TESTING Deviant Chambers of Testing

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sporadically, Though out the Day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
- Modern/Magical/High Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Romance-ish
- Supernatural
- Original
- Fandom
- Action
- Adventure
- Espionage
- Apocalyptic
- Alternative Reality
- Genre-Bent Reality
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Dieselpunk
- Magipunk
- Sci-fi
- Superhuman
My personal code book, formatting tests, and roleplay ideas :3​



Stylized Accordion

Stylized Hr Borders

Div Formats

Stylized Media
Removes Display from view.

Codes simple rows and columns.

Colors and gives backgrounds to accordion slides.

Colors, resizes, and fades line breaks.

Div formats I normally use

Formats and condenses video displays.

Div Backgrounds

Potential backgrounds to use.

List of symbols taken from Tarot.

Celeste Summers

Julian Pierce

Raina Summers

Sasha Horak
Blood and Water - Mafia Roleplay

I Don't Need a Hero - Libertine Roleplay

Harry Potter: The Next Generation

Saint City Saviors

The Great Work

Virtual Reality

Pokemon Kingdom

A Roleplay I would like to revamp with a different setting and plot some day.

Because why the he'll not?
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OOC || IC​
Table of Contents
  • Sky Trip || End
    Crammed into two separate buses, the girls and the boys are expected to cooperate with one another and not only plan out how they're going to find their school's feather, but how they're going to tackle the dreaded Acolytes' Mount, where legends speak of a formidable demon stalking the stone after claiming the lives of young acolytes. The boys are more successful, however, as the girls fall apart at the seams, made worst by the antagonistic Raina. With no plan decided upon, the girls are forced to face the mountain with uncertainty while the boys remain confident and trusting of Louis.
  • Acolytes' Mount || End
    Now disembarked, the two groups have gathered their wits and are now working on finding a suitable campsite for the night. With Louis still in charge of the Evergreen boys things still look good for them. Well, that was until Malachai twisted his ankle. Luckily he isn't the only Caster on their team who knows a healing spell. Meanwhile, Cerise has taken charge of the Rosewood girls and finely progress is being made.

The Overview

  • embed.php

    From the moment of their establishment Rose Wood Academy for Gifted Girls and Evergreen Institute for Exceptional Boys have rivaled against each other trying to determine who is better at casting magic: boys or girls, and from this dispute the Caster Challenge was born. Every two or three years when a second full moon, or "Blue Moon", is expected the games are held as two full moons within a single month doesn't amplify a caster's power for just that night, but for the entire thirty days. This allows the young casters to perform at the hieght of their ability; however, these games are reserved only for the graduating classes. Competitors are expected to traverse rocky and even mountainous terrain, weave through marshes, brave thick jungles, and survive intense deserts all to collect four Phoenix feathers of their school color. Be warned, young casters, you're not alone out there.​

  • → First and foremost: Iwaku sites rules and policies apply.
    → No God Modding nor Power Playing
    → Exercise common roleplay courtesy.
    → Minimum of one, legible paragraph.
    → No back and forths/quick replies. At least allow everyone time to post before you post again, so if you're a quick replier, try to limit yourself to one post a day. Otherwise once a week should be fine.
    → Normally this isn't a thing in my roleplays but I feel this is necessary: please keep genders even. We currently have 7 males and 7 females.
    → When doubling please play one of each gender and do not claim both counterparts to an element.
    → When posting more than one character, post them in separate posts please!
    → Please remove bracket text from character sheets: thank you.
    →Yes, LGBT relationships are permitted.
    → At the start of an area, information on that area will be posted in an Update Post, which can be accessed through the Update tab.
    → The Archives do not count towards character count, taken elements, nor taken familiars. The Archives list character sheets that were active once upon a time but no longer are for one reason or another.
  • → Casters are humans with magical abilities based on a given element. How this manefests is completely up to you, the player, to decide. Just because one caster has their magic behave one way doesn't mean that's the only way magic can behave.
    → Casters of the modern day era aren't as powerful as their ancient ancestors. Don't think too hard about this, this is just me emphasizing the No God Modding nor Power Playing rule. Just don't be powerful to be powerful, simple as that.
    → Casters don't directly control an element, they control the essence of that element. For example, a fire caster's magic emits heat, casts light, and burns like any other fire. The difference lies in the fact it's fueled by magic and dependent on your energy.
    → Casters can have up to five personal spells and no more than five.
    → There is no limit on how many ordinary spells a Caster can have. Note: No matter the category a spell can be weak or powerful. I.e. just because a spell is personal doesn't means it's strong and just because a spell is ordinary doesn't make it weak.
    → Along side spells Casters also have access to modern day technology. Just be aware not even AT&T covers demonic mountains, icky swamps, baren deserts, and looming jungles.
  • → No legendary creatures for familiars [i.e Dragons, Griffins, any else non-existent in this day and age]. You're familiar has to be of a species that already exist.
    → Try not to have two of the same familiar at the same school [I.e. one cat familiar as Rosewood and 1 cat familiar at Evergreen, but no two cat familiars one or the other].
    → Familiars are made up of the element of your Caster. For example: if your Caster is a water caster and has a cat familiar, the cat familiar would be completely made of water.
    → Familiars don't have to be animals, they can be objects too, but unlike animal familiars, object familiars are non-sentiment and thus do not interact with their caster in the same way (an example of this being Trent's will-o-wisp familiar and Shira's notebook familiar).
    → Animal familiars can change their size to fit the occasion and can be ridden. They can grow to a reasonable size, just big enough to accommodate their caster.
    → Object familiars cannot change size nor be ridden.
    → A familiar's form is completely dependent on the perception of a Caster. If you expect a cat made of water to behave like water and ripple, its pelt will ripple. If you expect a wolf familiar to have fur, it's pelt will feel furry.
    → Familiars do not have to be summoned; they are always with you.

Characters and Creation
  • There can be two of each: 1x Female counterpart and 1x Male counterpart.

    → Water [1x OPEN, 1x OPEN]
    → Fire [2x TAKEN]
    → Earth [1x OPEN, 1x TAKEN]
    → Nature [2x TAKEN]
    → Air [1x OPEN, 1x OPEN]
    → Light [1x TAKEN, 1x OPEN]
    → Dark: [1x TAKEN, 1x OPEN]
    → Gravity [1x OPEN, 1x TAKEN]
    → Physical [2x TAKEN]
    → Lightning [1x TAKEN, 1x OPEN]
  • → Name: [Name from Birth]
    → Age: [17-19]
    → Grade: Senior
    → Sex: [Gender from Birth]
    → Gender: [Gender from Identity]
    → Sexual Orientation: [Partner Preference if Applicable]
    → Appearance: [Image and Physical Description]
    → Apparel & Gear: [Clothes they wore to the challenge and what they brought to prepare for the challenge.]

    → Element: [Form of Magic]
    → Familiar: [Magical Companion]
    → Strengths: [Caster's Strong Suits]
    → Weakness: [Caster's Not-so Strong Suits]
    → Ambitions: [Caster's Hope to Achieve]
    → Likes: [Caster's Personal Preference]
    → Dislikes: [Caster's Not-so Personal Preference]
    → Other: [Additional Details]

    → Personal Spells: [Caster's Unique Spells]

Open to +3 Female Characters and +2 Male Characters​

x5 Girls || x5 +1 Reserved Boys
  • Raina Summers || Dark Caster || Bat Familiar || Played by Noctis the Devious GM
    Zelda Fenrir || Fire Caster || Snake Familiar || Played by Cybermoon
    Dakota Olivia Snow || Lightning Caster || Cat Familiar || Played by Misaou
    Cerise Eliora Valentine || Light Caster || Butterfly Familiar || Played by Namora[/color]
    Angelica Orchid || Nature Caster || Owl Familiar || Played by Nano
  • Trent Brooks || Fire Caster || Will-o-Wisp Familiar || Played by Noctis the Devious GM
    Sorrell Edelstein || Wolf Familiar || Gravity Caster || Played by Cybermoon
    Louis Loki Maddox || No Familiar || Physical Caster || Played by Wicked
    Trap Hanamura || Earth Caster || Parot Familiar || Played by Jakers
    Price Green || Nature Caster || Buck Familiar || Played by Zackymas
  • Lux Aeternia || Light Caster || Star Shard Familiar || Played by EddiEddi
    Grayson Mathew Heyes || Spirit Caster || Raven Familiar || Played by xX Ella Wolfe Xx
    Corrina Marina Ashton || Nature Caster || Doe Familiar || Played by xX Ella Wolfe Xx
    Aliarand Priere || Earth Caster || Horse Familiar || Played by Azula
    → Ceila || Water Caster || Application Deleted || Played by Seeking Calliope
    Ava Reed || Gravity Caster || Owl Familiar || Played by Blue Jay
    Marion Estelle Martin || Physical Caster || Lion Familiar || Played by The Spartan Potato
    Toby Kyle Newton || Dark Caster || Panther Familiar || Played by The Spartan Potato
    Eidos Shira || Gravity Caster || Notepad Familiar || Played by Karakui
    Inanimado Avliden || Spirit Caster || Fox Familiar || Played by DarkiusHeavenstein
    Malachai Dwin'anea || Water Caster || Cat Familiar || Played by DarkiusHeavenstein

Area Information
  • Weather
    I'm not going to make you guys play this out day by day, the will just be a reference in case there is a time skip and there's no surprises.

    [Spoili]Day: 1
    Weather Description: Normal
    Temperature: High 33°F (1°C) / Low 18°F (-8°C)
    Wind Speed: 7 mph (11 kph)

    Day: 2
    Weather Description: Normal
    Temperature: High 28°F (-2°C) / Low 16°F (-9°C)
    Wind Speed: 5 mph (8 kph)

    Day: 3
    Weather Description: Inclement
    Temperature: High 38°F (3°C) / Low 20°F (-7°C)
    Wind Speed: 8 mph (13 kph)
    Precipitation: 4 hours of snow

    Day: 4
    Weather Description: Storm
    Temperature: High 18°F (-8°C) / Low 6°F (-14°C)
    Wind Speed: 10 mph (16 kph)
    Precipitation: Snowstorm producing 7 inches

    Day: 5
    Weather Description: Normal
    Temperature: High 32°F (0°C) / Low 22°F (-6°C)
    Wind Speed: 3 mph (5 kph)

    Day: 6
    Weather Description: Normal
    Temperature: High 36°F (2°C) / Low 22°F (-6°C)
    Wind Speed: 6 mph (10 kph)

    Day: 7
    Weather Description: Normal
    Temperature: High 32°F (0°C) / Low 20°F (-7°C)
    Wind Speed: 2 mph (3 kph)[/spoili]

    Juniper, Maple, *Golden Currant, Scarlet Gilia, *Clasping Leaved Twisted Stalk, *Red Raspberries, *Pin Cherry, Elderberry, *Holly Grape, Spruce, Pine, Fir, Mandrake Root.

    Junipers are evergreen with needle-like and vary in size and shape from tall trees to low shrubs, and can found at amazingly high altitudes. They produce "berries" that are red-brown or orange but are mostly blue. These berries are often use in potions are as a spice.

    Golden Currant
    Golden currant is a woody shrub that bears edible "fruits". They are easily identifiable by their golden leaves.

    Scarlet Gilia
    Or "honey suckle", are tubular red flowers that can be "suckled on" for the sweet nectar that drips from the back. Used in potion brewing.

    Clasping Leaved Twisted Stalk
    The plant is often found near moist areas like streams and is not only used in brewing potions but is edible as well. The shoots are said to have a "cucumber-like taste" while the small fruits tend to taste similar to watermelon.

    Red Raspberries
    Red raspberries plants tend to have a flaky "bark" and aromatic leaves that can be used in tea and potions. They're over all rather dry yet delicious.

    Pin Cherries
    Grow on short trees and shrubs and are edible, but their leaves can be poisonous. The wood, however, is rather weak but can be used as fuel. Both leaves and fruit is used in potions.

    Elderberries are berries that have variety of uses but should not be eaten raw as they are mildly poisonous, only made edible when cooked. Their flowers, leaves, and berries are often used in potion brewing, but only the berries and leaves are usually used in foods.

    Holy Grape
    Holy grapes should not be mistaken for grapes and are small, purple-ish-black fruits with a tart taste and large seeds. They too, can be used in potion brewing.

    Mandrake Root:
    Mandrake Root's flowers are lavender-like in appearance and admit a sweet smelling smell that draws victims near. The longer the victim is under the spell the more likely they are to start hallucinating. The victim will eventually feel nauseous before the paralysis sets in. Roots will then begin enveloping the victim before their magic is slowly drained, and then their life. They have a nature resistance and they can be found at lower altitudes and become scarcer higher up but not non-existent.[/spoili]

    *Snow Leapard, *Black Bear, Tahr, Goral, Red Panda, *Ice Troll, Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Ibexes, *Jumping Spider, *Mountain Rat, Cutthroat Trout, Naked Carp

    [Spoili]Ice Troll
    Towering beween 7-10 feet (2-3 meters) tall, Ice Trolls are territorial, bi-pedal creatures known to attack anything within radius of its cave and/or feeding grounds, and tend to live in groups no bigger than two. Not very intelligent yet strong, a single adult can overpower a black bear. They are duel element creatures with control over both earth and water, their low body tempture allowing their magic to freeze. Because of this, Trolls can breath ice and snow, freezing their adversary. They have rock and water resistance. Often found at higher altitudes.

