SMUT Crossing Enemy Lines

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elegance is more important than suffering
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Slice-of-Life, Gothic, Horror, Fantasy
"Lee" is Sesozapaean. Although the accent has faded some, suggesting he's lived here for some time, he's encountered enough of them to recognize the way his mouth shapes his vowels. That only adds to his intrigue and his growing suspicion that perhaps he should know this person. At least, if he hasn't met him before, it's possible that Lee knows who he is. He's not exactly popular in Sesozapa, what with the slaughter of thousands of soldiers and all that. Lee either hates him as well or is completely and amusingly ignorant of the fact that he's about to fuck one of his home country's greatest enemies. Both ideas arouse him.

"Yes, something along those lines," he agrees in a purr, clearly more interested in turning some to watch him undress. The damn steam obscures his view, but it can't hide Lee's sizeable cock or his fat ass that has Miran's own cock twitching with interest. His muscles flex beautifully as he strips and tosses his clothes away. Fuck, even his tits look nice to suck on. He looks like one of those Greek god statues the humans were obsessed with. Maybe he should tip Mitya extra when he leaves.

He doesn't bother to hide the fact that he was watching when the man turns back toward him. He doesn't bother to hide his lust either. What room is there for shame in these situations? "I can't imagine water having much impact on your human form," he says as Lee steps into the water to join him. He twists his body some to face him, resting an elbow on the stone floor of the pool edge to prop his head up. "But I suppose animals will be animals." If all goes well, he'll certainly have Lee acting on animal instinct.

When Lee is settled, he doesn't hesitate to run a hand up his thigh. "I can think of better ways to get you wet that you'll enjoy."

He's never been self-conscious about his body; decades of military training and battle have left him with an enviable physique and his cock is intimidating even when it isn't as hard as it is now. He's got a nice face, hard as it may be, that seems to warrant second glances. He doesn't interview each of his conquests to be sure of glowing reviews of his sexual prowess, but he's never tossed one aside until they've cum. This isn't a matter of whether or not he can seduce Lee, but a matter of how long it will take.

"Miran," he answers honestly, because it's not as fun to hear his partners screaming some alias. "But most call me sir," he jokes, running his other hand up Elías's abdomen to palm at one of his breasts. "You are gorgeous, aren't you?" he murmurs appreciatively, an entirely rhetorical question mostly said to himself.

Before Lee can react, he pulls him into his lap, hands squeezing the plush mounds of his ass while he wraps his lips around a nipple and bites.
code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: MaryGold



His first instinct was to punch him. Even before going into the work of sex, Elias had dealt with I'll suited comments on his very species. A werecat trying to climb ranks and earn the place best suited for vampir. A slut on his hands and knees as all werecats should be, sucking off their master. There were worse comments made, many that he let slide, ignored for his own survival. But because it came from the mouth of the man he fought against, watched stab and shot his men on a battlefield of screaming and blood, Elias's jaw flexed.

"Miran," he tasted his name on his lips.a name he hadn't said out loud in years. He would be sure to coo his name to him before stabbed his heart.

"Ahh- mmph."

Elias was barely able to stop himself before that gasp began and ended as a moan stifled by pinching his lips together. The noise was involuntarily, entirely unintentional instead of strategized and planned. It meant that he was already losing control of a situation he had every plan to control. And yet, his eyes still fluttered shut, squeezing tight and accepting the stinging sensation of Miran's teeth sinking into the flesh of his nipple. The pain in itself is a pleasure on its own, familiar and demanding.

His cock throbbed, but he didn't act on it even as he grows stiff in the lap of Miran of all people. He isn't enjoying this the way the man thinks he is. He isn't falling for his coy smiles and rough play. His seduction isn't at all rooted in patience and slow build up, but in ferocity and potent lust. Lust that Elias himself felt in the pit of his stomach and rushing blood between his legs. It didn't outweigh his desire to take his head, however.

He ran his hands up Miran's abdomen, his fingers admired the firmness of his build before one hand snaked up his neck and tangled itself in the curls of his hair. He gripped it tight to yank his head back. "You say I'm gorgeous," Elias twisted his body, shifting so that his knees straddled the vampir man and he faced him, keeping just a few inches between their faces. "And you obviously want to fuck me. So what does that make you for wanting to fuck an animal?" He asked against his lips.

