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basics bg

Cole Marcello

Age: 35 years old
Birth Date: September 2
Faceclaim: Scott Eastwood
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Detective (Homicide)

In the Still of the Night
Fred Parris and the Satins
Be My Baby
Maurice Williams @ the Zodiacs
Oh! Carol
Neil Sedaka
Cole tends to be a quiet individual, while growing up and experiencing life has opened him up considerably from when he was a child, he keeps his thoughts to himself. Having an innate sense of justice, he tends to cross the line of what is sensical and what is the law rather regularly. Cole loves children, while he's never enjoyed the thought of having his own, he believes good things in moderation. He does envy children, for they were allowed to have a childhood while under his stepmother, he was a criminal. Resilient and blunt. He easily comes off as rude or an asshole, while his intentions are good, it's his uninterested tone that sets others off from his true emotions.

HEIGHT: 6'5"
SKIN DETAILS: Pale toffee skin tone, 5 o'clock shadow (all the time)
BUILD: Muscular. One would say he's all leg.
HEALTH CONDITIONS/NOTES: Depression. Panic Attacks. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: Soulful eyes, almost as if they were sad when his face shows happiness. Messy hair. Chiseled jawline. Slightly rough hands.

Cole grew up in a middle class family, he had two biological siblings and three adopted siblings, none of which he got along with. His father's wife at the time doted on her own children, and she couldn't stand Cole. For the woman, Cole was an example of a misbehaved boy who got into smoking early and would always be the 'bad child' unless she pushed him into boarding school. She got what she wished for, when Cole came of age, he got drafted into the military.

It was overseas that Cole found out his father had died of poisoning. The war had ended and Cole was offered a position as a traffic cop, where he stayed for two years until he accepted another promotion. Homicide. Unbeknownst to him, Cole was investigating the murder of Alice Taylor, his step mother. The investigation shook up further, when the murderer was found to be his oldest brother Hank.

Two years after the investigation, Cole had found a loving wife named Jane. She was a typist for the court. Their love wasn't strong but it was loyal, in the end it was Cole that led to their divorce. He was a workaholic, sleeping in his office at work.. and his unwillingness to start a family. Not having a full childhood himself meant he wasn't prepared to handle children, but what broke the camels back for Jane, they found that Cole was unable to produce children. They divorced shortly after and are not on the best of terms. Cole continues to be obsessed with his job and has not been actively looking for love.

SKILLS: | Firearms | Interrogations | Strength
WEAKNESSES: | Paperwork | Sudden loud noises | Flexibility |

Arthur Reed: Cole's partner of five years. A bad shooting led to the precinct assigning partners to solo detectives. His relationship with Arthur was rocky at best, at first Cole believed Arthur to be no more than a baby sitter. The more crime scenes they investigated, the closer they got. Their relationship quickly became that of a father and son, a running irony his ex-wife loves to use against him. 'You treat him like a son but didn't want one of your own?'. Cole would never admit it to his partner, but he will hate to be without Arthur in Vegas.


○ Cole was married. Unfortunately, he chose his job over having a family. His wife divorced him in June.
• He has no children, and no siblings.​
○ He loves to slow dance.
○ His zodiac sign is Virgo.
○ His blood type is O-.
○ Lives alone in an apartment with two cats; Fera and Sidney.
• Fera is a Siamese, and Sydney is a Calico. It's rare that they get along, much like him and his ex-wife.​
○ He is an avid smoker.
○ Has been promoted to Senior Detective, a move that requires him to leave for Las Vegas.
• His ex-wife is taking the cats.​
○ If he were to have a son, he'd name him Arthur.

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  • Thank You
Reactions: Hexatech


John Doe

n i c k n a m e / s: :
a g e : :
g e n d e r : :
p r o n o u n s : :
b i r t h d a y : :
b i r t h p l a c e : :
s e x u a l i t y : :
r e l a t i o n s h i p - s t a t u s: :
o c c u p a t i o n : :
p o s i t i o n s : : field or office agent (of how many years)

h e i g h t : :
h a i r - c o l o r : :
e y e - c o l o r : :
d i s t i n g u i s h i n g - f e a t u r e s : :

h e a l t h - n o t e / s : :

"quote here"

p e r s o n a l i t y - t r a i t s : :
(At least 5+ traits)

l i k e s : :

d i s l i k e s : :

s k i l l s : :

w e a k n e s s e s : :

p o w e r : :

l i m i t a t i o n s : :

h i s t o r y : :

f a m i l y : :

e x t r a : :

~ Wilomore ~


NICKNAME ┇ Adie, Lee
AGE ┇ 36 yrs
GENDER ┇ Male - He/Him
POSITION ┇ Senior (6 years)
OCCUPATION ┇ Historian
FACECLAIM ┇ Lee Dong Wook

Eyes: Dark Brown. Often the light will hit them and show a golden caramel.
Hair: Dark Auburn
Height: 6'5"
Body: Adrian being 6 foot five means he's got most of his body as leg. He's slender in size but carries some thick sinew of muscles more hidden behind the clothing he wears at work. While Adrian stays active, he does actively seek going to a gym regularly to improve his form. He does have a pleasant set of abs on him and a very good set of legs. Multiple scars all over his back from taking tumbles and sliding on his back, as well as scars on his elbows and forearms from falling over books.
Features: Ears pierced (lobes and cartilage).
Clothing Style: Mr. Lee tends to be very peculiar about his clothing. Not one for casual dress, Adrian's work will never see him without a suit and tie. On occasion during winter he will wear turtlenecks and a loose dress jacket, only if he truly believed he would be working alone. His home life was more of a strange lure. At home he donned plain T-shirts, seemingly one size too small, and loose sweatpants.
EX: 1 2 3 4

Distinguishing Features: Adrian has rounded cheekbones and misleading eyes, giving both the look of youthful wonder and disappointment. Usually adorning circle glasses which hold no purpose but to be fashionable.

Health Notes: Suffers from Disassociations. Depression.


Architect: INTJ-T
These personalities can be both the boldest of dreamers and the bitterest of pessimists. Architects believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging of goals. But they may be cynical about human nature more generally, assuming that most people are lazy, unimaginative, or simply doomed to mediocrity. Architects derive much of their self-esteem from their knowledge and mental acuity. In school, people with this personality type may have been called "bookworms" or "nerds." But rather than taking these labels as insults, many Architects embrace them. They are confident in their ability to teach themselves about – and master – any topic that interests them, whether that's coding or capoeira or classical music.

Architects can be single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip. That said, it would be a mistake to stereotype these personalities as dull or humorless. Many Architects are known for their irreverent wit, and beneath their serious exteriors, they often have a sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humor. This personality type comes with a strong independent streak. Architects don't mind acting alone, perhaps because they don't like waiting around for others to catch up with them. They also generally feel comfortable making decisions without asking for anyone else's input. At times, this lone-wolf behavior can come across as insensitive, as it fails to take into consideration other people's thoughts, desires, and plans.

This personality type is full of contradictions. Architects are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, and curious yet focused. From the outside, these contradictions may seem baffling, but they make perfect sense once you understand the inner workings of the Architect mind.
For Architects, life is like a giant game of chess. Relying on strategy rather than chance, they contemplate the strengths and weaknesses of each move before they make it. And they never lose faith that, with enough ingenuity and insight, they can find a way to win – no matter what challenges might arise along the way.

