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Goddess of Thunder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
EST Mon thru Thurs: 6pm–11pm, Fri: 6pm–1am, Sat & Sun: All day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci Fi, Horror and Magical.
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written by barnes & mombie

theo grayson
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josiah dalinski
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the jester

Turning everything off seemed as good a plan as any, so Theo reached for the control panel, starting with the more important-looking ones. It seemed to work, because nothing went off, and after a tense moment, Theo relaxed. "I was almost expecting that not to w—"

The alarm went off.

"...Or not," Josiah sighed, but he also didn't blame whoever set it off. The boys had been rather slow in getting this done. Perhaps there had even been a better candidate for this job in the group, but he never gave the chance for anyone else to take it. Violence avoidance was key in not becoming some deranged psychopath, and he'd very much like to keep James' inner Demon at bay for a little while longer.

"Josiah, Theo - forget the communication tower. It's too late," Aria's voice chimed over the comms, and Josiah, for one, was going to listen. Being on the tower meant that the boys had a great view of what was going on down below, and it looked like personnel clad in fatigue and armed to the teeth were on their way to converge on the southeast quadrant of the base.

"Yeah, we've got company," Theo growled, grabbing his escrima sticks from where they had been strapped to his back and snapping them into their extended form with a flick of his wrists. Most of the guards were focused on unlocking the stairs that led up the radio tower, although a couple had looked up and spotted Theo and Josiah at the top. No time like the present, he thought, and before he could lose any more of the element of surprise he'd leaped over the railing, falling down onto the guards gathered below. At the last moment he summoned what little flight he had left to soften the blow, landing squarely onto the shoulders of a guard, sending him into a panic as he tried to buck Theo off.

Using his thighs to steer the guard he was mounted on, Theo dealt various blows to the guards surrounding them, lashing out with his sticks and occasionally feet to send guards sprawling to the ground before they could attack him. With the way they were clustered together, it was difficult for any of them to land a real hit on Theo, although he did have to dodge some bullets. One flew a little too close and grazed his temple, sending blood trickling down into his left eye.

Half-blinded, Theo paused for a moment, and the guards took advantage of his confusion to press forward. Struggling to regain his balance, Theo brought his leg up and pushed off the guard's shoulders to flip off him, landing shakily on the ground a few feet away. As he wiped the blood out of his eye, he turned his face up to the radio tower, yelling, "A little help here, J! We gotta split!"

Josiah really didn't want to go into the fray of the fight. It was a simulation and not worth his sanity to lose control of himself in a way that would be counterintuitive to the mission at hand. Still, since it appeared that he'd have to figure out his place in this messy team, he'd also need to participate like a normal hero would. Whatever normal was. He jumped down from the tower, utilizing a variety of holds for his hands and feet that would allow him to not simply fall a drastic distance.

As shocking as it might be, the awkward looking boy had excellent hand-to-hand skill. Despite his comically flamboyant, and potentially disturbing, appearance, he was able to take on the advancing personnel with dodges, kicks, and punches that seemed to have come out of nowhere. Even as he was hit, he didn't appear to be fazed. His fearless nature, much like his father, kept him from both defending himself and backing down.

Josiah hadn't even noticed that, at some point, he was shot in the arm. Blood seeped through his vibrant sleeve and dribbled onto the snowy ground. His expression could be described as… crazed… especially after one of the guards knocked the masked right off of his face. His eyes were bloodshot, and veins pulsed visibly in his neck and temples. The blows that he delivered were meant to kill, and they were bloody and made snapping and cracking noises. It was almost music to his ears! At one point, he forgot that Theo even existed and he was lost in the red of bloodshed until every last opponent had fallen, whether from his doing or Theo's.

He picked up his mask, wiped off the snow, and then put it back onto his face. His features were now stoic, as if nothing had just happened and he wasn't injured at all.

There were hostages pouring out of the facility. Some of them were being dropped to the ground by long distance shots by the military personnel, others were running for the gates and fences. "Out the way we came?" He didn't bother helping Theo at all because he didn't even notice that he might have required it.

Theo hesitated. His immediate desire was to find a way to get the rest of the hostages to safety, but so many things had already gone wrong. Alfred and Phil were almost certainly waiting with a lecture already. And, if the noises coming over the comm were any indication, the others would be leaving too. "This way!" he yelled at some of the closer hostages, waving them towards the fence where the hole they'd made earlier was.

He turned to Josiah, noting the blood covering him and the wound in his arm. "Let's get as many of them out as we can," he said. "It won't be much, but we can try. Stand by the exit, make sure they can get out. I'll meet you outside." He took off at a run across the open space, summoning all the Tamaranean strength he could to blast through the fences at opportune spaces to let the hostages out. He also fired a few careful blasts at the attacking military personnel that he could see, trying to put them out of commission.

A significant number of the hostages had gotten out by the time Theo gave up. He had completely exhausted himself trying to tap into his sun-powered abilities in the middle of the night, and, figuring he'd done what he could, he too turned and left the facility, disappearing into the snowy night with the last of the prisoners.

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written by thor & mombie

jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

lexa creed
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The demon wasn't bothered by anyone that tried to cross his path. There weren't many that did when there was a bunch of commotion elsewhere in the facility, along with the hostages being everywhere but where he was heading. That didn't stop a few soldiers from trying to follow after him though. Some took one look at his flame engulfed skull and retreated as quickly as they approached. Others weren't so smart, but he didn't hesitate to spew more chains from his mouth and bring their miserable excuse of a life to an end.

It didn't take him long to get himself and Lexa off the base, leaving only a blizzard between them and the exit. With each step the demon took, the snow underfoot turned to a puddle. Any snowflakes that dared to blow past his head turned to rain before ever touching him or the girl in his arms. If anything, he was thankful knowing that he didn't have to worry about her getting hypothermia along with her other injuries.

The doors opened into the training level of the Descendant tower. Alfred and Phil stared blankly at his fiery mane as he exited the simulation. Empty eye sockets glowered at the two older gentlemen. "Med bay?" his voice rumbled in his chest.

Phil cleared his throat. "First, we will debrief. Then—"

"Med bay?!" He growled once again. The rise in tone made the flames grow and crackle hungrily.

"11th floor, on the left," Alfred chimed in. Without another word, the demon carried Lexa past the two men and into the elevator.

Once alone in the lift, no longer in the simulation or surrounded by others, James could feel the demon's control lifting. By the time they reached the 11th floor, his own face had returned where the skull once was, his hair still ablaze.

The second he stepped foot inside the infirmary everything lit up as J.A.R.V.I.S. greeted them. "Hello, Mr. Blaze, how may I assist you?"

James beelined for the first available bed and laid down Lexa. "She was shot in the simulation." He tried his best to be gentle with her, while also making sure she was set down appropriately to be taken care of. His hair finally returned to its normal raven locks, just barely smoldering at the ends.

"Of course, sir. This should not take long."

For a moment, James contemplated leaving. Honestly, Lexa had been nothing but nasty and rude to him since the moment he arrived on the training floor that morning. He owed her nothing. She was lucky enough that the demon had the decency to carry her out of there. He doubted that neither Phil nor Alfred would leave any of them to suffer in the simulation… But regardless, he didn't.

But after a moment or two of internal debating, James sighed and pulled up the nearest chair. He took off his leather jacket and draped it across the back before taking a seat. Whether or not Lexa liked him, it'd still be shitty to wake up in a hospital bed alone. So, he settled in, resting his feet on another chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

The sensors were carefully pulled out, leaving nothing more than slight puncture marks on her skin that barely bled. Slowly, but surely, her vitals returned to normal and she was on the verge of waking up. When she did finally wake, she felt nothing more than residual pain. Soreness, really. It was hard to explain. With the sensors in, Lexa had felt as though she was actually shot and dying, but now it was just soreness at the sites the sensors had been embedded in.

They didn't have to remove a lot of clothing, and it would have been nothing James hadn't seen before; a bra. She had taken most of the bullets to the torso, which was only natural as the military was often taught to shoot center mass.

"Good afternoon, Miss. Creed."

She groaned something incoherent as she sat up and ran a hand from her forehead and combed it through her hair. "You'll be quite sore for the rest of the day, but there is no other damage," J.A.R.V.I.S. continued, and she nodded her head a few times, "Alright, thanks." With that, J.A.R.V.I.S. left James and Lexa alone until the next pair would enter.

Lexa hadn't seen James at first, and it was probably because she couldn't even imagine that he would have gotten her out, much less stuck around. It's not until she swung her legs off to the side to climb off of the bed that she noticed him. "James," she sort of quietly called out his name in a surprised yet also cautious manner.

It didn't take James long for him to start dozing off as he waited for Lexa to wake. When he heard her finally speak, his eyelids were like lead curtains, harder than hell to open. Just as he managed to look up, she moved to her feet. Instinctually, he stood up preparing to catch her in case she was lightheaded or perhaps not quite strong enough to carry her own weight. "Uh," was all he managed to say standing there awkwardly with his hands out slightly. "Just… take it easy."

She sighed. This was super embarrassing for her, and the woman had a lot of pride. A lot of pride was severely injured. She'd rather be dead. Like, really dead - not simulated. After she reached for her jacket and tugged it over her bra, she finished sliding off of the bed. "Thanks," she said, not looking him in the face. Her voice was extremely docile in comparison to earlier tones, but she had a lot to feel guilty about.

She zipped her jacket up, grabbed her top, and moved her way past him. There was no reason to stick around. When she slipped past James, she noticed that the mysterious man in all black was there, too, but the curtains were drawn close to the bed that he watched.

"Don't mention it," Jameson said quietly, half under his breath as she walked past him. He waited there a moment or two before swinging his feet off the adjacent chair and stood up. As he went to grab his jacket he froze noticing Lexa still lingering nearby.

She paused there for a moment or so. The last thing she could honestly remember was setting off the alarm just before killing a hostage. "How man—" she turned slightly to look at James and pointed slowly to her own chest, "My fault? Did we… fail?"

Jameson slowly draped his leather jacket over his shoulder before crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't know," he began with a sigh. "Yeah… We failed."

Part of James wanted to scold Lexa for acting impulsively at the beginning of the exercise. Perhaps if she didn't come at him from the moment it all started they could have come up with a better plan. But neither one of them was innocent. He wasn't in the mood to gain any more of her ire for the day. He didn't know what he did to get it in the first place, but he could at least avoid more. "Glad you're ok…" He didn't know what else he could say and imagined he wouldn't be very good at consoling either. James just gave her a brief nod before he started to head out of the infirmary.

He didn't know where he was going to go or what he was going to do, but he needed to clear his head. His feet carried him like a zombie and before he knew it he was in the garage. James wasn't going to leave, but the road had been his therapy for many years. Just being close to his bike seemed to help some of his worries fade away. He grabbed a stool and rolled it over to his motorcycle deciding that maybe washing it was a close second.

Lexa was left just standing there as James parted ways with the infirmary, and she watched him leave quietly. Part of her would have liked to follow after him, but another part of her didn't want to bother the guy that very clearly didn't like company. Instead of that, she decided that maybe it was better for her to be off on her own as well. Talking to Kane was like trying to have a conversation with a wall, and he clearly was there only for whoever he had behind the drawn curtains.

She also left the medical bay, opting to get directions from J.A.R.V.I.S. to the indoor pool. They had a jacuzzi, and she was extremely sore from head to toe. Her feet dragged through the various corridors, in and out of the lift, and to the hot tub adjacent to the indoor swimming pool. On her own, she shed most of her clothing - sans bra and panties, just in case anyone came in. J.A.R.V.I.S. put on the heat and bubbles, and Lexa sunk in and let her head fall back against the edge. She closed her eyes.

It was just a simulation. There was no reason for her to get really worked up over some innocent bystander that didn't really exist and didn't really die. With a groan, she pulled herself under the water until she was totally submerged. It wasn't blistering hot yet, but she was clearly ashamed of her actions. The worst part was that she didn't even know what happened after she was shot.

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written by thor

zehara el sayid
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william richards
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jr. fantastic

As Zehara and Will rounded the corner, the pair nearly ran straight into Penny. Just as the girl had taken a stance to protect herself against more guards, so did Will. But Zehara's senses locked onto a familiar scent, and while she didn't know the girl well, she knew it wasn't an enemy. Instead, she waited and took a slight step back when Penny looked ready to strike.

"Sorry! I..." Before Zehara could respond, reassuring the girl, she spoke again. "I got here as quickly as I could. Um, you look really cool. I guess you probably didn't need my help."

The Cheetah smiled a fanged, toothy grin. "Thanks," she replied with a deep purr.

Will stepped up beside Penny, giving her shoulder a gentle pat. "I can't speak for Zehara, but I know I could use the help. Plus it's probably best we all stick together as we head to the exit. I'd hate to see anyone else get hurt."

Zehara nodded her head towards the others while motioning a talon in the direction of the exit. "I don't know about you all, but I'm ready to get out of this hell hole." Without another word, she took the lead letting her ears and nose guide her through the maze of halls in the direction she believed to be the exit. Whenever she happened to round the corner into another guard, her claws ripped right through him, removing his organs, head, throat... whatever she got her hands on.

In no time, they all were back out in the snow. Luckily for Will, it didn't take animal-like senses to tell him which way was the exit. Several pairs of footprints left a trail in the snow, all leading in the same direction. By the looks of it, their path was clear. Without any other words exchanged, they all trudged forward until they stepped through the exit and back out into the academy.

Aria followed after them, waiting until everyone else exited the simulation to remove herself.

Phil and Alfred stood there waiting like they had for the others. "There will be a debriefing later. Ms. Creed and Ms. Murdock were taken to the infirmary."

Luckily for... everyone, the blood that had drenched Zehara was part of the simulation. So, when she stepped out she looked like a cheetah, but not one that had just fed on a small village. It took a couple of moments of her pacing around and focusing her breathing for the Goddess inside to slowly go dormant letting the woman return to her normal form. She looked over at those who remained and gave them all a halfhearted smile. "Anyone else need a drink?" Zehara quirked a brow, before pivoting on her heels and heading for the elevator. If anyone wanted to join her, they were welcome. But she was also no stranger to drinking alone.

On the other hand, Will shook his head. "I need... air." He hated failure and after being in that simulation he felt particularly low. Did he do anything actually helpful in there? He couldn't recall. He felt rusty, like a retired hero past his prime. Maybe he was a fool for coming back. People like Penny, Zehara, and James seemed to have everything more than under control... Or, at least they were powerful enough to kick their asses. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he headed for the stairs, opting to trudge up to the ground floor with his thoughts.

Once on the ground floor, he exited the tower and headed out onto the academy's grounds. Will's feet carried him until he made his way out onto the dock that extended into the bay. With a soft sigh, he took a seat, letting his feet swing freely in the air over the water. The only thought that plagued his mind was his parents. They needed him to step up and figure this out, but he had no clue what to even do. What would his father do in this situation?

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written by thor & mombie

kane nyguyen
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myla murdock
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hell's angel

Myla and Kane were through the training room's door, and they wasted no time in moving past Alfred and Phil. After James and Lexa had blown past them, they didn't bother to try to stop these two. The woman's injuries were real, not part of the simulation. Unlike Kane's own, which would simply require sensors being removed from his body. He barely even felt anything. It was probably the adrenaline.

Kane already knew where the medbay was, as Myla has former experience with it. He was a pretty good navigator, and usually only had to go somewhere one time to know how to get there. He carried her into the lift and eventually into the medbay itself. When they stepped through the lift doors, he noted that James and Lexa were there. At this time, Lexa hadn't woken up quite yet.

He paid James no mind initially, as his gaze snatched an empty bed up immediately. Kane attempted to be gentle with Myla, but he wasn't used to holding onto this much weight for a long period of time. It wasn't that she was heavyset as a woman, but that a whole body was - generally, for the average person, heavy after a long period of time. His muscles were already exhausted. When he set her down, there was a slight hiccup where he practically stumbled and her landing would end up harsher than he would have liked. They were in an awkward position where he was hunched over her, an arm at the small of her back to keep her from completely crashing into the bed, and her face was smashed into his neck. The whole scene looked bad if you would have just walked in on it.

"Sorry. Slipped," he muttered to her. "Tired," he added, careful not to let her know that she was heavy because he'd probably offend her. Not that she couldn't hear his labored breathing, feel how he had to adjust every so often the whole time he carried her, or even note his rapid heartbeat as it pulsed harshly at the side of his neck.

Myla couldn't help but wince and let out a meek groan at the awkward faltering. He had carried her a long way and there is only so much anyone could handle carrying another person, no matter how light or heavy they were.

In the stumble their bodies were tangled in an awkward knot. They were so close she could hear his heart racing… Or was that hers? It all blurred together. The only thing she could focus on was how close they were, his hand on her back and the accidental brushing of her nose on his skin. "It's ok," she tried to reassure him while her face was buried in the nape of his neck.

Kane carefully laid her down the rest of the way and closed the curtains. There was likely to be clothing removal, and while Myla may not be as timid about the body as visual people, he didn't need to see all of that. Kane was more on the modest side of things.

There was a moment where Myla nearly reached out to ask Kane to stay but she stopped when she heard the curtain around her bed begin to close. She sighed as she rested her head back on the hospital pillow.

While Myla was attended to, he peeled away the mask and tugged off his hat. Everything was set aside.

