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Charron Adhémar Knight of the Realm!

Charron Adhémar de Lyon
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Gangster stories
War stories

Atishamis of the Erasem clan is an Elvhen Dreamer, like Solas or Fen'Harel. But it was only when he joined the Herald's vanguard as an accomplished warrior that this realization happened. His focus and skill with two short swords could not be reached by many, and although he is or was a Dalish elf, therein lay his source of "strength," which was not born of sheer physicality, but of finesse; graceful, flowing movements that seemed to be inscribed in him like smooth etchings in rune stones. This enabled Atishamis to move quickly like a whirlwind. He could bypass blocks, dodge parries, and outflank shields in an onslaught of motion that was almost incomprehensible even to the most seasoned of fighters who had borne witness to a plethora of combat in their time during the crisis of the Breach.

However, all this fighting was an outlet for him to explore the Fade; the past, the present, and even glimpses into the future, simultaneously. His movements were not solely his own but an amalgamation of spirits guiding his limbs to move and sway as if wading in the water. Floating there and letting the tides pull and shove him. It was their experience as warriors that facilitated many victories. One can even watch it happening as he almost dances around; his eyes unfocused in the here and now, lost somewhere in a battle taking place on some distant field of war. But being a Dreamer has its price: Demons. Perverse abominations of their former selves always seek out Dreamers, and many find themselves driven mad before long...

Rules & Obligations

1.) Be respectful at all times--no objections.

2.) Follow all Iwaku guidelines and rules.

3.) I have certain expectations when it comes to writing, but I'm not going to be a complete jackass and hold you to every grammatical error that you might make--that isn't my place or my job. I will let you hold yourself accountable for being a creative, inventive writer--or if I feel we wouldn't mesh well, I'll ask you to leave--politely, of course.

However, that being said, there are some particulars I would enjoy seeing in building this concept. This will need to be a team effort after all but I will reserve my right to do what is best for the story, the characters, and so on. Furthermore, I will always ask and cooperate if I feel what I might do or be planning, will impact your character in some major way. Be that character death, romance, or anything smut related. This will be an adult story and your actions--for good or ill--will play a part in how I may see this story playing out. I don't think that is an unreasonable thing to declare, and I will with my authority, be generous and nurturing so that we may foster the right ambiance.

Some things I expect are:

[*] Past/ Present Tense. Know which one to use and when to use it, please.

[*] Functional and detailed posts.

[*] I am looking for adept, adaptable, and advanced writers.

[*] As far as paragraphs go--I am looking for a pretty well-structured and detailed individual who can help drive the plot forward; my character might be the "hero" but I want your character(s) to shine and have their moments of growth as well. For this, I am mandating that paragraphs be 5-7 sentences each and that at least two paragraphs must be constructed and push the story along. If you find yourself struggling, Private message me, and we'll talk about it; brainstorm until you can perform adequately.

[*] You may play up to THREE characters of any gender you so choose. But again, I'd like to see a modicum romance and desires. Call me old fashioned but it is what it is. I will probably be playing far more than just three characters--what with all the side characters.

[*] Speaking of romance; I prefer MxF. I have nothing against bisexuals, gays, transgenders--but it is MY preference. Dragon Age has never shied away from the debacle of hook-ups with multiple partners, or same-sex consummation. I just prefer a man and a woman, though, in reality, I am bisexual myself so I know what it means to play for both sides. So, if you want to be what makes you feel comfortable. I'm not going to make you be anything that makes you uncomfortable.

[*] As for smut scenes themselves, they will be placed in named spoilers for the benefit of the whole group. I realize not everyone is crazy about sexual content, and that's okay. I just see it as a way a character can grow and evolve emotionally, mentally--even physically to a degree. Sex is definitely emotional, especially if you are doing it 'right'. It can leave a profound alteration to who you are. That's an aspect I find crucial in building lasting bonds. In the same order, don't be one of those people that writes a sex scene every other post. That's just a bit overkill.

