start playing and help you feel more confident in the game. Read through all threads before beginning your gameplay. The NPG starts with New Player Orientation. Following the introductory posts are five chapters that delve into various roleplay information, including OOC Material, Lore Archives Info, Elemi World Knowledge, The Storybook & IC Material, and Roleplay Perks Data. Direct any remaining questions to the Roleplay Resources post.

New Player Guide Introduction

New Player Orientation

NPG Chapter I - OOC Material Nav.

NPG Chapter II - Lore Archives Info Nav.

NPG Chapter III - Elemi World Knowledge Nav.

NPG Chapter IV - The Storybook & IC Material Nav.

NPG Chapter V - Roleplay Perks Data Nav.​

Lore Archives

The Lore Archives Section explains elaborate ideas within the world. There are navigation pages for each broad category because of how much information there is. The pages are The Celestial Archives, The Realm Archives, The Abyssal Archives, The Collective Archives, and The Miscellaneous Archives. All of these navigations contain several tomes of knowledge on their respective ideas. For more information on the types of records, go to the Introduction for the Lore Archives.

Lore Archives Introduction

Celestial Archives Nav.

Realm Archives Nav.

Abyssal Archives Nav.

Collective Archives Nav.

Miscellaneous Archives Nav.

Lore Archives Conclusion​

Elemi Compendium

For all tangible ideas in Bydelfennol, the world of Elemi Chronicles, the Elemi Compendium is the best wealth of knowledge for any player. This compendium explains information on the Bestiary, Herbarium, Geopedia, Elemental Wellsprings, Jeirtumis Artifacts, Elemian Totems, Dimensional Archei, Personal Savangurds, Sacred Valusians, and Fabled Thurilporrs. This is an in-depth encyclopedia for all.

Compendium Introduction

Bydelfennol Overview

World Bestiary

Realm Herbarium

Planet Geopedia

Elemental Wellsprings

Jeirtumis Artifacts

Elemian Totems

Dimensional Archei

Personal Savangurds

Sacred Valusians

Fabled Thurilporrs

Compendium Conclusion​

Storybook Information

The in-character happenings are all a part of the overall Storybook that records the history of actions by characters in Elemi Chronicles. This book has different sections based on the types of stories your characters engage in. The Storybook has categories based on specific labels that contain multiple types like the Main, Ancillary, Minor, and Event Stories. As well as those with one sole purpose, like the Ascension Story.

Storybook Introduction

Main Stories

Ancillary Stories

Minor Stories

Event Stories

Ascension Story

Storybook Conclusion​

Roleplay Perks

Roleplay Perks are my additions to a traditional roleplay game to spice it up and make it more akin to an RPG than back-and-forth writing. With the scale of the roleplay, there are 16 total perks. Each perk may affect your characters, their elemi companions, or the world. Be sure to read all information on each mechanic and ask any questions you have. Some RP perk systems must be in action to find issues with the gameplay loop. Overall, additional ideas for the perks are welcome, and feedback is invited.

Roleplay Perks Introduction

Player Profile

Character Assessment and Archives

Prowess Level System

Aptitude Classes

Growth Knowlski Trees

CoreCraft Ultimate System

Compendium Collections

Demideus Offerings

Elemi Companionship System

Elemi Battle System

Elemian Tournaments

Quilibet Journeys

Elemtis Technology and Influence

Magical Disciplines

World Reputation System

Events Calendar

Roleplay Perks Conclusion​


I hope this entry to the WARP Contest for this year pleases all in the depth and charm of the roleplay. I am excited to see the results in the future. Thank you.

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Realm Decrees


How to Participate


Lore Archives

The Lore Archives Section explains elaborate ideas within the world. There are navigation pages for each broad category because of how much information there is. The pages are The Celestial Archives, The Realm Archives, The Abyssal Archives, The Collective Archives, and The Miscellaneous Archives. All of these navigations contain several tomes of knowledge on their respective ideas. For more information on the types of records, go to the Introduction for the Lore Archives.

Lore Archives Introduction

Celestial Archives Nav.

Realm Archives Nav.

Abyssal Archives Nav.

Collective Archives Nav.

Miscellaneous Archives Nav.

Lore Archives Conclusion​

Elemi Compendium

For all tangible ideas in Bydelfennol, the world of Elemi Chronicles, the Elemi Compendium is the best wealth of knowledge for any player. This compendium explains information on the Bestiary, Herbarium, Geopedia, Elemental Wellsprings, Jeirtumis Artifacts, Elemian Totems, Dimensional Archei, Personal Savangurds, Sacred Valusians, and Fabled Thurilporrs. This is an in-depth encyclopedia for all.

Compendium Introduction

Bydelfennol Overview

World Bestiary

Realm Herbarium

Planet Geopedia

Elemental Wellsprings

Jeirtumis Artifacts

Elemian Totems

Dimensional Archei

Personal Savangurds

Sacred Valusians

Fabled Thurilporrs

Compendium Conclusion​

Storybook Information

The in-character happenings are all a part of the overall Storybook that records the history of actions by characters in Elemi Chronicles. This book has different sections based on the types of stories your characters engage in. The Storybook has categories based on specific labels that contain multiple types like the Main, Ancillary, Minor, and Event Stories. As well as those with one sole purpose, like the Ascension Story.