But like Miran, he didn't wait for an answer or reaction. He pressed his lips hard against Miran's and forced his tongue into his mouth, turning his head to the side only slightly for a better angle. He hated how enjoyed not only his scent but the taste of his saliva. Was it something in the water?

@wren. 」​

  • Wicked
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He's only partially surprised when Lee suddenly yanks his head back by his hair, unlatching from the man's nipple with a choked but encouraging groan. He can't suppress the feral grin stretching across his face, tongue swiping the blood from his fangs while Lee attempts to mock him. There's that fire in his eyes again, burning brighter now that Miran's fanned the flames. Perfect.

Any comeback he has dies on Lee's lips as they crash together, teeth clashing as Miran fights for control, raking his nails down the other man's back hard enough to draw blood instead. It is difficult for even him to tell whether it's a gesture made out of approval or disapproval, especially as his hips buck up instinctively to grind against Lee's soft ass.

As the need for oxygen grows too strong to ignore, he wraps a hand around Lee's throat, grip more firm and possessive than threatening. He flips them over easily, slamming Lee's back into the pool edge in a way that will undoubtedly bruise later, one hand still around his throat while his other hikes up one of his thighs, nails digging into the soft flesh and hard muscle. He grinds their lengths together, panting as he catches his breath. "Keep the claws in, kitty; I'm a paying customer, after all."

He kisses him again to stifle his soft grunts, grip around his throat slackening to press his thumbnail against the base of his throat. He's achingly hard now, the frotting insufficient. To keep Lee subdued, and more pliable, he bites into his neck, lifting him out of the pool and carrying him over to the bed, tossing him on it somewhat carelessly before draping himself over him.

He licks down his neck, his collarbone, down to his breasts, wrapping his lips around the nipple he'd neglected earlier, keeping gentle for now while he wraps a hand around Lee's erection, rubbing him experimentally.
code by wren.



Elias has never been bitten by a vampir before, really bitten. So, when Miran does it for the second time, clamping his teeth down onto his neck, breaking his skin, and flooding his bloodstream with endorphins, he's swallowed by a new gratification. It easily masked the pain from his back when the breath had nearly been knocked out of him and from every sting of Miran's nails in his skin. But it also made him want him more, frotting back against him until he was raised unable to do so.

With the hot spring water no longer overwarming them, part of him expected to feel warm and cold. Instead, he was wet and overheated, losing his breath when tossed onto the mattress and lifting himself as much as he could to look at Miran. Fuck. There wasn't a single part of his body he had let go, well built and muscular. His cock was big and hard. Suddenly, he felt his mouth salivating, wondering how he would taste in his mouth and how much he could fit in him. The mere thought of it has his cock throb again but this time alongside the ache of his ass.

He doesn't get a long look at all before the man is on top of him, marking his breast with his teeth. Elias pinched his lips again, choking back his moans in the back of his throat before his hand found his length. The noise he made was loud, somewhere between a moan and a whimper. He used his knees to trap Miran's hips between them and his body reacted by moving his own hips upward into his hand, wanting more.

Elias lolled his head to the side and clenched the covers of the bed beneath him. In the haze of his lust, very briefly he gained clarity the second his eyes caught a glint of his knife peeking from under his clothes. Fuck, fuck, fuck! This wasn't the plan.

He tried to move just enough to grab the weapon without him noticing. As difficult as it was for him, his body wanted nothing more than to melt into Miran's, to experience his touch and force. But He ignored it as much as possible to wrap his hands around the handle of his blade and aim for his heart.

@wren. 」​

  • Wicked
Reactions: wren.
His eyes had slipped closed for a moment, pressing their lengths together and wrapping a hand around both of them, but he's temporarily brought out of his reverie by the twisting of Lee's muscles beneath him. It's not like the pleased squirming he's used to feeling; there's a tension to it, a curvature like he's trying to grab something. He opens his eyes just in time to see the knife coming at him. He stops it easily with a hand around the other man's wrist, body rearing up to get a better look at the blade.