    Jumping Spider
    Ranging from 12-15 inches (30-38 centimetres) in diameter, jumping spiders are a carnivorous species known to apply advance hunting tactics to capture their pray whether they be dangerous or simply bigger. They live in single groups and while rare, have been known to ambush smaller humans. Thier venom contains a potent paralysis that can paralyze an adolescent in seconds. They can be found in both low and high altitudes.

    Mountain Rat
    Often the size of domesticated cats, mountain rats tend to be big as well as aggressive to intruders, with one male dominant over lesser males depending on the size of their group, which can range from 6-11. Though aggression is the least of a human's worries as Mountain Rats tend to steal food, they can pose a threat if they manage to land a bite. They can be found in low altitudes and become scarcer higher up, but not non-existent.[/spoili]
  • Coming Soon...
  • Coming Soon...
  • Coming Soon...
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Still working on how to format this one...

「G U A R D I A N」
Bag of Goodies


「T R O L L」
  • O v e r v i e w

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Added Background:

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Contained Background:

[accordion=50%]{slide=left | [bg=#ccdd88][b][COLOR=#778833][size=5]Text[/size][/COLOR][/b][/bg]}[bg=#ccdd88]Blurb[/bg]{/slide}


[accordion=50%]{slide=left | [div=text-align: left; background:url(http://bgfons.com/upload/rainbow_texture658.jpg); color: #eeeeee;]Text[/div]}[div=background: #ccdd88; padding: 10px; color: #778833; font-family: Georgia; text-align: justify;][div=text-indent: 20px;]Blurb[/div][/div]{/slide}[/accordion]

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Midna's Lament

B u t w e a r a t h i c k s k i n




Please take this TEST and put the type up there ^ Remember to answer as your
character NOT as you.

List out, at a minimum, three positive and three negative personality traits. Then
write a few sentences about it. Consider everything you write here to be known by
an officer of SPARRO, because they've watched you. So, no surprise personality
traits that pop up at a later time.

Also, please self-bound the length of your lines. You may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!


Please take this TEST and put the type up there ^ Remember to answer as your
character NOT as you.

List out, at a minimum, three positive and three negative personality traits. Then
write a few sentences about it. Consider everything you write here to be known by
an officer of SPARRO, because they've watched you. So, no surprise personality
traits that pop up at a later time.

Also, please self-bound the length of your lines. You may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!



ɢ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ʟ

██████████ ▃▃▃ STRENGTH
██████████ ▃▃▃ ENDURANCE
██████████ ▃▃▃ AGILITY
██████████ ▃▃▃ CHARISMA
██████████ ▃▃▃ INTELLIGENCE

ᴀ ʙ ɪ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ɪ ᴇ s & ᴘ ᴏ ᴡ ᴇ ʀ s

██████████ ▃▃▃ CONTROL
██████████ ▃▃▃ POWER
██████████ ▃▃▃ CREATIVITY
██████████ ▃▃▃ DEFENSE


ᴘ ᴏ ᴡ ᴇ ʀ s
Power: Explanation of power
Weakness: Explanation of weakness

ᴀ ʙ ɪ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ɪ ᴇ s
Ability: Explanation of power

Weakness: Explanation of weakness

You have five powers/abilities to share between the two categories. Please make
sure they make sense within your character creation. Also, in regards of power,
you are listing the APPLICATIONS of your power. You should only have one power.

Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!


■ Bullet point events / details about your character's past
■ Things you might want to consider mentioning:
■ Where they were originally from
■ What is their family situation (e.g. divorced parents, etc)
■ Any complications during their childhood?
■ Did they ever have any run-in with the laws (if yes, what?)
■ How did they get into their current occupation?
■ Previous relationships or current relationships?
■ Use as many bullet points as you like, but try to keep it reasonable.
■ So, I don't want to see, like, 30 bullet points, you know?
■ Please don't write a paragraph for each of these bullet points. Just state critical events in
your character's life.
■Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!



You will want to answer these questions in first person POV. Use your character's
voice; the things you write here don't have to be truths, but it should give a reader
a better understanding of your character's personality.

Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!


Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!


Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!


Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!


Also, please self-bound the length of your lines; you may use the very first line as
a guide for line length. Thank you!

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[ code]
F a v o r i t e s
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Ariana Clever)


Secret Identity
Ariana doesn't go to great lengths to keep her identity a secret, but there's honestly nothing special about being a bored waitress working for a hole-in-the-wall diner few know about with its back road location. The most exciting thing that happens to her is a little kid staining her apron with ketchup. With that said, could anyone blame her for wanting to add a little mystery and excitement to her life?​

Ariana stands 5'5" and weighs 117 lbs with fair skin and hair. Her blue eyes are dulled with boredom and weariness most associate with working. Sharply contradicting her Morphix persona, she dresses in plain clothes during the day in the form of pattern-less t-shirts and boot cut jeans when not in uniform. Otherwise it's the typical waitress get up - as in a dull red bottom up blouse, black slacks, and a white (why did it have to be white?) apron. Her shoes are shiny black and with a minor heel.

Morphix, on the other hand, dresses obnoxiously in wild, dread lock wigs that are vividly colored and pinned so they don't fall off so easily, sleek black leather, and neon accessories. Unlike Ariana, Morphix brightens up her eyes with excitement, adrenaline, and a whole lot of make up to further make her indistinguishable from her secret identity. Sometimes even applying body paint to make her much more formidable. She also wears a pair of "goth" platform boots to make look taller, as if the crazy wigs didn't do that on their own. The most prevalent of her accessories, however, are the green toxic goggles usually perched on top of her head.​

Superpower: You MUST have run this by me or Snakey BEFORE posting it, if not your sheet is automatically denied.

Reason to Join
Bored. Also curious. Boredom and curiosity always leads to some interesting places.​

Bio: A bit about your character, family, life objectives, day occupation. At least a few paragraphs.
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In my time, I've known men who inspire fear. You know what they have in common? They never say how frightening they are.❞
- Daniel Salazar from Fear the Walking Dead


Celeste Summers​

Age: Twenty-six || Gender: Female || Ethnicity: British

In the past, before her time in the mafia, she had lived under the names Domenica Moretti and Romy Martin. Unfortunately, that was back when she was young and didn't have two cents to pinch. She hadn't the right contacts or resources to keep either from being seen through by the wrong person with an abundance of both. Now, acting as an informant for the Mafia, the public knows her as Savannah Brooks, an American born with a mix heritage and an enthusiasm for Italian Culture. The trick is to hide in plain sight. Within the Mafia, however, most come to call her "Persona". For the older members, it was more of a jab than anything.​

It's never about who's the better shot, rather, if you've shot the right person. A good strategy can over come the thickest walls and the heaviest artillery.❞

Blue Shark #6996AD
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Julian Lyric Pierce



A broke college graduate with a bad habit of dumpster diving scavenging for spare parts and lab equipment. He recently landed a fairly uncomplicated day job as a mechanic, but for Jules "uncomplicated" is synonymous with "boring". He does enjoy working on cars though, even if they don't present much of a challenge. When the occasion calls for it he can also be the resident fashion designer. At night, he becomes something else entirely.

(Written) Appearance:
Jules' 5'10'' tall build is roped with muscle earned from spending time studying MMA. His hands are rough and callous, fingernails uneven and bitten. Years spent working as a vigilante has riddled his body with numerous scars. His dark hair, while a decent length, is considerably prone to bedhead and running his hands through it, something he does more often than he'd admit to, ruffles it up to the likeness of a parakeet. His eyes are a steel, piercing grey, and expressive, lightning up with anger or arrogance or dimming down to dull boredom. His expression can be contradicting, however, often twisted up in a smooth smirk or dark and brooding. (He saves his dorky grins, genuine smiles, and love sick adoration for only certain, special people). His clothes are often kept simple with the most eye-drawing thing in his wardrobe being his leather jacket. Most of his jeans he wears baggy, but on some occasions he'll wear boot cuts that may or may not make his ass look nice. (Never will he wear anything tighter like a pair of skinny jeans, unless it's his Batsuit.)

Current Goal/Purpose:
Take over the world.
Save the world.

Don't die while kicking ass and taking names.

Bad Boy // Actor
Jules has perfected the skill of pretending not to give two fucks about anything in life, complete with leather jackets and wild hair that could use a good combing. He slacked off through Jr. High and High School, only putting forth effort in shop classes. He also had quite the trek record, getting into fights quite often in his earlier years, but nobody looked twice when he came in covered in scrapes and bruises. He ultimately decided he could risk taking his school work a little more seriously in college, even if he got by on passing, albeit average grades. He barely held back in his science courses, Majoring in Physical Sciences, but still has all his notes neatly organized in a pair of large binders.

Cheeky Prick // But Cares
A rather unfortunate personality trait of Jules those close to him have to endure is his love for getting under people's skin. The closer one is to him the more he wants to see what makes them tick. This had lead to some rather bad break ups in the past, but he can't help but to love a good argument or seeing a little passion spike up in his partner. In the end, he isn't doing the whole Bat gig because he's an utter asshole. He genuinely does care for people and in the end, he doesn't really mean anything bad by it. If he knows his demeanor has hurt someone he immediately stops and tries to remedy the situation. Otherwise, he keeps his exploration of his partner's patients and temper to small, petty things.

Secretive // Uncommunicative
Jules' secret life as a bat viglianti have made a habit out of doing everything under the radar. In his relationships that can be perceived as bad as he doesn't seem to understand the concept of sitting down and discussing a decision. While not necessarily impulsive, this leads to him doing things behind his partner's back and deciding things all on his own, half the time not realising it affects them too. Sometimes he convinces himself the other doesn't have to know to do something he has a sneaking suspicion the other won't like. He doesn't seem to get this is a telltale sign not to do what he's about to do without consultation. On the plus side, this can lead to him springing random surprises on his partner.

Arrogant // Nerdy
Though he has many faults, at the end of the day he's nothing more than a huge nerd with a flair for the dramatics. While his "secret identity" prevents him from achieving most of what he could do, what he does achieve he feels the need to show off and brag about. He takes pleasure in explaining his projects once he's done with them, but it's hard to find an audience interested in how something works rather than what it does. He could talk about science and cars all day as long as he has someone to listen. He personally thinks highly of his own abilities and takes offense when someone doesn't agree, especially if they're under the impression of his slacker/bad boy facade.

History Facts
➟ His grandfather was a wealthy man, being a proud owner of a multi-million dollar company. That company, instead of going to the oldest, went to Jules' uncle, who proved he could actually run a company; something his father lacked the skills for.

➟ His mother and father were bitter towards his uncle and because of this, he never really had a chance to form a relationship with the man.

➟ When he was fourteen, he discovered he was gay by mere observation. His mother didn't take that observation too well and a fight broke out between them.

➟ The strife at home was part of the reason his grades started slipping in school.

➟ He took an interest in MMA when he took a walk and discovered a dojo that specialized in it. His father was too relieved to see his son take part in a sport to ask any questions; simply paid the fee.

➟ His first fight with a criminal was when he was sixteen-years-old. The bastard got away but Jules managed to survive the encounter with nothing more than a scratch (which turned into his first scar, now a faded pale streak across his left side).

➟ Frustrated, he hunted the son of a bitch down, stalked him, and waited for the right moment to strike. This time though, he was prepared. Cops found the crook tied to a lamp post that morning.

➟ Since then, Jules found it almost therapeutic to walk the streets of the bad side of town in the middle of the night. He ended up catching a couple of thugs trying to break into a car. Armed and dangerous he had two choices: run or get the shit get kicked out of him. He chose the latter.

➟ He passed the time in the hospital thinking up ways to avoid the beatings in future encounters. He ended up sketching out a design concept for a suit and some gear.

➟ On his first night out as Batman, he ended up stumbling across a drug deal between a couple of big baddies in an abandoned warehouse. He was smart enough not provoke them into a head to head encounter and instead chose a more strategic way to detain them with the help of some smoke screens and diversions.

➟ He was eighteen when he graduated from high school. His parents looked so proud looking up at him in his robes. He smirked, grabbed the nearest guy, and kissed him. He was socked in the face and his parents disowned him, but it was worth it.

➟ Luckily for him his uncle was willing to step in and helped him into college.

➟ Two weeks into Freshman year it was raining when he found a guy passed out in the hallway. The guy jostled awake as he approached and Jules cocked an eyebrow at him. That night ended with him inviting the guy into his dorm and not passing out until three hours before he was suppose to wake.

➟ No regrets.

Fun Facts
๑ His uncle is the only family member he currently keeps in contact with.