Moments ticked by, and eventually an awakened Lexa was one that apparently realized that something was amiss. She looked at him, and he read her emotions painted blatantly across her face as somewhat startled. "How man—" she cut herself off as she seemed to turn toward James. "My fault? Did we… fail?" Kane's gaze traveled to the man in question, as he'd be allowed to answer that question. Kane didn't have much concern for anyone else aside from his own charge, and that was Myla. To be honest, he didn't know whose fault this whole thing could be attributed to. It could be boiled down to general incompetence as a team, but he had no idea what a functioning and capable team looked like either.

He watched as James had words with the woman, but did not interfere at any time. He was glad they both left, which allowed him to sink back into a chair and close his eyes for a moment.

"Hello again, Ms. Murdock. Were you also injured in the simulation?" J.A.R.V.I.S. inquired.

Myla nodded her head. "Yes."

Two mechanical arms extended from under the bed, each one going for either of the bullet wounds. Myla was expecting stitches or perhaps even having to dig out the bullets, but instead, there was a slight tug and a pinch, then it was done.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Myla half pushed off the bed, propping herself up on her left elbow as her right hand felt around her shoulder gunshot wound. There was no hole, no blood, nothing. She didn't know if she was thankful or pissed that such a small piece of tech could cause so much pain. She shook her head slightly as she sat upright. "Yeah," she groaned as she started unzipping her suit.

It took her a moment or two of careful movements and nearly asking Kane for help, but she managed to remove the top half of her suit and let it rest at her hips. Her suit, ribs and part of her sports bra were sticky from blood. "I popped my stitches. Is there anything you can do that won't come out in training?"

"Stitches are the recommended way to address a wound such as yours. It isn't severe enough to require something more invasive. The only other option I have available is cauterization, but it will scar."

"I'll scar or worse if I keep ripping out stitches," Myla commented plainly as she laid down on her good side. Scars didn't bother her. She already had some and it was inevitable that she'd get more in her line of work. She couldn't get a doctor's note from an A.I. to excuse her and the situation was too dire to not train at every moment she had. Her dad's life depended on her. "Just do it."

"As you wish, Ms. Murdock. I must warn you, this will hurt."

On the other side of the curtain, Kane wasn't quite sure what to do. He stood up, sat down, stood up again… sat down. Paced a few times. She could probably hear it all. They didn't know each other all that well, yet there was an undeniable connection and chemistry that made the assassin think more than once when it came to her. He didn't know how to help. What does one do with all of this emotion? It's weird and uncertain.

Eventually, all this noise ended with the sound of the curtain opening. He's not going to hold her hand or anything, but he did give her this… awkward pat on the head. He cleared his throat, too. To be fair, Kane was doing his best to be comforting as a man that didn't regularly partake in being gentle and reassuring.

He was there! That had to count for something? Right. In his mind, it had to mean something. There was nothing he could do about pain anyway.

Myla's face contorted in a slightly confused expression at the head patting. Was this supposed to be comforting? She wasn't sure. But nothing between herself and Kane could be classified as normal. She waited on the bed for J.A.R.V.I.S. to finish up by putting some ointment and gauze on her wound. Once he was done, she slowly sat up with an uncomfortable groan. It hurt, but she no longer felt the tugging and tearing, so that was a bonus.

"I don't belong here," she admitted to herself under her breath. Myla kept her head pointed forward trying to hide a little bit of her face from him. She was embarrassed that she needed help twice in the past 24 hours. She felt like a burden and useless. She didn't understand why he came for her in the simulation but he did. Myla could only hope that her damsel in distress antics were at an end. "Thanks… For coming for me."

There was nothing else she could say. Myla sighed softly before pushing off the hospital bed and getting to her feet. For a moment or two, she was lightheaded and held onto the bed for stability. But once it ceased she gave Kane a sad smile. "I..." She started to say something but then quickly found herself at a loss for words. What could she say? Instead, her head fell slightly and she headed for the exit.

Kane quickly gathered his things, tucking them all under an arm and pinning it against his side. Before Myla could escape too far, he reached out and seized her wrist. He didn't mean to grab her so hard, but he didn't want her to think he's just accepting her dismissal. "I don't belong here, either." He tilted his head, bent down just slightly, and cracked the smallest - tiniest - quickest smile. It was wasted on her because she couldn't see, but maybe she could hear the effort, "I think it's starting to feel bearable."

Myla didn't fight Kane's hold on her wrist. She even allowed her feet to stop so she could hear whatever he had to say. No, she couldn't see his smile. But something told her he was. Perhaps it was the briefest of sounds as his lips pulled back over his teeth, or maybe there was a shift in the air. She didn't know. Maybe neither one of them belonged there. After all, what powers did they have? From what she saw, Kane was like her… plain and human. But… she supposed if he could find a reason to stay, then she could too.

They moved to the lift, but he kept her wrist in his grasp idly. He only let it go when he gestured her to head into the lift by gently pressing the small of her back with a palm, and remained shoulder-to-shoulder with her. It was comfortable here. He pressed the button to the highest loft - his own, and swat away her fingers if she tried to push one of her own.

The presence of Kane standing shoulder to shoulder with her was something Myla hadn't expected, especially not after their awkward elevator ride earlier that day. But she said nothing. Her brows furrowed when he batted her hand away from the buttons. She scoffed softly but said nothing. She had assumed she'd go to her penthouse and change, but it seemed he had other plans in mind. After everything he had done for her, she supposed she couldn't argue. But as the silence lingered Myla grew increasingly aware that she only wore a blood-stained sports bra and half of her suit.

"Let's just eat before we get an earful from two old men," he sighed. Kane wasn't bothered by her appearance, but he did worry that she might neglect to eat. The lift doors opened to his penthouse, and he guided her inside. Another set of sliding doors would open, and she'd soon feel the cool late afternoon air.

Was Myla hungry? She wasn't sure. But she didn't argue. She couldn't see the penthouse she had given up, but as he led her through it, her fingertips would brush whatever furniture and walls she passed. It was open, empty, and far less cluttered than her own, other than that she couldn't tell. She turned her head toward the sound of the doors sliding open and exhaled softly as the sea breeze tousled her hair.

There was a small table out there for eating, as Kane spent a great deal of time outdoors. "I'll be back." He left her there to find her own way around, trusting that she had enough sense to not plummet to her death.

She turned to stop him, but before Myla could say anything Kane had disappeared inside. It wasn't until she was alone that she realized she still wore her helmet. She pulled it off and had half a mind to toss it over the balcony, but decided to set it down instead. She'd only have to go searching for it later. Her feet carried her over to the edge where she rested her arms on the railing.

About twenty minutes later, he came out with a tray and food. Everything was plated in wooden bowls and plates, and of course, Japanese chopsticks and a spoon. He knew how to cook basic staples, so he had some Kitsune Udon and your classic sushi. They would each have a bowl of rice. He set everything down, including the teapot and two small porcelain mugs. He had placed some green tea bags in them.

After he set the Udon down for her, he helped her grasp the chopsticks. "Careful," he warned. He poured boiling water into her teacup, and then sat down to eat as well. He moved his chair so that he could sit next to her, as he thought she might have trouble with the utensils.

He grabbed his own chopsticks, tapping them once on the table to even them out. He let her fumble around with the chopsticks for a minute or so as he used his own to shovel some sushi into his mouth.

Myla let Kane guide her accordingly. Her brows furrowed as she clumsily tried to figure out how to hold the chopsticks. Her left hand adjusted them in her right until they were right… She thinks. Honestly, she had no clue. "How do I find the food?" She asked barely above a whisper with a sheepish chuckle. The only way Myla could figure it would be sticking her left hand into the bowl and at that point, it kind of defeated the purpose.

Kane scooted closer to her; his face practically smooshed alongside hers, and an arm cradling her upper back only to come up to her opposing shoulder. He took her hands with both of his, very gently, and helped adjust her fingers on the thin long chopsticks. They were not easy to master for anyone, honestly.

"It's actually easier for a blind person to use chopsticks than do what you can," he chuckled at her; low and amused. His mouth was close to her cheek where she might feel how his own cheek puffed when his lips were tucked into a smile. "Just feel for the food," he instructed, helping her swirl the chopsticks around until she could feel the tension of the noodles against them. Then he manipulated her fingers to assist her in opening and closing them to trap the food.

After she adjusts to the foreign utensils, he reached forward to pull his own food toward him without moving away from her. He was comfortable here next to Myla. Even if she was covered in blood.

Myla chuckled softly at his comment. She supposed he wasn't wrong. A blind vigilante who couldn't use chopsticks… That was a tale if she ever heard one. It took her sometime to get the hand of the utensils and while she got into a rhythm, part of her doubted it was correct in form. But she managed to grab a hold of food and get it into her mouth with minimal casualties, so that was a plus in her opinion.

With her first bite she proved to be far more hungry than she had previously thought. Everything was delicious, especially the sushi. The pair both must have been famished, or maybe it was the comfort in each other's company. Neither spoke, but also neither one of them felt the need to fill the silence with idle chatter.

It was then, in that moment, that Myla realized she was thankful that Kane decided to stay. She didn't know why. She knew nothing about him beyond his name, yet, for some strange reason, she felt comfortable around him. She trusted him.

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written by thor & mombie

kane nyguyen
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myla murdock
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hell's angel

For the duration of the meal, no words were shared. The only sounds were those of the waves lapping onto the shore, the occasional seagull passing by, or the wind whipping around the tower. Myla never even touched her tea until her food was gone. But with a full and content stomach, she managed to relax a bit and take a sip. She tapped her fingertips on the side of the cup before turning her head toward Kane. "Tell me something. Anything."

It didn't have to be something deeply personal or his life story. But the more time Myla spent with Kane the more curious she became. Neither one of them was forthcoming about themselves to one another. And while that was fine, she couldn't fight her growing curiosity either. She wanted more, no matter how small it was. Part of her, deep down, knew that there were secrets she might never learn. She might not solve the entire puzzle, but another piece, no matter how small, helped bring the picture to life.

"It could be your favorite color," she broke the silence with a slight shrug. "Although the novelty of it might be lost on me," Myla added with a soft chuckle.

Kane had lifted his own teacup to his lips before she posed the question. Rather - gently demanded that he be forthcoming about something. He stared down into the teacup for a moment or two; wondering if he should give her something insignificant like his favorite color - of which he did not truly have. If he did, it would probably be black. Big surprise there. His head tilted from side to side, and he shifted his gaze to meet her own once or twice.

He turned toward her; his body shifting so that he could face her even though she could not look at him back. He had long since set the teacup back down on the table. "What if I told you that I am a villain?" He blinked slowly as he watched her facial features shift to gauge her response before words could meet her lips. "Even worse - not just any villain, but one without any rhyme or reason. I don't even blink when I kill anymore." That last bit was a small lie - or at least, it was uncertain at this time.

Myla sat there, silent, and listened. While she could feel Kane studying her for some kind of reaction or response, she did not give one. Her body language did not shift, nor did her facial expression. Not only did he share something about himself with her, but something far more intimate than she imagined. Both of them had walls up, especially around the others. But it was like a window appeared in Kane's wall and only she could pull back the curtain to see within.

She slowly set down her tea and turned her body to face Kane as he did with her. While she could not look him in the eye, it was apparent that this was as close as a blind woman could get to doing so. "And what if I told you that I don't believe in the titles of hero… or villain?" Myla's head tilted slightly as she offered the question.

"It's always painted to be so black and white." She slowly raised her hands, each one seeming to symbolize one side, the light or the dark. "People would say I'm a hero but… I'm not. I've spilt blood..." Myla's hand slowly fell to her lap as she paused for a moment. "I've taken lives." While this was no secret of hers, it was something she never admitted out loud.

"And people might say you're a villain, but I've witnessed nothing that shows that." Myla's head slowly fell as her thumbs twiddled in her lap. "I don't know of a villain who would save the life of a woman he barely knows… twice." And while Kane might not have seen it, a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

He smirked at Myla's replies. The only thing he could think of was that she has a cute way of trying to seek out the best in people when there wasn't anything truly redeemable. When his gaze raked over her features, he hardly noted an intentionally mean bone in her body. Then again, women did hide certain traits in ways that men could not. "Even some of the world's most infamous serial killers loved their wives." She could take that statement as she pleased, as he likely meant it in more than one way anyhow. "I don't know you - yes, but I want to. So, if you don't want to think of me as a villain, maybe that's best."

"And some of the most notorious heroes don't," Myla counter-offered with a tilt of her head. Perhaps Kane was this villain he claimed to be. And maybe, maybe he wasn't. While society might paint it one way or another simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or vice versa, didn't mean a person was stuck down a set path. Sure, their lives have placed them in specific roles but who's to say they fit the mold?

He shrugged a single shoulder slowly, "Hero work is dirty, too. You wouldn't be the first or last one to take a life." Villains certainly do not make it easy for many heroes to do their jobs! Maybe some of the "greats" like Superman or Batman - maybe, but a lot of heroes did kill. Sometimes there is no choice. A lot of times there is no choice.

He glanced down at her fingers as she twiddled them in her lap, then he reached out and gently took them into his, "If you don't like blood on your hands, just use mine."

Myla's brows raised curiously when Kane's skin brushed her own as he took her hands in his. "What kind of hero would I be if I let you fight all of my battles?" She jested with a small but playful grin. While her voice and facial expressions showed playfulness, she couldn't help but wonder why he'd offer such a thing. Kane claimed to be a killer, but who was she to him that he so willingly offered to be the monster leaving her a saint? And what would he do if the tables were turned and she took a life for him?

Kane released her hands slowly and stood. "You should go get changed before we get called for the debriefing. Also -" He turned toward her after cutting himself off, leaned down, and braced his hands on either side of her thighs so they could be face-to-face.

She nodded her head in agreement, but before she had a chance to stand he caught her off guard. Kane was close. It wasn't the closest they had been, but it wasn't because of an accident or saving her life, it was intentional. His warm breath caressed her face with every exhale while his hands were so close to her thighs she could nearly feel it. Myla couldn't help but inhale softly at the sudden shift but held her ground and remained face to face with him. Her heart was racing, and while it practically deafened her, Myla hoped he didn't hear it.

"I have a reputation to keep, so don't gossip about how sweet I am to all the ladies." It was a total joke, but also had a huge splash of a plea tucked in there. "I don't want anyone here to expect things from me."

"Can't ruin that bad boy image," Myla met his joke with one of her own. But after a moment, before he could pull away, her expression became a bit more serious as her voice dropped to a near whisper. "What you tell me in confidence is no one's business. Your secrets are mine."

He straightened himself up and held out a hand to help Myla onto her feet.

Myla took his hand and accepted his help. Once standing, she kept hold of his hand for a moment longer as she turned her head toward him. "If there's ever something you want to know… All you have to do is ask." She smiled softly as she released his hand. "Thanks for everything Kane." With that, she scooped up her helmet and made her way back toward the elevator.

Once she made it back to her room, Myla slumped agains the wall, running her hand along her abdomen. So much had past just in the past day or two that when she was alone, she had a hard time deciphering if it was real or just a dream. Her dad was gone. She was nearly taken herself. And multiple times she's been saved by a man she hardly knew anything about aside from his name and that he claimed to be a villain. It was dangerous, all of it. And while she might be able to take herself away from the academy, she couldn't stop the search for her father, nor could she ignore the strange magnetism she felt toward Kane. She was already in too deep.

Before she could bring herself to move from where she stood, an announcement came over the P.A., echoing throughout the building. "Good evening," J.A.R.V.I.S. began. "Mr. Pennyworth and Coulson have requested your presence in the lobby in 20 minutes for a debriefing. Thank you."

There wasn't enough time for Myla to shower, and she wasn't going to rush to remove the bandages. So the best she could do was take a wash cloth from her sink and try her best to clean whatever dried blood or whatever else remain on her face and chest. For the most part she got it all, aside from a bit of dried blood above and below the bandage, and a smudge of dirt along her chin.

When she finished, Myla decided to change into more casual clothes. It was already later in the evening after a day of training, there couldn't be something else they needed to do that day, could there? Either way, if there was another training exercise or something else, she doubted Kane would let her anywhere near the simulations. He's saved her enough for at least the next 24 hours. She slipped into some shorts, a loose tank top that hopefully wouldn't irritate her wound too much and some socks.

It wasn't quite time to go down, but Myla preferred to make her way down to the lobby slowly rather than sitting around doing nothing. So, she made her way over to the elevator, deciding not to bother with shoes. With a soft sigh, she hit the button before leaning back against the wall waiting for it to descend to the ground floor.

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written by mombie

josiah dalinski
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the jester

After everything was said and done, and all of the heroes dispersed to do whatever it is that they do, Josiah was left in the training area for a brief moment. He stared at the lockers with all the names of heroes past and wondered if this is where he was supposed to be. He felt sorely out of place, and that he could do better back home. Whatever was going on here, he didn't want any part of it. He couldn't be any part of it.

He had already successfully ruined his reputation at first sight anyway. He was useless in combat. He can't remember 75% of his day depending on what happens. He is volatile and mentally ill, and that was just the truth. Mentally ill. He couldn't combat the science just like he couldn't combat the fact that something was wrong about his presence here. There was nothing pleasant or good about Josiah or his other entities. They were all bad. He belonged back in an asylum, not near typical and healthy minds.

Therefore, Josiah did not hesitate to pack up his stuff and leave. No word. No one would notice that he was gone, and that was a good thing. He missed his friend, but there was nothing that he could do about it. It would be better left up to real heroes with real abilities and real skill - not some guy with a multitude of mental entities taking over whenever they feel like it. It was only a matter of time before someone here would be hurt by him, and he was not a bad guy. Josiah was not a villain. He was not evil. Everything inside of him is absolutely putrid, and he doesn't know why.