Storybook Introduction

Main Stories

Ancillary Stories

Minor Stories

Event Stories

Ascension Story

Storybook Conclusion​

Roleplay Perks

Roleplay Perks are my additions to a traditional roleplay game to spice it up and make it more akin to an RPG than back-and-forth writing. With the scale of the roleplay, there are 16 total perks. Each perk may affect your characters, their elemi companions, or the world. Be sure to read all information on each mechanic and ask any questions you have. Some RP perk systems must be in action to find issues with the gameplay loop. Overall, additional ideas for the perks are welcome, and feedback is invited.

Roleplay Perks Introduction

Player Profile

Character Assessment and Archives

Prowess Level System

Aptitude Classes

Growth Knowlski Trees

CoreCraft Ultimate System

Compendium Collections

Demideus Offerings

Elemi Companionship System

Elemi Battle System

Elemian Tournaments

Quilibet Journeys

Elemtis Technology and Influence

Magical Disciplines

World Reputation System

Events Calendar

Roleplay Perks Conclusion​


I hope this entry to the WARP Contest for this year pleases all in the depth and charm of the roleplay. I am excited to see the results in the future. Thank you.



Welcome to Elemi Chronicles! This roleplay idea is for the WARP Contest. The genre of this roleplay is High Fantasy with Science Fiction elements. The intricate workings and specifics of the Elemi draw inspiration from the world of Pokemon. The overall objectives of this game are to battle and collect the diverse Elemi while exploring the world in which they live: Bydelfennol. Destinies and journeys shall unfold as you take your troops and experience what this realm offers.

The overview holds six sections that will elaborate on specific mechanics or settings that may occur and what those who join can expect from this saga. These sections are the OOC Info, New Player Guide, Lore Archives, Elemi Compendium, Storybook Info, and Roleplay Perks. Each intricate detail has a concise summary for easy reading. I hope this entry to the WARP Contest for this year pleases all in the depth and charm of the roleplay. I am excited to see the results in the future. Thank you.


OOC Section Overview

(OOC) stands for Out-of-Character, it pertains to information outside the story of this roleplay and the happenings going on externally from in-character actions. This section has four parts that detail information on Elemi Chronicles' OOC Realm Expectations, Rules and Guidelines, Character Outlines, and Roleplay Resources.

Part I: Realm Expectations

As a large-scale endeavor, there are a few expectations of how the stories, characters, and interactions play out. Part One discusses information on Realm Decrees, How to Participate, and the Open Forum Policy, all facets of the overall Realm Expectations for Elemi Chronicles.

There are five decrees that point out information that is relevant to keep up with. This section is subject to change and revision as the needs arise. The second section elaborates on what you, as the player, are meant to accomplish and in what order before fully diving into roleplaying in the world. Finally, the first part concludes with a note on communication between players and the game master and how to propose requests for new features or editing.

Realm Decrees

Realm Decrees are an essential part of the structure of this roleplay. For now Elemi Chronicles adheres to five proclamations; Time is Ruled by the Ephemeris, Dive into the Wiki, Complete Player Forms, Utilize NPG Player Tools, and Discord for Roleplay News. Decrees are subject to change as needs arise.

  • Time is Ruled by the Ephemeris

    • The IN-GAME TIMELINE follows a custom fantasy calendar located here**.
    • The Ephemeris houses References for Character Creation.
    • Information on the specifics of the calendar can be found in the NPG.
    • Players can request edits, additions, or extra information on things noted in the Ephemeris.
    • The Fantasy Calendar has Discord Integration for quick access.

    **For the purpose of the contest entry there are no external links**
  • Dive into the Wiki

    • There is a custom Wikipedia for the roleplay on World Anvil.
    • This wiki holds all the information on the roleplay and is a good tool for character creation.
    • Access to the Wiki is restricted for meta purposes. (characters knowing information without proper actions, being in events that don't make sense for your characters)
    • A thorough discussion on character creation enables access to restricted settings, powers, etc.
    • The NPG details step-by-step how to parse the wiki.

  • Complete Player Forms

    • For the best rendition of your creations, the game requires a few forms and quizzes to complete before fully integrating into the roleplay.
    • All necessary forms are located on Typeform here.**
    • These forms help elaborate on specifics of your character, which allows the GM to best assess what kind of destiny they will have and what Elemi will choose them at the beginning of their journey.
    • A thorough discussion on character creation enables access to restricted settings, powers, etc.
    • The NPG details step-by-step how to parse the wiki.

    **For the purpose of the contest entry there are no external links**

  • The NPG is an Essential Tool

    • The NPG stands for New Player Guide, and is the first stop any player will have when joining Elemi Chronicles.
    • This step-by-step guide on the roleplay details specific information for other facets of Elemi Chronicles; both OOC and IC.
    • If the NPG doesn't touch on a topic you want more knowledge on, please make a request on the appropriate page.
    • This handbook will offer a variety of answers, information, and key points on how to interact with roleplay perks.
    • There is a section for every part that makes up this roleplay.