  • Rational – Architects pride themselves on their minds. For them, nearly any situation can become an opportunity to expand their knowledge and hone their rational thinking skills. Thanks to this mindset, they can devise inventive solutions to even the most arduous of problems.
  • Informed – Few personality types are as devoted as Architects to forming rational, evidence-based opinions. Rather than hunches or half-baked assumptions, they base their conclusions on research and analysis. This gives them the self-assurance they need to stand up for their ideas, even in the face of disagreement.
  • Independent – For these personality types, conformity is more or less synonymous with mediocrity. Creative and self-motivated, Architects strive to do things their own way. They can imagine few things more frustrating than allowing rules or conventions to stand in the way of their success.
  • Determined – Architect personalities are ambitious and goal-oriented. Whenever an idea or pursuit captures their imagination, Architects dedicate themselves to mastering the subject and gaining relevant skills. They tend to have clear visions of what it means for them to be successful, and few things can deter them from turning these visions into reality.
  • Curious – Architects are open to new ideas – as long as those ideas are rational and evidence-based, that is. Skeptical by nature, these personality types are especially drawn to offbeat or contrarian points of view. They're even open to changing their own opinions when the facts prove them wrong.
  • Versatile – Architects love diving into all sorts of challenges. Their curiosity and determination can help people with this personality type succeed in a wide range of endeavors.

  • Arrogant – Architects might be knowledgeable, but they're not infallible. Their self-assurance can blind them to useful input from other people – especially anyone they deem to be intellectually inferior. These personalities can also become needlessly harsh or single-minded in trying to prove others wrong.
  • Dismissive of Emotions – For Architects, rationality is king. But emotional context often matters more than people with this personality type care to admit. Architects can get impatient with anyone who seems to value feelings more than facts. Unfortunately, ignoring emotion is its own type of bias – one that can cloud Architects' judgment.
  • Overly Critical – These personalities tend to have a great deal of self-control, particularly when it comes to thoughts and feelings. When the people in their lives fail to match their level of restraint, Architects can become scathingly critical. But this criticism is often unfair, based on arbitrary standards rather than a full understanding of human nature.
  • Combative – Architects hate blindly following anything without understanding why. This includes restrictions and the authority figures who impose them. People with this personality type can get caught up in arguing about useless rules and regulations – but sometimes these battles are distractions from more important matters.
  • Romantically Clueless – Architects' relentless rationality can lead them to be frustrated by romance. Especially in the early stages of a relationship, they may struggle to understand what's going on and how to behave. And if their relationships fall apart for reasons they don't understand, they can become cynical about matters of the heart, even questioning the importance of love and connection.
Likes- History | Old books | Libraries | Bubble Tea | Wine | Travelling | Surfing | Sharks | Nicki Minaj (pre-Queen album) | Earth, Wind & Fire | Electric Swing music | Birthday cake ice cream | Salty foods | Roman candles | Investigations | Black Widow (the song not the superhero)

Dislikes- Steam | Bugs | Spiders | The ringing of LED lights | Meetings

Retro-Cognition- The user can discern the past and past events using various means, usually entering a trance while seeing and hearing a noted past event, whether it be concerning themselves or of an unfamiliar lineage in a past occurrence. Adrian is able to disassociate his mind and appear in the time frame of when the item in question was made, giving him a timeline to choose from, ultimately taking him to the time of it's creation if he so chose. Allowing him to simply be a spectator of the events within. He cannot be seen nor heard within this space, he simply will cease to exist as anything but a ghost.
  • Retrocognitive Artistry: Where Adrian can write, paint or draw the past events through art. This only extends to his artistic talent and his own cognitive memory from what he has experienced. Depending on the item he can chose to create an artistic piece while within the Cognitive realm of what he is observing, such as witnessing a murder while holding the bullet and being able to draw a sketch of the person who held the gun or the gun itself.
  • Retro-Cognition Sharing: Adrian can bring a person (up to two) into his time viewing. Person has to remain in contact in order to keep up with Adrian's brainwaves for the vision to keep going. Losing contact will stop the concentration and end the vision for them both. Second person must have a clear mind at the time of entry but can continue regular thoughts once they are in.
Adrian's power has limits as one would expect.
  • He cannot see or receive information coming from parallel universes, if one were to exist.
  • In order to share a timeline, it must only be a picture taken by a camera and cannot be a painting unless the sharing wishes to be about the creator of the painting. Items are fine with contact, Adrian cannot push into the past of an item with someone without some sort of contact with the person and the item at the same time.
  • The older the piece (art, items, etc) the easier it is to connect himself into their timelines without touch, as it has an already established timeline that cannot be changed. Newer items such as a cellphone made in 2010, requires touch as it has a limited timeline and therefore harder to find his way through without being sent to the time of it's creation and nothing else before.
  • Adrian can only control his power through concentration, doing this allows him to pick a section in the timeline to follow and lets him leave freely, this concentration will also go into his Artistry. If he is touched without his knowledge, a simple shoulder bump down a hallway can lead his mind into pushing that dis-associative state in which he cannot leave automatically and will be pushed out once that scene in the timeline is finished, regardless if the person has left the area or stopped touching him.
SKILLS: | Artistic | Good Memory | Organization | Flexible | Won't break under pressure | Ain't no snitch | Decent Mechanic Skills | Great Reflexes | Collected/Calm mindset |

- Adrian lost his fiancé of ten years to a car accident, he collected some of the items from the wreckage to remind himself of the dangers he will face. He will often go back to the scene of the accident as a bystander to see the light on his girlfriends face before the crash. It's unlikely he will find another love like his dear Emily.

- His favorite art piece to go into is V-J Day in Times Square, the picture taken after WW2 had ended of the sailor kissing a stranger, he would claim it's his happiest moment.. a moment that wasn't even his to experience.

- Adrian has an extensive skincare regimen, six different items including a face mask. He prides himself on his appearance.

- Having a Korean mother and Italian father came with its small perks. Adrian knows three languages fully; English, Italian, and Korean. Each language is used to talk with one parent specifically.

- While his attire shows he listens to classical music at work, he really listens to Hip Hop as it helps his mood. Classical music tends to remind him of cannibalism (Silence of the Lambs Hannibal), so he doesn't prefer it much.

- Partakes in dancing, his more favorite dances are Swing, Tango, Waltz, and the Lindy Hop.. most commonly known as the Jitterbug. Having taught himself using his power. He's always looking for partners of these dances so he can continue to learn.


FULL NAME┇ Hanbo Hei Yinyo
AGE ┇ 26 yrs
GENDER ┇ Male - He/Him
POSITION ┇ Senior (5 years)

Eyes: Dark Brown.
Hair: Chocolate brown with light blond highlights
Height: 6'5"
Body: Hanna is tall but thin, he's got muscles where he needs them from his hand to hand combat trainings. While he does not actively work out, he keeps himself very healthy in the things he eats. Much like a plant he usually only drinks water as alcohol tends to make him over emotional. Having a naturally high metabolism that gets shoved into over drive the more green tea he drinks, he's been able to keep himself looking thin for years.
Features: A tongue ring that he'd prefer no one comments on.
Clothing Style: Hanna wears a lot of vests, he enjoys the tightness around the abdomen but still likes the arm freedom he gets from button ups. Some would say he dresses like a dad. While that may not be true in his eyes, he does try to follow up with the latest styles in China. Some outfits may be questionable at best, he prefers to be comfortable rather than struggle in a suit all day.
EX: 1 2 3

Distinguishing Features: Hanna has dimples, a fact he quite enjoys. He's usually unable to hide a smile in the presence of his friends or strangers. His hair is usually messy, as if he had rolled out of bed; that's not the case, he frequently messes up his own hair to help him wake up in times he cannot access caffeine.