๑ He loves his back being touched. From massages, surprise from-behind hugs, to cuddling back to chest with his partner.

๑ He likes naming stuff, especially after his bat persona.

๑ He's even got a Batman voice.

๑ He thinks bats are cool period.

๑ His birthdate is August 12th.

๑ He prefers savory foods.

๑ He's a terrible cook.

๑ He's a decent enough sketch artist and has his own sketchbook he keeps on his person, but holds it in the same regards as a diary.

๑ The shoes of his Batsuit were designed to make him taller. 6'0'' to be exact.

๑ He loves being dramatic.
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Nightinvale, with its dark and elegant architecture, is only one of many cities powered by a Philosopher's Stone, a large crystal that floats overhead, and the capital of Poiēin.


Long ago the country of Poiēin found itself locked in a bio-civil war, each side racing to bio-engineer the perfect super soldier. Driven by alchemists who wanted nothing more then to be able to legally work privately without being overseen by the Crown, it was the Eastern Provinces that constructed the first semi-successful bio-engineered race; beings nothing short of monstrous. Their means of creation left them with a taste for human blood and enhanced speed only furthered their ability to hunt down their prey. At first, alchemists were appalled at what they created, but opportunists only saw a means to an end. Professor Alaqly, a known public figure among the alchemists and the head of the Eastern Research team, ordered the proto-race to be locked away to "serve a higher purpose". But the enemy was breaking ground fast and pressure was placed on alchemists to refine their technique.

Creating vampires virtually from scratch took time and yielded unpredictable results, so corners were cut in the form of a serum, or better said, weaponized vampire's blood that could be injected into a human being; however, the success rate was only 75% with 25% of human subjects not surviving the excruciating transformations. But the results were undeniable: creatures with an unintentional superior intellect and keen senses at the cost of vision. Human in appearance at first glance, the second generation of vampires were made distinguishable by their sharp, boney features, long necks and fingers, but their bodies failed to produce melanin, leaving their skin and hair fair and un-seeing eyes a translucent blue - if they held color at all. They were also cold to the touch, incapable of maintaining thermal homeostasis, or a core body temperature.

The first vampiric assault was against Fort Hayyen, where second generation vampires were unleashed into the night on a stealth mission. The assault was quick, quiet, and brutally effective. Only one managed to escape the silent slaughter, a messenger for the Crown, and the Crown didn't hesitate to retaliate. Unbeknownst to Professor Alaqly, the Crown had spies in their midst and the vampire serum was compromised. Except, vampires weren't the goal. With the vampire serum in hand they not only had the key to remaking vampires, but the key to engineering a race that could counteract them. Combining human DNA with that of a wolf, what they created was a creature with enhanced strength and a pack mentality. Werewolves, they were called, appearing more animal than human and gifted enhanced strength. But the success rate of the lycanthropy serum was only 50% with the transformation putting a lot more strain on the human body.

What followed was a war that would last five years. Though the Eastern Provinces had a head start, the Crown soon gained the upper hand in the the Battle of Fairwick, but the war didn't completely turn in their favor until the Battle of Aldmoor, when the Crown marshaled the resources and manpower to attack the Eastern Provinces from all directions, leading to the city's fall. This would ultimately lead to the last stand at Oldcrest, the heart of the Eastern Provinces' operations where Professor Alaqly and her followers were surrounded. They were ordered to surrender but it was then did Professor Alaqly unleashed her first generation of vampires, slaughtering her followers along with the Crown's army. Most assumed her dead, one of the many faceless bodies torn apart to the point of being nothing more than a blood spatter, but others believed she somehow managed to escape. Either way, her disappearance marked the surrender of all remaining Eastern Provinces forces.

What was left of the second generation of vampires were seized as property by the Crown, but the war had left many scarred in more ways than one. Some turned completely feral under the weight of the trauma and had to be killed. While only making up a small portion of the vampire populace, murmurings and horror stories of the feral sparked civil unrest, which sparked fear and discrimination. As a result, some humans took to hunting and killing vampires in the shadows and while the vigilante activities weren't considered legal, law enforcement rarely took action against them. The werewolves of the Crown saw a different story. While stronger than humans they were seen as more as mankind's protecters and defense against vampires. They integrated well within human society and unlike vampires possessed the ability to breed amongst their own kind. While not as numerous as humans, they outnumbered vampires and used that to their advantage whenever necessarily, sometimes aiding humans in their vigilante antics.

The twelve years that came after the Bio-Civil War was known as the Rubedo period. The country of Poiēin used this time to rebuild and replenish but while the military war was over, the political war just begun. Professor Hohenheim soon rose up to represent the Eastern Provinces' plight but instead of declaring war, Professor Hohenheim took a more peaceful approach and suggested a negotiation. It would take two years for the Crown to agree, and another year before the two parties decided on a set of terms. One of the most notable terms giving alchemists the right to legally take up private practices but only after serving at least five years as a Crown alchemist and registering their studies to a government office.


1: Mansion
2: Bakery
3: Monument
4: House
5: Food shop
6: Clothier
7: Food shop
8: House
9: Apartment
10: Mansion
11: Scholars' Guild
12: Temple of the God of Prophecy
13: Alchemist
14: Shack
15: House
16: Bakery
17: House
18: Garbage heap
19: Monument
20: House
21: House
22: Monument
23: Shack
24: Shop
Major Streets
Street 1: Old Wyvern Row
Street 2: Spruce Avenue

Minor Streets
Porcupine Lane
South Dandelion Way
East Kitten Avenue
Ward Lane
Giant Row
Iris Street
1: House
2: Butcher
3: Inn
4: Cartographer
5: Leatherworker
6: Artist
7: Potter
8: Instrument shop
9: Fortune teller
10: Stone mason
11: Architect
12: Leatherworker
13: Thatcher
14: Shipwright
15: Bookshop
16: Textiles
17: Sculptor
18: Bookbinder
19: Instrument shop
20: Herbalist
21: Tavern
22: General store
23: Pastry shop
24: Toy shop
Major Streets
Street 1: Stone Way
Street 2: Sunflower Street
Street 3: Mockingbird Road

Minor Streets
Drake Road
Albatross Lane
Opal Avenue
Ferret Row
Ruby Street
D: Docks
1: Shack
2: Tavern
3: Gambling hall
4: Tanner
5: Shanty
6: Messenger service
7: Bakers' Guild
8: Shop
9: Well
10: Gambling den
11: Thieves' Guild
12: Food stand
13: Inn
14: Empty warehouse
15: Inn
16: Junkyard
Major Streets
Street 1: Bard Way
Street 2: Gypsy Row
Street 3: Ruby Lane

Minor Streets
Pigeon Street
Leopard Road
Pony Street
Mouse Way
Harpy Street

4. Academic District
1 __ __ __ __ __ 2 __ __ __ __
__ 3 4 __ S1 S1 S1 5 __ __ __
__ __ 6 S1 S1 7 __ S1 8 __ __
__ 9 10 __ S1 11 12 13 S1 __ __
__ __ __ __ __ S2 14 __ __ S1 15
16 __ __ __ __ __ S2 __ 17 __ __
18 __ __ __ __ 19 __ S2 S2 20 21
__ 22 23 __ __ __ 24 __ S2 S2 __
25 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 26 S2 27
__ 28 29 __ 30 31 __ __ __ 32 S2
1: Junkyard
2: Military Academy
3: Academy
4: Alchemist
5: Dueling ring
6: College
7: Military Academy
8: Park
9: Planetarium
10: Midwife
11: Planetarium
12: Park
13: Observatory
14: School
15: Park
16: Academy
17: Academy
18: Observatory
19: Bookshop
20: Minstrels' School
21: Military Academy
22: Library
23: Boarding School
24: Minstrels' School
25: University
26: Planetarium
27: Minstrels' School
28: Library
29: Apartment
30: Boarding School
31: Library
32: Cafe
Major Streets
Street 1: Malachite Street
Street 2: Carnelion Lane

Minor Streets
Kobold Avenue
Tiger Street
Chimera Row
Sunset Avenue
Knave Row
West Duke Road

5. Nobles' District
__ __ __ __ __ 1 __ __ __ __ __
__ S1 2 __ __ __ 3 __ __ __ __
__ __ S1 __ __ __ __ 4 __ __ __
__ __ S1 S1 __ 5 __ __ __ __ __
6 __ __ S1 S2 S2 __ __ __ __ 7
__ __ __ __ S1 S2 __ S1 8 __ __
__ __ __ __ __ S2 S1 S1 9 __ 10
__ __ __ __ __ 11 S2 12 13 __ 14
__ __ __ __ __ __ 15 S2 S2 16 __
__ __ __ 17 __ 18 __ S3 __ S2 __
1: Apothecary
2: Manor
3: Manor
4: Park
5: Well
6: Theatre
7: Manor
8: Mansion
9: Apothecary
10: Monument
11: Well
12: House
13: Mansion
14: Midwife
15: Manor
16: Peddler
17: Manor
18: Monument
Major Streets
Street 1: North Bard Lane
Street 2: Old Yellow Lane
Street 3: Duck Row

Minor Streets
Knave Lane
Zebra Street
Dahlia Avenue
Donkey Street
Ward Street
Poppy Row

6. Merchants' District
__ __ __ __ __ 1 __ __ __ 2 __
S1 S1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 __ S1 __ __ __ __ __ 4 __ __
__ __ __ S1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ 5 6 S1 7 __ 8 __ __ __
__ __ __ __ 9 S1 S1 __ 10 __ __
__ 11 __ __ S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 12 __
__ __ __ 13 14 __ S3 S3 S3 __ __
__ __ __ __ 15 16 __ S3 S2 17 18
__ __ 19 __ 20 __ 21 __ S3 S3 __
1: Message runners
2: Shack
3: Clothier
4: Masons' Guild
5: Locksmith
6: Cartographer
7: Ritual supplies
8: Fletcher
9: Charm shop
10: Manor
11: Locksmith
12: Masons' Guild
13: Wine shop
14: Carpenters' Guild
15: Herbalist
16: Textiles
17: Carriage service
18: Spice merchant
19: Wine shop
20: Alchemist
21: Bakers' Guild
Major Streets
Street 1: Lord Row
Street 2: Jasper Row
Street 3: Willow Avenue

Minor Streets
Hyena Row
Rowan Avenue
Old Mockingbird Row
Hawk Street
Jaguar Way

7. Warehouse District
__ 1 2 3 S1 __ __ __ 4 __ __
__ __ __ S1 S1 S1 5 __ 6 __ __
__ 7 8 9 10 S1 __ __ __ __ __
11 __ __ __ __ 12 13 __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ 14 15 __ __ 16
__ __ 17 __ __ __ 18 19 __ __ __
__ __ __ S2 S2 S2 S2 __ __ __ 20
__ __ 21 __ __ S2 S2 __ 22 23 __
__ __ __ __ 24 25 __ S3 26 __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ S3 27 __ 28
1: Furrier
2: High-end good warehouse
3: Shack
4: Well
5: Empty warehouse
6: Lumber warehouse
7: Warehouse
8: Spice warehouse
9: Tanner
10: Government office
11: Graveyard
12: Shop
13: Food stand
14: Garden
15: Theatre
16: Shrine
17: Empty warehouse
18: Masons' Guild
19: Junkyard
20: House
21: Ore warehouse
22: Shanty
23: Stocks
24: Parade grounds
25: Warehouse
26: Warehouse
27: Warehouse
28: Theatre
Major Streets
Street 1: Upper Serpent Avenue
Street 2: Crow Lane
Street 3: Dove Lane

Minor Streets
King Street
Mule Avenue
Mule Road
Wildcat Row
Old Chipmunk Row
Sparrow Street
Redwood Street
Fog Avenue
Old Sailor Street

8. Military District
1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
S1 S1 __ __ __ 3 __ __ __ __ 4
S1 __ __ 5 __ __ __ __ __ 6 __
S1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
S1 __ __ __ 7 __ __ 8 __ __ __
9 10 __ __ 11 S2 12 13 __ __ 14
__ __ __ __ __ S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2
__ __ __ __ __ __ 15 16 __ __ S2
__ __ __ __ __ 17 __ __ 18 19 __
1: Supply depot
2: Indoor training ring
3: Shoemaker
4: Stable
5: Guardhouse
6: Barracks
7: Armory
8: Supply depot
9: Guardhouse
10: Supply depot
11: Guardhouse
12: Storehouse
13: House
14: Blacksmith
15: Parade grounds
16: Tavern
17: Armory
18: Blacksmith
19: Barracks
Major Streets
Street 1: Upper Kingfisher Avenue
Street 2: Mouse Way

Minor Streets
West Black Row
Oak Street
East Donkey Lane
Hare Street
Agate Row
East Owl Street
Possum Row
Dove Lane