Would knowing his genealogy explain it? No. No. He didn't want to know the fine details. His other personalities didn't want him to know, either. They were happy. He was not. That was just the way he lived…

… That was just Gotham, too. Putrid on the inside. He belonged there.

lexa creed
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lexa didn't know how long she remained submerged under the hot water, only that, at one point, it became boiling and she was forced to resurface.

Hot tubs are supposed to be relaxing, but when she looked around in this vast empty space with nothing but the sounds of the bubbles and jets, the steady stagnant sounds of pool water, the chlorine smell, and then her own gentle heartbeat - all she could do was think. She brushed her hands over now slickly wet hair, pulling some of the strands out of her face and tucking them behind her ears.

It was hard to be part of a team when you didn't know anyone in it. It was hard to be young. Hard to just be… her. Sure, she liked social media and attention, but that didn't make her less than anyone else here. Lexa needed a healthy (or perhaps unhealthy according to the majority of loners here) dose of social contact on a daily basis. Without it, she just felt… odd. Not having a conversation, her social media, or any kind of attention over energized her already full batteries. When the juice spilled over, she had nothing to do with it other than overthink situations. For instance, why wasn't she worthy of talking to? Was it her personality? Is it wrong? She wasn't sure.

She missed her friends; as ragtag as they were. They were a great team. They were Instagram famous as superheroes, and that wasn't a bad thing. With the disappearance of so many important figures of safety for the public, people were comforted by the idea that there were still others out there to protect them. Heroes were still necessary, and at this point in time, all around the world, they were needed more than ever. In Canada, heroes were even fewer and in-between.

She let the calming sounds pull her into happier times of reminiscence; being with her friends, her father, even with her "uncle" Wolverine. She considered herself very lucky to have lived with great people. The Weapon X project left so many kids broken, but Wolverine and Sabretooth put them back together again and made them family. That was lucky. Not everyone here likely had a great life, and maybe that's why she's actually an outcast. Lexa was a happy individual despite the fact that her father and uncle were gone. Despite the fact that she had no mother to speak of. Despite the fact that she was far removed from her place of comfort.

She was upset that there was no word on the whereabouts of Wolverine and Sabretooth - that they had left and not yet come back. It had only been a month or two at this point, and that felt very typical of them. What was not normal was the lack of communication. Lexa knew that something happened to them in her gut, but also that they were both very capable of handling themselves. Wolverine, especially. That man was older than old - Civil War old, and the South vs. North Civil war, to be exact. They were hard to destroy because of their power and skills. Still, she was concerned.

After a while, she had fallen asleep only to be awakened just J.A.R.V.I.S. summoning her to the lobby for their debriefing. There was nothing she loved more than being scolded by two old men, and probably by everyone else that was present. She climbed out of the hot tub, threw on her clothes while sopping wet, and headed up to her room to get dressed.

And you know what? She was on fleek, and there was no reason not to be exactly who she was. Even though she didn't need to, she threw on some makeup. There was some bruising here and there on her legs, but she could live with it. With her iPhone camera, she took a few photos and posted them on Instagram. Yes, Lexa knew she was super cute, and the little hearts that blew her phone up made her happy. It drained some of that social battery so that she could be less crazy and ready to jump into any conversation with the real people that were here right now. What did she need friends here for when so many people in cyberspace loved her?

The elevator pinged on her floor and the doors opened to reveal Myla inside. She smiled brightly in the woman's direction, even if the Daredevil's daughter was blind. It didn't do anyone any use to treat her or behave differently. "You look super cute. Real comfortable," she complimented, and while that second sentence might seem backhanded, she meant it genuinely. It was cute to be comfortable, and Lexa didn't really like to put down other women.

With that small conversation out of the way, she looked back at her phone and surfed her Instagram. Naturally, since Jameson put up such a fuss about it, she removed all traces of him from it. To the disappointment of many swooning men and women all across the globe, of course. Poor them! His ass was not for viewing.

aria munroe
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aria wasn't going to be one to sit around and mope. There were things that needed to be done and thoughts that needed to be gone over with a fine-tooth comb. She wasn't sure when she made it to her room, but she did end up there after the simulated training was completed. The woman's loft had belonged to her mother, and that much was pretty obvious. There was green everywhere, and while Ororo Munroe was a botanist by leisure, Aria had a black thumb. Still, she found the space serene. There were floral hangings from the ceiling and a balcony with a small garden. This must have been where her mother spent much of her time with her thoughts, too.

Not that Aria really knew. She had limited and mixed interactions with her mom - most of it having been in her much, much younger years. After taking a shower and tying up her robe, she headed out of the double glass doors to the mini garden. Her hands rose and soft barely-gray clouds slid across the blue sky, but the rain that would fall was soft and gentle. The sun still shone high as Aria did not want to disturb anyone with a storm or gray skies. A small wind swirled around her, which kept the rain from falling on her freshly washed hair. She'd remain dry.

She sat on a small swinging chair, kicking herself back and forth, idly glancing at the flowers then up at the spring drizzle.

The whole training scenario was set up to fail, if she were honest with herself. It wasn't the mission itself, rather the variety of super-powered beings that made up the "team." Also, one could hardly call this disheveled group a team, as they had yet to develop any sense of camaraderie among themselves. They didn't know each other. They had only their names, and only a few of those names could be pinpointed to their respective parents. Even at that, not everyone's families were very famous - and that was not a bad thing.

From a logical perspective, not one of them could beat themselves up over what happened. People were not in their proper places, as no one knew what they were in the first place. Aria did, however, feel a little bad about taking the lead and giving orders. She was very young- perhaps one of the youngest in the group, and there was probably someone with more experience than she had. Was it arrogance that got to her? She wasn't sure. Most of her didn't feel like she was better than anyone, but she did feel smarter. Her father always told her that intelligence was everything, but in this case, having more common sense knowledge and understanding of other people would have been more ideal.

Aria hung out on the balcony for a few hours; the rain having subsided seconds after she drifted off into a small nap. It couldn't be helped with the back and forth swinging motion of the chair. When she woke, she sat up straight and stretched out her arms. Her brown eyes wandered off into the distance as she yawned noisily. JARVIS could be heard chiming in and then beckoning her to the lobby for debriefing. It was a good thing that everyone had a few hours to themselves, as they were less likely to be heated during the reassessment.

She pushed her natural hair, which was now unbraided and slightly unruly, into a loose bun. She'd have to make a trip to go get it done somewhere. While on the drive here, she thought she saw a mall in passing that they could go to. It'd likely have a place where experts could braid her long hair. She'd have to ask Phil and Alfred about it because there was nothing more important to a woman of her ethnicity than having her hair done. It was ritualistic for her, and she sat down for hours on end at least once or twice a month depending on time and budget.

She threw on what looked like a long oversized sweater, a pair of shorts too small to see, and her fanciest pair of flip flops - black with some blue "rhinestones" and extra flop and flip as she walked.

She waltzed into the lift when it pinged at her level, pressed a button while yawning again, and failed to realize she didn't even tap the correct one. When it opened and she dragged herself out like a zombie just waking up from a nap, and probably fresh out of a shower (all that she's honestly missing is the hair towel and a cup of coffee), she blinked a couple of times.

With squinting eyes, she finally saw Jameson come into view. She attempted to turn around and catch the lift doors before they closed, but it was already gone! Awkwardly, because it was very likely Jameson already saw her, she tried her best to smile and pretend like she was a woman on a mission!

"I was just making sure you, uh…" she bit her lower lip and knew she looked like a hot mess. She had no makeup, her clothes were frumpy, and she was in flip-flops. Jameson was just - good looking, and she was utterly embarrassed for herself. Why was she so unlucky? Who decided that a man could be that handsome while washing his bike like some slow motion movie or something?

She continued to smile, but anxiously pressed the button behind her back. "Debrief. Lobby."

It just wasn't opening fast enough! What the hell? Speaking of Hell, it was hot down here. Really hot. The damn lift must be going to retrieve Kane or something!

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written by mombie

hakan proudstar
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

catori moonstar
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spirit arrow

There was nothing more embarrassing - and I repeat - nothing more embarrassing than being a six foot five inch, over 300 pound man, riding bitch on a hot pink motorcycle driven by a much smaller woman. The best thing to have done would be to have gotten his driver's license or maybe taken a bus. Though, getting a driver's license would have been best. For sure. His sister, Catori, had no mercy on him or his masculine pride as his equally pink/black helmet said something to the effect of "thicc and indigenous". While he was certainly "thicc and Indigenous" he had a pretty good idea that it was meant to be worn by a woman.

They got honked at on the road, but Catori just tossed a smile over to the passing motorists and smiled. Unlike Hakan, Catori was used to flying directly on the radar, so the harassment that he endured on the road meant little to nothing to her. It was just another day in life. Besides… it was his fault he didn't have a driver's license. A bus would have been too slow.

Regardless of the hot pink and black bike or his rather provocative helmet, the fresh air was revitalizing. Catori didn't want to spend days on a bus with people staring at them, and Hakan could use a little more thrill in his life. Just a little. Sometimes she made really nauseating turns and sped up without warning, but… he supposed that he'd live. Hopefully.

After a few days of driving, sleeping at cheap hotels, and eating bad gas station food, they ended up in front of the Descendant Academy. There was still an hour or so until the debriefing was to take place, and Alfred and Phil were outside waiting for them. How had they known? Old men knew everything, and Hakan was keenly aware of that. After some brief chatter and introduction, as well as a note that they should meet at the lobby in about an hour, they were directed to the garage.

Catori didn't hear the sound of water spraying over that of her obnoxiously loud bike, but Hakan did. He couldn't warn her, though. She didn't possess superhuman senses. So, when James was most likely pointing the hose in some other direction, Catori drove right into the tail end of the stream. Not that she's bothered by it. She just continued on until she found a spot to park.

She turned the bike off, pushed the kickstand down with the toes of her boot, and then peeled off her helmet. Her dark chocolate hair, which was about lower back length, was an unkempt wreck that fell straight down. She combed a hand through the front of her head to get some of the strands from her face.

Hakan was… happy to get off of the thing. It was a great road trip, sure, but he wasn't going to do that again. He muttered something to the effect of reminding himself to get his driver's license, and that Catori was crazy. The pair, of whom almost looked like romantic partners from a distance, laughed things off - Catori in humor and Hakan in nervous tones. Catori had to help the big man with his super cute helmet as a bit of a gender role reversal. Hakan could be so helpless sometimes, but that was okay. They were different people, even if they were siblings. There were things he could do and things he could not, and vice versa. They made a great brother and sister pair, easily complimenting each other.

Hakan was pretty quick to get out of the garage, noting that there were far too many bike enthusiasts around here. It must be a thing with superheroes. Then a really dumb thought came across his head: Was it a staple of superhero vehicles? Hmm. It wasn't exactly a city thing, as there were many bikes on the reservations. He mostly thought they were more inclined to belong to drug dealers and biker gangs, as he was used to.

He passed by James with nothing more than a quick head nod, stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, and then moved to the lift. Just as he was getting on the lift, Aria was getting off of it. The doors closed, and off he was. "What floor is the lobby on? I forgot to ask." Out of nowhere, JARVIS pinged which scared the shit out of Hakan, "Taking you to the lobby right now, Mr. Proudstar. Welcome to the Academy." Who is taking him where? He looked around.

Technology was scarier than Catori's motorcycle.

That left Catori in the garage. With her brother gone, she sighed. He left her down here with someone that she didn't know. While Catori was 'hop on a motorcycle and go on a week-long excursion' type of adventurous, people adventurous was different. Hakan was comfortable with those around him, as he was large and intimidating, and no one dared do anything. Catori, however, while tall and a bit on the "thicc" side, as her brother's helmet phrased, she didn't have an intimidating air.

Aria had come off of the lift; a small girl that looked a little mousier than she. That was a relief. What was not relieving, however, was the the pang of nervous air that hit Catori as soon as Aria's eyes were set on James. The woman's gaze shifted to the object of Aria's anxiety. He was... very cute. And yes, much like Aria, she fixated on him without realizing it for so long that she forgot about time and space. Also much like Aria, the climate in the garage became hotter. However, Catori blinked her eyes and shook her head, turned to clasp her helmets onto the bike handles, and pulled off her gloves. She sat those on the bike seat. If she was smart enough, she could avoid staring at James and getting trapped.

To put James in an even more awkward position, Catori lowered her head and brushed her hair so that it could cascade down the sides of her face. Looking very much like the creepy girl from The Ring, she quickly walked toward the elevator. Like Aria, she wondered if the lift was like... on the thousandth floor or something.

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written by mombie

kane nyguyen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As Myla's figure retreated, he leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms and shoulders. His head lolled against it a bit, and he watched her leave until the lift doors closed. Then he watched the doors for another minute or so before getting ready to clean up.

He turned away to begin cleaning, finding a certain calm in the act. He picked up the dishes, stored anything leftover in glass containers, and put on a black apron. Yes, aprons are important in chores. No one was watching. Cleaning gave him a certain kind of quiet pleasure that could not be obtained elsewhere, and he's happy to do it. It helped him clear his head; he got to delve deep into his thoughts.

Right about now, he has a lot of those - thoughts. For instance, he had no idea why he decided to stay here. Part of him wanted to smack himself in the face, and another part wanted to remind him that he had been trying to find a way to leave his old life behind him. Maybe this was the way to do just that. Yet, if he stayed because a certain woman made him emotionally unstable, that was an illogical and stupid decision. People like him didn't have stable relationships. It was too uncertain.

After about ten minutes of dishwashing, he went around the loft to tidy up this and that. Dust was kicked to the curb, clothes were put away and arranged by color, style, and type. And yes, Kane did wear more than just black like the average brooding male. Somewhere between that and mopping floors, he made sure to get in some tea, eat another meal, and change into something more suitable for what he had in mind next.

The gym. There had to be one around here somewhere. He put on his joggers, a tank top, and shoes, then grabbed his water bottle. He slipped into the lift and had JARVIS direct him to his destination.

Now, he wasn't some sort of macho weight lifter. He did lift weights, but he kept them relatively light and high reps. Kane needed stamina. Strength was good, and it was certainly something he had, but his slightly more lean musculature was more flexible and agile than the buffer men. He did many bodyweight exercises and went for a five-mile run on the indoor track.

He didn't do what he might on a normal day, but to be honest, carrying Myla had been stressful on his body. The movies make carrying a fully grown human look easy, but it wasn't. Not for him, at least. Sometime in the middle of stretching on a mat, his own body became heavy then just… comfortable. His eyes closed and he fell asleep.

Until JARVIS woke him up. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and rolled over onto his side to push himself up. He wouldn't have any time to take a shower. Thankfully, when he looked at the time, he noticed that a couple of hours had passed by. He wasn't sweating anymore, just… had a little body odor. Kane didn't consider himself very smelly, though. He was used to the scent.

While still rubbing his eyes, he made for the lift and pressed the button for Myla's room. He knows which one is hers because they switched key cards.

The lift made it to Myla's living space and it opened. He took a peek inside. It was… sparse and barely lived in, which was fair. They all only just got here. He knew that maybe he shouldn't, but he ventured deeper inside to see if she was maybe around in her room. He knocked on the door to her bedroom but got no answer. SO, he did the only logical thing a man could do (honestly, not so logical for any normal man) and snuck a peek inside.

He wished he hadn't. Was that her… underwear on the floor? A bra was strewn and her bag plopped down carelessly. It seemed like she just shed her clothes and leaves them where they fall. Being deprived of sight couldn't be an excuse! It shouldn't. He couldn't imagine not caring about the upkeep of your living space. Much less, where one slept.

He scratched the back of his neck. It'd be creepy for him to pick the mess up for her, but his brain really was wired to do it. What a wreck. He stared for a few minutes before realizing that this was… not right. It was not okay for him to be here! Kane was many bad things, but a stalker was not one of them. He had wanted to pick her up and travel to the lobby with her, but she was not there. He cleared his throat and pulled himself away from the mess to drag himself back into the lift.

As the doors shut, he found himself thinking that this was maybe a good thing. She wasn't there. His thoughts were very confusing. Was it good or bad that she wasn't there? It could be both, he reasoned. One part of him was glad that he didn't feel like a stalker by running into her, but the other part of him was sort of hoping they could catch the lift together. But why? What was so special about the lift. He scoffed at himself and gently banged his forehead against the lift doors.

Seconds later, he was in the lobby. Fashionably, or not so much, late to the party. Keeping with his enigmatic and cliched brooding persona, he occupied a chair in the corner somewhere. It didn't matter to him. He leaned all the way back and made sure it was against the wall, crossed his arms over his chest, and kicked his legs out far but spread out. It was the ultimate lazy pose. He broke his statuesque and stoic appearance by blowing some hair out of his face and failing. Twice. He had to eventually move it by hand.

"Who knew you were a lacy panty type of girl?" he whispered under his breath. She knew who it was meant for because she'd be the only one that could hear it. Given that he couldn't see her underwear in the attire she wore currently, he must be talking about something else. His humor was dry at best, but he smirked nonetheless.

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written by thor

william richards
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jr. fantastic

At some point while Will sat at the dock, he let himself lay back with his arms crossed behind his head. He liked the smell of the ocean and the cool mist that tickled his feet with the tide. He couldn't help but think about his time in Greenland. Things were easier then. He wasn't some symbol to the world, just a man... a Scientist, with a job. He missed the simplicity of that life.

But Will was never the type of man to turn his back when he was called upon... When he was needed. He was needed... Right?