Health Notes: Suffers from Depression. Minor PTSD from being in fieldwork.


Mediator: INTJ-T
On the outside, Mediators (INFPs) may seem quiet or even shy. But they often have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Because they make up such a small portion of the population, people with this personality type may sometimes feel misunderstood or out of step with the world. Fortunately, their caring nature can help them create and sustain deep relationships with their loved ones. Mediators value authenticity, empathy, and harmony. These personalities tend to act with the best of intentions, and they are rightly proud of this trait. That said, they may feel isolated or discouraged when other people don't share their idealism.

Many Mediators are curious about the depths of human nature, and they often make an effort to understand other people's true feelings. This can make them capable of great empathy. It can also enable them to communicate in ways that are sensitive, original, and quite moving. Perhaps because of these strengths, Mediators tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression. It comes as no surprise that many famous Mediators are poets, writers, and actors. People with this personality type often enjoy dreaming up all sorts of stories and possibilities. By using their imaginations in this way, Mediators can explore their inner nature and their place in the world. That said, they can have a tendency to daydream and fantasize rather than take action. If they don't act on their dreams and ideas, Mediators are likely to end up feeling frustrated or unfulfilled.

Mediators may feel directionless or stuck unless they connect with a sense of purpose for their lives. For many Mediators, this purpose has something to do with helping and uplifting others. Empathetic by nature, these personalities may feel other people's suffering as if it were their own. This only strengthens their motivation to be of service. Although Mediators might want to help everyone, they may need to focus their attention and energy on one worthy cause at a time. Otherwise, they can become so overwhelmed by all the problems they can't fix that they're tempted to give up on even trying. This is a sad sight for Mediators' friends, who often depend on their hopeful outlook. Fortunately, like flowers in the spring, Mediators' creativity and idealism can bloom even after the darkest of seasons. Although they know the world will never be perfect, Mediators still care about making it better however they can. This quiet belief in doing the right thing may explain why these personalities so often inspire compassion, kindness, and beauty wherever they go.

  • Thoughtful – Mediators care about other people's feelings. They adjust their actions if they think they might hurt anyone, even unintentionally. Kindheartedness flows from Mediator personalities, and everyone around them tends to benefit from it.
  • Generous – Mediators rarely enjoy succeeding at others' expense. In general, people with this personality type want to share the good things in their lives. They value equality, and they want to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard.
  • Open-Minded – Mediators tend to give other people the benefit of the doubt. They aim to be tolerant of other people's beliefs, lifestyles, and decisions. Generally speaking, Mediators support others' right to live as they see fit – as long as no one is being hurt.
  • Creative – Mediators can often see things from unconventional perspectives. With their ability to make surprising and unexpected connections, it's no wonder that many Mediators are drawn to creative pursuits and the arts.
  • Passionate – When an idea or movement captures Mediators' imagination and speaks to their beliefs, they can give their whole heart to it. People with this personality type can be reserved or reticent, but that doesn't diminish their strong feelings for a cause that matches their ideals.
  • Loyal to Their Values – Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but Mediators' far-reaching vision can help them stay the course. When they're doing something meaningful, these personalities can have a sense of purpose or even courage that keeps them true to their values.
  • Overly Idealistic – Mediators can take their idealism too far. People with this personality type might idolize their romantic partner or expect every aspect of their job to feel meaningful. This can set them up for disappointment when reality falls short of their dreams.
  • Self-Critical – Mediators can expect so much from themselves that they inevitably fall short. When this happens, they may accuse themselves of being selfish or woefully inadequate. This self-criticism can erode their motivation to get things done and their willingness to prioritize necessary self-care.
  • Impractical – When something captures Mediators' imagination, they can become so consumed by it that they neglect practical matters. Some people with this personality type even neglect eating or sleeping as they pursue their passion. Other Mediators can become so enamored with an idea that they're afraid to act on it because they might not do it perfectly.
  • Emotionally Driven – Mediators can become so focused on their emotions that they lose track of what's really going on. It can be a challenge for these personalities to slow down and make sure that their feelings aren't preventing them from clearly seeing the facts of a situation.
  • Conflict-Averse – Mediators generally prefer to avoid conflict. They can put a great deal of time and energy into trying to please everyone. This desire to please others can drown out their own inner wisdom and make them painfully sensitive to even constructive criticism.
  • Difficult to Get to Know – Mediators are private, reserved, and sometimes self-conscious. This can make them somewhat difficult to really get to know. Their need for personal space can contribute to the guilt they feel for not giving more of themselves to those they care about.

Likes- Plants | Sunsets | Mushrooms | Violin music | Otherworldly music (pan flutes, harps, etc) | Sweets | Tteokbokki | Sushi | Taiyaki | Autumn | Being cold | Green tea | Matcha ice cream | Jiggly cheesecake | Fondue | Painting | Succulent plants | Kpop | Classical music (not often) | Animals

Dislikes- Plums | Animal abuse | Bitter foods | Coffee | Dark chocolate | Insects | Chicken (meat not the animal) | Crowds

Healing - User can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.

Basic Level
✚ User can do anything that normal healing would do, simply accelerated.
✚ Can heal minor wounds such as cuts, bruises, and light burns.
✚ Recovering from minor to moderate blood loss.
✚ Critical wounds such as loss of limbs or damaged nerves and internal organs cannot be healed, but wounds can be closed.
✚ Cells that are fatally damaged, such as by burning, 3rd degree burns cannot be healed, resulting in permanent scarring.
✚ Hanna can manipulate the body enough to force out bullet wounds, only if they are close enough to the surface. Through and through bullet wounds are easier to heal and are Hanna's specialty.

Expert Level
✚ User can do anything that normal healing and modern medical knowledge could achieve.
✚ Can heal external wounds, including fractured bones and deeper burns, disregarding of severity.
✚ Lost limbs can be reattached, but the scars will remain on the body for years.
✚ Minor damaged internal organs may be healed, but more severity may be beyond repair and may take more time to heal.
✚ Nerves may remain damaged, resulting in loss of feeling, sensation and even cause phantom limbs.

✚ Can't raise the dead, but as long as there's even a hint of life left, healing is possible.
✚ Depending on the type of internal or external damage, the healing of Hanna's might not be permanent. He can't cure cancer or serious diseases that modern medicine couldn't cure. He can halt it but he can't stop it completely forever.
Though Hanna is able to heal himself, he can only do so concerning minor wounds and some major bodily damage but he can't regenerate his own body parts.
✚ Hanna's healing only works through touch or being in a close proximity of the target in need of healing.
✚ Some injuries can only be healed by Angel taking on said injuries and since he can self-heal, he can do this but sometimes the injury will mutate and last longer or cause him more pain. He only ever does this wound transfer in dire times and when he knows the other medical workers are around ready to help him recover.