  • Roleplay Discord for News

    • To stay up to date on roleplay announcements, news, and events Elemi Chronicles hosts a Discord Server for players to join.
    • The discord has integration with the IN-CHARACTER calendar and has instruction on how to use it as a player in the server.
    • Players can request new features be added to the server, such as bots and other integrations.
    • Elemi Chronicles' Discord is mostly for out of character material, questions, and social interests among the player base of Elemi.
    • The link to the server will be here.**

    **For the purpose of the contest entry there are no external links**

How to Participate
The first step in participating in Elemi Chronicles is to review all pertinent information. Most of the introductory phase requires reading through and completing the NPG and OOC first steps.

The New Player Guide is vital to understanding the mechanics and inner details of the roleplay and how it is run. Participating in this part is essential for assimilation into the world when in character. When you complete the NPG, the next phase is customizing your player and character profiles.

All new players earn a player profile once completing the introductory phases. It is a complimentary page to detail your progress through the world and the storybooks. There is a Player Achievements System that highlights and notates when you or other players achieve a hidden GM goal, only to be revealed when the time is right. The profiles are static pages that chronicle your player information while storing your past, present, and future characters.

The IN-CHARACTER WORLD unfolds via Storybooks. It is a separate space where a collection of tales are told via the player and the GM(s). There are five types of adventures that weave destinies and epics beyond your wildest dreams. These Storybooks represent arcs of time, events, interpersonal relationships, and elemi exploration. No matter what your characters do in each excursion into the IN-CHARACTER WORLD, the player must assign each slot an Archaic Binding. This binding touches each Player Character's experiences with NPCS, Elemi, Events, and Atmosphere of the setting as a whole. After the binding is set, a date will be annotated in the IC Calendar, and the character will be approved to move forward into the final phase; Origin Elemi Initiation.

Becoming a fully-fledged player in Elemi Chronicles means you initiate your characters with their Origin Elemi. Like the concept of a starting Pokemon, this Elemi will be the first your character encounters in the Main Arc of the Roleplay. It is an IC stand-alone event that happens for all first-made characters. The option to go through the initiation with additionally made characters is available, as well as a particular path and Elemi course after the first rites. This process is where you answer questions and, based on your answers, receive a special Origin Elemi that grows with you. After completing the short IC EVENT, your character and Origin Elemi may start unfolding their tale. A FIRST ELEMI ACHIEVEMENT BADGE WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR PROFILE.

Have all NEW PLAYER REQUIREMENTS been met? Well, lucky you! It is time to enter a storybook and follow the threads of fate where they may lead. What rabbit trails will you lead down? Explore an expansive world brimming with extraordinary creatures that range in size and shape, might and meekness. Feel the emotions of a raging battle with your troops or a fierce competition between foes. Unlock the knowledge of the hidden world that lays in wait with Elemi Chronicles.

Open Forum Policy
Come One! Come All!
Information on the "Open Forum Policy" for this roleplay.

Freely Ask Questions

Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to understand how this roleplay works. If it is an important question that affects the whole roleplay than it will be added to the Resources Post as a F.A.Q.

Idea Consideration

If you have an idea to add to the roleplay, let the GM know! It is always welcome for a player to contribute new ideas to Elemi Chronicles. Whether it be a new roleplay perk, deity, or elemi your thoughts are important to express.

Comments and Concerns

Let us know if you have a comment or concern about something in the roleplay. Is a mechanic not making sense? Perhaps you think a certain character is OP. No matter what it is, be sure to politely explain your thoughts to the GM.

Part II: Rules and Guidelines

All good things must have some order and rules to work in harmony; thus, Elemi Chronicles requires all players to adhere to these guidelines.


Rule 01. Follow all Iwaku ToS!

Please adhere to all of Iwakuroleplay's Terms of Service. This rule is the most essential since we use Iwaku for our roleplays. Make sure always to follow them as they are the number one guideline.

Rule 02. Use Proper Roleplay Etiquette

When roleplaying with others, please remember to use proper etiquette. This rule means not taking control of other characters, using original ideas for your creations, and generally following the realm expectations set forth for this roleplay.

Rule 03. Keep OOC Drama Out of the RP

If you have a problem with another player in the roleplay, please take your grievances to PM. This place is for having fun and exploring stories with one another without trouble. The only drama we should have here is strictly IC.

Rule 04. Always Ask Questions

If you don't understand how something works or have a question about anything, please don't hesitate to ask it! Some aspects of this roleplay can be advanced and hard to understand if never done before. It would help if you asked any questions so everyone could have a smooth and fun experience with this roleplay and its parts. I'll do my best to answer whatever comes to your mind.

Rule 05. Absyinthe is GM

The Main GM of this roleplay is @Absyinthe. Any questions or comments about the roleplay and how it works should go to her. If you wish to help out with the roleplay, be sure to ask first. Abysinthe has the final word for the plots, perks, and other parts of Elemi Chronicles.


For a general rule of thumb, your characters must follow these guidelines before your player creativity can shape them into unique flowers.


To enable an organic flow to the roleplay timeline, player characters are limited on the number of characters you may have and use at any given time. The first slot for any New Player is the most important as it shapes your journey long-term and should be carefully crafted. This slot is given the Gold Rank for it's importance and placement in events. Subsequently, there are four extra slots for New Players to experiment with. These slots are ranked by limitations with abilities and manipulation of events, if necessary; preferrably, for those who wish to make a CANON character in the Elemi Chronicles World.