9. Government District
__ __ __ __ 1 __ __ 2 __ 3 __
__ __ 4 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 5
__ __ S1 __ 6 __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ S1 __ __ __ 7 8 9 __ __
10 __ S1 __ 11 12 S2 S2 13 __ 14
15 16 S1 S1 17 __ __ S2 18 19 __
__ 20 __ 21 S1 22 __ S2 __ 23 24
__ __ __ __ S1 S1 S1 __ S2 S2 25
26 __ 27 28 29 __ S1 __ __ S2 __
__ __ __ __ __ __ 30 S3 __ 31 32
1: Government office
2: Diplomat's home
3: Official's home
4: Stocks
5: Official's home
6: Prison
7: Park
8: Judge's home
9: Monument
10: Guard headquarters
11: Official's home
12: Monument
13: Diplomat's home
14: Government office
15: Courthouse
16: Prison
17: Shrine
18: Consulate
19: Advocate
20: Bailiff's office
21: Official's home
22: Government office
23: Guildhall
24: Shrine
25: Government office
26: Advocate
27: Guildhall
28: Barracks
29: Judge's home
30: Treasury
31: Guildhall
32: Official's home
Major Streets
Street 1: Raven Street
Street 2: Wyvern Street
Street 3: Hydra Way

Minor Streets
Fog Way
Upper Aster Street
Cat Street
Upper Jasper Row
West Raven Way
Tiger Avenue
Maple Road
Horse Street

10. Guilds' District
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ 1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ S1 S1 __ __ 2 __ __ __ __ __
__ 3 S1 __ __ __ __ __ 4 __ __
__ __ S1 S1 S2 5 __ 6 7 __ __
8 9 10 __ S1 S2 S2 S2 __ __ __
__ __ __ __ S1 __ S2 S2 __ 11 12
__ __ 13 __ S1 14 __ __ 15 __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ 16 17 __ 18 __
1: Silversmiths' Guild
2: Brewery
3: Entertainers' Guild
4: Potters' Guild
5: Furrier
6: Potion shop
7: Glassblower
8: Herbalist
9: Entertainers' Guild
10: Physician
11: Grain merchant
12: Bakers' Guild
13: Carriage service
14: Tailor
15: Peddler
16: Charm shop
17: Stocks
18: Tavern
Major Streets
Street 1: Daisy Street
Street 2: West Lion Street

Minor Streets
Blackberry Street
Vole Way
Giant Row
Mink Avenue
Minstrel Row

11. Pleasure District
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ __ __ __ __
4 5 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
6 7 S1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ 8 9 S1 10 __ __ 11 __ __ __
12 __ __ S1 13 S1 S1 __ __ __ __
__ __ 14 15 S1 S2 S2 S1 16 17 __
__ __ __ __ 18 S2 S2 S2 __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ 19 __ 20 __
21 __ __ 22 __ __ 23 24 __ __ 25
1: Traders' Guild
2: Minstrels' School
3: Leatherworker
4: Tavern
5: Apartment
6: Music hall
7: Theatre
8: Apartment
9: Tavern
10: Music hall
11: Apartment
12: Inn
13: Apartment
14: Gambling hall
15: Theatre
16: Garden
17: Inn
18: Apartment
19: Theatre
20: Theatre
21: Theatre
22: Baths
23: Arena
24: Gambling hall
25: Inn
Major Streets
Street 1: Farmer Lane
Street 2: Albatross Way

Minor Streets
Tiger Way
Teak Street
Daffodil Row
Kingfisher Street
Upper Archer Street
Kobold Row
Windy Road
Red Avenue
West Mockingbird Way


HUMAN: Humans are the most common race and the parent race to vampires and werewolves. They achieved many things in their time, from developing a steam powered world to mastering the science that is alchemy. 1​Styborgs being a product of both, though an insensitive term for a human with both mechanical parts and organic. But as many great things they've achieved, they are capable of many dark things. Not too keen on the concept of co-existing, they fear the unknown, but not all of them are a complete lost cause. Driven by their seemingly insatiable curiosity they are also be creatures of understanding.

VAMPIRE: Currently, somewhere between 25-50 original vampires survived the ages. Scar-riddled and hardened by war, hatred, and out living their loved ones these veterans have either taken to hiding in the shadows or working solemnly alongside alchemists as assistants. Those who aren't employed by private alchemists but still seek an honest living can find their place in an alchemist college making supply runs and overseeing students. Occasionally an alchemist will create their own vampire servant despite the illegality of it. If caught the alchemist will be sent to the dungeons and their newly created servant will the confiscated by the Crown as property.

WERRWOLF: Generally more accepted than vampires and seen more as prorectors, werewolves have integrated well within human society; however, there do exist humans who still believe they are the supreme race and look down those who aren't human. Still, werewolves can be found working numerous jobs, most notably laborious ones. Sometimes alchemists will even enlist werewolves as bodyguards or, true to their roots, enlist in the army. They don't tend to live longer than humans so there isn't one left to remember the Old War, yet rarely do werewolves take pity on their vampiric counterparts and the two races remain natural enemies.

STYMAN: Completely mechanical humanoids and the prime example of humanity's mastery over steam technology. Earlier versions were large and clunky but now they've been slimmed down to the size of an average man, though some controversial models have been made to represent a feminine figure.

GOLEM: Humanoids constructed out of mud and clay and the prime example of humanity's mastery over alchemy. No one is really sure which came first, the styman or the golem, and such topic has sparked some serious debates between mechanics and alchemists with both parties believing their side were the first to create the first artificial "human". Either way, golems perform the same basic tasks as stymen.

ASURA: Another, more recently bio-engineered race created from small, domestic animals. Depending on the breed from which they were created they could be no taller than a foot or at least four feet tall. The tallest asura recorded so far fell shy of five feet. Asuras are highly intelligent and bipedal pets but lack the ability to speak.
1​STYBORG: From Old English stiemen or stymen - to emit vapor or to emit a scent or odor - and the shortening of stybernetic organism.​

Shards of the Philosopher's Stone, or the Great Stone, break off as it grows and expands with intake of the magic in the air, each embodying a single quality of its source.



NIGREDO STONES: Nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction or decomposition. It is the black matter that is absorbed by the Philosopher's Stone, the magic's "darkness". Nigredo Stones are used for breaking down, decaying magic. These stones are not readily available to the general public and can only be granted access to by official permission from the Crown; however, smugglers have been known to come in possession of them, and a few have landed in the hands of some lucky crime lords. Those who legally carry them are often hired Alchemists, but even they're on loan and carefully watched. They were known as Black Stones among the commonwealth.

ALBEDO STONES: Albedo is a Latinicized term meaning "whiteness". Following the chaos or massa confusa of the nigredo stage, the Philosopher's Stone undertakes a purification in albedo, which is literally referred to as ablutio – the washing away of impurities. In this process, the Great Stone is divided into two opposing principles to be later coagulated to form a unity of opposites or coincidentia oppositorum during rubedo.

Albedo Stones are used in medical practices for their rejuvenation qualities and ability to heal minor injuries and illnesses, while providing a much needed boost to the immune systems of patients suffering from more major illnesses. Patients who have been healed with an Albedo Stone experiences a temporary heal factor that reduces the average human heal time by almost half. The time this lasts for seems to vary from patient to patient. Albedo Stones are no more common than Nigredo Stones but are more often seen. They are carried by Doctors, Preachers, Mother Superior, and even nuns, but rarely will they be carried by nurses. They are known as White Stones among the commonwealth.

CITRINITAS STONES: Citrinitas, sometimes referred to as xanthosis, is a term given by alchemists to "yellowness." In alchemical philosophy, citrinitas stood for the dawning of the "solar light" inherent in one's being, and that the reflective "lunar or soul light" was no longer necessary. Citrinitas Stones are not only the most sought after, but peculiar in the way they only work for certain people. The people they do work for are gifted magic that is either powered by the sun or the moon, and depending on which can either act as a heat source or a water source, meaning they can cast fire or water from their stones for the purpose of destruction or defense. Some may even be strong enough to affect an existing source. One other, rare gift the carrier could be granted is the power of premonition, but a Stone can only have one ability or the other, not all three.

Among the commonwealth the stones are simultaneously known as Yellow Stones.

RUBEDO STONES: Rubedo is a Latin word meaning "redness" that was adopted by alchemists to define the fourth and final major stage in their magnum opus. Both gold and the philosopher's stone were associated with the color red, as rubedo signalled alchemical success, and the end of the great work. Rubedo is also known by the Greek word, Iosis. The rarest stone of them all, the Rubedo Stones have achieved almost mythical status among the commonwealth and nobility alike; even Alchemists argue over the validity of the Rubedo Stone. Those who still believe; however, speculate the Queen is in ownership of one.

The fabled powers of the Rubedo Stone are said to be able to resurrect the dead, cure all illnesses, extend the life expectancy of the carrier, turn base metals into silver or gold and common stones to precious gems and diamonds. The commonwealth have many names for this stone: Ruby Stone, Red Stone, Mythical Stone, even Lesser Stone as it is a mere part of the Great Stone. Lesser Stone is also used by Alchemists and nobility as more of a taunt towards those who think it exists.

The majority of the credit for this goes to Wikipedia: Philosopher's stone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Skull'n'Roses by Skryznia​
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In the year 2026, a team at Kobayashi Institute of Technology revolutionized the game world by combining virtual reality gear with holographic technology and made it possible for a whole room of people to take part in a virtual reality game all at once, in real time, by placing players in the game both physically and mentally, making the player's body the controller.

The technology was first introduced to the general public three years later at a game convention and the demonstration was a huge hit. They called it KIT Reality after their institution. A mere five years later an arena was built specifically for the purpose of hosting a special event featuring the new game system called KIT Reality: Survival. The goal of the event is simple: be the first to beat all ten bosses and win 10,000 dollars. The catch? The system implements both permanent death and a way for the audience to troll the players, or help, by allowing them to purchase obstacles, monsters, traps they can drop on the player to hinder their progress, or gear, armor, hints and other tools to aid them. But once a player's HP drops to zero, it's game over and the created character is permanently erased from the system and the player will be unable to reenter the event.

Set in a sprawling dungeon with ten levels, Kit Reality: Survival is based off a classic RPG featuring four classes and five races. Each class will give you two bonus points in a certain attribute skill and each race will give a 1/3 bonus to a certain survival skills. For example, the Warrior class will give you two additional points in Strength or Constitution while a Dwarf race will offer 1/3 resistance to blind and 1/3 resistance to slow. In addition to classes and races the game also offers three different armor types: light, medium, heavy, and three weapon classes: one-handed, two-handed, projectile.

Because the target audience is teenagers on Summer break, the game will run during daytime hours from 12:00pm to 4:00pm all seven days a week from May to August. Failure to beat all ten bosses by August will result in no winner. Daily participation is not required and participants can come in at any time as long as they did not previously participate in the event. Upon registration players will have the opportunity to create a level ten character and be given 105 attribute points to distribute between the attribute skills, and 250 gold to spend in shops. A character is also given an extra ability unique to them to aid them in their quest for fame and fortune.
In the year 2026, a team at Kobayashi Institute of Technology revolutionized the game world by combining virtual reality gear with holographic technology and made it possible for a whole room of people to take part in a virtual reality game all at once, in real time, by placing players in the game both physically and mentally, making the player's body the controller.

The technology was first introduced to the general public three years later at a game convention and the demonstration was a huge hit. They called it KIT Reality after their institution. A mere five years later an arena was built specifically for the purpose of hosting a special event featuring the new game system called KIT Reality: Survival. The goal of the event is simple: be the first to beat all ten bosses and win 10,000 dollars. The catch? The system implements both permanent death and a way for the audience to troll the players, or help, by allowing them to purchase obstacles, monsters, traps they can drop on the player to hinder their progress, or gear, armor, hints and other tools to aid them. But once a player's HP drops to zero, it's game over and the created character is permanently erased from the system and the player will be unable to reenter the event.

Set in a sprawling dungeon with ten levels, Kit Reality: Survival is based off a classic RPG featuring four classes and five races. Each class will give you two bonus points in a certain attribute skill and each race will give a 1/3 bonus to a certain survival skills. For example, the Warrior class will give you two additional points in Strength or Constitution while a Dwarf race will offer 1/3 resistance to blind and 1/3 resistance to slow. In addition to classes and races the game also offers three different armor types: light, medium, heavy, and three weapon classes: one-handed, two-handed, projectile.

Because the target audience is teenagers on Summer break, the game will run during daytime hours from 12:00pm to 4:00pm all seven days a week from May to August. Failure to beat all ten bosses by August will result in no winner. Daily participation is not required and participants can come in at any time as long as they did not previously participate in the event. Upon registration players will have the opportunity to create a level ten character and be given 105 attribute points to distribute between the attribute skills, and 250 gold to spend in shops. A character is also given an extra ability unique to them to aid them in their quest for fame and fortune.
Character Classes
A long range combatant with little means of defense. They can, however, make effective use of enchanted equipment and weapon abilities. Offers two additional points in either Perception or Dexterity. They make effective us of light or medium armor and projectile weapons.

Featuring powerful magical abilities, healing and supportive magical abilities, but physically weak. Offers two addition attribute points in either Intelligence or Willpower. They make effective use of light armor and two-handed and one-handed weapons.