SKILLS: | Artistic | Good Memory | Hand to Hand combat | Extensive Medical knowledge | Can cry on demand | Can stitch up wounds (not really needed with his power but a good skill to have) | The power of Essential Oils

  • Hanna prefers the female version of his name, as when he growing up the other children in his school used to call him Hamburger. This made him overly self aware of his birth name and he refused to use it.
  • Only responds to Hanna, doesn't like to respond to Hanbo unless in meetings or he's in trouble. Anyone asks his name is Hanna Yin.
  • Doesn't matter if you don't like him, you talked once so now you're friends. He doesn't make the rules.
  • He talks to his plants.
  • Hanna will always dress up for Halloween, there's no stopping it.
  • Eventually he wants to own a pet bird, one of the singing ones so it will sing kpop with him.

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The fonts ~

Rouge Script
Testing Rancho font.
Testing Ranga font.
Testing Quintessential font.
Testing Pompiere font.
Testing Poor Story font.
Testing Pacifico font.
Testing Oregano font.
Testing Nova Mono font.
Testing Neucha font.
Testing Mr Bedfort font.
Testing Mr Dafoe font.
Testing Mr De Haviland font.
Testing Mrs Saint Delafield font.
Testing Mrs Sheppards font.
Testing McLaren font.
Testing Meddon font.
Testing MedievalSharp font.
Testing Jim Nightshade font.
Testing Just Another Hand font.
Testing Just Me Again Down Here font.
Testing Italianno font.
Testing Great Vibes font.
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basics bg
Font= Ranga


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et faucibus est. Etiam a tincidunt lectus. Vivamus aliquet nisl vel libero viverra dignissim. In dictum turpis ac libero euismod, sit amet faucibus quam aliquam. Ut placerat felis non enim commodo auctor. Donec vestibulum neque sit amet porttitor laoreet. Donec ligula nisi, ultrices finibus congue ultricies, tincidunt eu enim. Proin sit amet consequat velit, ut facilisis orci. Fusce ullamcorper lectus eros, et fringilla ligula dapibus ac. Nam iaculis sem nulla, ut auctor purus sodales vel. Donec sem enim, feugiat id consequat id, laoreet a libero. Cras metus justo, porta ut turpis mattis, pulvinar vulputate enim. Pellentesque mi tellus, finibus feugiat posuere vitae, finibus id tortor.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Mauris sodales enim sed metus pretium pellentesque. Integer laoreet urna nec risus rhoncus, vel pharetra mi lobortis. Cras erat velit, ornare sed dapibus sed, malesuada id purus. Mauris eu ipsum ex. Fusce ut scelerisque magna. Integer rutrum risus quam, non faucibus lacus facilisis vel. Quisque imperdiet faucibus blandit. Praesent eros arcu, molestie viverra cursus eget, maximus quis elit. Vestibulum scelerisque laoreet magna, vel lobortis quam pellentesque vel. Proin id massa sed nisi ultricies interdum sit amet vitae sem.

basics bg
Font= Italianno


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et faucibus est. Etiam a tincidunt lectus. Vivamus aliquet nisl vel libero viverra dignissim. In dictum turpis ac libero euismod, sit amet faucibus quam aliquam. Ut placerat felis non enim commodo auctor. Donec vestibulum neque sit amet porttitor laoreet. Donec ligula nisi, ultrices finibus congue ultricies, tincidunt eu enim. Proin sit amet consequat velit, ut facilisis orci. Fusce ullamcorper lectus eros, et fringilla ligula dapibus ac. Nam iaculis sem nulla, ut auctor purus sodales vel. Donec sem enim, feugiat id consequat id, laoreet a libero. Cras metus justo, porta ut turpis mattis, pulvinar vulputate enim. Pellentesque mi tellus, finibus feugiat posuere vitae, finibus id tortor.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Mauris sodales enim sed metus pretium pellentesque. Integer laoreet urna nec risus rhoncus, vel pharetra mi lobortis. Cras erat velit, ornare sed dapibus sed, malesuada id purus. Mauris eu ipsum ex. Fusce ut scelerisque magna. Integer rutrum risus quam, non faucibus lacus facilisis vel. Quisque imperdiet faucibus blandit. Praesent eros arcu, molestie viverra cursus eget, maximus quis elit. Vestibulum scelerisque laoreet magna, vel lobortis quam pellentesque vel. Proin id massa sed nisi ultricies interdum sit amet vitae sem.

basics bg
Font= Quintessential


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et faucibus est. Etiam a tincidunt lectus. Vivamus aliquet nisl vel libero viverra dignissim. In dictum turpis ac libero euismod, sit amet faucibus quam aliquam. Ut placerat felis non enim commodo auctor. Donec vestibulum neque sit amet porttitor laoreet. Donec ligula nisi, ultrices finibus congue ultricies, tincidunt eu enim. Proin sit amet consequat velit, ut facilisis orci. Fusce ullamcorper lectus eros, et fringilla ligula dapibus ac. Nam iaculis sem nulla, ut auctor purus sodales vel. Donec sem enim, feugiat id consequat id, laoreet a libero. Cras metus justo, porta ut turpis mattis, pulvinar vulputate enim. Pellentesque mi tellus, finibus feugiat posuere vitae, finibus id tortor.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Mauris sodales enim sed metus pretium pellentesque. Integer laoreet urna nec risus rhoncus, vel pharetra mi lobortis. Cras erat velit, ornare sed dapibus sed, malesuada id purus. Mauris eu ipsum ex. Fusce ut scelerisque magna. Integer rutrum risus quam, non faucibus lacus facilisis vel. Quisque imperdiet faucibus blandit. Praesent eros arcu, molestie viverra cursus eget, maximus quis elit. Vestibulum scelerisque laoreet magna, vel lobortis quam pellentesque vel. Proin id massa sed nisi ultricies interdum sit amet vitae sem.

basics bg
Font= Redressed


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean et faucibus est. Etiam a tincidunt lectus. Vivamus aliquet nisl vel libero viverra dignissim. In dictum turpis ac libero euismod, sit amet faucibus quam aliquam. Ut placerat felis non enim commodo auctor. Donec vestibulum neque sit amet porttitor laoreet. Donec ligula nisi, ultrices finibus congue ultricies, tincidunt eu enim. Proin sit amet consequat velit, ut facilisis orci. Fusce ullamcorper lectus eros, et fringilla ligula dapibus ac. Nam iaculis sem nulla, ut auctor purus sodales vel. Donec sem enim, feugiat id consequat id, laoreet a libero. Cras metus justo, porta ut turpis mattis, pulvinar vulputate enim. Pellentesque mi tellus, finibus feugiat posuere vitae, finibus id tortor.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Vivamus varius, eros vel gravida posuere, mi leo bibendum sapien, lobortis blandit ex diam sit amet dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eros diam, elementum ac odio at, imperdiet posuere eros. Maecenas sagittis pellentesque mi, quis sagittis ex placerat dictum. Curabitur porttitor ipsum sed elit finibus rhoncus. Cras ut sem dui. Phasellus ultricies ex eros, eu tincidunt justo lacinia quis. Etiam hendrerit sed orci vitae cursus. Vivamus placerat lectus orci, a bibendum ipsum viverra nec. Aenean eu ex non lectus vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget justo sit amet orci fringilla dictum.