A CANON character means they have a predestined disposition in the setting, be it a king, well known merchant or other means. Some types of species are so powerful you may only have a character tame them of a certain slot rank. Further down the road there will be expansions to the slots and types of characters possible.


When you pick your character slots binding, it will influence the types of adventures you can participate in. Most Storybooks are open and at your liberty for delving; however, rare events and legendary scenarios that can happen in the IC timeline require experienced characters with a well tamed troop and friends to aid them to concur. Only if you meet the requirements for the challenge may you enter the thread.


As you make your way through this large-scale realm, please remember to mind the progressions systems in place, and if you need help locating information or recording an incident, make sure to head to the right place to request it. The experience and leveling isn't quite 1:1 to Pokemon, and is flexible in nature as needs arise or wants require changing of mechanics. The most important role your characters will have, is building friendships with their Elemi and taming theTroops you make along the way. While battling is more of a sport than a must, there can be instances where dangerous entitites and people can thwart innocent plans at any moment. The final piece to this roleplays systems is exploration and enjoying the setting carefully crafted for you.


The roleplay perks add whole layers of complexity to the fundamentals of general roleplaying on Iwaku, so understand that adding multiple characters comes at a small warning for upkeep. The idea behind this entry is to carry a legacy with one slot and, finally once laid to rest after a long journey you may experience heightened levels of access to the depths within. Overall, if you need any help maintaining a healthy balance of characters, please let me know.


The GM controls interactions with Elemi by how they may behave when given tasks, affection, or neglect. The style in which your character plays and lives with their creatures determines how many outcomes can occur. Once a creature is at MAX tame level, the META is in the possesion of the Player Character and does not need to be monitored by GM(s). Basically, as long as your character understands what to do by uncovering knowledge about the Elemi through character actions, you can insert that Elemi into any extra Stories without aid from GMs.

Information Break

WOOT! You read all of the rules and the first half of the OOC information. The second half elaborates on the Character Outlines and Roleplay Resources related to the Elemi Chronicles WARP ENTRY!

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accordion title here
header title here

Words go here


OOC Section Overview - SECOND HALF

The second half of the Out-of-Character Information holds suggestions and ideas about how character creation works and the process of roleplaying in Elemi Chronicles as swiftly as possible once open. The final portion details all resources and articles that an Elemi Chronicles Player may find helpful in their journeys.

Part III: Character Outlines and Creation

When you finally decide you want to join the fray and have your character within Elemi Chronicles, there are a few steps to partake:


An (IIT) or Informal Introductory Thread is your informal character(s) submission to the roleplay. This thread is created and governed by you on editing and such. It gives the Player Character unlimited editing and revision to character concepts they may want to try in Elemi Chronicles. It is a tough crowd out there, so APPROVED characters require attention to detail that flows with the themes and settings of the realm. GM(s) may monitor all ITTs for acceptable characters and can be alerted for a PC submission review when necessary. If you prefer to work on characters elsewhere, please make a short IIT explaining this and your final submissions can be reviewed as a complete entry separate from the thread as a whole.


When establishing the information on your characters, using one of these basic outlines can allow for streamline acceptance and admission into the world of Elemi Chronicles. It is mandatory to have information marked with a ** otherwise, you may add or remove parts of the character sheet as detailed in the next section.


    The barest sheet you can get away with filling out. You may not remove anything from this sheet in order to be accepted.

    PLAYER'S ID: [PC's Elemi Chronicles' Nickname]
    PLAYER'S ELEMENT: [Pick your Player's Element]
    CHARACTER SLOT #: [1ST, 2ND, 3RD?]
    SLOT BINDING: [Choose an Archaic Binding for this slot]
    CHARACTER FULL NAME: [Submission's Full Name]
    CHARACTER'S CLAN | SPECIES: [What type of species are they, and from which clan?]
    CHARACTER'S AGE | APPEARANCE: [What does your character look like and how old are they?]
    PERSONALITY | STRUGGLES: [How do they act, and what do they struggle with?]
    INCLINATIONS | GRUDGES: [What is their sense of morals and do they hold vices?]
    HOPES | ASPIRATIONS: [Where do their hopes lie and how will they reach their aspirations?]
    PERSONAL BACKSTORY: [ Establish a place and time in where this character fits into the world as a whole]
    PRIZED POSSESSIONS | INHERITED OBJECTS: [ Your character may have a prized possesion or inherited object to start]**
    ADDENDUMS: [Additional information about your character that elaborate on important scenarios you wish to see with said character.]


    A simple sheet for simple needs. Anything marked without a ** can be removed at Player's Leisure.