He sat up with a groan, rubbing his temples. He couldn't expect perfection when a majority of them hadn't worked together before. They were all so different, an alchemical mixture of contradicting elements, with one bump of the beaker the whole thing would erupt in a catastrophic explosion. Will felt like Phil and Alfred looked to him to help make a team out of those who answered the call, but he hadn't the faintest idea how to do that. He was just one man. He had no experience leading... Just running away and hiding amongst the polar ice caps.

Will sat at that dock for what felt like an eternity, mulling over every misstep and insecurity. But even he could only handle so much self-deprecation in one sitting. He stood up and made his way back inside, contemplating if he should trudge his way over to the bar and join Zehara for that drink. But barely two steps inside, whatever plans he had were interrupted by an announcement from J.A.R.V.I.S. Looked as though the drinks would have to wait. Instead, he made his way back to his penthouse, deciding a quick shower was in order. Plus he wanted nothing more than to get out of that ridiculous suit.

It was a brisk shower. There wasn't time for anything longer. But it sufficed. After putting on his clothes, Will slipped on some shoes and headed for the elevator. Surprisingly, his ride down was just him. Perhaps he was a bit earlier than everyone else. Wouldn't be the first time. He was often known for being the annoyingly punctual one. As he stepped out into the lobby, he did a double-take, nearly running into another man he hadn't seen yet, that exited the lift to his right. "Pardon me," he said politely, holding out his hand to make sure they didn't collide. Will contemplated introducing himself for a brief moment, but perhaps this newcomer was part of their debriefing. So, instead, he motioned for the longhaired gentleman to go ahead, before he stepped forward and made his way to the lobby.

As it seemed, he was early. No one was there, aside from Phil and Alfred. Will gave them both a polite nod before he made his way over to one of the larger sofas, taking a seat by one of the armrests.

zehara el sayid
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Drinking was nice. The part where Zehara was lucky if she got more than a buzz was not nice. One of the many wonderful side effects of the monster that possesses her. But even knowing this doesn't stop her from finding comfort in it. She wasn't a team player, so this whole 'trust-building exercise' was far from her cup of tea. For most of her life, it had been just her and she didn't have any plans to change that. She wasn't here at this academy because some higher purpose needed her help. She was hired for a job, a job that happened to lead her here. That, unfortunately, looks like the only way she'll get more information or even complete her jobs was to stay there and be part of the team.

Zehara had lost count of how many drinks in she was when she heard the announcement, not that it mattered. She would have to consume the entire bar to be even remotely drunk. And while drinking helped her forget... or loosen up, it wasn't worth the effort to actually get drunk.

She decided to emerge from the bar, with a fresh bourbon in hand, as she heard some footsteps out in the hall. Zehara didn't have a watch, but she wasn't an idiot either. She had a basic concept of time, plus ears. Once she started hearing others, she knew it was about time for her to wander out too. She hadn't taken more than two steps out into the hall before she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of a new face. Will seemed to walk past the man like it was nothing, but she stood there with furrowed brows while taking a sip of her drink.

After a moment or two, she strutted in the direction of the lobby, which lead her right towards the man. As she came up to his side, Zehara sipped her drink and pivoted on her heels, so that she could make eye contact with him while her feet carried her backward in her desired direction. He was an attractive man, she'd give him that. She always found herself attracted to more ethnic men and she can't say she's ever had a Native American... Yet. "Nice hair," she commented before spinning back around to face forward. "Women like having something to grab onto." She smirked as she kept heading toward the lobby, not giving him the satisfaction of looking back.

Zehara gave Will a small nod when she saw him already seated. She decided to make her way to a smaller sofa, something that could manage two people, but nothing more. She tucked her right leg beneath her before taking a seat. "So... Fabio," she began with a playful smile while swirling her drink around in her glass. "Have a name?"

Before the mystery man got a chance to reply, Phil chimed in without looking up as he still mulled over various papers in his hands. "We will address that once the others join us, Ms. El Sayid."

Zehara sighed, rolling her eyes. "Party pooper."

jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

James didn't have much to his name, what clothes he carried in his bag and his bike. So, he always made sure to take extra special care of it. He did all the maintenance his Harley needed, but also liked to keep it clean whenever he had down time. While he was at the academy for the time being, this bike had always been his home and the only thing he could rely on. It was sad really, but in a strange way it also comforted him.

He had lost track of time down in the garage. Jameson made sure to turn the radio onto the best rock station he could find and got lost in the work. He was just finishing up with a final rinse when another bike entered the garage. The motorcycle came rolling in and drove right through the stream of water from the hose. He had managed to get through the entire wash without getting wet, but it seemed his luck had run out. The water ricocheted off their bike and flew back right at him. All he could do was close his eyes before he was quickly soaked.

James sighed and tossed the hose down on the ground before he moved to his feet. He made his way over to the spigot and turned it off. He looked down at his wet shirt and cursed under his breath. "Damn it." He reached behind his head to grab a fistful of fabric and pull the shirt off. Using the shirt as a makeshift towel, he tried his best to dry his hair as he made his way over to the radio and turned off the music. The abrupt absence of rock-n-roll was met with the hum of a motorcycle engine just before being shut off. He grabbed his jacket off the workbench, glancing over at the new arrivals briefly. James didn't know who they were - if they were lovers or who knows what, but it wasn't his business. They weren't attacking him, so he could only assume they were here to help. And if they had bad intentions the demon would have taken over before he knew what was going on.

As he gathered the rest of his things, the new guy walked past him with a nod. James didn't say anything but returned the gesture in kind. When he turned around to make his way toward the elevator, Aria stepped out in a bit of a daze, while the stranger wasted no time slipping in and disappearing up into the academy. James smiled at her while giving a slight wave with his hand that held his shirt.

"I was just making sure you, uh…" Her words drifted away as she looked flustered and in thought. James draped his wet shirt over his left shoulder as he waited patiently for her to figure out what she wanted to say. "Debrief. Lobby," she finally said while pressing the button repeatedly.

James let out a weak laugh and nodded his head. "Right. After you." He motioned his hand toward the elevator. He made sure as he stood and waited not to be too close to Aria. His presence seemed to make her uncomfortable... He had no idea why, but he didn't want to make it worse. After a moment or two of awkward button clicking, he cleared his throat and attempted some small talk. "I hope I didn't scare you during training when I went all..." he waved his hand in the air as if in a way to mention the demon. James didn't know if she was acting a little off because he frightened her. He honestly didn't know what people thought about it... about him.

Aria raised her hands and wagged them in front of her, palms out, defensively, "Oh, no, no. You're not scary. Or, I hadn't noticed. I don't know." Nervous laughter followed, "I just didn't expect all….this." A single hand swept over him to imply all of…that. Then she blinked and corrected herself, "This…uh, is not bad. Good. Nice." She stopped herself there. What was going on with her brain? Aria is supposed to be super intellectual, yet her vocabulary seemed limited to four-letter words at this very moment.

James laughed a bit awkwardly as he raised his hand to scratch his head, accidentally messing up his hair a bit. "Thanks?" His gaze slowly drifted over to the girl that waited with them. She hadn't said a word and kept her hair in her face like the emo girls he remembers from High School. James's brows furrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything and turned his attention back to Aria with a friendly smile. "I can take the stairs." He pointed towards the door that led toward the stairs, before slipping past the waiting girls.

Aria stepped forward and grabbed him by the wrist with both hands. The hold was rather soft and could easily be brushed away, "No, no. I'm sorry. I'm sure we were just… taken aback. Please, take the lift with us."

Catori cleared her throat and fixed her hair pronto. She sighed, "Could you at least put your shirt back on? You know, so we can breathe?"

His brows raised, curiously, as if he finally realized, at least in part, what all the awkwardness was about. James looked down at his bare chest a bit confused. He wasn't around anyone very often, let alone women. So this sort of reaction was lost on him. "I had a shirt on… until someone's motorcycle splashed a bunch of water on me," he replied with a playful tone.

"I did the world a favor," she quipped low. When the lift doors finally opened, Catori slipped past Aria and wandered into one of the corners. She fanned herself with a hand, "You didn't have to come at us like that. Going to make a girl faint," It was a jest, and probably a bad one because James didn't look like a guy who thought much was funny. Or maybe she really wasn't that funny. Regardless, she waited for the two to climb onto the lift so it could go to the lobby.

James stepped aside and held the elevator doors open for Aria to step inside before he followed after. He cupped his hands together and looked down at his chest briefly. He wasn't a workout nut or anything. Mostly the odds and ends jobs he took or working on his bike kept him in better shape. It definitely wasn't his diet. He cleared his throat to break the awkward silence. "You might want to get water before you go to the lobby, because if I make you uncomfortable, then good luck with all of them," he pointed upwards, gesturing casually towards the remainder of the academy. In his own opinion, he is low on the totem pole of eye candy in the building. He'd bet money that every girl in a mile radius would swoon if Jr. Fantastic graced the public with his pecks.

"Hell, you're lucky Aria decided not to wear her suit. Now she's only twice as beautiful as everyone else." Jameson gave a cheeky grin before sparing a glance over at Aria. While his comment was to help take some of the attention off himself, he wasn't used to being the topic of discussion, he meant every word he said. Ok, so he wasn't good at flirting… Mostly being quiet and grumpy looking, but she was very attractive. Was he flirting? He didn't know. If he was, it wasn't intentional. But she was. And the fact that Aria had no idea she was beautiful, unlike Zehara or Lexa, made her only more appealing.

Aria was… as red as one could possibly be. She tried her very best not to turn away from James, as he seemed to be bothered by her awkward motions, so she stood there… stiffly. Wasn't the lift normally quicker?

Then Catori said, "She is pretty. You're cute. You both think so of each other. Hmm, maybe there's something there." And that made Aria try to back into the sidewall of the lift like she was going to pull off a Shadowcat phasing maneuver.

Jason glanced over at Aria for a moment, noticing her deep blush and attempting to be invisible. He looked down for a moment then back towards the elevator doors. He tried to search for a clever remark, but anything that came to mind either came out snarky to the woman he didn't know, or would sound like Aria was the last woman on earth he'd date… Which she wasn't. So instead, he opted to remain silent.

"I wonder if my brother found the lobby okay," she muttered mostly to herself, but anyone could hear it.

James shrugged. "He's in a building with about a dozen heroes… If he gets lost someone will find him."

Catori also shrugged. He'd be fine!

The rest of the ride to the ground floor seemed to take ages. But eventually, sometime within that decade, the elevator came to a halt. James reached his arm past Aria with an innocent smile and held the doors back for the ladies to exit. "Ladies first." Once they had passed through, he exited and made his way to the lobby. He usually found that he was somewhat decent at keeping his emotions in check, so while Aria was pinker than a flamingo, he was able to hide his embarrassment a bit more. He made his way over to an empty sofa opposite the one Will sat on and took a seat with a soft sigh. With any luck this meeting would be over quickly.

myla murdock
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hell's angel

Myla had zoned out on the quiet elevator ride. That was until it began to slow down and the doors opened. On the other side was Lexa smelling like fresh perfume and cosmetics. There was a shift in the air that told Myla that her new company was smiling at her. "You look super cute. Real comfortable."

"Thank you," she smiled while running her hands over her shirt, trying to remind herself what clothes she had put on. "The intricacies of fashion are kind of lost on me. My Uncle's girlfriend sees me as her living doll." She laughed softly. "But when I have a choice, it's definitely comfort."

Once Lexa had joined her in the elevator and they had started their descent, Myla turned her head toward her slightly while pointing toward her boots. "Those don't sound comfortable," she said with a smile. It wasn't meant as an insult either, but since Myla can't comment on the appearance of clothing, she only has what her senses give her. The shoes made the sharp clicking noise accustomed to heels, which automatically made them sound severely uncomfortable in her opinion.

When the conversation seemed to die, Myla could hear the chiming sounds of notifications on Lexa's mobile phone. She wasn't the type of person who felt like she needed to fill the silence. And while she didn't understand the novelty of always being on one's cell phone, because she still had an old school flip phone so she could feel the buttons, she wasn't offended when people scrolled rather than conversed. It wasn't always the easiest for her to relate with others.

Myla went ahead and let Lexa exit first when the elevator reached the ground floor. She slowly followed after, her bare feet quietly tapping against the tile as she made her way to the lobby. She hesitated for a moment when she sensed the presence of another person in the room. He was large and unfamiliar. He made no noise and didn't have the same scent as the others she had already met. But hearing the tail end of Phil telling Zehara they'd address it later, she decided not to mention anything. Rather than sitting on the furniture, she opts to sit on the ground with her legs crossed beneath her. Myla was a stark contrast to when she first arrived at the academy dressed like a proper business woman with perfect manners. But now that she was known, there was no need to impress. She had always preferred sitting on the floor. It let more of her body be in contact with the ground and helped her be more aware of what was happening around her.

It wasn't long after she had taken a seat, that Myla felt the elevator stop at their floor and she was met by a familiar scent. She didn't know what it was about him, but knowing that he was still there made her calm. Yet his arrival in the lobby made her heart flutter, just briefly. But it was enough she noticed and was thankful she had the special hearing and not him. Kane walked past her without a word and took a seat in the chair directly behind her. As he got comfortable and stretched his legs out, either of his feet nearly reached her hips. The one nice thing about being blind was the ability to stare at someone without them ever knowing. Her sense could be hyper-focused on a singular person all the while she looked as though she was waiting, patiently.

Then there was a whisper that broke her stoic poise. "Who knew you were a lacy panty type of girl?"

Myla's eyes widened and her hand immediately shot to her lower back to feel if her underwear was exposed. But she felt nothing but her own skin and the hem of her shorts. Her brows furrowed and cheeks flushed as she tried to figure out how he knew something like that. Was it a guess just to get a rise out of her? Or... did he go into her room? She moved her hand back into her lap and continued to sit there frozen like a statue. She had already given Kane a reaction that he enjoyed because she could sense the smirk on his face. She dared not please him more by making a comment that everyone else could hear.

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written by barnes

penelope cage
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power girl

It was embarrassing, the way Will's kindness almost brought tears to Penny's eyes after the entire shebang that was the training session. Against her best attempts and desires, she was sore and bleeding, her clothes stained with blood that wasn't all hers. Just by looking at Zehara, it was pretty obvious that Penny hadn't pulled her due weight either, and they were all being so nice, not to point it out. As she trailed dejectedly after Will and Zehara, halfheartedly trying to help with any rogue guards that came their way, she wondered—not for the first time—if it would be better for her to leave. She wouldn't contribute anything, but at least she wouldn't drag them down.

The blood and snow vanished the moment Penny stepped back through the simulation door, but her exhaustion and nerves did not. Without bothering to say goodbye to anyone, she got onto the elevator, which whisked her back to her room in an instant. There was no point going to the infirmary. She couldn't spend another minute being around the others, knowing that they had put in the effort, knowing that they had failed the training session.

Time passed oddly for Penny then, in a sort of slowed down manner, as if time had suddenly grown viscous and she had to struggle to move through it. She managed enough to peel off her clothes and get into the shower, letting the hot water beat down on her aching back until the flow turned tepid. She'd forgotten her towel, so she simply shuffled back into the room, water dripping off her bare skin onto the floor, and pulled a set of clothes from the top of her as-yet-unpacked suitcase, got dressed, and fell facefirst onto the bed. Her head had barely touched the pillow before she was asleep, snuffling miserably into the clean sheets.

Penny could not have said how long she was asleep before J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice woke her. He had been kind enough to dim the lights while she slept, but now her presence was requested downstairs for a debriefing, and to encourage Penny to get up the lights were now turned up as bright as they could possibly go. Allowing herself one miserable groan, Penny pushed herself upright, and almost immediately blood thundered through her head, signalling a migraine.

"Come on, Penny," she mumbled to herself. Her hair was still kind of damp, and she ran her hands through it in an attempt to at least smooth some of it out. The wet outline of her body was clearly visible on the bed, but that would dry itself.

The way down to the lobby was surprisingly lonely; not a common occurrence in a building crawling with heroes. Even back in her training days Penny had found herself hard-pressed to have a moment to herself once she left the solitude of her room. Aside from the mentors, only two people were in the lobby when she entered, Will—those shoulders were unmistakable—and a stranger. Probably more heroes arriving from across the country. Penny couldn't bear the thought of being around others at the moment (not to mention her head was beginning to pound in earnest) so she walked as quietly as she could, almost tiptoeing, to the other end of the room, where she settled into a lone folding chair tucked into a corner, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arm around her legs.

theo grayson
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The snow got deeper and heavier as Theo moved towards the edge of the facility and into the woods, and it took all of Theo's remaining energy and focus to keep moving through it. Whatever frost clinging to his clothes all melted away the moment he stepped back into the training room, and only then did he look up from his feet at the other heroes returning from the simulation, scanning the room for Josiah. His suit would have been obvious enough, and its absence was equally as obvious. Probably he'd zipped back to his own room. Theo frowned to himself. So much for teamwork; he'd barely gotten to know the guy. "Good effort, team," he mumbled at no one in particular, slipping into the elevator and up to his room once he was certain that nobody needed his help.

Theo didn't sleep then, but he didn't spend time socialising either, unlike the others. After the training simulation, it was clear to him that he would probably have to rely more on himself to find Jason. The others might have intel and resources, but as far as teamwork and capability went, they were more of a liability. After a steaming shower, Theo parked himself at his desk and began setting up the computer equipment that he'd brought with him, the bulk of it an extension of the command centre he had at home. With J.A.R.V.I.S.'s help, he was soon plugged into the requisite information networks, programmes running in the background to pick up whatever intel might be helpful. Only when it was all done did Theo figure he could afford twenty minutes to himself for a short nap. Tucking a pillow under his head, he rested where he sat at the desk, the monitor blinking and beeping just inches from his closed eyes. Helpfully, J.A.R.V.I.S. dimmed the lights, letting him rest.