Mauris sodales enim sed metus pretium pellentesque. Integer laoreet urna nec risus rhoncus, vel pharetra mi lobortis. Cras erat velit, ornare sed dapibus sed, malesuada id purus. Mauris eu ipsum ex. Fusce ut scelerisque magna. Integer rutrum risus quam, non faucibus lacus facilisis vel. Quisque imperdiet faucibus blandit. Praesent eros arcu, molestie viverra cursus eget, maximus quis elit. Vestibulum scelerisque laoreet magna, vel lobortis quam pellentesque vel. Proin id massa sed nisi ultricies interdum sit amet vitae sem.

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  • I'm sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum hendrerit rhoncus gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel turpis at risus dapibus tincidunt vitae eget ligula. Ut odio quam, fringilla id purus sit amet, lacinia blandit dolor. Phasellus egestas vitae urna non bibendum. Vivamus iaculis vehicula turpis et hendrerit. Maecenas dapibus ut elit ut suscipit.

    Nam ornare et dui a semper. Ut aliquam, ipsum a consequat congue, ligula orci aliquam mi, vel pretium velit est vitae odio. Donec eget interdum velit. Vestibulum a sem nec odio tincidunt feugiat. Ut sagittis urna ac risus finibus, a aliquet massa feugiat. Cras convallis magna non fringilla viverra. Maecenas justo turpis, ultrices et felis eu, sodales elementum justo. Praesent aliquam erat at risus bibendum, ut facilisis leo consectetur. Nulla facilisi. Quisque at tellus eu nisi scelerisque vulputate sed in neque. Morbi at tortor sit amet felis consectetur tincidunt ut id metus. Nam vel massa sit amet sem sagittis vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Nam in tincidunt dolor. Sed tincidunt ligula eu magna fermentum, eget rhoncus magna tincidunt. Praesent eu hendrerit est.

    Vivamus tempus maximus elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam sed viverra augue, vel mollis leo. Cras quis viverra ipsum. Aenean eget efficitur felis. Phasellus eu dolor turpis. Nunc efficitur ornare cursus. Phasellus nibh massa, elementum sed ornare et, dignissim ac nisi.

    Morbi et purus odio. Donec tincidunt justo id justo semper lobortis. Cras vulputate condimentum enim vitae ultrices. Curabitur odio nibh, malesuada fermentum tincidunt sed, ultrices suscipit neque. Vestibulum tristique bibendum leo, rutrum consequat massa consectetur et. In nec elit fermentum, rhoncus magna vitae, porttitor dolor. Phasellus congue ac sem sit amet semper. In suscipit orci at est malesuada efficitur. Vestibulum dictum, tortor vel fermentum suscipit, nisl ligula finibus lectus, nec venenatis tortor leo vitae nisl. Suspendisse sodales, elit a congue dignissim, leo odio vulputate leo, vitae laoreet sapien risus vel odio. Fusce maximus, purus eu accumsan rutrum, dolor felis cursus nulla, vitae dapibus lorem tortor et libero. Phasellus laoreet urna vitae augue pellentesque facilisis. Curabitur vitae metus in erat vulputate congue nec vitae velit.

    Nulla rhoncus facilisis massa, vel tristique felis. Morbi ac diam vehicula, scelerisque tortor nec, malesuada urna. Mauris vulputate urna non velit porta, nec rhoncus mauris commodo. Sed eu nisl ligula. Vivamus dictum maximus tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla sapien nulla, mollis eu risus id, viverra vulputate sem. Nulla aliquet, purus id rutrum eleifend, quam nunc fringilla lacus, eget feugiat tellus felis nec sapien. Pellentesque porta cursus ornare. Sed blandit ultrices dolor ac laoreet. Curabitur faucibus neque nibh, sed rutrum justo faucibus sit amet. Sed sollicitudin porttitor luctus. Nulla facilisi. Praesent et blandit libero. Phasellus elit nulla, malesuada sed justo ac, bibendum rutrum turpis.
    Pink flowers grow from my skin
  • I'm sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean hendrerit ante a libero ultricies, id aliquam urna suscipit. In ultrices mauris risus, et cursus dui bibendum fringilla. Pellentesque sed faucibus orci, sit amet efficitur enim. Vivamus congue nunc vitae nisl varius luctus. Cras porttitor, purus ultrices blandit ultricies, turpis arcu euismod tortor, et sagittis urna libero at metus. Quisque tempus neque quam, eu luctus velit auctor id. Ut ultricies lectus sit amet ex fringilla, nec dictum arcu convallis.

    Phasellus pretium ante tortor, vel posuere nisl dapibus eget. Sed ullamcorper tellus non lobortis placerat. Phasellus non ante vel lorem gravida porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In facilisis massa eu ipsum sagittis sagittis. Vivamus facilisis tortor eget purus efficitur, quis vulputate purus tincidunt. Donec varius dolor sem, sed molestie tellus placerat sed. Vestibulum rutrum at magna sit amet tincidunt. Mauris faucibus porta accumsan. Nulla blandit elit et volutpat eleifend. Praesent at luctus ligula, ut fringilla justo. Phasellus convallis pulvinar ultricies.

    Fusce nunc massa, bibendum non scelerisque in, venenatis non felis. Vivamus eget ex tellus. Cras sollicitudin velit risus, eget tincidunt augue dapibus vitae. Aliquam sed elit accumsan, aliquet sem id, lobortis metus. Sed nibh justo, vestibulum sit amet ligula vel, semper efficitur enim. Aenean a posuere mi, ut congue lorem. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu non nulla pharetra fermentum.

    Nulla elementum leo vitae tempus hendrerit. Praesent id tempus ante, quis gravida massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris lacinia arcu eu metus tempus suscipit. Praesent pharetra ullamcorper sapien eu rutrum. Mauris scelerisque blandit nisl nec aliquet. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem quis tristique rhoncus. Nunc rutrum hendrerit ante, eget sollicitudin massa elementum nec. Proin convallis egestas magna id consectetur. Donec nec ligula eget elit malesuada vestibulum. Aliquam convallis lacus ut enim ultrices imperdiet. Nullam vitae metus nunc. Morbi eget porta nibh. Duis vel diam in quam lacinia elementum placerat eu libero.

    Sed congue ipsum eu elit dapibus pretium. Nunc sed nisi vel nisl vehicula pellentesque eu et augue. Etiam vel quam commodo, ullamcorper risus vitae, blandit quam. In faucibus est nec nunc dignissim, sit amet placerat risus sagittis. In et interdum mi, ac vehicula mauris. Duis imperdiet magna nisl, lacinia semper ligula semper vitae. Aliquam convallis ligula ut turpis malesuada, ac sagittis risus dictum. Aliquam neque lacus, auctor quis mauris quis, tristique eleifend erat. Donec dictum nisl erat. Ut bibendum et diam id tempor. Nullam in orci finibus mi feugiat luctus tincidunt quis lectus.
    Pink flowers grow from my skin
  • I'm sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at leo eu risus ornare dapibus ac eu sapien. Aliquam convallis lacus eu ante commodo pellentesque. Quisque porttitor, tellus et hendrerit aliquam, elit diam tristique elit, eget rutrum quam mi sit amet felis. Duis condimentum aliquam posuere. Morbi tempus laoreet sapien quis placerat. Duis egestas purus vitae elit aliquet, at vulputate nulla hendrerit. Aenean commodo posuere commodo. Sed placerat arcu nec justo vulputate, sit amet consequat felis sagittis. Morbi elementum ligula ipsum, sed egestas dolor aliquam in. Donec quis rutrum ipsum, in tempor velit. Cras laoreet imperdiet mi, et interdum eros tincidunt vitae. Cras magna lorem, tempor ac scelerisque et, ullamcorper sed metus. Etiam orci est, ultrices in dui quis, rutrum sodales arcu. Nam imperdiet posuere maximus. Sed pulvinar accumsan rhoncus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

    Proin mattis elementum velit, eu auctor urna laoreet eu. Pellentesque dapibus dui eu erat ultricies, a interdum ipsum vestibulum. Pellentesque volutpat, mauris quis pellentesque lobortis, justo nisl feugiat ipsum, non fermentum dolor mauris a elit. Vestibulum vitae aliquet lacus, sit amet placerat ex. Nunc facilisis magna quis tortor sodales pellentesque. Duis molestie velit in tellus porttitor rutrum. Ut ligula odio, lobortis et leo ut, egestas viverra diam. Donec eget tincidunt diam.