    PLAYER'S ID: [PC's Elemi Chronicles' Nickname]**
    PLAYER'S ELEMENT: [Pick your Player's Element]**
    CHARACTER SLOT #: [1ST, 2ND, 3RD?]**
    SLOT BINDING: [Choose an Archaic Binding for this slot]**
    CHARACTER FULL NAME: [Submission's Full Name]**
    CHARACTER NICKNAME | ALIAS: [Are they known by any other names?]
    CHARACTER'S CLAN | SPECIES: [What type of species are they, and from which clan?]**
    WORLD DISPOSITION: [How do they move about Bydelfennol?]
    CHARACTER'S AGE | APPEARANCE: [What does your character look like and how old are they?]**
    CHARACTER'S IDENTITY: [ An overall assessment of the character's self identity.]
    PERSONALITY | STRUGGLES: [How do they act, and what do they struggle with?]**
    INCLINATIONS | GRUDGES: [What is their sense of morals and do they hold vices?]**
    HOPES | ASPIRATIONS: [Where do their hopes lie and how will they reach their aspirations?]**
    PERSONAL BACKSTORY: [ Establish a place and time in where this character fits into the world as a whole]**
    PRIZED POSSESSIONS | INHERITED OBJECTS: [ Your character may have a prized possesion or inherited object to start]**
    ADDENDUMS: [Additional information about your character that elaborate on important scenarios you wish to see with said character.]**


    Perhaps you want a medium length sheet to stir your muse? Anything marked without a ** can be removed at Player's Leisure.

    PLAYER'S ID: [PC's Elemi Chronicles' Nickname]**
    PLAYER'S ELEMENT: [Pick your Player's Element]**
    PROFILE THEME: [Do you have a suggestion for your complimentary profile?]
    CHARACTER SLOT #: [1ST, 2ND, 3RD?]**
    SLOT BINDING: [Choose an Archaic Binding for this slot]**
    CHARACTER FULL NAME: [Submission's Full Name]**
    CHARACTER NICKNAME | ALIAS: [Are they known by any other names?]
    CHARACTER'S CLAN | SPECIES: [What type of species are they, and from which clan?]**
    WORLD DISPOSITION: [How do they move about Bydelfennol?]
    CHARACTER'S AGE | APPEARANCE: [What does your character look like and how old are they?]**
    CHARACTER'S IDENTITY: [ An overall assessment of the character's self identity.]
    PERSONALITY | STRUGGLES: [How do they act, and what do they struggle with?]**
    INCLINATIONS | GRUDGES: [What is their sense of morals and do they hold vices?]**
    FEARS | DISGUSTS: [What does your character fear, what do they disgust?]
    HOPES | ASPIRATIONS: [Where do their hopes lie and how will they reach their aspirations?]**
    PERSONAL BACKSTORY: [ Establish a place and time in where this character fits into the world as a whole]**
    PRIZED POSSESSIONS | INHERITED OBJECTS: [ Your character may have a prized possesion or inherited object to start]**
    ADDENDUMS: [Additional information about your character that elaborate on important scenarios you wish to see with said character.]**


    A little more detail, a little more polish? Anything marked without a ** can be removed at Player's Leisure.

    PLAYER'S ID: [PC's Elemi Chronicles' Nickname]**
    PLAYER'S ELEMENT: [Pick your Player's Element]**
    PROFILE THEME: [Do you have a suggestion for your complimentary profile?]
    PROFILE COLORS:[Any specific color palettes]
    CHARACTER SLOT #: [1ST, 2ND, 3RD?]**
    SLOT BINDING: [Choose an Archaic Binding for this slot]**
    CHARACTER FULL NAME: [Submission's Full Name]**
    CHARACTER NICKNAME | ALIAS: [Are they known by any other names?]
    CHARACTER'S CLAN | SPECIES: [What type of species are they, and from which clan?]**
    CHARACTER ATTITUDE | TEMPERMENT: [Do they deal with tense situations well? What happens when confronted with a trigger?]
    WORLD DISPOSITION: [How do they move about Bydelfennol?]
    CHARACTER'S AGE | APPEARANCE: [What does your character look like and how old are they?]**
    CHARACTER'S IDENTITY: [ An overall assessment of the character's self identity.]
    PERSONALITY | STRUGGLES: [How do they act, and what do they struggle with?]**
    INCLINATIONS | GRUDGES: [What is their sense of morals and do they hold vices?]**
    FEARS | DISGUSTS: [What does your character fear, what do they disgust?]
    HOPES | ASPIRATIONS: [Where do their hopes lie and how will they reach their aspirations?]**
    PERSONAL BACKSTORY: [ Establish a place and time in where this character fits into the world as a whole]**
    PRIZED POSSESSIONS | INHERITED OBJECTS: [ Your character may have a prized possesion or inherited object to start]**
    ADDENDUMS: [Additional information about your character that elaborate on important scenarios you wish to see with said character.]**


    The most complex sheet necessarry for character submissions. Anything marked without a ** can be removed at Player's Leisure.