He was more exhausted than he'd realised. Way more than twenty minutes had passed when the AI spoke up to announce the debriefing, jolting him awake. "Oh god. Uh—yeah. Okay. Thanks." Theo rubbed the small of his back where he'd slammed it into the chair when he rocketed upright, sighing. He knew how these debriefings went, and as much respect as he had for the mentors, he was not looking forward to them.

Just to wake himself up and prepare mentally, Theo opted to jog down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, slinging his jacket around his shoulders as he pushed through the doors at the bottom, emerging just as James and Aria passed him. Theo wasn't the most perceptive guy, but it seemed that a vibe of awkwardness was emanating off them, so he opted to stay quiet, figuring he could say hi later. Not too picky about who he ended up beside, Theo perched himself on the back of William's sofa, giving Alfred a two-finger wave which the older man acknowledged with a look and a small nod.

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written by thor

phil coulson
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former shield agent

alfred pennyworth
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
former shield agent

When it appeared as though everyone had made their way to the lobby, Phil cleared his throat in an attempt to get their attention as he took a step forward. "Now that everyone is present, there are several things we need to discuss." His gaze briefly fell to the clipboard he held where he kept a list of topics he intended to address.

Zehara's brows furrowed as she looked around all who gathered. "What about Josiah?" She asked, noticing the absence of a certain enigma. She wouldn't say that she missed him, but he had a presence that demanded attention. He was present for the training exercise, yet now he was no where to be found.

Alfred, being the more remorseful sort, clasped his hands together in a somber fashion. "It would seem that the Academy wasn't the place for Mr. Dalinski... He left shortly after the exercise."

No one said anything, but there was a heaviness to the silence. Not a single one of them had taken the time to get to know Josiah. They hadn't been there for long, but it seemed he had quite a large target painted on his back from the beginning. Neither Zehara nor James could help but feel a bit guilty about the way they had treated him. No, they didn't know him. They had no idea if he was a good or bad person, but they both were quick to judge. The Cheetah downed whatever remained in her glass, while James slumped down in his seat, his gaze fixated on his hands.

"Before we get to the debriefing, we probably should address the elephant... or elephants in the room." Phil clasped his clipboard against his chest, before motioning toward the newest additions to this sad excuse of a team. The two men at the front of the room, along with the others sat and waited for the newbies to introduce themselves. Sure, either Phil or Alfred could have done it and then promptly moved on. But the siblings deserved the same respect the others got the day before.

"I trust the rest of you will be sure to introduce yourselves later," Phil concluded before pulling out his paper to study it again. "I'm sure I don't need to waste everyone's time going over every reason why the training exercise was a failure—"

"Then why am I here?" The demon blurted out, forcing his words to spill from James's mouth.

The shocked expression on his face made it evident that the demon's outburst surprised him as much as anyone else. James cleared his throat, adjusting anxiously as he started to flush. "Sorry, Phil... He has a mind of his own," he grumbled, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He felt the demon stirring, wanting to make another comment. His leg started to bounce as he focused on keep the devil on his shoulder silent.

Alfred nodded his head in silent forgiveness with a friendly smile. "Do not worry yourself, Mr. Blaze. We've worked with others with similar afflictions. We understand what comes with it."

James gave his best tight lipped smile and a nod. He ran his hand back through his hair with a sigh. Being the loner type, he never really had liked being the center of attention. On the road whenever the demon acted out someone died or James was the only one to witness it. He was never around this many people for more than a meal or quick break at a truck stop. It was something he, and everyone else, would have to get used to if he was going to remain there. But it didn't stop him from retracting back into his shell.

"The problem wasn't your course of action. Splitting up was smart to cover the most ground as quick as possible. But you lacked teamwork." Phil sighed as he looked up from his papers. "Myla and Penelope were the only pair that managed to work together as one."

"That isn't fair," Myla spoke up. She wasn't the type to interject when someone else was speaking, especially not when they were her superiors in anyway. But she didn't like that Phil was using her as a way to demean the others. "Penny and I have been working together for years. You can't throw a bunch of strangers together and expect the Avengers on the first try."

"We know we're asking a lot of everyone, Ms. Murdock. But time is of the essence. If we had years to form you all into the Avengers, we would. But every day that goes by more heroes are disappearing," Alfred tried to reassure them all. His nature was calm and nurturing, a stark contrast to Phil's calculated and cold approach.

"Every failure is a setback," Phil continued. Not caring to debate the topic. "On top of your failure to work as a team, the alarms were triggered, two of you were shot, not only rendering yourselves useless, but also made those who aided you ineffective as well... Not to mention the moment you were injured, Kane left his partner and objective to rush to your aid."

Myla's nose flared as she clenched her jaw. As if struggling with her own insecurities weren't enough, having her failure and need for assistance broadcasted to the group only reaffirmed the feeling that she was out of her depth. Part of her wanted to argue the matter further, but he was right. Twice within 24 hours she was hinderance that only dragged those around her down, which seemed to continuously be Kane. How long before it happened again? Her mind quickly spiraled into self-doubt as she turned her head away.

"I told Kane to leave," Zehara in turn chimed in to the others' defense. "I handled it myself."

"If you could handle yourselves was never in question." Phil sighed, looking up to face the group. "You have established your places as heroes without the help of anyone else. You know who else has?" His gaze moved about the room, waiting for an answer he didn't get. "Superman. Hulk. Spiderman. Wonder Woman..." He stopped, thinking he made his point.

"Every hero that was taken was taken alone." There was a harshness to Phil's words, but they all needed to hear it, whether they liked it or not. "You all have to be a team larger and stronger than any team before or we have no chance."

There was a silence. It seemed Phil's lecture had come to an end. After a moment or two, Alfred took it upon himself to steer the conversation in a different direction. "We also received urgent communications from the I.H.A. on the secret network. They are calling a meeting of any remaining heroes under the guise of a charity banquet this Saturday evening. They've invited every politician, foreign dignitary, and celebrity to come aid and donate to the search for the missing heroes." He paused for a moment. "It is mandatory for those of you who are registered with the I.H.A. to attend with a heavy suggestion for those of you who are not.

"We understand that not everyone here has the best standing with the I.H.A. and could even be blacklisted by them, but their communications state they will waive any past transgressions in lieu of helping in the crisis."
Alfred pulled the note from his jacket pocket and skimmed it for any other information that was pertinent to share. "They asked for you by name, Mr. Richards."

William nodded his head knowingly. "Can't say I'm surprised." He sighed. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't outrun the fame that came with his family. If he didn't attend the banquet it'd only send one of two messages, either he was taken or that he didn't care about his missing parents. That didn't seem to leave him much of a choice.

"What about those of us with secret identities?" Myla asked. She didn't know if this even pertained to anyone aside from herself but it was important... To her at least. "Others can disappear easily enough in a crowd, but not a blind woman."

Alfred skimmed the page until he reached some fine print at the bottom and read it aloud. "'In honor of the world's heroes, we ask our guests to dress in masks to stand in solidarity for those we've lost.' No doubt formal attire as well."

"Convenient," Zehara said with a monotone sarcasm.

"Every hero in the world under the same roof... Sounds like a trap," Will added while scratching at his jaw. "Is there no way for us to get out of this?"

"Unfortunately I think not attending would only make matters worse. There is no right choice. Anything we could find out there would be too important not to attend." Alfred frowned. He knew that it all sounded as dangerous as everyone else must have thought, but there really was no other choice. Not going would put targets on their backs one way or another. The banquet could give them information they didn't previously have and anything was a step in the right direction. All they could do was hope that the strength of the I.H.A. was enough to deter the enemy for one night.

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written by mombie

hakan proudstar
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catori moonstar
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spirit arrow

There he was, minding his own business when a woman slips past only to spin around and face him. "Nice hair. Women like having something to hold onto," she commented unabashedly, which brought a small smirk to his face. His hands were tucked a little into his pocket, and he chose not to speak while he watched her walk away. She was a minx, no doubt, and he followed the wild woman since it looked like she was headed in the same direction.

At first, he wasn't sure that he should trail after her like a lost puppy. But then he found the seats filling up, and Zehara happened to have taken one that had some space left over. His self-criticizing inner thoughts began to plague him. He was going to look like an idiot sitting next to her. Like a stalker, maybe. Like one look just had him ensnared as she so obviously pleased.

She's beautiful, no doubt. Sexy. Commanding. Confident. A few of those things - really most of them he was not. Just as he wanted to pull away, turn around, and find a place to stand like an awkward statue, his sister's voice trickled into his mind as a reminder that he'd be okay, Just sit, Hakan.

Unlike Catori, he never really socialized with "outsiders". If he did, it was usually bad. They brought drugs and violence into his tribe back at home, so he was in for a serious culture shock. He lived in the place of his people for so, so long. All his life. Catori had not. Their views were different, yet in some ways, the same. It was just that Catori was brave and intelligent, and Hakan was not.

Regardless, he sat next to Zehara just in time for her to inquire about his name. He wouldn't get to answer, though. Phil made sure of that. So instead, he slid back and sunk into the sofa, letting his legs stretch out and spread at the knees.

Catori had long since settled by William, also acknowledging that Theo was hanging out behind them. She didn't bother either of the men, as they both seemed rather quiet. Her peripherals, on the other hand, skimmed the occupants with quiet regard for how they sat - who they chose to sit by. They were a motley-looking crew, that's for sure. The only hero that she recognized was William, and it's just because he's been all over television. She could have sworn she's seen Lexa on social media, but maybe she's just thinking of someone else.

"Before we get to the debriefing, we probably should address the elephant... or elephants in the room." Phil commented, which pulled Catori out of her daydreaming like trance. Hakan, of course, was clueless. He didn't bode well with idioms, so he sat there next to Zehara with that look on his face that just went, "What elephants?". He wasn't stupid, but some things did vex him. Her brother's intelligence was not formal, it was spiritual and familial. He never went to school. He tried, but… no one cared in that part of town if one skipped or whatever. Not to mention that it was sorely underfunded and rancid with violence and drugs.

Catori stood up for the both of them, "I am Catori Moonstar. My brother is Hakan Proudstar. We are the children of Warpath and Mirage." She turned around a little to address everyone as much as possible, and with a soft smile on her lips, "Mmm, our abilities vary." She looked back at Alfred and Phil to get some kind of sign that it was enough information right now, then she sat back down.

Hakan cleared his throat and stood up. Not that he was hard to miss at all. He placed a palm over his chest, "My sister and I look forward to this journey with you all." His voice held a deep, rumbling tenor and he was more respectful and articulate than his lack of education and appearance might suggest. There was a clear native twist to his accent which was missing in his sister's. It was perfectly clear that, while siblings, they couldn't have grown up farther apart.

After that was said and done, Phil and Alfred quickly moved into laying the failures of the heroes on rather thickly. The siblings hadn't the slightest clue what it entailed, but they could put two and two together and assume that there was some kind of training that went miserably.

Catori looked around the room; her empathic power, while not acutely trained, picked up on the lightest notes of unfamiliarity, self-blame, and more. She scratched the back of her neck, feeling awkward in this room right now. She couldn't sense everything, but the most evident and strongest of emotions left their imprints in the air.

aria munroe
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Aria moved past James and found herself sitting on the couch next to him. Not because she was already attached, she wasn't, but because it was convenient. Did she feel a little weird about it? Sure. But she could feel the "go girl" look from Catori without having to look her way. She made some adjustments to her frumpy sweater dress abomination and waited for the onslaught.

When Catori introduced herself and Hakan, Aria greeted them with a gentle smile. They seemed friendly. "I trust the rest of you will be sure to introduce yourselves later. I'm sure I don't need to waste everyone's time going over every reason why the training exercise was a failure—" Phil began only to be interrupted by James.

"Then why am I here?" The demon's outburst made Aria jump slightly. It was frustrating, however, to be getting an earful from two old men that have all-too high expectations. Alfred and Phil worked with some of the best of the best, and these were just… their children. They were not their parents. Not yet, anyway.

Aria wasn't going to say anything, though because if she did, it wouldn't be anything good. She'd give these two old men her own thoughts, and they wouldn't want to hear it. From the way that Phil coarsely ripped apart their training, he wasn't going to be fair. He wasn't even going to be unbiased regarding how he will treat or what he is to expect of them when compared to Wonder Woman, Hulk, Spiderman, and Superman.

Then he continued to draw comparisons, and she finally stood up. As meek as she might be, the woman had a lot to say. It wouldn't be directed at Alfred. It would be for Phil, and only him. "While we wouldn't consider our mission a total success, it was also not a total failure. You're so biased, comparing us to "the greats" that you can't even tell us what we did right. You're spoiled by the likes of Superman, Spiderman, and whoever else - and that needs to change."

She turned around to address the group for a while because they would be her teammates, and no one deserved to be torn down like that. They weren't failures. "We got many hostages out, and that was more than any newly assembled team that has known each other for half a day could do. We were set up for this so that we could be scared and broken into being better, and that's bullshit." She rarely cursed, but she could feel the anger rising deep in her belly.

"Also, I don't suppose Phil watched everything because we were a team. Maybe not our original teams, but we ended up together, for the most part. If anyone broke off, it was by their own plan. So Kane went to Myla's aid. So Lexa tripped the alarms and James had to carry her out. We're human, too. We're not weapons." She concluded that part for her peers and turned back to Phil, "Our parents would be disappointed with you. It's been a whole day, if even that. If anything, you got Lexa and Myla shot because we were not adequately prepared. But I guess you're too elite to admit you don't know what you're doing anymore. You're so scared about what's happening you'd rather make your point than actually guide us. I don't know anything more about my teammates than what I knew when we showed up and looked at each other for the first time! If anyone gets us hurt, it's on you. Maybe you should retire from hero training with your ridiculous expectations." She started to turn away to depart but changed her mind.

Just as Phil or anyone might interject, she picked back up in about half a heartbeat. Now she yelled at him, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Phil, but your favorite heroes are gone. They're fucking gone! They're missing or dead, and you - you're here! What does that make you? What did you do for them? Nothing! Evaluate yourself, Phil."

Her piece was said, and she didn't feel like being in a room where she was shamed by someone older than dirt. She just left, and if Phil or Alfred tried to convince her otherwise, she'd just slip past them and go on her way. What were the old farts going to do? On her way out she mumbled loudly, "You got to be a team larger and stronger than anyone else after a whole half a day, blah blah blah." Yes, she gave it the head shakes and the childish mimicking of Phil's own words as she went through the lift doors. She'd flip them off while they closed if she weren't so nice, so she didn't. Lucky for them.

There was a greenhouse in the building, so that's where she'd end up.

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written by barnes

penelope cage
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power girl

theo grayson
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Theo's eyes followed Catori as she took a seat beside William, adjusting his leg as a courtesy, so it wouldn't dangle down right by her shoulder. He wanted to be comfortable, not rude, and especially not to a newcomer. It would have been nice to say hi, or introduce himself, but there was no such opportunity with Phil immediately moving to command the room. As usual.

"What about Josiah?" Zehara's voice cut through the room, interrupting Phil, and Theo felt himself straighten up a little. Yes, what about Josiah? He'd slipped right out at the end, without so much as a parting word to Theo... Alfred's response confirmed his departure, and, like everyone else, Theo couldn't find an appropriate response. He scrubbed a hand through his hair, wondering if he had contributed to Josiah's decision by not being a good partner, not being welcoming or supportive enough. At the very least, to leave alone at a time like this was dangerous; Theo should have made sure Josiah was safe, if nothing else.

Catori's introduction caught him off guard—in his brooding, he'd missed Phil calling on them, he realised that now—though he didn't miss much, seeing as she offered little information about her brother and herself. "Welcome," he murmured when she sat down again, as much of a greeting as he could have offered in that moment.

Penny, for her part, wasn't so interested in the siblings. Her nerves and self-loathing had grown since she'd parked herself in the chair, curling up into it like she was trying to hide form the rest of the room. Only when Phil started his debriefing in earnest did her head rise from where it was resting on her knees, her eyes fixed miserably on him. She knew she'd messed up just as much as everyone else had, so it was a surprise to hear some semblance of praise for her and Myla's teamwork. Though Myla was right. It wasn't fair to anyone else to point out that the girls were just doing what they'd been doing for a while now.

She wilted more as Phil's lecture continued, biting down hard into her lip to stay present. Logically, there was no way that everything was her fault, but it was certainly easy to turn the blame inwards. It was just like her father always said; Penny, you could have done more. You could have been better. But she didn't, and she wasn't, and everyone suffered as a result of it. What was she thinking, coming here? She wasn't cut out to be part of a team, much less one responsible for rescuing disappeared heroes. She would just drag everyone down.

Her thoughts spiraled more and more, until, by the time Aria stood up to address the room, Penny was the only one not listening, her head buried in her folded arms as she tried to contain herself. Anyone looking at her might have thought she was asleep, with how still she was sitting, but her mind was a rush of turmoil, eyes closed as blame and disappointment cycled through her head.

Theo was definitely listening, though. He couldn't say he disagreed with Aria's accusations; it simply wasn't fair that they were thrown together and expected to work miracles immediately. Prior training didn't count for anything. Even when he'd first enrolled at the Academy, he'd had months of making mistakes and falling on his ass before he'd figured out how to work with the others, and he wasn't even a team player to begin with. He shot a look at Alfred, which the older man returned, his face twitching just slightly in acknowledgement of Theo. He wondered for a moment if he should try to calm Aria down, but he could tell from her expression and tone that she needed this. At the very least, it might make Phil agree to some adjustments in their training. Not that Theo didn't respect him, but he wasn't the greatest mentor at the worst of times, and the thing they didn't have on their side now was time.