A nimble combatant focused on stealth and social skills, also capable of high-damage special attacks balanced by sub-par resistance to injury. Offers two additional attribute points to either Dexterity or Charisma. They make effective use of medium armor and one-handed weapons.

Focused on combat abilities, but almost entirely lacking in magical abilities. Warriors can, however, make effective use of enchanted equipment and weapon abilities. Offers two additional attribute points to either Strength or Constitution. They make effective use of heavy armor and many types of weapons with the exception of projectiles.

Character Races
A short, sturdy race that hails from deep underground and inside mountains. They are expert craftsmen and blacksmiths, and are better suited for the warrior class than any other, offering 1/3 survival bonuses in blind and slow. Due to lack of sun exposure their skin is usually shades of pale with hair ranging from shades of blond to light browns. Blues and greens are their common eye color's but occasionally a dwarf may have brown eyes.

A tall, lithe race shaped by the forests of their homes. They have ears as sharp as their hearing and expert hunters, finding comfort in a good bow, making them the best suited for Rogue, Mage, and even Gunslinger, offering a 1/3 survival bonus in both poison and silenced. Normally living out in the open they tend to have skin in the shades of tan or dark, with hair in the shades of brown, black, and on occasion, shades of blonde, bleached by the sun. Green eyes are a rarity among the Elves.

The fae are magical creatures that can change their size to be as small as a butterfly or as tall as a human with wings often taking on the appearance of insects. Their magical abilities make them best suited for Mage or even Rogue and offer a 1/3 survival bonus in Charm and in Transfiguration. Their appearances are the most bazaar, with hair, eye, and even skin color ranging from natural human tones to other unnatural shades and color. Blue being a prime example.

The most versatile of the five races and the most adaptable, offering 1/3 survival bonuses to two rebuffs of their choosing. Their hair color is limited to natural shades of blond, shades of brown, shades of red, and black. Their eye color is limited to natural shades of blue, green, brown, and grey. Their skin color is limited to natural shades of pale, tan, and dark.

The Orc are similar to humans in size and build, though can easily be as tall as an elf, but with tougher skin and a maul that extends outward to accommodate their larger canine teeth. Coming from a culture centered around war they make great warriors. They offer 1/3 survival bonuses in both fear and bleed. Fair hair and light eye colors are rare in orcs and their skin is normally in shades of green.
Rejuvenation magic focuses on purification spells that can be used offensively against undead foes as well as support for allies. Rejuvenation spells can cure certain ailments, heal allies, restore energy, guard, and revive zombified comrades.

Elemental magic focuses on offensive spells that can utilize elements such as fire, water, earth, air, and lightning to bring down the wrath of nature down upon foes. Elemental spells can summon walls of fire, blow away opponents, crush those who stand in your way, and drown the competition.

Force magic manifests itself as light and color, typical magic that can teleport objects, force them back, transform foes into chickens, inflict debuffs, enchant items, communicate with spiritual entities, and utilize telepathy, empathy, and telekinesis.

Blaster magic is the branch of magic most notably used by Gunslingers. By channeling magic through projectiles, players can shoot concentrated blasts of magic at their foes. This magic can be any of three magic branches mentioned above, or any of the the debuffs depending on the Gunslinger's skill set.

Weapon Skills
Weapon Skills, unlike typical magical abilities that use mana, uses labor, mana's physical counterpart that measures a character's physical limitations instead of magical. Weapon Skills allow a player to unleash debuffs upon their foes at long rand and short range but has to be manually activated like spells.

Minor Potions
● Cure and Antidote Potions: Cures minor debuffs.
● Health Potions: Heals 30 points of Health.
● Infliction Potions: Thrown at an enemy to inflict minor debuffs.
● Regeneration Potions: Recovers 30 points for 3 actions.
● Resistance Potions: Resists minor debuffs for 3 turns.

Modest Potions
● Cure and Antidote Potions: Cures debuffs of both minor and modest.
● Health Potions: Heals 60 points of Health.
● Infliction Potions: Thrown at an enemy to inflict modest debuffs.
● Regeneration Potions: Recovers 60 points for 6 turns.
● Resistance Potions: Resists modest debuffs for 6 turns.

Major Potions
● Cure and Antidote Potions: Cures all types of debuffs.
● Health Potions: Heals 90 points of Health.
● Infliction Potions: Thrown at an enemy to inflict major debuffs.
● Regeneration Potions: Recovers 90 points for 9 turns.
● Resistance Potions: Resists all debuffs for 9 turns.
● Revive: Rare potion that cures Zombie. No effect on undead foes.
Heavy Armor
Boots, chest plate, gauntlets, helmet, leggings, shoulder guards. The heavy armor in is better suited for the Warrior class as their need for strength and defenses make their build ideal for heavy duty armor that may slow them down but absorbs way more impact than any other class of armor. Heavy armor is often made of metals and can be rather loud to move in.

Light Armor
Bracers, boots, capes, coats, corsets, doublets, dresses, gloves, hats, jerkin, pants, robes, shirts, vests. Light armor is better suited for those who can't afford to be weighted down or can't bear the weight of armor. Mages and Gunslingers being a prime example. While it doesn't offer much protection, it more than makes up for it in mobility. Light armor is often made up of cotton, wool, and other light materials.

Medium Armor
Bracers, boots, caps, chest piece, gloves, pants, shoulder guards. Medium armor sits comfortably between light armor and heavy armor as it offers it's owner protection while also being maneuverable. While not as strong as heavy armor, it's perfect for the Rogue or even Gunslinger. Medium armor is often made up of leather and chain mail.

One-Handed Weapons
One-handed weapons are weapons the wielder can wield with one hand or can act as a secondary weapon if small enough. This includes, but not limited to:
  • Axes
  • Clubs
  • Daggers
  • Hammers
  • Iron Knuckles
  • Knives
  • Maces
  • Shields
  • Short swords
  • Swords

Two-Handed Weapons
Two-handed weapons are weapons the wielder needs to wield with two hands. This includes, but not limited to
  • Axes
  • Ball and Chains
  • Duel-Wielding
  • Gauntlets
  • Hammers
  • Maces
  • Pole Arms
  • Saws
  • Scythes
  • Swords

Projectiles are weapons the wielder can launch or shoot. They include, but not limited to:
  • Boomerangs
  • Bows and Arrows
  • Chakrams
  • Crossbows
  • Flintlocks
  • Javelins
  • Muskets
  • Shotguns
  • Slingshots
  • Spears
  • Throwing Knives
  • Tomahawks
  • Whips

Magical Artifacts

Magical Artifacts are a class of weapons primarily used by Mages to channel their spells. Often they are duel wielded with a secondary weapon. This includes but not limited to:
  • Books
  • Crystal Balls
  • Scepters
  • Staffs
  • Wands

Charisma (Presence, Charm, Leadership)
A measure of a character's social skills. Charisma influences persuasion, prices while trading, and are likely to have an impact on those around them. Characters with high Charisma often become leaders con artists, or actors. This can also improve the believably of lies, deceit, and disguises. 10 points of Charisma equals -5 gold deducted from prices.

Constitution (Fortitude, Resilience, Vitality)
A measure of how resilient and defended a character is. Constitution is the combination of the Constitution and the Defense stat normally found in RPGs and decreases taken damage by a fixed amount per hit. For example, if an armor rating is 10 and the attack that hits is 20, you only take ten damage. Of course any attack equal to or below your armor rating fails. Additionally, Constitution also decides how many hits you can take. 1 point of Constitution equals 10 points of health.

Dexterity (Agility, Speed, Reflexes)
A measure of how agile and physically fit a character is. Dexterity controls how fast a character can move, how long they can move, and how effectively they can execute their moves. In other words, the higher your Dexterity attribute, the faster your character can run, the longer they can run for, and the better they can dodge and flip around everywhere. 1 point of Strength equals 10 points of labor.

Intelligence (Knowledge, Clever, Control)
A measure of a character's problem-solving ability and awareness of world lore. Intelligence dictates the character's ability to comprehend foreign languages and their skill in magic. For Mages, the higher your character's intellect, the greater their control over their magic and the faster they can learn new spells. For other classes, the higher your intellect the better battle strategies you can come with and the more resourceful your character will be. 1 point of Charisma equals ten points of Mana.

Perception (Aware, Alert, Infiltration)
A measure of a character's environmental awareness. Perception controls the chance to detect vital clues, traps, or hiding enemies, and the accuracy of ranged attacks. Perception will also allow a character to pick locks, sneak effectively, and target multiple enemies. 10 points of Perception equals +1 enemy a character can target at once.

(Body, Might, Brawn)
A measure of how physically strong a character is. Strength adds a bonus to probability of melee attacks landing and decides how much a character .ca carry. If a weapon or equipment (armor, shield, etc.) weighs more than a player can carry than the weapon/equipment will slow the speed of attacks and reduce the likelihood of dodging, parrying, or even landing a solid hit. 10 points of strength equals +1 to probability rolls. 1 points of strength equals five items.

Willpower (Stubborn, Sanity, Confidence)
A measure of a character's common sense, mental resistance, and spirituality. Wisdom often controls a character's ability to communicate with mystical entities, discern other characters' motives or feelings, and ability to resist against mind-altering status effects. A character with high Willpower will not be easily swayed by Charisma and have a higher tolerance for pain. 1-30 points of Willpower equals minor resistance to mental status effects, 40-60 points of Willpower equals modest resistance to mental effects, 70-90+ equals major resistance to mental effects.
Gradually Drains HP
1) Bleed
Inflicts a wound that drains a character's health over time. Minor Bleed will drain 5 points of health upon action, modest Bleed will drain 10 points of health upon each action, and major Bleed will drain 15 points of health upon each action. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

2) Burn
Inflicts a burn on the character and drains their health over time. Minor Burn will drain 5 points of health upon action, modest Burn will drain 10 points of health upon each action, and major Burn will drain 15 points of health upon each action. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

3) Poison
Poisons the character and drains their health over time. Minor Poison will drain 5 points of health upon action, modest Poison will drain 10 points of health upon each action, and major Poison will drain 15 points of health upon each action. Can be cured with an antidote.

Prevents Movement
4) Frozen
Freezes a part or, depending on the strength of the effect, the entire body of a character for a certain amount of actions. Minor Frozen prevents movement of the targeted limb for three actions, modest Frozen freezes a limb and a nearby limb for six actions and drains 3 points of health for each action missed, and major Frozen freezes the body of the character for nine actions and drains 6 points health with each action missed. Can be cured with a fire spell or a cure spell/potion.
[...]modest Frozen freezes a limb and a nearby limb[...](example: if an arm is targeted either the neck or the hip will also be effected and if one leg is targeted the hips are effected as well.)​

5) Paralysis
Paralyzes the character for a certain amount of actions. Minor Paralysis pauses the character for three actions, modest Paralysis pauses the character for six actions, and major Paralysis pauses the character for nine actions. Can be cured with an antidote.

6) Petrified
Turns a part or, depending on the strength of the effect, the entire body of a character to stone for a certain amount of actions. Minor Petrified freezes the targeted limb for three actions, modest Petrified freezes a limb and a nearby limb for six actions, and major Petrified freezes the body of the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell.

Physical Effects
7) Blind
Prevents the character from seeing for a certain amount of actions. Minor Blind blinds the character for three actions, modest Blind blinds the character for six actions, and major Blind blinds the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

8) Silenced
Prevents verbal communication and the use of magic spells for a certain amount of actions. Minor Silenced mutes the character for three actions, modest Silenced mutes the character for six actions, and major Silenced mutes the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

9) Slow
Greatly reduces the speed and movement of a character for a certain amount of actions. Minor Slow restraints the character for three actions, modest Slow restraints the character for six actions, and major Slow restraints the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

Mental Effects
10) Berserk
Inflicts unexplained anger in a character and for a certain amount of actions, causing them to attack thoughtlessly and renders them incapable of casting spells and using special weapon skills. Minor Berserk angers the character for three actions, modest Berserk angers the character for six actions, and major Berserk angers the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.
[...]causing them to attack thoughtlessly and renders them incapable of casting spells and using special weapon skills. This means all they can do is swing their weapon around with a chance of attacking allies.​

11) Confused
Disorients the character for a certain amount of actions, causing lightheaded, dizzy, lost of balance and footing, and reduced accuracy. In this state a character may mistaken an ally for a foe. Minor Confused disorients the character for three actions, modest Confused disorients the character for six actions, and major Confused disorients the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

12) Fear
Induces inexplicable fear in a character for a certain amount of actions, preventing them attacking or even fighting. Minor Fear scares the character for three actions, modest Fear scares the character for six actions, and major Fear scares the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell/potion.

Special Effects
13) Charm
Causes the character to loose control over their own body to some degree depending on the strength of the effect for a certain amount of actions. Minor Charm prevents the character from attacking the inflict-er for three actions, modest Charm prevents a character from attacking foes of allied with the inflict-er, as well as the inflict-er, for six actions, and major Charm completely brainwashes the character to attack for the inflict-er for nine actions. Can be cured with a purify spell.