    Nulla facilisi. Nam ac ipsum imperdiet, pretium dui eu, congue elit. Donec dignissim, magna ut luctus tincidunt, ante orci cursus ante, id sodales lectus magna gravida justo. Fusce eu sapien justo. In mattis enim in ex blandit egestas vel sit amet nunc. Nulla orci ligula, rutrum at risus et, ullamcorper lacinia lectus. Praesent pellentesque dignissim ipsum, nec tincidunt odio gravida nec.

    Ut consectetur molestie ornare. Etiam maximus, diam eu facilisis rhoncus, elit ex varius diam, nec facilisis magna nibh et tortor. Praesent sollicitudin congue ante, vel sagittis risus ultricies non. Pellentesque et ipsum purus. In ac luctus mauris, non maximus orci. Vivamus vel massa sagittis, interdum enim vitae, vulputate odio. Donec ut arcu in ligula semper aliquet. Aenean lacinia, ante non accumsan volutpat, leo ante cursus tortor, eu blandit orci lectus sed nunc. Etiam vulputate posuere sagittis. Nam tellus nunc, ullamcorper ut magna quis, faucibus gravida enim. Donec tincidunt dui enim, egestas suscipit sem imperdiet id.

    Donec blandit nunc sem, vitae vestibulum turpis vestibulum eget. Proin elit ipsum, vehicula vel mattis vitae, suscipit in felis. Nullam eleifend augue ut sagittis sagittis. Phasellus sagittis tortor ac justo euismod, ut suscipit mi tempus. Vivamus suscipit, purus ac laoreet molestie, orci eros sagittis dolor, id pulvinar ante ligula sed leo. Ut lobortis diam massa, facilisis lobortis urna tristique ullamcorper. Curabitur blandit vehicula dui a elementum. Praesent aliquam quam mi, ac finibus odio condimentum id. Maecenas bibendum ipsum neque, ut congue dolor placerat tincidunt. Aliquam quis mauris nec nisl porta condimentum. Donec aliquam mi at justo egestas vulputate. Ut tempus ultrices odio ut gravida. Duis scelerisque tortor metus, eget fringilla mi malesuada vitae. Vivamus ornare consectetur ligula, vel ultricies massa auctor vel. Donec sed mi mollis, posuere risus a, elementum dolor. Morbi et nunc vitae mi faucibus ultrices sed eu felis.
    Pink flowers grow from my skin
  • I'm sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce nec ornare lacus. Etiam a nunc vel nulla sodales facilisis in at ligula. Integer bibendum fermentum dictum. Proin scelerisque, ligula a ultrices condimentum, purus tellus lacinia dolor, eget vestibulum est purus sit amet lectus. Aliquam pulvinar sit amet purus eget feugiat. Sed id elit quis lectus feugiat tempor. Proin vel nunc semper, sagittis est ut, luctus nunc. Nulla nibh magna, tincidunt non pharetra a, scelerisque nec erat. Vestibulum in ex convallis erat maximus interdum. Sed ante nunc, rhoncus ac mauris id, accumsan vestibulum metus. Mauris ac pharetra dui.

    Ut laoreet lorem eu laoreet pellentesque. Pellentesque tincidunt velit diam, vitae laoreet purus molestie non. Aliquam porttitor laoreet mauris eu cursus. Curabitur non vulputate dolor, eu mollis justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Integer vestibulum in nulla non tempor. Etiam malesuada tempor felis pellentesque commodo. Pellentesque non scelerisque quam. Vivamus ac lectus facilisis urna congue condimentum pellentesque ac lectus. Sed quis ante velit. Nulla placerat elit non elementum bibendum. Aenean elementum condimentum erat in viverra. Nam sagittis, erat ut pretium mattis, lorem turpis sagittis purus, mollis bibendum est purus at quam. Sed sed sem turpis. Sed tincidunt ultrices purus, quis tristique quam malesuada eget.

    Suspendisse dapibus lectus non dolor vestibulum, vel congue massa ultricies. Mauris vitae ipsum vitae lectus pellentesque tristique vitae pellentesque metus. Mauris non cursus metus. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque lacinia ornare turpis non maximus. Vivamus ac lectus quis ante accumsan laoreet eget in turpis. Vestibulum bibendum, lacus non fringilla gravida, enim libero aliquam dolor, ut vulputate massa lorem non nibh. Etiam commodo nunc eget risus consectetur sagittis. Integer eget egestas nulla, ac molestie augue. Cras tincidunt blandit ex, et venenatis libero mollis vitae. Vivamus fringilla quam nibh, non porta quam mattis eu. Sed sit amet ultricies enim, gravida mollis mi. Proin enim tortor, laoreet a sem eget, luctus tempor eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Donec sodales ex id lectus vulputate ullamcorper quis ut arcu. Etiam rutrum euismod ex, convallis molestie nisi posuere sit amet. Quisque non justo ante. Praesent est diam, mollis vel lorem non, pulvinar dapibus dui. Pellentesque elementum mi id massa imperdiet maximus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur at viverra sapien. Aliquam eu gravida arcu. Cras consequat nec lorem nec dictum. In et commodo tellus. Praesent id diam pulvinar, auctor est efficitur, pharetra nisi. Praesent viverra eros at erat dapibus, eget tincidunt quam pulvinar. Nullam nec tincidunt mi. Donec at vestibulum sapien, quis lobortis magna. Suspendisse dictum, purus id iaculis fringilla, nunc felis tristique tellus, vitae fringilla orci risus efficitur nunc.

    Phasellus auctor turpis risus, quis convallis neque iaculis non. Quisque eu magna viverra, aliquam tellus vel, vestibulum lectus. Suspendisse consequat ligula nec velit dictum tristique. In iaculis rhoncus quam id vestibulum. Pellentesque sem mi, egestas ut lectus et, porta maximus nulla. Duis et rhoncus purus. Aliquam aliquet nunc arcu, laoreet imperdiet augue rhoncus quis. Phasellus semper varius posuere. Donec non lectus blandit risus bibendum blandit eget a leo. Mauris gravida pretium orci vel elementum. Curabitur vehicula enim fermentum malesuada porttitor. Proin molestie vulputate orci sit amet vulputate. Aliquam sollicitudin fringilla bibendum. Ut convallis imperdiet augue eget pulvinar. Vivamus auctor enim eu odio lobortis luctus. Aenean fermentum eleifend turpis quis accumsan.
    Pink flowers grow from my skin
Bubble Gum
Created by Jenamos
I'm sorry I didn't kiss you, but it's obvious I wanted to
Bubble Gum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum hendrerit rhoncus gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel turpis at risus dapibus tincidunt vitae eget ligula. Ut odio quam, fringilla id purus sit amet, lacinia blandit dolor. Phasellus egestas vitae urna non bibendum. Vivamus iaculis vehicula turpis et hendrerit. Maecenas dapibus ut elit ut suscipit.