He waited until she'd finished her tirade and stormed off, then piped up in an easy, placating tone. Just in case anyone else wanted to start yelling too. "Well, I don't know about you all, but I didn't expect to pack for a charity banquet. Anyone want to take tomorrow off and hit the mall to get some clothes? I assume it's important for us to be dressed appropriately." This last bit he directed at Phil, just in case he wanted to oppose everyone taking off for the mall. "Not to mention the masks we'll have to wear. Not everyone has a party-appropriate mask, I believe." That was Theo. Certainly not a team player, but willing to try if it meant keeping the peace.

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written by barnes

raoul falcone
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While the whole situation in the lobby was going on, two identical cars were approaching the compound, pulling to a stop in the driveway. The driver of the second car leaped out, hurrying to open the back door for his passenger.

A slim, well-dressed man stepped out, surveying the Academy with a slightly disdainful smirk. As he did, another man emerged from the first car, dressed in the same nondescript suit as the first mook. His attention was focused on the surrounding land, noting its silence and emptiness. Aside from the three of them (and of course everyone else inside the tower) there wasn't another soul around. They began approaching the front doors, the man who had been sitting in the back of the second car leading the trio.

This was, of course, Raoul Falcone, of the Falcones operating out of Gotham City. Usually leaving his home grounds warranted greater security detail, but as he technically wasn't at the Academy on business he had opted to arrive in the company of only two of his trusted underlings. Still, Raoul wasn't so stupid as to be completely unarmed; he had, at present, no less than two guns and three knives on his body, and the same went for his bodyguards.

The front doors slid open, and Raoul sauntered in, removing his sunglasses and tucking them away. "Well," he started, "seems you've got quite the party going on here. Sorry I'm late, but I heard about it through my network, and I had to come see for myself."

He looked around at the people gathered, noting each one. Some of them were familiar faces—the Grayson boy in particular, whose easy smile had dropped, starting forward with a furious expression. Raoul held a hand up, still smiling slightly, stopping Grayson in his tracks, although he still looked murderous, fists clenched by his sides.

"You might want to hear me out," he went on. "Some of you may know me already, but allow me to introduce myself. My name is Raoul Falcone, and these gentlemen with me are McCann and Fisher. I'm aware that you're gathered to investigate the recent, uh... disappearances. Now, normally this kind of event would warrant some celebration on my part, if you know what I do for a living." He winked at Theo. "But the truth is, they have me concerned, because people don't just vanish like that. Especially not heroes. Either they die with a bang and a flash, shaky phone recordings of the event plastered across the Times Square for a week, or they retire and pass the job on to people like you guys. But disappearing quietly? That never happens. And who's to say whoever did it won't be coming after men like me? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

Raoul shrugged, his tone growing serious. "What I have to offer is weapons, and men. I've got ears in more cities than just Gotham, and I'm at the head of a very extensive information network, which actually led me to you, if you're curious about how I knew to come here. In return, you'll allow me a place in your squad, and I'll tag along for the ride, because I want to know what the hell is going on. And at the end of it... who knows? We might be friends. In fact, to show I mean business, I'm putting myself at your mercy." He dismissed his men with a wave, and without hesitation, they turned and left the building, sliding back into the cars waiting out front. The cars did not leave, but remained sitting in the driveway, leaving Raoul standing alone in front of the group. He tilted his head in Phil and Alfred's direction. "Well, what do you say?"

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written by mombie

kane nyguyen
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It was discerning to sit here and get chewed out by an old man that probably hasn't seen much in his life. He didn't know a damn thing about Phil, but there didn't seem to be anything special about him. However, as one does when an assassin, his features express nothing that could give away his thoughts.

It was only natural to pick on Myla and Kane. She had gotten hurt twice, and all of those times Kane was there for her. He wanted to be. In his mind, he didn't think there was anything wrong with that. His gaze drifted toward Zehara for a second, and they might have exchanged one of those both-raised-eyebrows expressions. Had he not thought his comrade a woman capable of handling herself, he'd have stayed with her. By the time Myla had been shot, most of the people here were in one place anyway. Zehara was a big girl, and if she needed him, she would have said so. It didn't seem like she'd be one to hold anything back. "I'd do it again. For anyone." Of course he would. He's a sketchy-looking man most of the time, but part of the reason he was here is that every assassin eventually starts turning into a bleeding heart. It was his time, and he has a lot of "good people" stuff to do in his lifetime.

But he looked down at Myla as she sat in front of him. The side of one of his feet gave her hip a gentle tap. It wasn't much of a gesture, but it was all that he could do to make her feel about him being openly attacked about rushing to her aid. It didn't matter to him.

He had listened to Aria's little tirade, and Kane was surprised she didn't get all white-eyed and crazy. The poor girl looked young. Younger than the rest of them. She seemed more temperamental, which was good in this case. She could speak her mind freely while all of the "millennials" sit there and take everything in silence. He watched her storm off and into the lift, and he chuckled softly to himself. Someone had to say it.

He uncrossed his arms, scratched the back of his neck lightly, and leaned forward closer toward Myla. His elbows dug into his knees and his palms cupped his chin. Honestly, it seemed like the day was still early. He still felt tired. Also, there was that sad case that was Myla's room. It needed more than cleaning. It needed to be doused in sage and released from whatever demon possessed the space and tosses her clothes and stuff around. There was no way that someone like her could do that without the risk of falling over everything.

Just before anyone could get out any more smart remarks, Theo interjected. Kane nodded lightly and nudged Myla with his foot, "Want to watch me try on an outfit?" It was a light joke at her blindness, but it was probably dry enough to come off wrong. Not that he'd purposely pick on her with malice. "Maybe hit up Victoria's Secret on the way." The nis stoic visage melted into a soft bout of laughter. Until...

... someone just burst in. Falcone. That name was one of the most infamous names in the whole city of Gotham. You didn't need to be a gangster, villain, or hero to notice him. "Well, look what else Gotham dragged in." He muttered this lightly enough for only Myla to hear. Kane was a bad man, but the Falcones were notoriously vicious. They were just gangsters. Whatever you thought of the family, they did keep Gotham relatively well-balanced. It was still a cesspool, but a manageable one. He sighed deeply at this.

lexa creed
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Lexa tried really hard to not be on her phone, but getting admonished for being shot wasn't something she wanted to hear. Rather than meet the faces of those she may have disappointed, like James or whomever else, she decided that her best option was to keep her ears open but eyes perfectly oriented with the light glow of the screen.

Alfred and Phil both gave her expectant looks, but she's not a child. She's not going to allow two men to tell her what to do. Besides - she already knew she fucked up. To make it better, Aria gave Phil the mouthful that he deserved for expecting a whole lot more than what could have been reasonably given. As Aria stormed off, Lexa gave the girl a thumb's up.

After Kane's little piece, the topic shifted to party mode. A gala. That would be great, actually. There's nothing that Lexa loved more than a healthy dose of drinking and socialization. Maybe she could even get laid before she died. A dress. A beautiful dress and a few last pictures of normalcy before she disappeared off the face of the earth would be great, too. Honestly, if they were leaving the fate of the heroes to this bunch being trained by Phil, she might as well as make a bucket list.

Theo had a brilliant idea! That made Lexa perk up from her phone, "Well, I don't know about you all, but I didn't expect to pack for a charity banquet. Anyone want to take tomorrow off and hit the mall to get some clothes? I assume it's important for us to be dressed appropriately. Not to mention the masks we'll have to wear. Not everyone has a party-appropriate mask, I believe."

"I'm always down to shop. A bit broke, but it looked like money just rolled in..." Her words seemed to have rolled off her tongue just shy of Falcone finishing up the last sentence of his grand entrance. Her head tilted from side to side and she surveyed him from her lonely chair somewhere near a wall where she'd be out of everyone's way. Kinda cute. Rich. Showy. She could dig it.

"Well, what do you say?" It was around this time that Lexa got up from her seat and decided it was time to vacate the area.

First, she stopped in front of him and smiled wide. Then she shifted around a bit until she was behind him, her cheek to his for selfie mode, "Smile for the camera, Mr. Falcone. We're going to need more than money to live through this." She gave the iPhone the peace sign with her fingers, smiled, and then snapped the picture. Without missing a beat, she looked it over to check and make sure she looked decent. "Welcome to the mess, babe." She left him there, went back to tapping away at her phone, and walked into the lift without looking up. It was automatic. The doors closed and she went... somewhere.

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william richards
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jr. fantastic

zehara el sayid
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myla murdock
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hell's angel

jameson blaze
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ghost rider

vengeance demon

Will noticed the newcomers like anyone else in the room did. Unlike the others, he wasn't phased by it. Back when he attended the academy as a younger man, students came and went regularly. While the circumstances were different, who knows where everyone was when they received the distress signal. It wasn't an easy thing to drop everything and travel around the world. But he was glad for any additional help they could get. He wanted to help all the missing heroes, but he'd be lying if he said his priorities weren't focused on finding his own parents first.

Out of the new pair, the woman was the one to stand up and introduce herself. "I am Catori Moonstar. My brother is Hakan Proudstar. We are the children of Warpath and Mirage." She then turned to face everyone and continued. "Mmm, our abilities vary."

Theo gave them a quiet, "Welcome," as Catori sat back down beside them.

Will smiled in a friendly manner and gave a nod in greeting before her brother stood up to address them all as well. "My sister and I look forward to this journey with you all." Hakan placed his palm over his chest as he spoke, no doubt in a gesture of respect. The man seemed of a good nature, which was a pleasant addition to the group. Will didn't know how many more hotheads they could handle.

Zehara was half paying attention to anything the old men were gabbing about. Her gaze flitted from one person to another, occasionally finding its way back to the tall and dark haired rapunzel that sat beside her. Why she couldn't get his name before all the pomp and circumstance, she didn't know. But either way, she had it now. She watched him as he stood and spoke to them with honor and respect.

Once he sat down, Zehara looked over at her long haired sofa companion. "I like your accent," she commented quietly so only he could hear. Her own Algerian accent wasn't as pronounced as his, but it lingered at the end of every vowel, embellishing her words.

With introductions out of the way, Phil and Alfred... Well, mostly Phil, wasted no time diving into every thing they did wrong. At one point Myla tried to speak up in defense of the others, but was quickly shot down. She wasn't the type of person who had much of a presence, but she managed to somehow become more invisible, shrinking back in on herself as Phil seemed to point several fingers in her direction. She was nearly taken the night before and was nursing an injury. What did he expect of her?

One benefit to being blind is she wasn't expected to make eye contact with Phil as he kept droning on. Myla just sat there with her head downcast as her fingers mindlessly fiddled in her lap. Zehara spoke up in their defense, but she dared not say anything more. The last thing she wanted was Phil making her feel like more of a nuisance than she already was.

"I'd do it again. For anyone," Kane spoke up.

Myla was right, he had good in him. He wouldn't have saved her or came back to the academy if he didn't. But now he said it and there was no taking it back. At least there was a small bit of solace in her being there, because she convinced him to stay too. And like he could hear her thoughts, Kane's foot gently tapped her side. A small smile tugged at the side of her mouth but she said nothing. There was a comfort to him being there, but it was also strange and foreign. She found herself seeking him out every time she entered a room and nervous when he was around. She couldn't explain why, but it made her scared... Scared at how vulnerable she felt, but also scared that whatever fragile thing it was could break as quickly as it formed.

When Phil finally seemed to stop, Aria, who had been nothing but timid and reserved, didn't seem to take kindly to how Phil handled their debriefing. No one likes being criticized, but it was nothing new to Will. Every training exercise was followed by a lengthy evaluation of their strengths, but especially their weaknesses. It was how they learned what they did wrong, and worked to better themselves and their team. Maybe he was immune to it, or he took it as a much needed learning exercise, he was the type of man who looked to every situation as a learning opportunity. While others might have agreed with Aria's outburst, Will found himself watching in silence thinking she was acting like a scolded child rather than an adult. There was only so much he could sit through before he felt the secondhand embarrassment and shifted awkwardly in his seat.

Once Aria stomped off, mocking Phil on her way out, the room fell into an uncomfortable silence. Will pinched the bridge of his nose, before sighing and pushing off his knees. He stood and faced the others with a poor attempt at a smile. "No one likes being criticized. Having all your faults and flaws laid out in front of you sucks. I can't get on a computer or watch TV without someone chastising me for... everything." He shrugged his shoulders with a sigh. "I wish we had the time to do this the right way, but we don't. Every day that we fight amongst ourselves or falter is another day someone else goes missing. Just last night they tried to take Myla," he motioned his hand toward her.

Myla shifted uncomfortably where she sat, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around her shins. While she could tell he was using it as an example of how dire the situation was, that didn't mean she wanted to be singled out... Again. She was nearly taken, shot in the exercise and wasted everyone's time. Yes, she got it. She was ready to move on from that topic, but instead with every example she felt like it was made more and more clear that she didn't belong there. She had no powers and was blind, what did she have to offer?

"We have to be better and stronger than our parents and successors... Or we'll be next. Myla survived because she had help. Everyone who was taken, was captured when they were alone. There is strength in numbers... There is strength in us." He motioned to everyone in the room. "No, we weren't going to succeed our first time working together but that failure is just as important as a success. We need to know why we failed to be stronger. We've been compared to Gods for years, so being told we need to do better is hard. But we can do better... We have to."

"I'm willing to fight for them... For us. But it won't be easy. This will be the hardest thing any of us has ever done. But I will fight, suffer, fail and even die if that's what's needed of me for us to persevere."
Will nodded his head slightly, looking down at the ground for a moment as he searched for what else to say. "Phil's bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired, it always has. I guess I've just gotten used to it at this point." He gave Phil a sad smile with a shrug. The man gave them the hard truth, he could take hearing some in turn as well.

"We can't look to them to lead us. They don't know what it's like being us... They don't have abilities or the weight of the world's expectations on their shoulders. Their job was training young heroes in a trial by fire. It was fail until you don't fail. We don't have Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne here to show us the way... We have to look to each other to learn and grow. The only person who can lead us is one of us." With nothing else to add, he returned to his seat with a soft sigh. Will had no idea if his words would make things better or worse, but the way Aria reacted wasn't the right way to go about any of this.

Zehara leaned forward in her seat, resting her elbows on her knees. "Then why don't you do it?" she offered.

"Do what?" Will sat up slightly.

"Lead us." She nodded her head while motioning toward the group. While Zehara had a tendency to be sardonic, there was nothing but seriousness in her words.

Will laughed awkwardly as she shook his hands, trying to wave the idea away. "I wasn't offering myself as a candidate."

"But you're right. No one is going to listen to two old men who don't know a thing about what we do," James added.

"Most of us have worked alone our entire lives. We don't know the first thing about working together. But you do." Zehara pointed at Will. "You have experience working in a team. You're the most qualified to lead us, unless someone else has a different suggestion?" She looked toward the rest of the room to see if anyone else had another name to throw into the ring.

Neither Phil nor Alfred addressed the outburst or spoke up during Will's speech. They simply stood there silent, waiting until they could proceed. Whether or not Phil was offended by what was said wasn't apparent. His face showed nothing. But Will was right, their job was never to lead anyone, it was to give them the tools to grow and counsel, if they desired it. Neither of them had the experience or knowledge to lead a group as powerful or important as they needed. All they had to offer was their observations and access to whatever resources they had.

It was surprising that the I.H.A. waited this long to try to gather whomever remained. It made sense, but it was risky. Will didn't like the idea of all of them being under the same roof for one night. It was a recipe for disaster, but unfortunately Alfred was also right... They couldn't afford not to go. There could be important allies there that could make all the difference.

"Well, I don't know about you all, but I didn't expect to pack for a charity banquet," Theo spoked up. "Anyone want to take tomorrow off and hit the mall to get some clothes? I assume it's important for us to be dressed appropriately. Not to mention the masks we'll have to wear. Not everyone has a party-appropriate mask, I believe."

Will knew that every day was important to train, but even he agreed with Theo. If this banquet was as important as Alfred made it out to be, they'd have to look the part. If they don't blend in with the crowd of high-rolling donors, then they're as good as sitting ducks. "He's got a point, as does Myla. If we don't blend in then we're just putting targets on our backs. I'm too much of a public figure to go unnoticed, but that doesn't mean you guys should too."

James sighed as he tapped his finger on the armrest. He was the farthest thing from a 'banquet appropriate' person. He owned exactly two outfits and enough money to get him a McDouble if he was feeling frisky. "With what money? I don't know about you all, but last time I checked I had twenty bucks to my name."

Kane's foot nudged Myla's side once again, this time as if to get her attention. "Want to watch me try on an outfit?" Even though she was blind, she still rolled her eyes and shook her head at the terrible joke. "Maybe hit up Victoria's Secret on the way."

Was that a joke poking fun at her underwear again or was he hinting at wanting to see her in it? Before Myla could even start overthinking his comment, the sound of a car door shutting grabbed her attention like a pin dropping in a silent room. She quickly got to her feet and pointed toward the door. "Someone's coming!" Not a moment later, an expensive sounding man with strong cologne walked into the building, followed by two men that had to be bodyguards.

"Well, look what else Gotham dragged in," Kane said, only loud enough for Myla to hear. If she wasn't already on edge by the sudden arrival, the sound of Kane's voice only made her more apprehensive.