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I'm down, if the expectations and rules are lined up, as well as what our character roles are, and the main plot line! :D
I'm writing all that out as we speak. =^]
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I'd be interested in this, depending on where and when in Thedas this will take place. I assume some time after the events of inquisition? I'd also like a little flexibility with skills and the like, but I can go with something more straightforward if needed.
Question! I was reading through the newly detailed information and saw that sex scenes would be placed in spoilers and that this would be an adult rp. Does that mean this rp will be in redstar group rps since minors and adults are not allowed to write sex scenes together? :)

Question! I was reading through the newly detailed information and saw that sex scenes would be placed in spoilers and that this would be an adult rp. Does that mean this rp will be in Redstar group rps since minors and adults are not allowed to write sex scenes together? :)

Well, obviously. I'm not a child molester and there are rules on the site we have to follow--I do believe that was one of my rules. lol

Also, if you want to help, please PM me.


This will be taking place at first, in Skyholdseveral years after 'Trespasser'.

Question! I was reading through the newly detailed information and saw that sex scenes would be placed in spoilers and that this would be an adult rp. Does that mean this rp will be in Redstar group rps since minors and adults are not allowed to write sex scenes together? :)

Well, obviously. I'm not a child molester and there are rules on the site we have to follow--I do believe that was one of my rules. lol

Also, if you want to help, please PM me.


This will be taking place at first, in Skyholdseveral years after 'Trespasser'.

I just wanted to doublecheck. I wasn't by any means assuming you were intending to do ill will- I'm sorry if it came off that way. In my past experiences, many people got confused about the whole ordeal with sexual scenes and what not, so I wanted the confirmation.
It's okay, I didn't believe you were trying to do any harm, but it was openly stated that we should follow all site rules. ^^
It's okay, I didn't believe you were trying to do any harm, but it was openly stated that we should follow all site rules. ^^

And even then, there are people that do not understand the site rules :( I always like to make sure, apologies.
I am sUper interested in this!! (I cannot express how happy I am to see a Dragon Age post sO fast on here--I just joined)

I do have a question! Are there certain plots that are going to occur? I know you said this will start in Skyhold after Trespasser, but is there a certain plotline that will be followed? Do our characters have roles to fill, or is it just like the Inquisitor's group of friends?
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I probably don't need to point this out, but thought I'd put it out there that we don't necessarily need everything in one thread. If you so choose, you could simply rp any nsfw stuff in the appropriate section and leave the rest in the standard group rp area. Entirely up to you of course.
I probably don't need to point this out, but thought I'd put it out there that we don't necessarily need everything in one thread. If you so choose, you could simply rp any nsfw stuff in the appropriate section and leave the rest in the standard group rp area. Entirely up to you of course.

It'll be an adult rp, so I'm sure Charron intends to put the rp in the redstar section, as I'd asked about it. :)



So, everyone, I have my ideas and thoughts on what I want to do--But I'd like to hear a couple of examples of what you want and expect from a Dragon Age RP.

So give me two relevant ideas you think would work with events set past the evens of DA: Inquisition. If I like anything, we can talk further.
Oh gosh, that's a really good question. I honestly do much better with planning when I'm bouncing ideas off of another, especially if it's for a group rp, rather than giving someone two ideas right away. Something involving Tevinter and the Qunari would be cool, in my opinion. I think many Dragon Age stories focus too much on Ferelden or something similar. Orlais would be another cool setting to do, given the insane amount of political intrigue that can stem from court.
I think a lot of that depends on how close to the inquisition this group will be post trespasser and which ending we're going off of. If we are acting as agents of the Inquisitor (former or current) then the natural thing would be infiltrating Tevinter.
If you'd like something a bit more separate from that, we could potentially be off to deal with some Venatori survivor trying to stir something up in Either Rivaini or Antiva, since we haven't really seen anything there yet.
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I agree! A lot of plotting depends on how close the group we have (characters) are! I am assuming Solas/Fen' Harel will play a heavy roll in this, so that is a major plot point there--how the characters deal with him. The Trespasser ending left us with a choice--to show Solas this world is worth it or to stop him, so conflict could arise there and on how they want the handle this situation.
There could be more conflict with Ferelden and Orlais--especially if the Inquisition comes back to fight Fen'Harel.
A lot depends on our own characters, how close they are, and what plot points are set in stone!
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