Nam ornare et dui a semper. Ut aliquam, ipsum a consequat congue, ligula orci aliquam mi, vel pretium velit est vitae odio. Donec eget interdum velit. Vestibulum a sem nec odio tincidunt feugiat. Ut sagittis urna ac risus finibus, a aliquet massa feugiat. Cras convallis magna non fringilla viverra. Maecenas justo turpis, ultrices et felis eu, sodales elementum justo. Praesent aliquam erat at risus bibendum, ut facilisis leo consectetur. Nulla facilisi. Quisque at tellus eu nisi scelerisque vulputate sed in neque. Morbi at tortor sit amet felis consectetur tincidunt ut id metus. Nam vel massa sit amet sem sagittis vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Nam in tincidunt dolor. Sed tincidunt ligula eu magna fermentum, eget rhoncus magna tincidunt. Praesent eu hendrerit est.

Vivamus tempus maximus elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam sed viverra augue, vel mollis leo. Cras quis viverra ipsum. Aenean eget efficitur felis. Phasellus eu dolor turpis. Nunc efficitur ornare cursus. Phasellus nibh massa, elementum sed ornare et, dignissim ac nisi.

Morbi et purus odio. Donec tincidunt justo id justo semper lobortis. Cras vulputate condimentum enim vitae ultrices. Curabitur odio nibh, malesuada fermentum tincidunt sed, ultrices suscipit neque. Vestibulum tristique bibendum leo, rutrum consequat massa consectetur et. In nec elit fermentum, rhoncus magna vitae, porttitor dolor. Phasellus congue ac sem sit amet semper. In suscipit orci at est malesuada efficitur. Vestibulum dictum, tortor vel fermentum suscipit, nisl ligula finibus lectus, nec venenatis tortor leo vitae nisl. Suspendisse sodales, elit a congue dignissim, leo odio vulputate leo, vitae laoreet sapien risus vel odio. Fusce maximus, purus eu accumsan rutrum, dolor felis cursus nulla, vitae dapibus lorem tortor et libero. Phasellus laoreet urna vitae augue pellentesque facilisis. Curabitur vitae metus in erat vulputate congue nec vitae velit.

Nulla rhoncus facilisis massa, vel tristique felis. Morbi ac diam vehicula, scelerisque tortor nec, malesuada urna. Mauris vulputate urna non velit porta, nec rhoncus mauris commodo. Sed eu nisl ligula. Vivamus dictum maximus tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla sapien nulla, mollis eu risus id, viverra vulputate sem. Nulla aliquet, purus id rutrum eleifend, quam nunc fringilla lacus, eget feugiat tellus felis nec sapien. Pellentesque porta cursus ornare. Sed blandit ultrices dolor ac laoreet. Curabitur faucibus neque nibh, sed rutrum justo faucibus sit amet. Sed sollicitudin porttitor luctus. Nulla facilisi. Praesent et blandit libero. Phasellus elit nulla, malesuada sed justo ac, bibendum rutrum turpis.
Pink flowers grow from my skin
I'd do anything for you
But would you do that for me, too?
Created by Jenamos
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Reactions: DaughterofChaos
" If I can't have you, is love completely off the table? "
Yoo Kihyun

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a turpis diam. Etiam non arcu enim. Proin elementum, tortor nec tempus commodo, ante elit lacinia enim, quis sagittis ante lorem eu tellus. Vivamus eleifend consequat dapibus. Pellentesque id risus eget nunc luctus aliquam a in dui. Maecenas molestie leo vel luctus posuere. Maecenas vestibulum ullamcorper justo nec rhoncus. Aenean non lectus in metus tincidunt volutpat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc in lacus feugiat viverra. Sed mollis quis neque at tincidunt. Integer a aliquet erat. Maecenas et feugiat augue. Sed finibus est ut tortor pellentesque pretium.

Mauris ut enim at ipsum ornare pellentesque. Fusce nec diam odio. Donec rhoncus gravida interdum. Sed tempus faucibus metus in malesuada. Suspendisse dignissim massa sit amet est sagittis gravida. Donec venenatis pretium magna a aliquet. Proin non velit hendrerit, tempus felis vel, posuere nunc. Mauris malesuada, nunc non faucibus placerat, est orci posuere neque, id tempus tellus nisl quis nulla. Vestibulum varius orci quis faucibus rutrum. Etiam tortor quam, scelerisque nec ornare nec, commodo maximus velit. Mauris ornare non purus nec sodales. Pellentesque eu velit vitae purus vestibulum consectetur iaculis imperdiet enim. Cras ultricies urna ante, at rutrum lorem accumsan quis. Donec rhoncus dapibus odio, eu lobortis odio vestibulum a. Ut vel vulputate enim.

Sed rhoncus velit sit amet massa elementum, imperdiet euismod nunc porttitor. Phasellus scelerisque erat sit amet venenatis vulputate. Curabitur elementum facilisis justo, at finibus odio ultrices id. Mauris et tristique odio. In a magna imperdiet, eleifend elit condimentum, hendrerit nisl. Fusce finibus tellus a condimentum dapibus. Nunc a tempor quam, ac malesuada leo. Donec sed libero felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc a tempus mi.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin risus purus, blandit porttitor fringilla finibus, scelerisque a dolor. Quisque vel augue nec dui sodales sollicitudin. Vivamus at neque ut elit porta commodo non ac ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce lacinia turpis quis bibendum rhoncus. Vivamus pretium euismod nulla a blandit. Ut leo dolor, finibus luctus mattis non, accumsan a eros. Duis massa mauris, sollicitudin quis felis id, commodo tincidunt mauris. Cras imperdiet laoreet neque, id pharetra eros euismod ut. Phasellus quis metus at lectus porta molestie. Ut cursus eget dui a luctus. Nulla nec elementum sem, a aliquam est. Praesent dolor nisl, dapibus et ipsum id, maximus venenatis nunc. Mauris sagittis placerat quam.

Ut eget ex sapien. Pellentesque eu mauris tincidunt, ullamcorper erat in, aliquam enim. Sed porta eros sed dui pulvinar pulvinar. Mauris consequat facilisis egestas. Pellentesque nunc sapien, volutpat eget mi viverra, pharetra vestibulum magna. Donec condimentum iaculis dictum. Pellentesque tempor pulvinar est, eu semper erat pellentesque nec. Nullam consequat enim eget vehicula luctus. Morbi sit amet mollis orci. Donec tincidunt ac ante ut efficitur. Donec a lobortis neque, vel gravida diam. Suspendisse imperdiet, lectus eu auctor pretium, enim tellus tincidunt lacus, nec molestie libero massa ac purus.

off the table
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Reactions: Dvyniai

Bao Xuan

| Human | Male -- He/Him | 25 | Pansexual |

NICKNAME/S: Bao, Baolan (What he often goes by)
BIRTHDAY: April 18th (Aries + Taurus cusp)
BIRTHPLACE: Penang Island, Malaysia
OCCUPATION/MAJOR?: Chemistry. School's Assistant (Library)

HEIGHT: 6'3"
HAIR: Black naturally. He will occasionally color it lighter during the spring, either blonde or light blue. He's even gone red for Summer, but that was two years ago.
EYES: While he likes his brown eyes, it's not uncommon for him to wear contacts. Usually keeping to only one contact so his eyes are different colors.