"Well, seems you've got quite the party going on here. Sorry I'm late, but I heard about it through my network, and I had to come see for myself."

Before the stranger could get more than a step inside, Will's hand stretched out across the room, pressing against Raoul's chest to stop him for going any further. Then he rose from his seat and closed the distance until he stood before the man. Even without his powers Will had a formidable presence. The two men stood at nearly the same height, but even then he was nearly twice the visitor's size. Will wasn't the type of man to threaten someone, but given the circumstances and timing he wasn't going to take any chances. So there he stood, putting himself between Raoul, and the others.

The energy in the room seemed to shift uneasily with the sudden arrival. Myla could sense the man's smile and at ease nature, which only seemed to make her tense more with how much his presence seemed to disturb Theo and Kane. She took a step forward, motioning toward the man as she spoke to Will. "They're armed. I can hear at least two guns and three knives on him."

James adjusted in his seat as he felt the demon stir. He hadn't managed to put his shirt back on, yet sweat began to glisten across his skin as his inner monster grew restless and hungry when the stranger arrived. The evil and darkness in the man called to the vengeance demon. It felt like he was clawing at his insides, fighting to be free.

"You might want to hear me out."

Perhaps Zehara was reckless, but three idiots with guns didn't scare her like it did the others. She trusted that Will could handle them before they got a chance to take a shot and if not him, then the Cheetah would be happy to have a little snack. She put her palms together and tapped her index fingers against her lips. "I'm curious what he has to say."

Before James could do anything to stop him, the demon took over, engulfing his body in flames. The skull grinned deviously as it let out a menacing laugh. "Oh, yes. Do let him speak." His voice was deep and guttural, with enough malice it could make the toughest man tremble. Ghost Rider smiled with anticipation as he waited to hear what Falcone had to say.

"Some of you may know me already, but allow me to introduce myself. My name is Raoul Falcone, and these gentlemen with me are McCann and Fisher. I'm aware that you're gathered to investigate the recent, uh... disappearances. Now, normally this kind of event would warrant some celebration on my part, if you know what I do for a living. But the truth is, they have me concerned, because people don't just vanish like that. Especially not heroes. Either they die with a bang and a flash, shaky phone recordings of the event plastered across the Times Square for a week, or they retire and pass the job on to people like you guys. But disappearing quietly? That never happens. And who's to say whoever did it won't be coming after men like me? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

"What I have to offer is weapons, and men. I've got ears in more cities than just Gotham, and I'm at the head of a very extensive information network, which actually led me to you, if you're curious about how I knew to come here. In return, you'll allow me a place in your squad, and I'll tag along for the ride, because I want to know what the hell is going on. And at the end of it... who knows? We might be friends. In fact, to show I mean business, I'm putting myself at your mercy."
With a wave of Raoul's hand, the bodyguards walked back outside and waited in the cars.

"I'm always down to shop. A bit broke, but it looked like money just rolled in..." Lexa piped up, filling the silence before anyone else got the chance to speak.

"Well, what do you say?"

Lexa was up on her feet and made her way over to Raoul. "Smile for the camera, Mr. Falcone. We're going to need more than money to live through this." She took her selfie and was off like the whirlwind she was. "Welcome to the mess, babe." And gone.

"Not so fast," Will said as he moved to stand directly in front of Raoul so that the man couldn't further enter the academy without his ok. "How can we trust you?"

"You can't," Ghost Rider said as he stood up and made his way towards the men. "The smell of evil on him is stronger than his cologne." He slowly paced around Falcone, inhaling slowly like someone savoring a juicy steak before digging in, followed by a satisfied ahh. "Let me smite him," he said so close to the man's ear that flames threatened to singe his skin.

"Do we have the luxury to turn away help?" After all, it was Will who just spoke about them needing to be better than those before them. A criminal network could be a resource that could make the difference, or at least a way to check out potential suspects. "I mean... How many of us can really say we're heroes? I'm sure as hell not one," Zehara added in a matter-of-fact tone. She never pretended to be something she wasn't. Sure, she was there to help, but a hero was the farthest thing from who she was.

Myla crossed her arms over her chest taking a slight step forward. "I don't like it. He sounds like Wilson Fisk, and that's dangerous," she said, speaking her mind plainly. "But..." She sighed not wanting to admit it. "He's telling the truth." Not once did his heart rate change nor did he sweat nervously. From what she could tell he was being honest, for what that was worth.

Will's brows furrowed as he stood their for a moment in silence, weighing all his options. "You can stay." He held up his index finger to stop Raoul before he spoke. "But no bodyguards and no weapons."

Ghost Rider growled in annoyance. "Party pooper."

"And if you double cross us, I'll let him take care of you." Will pointed toward Ghost Rider with a smile.

The flaming skull chuckled insidiously. "I'm patient," his voice rumbled. The flames disappeared, fading as quickly as they appeared, leaving James behind, his chest heaving and covered in sweat.

Whether or not Will had the right to do so, he turned to those who remained and dismissed them. "Take the rest of the evening off. Tomorrow we'll address the clothing situation... Curtesy of our new friend," he said with a smile and a playful pack to Raoul's back.

Myla inhaled sharply before pivoting on her heels, turning to face Kane. She tapped her index finger on her crossed arm. "Should we be worried?" she asked in regards to Falcone. Her knowledge of Gotham was little to none, but she was very well versed when it came to the criminal types, especially Wilson Fisk. There was no way in hell she'd ever side with him, yet she just vouched for another man that sounded like a carbon copy.

Zehara leaned back in her seat, crossing her right leg over her left. "So," she began before looking over at Hakan. "Did you bring your wellies? Because we're about knee deep in shit," she jested with a weak laugh.

James was never the type to linger around after the demon took over. He grabbed his jacket and headed toward the elevator. Originally he planned to just go to his penthouse and sulk, but his mind wondered to Aria. He wasn't the best when it came to consoling people but maybe she needed a friend. He could try at least. "J.A.R.V.I.S., where is Aria?"

"She is in the greenhouse, sir. Would you like me to redirect you there?"

"Yes please."

Once the elevator stopped, it wasn't hard for him to find his way to the greenhouse. The sound of thunder echoed the second the doors open. James followed the noise until he found Aria in the glass room with rain cascading all around her. He decided to at least put his leather jacket on, before opening the door and stepping inside. "Knock, knock," he said as a gentle announcement that he was there, in case she didn't see him.

James was in the greenhouse for a whole two seconds before he was entirely soaked. His black hair hug in his face and clung to his cheeks, but he didn't mind. At least this time he was wet by his own choice. "You missed a lot in there." He pulled over a large overturned pot and used it as a chair. After taking a seat, he rested his forearms on his knees. "Will gave a little pep talk... It wasn't half bad," he added with a soft laugh. "He was voted our leader... I think? Jury's still out. Zehara and I both thought he was better than those two old fuddy-duddies."

He sighed, brows furrowing as he tried to recall what else. "Oh yeah there's this... Banquet thing. So we get to go on a field trip tomorrow and shop for fancy clothes." James faked excitement at the thought. To be honest, the last thing he wanted was to be forced into a penguin suit but he supposed there were worse things. "Also a rich criminal dude named Falcone showed up offering his aid."

Finished, James ran his hand back through his wet hair, brushing it out of his face. He looked up at Aria with a slight smile. "You ok?"
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aria munroe
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While everyone else went through whatever was still happening in the lounge, Aria attempted to console her irritation in the greenhouse. It was located at the very tippy-top of the building. Kane could still go out onto the roof without going into it, of course. It was part of the rooftop. Naturally, the most sunlight would be had up there.

It was fairly large since Stark Industries did have the technology and money to spend on such things. It didn't just provide beautiful plants, a small winding path, and an overall quiet and peaceful ambiance that only the sounds of nature could provide, but it also grew some foods. It wasn't an orchard, but there were various fruit trees, and some dark purple grapes plumply gathered on vines. There was a small pond with large exotic fish, some makeshift stone aesthetics, and small trees. Everything was in bloom in a way that only Tony Stark could create year-round.
Aria sat on a bench swing, unbothered by the fact that she was so upset she didn't bother to keep the rain off of herself. It wasn't pouring. It was more like… a gentle spring rain or something to that effect! She swung back and forth, her hair and eyes white with the use of her power. Drenched from head to toe. Stare blank. Face blank.

She had been like this for a bit. She didn't even move to wipe away the raindrop that had fallen onto her lashes and threatened to roll into her eye.

"Knock, knock," echoed in her mind like a daydream. It wasn't a believable voice at first. Why would James come here? They didn't know each other, and she's pretty sure her mini-tantrum just made her age show. Then, a minute later, for some reason - it just hit her. He was here.

Aria blinked a couple of times and finally wiped away the wetness from her eyes. Not from crying - it was truly just the rain. The weather stopped, but not before it drenched the man that stood there.

At least he had a jacket on?

"You missed a lot in there." he informed her, to which she replied with a light smile, "Did I?" Rhetorical question.

"Will gave a little pep talk... It wasn't half bad. He was voted our leader... I think? Jury's still out. Zehara and I both thought he was better than those two old fuddy-duddies."

She tilted her head slightly to the right and placed her attention on James. That light smile still touched her lips, even if it didn't exactly reach her eyes. "He's probably best suited for it. I don't really know him," she supposed with a shrug. "It doesn't matter."

She looked away from him as he continued to give her the highlight reel of the conversation that happened after she left, "Oh yeah there's this... Banquet thing. So we get to go on a field trip tomorrow and shop for fancy clothes."

Aria had long since stopped swinging, and now she gripped her right bicep with her left hand in that way that displayed anxious uncertainty. A banquet? It sounded… too mature. Too busy. "Ah, I see. I do need a trip to the mall, but I need to leave really early." There was a burst of soft laughter, but it was more or less nervous and tentative, "I need to find a place to get my hair done. It can take… a few hours." With that, she pointed to her messy bun with braids that were unraveling to the point of no longer being braids anymore.

Just as she started wondering about money for a nice dress worthy of a place like this, James had moved on to another topic. "Also a rich criminal dude named Falcone showed up offering his aid."

She looked at him with a series of slow blinks, "Criminal. Aid… in the same sentence." They probably both exchanged equally perplexed stares at that thought.

"You ok?"

Aria laughed again and rubbed the back of her neck, "Aside from being completely embarrassed, no. To be honest, I'm not." She wasn't going to start crying in front of James, but she also wasn't handling her parents' disappearances very well. She had Storm, Black Panther, and Forge to think about. The entire nation of Wakanda, that she grew up in for a little bit. Close friends of her mother like Wolverine. Many younger heroes, like her, that she grew up with at Xavier's. Everyone else was really used to being alone, but she hadn't been that way.

Sure, her father practically barricaded them for two years, but she still remembered everyone like she had never left them. There was a lot of silence between James and herself for a few moments, and she looked into the pond and watched the fish swim around without a care in the world.

Then she looked up at him, gripping the bottom of her sweater dress thing as it gathered around her upper thighs. She felt like she could trust James, for whatever reason. "When I was in the Xavier Institute, a lot of my friends lost their powers. It was… a scary time for all of us. I went to my father's, and when I came out of it, I found out that everyone I cared for was gone." She sighed, "I haven't even had time to process it. I miss everyone. I thought I was handling it well, but I guess I'm not."

She flicked a hand through the air and smiled again, "It's silly. I should just… move on like everyone else." There was an attempt to quickly move past that statement and onto a topic that made her feel less like a child, "I think the mall around here opens at 9 am. I will go then."


kane nyguyen
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Kane wasn't going to make a big deal out of Falcone. If anything, Kane was not any better than the man that just waltzed in here flashing around his riches. Falcone was... a necessary evil in Gotham. Whether the people liked it or not, the lack of the Falcone family's presence can drive up crime. On that same note, as more heroes disappear, more pressure is being exerted on the Falcone crime syndicate. That's why he was here - the burden of keeping Gotham stable was too much. Gotham is a strange city. It's absolutely vile and dangerous, but it has a balance that can only be achieved through healthy gang activity and a decent hero presence.

Kane was many things, but not a hypocrite. He wasn't going to call Falcone a bad guy when, technically, Kane was a serial killer. Just a paid one. He's not sure which one was worse - him or Falcone. "I don't like it. He sounds like Wilson Fisk, and that's dangerous," Myla stated, and that made Kane wince a bit. Had he been in her side of town, maybe he'd have been one of the many under Fisk's employ. He didn't say anything about it, though. He let James and William take care of threatening the man properly, but a guy like Falcone got threats all of the time. It probably didn't bother him in the slightest.

It wasn't that he disagreed with the others. It was that he wasn't any better, so he couldn't. He just stood up and let the situation unfold, making sure that if anything, he could react if necessary. Not that there wasn't a fucking demon waiting to rip Falcone's head off. Shortly after the confrontation, William dismissed them and Myla turned back to face him,
"Should we be worried?"

He brushed a bit of hair from her face that must have fallen as she huffed and puffed her chest at Falcone in a cute concerning way, "The Falcone family is... Gotham. Without them, the villains run rampant. I don't consider them... evil, but maybe a powerful presence that can be violent when necessary." He couldn't find any other words for it without alarming her. The Falcone family was a gang. That was it. In his eyes, anyway.

Kane had not given his two cents about William as the leader. No one has contested it, and he certainly looked like the man for the job. Very heroic-looking. Unlike... well... most of them. That meant that there was nothing else to say, only an opportunity to go do other things. Was it dinner time? Maybe they'd need an early bedtime for all that they have endured. He certainly still felt sore, but not from the training - from being bodyslammed brutally back at Myla's apartment.

He stepped beside Myla and gently guided her with his arm at the small of her back. Especially as they slipped past Falcone. Once they were in the confines of the lift, he stepped away from her and pressed the number to her room. He then crossed his arms and rested his back against the wall. "I don't think I can sleep until I pick up that trail of clothes that leads from your living room to your bedroom. It's not safe," he remarked casually.

He cleared his throat. Was he being too... clingy? Was this weird? It was weird. It would be super creepy coming from any man. Why did he say that? "You should go with your friend. Penny, was it? You know, to pick out a dress and do all that woman stuff. Whatever you guys do."

He can't just go into her place at this time. They can't be alone... again. It was making him question things. "I might turn in early, actually. I'm still sore."

When the lift pinged to her loft and the doors opened, he'd allow her to go through without him. If she chose to, anyway. Just as she might step out, he stepped forward, "Unless you need help. You know... with the mess. I can... do the... thing." He's so smooth. Like the jagged edge of a dull blade, smooth.

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hakan proudstar
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"I like your accent," the woman next to him complimented.

He was perfectly aware that Zehara had also hit on him once already. He's not immune to feminine wiles. It was a bit… intimidating that she was so forward, but he supposed that he should get used to it. Though he did question her attraction. Was it really the long hair she claimed that could be held onto? He had found that not a lot of people appreciated the length when he dared to venture out of the reservation. It had always made him feel uneasy around other people. He was proud of it, but also very aware that modern society's "masculine" men did not have long hair. Something like that. Then again, there were a lot of things about him that are not often considered "masculine" in society.

Maybe she wasn't hitting on him? There go his thoughts. Why would she? That'd be weird. Women like her would rather be attracted to men like William, or that strange dude all the way in the back. The guy sitting next to Catori. Those types of guys, probably. Right? Right.

Hakan, much like his sister, had sat through the whole thing without much of an opinion. Neither of them had anything to do with the situation. So, when William announced that he could lead the team, he had no reason to say nay. He may be one of the very few people here that didn't really know the guy, as many on his reservation tended to mind their own, but he looked like someone that could lead a team of heroes. Very… heroic-looking. He fits the aesthetic and everything if that counted for anything at all.

There was another declaration to be made, and that was of a banquet. A fancy one, at that. He looked down at his clothes, and overall, himself. Would he even look good in a suit? As his thoughts wandered, he imagined that he actually would. He'd look great in a suit, but he'd need a woman's expert touch. Not his sister's, though. He swears that she enjoys picking on him.

Now, when Falcone made his flashy display, Hakan wasn't sure what the big fuss was about. Being part of a reservation, at least for him, meant that he preferred to keep out of all the big cities. Too much humdrum. He wouldn't know Gotham from Los Angeles, and it didn't really matter to him at all. Everyone seemed to be up in arms over the man. Of course, not Zehara. She didn't look like a woman that would complain about much. He wasn't surprised by her curiosity given her obviously outgoing nature.

"So, did you bring your wellies? Because we're about knee-deep in shit," Zehara expressed as she turned to face him.

He sighed heavily. The man was uneducated in the sense that he dropped out of a formal school at an extremely early age. Slang, however, was part of his vocabulary. "My ancestors wouldn't lead me into an impossible situation," he responded, aware of how that might sound to someone technically classified as an "outsider". Catori told him not to use that term anymore. "The spirits are never wrong. If they say this is the best way to find those that have been lost, then I must trust the process. So should you." He attempted some slight reassurance, but he also firmly believed in his convictions.

He pulled himself up, turned, and looked down at her, "Which of these elders do I see for a key to my room?" He wasn't exactly quiet as he inquired about his living situation, and he also gestured over his shoulder at Phil and Alfred just to make a point as to who he was speaking of. Not that there could have been anyone else. "Is that man paying for our suits?" He then pointed to Falcone since Lexa stated that the money had rolled in earlier. Hakan did not have that kind of money.


catori moonstar
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spirit arrow

"Welcome" Theo acknowledged her. It was then that she realized she might have completely invaded the space of both men, so she scooched just a bit. Afterward, she gave Theo a pleasant smile but said nothing otherwise because Phil quickly delved into the lecture about some training exercise that apparently didn't go well.