    PLAYER'S ID: [PC's Elemi Chronicles' Nickname]**
    PLAYER'S ELEMENT: [Pick your Player's Element]**
    PROFILE THEME: [Do you have a suggestion for your complimentary profile?]
    PROFILE COLORS:[Any specific color palettes]
    PROFILE REQUESTS: [Do you have an specific way you want your profile to look?]
    CHARACTER SLOT #: [1ST, 2ND, 3RD?]**
    SLOT BINDING: [Choose an Archaic Binding for this slot]**
    CHARACTER FULL NAME: [Submission's Full Name]**
    CHARACTER NICKNAME | ALIAS: [Are they known by any other names?]
    CHARACTER'S CLAN | SPECIES: [What type of species are they, and from which clan?]**
    CHARACTER ATTITUDE | TEMPERMENT: [Do they deal with tense situations well? What happens when confronted with a trigger?]
    WORLD DISPOSITION: [How do they move about Bydelfennol?]
    CHARACTER'S AGE | APPEARANCE: [What does your character look like and how old are they?]**
    CHARACTER'S IDENTITY: [ An overall assessment of the character's self identity.]
    PERSONALITY | STRUGGLES: [How do they act, and what do they struggle with?]**
    INCLINATIONS | GRUDGES: [What is their sense of morals and do they hold vices?]**
    FEARS | DISGUSTS: [What does your character fear, what do they disgust?]
    HOPES | ASPIRATIONS: [Where do their hopes lie and how will they reach their aspirations?]**
    SECRETS | TRUTHS: [ Are they hiding a secret, or perhaps guarding a truth that could effect them as a whole?]
    PRIZED POSSESSIONS | INHERITED OBJECTS: [ Your character may have a prized possesion or inherited object to start]**
    PERSONAL BACKSTORY: [ Establish a place and time in where this character fits into the world as a whole]**
    ADDENDUMS: [Additional information about your character that elaborate on important scenarios you wish to see with said character.]**


Now comes the artistry of what a player can do! Explore the facets of the lore and try your hardest to craft a memorable personality for events to come! If everything goes well with your crafting, and you complete all essential information for submission, then your character will go into APPROVAL REVIEW.


APPROVAL REVIEW is a period where the GM(s) evaluate your finished submission and may request edits or additional information explaining justifications in backstory/world lore. If everything checks against the CANON INFO then a STAMP OF APPROVAL will be given to your player profile for the APPROVED Character. Please don't get discouraged by reviews, as they aim to balance the setting with the imagination of a multitude of people. The goal is fair and honest reviews of characters that apply to the themes and settings with proper justifications as such. That way the end stories we weave are cohesive.

Part IV: Roleplay Resources

All large roleplays can require lots of research and intensive internet diving for articles, artwork, and other media that may not belong to the GM(s) or Iwaku. Sections of this resource section are dedicated to keeping a log of where information for this roleplay has been sourced and to appropriately cite those who inspire direct interpretations of said work. Other parts elaborate on IC and OOC ideas, like in the glossary, as well as a frequently asked questions section for those pesky questions that just never seem to be answered by one person. Otherwise, this concludes the OOC Information portion of this entry. After you cross this threshold we dive into the characters, the settings, the world, the players, of Elemi Chronicles.


**Frequently asked questions will be under this header.


**a neverending glossary of all information will be under this header.


**links to art references and source citing goes under this header.


**any additional links that arise go under this header.

**Roleplay Resources is intended to be filled out as the roleplay progresses, hence no links for the entry**

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NPG Section Overview

The New Player Guide aims to help those who want to join Elemi Chronicles. This guide consists of five chapters that elaborate on the broader topics within the roleplay. These chapters are Player Orientation, Lore Archive, Elemi World Knowledge, Storybook Overview, and Roleplay Perks Handbook.

Key Point #1: Orientation Purpose

Words go here

Key Point #2: Relevant Threads

Key Point #3: Settling In

Key Point #1: Lore Archive Purpose

Words go here

Key Point #2: Relevant Threads

Key Point #3: Understanding the CANON

Key Point #1: Elemi World Knowledge Purpose

Words go here

Key Point #2: Relevant Threads

Key Point #3: Unlocking and Unraveling Information

Key Point #1: Storybook Purpose

Words go here

Key Point #2: Relevant Threads

Key Point #3: Roleplaying in the World

Key Point #1: Roleplay Perks Handbook Purpose

Words go here

Key Point #2: Relevant Threads

Key Point #3: Perk Trackers


Most of the threads in this portion of the OOC require active players. In the contest, these chapters will only have three key points that summarize the topic for easy understanding.

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    | PAGE ONE |













    T.B.T. Information

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque leo magna, scelerisque id fringilla quis, rutrum venenatis velit. Proin tristique leo erat, sed commodo turpis convallis in. Nam hendrerit ante tellus, ac vulputate libero laoreet tincidunt. Cras hendrerit sem eget dui consequat fermentum. Maecenas lorem erat, fringilla nec purus eget, sagittis malesuada neque. Nam non magna vitae metus blandit molestie. Pellentesque tincidunt bibendum ante vitae efficitur. Sed egestas erat ut mi gravida ultricies.

    Aliquam aliquet, turpis vel lobortis scelerisque, lacus justo tempus tellus, quis maximus turpis nunc non urna. Morbi bibendum nisl auctor metus auctor pharetra. Sed eu mauris sapien. Donec faucibus enim metus, et ultricies velit rutrum eu. Aenean porta luctus ante. Phasellus ut posuere libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam tincidunt odio id nisi tempor interdum. Aliquam sed dui vel lacus placerat faucibus. Integer lobortis nisl sit amet mi fringilla tristique. Phasellus et fermentum libero, eget pharetra lorem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod tempus arcu, in varius nisi tempor eget. In egestas nec sapien facilisis condimentum. Donec finibus leo augue. Integer in enim facilisis, rhoncus neque efficitur, scelerisque diam.

    Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam facilisis mattis diam sit amet laoreet. Aenean arcu sapien, faucibus lobortis libero at, placerat ultricies ipsum. Integer at urna ex. Cras ac dolor ut ligula condimentum sodales non sed arcu. Donec quis lorem nec sem malesuada porta. Aenean et ullamcorper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Integer non lorem dui. Vestibulum eget tristique leo, quis venenatis lacus. Quisque ut tincidunt velit. Cras dapibus accumsan justo, quis faucibus justo volutpat viverra.

    Pellentesque lacus felis, bibendum in placerat vel, varius eget orci. Maecenas in odio nec ipsum cursus efficitur at sit amet lacus. Nulla sem ex, elementum sit amet quam tincidunt, condimentum hendrerit ipsum. Pellentesque sed consectetur nisl, sed dignissim diam. Proin pretium et justo et accumsan. Ut eleifend vitae enim nec sodales. Cras feugiat justo diam, in euismod dolor ultricies in. Sed hendrerit dictum ante ac venenatis. Nulla facilisis ipsum eu sapien ullamcorper ullamcorper. Mauris id nunc vel odio dapibus scelerisque in quis enim. Etiam ultrices nec odio in porta. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eu turpis vel sem fringilla tempor. Donec tortor ipsum, vulputate sed eros scelerisque, varius posuere est.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elementum luctus ornare. Quisque vitae tortor tellus. Donec feugiat ante eget bibendum sodales. Nullam bibendum iaculis quam at tincidunt. Morbi nulla sem, tempus et consequat et, porta ac urna. Suspendisse at varius velit. Donec imperdiet magna non ligula blandit, vel bibendum purus blandit. Nulla eu eleifend ipsum, id gravida dolor. Duis eleifend augue id dui lacinia condimentum. Suspendisse quis posuere magna. Curabitur ut erat nulla.

    Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam facilisis mattis diam sit amet laoreet. Aenean arcu sapien, faucibus lobortis libero at, placerat ultricies ipsum. Integer at urna ex. Cras ac dolor ut ligula condimentum sodales non sed arcu. Donec quis lorem nec sem malesuada porta. Aenean et ullamcorper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Integer non lorem dui. Vestibulum eget tristique leo, quis venenatis lacus. Quisque ut tincidunt velit. Cras dapibus accumsan justo, quis faucibus justo volutpat viverra.

    Pellentesque lacus felis, bibendum in placerat vel, varius eget orci. Maecenas in odio nec ipsum cursus efficitur at sit amet lacus. Nulla sem ex, elementum sit amet quam tincidunt, condimentum hendrerit ipsum. Pellentesque sed consectetur nisl, sed dignissim diam. Proin pretium et justo et accumsan. Ut eleifend vitae enim nec sodales. Cras feugiat justo diam, in euismod dolor ultricies in. Sed hendrerit dictum ante ac venenatis. Nulla facilisis ipsum eu sapien ullamcorper ullamcorper. Mauris id nunc vel odio dapibus scelerisque in quis enim. Etiam ultrices nec odio in porta. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eu turpis vel sem fringilla tempor. Donec tortor ipsum, vulputate sed eros scelerisque, varius posuere est.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elementum luctus ornare. Quisque vitae tortor tellus.Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam facilisis mattis diam sit amet laoreet. Aenean arcu sapien, faucibus lobortis libero at, placerat ultricies ipsum. Integer at urna ex. Cras ac dolor ut ligula condimentum sodales non sed arcu. Donec quis lorem nec sem malesuada porta. Aenean et ullamcorper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Integer non lorem dui. Vestibulum eget tristique leo, quis venenatis lacus. Quisque ut tincidunt velit. Cras dapibus accumsan justo, quis faucibus justo volutpat viverra.

    Pellentesque lacus felis, bibendum in placerat vel, varius eget orci. Maecenas in odio nec ipsum cursus efficitur at sit amet lacus. Nulla sem ex, elementum sit amet quam tincidunt, condimentum hendrerit ipsum. Pellentesque sed consectetur nisl, sed dignissim diam. Proin pretium et justo et accumsan. Ut eleifend vitae enim nec sodales. Cras feugiat justo diam, in euismod dolor ultricies in. Sed hendrerit dictum ante ac venenatis. Nulla facilisis ipsum eu sapien ullamcorper ullamcorper. Mauris id nunc vel odio dapibus scelerisque in quis enim. Etiam ultrices nec odio in porta. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eu turpis vel sem fringilla tempor. Donec tortor ipsum, vulputate sed eros scelerisque, varius posuere est.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elementum luctus ornare. Quisque vitae tortor tellus.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
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    - Mostly mobile-friendly

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
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    - Mostly mobile-friendly

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
    - Click on the circle to return

    - Mostly mobile-friendly

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
    - Click on the circle to return

    - Mostly mobile-friendly

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
    - Click on the circle to return

    - Mostly mobile-friendly

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
  • Love me cancerously

    Like a salt-sore soaked in the sea
    - Click on the circle to return

    - Mostly mobile-friendly

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas faucibus blandit. Quisque non nisi ac ligula tincidunt laoreet. Proin mattis vestibulum elit nec blandit. Cras gravida sed orci vel auctor. Sed id sem vitae quam pretium elementum. Nam dignissim massa metus, et rutrum ipsum tristique sit amet. Aenean sit amet nisi ullamcorper lectus dictum pretium. Vestibulum in est id purus lobortis pretium. In condimentum a magna eu porttitor. Nam sit amet cursus urna, id imperdiet odio. Quisque in odio enim. Mauris iaculis posuere sapien, et pharetra ipsum dictum feugiat. Ut in porta metus.