14) Curse
Causes the character to loose control over their own body to some degree depending on the strength of the effect for a certain amount of actions. Minor Curse switches the movement of a limb with another for three actions, modest Curse switches the movement of two limbs two other limbs for six actions, and major Curse randomly switches all limb movement with others for nine actions. Can be cured with a purify spell.

15) Transfiguration
Turns a character into a weaker animal for a certain amount of actions, leaving the character vulnerable. Minor Transfiguration turn the character for three actions, modest Transfiguration turns the character for six actions, and major Transfiguration turns the character for nine actions. Can be cured with a cure spell.

16) Zombie
Causes the character to become undead for a certain amount of actions, or for as long as they hold weapon/equipment; however, if the character dies under this effect, effect will become permanent. Minor Zombie damages the character with healing spells and equipment while healing with actions that would normally damage a character for three actions, modest Zombie damages the character with healing spells and equipment while healing with actions that would normally damage a character for six actions, and major Zombie damages the character with healing spells and equipment while healing with actions that would normally damage a character for nine actions. Can be cured with a revive spell or potion unless permanent.
- Minor Healing Potion: 20g
- Minor Regeneration Potion: 40g
- Minor Cure Potion (Burn): 20g
- Minor Cure Potion (Bleed): 20g
- Minor Antidote Potion (Poison): 35g
- Minor Cure Potion (Freeze): 50g
- Minor Antidote Potion (Paralysis): 35g
- Minor Cure Potion (Confusion): 25g
- Minor Cure Potion (Charm): 50g
- Minor Cure Potion (Curse): 50g
- Minor Cure Potion (Berserk): 45g
- Minor Cure Potion (Fear): 45g
- Minor Cure Potion (Transfiguration): 50g
- Minor Cure Potion (Blind): 35g
- Minor Cure Potion (Silenced): 35g
- Minor Cure Potion (Slow): 35g
- Minor Resist Potion (Burn): 30g
- Minor Resist Potion (Bleed): 30g
- Minor Resist Potion (Poison): 45g
- Minor Resist Potion (Freeze): 100g
- Minor Resist Potion (Paralysis): 55g
- Minor Resist Potion (Confusion): 35g
- Minor Resist Potion (Charm): 60g
- Minor Resist Potion (Curse): 60g
- Minor Resist Potion (Berserk): 55g
- Minor Resist Potion (Fear): 55g
- Minor Resist Potion (Transfiguration): 60g
- Minor Resist Potion (Blind): 45g
- Minor Resist Potion (Silenced): 45g
- Minor Resist Potion (Slow): 45g


Gunslinger: 0/2x || Mage: 0/2x || Rogue: 0/2x || Warrior: 0/2x


Every player in the battle must roll a six faced die to decide the probability of their actions. The attacker must roll to decide if their attack is effective and the defender must roll to decide if they block, dodge, or counter attack effectively. One way to counter attack would be trying to neutralize an incoming attack with you're own attack with spells that don't have the normal defense attributes such as absorbing impact, absorbing energy, or reflecting attacks entirely. In this instance, one attack would over power the other and continue on towards the intended target. Then the original attacker, or the defender if the counter attack failed, would be forced to roll again to determine if they dodge, block, or counter attack effectively. Another alternative is dodging the attack and then countering.

1-3: Minor. Your attack is likely to miss or, if lands, makes a scratch. But damage is damage.

4-6: Modest. Your attack has a better chance of landing and doing moderate damage.

7-9: Major. Your attack is bound to succeed, landing a solid hit.

If the attacker's roll falls below the defender's roll they are bound to fail. Like wise, if the attacker's roll falls above the defender's roll they are likely to succeed. The one exception being if the defender manages to roll the same number as the attacker as this means they were both equally effective and no winner is decided that round. In the event the defender goes for a counter attack, they must either roll the same number as the attacker, roll one below the attacker, or roll one above to neutralize the attack. To roll two or more higher than the attacker means they not only neutralize the attack but their attack is still coming at the original attacker; however, if you want your character to dodge and then counter in the same move you roll two dice. The first represents your dodge and the second represents the effectiveness of your attack. You must roll successfully on your dodge for the move to be complete. The original attacker will always have the opportunity to dodge, block, or counter if another attack, or their own in the instance of a reflect, is being sent at them.

But again, these rolls establish probability. For actual damage and mana/labor reduction, multiply roll by ten to (for a dodge-counter, add ten to the second dice, which decides the actual attack) minus the player's armor rating for the targeted area (target the chest and deduct the armor rating for the chest piece, so on so fourth). Note that the armor rating should deduct from the attack and not the actual armor rating.
Example: Player A wants to attack Player B's chest and rolls a nine. Nine is multiplied by ten to determine strength of the attack giving it the power of ninety, but Player B's chest plate has an armor rating of twenty-five. 90 - 25= 65. 65 is deducted from the attacker's mana/laber, the defender's health, but not the armor rating.

Written Formula: [Probability (+ [Strength Bonus])] x 10 - [Armor Rating] = [Attack Power]​
How to Dice
Unfortunately you can't use Iwaku's built in system until you post. Once you post a "more options" option will appear. Click that and a interface will pop up, first asking why you're rolling the dice. This is where you'll state whether or not you're rolling for battle, enchanting, or armor. The second thing you'll notice is the number of faces on the die. Six is the default choice and one that will be utilized the most. Once you roll, a roll again option will appear. To make a new die, you can use the same post and go through the "more options" again.
Action is another word for post. So if your character is inflicted with a debuff that prevents them from acting or drains their HP, they'll be inflicted with that debuff for 3-9 posts. While posts will not be in a particular order there will be two set requirements. 1) At least one other person must post after your post. 2) The inflict-er must post after your post. In the meantime, build up some tension. Give us the feeling of your character in trouble.
Similar to a D&D system, players will roll 6-7 times to determine the rating of their armor pieces depending on the armor class (heavy armor will roll 25-faced dice, medium armor will roll 20-faced dice, light armor will roll 15-faced dice). The first die roll will determine the rating of the helmet. The second die roll will determine the rating of the chest piece. The third dice roll will determine the rating of the leggings. The fifth roll will determine the rating of the boots. The sixth row will determine the rating of the gloves/bracer. The seventh die roll is optional for any extra armor piece (capes, cloaks, jackets, etc.). Even if you're character is lacking a piece of armor for whatever reason (lacking leggings because you're character is wearing a dress or long robes, etc.) please roll for all pieces of armor and just skip over the die rolls you don't need - excluding them from the total armor ratings - to keep things in order.
Players are allowed two pieces of enchanted armor and three weapon skills for each weapon owned on the grounds they name the dice after the weapon or armor in question; however, to keep up the random feel of RPGs, players must roll a 16-faced die to determine which survival skill/debuff they'll have (if armor and shields it counts towards resistance, and if on weapons counts towards infliction). Notice how the Survival Skills are numbered? Your roll should correspond with the SS's number (1 = Burn, 2 = Bleed, 3 = Poison, etc).Roll another die to determine the potency of the skill/resistance (because you can't change the number of faces on a die when rolling in the same group the number system is a bit different):

1-8: Minor. 1/3 resistance.

9-13: Modest. 2/3 resistance.

14-16: Major. 3/3 resistance.
In-Character Rules
- Characters will start with either 1x one-handed weapon and/or shield, OR 1x set of duel weilds, OR 1x two-handed weapon and 1x secondary one-handed weapon (usually a concealed) OR 1x projectile.
- Characters can have more than one weapon but cannot have more than two equipped.
- Switch-Hitter builds are allowed. Switch-Hitters are characters that can switch between one-handed weapons and projectiles.
- Please try to stay true to the race describtions.
- The Market will include more items the further we get. if you have a suggestion for the item.
- The further we get the stronger the items become. Even the minor items.
- Unique Abilities don't have to be attacks. They can aid your character and effect the game in numerous ways, but always at a cost.

Out-of-Character Rules
- No God Modding or Power Playing.
- You can make up to two characters, preferably one of each gender and of different races/classes.
- Skim through the cast list and try to keep characters different from one another. Diversity keeps things fresh and interesting.
- Your character can die. Your more than welcome to create another character or join the Troll Team.
- You can post WIPs but they must be completed within five days of being posted.
- In the event of a time skip 10 experience points will be granted to players per day skipped.
- No more then one post day per player please! This will keep players from getting lost and hopefully from being excluded.
- Don't cause OOC drama or stir up arguments. You've been warned.
- Rage quitters beware!
[Please remove bracket text. Yes, even these.]
Name: [Name of Character]
Age: [Age of Character]
Gender: [Gender of Character]
Occupation: [Job or Education of Character]
Personality: [Should include flaws and qualities. Likes, dislikes, pastimes, and ambitions optional.]
Appearance: [Should at least include: height, eye color, hair color, skin color, aethnic apparel. Ethnic background/race optional.]
Reason for Competing: [For the money (and why)? Or for the experience?]
Relationships: [Character relationships with other characters. Can be discussed OOC and developed through IC.]
Other: [Anything I didn't cover you would like to mention.]

Screenname: [Character's Name In KIT]
Level 10
Health: [Character's Damage Intake. Determined by Constitution.]
Labor: [Character's Physical Limitation. "Mana" for weapon skills. Determined by Dexterity.]
Mana: [Character's Magical Limitation. Determined by Intellect.]
Gender: [Character Gender]
Race: [Character's Race In KIT.]
Class: [Character's Class in KIT.]
Appearance: [Character's appearance in KIT. Should include height, hair color, eye color, skin color, unique features.]
Resistances and Bonuses: [Character Survival Skills and bonuses received from Attributes.]
Unique Ability: [Ability unique to your character. UAs come with their own drawbacks and perks.]
Experience: 0 (need 500 to advance) [Each level adds 100 points to "need to advance".]
Gold: 250g
Item Capacity: [Amount of items your character carry. Determined by Strength.]
Skill Attributes: 105 [Try to have Attributes reflect character's personality. Points received from Class Bonus should be put in parentheses.]
Weapon: [Characters are allowed to start with 1 one-handed weapon and shield OR 1 set of duel wields OR 1 two-handed weapon and 1 secondary one-handed weapon OR 1 projectile.]
Spells/Weapon Skills: [If Mage, you get a maximum 2 spells from Rejuvenation, Elemental, and Force of the Players Creation. If not Mage, exclude spells. Weapon Skills allow the wielder to inflict debuffs with weapons. Be creative with execution.]
Armor: [Armor Class = Total Armor Rating]
[List of pieces of armor, class, and individual armor rating.]
Equipment: [List of Equipment bought from the merchant.]
Menu Crystal [Menu Crystals allows access to the main menu where you'll find your inventory, save and logout option, list of party members and locations (if online), stats, etc. Through here you can invite people to your party and message other players.]​

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After years of being non-existent, the world renown Pokemon Master, the mysterious Red, finally resurfaced and his return to the Pokemon World was not without cause, as you soon found out. He was quick to announce the opening of a tournament like no other, completely disregarding the traditional Pokemon League in the process, and encouraged trainers of all walks of life, of various skill and talent, to take part. "But be forewarned," you remembered him saying. "You can and will be eliminated from the tournament. If that happens... Don't intend to find out."

Despite the ever so cheerful word from the sponsor, you and many others rose to the challenge. After all, with your assembled team, how can you possibly lose? Unfortunately for you, the invitation drew more than just trainers.
After years of being non-existent, the world renown Pokemon Master, the mysterious Red, finally resurfaced and his return to the Pokemon World was not without cause, as you soon found out. He was quick to announce the opening of a tournament like no other, completely disregarding the traditional Pokemon League in the process, and encouraged trainers of all walks of life, of various skill and talent, to take part. "But be forewarned," you remembered him saying. "You can and will be eliminated from the tournament. If that happens... Don't intend to find out."

Despite the ever so cheerful word from the sponsor, you and many others rose to the challenge. After all, with your assembled team, how can you possibly lose? Unfortunately for you, the invitation drew more than just trainers.
「The Island」
The tournament will take place on an island as mysterious as the person who seemingly owns its, filled with lush forests, rocky terrain, sprawling caves, and many hidden dangers; teeming with Pokemon from all known regions. It goes without saying but leaving the island in any way results in immediate elimination, excluding battles utilizing water and air elements. But pokemon battles are only the half of it. Be sure to be well equipped with basic survival gear and prepare for a long stay as you won't just be expected to battle, but survive as well.

Any Gym Badges earned from the League should be left at home or anywhere else safe. The Tournament will instead utilize chips with a Pokeball patterned encircled by gold. Each trainer will start off with three chips and to earn ten of them grants each trainer admittance into the finals, which will be held in the large manor located on top of the tallest mountain. Trainers can earn chips by betting a set amount on a battle. If the trainers loose all chips, they will be removed from the island. After spending a lavish night in the manor, finalists will have to battle each other before the last one standing battles Red, determining who really is the Pokemon Master.