Catori didn't give any input, nor did she agree or disagree with how Aria handled the situation. It seemed rather offputting to her, but she also didn't know the girl. She looked young, and maybe she was. What made her skin crawl, however, was the sheer anger and fear that rolled off of Aria as her words came out of her mouth. It was uncontrolled. There was a lot of grief there, but it was heavily masked by bitter rage. Maybe she was young after all.

The empath scratched the front of her chest as she took in a great deal of Aria's emotion. It had taken her a very long time to not manifest the emotions of others as her own. To realize that they were their own separate entities, and to not get them muddled with how she, herself, felt at the moment. She had to close her eyes for a moment and breathe in deeply. It had to be visualized. In her mind and body, she had to separate the storm of emotions from herself and almost push them out as if they had their own physical body. It was more or less like mindfulness, only this was part of her power and went much deeper than whatever new age stuff people claimed to practice in the morning. It was far beyond meditation.

When Aria left, so did the emotional wave. It left behind only the faint uncertainty and annoyance of others, whether they were irritated with Aria or just the situation - she could not know. She was not a mindreader.

After a few moments, Will stood up and face them. He delivered his own speech, but it was with maturity and grace. So, when Zehara declared that he should lead them, Catori could not disagree. It seemed that he had the skill for it. There was no reason why she should say nay.

"Well, I don't know about you all, but I didn't expect to pack for a charity banquet. Anyone want to take tomorrow off and hit the mall to get some clothes? I assume it's important for us to be dressed appropriately. Not to mention the masks we'll have to wear. Not everyone has a party-appropriate mask, I believe." Theo brought up, and he had a very valid point. As Will pointed out.

"With what money? I don't know about you all, but last time I checked I had twenty bucks to my name." Another fair point. Catori and Hakan did not have money. She was very much in debt, had just passed the bar for her license to practice law, and also had spent most of her time during school working several jobs while being trained by her father. She may have a thousand bucks to her name, but a good chunk of that would come out to pay for her bike and school loans. She was… tens of thousands of dollars in debt due to school. Probably much closer to a hundred thousand.

She cleared her throat, "Myself and Hakan are also unlikely to afford clothes for a ban event of... status." They spent a lot of money coming here, and in the last year or so, looking for their parents.

Then Falcone's grand entrance seemed to have given Lexa the bright idea to use his money. If he wasn't going to already, her exclamation might pressure him. At the same time, unlike her brother, Catori was very aware of celebrities like William and the enterprise of Stark Industries. She's a city girl. It was likely that they'd be compensated in some way to make up for the fact that not everyone here was someone of "importance" by capitalist standards.

Regardless, they'd make do with whatever. After the commotion with the newcomer, Catori approached Alfred after being gestured. He had made a similar gesture toward Hakan, but her hulk of a brother was turned around chatting up a resident hotty. Who could blame him? She likes men and she'd also drop everything to look at Zehara for a little bit. When she made it to Alfred, he gave her the keys for both herself and Hakan. She thanked him and turned away.

Her first stop was to her brother and Zehara, and like a proper wing-sister, "Which room is closest to yours? I think my brother might prefer that one." She asked this of Zehara, dangling both keys in front of her. She'd allow her to pluck the proper key from Catori's palm, leaving her brother completely dumbfounded.

"I don't..." He tried to grab one of the keys at random, but Catori was being an annoying sister and pulled them away just in time. His face was turning red. Why was she like this? He tried to play off his embarrassment and tucked his hands into his pant pockets. Tried to. They were unreasonably too tight for his large hands. When he failed at that, he just let them dangle at his sides. "As long as it's not by yours. You are loud."

Once the proper key was seized, she turned to head toward the lift. She chose not to press the close button in case anyone else was in a rush to climb in. "What is there to do here?" she thought out loud, her arms crossing softly at the chest.


theo grayson
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raoul falcone
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The general response to Theo's suggestion was mixed; some were down, some were more concerned about finances. He raised his eyebrows at Phil. "Don't suppose there's a fund for this sort of thing, is there? I mean, unless you have spare costumes stored for everyone, but I'd be surprised if you had everyone's size." Seeing the variations in body types from himself to Jameson.

"Someone's coming!" Myla's exclamation pulled Theo's attention away from whatever unamused reply Phil had, towards the door. A trio of men stepped through, and backlit by the natural light coming from outside, Theo couldn't quite make out who it was, only barely able to note the cut of their suits. But then the one in the middle spoke, and there was no mistaking that voice. "Falcone," Theo growled, taking a step forward. Act first, ask questions later was usually the best tactic to take where anyone affiliated with the Falcones was involved, but they were a long way off from home, and he wanted to know what the young prince of Gotham's biggest crime family was doing here. So when Falcone held a hand up, Theo stopped, though the tension between them remained thick enough to slice a knife through.

Anyway, Theo wasn't the only one responding. An arm reached through the air, exerting pressure against Raoul's chest, and then the rest of the arm's body followed to stand before him. Raoul's smile didn't falter. All sorts of types here, it seemed. Besides, with tall, dark, and sturdy clearly deigning to step in front of the group, he now knew who the leader was. The rest of the group's dynamic would reveal itself soon. And as the feral-looking lady and fire skeleton piped up, Raoul made a little note in his head. Not team players. Quite a few of them, by the looks of it. Very interesting.

Falcone's little speech inspired no confidence in Theo. Something was off, he was certain. Nobody like him would ever act out of the kindness and curiosity he was purporting to show right now. And really... the two of them had too much history for Theo to overlook. While the others questioned Raoul, he hung back, watching his stupid smug face, trying to find the catch in his plan. "I'm always down to shop. A bit broke, but it looked like money just rolled in... Lexa commented, and Theo could barely control his frown as he looked over at her. "Oh, trust me... where this guy's money goes, trouble follows." Not that she cared, obviously, already making a beeline for Raoul with her phone outstretched. He grinned gamely into the camera, barely able to offer more than a "See you around, doll," before she was off.

"How can we trust you?" God[, this guy was super stretchy, super built, and super predictable, Raoul thought to himself. He tilted his head back, meeting the demon's eye as he circled slowly like a waiting vulture. "Hmm. Generally speaking, I'd say it's a dumb decision to trust a Falcone. Grayson there will back me up on that, though it's the only thing he and I agree on." He met Theo's eye and winked, and the flush that worked its way up his face was almost strong enough to make him start smouldering like the demon. "But... you do not have much to lose. And everything to gain. I'm the whole package deal, baby."

He let them deliberate for a while, but he knew he had it in the bag. He could sense the losses they'd suffered. They wouldn't let an opportunity like this walk away before it could prove itself, a fact which was established once the leader met Raoul's eyes. "You can stay. But no bodyguards and no weapons. And if you double cross us, I'll let him take care of you."

"I'll send the men away. But you and I both know I won't let myself be caught without a fighting chance, and I'll always have a way to get my hands on any weapons I desire." Raoul didn't bother trying to make a show of freeing himself of his weapons. It was just a show, anyway. He was outnumbered, and wasn't about to do anything stupid. He just wanted them to know that he wasn't going to bend every single time they asked him to. If they had a problem with that, they could sic the demon on him, but Raoul just watched as its appearance fell away, its host's body returning to him.

Raoul lingered a little longer as the others filed out. True to form, Theo didn't go just yet, finally approaching Raoul, still glaring, though he didn't have anything to say that Raoul hadn't already heard. "If I even suspect you're up to anything..."

"Yes, yes, the fire demon, or the cat women, or your little lightshow, I know. I've just heard it." Raoul jerked his head in the direction of William's departing back. "No hidden motives, Grayson. I know it goes against your programming, but trust me. Besides, if I'm here, that means I couldn't possibly be causing trouble back in Gotham. Easier for you to keep an eye on me, hmm? Might as well try to get along." He reached a conciliatory hand out towards Theo, but the other, naturally, refused to take it. "Not a chance," he huffed, leaving before Falcone's smile could get any greasier.

Theo stalked into the lift, barely noticing the other person in it until she spoke out loud. "What is there to do here?" It took another second for her voice to cut through the haze of anger to Theo's thoughts. Of course, she had just gotten here. "Uh, what isn't there to do? We have a swimming pool, library, gym, training simulation..." The memory of that last one still stung, and Theo trailed off, reaching over to press the button for his floor. "You should ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to give you the grand tour," he suggested. "I would offer, but I don't think I'm great company at the moment." He paused. He was being unwelcoming, he realised. Falcone was getting to him. "I was going to make myself some food, actually. If you like French pressed coffee and bacon I'd be happy to put another serving in the pan."
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william richards
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jr. fantastic

"I'll send the men away. But you and I both know I won't let myself be caught without a fighting chance, and I'll always have a way to get my hands on any weapons I desire."

Will squinted his eyes, but didn't step down. He was prepared to argue the matter further, but another voice spoke up before he had the chance. "Oh, let him go, Will," Zehara chimed in with a nonchalant wave of her hand. "Half of us could break him in half before he could even draw the damn thing." He didn't like it, not one bit. But Raoul made a good point, they could use him... For his wallet if nothing else. And while Zehara was right, for the most part, there were still others in the tower that could very easily die from a gunshot, even if she couldn't. He didn't like firearms in the hands of an unreliable person, but what choice did he have?

"If I even suspect you're up to anything..." Theo started.

"Yes, yes, the fire demon, or the cat women, or your little lightshow, I know. I've just heard it. No hidden motives, Grayson. I know it goes against your programming, but trust me. Besides, if I'm here, that means I couldn't possibly be causing trouble back in Gotham. Easier for you to keep an eye on me, hmm? Might as well try to get along."

"Not a chance."

Will nodded his head in agreement with Theo. "Unless you have any useful information to share, I'm getting back to work." Before anymore unsavory characters could waltz their way in, he pivoted on his heels and headed off into the tower. He knew the Academy always had an open door policy to let anyone in, no matter their history, but it was hard not to be bothered by Falcone when he saw how the man's presence changed the entire room. Any help was needed, but the last thing any of them needed was a mole within the academy.

Rather than heading off into the elevators like the others, Will opted for the stairs. He made his way down a couple of floors until he found the labs. He regretted not grabbing coffee before heading down, but it didn't matter. Even though he was tired, Will hadn't been able to get more than a hour or two of sleep for months. He doubted he'd ever get much sleep unless there was some kind of resolution, be it they come out on top, or more likely, he disappears like everyone else. But until that moment, he wouldn't stop trying.

He opened the door to a large lab filled with enough monitors and machines that it could put NASA's command center to shame. Will pulled up a chair and sat before the massive control station. After getting settled, he stretched out his arms turning on the monitors and flipping switches all around the room to boot up the massive super computer. Once everything was on, he scooted his chair forward and cracked his knuckles. "Alright, what's new?"

Will's fingers began effortlessly typing a mechanical symphony along the keyboard and switches as he got to work scouring every network he could for any new information.

zehara el sayid
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Suffice it to say, Zehara wasn't nearly as concerned about this Falcone as some of the others were. He was a criminal, that much was obvious. But heroes and governments alike have been searching for the missing heroes and came up empty handed. Perhaps it was time that they got their hands a bit dirty. Sometimes rules have to be broken in order to win. People like Will tend to see things in black and white, right and wrong, good and evil. But in her experience things were far more grey than anyone liked to admit. She wasn't going to break her back to defend Raoul, but considering her track record was pretty muddy, who was she to judge? If Josiah was allowed to stay, even though he left, then why couldn't the mafia man?

Zehara wasn't bothered by it. Plus, it seemed more than enough of the others were willing to jump down his throat if he put one toe out of order. A bit much. But she supposed it made them feel safer getting their threats out of the way. She didn't feel threatened by Falcone, nor was she the type to make threats when they felt unnecessary. She was certain him and anyone else in that tower knew what awaited them if they double crossed her. That was enough.

Everyone finally seemed to be going their own ways after the spirit-downing debriefing. Zehara, of course, made her own playful little comment to Hakan who seemed to be a bit lacking in the sarcasm department. He sighed. "My ancestors wouldn't lead me into an impossible situation. The spirits are never wrong. If they say this is the best way to find those that have been lost, then I must trust the process. So should you."

She scoffed, not that she was insulting his beliefs. Zehara was never the type to judge or insult someone's religion. More so that she was laughing at the comparison to her own. "Lucky that your ancestors are there to guide you." She gave him a genuine smile before moving to her feet. "Mine want me dead," she added in a matter-of-fact way.

"Which of these elders do I see for a key to my room?" Hakan asked.

Zehara shook her head while chuckling. That poor boy was like a fish out of water. He was simple compared to a majority men she came across, but perhaps simplicity helped make him lest pretentious and arrogant. She noticed Alfred motioned towards the newcomers, so she nodded her head in his direction as a silent answer to Hakan's question.

"Is that man paying for our suits?" Hakan asked in regards to Falcone.

She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest casually. "With the bank of Stark and Wayne missing, I don't imagine there's much cash flow in this place. It's safe to assume he'll be funding us for the time being." Zehara gave Falcone a once over with an inquisitive expression. He wasn't a bad looking man, a bit scrawny but he had a charming smile. His suit cost more than anything she owned, no doubt about that. Raoul wasn't the standard type of man that caught her attention. She gravitated more towards talk, dark and brooding men like the flaming skull head or Rapunzel Proudstar. But that didn't mean sex was out of the question either.

"But don't get a suit like him, unless you want to look like you were born with a silver spoon up your ass." Zehara looked over at Raoul with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Daddy Warbucks. It suits you, but Hakan..." Her attention turned back to present company. "You should remain who you are, even in fancy clothes. If you have any of that stunning Native American beading you should wear it with your suit. Your heritage is cool. You should flaunt it." She gave him one last smile with a light pat to his bicep before she started heading toward the elevators.

Zehara had only made it a few steps away before Hakan's sister approached. "Which room is closest to yours?" She stopped and spun around to face the siblings with a curious, yet mischievous smirk. Catori held out both keys before her. "I think my brother might prefer that one."

"I don't..." Hakan tried to take one of the keys but, no doubt, his sister knew that was coming. Zehara just watched with an amused grin. She couldn't help but chuckle when he nervously tried finding some place for his hands. "As long as it's not by yours. You are loud."

When the sibling bickering seemed to seize, Zehara took a step forward. She studied the two keys before grabbing the one numbered 68. "Well," she mused as she side stepped towards Hakan and held out the key to him. "I'm on floor 70... I have an open door policy," she added with a playful wink. Of course, a man as simple as him probably needed to be hit with a brick to pick up on any hints, but that didn't make it any less fun. Her gaze drifted over to Catori where she also quirked a brow ever so slightly like a subtle hint that the offer wasn't just for Hakan. She then proceeded towards the elevators and slid into the first open set of doors.

Shortly after entering, she was joined by two others. "What is there to do here?" Catori asked.

"Uh, what isn't there to do? We have a swimming pool, library, gym, training simulation..." Theo's voice trailed off.

"No. No, training," Zehara chimed in, shaking her head with a weak laugh. After the scolding they needed to be relaxing, not training, newbies included.

"You should ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to give you the grand tour. I would offer, but I don't think I'm great company at the moment." Theo paused for a moment. "I was going to make myself some food, actually. If you like French pressed coffee and bacon I'd be happy to put another serving in the pan."

It was generous for Theo to try to be so welcoming even when he wasn't up to it. It was a fair assumption that most of the others were ready to go sulk in their rooms and avoid everything until the morning. Zehara wasn't as ruffled by the old men as the others, so rather than letting Theo feel like he was obligated, she decided to offer an alternative. "How about you grab your fancy coffee, I'll snag some booze from the bar and we'll order some Chinese?" She waited a moment or two for any arguments. When there were no objections, she slipped back out of the elevator. "Floor 70. Pajamas mandatory," she commanded them before the doors closed.

Zehara then walked over to Hakan. Without asking permission, she took his hand and pulled him behind her like a dog. "Come on, Muscles. I need to borrow those arms."

Whether or not Hakan was willing to come along or not didn't matter. If he really wanted to dig his heels in the ground about it, she would let him go but with his sister now somewhere up in the tower, what other option did he have? Zehara guided him to the bar and only released his hand once they were next to the counter. Like a mannequin, she took his arms and positioned them so that he was ready to take whatever she handed him. She hopped up on the bar and swung her legs over the top so she could drop down behind it.

After moment or two of perusing the available alcohols, she started grabbing a couple bottles and put them in Hakan's ready arms. Zehara made sure not to grab too much, there was only a couple of them, after all. But she had also been around enough supes to know that some of them take a lot of alcohol before ever feeling tipsy, herself included. She made sure there was a good variety and double checked what she picked before jumping back over the counter. "Alright, Handsome. Let's go."

Zehara lead Hakan back towards the elevator and pressed the button for her floor. It wasn't long before they reached her penthouse. After helping him over to the kitchen, she started taking the bottles from him and set them on the counter. "You're welcome to use my restroom to change." She motioned towards the bathroom door. "Although I wouldn't complain if you wanted to undress right there," she teased.

Whether or not Hakan was the privacy type made no difference to Zehara. She made her way over to the side of the penthouse that had her closet. Most of her apartment was an open floor concept, so the only separation between rooms was the bathroom. But unlike her current company, she was the farthest thing from bashful. She grabbed a pair of pajamas from her dresser and then started undressing right where she stood. Luckily for Hakan, her back was at least towards him so if he remained where he stood he didn't get too much of a show... just her ass in a black thong.

Once she was dressed, Zehara made her way back to the kitchen grabbing cups and opening bottles. "So, what's your poison?"

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