It doesn't look particularly special, likely just something used for self-defense. His lips curl into an amused grin. "What did I say about claws?" He squeezes substantially harder to force Lee to drop the knife in instinct before his wrist breaks, letting it flop uselessly onto the sheets beneath them. His other hand, where it had paused on their cocks, resumes movement as he leans forward to pin Lee's arm above his head, dipping down to kiss him with ferocity.

He'd been correct in thinking that Lee wanted to kill him. Fascinating. Why? Well, they have more important things to worry about right now, so he'll just ask later.

"You think a Werefeline whore like you can kill me?" he condescends to twist his own invisible knife in. With his hand wet from both of their precum, he reaches between Lee's thighs and rubs at his entrance. "I ought to kill you for trying, shouldn't I? And I could." He slips a finger inside him, letting it sink to his bottom knuckle into Lee's tight heat before he begins thrusting it, twisting to locate his prostate. "So I suggest you be a good pussy and keep your legs spread for me."
code by wren.



He's vile, he's disgusting, and given the next chance Elias would stab him more than once. But all that consumes his mind and body now is feeling his cock stuffed into his hole, taking in every inch from tip to base, twisting his insides, moving in and out of him. If his length felt as heavy and delicious against his own then it would feel even better plowing into him. At this point it was a carnal desire, one he could no longer fend off with his assassination attempt failed.

Elias wasn't surprised he caught his knife before it could connect with his back. The method I. Which he tried to stab him was sloppy at best and not as subtle as he would have hoped. Had Miran truly succumbed to it, there was a disappointment that would take over Elias. But he still had the same power and presence he'd seen on the battlefield and it made Elias burn for him, a cross between desire and hatred. He would bite him too if he could.

"I'm not so easily tamed." His words did the biting instead, low and breathy but spoken with determination against Miran's lips. He could show his strength too, but he wouldn't and couldn't deny that he wanted this right now.

Miran's slick finger slipping inside him brought forth his unfiltered moaning. His hips hoped down on his hand as much as possible, wiggling just slightly in hopes of helping him find his prostrate. He barely managed to say, "you would still fuck someone who tried to kill you?" It was all he was able to say before his fingers found and rubbed against his prostrate. A wave of pleasure spread through his body, his back arched as he moaned out loudly, moving his hips fast. "There! Shit, fuck me!" It wasn't a request so much as it was a demand.

@wren. 」​

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  • Spicy
Reactions: wren.
Miran grins with wicked glee, smugness surmounting the more Lee squirms and curses beneath his ministrations. Despite his talk, he's still begging for him to fuck him, both verbally and with his body. "I was already planning on it, darling," he purrs, trying to sound restrained and not like he's on the verge of just skipping preparation entirely and impaling the man on his cock. It would hurt, but who cares? Lee tried to stab him.

He works a second finger inside him, scissoring him open with selfish haste. "I've had uglier people try to kill me. No offense, but I'm not threatened by you, kitten. I could throw you around like a ragdoll." If they weren't already in the best place for this, he would throw him around a little just to prove it. As it is, the modicum of patience that exists occasionally within his body has already run thin. "You're the one soaking wet and shaking your hips for your enemy."

Fuck it, Lee clearly likes it rough anyway. "This will hurt, but I think you'll like that," he says, removing his fingers before shoving his entire cock inside him in a single thrust, generously sinking his fangs into his neck to distract from the sting.

He moans as Lee's insides tangle around his cock, the sound muffled by the man's throat. "Fuck, but you feel good," he praises, raking his nails down his nipples and stomach, marking him for the umpteenth time.

Without giving him time to rest, he starts thrusting, gnashing their mouths together. His pace is frantic, balls stinging from the force of slapping against Lee's ass, eager for more and more. He pulls back from his mouth when he needs the breath, licking down his throat.
code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: MaryGold



"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just doing my job." It isn't a lie, but it tastes like one on his lips when the next sound that comes from his throat is yet another moan. He is restraining himself as much as possible, which ultimately isn't very much. But he won't beg, and he won't cry out the name of his enemy. Every moan and hip movement further onto the fingers moving inside of him is entirely for his own pleasure. He's using Miran as much as Miran's using him.