  • [OOC] || [IC]
    • ➜ The tournament will take place on an island as mysterious as the person who seemingly owns its, filled with lush forests, rocky terrain, sprawling caves, and many hidden dangers; teeming with Pokemon from all known regions.
      ➜ Special battle arenas have also been supplied, though whether or not they are utilized is completely up to the trainers. They offer special field advantages and provide a more comfortable battle environment for Pokemon who would otherwise not be supported by the surrounding environment.
      ➜ Leaving the island in any way results in immediate elimination, excluding battles utilizing water and air elements.
      ➜ Pokemon battles are only the half of it. Be sure to be well equipped with basic survival gear and prepare for a long stay.
      ➜ Any Gym Badges earned from the League should be left at home or anywhere else safe. The Tournament will instead utilize chips with a Pokeball patterned encircled by gold.
      ➜ Each trainer will start off with three chips and to earn ten of them grants each trainer admittance into the finals, which will be held in the large manor located on top of the tallest mountain.
      ➜ Trainers can earn chips by betting a set amount on a battle. If the trainers loose all chips, they will be removed from the island.
      ➜ After spending a lavish night in the manor, finalists will have to battle each other before the last one standing battles Red, determining who really is the Pokemon Master.

    • ➜ Only six Pokemon can accompany you during the Tournament. Preferably from the region you signed up in, be it your home or otherwise. Any Pokemon caught on the island cannot be used in official Tournament Battles with one exception: you exchange the new Pokemon for one already on your team at the cost of one PokeChip.
      ➜ There will be no fighting over who wins or loses! If this becomes a problem, I will start determining the loser and the winner of each battle myself.
      ➜ Battling NPCs is highly encourage. NPCs can be played by another player or mentioned during a time skip.
      ➜ For Pokemon who have a chance at inflicting status effects the trainer must roll a ten faced die. Any number above five will inflict the status effect. To roll die you must post your reply/attack -> click "more options" -> throw a die -> input needed information -> wait for the person responding to you to fill in the status effect in their post.

    • Still Accepting Characters
      One Character Per Post Please!​
      Munira || Female || Hoenn Region || Noctis the Devious

      Tyrannt || Male || Kanto Region || TyranntX

      Lucy || Female || Kanto Region ||TyranntX

      Kiku || Male || Kalos Region || Lizzy

      Richard || Male || Johto Region || ResolverOshawott

      Primera || Female || Kalos Region || Citrus

      Leila || Female || Hoenn Region || Noctis the Devious

      Pierre || Male || Sinnoh Region || Noctis the Devious

      Aoko || Unknown || Kanto Region || Lyaoko

      Tsubasa || Female || Kalos Region || Crow

      Monkulus || Female || Kalos Region || ResolverOshawott

      Team Rocket
      Risk || Male || Orre Region || Crow

      D'jani || Female || Hoenn Region || Shadows
      Vance || Male || Unova Region || NyanCat15

    • 00. New Horizons || End
      Competitors meet on a ship sailing towards the island with little information on what to expect. Here trainers recieved a PokeChip case to contain their PokeChips and a digital map detailing terrain and locations of Pokemon Centers. No Pokemarts are present on the island.
      01. The Mysterious Island
      Now on dry land, competitors have been locked out of the Checkpoint, a settlement housing the docks where competitors initially disembarked, marking the official start of the competition. Kiku and Pierre are quick to form an alliance as well as Leila, Munira, and Tsubasa. Battling a stranger met in the woods, Risk wins his first PokeChip while Tyrannt is in the middle gambling away a PokeChip in a two on two battle. Meanwhile, Primera rests in a meadow wanting someone to challenge, and back at the gates of the Checkpoint, Tsubasa wastes no time challenging Richard to a full six on six battle.

Side: [Trainers, Team Rocket, or Neutral]
Experience: [How long have you been training Pokemon?]
Strengths: [Battling and In General]
Weaknesses: [Battling and In General]
Short Bio:
Willing to Play NPCs: [Yes or No]

Pokemon Team: [Using Bulbipedia as a reference, your Pokemon can know all moves depending on Trainer's experience. Trainers with a year or less of experience will know only starter moves plus one for ever three months.]
Nickname: [Please remove if this doesn't apply]
Special Ability:

Hidden Ability:
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I don't need to change a thing, the world can change its heart.


While there is dispute over whether Frius is male or female, one thing is clear; they are an open individual with a disposition not nearly as cold as their element. Reliable sources claim they come from humble roots along with another, older individual who has yet to reveal themself to the public. Their relationship with one another is unclear.❞

  • ★ HERO MONIKER: frius
    ★ NAME: sasha horak
    ★ AGE: twenty-six
    ★ GENDER: non-binary

  • ° nominative (he/she): "e"
    ° objective (he/her): "er"
    ° possessive determine (his/her): "their"
    ° possessive pronoun (his/hers): "theirs"
    ° reflexive (himself/herself): "theirself"

    ★ SPECIES: metahuman
    ★ ETHNICITY: russian-american
    ★ HOMETOWN: kichany
    ★ OCCUPATION: full time hero

    [Tab=★ PHYSICAL]

  • ° Daily: Depending on the mood Sasha is in e will enjoy wearing sleeveless cowl necks and cropped tops or simple graphic Ts, preferring tops that don't cling to er figure. E does, however, adore a pair of short shorts when not wearing a skirt or a pair of kaki shorts. Whatever er outfit that is, you can be sure it's inexpensive and comfortable while still being fashionable.
    ° Costume: It isn't uncommon to see Sasha superhero in er common clothes but when e does superhero as Frius, it's in a black and blue sleeveless cowl top, a utility belt draped over matching skin tight latex pants, and black flat-heeled boots. White gloves encase er arms all the way up to her shoulders. E wears no mask, preferring to remain public to take the edge of openly caring her freeze way. Many may argue open carry takes away the surprise and makes the carrier a target, but so does er unique appearance.
    ★ HERO SYMBOL: a light blue ice beam on a plain of dark blue and encircled by a border that is also light blue.

  • ° ENFP: Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.
    ★ PERSONAL: An open individual who isn't afraid to jump in the line of fire whenever needed, though when it comes to high stress situations e can't seem to handle them and for this reason prefers to not work alone.​

  • ° power
    ° perception
    ° agility
    ° constitution
    ° intelligence
    ° strength

  • ° sharpshooter
    ° self defense
    ° agility
    ★ WEAPONS: a freeze ray, a knife
    ★ GAGETS: freezers, or otherwise little devices that, upon being broken, freezes objects instantly on impact.
    ★ OTHER: prone to extreme heat.​
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In the land of kings and demons, the people prayed for mercy from the chaos and two gods answered. One a woman with a beauty beyond compare with flowing red hair streaked with golds of the sun and blues of the skies, and the other, a man with strength no one could best. The woman, goddess Mariun, bestowed upon her four chosen objects that appeared unique only to the individual it was destined for but seemed no more than a broken trinket to those not worthy. The man, god Raoul, bestowed upon his four chosen armor that could withstand demonic magic and blades that could cut through the toughest skins. Lead by these merciful gods, they alone restored ordered to the chaos. It was they who founded the Order of the Destined.

  • The Order of the Destined was founded by two gods, Mariun, goddess of magic and sorcery, the sky, will, and birds, and Raoul, god of earth, metal, politics, and war. Together with their Destined, they brought wonder and hope into a world were there seemed to be none. But once the two gods felt their work was done, they chose two of their destined to lead the order and continue their practise and bestowed upon them their last gift, and perhaps the most precious, knowledge to aid them in their noble quest for order.

    A century had passed since the rise of the Order, and since then what started off as a humble organization has turned into one of the greatest forces of this time with branches in every kingdom far and wide. But the Castle-city of Haven was where their story had started, the seaside settlement transforming into the largest city in the kingdom, and perhaps all of the nine great kingdoms. In the center, the castle towering tall and proud over it's people. In honor of Mariun and Raoul, a queen and king with equal power are chosen to lead, and it is to them the Order has sworn their loyalty.

    The Order itself resides in a now sprawling construct on the edge of the city. Built right up against the Grand Wall that protects the city of outside invasion and demonic forces at works it houses numerous disciples with new children, whether born or recruited, coming in on a semi-regular basis, and masters that help guide these children into initiates. A work staff aids in the care of the residences and the up keep of the grounds, but are by no means servants. Disciples, initiates, members, and masters alike are expected to clean up after themselves and are in charge of their living spaces. The grounds can house children thirteen and older, keeping the younger disciples, children who are still training to become initiates, in rooms of four with two bunk beds and chests to store items, and the older disciples, those who have seen their fifteenth winter in rooms of two with two beds and chests to store their items. Once inituated, they are given the choice to live off grounds. The younger disciples, children who are still learning about the world, often live in nursery houses off the grounds in clusters of seven with a woman and a man to look after them. Unless one or both of their parents belong to the Order, then they can stay with then until the age of thirteen.

    Besides living spaces, the Order also has a large dining room where they serve three meals a day, kitchens where anyone other than kitchen staff is not allowed, training grounds for both martial and magical purposes, classrooms, and study halls. Upon entrance, one can find themselves in the main hall where announcenents are given, disciples are initiated, and members can find missions posted on the message board; however, personally assigned missions, while rare, can be arranged in many other ways. The local bath houses and other establishments such as the forges also serve the Order for recreational and intellectual purposes.

    But not all is well. Recently, Destined, a pairing of one warrior of Raoul and one sorceress of Mariun, have been going missing during their missions and the Order is starting to become worried, especially now when they are to initiate their graduating disciples and send them off on their first quest. Murmurings have started amongst the masters of whether or not they should proceed, or delay the initiation until the two missing parties can be found. If they do, it would the first initiation delayed since the Order of the Destined was established.
  • 2

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From the moment of their establishment Rosewood Academy for Gifted Girls and Evergreen Institute for Exceptional Boys have rivaled against each other trying to determine who is better at casting magic: boys or girls, and from this dispute the Caster Challenge was born. Every two or three years when a second full moon, or "Blue Moon", is expected the games are held as two full moons within a single month doesn't amplify a caster's power for just that night, but for the entire thirty days. This allows the young casters to perform at the hieght of their ability; however, these games are reserved only for the graduating classes. Competitors are expected to traverse rocky and even mountainous terrain, weave through marshes, brave thick jungles, and survive intense deserts all to collect four Phoenix feathers of their school color. Be warned, young casters, you're not alone out there.

  • Decem regni decem repraesentans elementa, aqua, ignis, terra, indole proprioque spiritu, lucem tenebris gravitate corporis. Plane diversa ab istis corporalibus apparitionibus purus magicae ubi sunt familiares et purissimi spiritus in forma creata. Et sume in figura terrenum animal, quod vel potius secundum electionem autem conflator in prima vocacio, ut agat, et nexum ad magica et Caster solum in his regnis. Contra, si spiritus daemonum fieri cogitur in pyrgum regni saepe petita qui iam nota sint, in eorum pravitatis Suspendisse a nisi corporalis proprie tenetur. Familiars facile coguntur, si daemones esse in
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In the land of kings and demons, the people prayed for mercy from the chaos and two gods answered. One a woman with a beauty beyond compare with flowing red hair streaked with golds of the sun and blues of the skies, and the other, a man with strength no one could best. The woman, goddess Mariun, bestowed upon her four chosen individuals objects that appeared unique only to the individual it was destined for but seemed no more than a broken trinket to those not worthy. The man, god Raoul, bestowed upon his four chosen armor that could withstand demonic magic and blades that could cut through the toughest skins. Lead by these merciful gods, they alone restored ordered to the chaos. It was they who founded the Order of the Destined.

The Order of the Destined was founded by two gods, Mariun, goddess of magic and sorcery, the sky, will, and birds, and Raoul, god of earth, metal, politics, and war. Together with their Destined, they brought wonder and hope into a world were there seemed to be none. But once the two gods felt their work was done, they chose two of their destined to lead the order and continue their practise and bestowed upon them their last gift, and perhaps the most precious, knowledge to aid them in their noble quest for order.

A century had passed since the rise of the Order, and since then what started off as a humble organization has turned into one of the greatest forces of this time with branches in every kingdom far and wide. But the Castle-city of Haven was where their story had started, the seaside settlement transforming into the largest city in the kingdom, and perhaps all of the nine great kingdoms. In the center, the castle towering tall and proud over it's people. In honor of Mariun and Raoul, a queen and king with equal power are chosen to lead, and it is to them the Order has sworn their loyalty.

The Order itself resides in a now sprawling construct on the edge of the city. Built right up against the Grand Wall that protects the city of outside invasion and demonic forces at works it houses numerous disciples with new children, whether born or recruited, coming in on a semi-regular basis, and masters that help guide these children into initiates. A work staff aids in the care of the residences and the up keep of the grounds, but are by no means servants. Disciples, initiates, members, and masters alike are expected to clean up after themselves and are in charge of their living spaces. The grounds can house children thirteen and older, keeping the younger disciples, children who are still training to become initiates, in rooms of four with two bunk beds and chests to store items, and the older disciples, those who have seen their fifteenth winter in rooms of two with two beds and chests to store their items. Once inituated, they are given the choice to live off grounds. The younger disciples, children who are still learning about the world, often live in nursery houses off the grounds in clusters of seven with a woman and a man to look after them. Unless one or both of their parents belong to the Order, then they can stay with them until the age of thirteen.