    Vivamus eget ex mi. Vivamus in nisi accumsan, dapibus nisl non, ornare nisi. In convallis scelerisque eros vitae aliquam. Mauris ut metus id eros sollicitudin viverra. Ut aliquam libero a facilisis egestas. Aenean metus quam, facilisis vel auctor at, hendrerit ac urna. Maecenas vestibulum tellus fermentum dolor cursus rutrum nec ac enim. Curabitur et risus vestibulum, gravida urna ut, ultricies felis. Fusce tincidunt dui eget massa accumsan efficitur. Fusce sit amet vestibulum sapien, ut condimentum est. Suspendisse eget ultrices urna. Nullam placerat in justo non elementum. Curabitur pellentesque sodales velit a efficitur. Nullam nec iaculis quam.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam lacinia elit justo, et hendrerit enim facilisis quis. Etiam euismod, diam et ullamcorper feugiat, risus tortor facilisis mi, sed tempor orci nisi eget elit. Maecenas orci lectus, posuere ut rhoncus eget, fermentum at purus. Suspendisse pretium magna a ante imperdiet, eu sollicitudin massa ullamcorper. Morbi lobortis interdum erat, a scelerisque turpis iaculis non. In at eros non ex cursus pulvinar. Nunc nec diam sit amet justo porta molestie. Sed bibendum mattis ullamcorper. Curabitur varius massa quis metus aliquet, sit amet interdum erat auctor. Etiam et porttitor neque, sit amet aliquet elit. Proin consequat tincidunt egestas. Mauris dapibus odio efficitur auctor porta. Cras vestibulum metus ac dapibus egestas.

    In luctus leo velit, quis rutrum nisi tempor vitae. Vestibulum varius dolor neque, sed vehicula nisl hendrerit id. Cras congue ut massa nec venenatis. Cras imperdiet ex sit amet nunc viverra, sed fermentum est porttitor. Nullam in massa quis massa facilisis congue sed at odio. Cras maximus nibh non metus tincidunt, venenatis rutrum quam iaculis. Maecenas eget mi feugiat, consectetur lorem nec, placerat sapien. Nam ut lobortis ex. Nulla maximus posuere nisl. Proin dapibus eu ipsum eget tristique. Phasellus condimentum nunc eget dignissim ultrices.

    Morbi commodo turpis non tellus commodo scelerisque. Aliquam cursus commodo quam sed tempor. Aenean viverra rhoncus metus, in laoreet velit eleifend vel. Sed condimentum eu nulla eget auctor. Mauris bibendum massa eget orci suscipit, sed hendrerit diam venenatis. Morbi malesuada mauris ut leo consectetur dignissim. Fusce a erat sed ante suscipit semper tristique et dolor. Etiam sagittis sit amet orci sed bibendum. Pellentesque quis sem libero. Donec accumsan aliquam enim, at accumsan diam ullamcorper at.
    Code by Jenamos
code by MaryGold

Lore Archive Overview

The New Player Guide aims to help those who want to join Elemi Chronicles. This guide consists of five chapters that elaborate on the broader topics within the roleplay. These chapters are Player Orientation, Lore Archive, Elemi World Knowledge, Storybook Overview, and Roleplay Perks Handbook.

  • Introduction

    hello this is text for the introduction wip...

    accordion title here
    header title here

    Words go here

  • Introduction

    hello this is text for the introduction wip...

    accordion title here
    header title here

    Words go here

  • Introduction

    hello this is text for the introduction wip...

    accordion title here
    header title here

    Words go here

  • Introduction

    hello this is text for the introduction wip...

    accordion title here
    header title here

    Words go here

  • Introduction

    hello this is text for the introduction wip...

    accordion title here
    header title here

    Words go here


Most of the threads in this portion of the OOC require active players. In the contest, these chapters will only have three key points that summarize the topic for easy understanding.


Elemi Compendium Overview

words test

Compendium Legend

Compendium Navigation


world bestiary I

Part I: Bestiary Introduction

words test

Part II: Bestiary Classifications

words here

Part III: Classification Orders

words go here

Part IV: Order Species

words go here

Part V: Bestiary Tabs

words go here


world bestiary II

Bestiary Classifications

words test

Guide Notes

words here

classification tabs
Last edited:

world bestiary III

Classification Orders

words test

Tab Notes

words here

Class Order Tabs

World Bestiary Information

Order Species Overview

words test

Tab Notes


world bestiary IV

Varioforms Species

words test

Varioforms Species Tabs

world bestiary V

Elemental Species

words test

Elemental Species Tabs 1
Elemental Species Tabs 2

world bestiary VI

Misorthin Species

words test

Misorthin Species Tabs 1
Misorthins Species Tabs 2

world bestiary VIII

Savant Species

words test

Savants Species Tabs 1