His smug face and tone even when his breath grows as uneven makes it seem otherwise. "Oh, you would know what I'd like ahhhh." Elias cried out in the quick seconds his cock filled him, stretching his walls with every thrust. The stinging, burning sensation from the rough entry made him whimper loudly. The chemicals from his bite heightened his pleasure and intermingled it with the pain.

Elias dug his nails into the skin of Miran's back, dragging them down further with every thrust. To the best of his abilities, he followed his rhythm, moaning enthusiastically into his mouth. "Gods, fuck, you're a piece of shit." He kissed him again and again, biting his lower lip, and clinging to his frame as he stirred his insides. "Your cock feels amazing." Even as he cursed him he could feel himself nearing climax.

@wren. 」​

  • Wicked
Reactions: wren.
"If you get hard like this for every client, I'm inclined to believe you're a whore in more than just your work," he pants. Words are lost in a hiss as Lee's nails scratch lines down his back, the pain only encouraging him further. He can't retort against the insult even if he wanted to with Lee trying to devour his mouth as he is, so he just chuckles into his mouth, nipping at his lips, fucking him with the same intensity he kills with.

He's briefly distracted by a clatter reverberating throughout the room, but it takes a moment for his muddled mind to realize the knife has fallen off the bed from the intensity of their rocking together.

Lee's face is endearingly blissful, all pink and damp. He really is gorgeous, especially with all that fire in his spirit. He'd like to fuck him more. It's too bad Lee wants him dead. Then again, he fucked him anyway, didn't he? So perhaps he can tame this cat yet.

He brushes his hair back with one hand, the other smoothing over his stomach. "Cum for me, kitty," he orders, pressing a kiss to his forehead. When he does, he fucks him through it, only faltering when he follows suit shortly after, gasping as he spills sticky and warm deep inside Lee's ass.

He waits for the stars to clear from his vision, giving himself a few moments to catch his breath, and then he carefully pulls out, the sight of his seed spilling out of Lee's loosened entrance sparking another surge of lust through him that has him wanting to fuck him into the mattress at least three more times.

But they have time for that — because he'll certainly be back. This is too intriguing and too tempting of a mystery for him to pass up. Just who is Lee? Why does he hate him so much? Is this a personal grudge or just comeuppance for his crimes in general? Surely he'd remember such a pretty face if they met before.

"Not bad," he smirks, extending a hand. The knife lifts, flying toward him so he can grip it by the handle. He presses it into Lee's hand with another cheeky kiss to his nose. "Here's your knife back."

He gets to his feet before Lee can gather his wits and his strength enough to make another attempt on his life, finding his clothes and changing quickly.
code by wren.



Elias obeyed. He didn't even need to be commanded as he was already there, Miran's uneven voice driving him over the edge at last. His eyes rolled back, vision covered by white as he orgasmed, shooting out cum onto his own stomach. He was trembling almost violently beneath the man, his throat slightly hoarse from his cries, but they were reactionary noises. His last strangled noise came when ZMiran did, filling him with his seed, Elias whined, his pitch mildly higher and clearly pleased.

He hated himself for hating the absence of the man when he pulled out. His body was running hot, but without him pressing against his frame, he was suddenly feeling colder. However, it did give him time to catch his breath, finding a more even breathing pattern as the haze of lust slowly started to clear from his mind.

The knife being pressed back into the palm of his hand brought him back in an instant. The cool handle sent a small shock through his body. Elias turned to sit up and almost laid back down when the soreness of his ass and the ache in his lower back shot through him. He grunted through it as he sat up, he had experienced much worse pain than being roughly fucked.

"Turning your back to the enemy? What do they teach you in military school?" He scoffed, clenching the weapon in his hand as he did so. But perhaps he didn't look very worrisome when his hair was askew, his face flushed, and his body marked with every bruise, bite, and scratch. He wasn't shy, no, he lost the sense of that in his field. But it felt silly when he was made such a mess of. Especially when Miran himself was clothed. The power dynamic felt off.

To cover himself, he grabbed one of the robes the bathhouse provided for the room and slipped it onto his frame, tightly tying the belt as he did so. It wasn't much, but it would suffice for the moment. He brushed hair away from his face and lifted his chin as he glared at the man's back, weapon tightening in his grip.

See More in Foxby Town.

@wren. 」​

  • Spicy
Reactions: wren.