Besides living spaces, the Order also has a large dining room where they serve three meals a day, kitchens where anyone other than kitchen staff is not allowed, training grounds for both martial and magical purposes, classrooms, and study halls. Upon entrance, one can find themselves in the main hall where announcenents are given, disciples are initiated, and members can find missions posted on the message board; however, personally assigned missions, while rare, can be arranged in many other ways. The local bath houses and other establishments such as the forges also serve the Order for recreational and intellectual purposes.

But not all is well. Recently, Destined, a pairing of one warrior of Raoul and one sorceress of Mariun, have been going missing during their missions and the Order is starting to become worried, especially now when they are to initiate their graduating disciples and send them off on their first quest. Murmurings have started amongst the masters of whether or not they should proceed, or delay the initiation until the two missing parties can be found. If they do, it would the first initiation delayed since the Order of the Destined was established.

A pairing of a Raoul Warrior and a Mariun Sorceress but can also refer to just one or the other. Destined are picked by the Grand Sorceress and the Grand Warrior.​
Destined Objects
Objects that appear only to the Sorceress that it chooses. To others it appears as any other mundane object of little value. These objects are what unlocks the sorceress's power and helps focus that power into spells. Without their object, a Sorceress can't cast spells. Objects aren't given to the Sorceress until their initiation into the Order. Until then they make use of dummy objects that allow for the use of magic for training purposes that are class specific but are not allowed to keep for themselves.​
Destined Bond
This describes the bond between a Sorceress and her object. Though, there are folk who believe a Sorceress who is paired with her warrior are bonded together for all eternity. This is mostly superstition though and plenty of Sorceresses find partners outside of their destined. Same with warriors.​
Children who are either born or recruited into the Order at a young age, though most don't become official disciples until they're thirteen. It's rare for a disciple to come to the Order at an older age.​
Warriors arm themself with enchanted armor and weapons to aid in their fight against demons. Only the Grand Sorceress can enchant armor and weapons, though most disciples and members inherit their enchanted armor from a parent or is loaned to them by the Order and is fitted to them through magical means. Custome made armor is only given to members who have achieved great feats and are recognised in the eyes of the Order, or can be bought for a high price with the condition you're already a member of the Order.​
Technically members of the Order and an informal title, initiates are members who are newly initiated into the Order and are seen as such by the eyes of the other members for an unseen amount of time. Normally initiates have to complete a small number of missions before they're seen as members. Inituations happen at least once a year, or when a disciple sees their eighteenth winter.​
Grand Sorceress
The female power that leads the Order. She doesn't seem to have the same restrictions as other sorceresses and some claim she is the descendant of the Goddess Mariun herself.​
Grand Warrior
The male power that leads the Order. He is believed to own the strongest armor and best blade of the entire kingdom, or the entire nine kingdoms depending on who you ask. Some claim he wears the armor of Raoul and wield his godly blade.​
Often retired warriors or sorceresses who now spend their days teaching the new generation. To become a master, a member must first serve the Order for twenty winters, complete one-missions, and best five current masters of the Order.​
Disciples who have been initiated into the Order and are able to complete missions in the name of the Order. Most have spent all of their lives in the Order and no nothing else.​
Magic users for the Order. To activate the full potential of their magic they must first be in contact with their Destine Object, and undergo a magical transformation. They are most commonly female but it's not unheard of for them to be male. The male equivalent of a Sorceress is a Sorcerer.​

The swords and shields of the Order. They fight alongside their sorceresses using enchantment to best demons. They are most commonly male but have been known to be female as well.​

- All Iwaku rules apply. Even more so since I'm one of the people who has to upkeep them.

- No Godmodding, Powerplaying, or Metagaming. I expect my players to know what these mean and how not to do them.

- Please, no Mary Sues or Gary Stues. We aren't here to be perfect and powerful and anime badasses who can take on an entire army, we are here to tell a story and work through problems and climb obstacles and feel threatened by aforementioned army and overcome our short comings through out the game.

- With that said, be apart if the solution, not the solution. There will be times your characters' individual unique abilities will come in handy, but there will also be times your characters' unique abilities will only be useful when combined.

- Only one character per player. Unless you've proven you can handle your one character and we need a spot filled. Otherwise focus on building up your character's role in the game.

- Speaking of characters, please play attention to how many of one gender we have. If we already have several of one gender please do not make another character of that gender. The character limit is eight so if there's five girls and two guys, please make a guy. I won't make genders even but I don't plan on this being a harem roleplay or an all of one gender roleplay.

- While genders won't be even I do expect roles to be. There will be a max of four warriors and four sorcer(ers)esses.

- Character diversity is always a plus! Before creating a character take a look at the other characters. Too many shy people, loners, angry people, social butters can throw off the balance of the social dynamic.

- You have three tries to edit your sheet if I ask you to. If your sheet still isn't acceptable by the third try I'll deny you.

- Please don't try to get around the previous rule by pming me your sheet and ask me to look over it while you're working on it. I'll just point you back to the OOC thread.

- You can format your sheet however you like, but please also include a plain text version. This does not mean post raw code, this means post the information without the code (this mainly applies to people using div codes, most aren't exactly mobile friendly).

- One image per sheet please, and please don't make them super big. If it's over 500 on either dimension link it instead. Have more than one image? Link them instead. Thank you.

- Please remove all parentheses and non-applicable parameters from the sheet, thank you.

- Ask questions if you don't understand something. I won't eat you or anything, I swear!

- I'm always forgetting something so if I need to add a rule I reserve the right to, especially if you include something in your sheet that calls for a rule against it.

When making a reservation...
- DO NOT post "reserved" or any variant. I will soft delete it with out warning and point you back to the rules.

- If you want to make a reservation, post a WIP with name, gender, role, and basic personality out line (example: +happy, quirky, loving -naive, gallable, sensitive).

- DO NOT post an empty sheet and call it a WIP. I'll soft delete it without warning and point you back to the rules.

- DO NOT delete your WIP and repost it when you're done. Just ping me or quote it to tell me you're finish. Deleting you're sheet just to repost it defeats the purpose of a reservation.

- After posting your WIP you have a week to finish it. If you need more time, I'll give you another week. If you still need more time I'll issue a formal apology and open your spot. But if you complete your sheet before someone can claim your spot, post it up!

The Special Snowflakes Clause...
- Special Snowflakes Clauses don't stack, meaning one per character, per player. This is to help keep things diverse.

- The Magical Warrior Clause: A warrior can use magic but he won't have as well as a grasp on it as his sorceress counterpart and he won't have a Destined Object either. He'll have to use a dummy object leant to him by the Order.

- The Warrior Sorceress Clause: A sorceress can use an enchanted weapon outside of the typical scepters, staffs, wands, magic balls, ext. but she won't be as effective with it as her warrior counterpart.

- The Orphan Clause: There's going to be that one player who wants no parents for their character so one orphan is acceptable.

- The Bad Past Clause: I know life in the Order isn't going to be all sunshines and rainbows, but they're not straight up assholes. Being bullied by your peers for being something outside of the gender norms? Acceptable (and can apply to anyone doing this but just not all of them, okay?). Growing up in an abusive environment? Please no.

- The Late Protagonist: This roleplay is going to be centered around people who practically grew up with one another. With that said, if you want to have your character join the Order when they're older than fifteen and be the odd one out, which is quite rare as children are usually recruited at a younger age (10-13 usually), give me a good reason.

- The Unique Appearance Clause: You can have a unique appearance for your sorceresses transformation, but say you want natural purple eyes, or green hair? Try not to go too wild with this though.

Hex Code: (If you use colored speech, the code you use would go here; switch to raw code if you don't know the hex code by heart. Also check and see if the color is viewable on all back grounds. There's only four or five and switching between them is as easy as clicking the name of it at the bottom of the screen).
Age: 18 [You're initiated into the Order at eighteen, but if you want to be older, provide a good reason like being unable to complete a course or came into the Order late.]
Personality: (list and describe three positive traits and three negative traits).

(If Sorcer(er)ess - remove if this does apply to you)
Destined Object: (how your object looks to you. This can be anything as long as it's inanimate).
Trinket?: (how it appears to other people. Remember, not even other sorceresses know what your DO looks like other than the Grand Sorceress)
Magic Source: (Elemental? If so which element? Anything else you can think of? You only have one magic source).
Transformation Appearance: (picture, link to picture, or description)
Everyday Appearance: : (picture, link to picture, or description)
Spells: (you can start off with five max but don't make them super powerful. Imagine each spell has it's one mini skill tree. Start from the bottom and work your way up).

(Rating one out of ten how well you can preform in these areas out of ten. Try to keep them balance. More power means less control etc. Your total should not be more than 35 and no more than should be completely filled out. Of course, if you fill one out I expect you to leave one empty.)
■■■■■■■■■■ Power
■■■■■■■■■■ Control
■■■■■■■■■■ Speed (how fast you can cast)
■■■■■■■■■■ Offensive
■■■■■■■■■■ Defensive
■■■■■■■■■■ Healing

(If Warrior - remove if this does apply to you)
Weapon: (The thing you attack with, include enchantments. Enchantments include anything that you've seen in fantasy games but don't make them ridiculously strong or resilient. Right now one enchantment per equipment.)
Sheild?: (not applicable is welding a two-handed weapon)
Armor Appearance: (picture, link to picture, or description - no individual enchantments to individual pieces of armor)
Everyday Appearance: : (picture, link to picture, or description)
Attacks: (you can start off with five max but don't make them super powerful. Imagine each skill has it's one mini skill tree. Start from the bottom and work your way up).

(Rating one out of ten how well you can preform in these areas out of ten. Try to keep them balance. More power means less control etc. Your total should not be more than 35 and no more than should be completely filled out. Of course, if you fill one out I expect you to leave one empty.)
■■■■■■■■■■ Strength (needed to carry heavy armor and weapons effectively)
■■■■■■■■■■ Perception (How well you notice things, like a sword aiming at your head from behind - sixth sense)
■■■■■■■■■■ Enderance (How well you take a hit and how long you can travel without tiring)
■■■■■■■■■■ Speed (How fast you can get out of the way)
■■■■■■■■■■ Agility (How much fancy foot work you can squeeze in on your getaway, your grace, balance etc.)
■■■■■■■■■■ Intelligence (strategizing mostly)

• This should be listed put in bullet points with each having a short describtion.
• Like a timeline.
• Minimum of at least five and a maximum of fifteen. Thank you!

Relationships: (Your characters practically grew up together so chances are they know each other in someway. You don't have to have this filled out to be accepted, but I would like everyone to start plotting basic dynamics.)

Initiation Ceremony
(This shouldn't be any longer than 500 words. Ideally less since I have from anywhere between three to seven others to look over. You can reword this however you like, but the main concept should be the same, how you were called up one by one to collect your Destined Object or you weapons and armor.)

Life in the Order of the Destined started as early as the sunrise, with disciples and members alike being awoken by the sound of pots being beaten with wooden spoons by the help who had to get up even earlier. Unlike most days however, this particular morning was filled with a sense of anticipation, nervous excitement, and even a bit of dread for what was to come. What if they did decided to delay the Initiation Ceremony? But even with the question resting on every other initiates minds, everyone still dresses for the day and meanders on towards breakfast. It wouldn't be until afterwards when they would stand in the main hall, with masters and staff lining the edges on the room as Grand Sorceress Elenor and the Grand Warrior Cider looked over the crowd of gathering disciples. The eight to be initiated standing in the front towards the slightly raised stage and their peers standing in neat rows behind them. Some of them barely keeping themselves from fidgeting.

Finally, Grand Sorceress Elenor and Grand Warrior Cide both smile and raise their hands as four Destined Objects, shrouded so no young Sorceress could them apart, and four sets of armor on stands appear in a neat line. "When we call your name please step forward and claim what is rightfully yours."
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aina was a bit late arriving to dinner. She was still reading up on the DADA chapter that was assigned when the time for the last meal of the day rolled around. It wasn't that she was so much of a bookworm and DADA fantastic that she was so invested in the reading material she couldn't possibly put it down. More like she knew if she put the book down she would never pick it back up again until the very last second. So she finished up (finally!) and made her way to the sparsely inhabited great hall.
She was on her way to the Hufflepuff's table when a certain Slytherin caught her eye and she stared at him. Something about him wasn't quite right. In fact, he looked like Kyler everytime he claimed he was in love, which was about five seconds into meeting someone he found attractive. Yeah he was one of <i>those</i> boys. 'Dragomir, however, was not. He would sooner simultaneously combustion than openly long after someone.
Yeah, no, there was no way she was missing this.
"<b>What's up with tall, dark, and disastrous over there</b>?" she asked, now standing Runeswell and Hickeypunk with her arms crossed, eyebrow quirked, and signature smirk in place. "<b>Did he hit his head or something? Potion fumes or whatever finally get to him</b>?"
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