BODY: Baolan is slim, not so much where he has no muscle mass, quite the opposite. He's well built and works out consistently. Slender legs, give the idea that he is a dancer without the rest of his appearance giving it away. Xuan enjoys turtlenecks and will always wear skinny jeans no matter what the temperature is, but he enjoys loose shirts. He often dresses like a dad.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Baolan has a tongue ring. A tattoo of his mothers name on his left side. Ears are pierced. Has thick eyebrows but hand trims them and clips his right as a fashion statement.

Baolan seems to have two separate personalities, or that's what his friends would say if they could see him now. Bao Xuan is a relaxed individual. Stress doesn't exist in his dictionary and neither does laziness toward something like relationships or a goal. However, be prepared for some straightforward and honest remarks.Bao can take care of himself pretty easily and he doesn't need the attention of interference from others to feel good about himself. In a social even, his enthusiasm and sarcasm can lighten up the atmosphere or rile up the spirits. It depends on how good his mood is. Bao likes being together with friends and close ones, but unfortunately, is also very aggressive and uninterested in maintaining a tender and diplomatic approach. Resistant and patient.

Moving to America changed Bao. Unable to communicate fully and no one that spoke his native language threw him for a whirl mentally. There was no one he could relate too and it closed him off from trying. He was highly sociable and made a lot of friends in Malaysia. Yet, coming to America made him self conscious and more self aware. Keeping to himself meant he was able to do what he wanted and not have to learn about the consequences. It was his fathers idea to move him to an American fraternity, in order to get him more international friends instead of doting on his past. Baolan isn't sure he likes it very much.

+ Strong willed
+ Understanding
+ Fun- loving
+ Protective (Good and bad)
+ Responsible

- Shy
- Closed off to strangers
- Doesn't share his feelings
- Used to smile a lot
- Fears being a disappointment

Ice Cream + Bubble Teas + Springtime/Summer + Sweets + Vietnamese food (Pho specifically) + Meditation + Yoga + Painting + Small animals like Rabbits + Koi + Orchards + Travelling + Learning + Books + Teas + Dark and Light Aesthetics + Flowers (Cherry blossoms) + Gaming (minimally) + Operas +Makeup
- Suffering - Crying - Arguments - Violence - Screamo/heavy music - Crowds -


* Bao's full name is Bảo Vệ Gió Xuân. A name given at his birth, Bao was born in spring on a windy afternoon. In Vietnamese, his name means Protection of the Spring Wind.

* He is currently learning his English. His main languages being Vietnamese and Chinese. He can pick out a few words from Korean but that's mostly because Kpop is still big in Malaysia.

* Working in the library means he has time to read English books, and when he thinks he's alone, he will read out loud to himself to practice his English.

* Baolan meditates every morning. For multiple hours and even partakes in yoga to keep himself spiritually grounded. He strives for his own inner peace through the path of Buddha, but does not actively practice Buddhism.

* Does choreography but hides it from people out of fear of conversation. He knows his English isn't good, and while he strives to fix that, he hasn't met anyone who can understand his native tongue, so he hides from conversation completely.

* His favorite song is Trespass by Monsta X for the beat mostly, he's got the lyrics memorized by heart. He will dance to it if it comes on while he's drinking.


NAME: Plants


I'm more than my thorns

Created by Leucothea
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  • Love
Reactions: BigBirdie

I'm more than my thorns

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a turpis diam. Etiam non arcu enim. Proin elementum, tortor nec tempus commodo, ante elit lacinia enim, quis sagittis ante lorem eu tellus. Vivamus eleifend consequat dapibus. Pellentesque id risus eget nunc luctus aliquam a in dui. Maecenas molestie leo vel luctus posuere. Maecenas vestibulum ullamcorper justo nec rhoncus. Aenean non lectus in metus tincidunt volutpat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc in lacus feugiat viverra. Sed mollis quis neque at tincidunt. Integer a aliquet erat. Maecenas et feugiat augue. Sed finibus est ut tortor pellentesque pretium.

Mauris ut enim at ipsum ornare pellentesque. Fusce nec diam odio. Donec rhoncus gravida interdum. Sed tempus faucibus metus in malesuada. Suspendisse dignissim massa sit amet est sagittis gravida. Donec venenatis pretium magna a aliquet. Proin non velit hendrerit, tempus felis vel, posuere nunc. Mauris malesuada, nunc non faucibus placerat, est orci posuere neque, id tempus tellus nisl quis nulla. Vestibulum varius orci quis faucibus rutrum. Etiam tortor quam, scelerisque nec ornare nec, commodo maximus velit. Mauris ornare non purus nec sodales. Pellentesque eu velit vitae purus vestibulum consectetur iaculis imperdiet enim. Cras ultricies urna ante, at rutrum lorem accumsan quis. Donec rhoncus dapibus odio, eu lobortis odio vestibulum a. Ut vel vulputate enim.

Sed rhoncus velit sit amet massa elementum, imperdiet euismod nunc porttitor. Phasellus scelerisque erat sit amet venenatis vulputate. Curabitur elementum facilisis justo, at finibus odio ultrices id. Mauris et tristique odio. In a magna imperdiet, eleifend elit condimentum, hendrerit nisl. Fusce finibus tellus a condimentum dapibus. Nunc a tempor quam, ac malesuada leo. Donec sed libero felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc a tempus mi.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin risus purus, blandit porttitor fringilla finibus, scelerisque a dolor. Quisque vel augue nec dui sodales sollicitudin. Vivamus at neque ut elit porta commodo non ac ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce lacinia turpis quis bibendum rhoncus. Vivamus pretium euismod nulla a blandit. Ut leo dolor, finibus luctus mattis non, accumsan a eros. Duis massa mauris, sollicitudin quis felis id, commodo tincidunt mauris. Cras imperdiet laoreet neque, id pharetra eros euismod ut. Phasellus quis metus at lectus porta molestie. Ut cursus eget dui a luctus. Nulla nec elementum sem, a aliquam est. Praesent dolor nisl, dapibus et ipsum id, maximus venenatis nunc. Mauris sagittis placerat quam.

Ut eget ex sapien. Pellentesque eu mauris tincidunt, ullamcorper erat in, aliquam enim. Sed porta eros sed dui pulvinar pulvinar. Mauris consequat facilisis egestas. Pellentesque nunc sapien, volutpat eget mi viverra, pharetra vestibulum magna. Donec condimentum iaculis dictum. Pellentesque tempor pulvinar est, eu semper erat pellentesque nec. Nullam consequat enim eget vehicula luctus. Morbi sit amet mollis orci. Donec tincidunt ac ante ut efficitur. Donec a lobortis neque, vel gravida diam. Suspendisse imperdiet, lectus eu auctor pretium, enim tellus tincidunt lacus, nec molestie libero massa ac purus

Created by Leucothea
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: BigBirdie
Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone, tear me to pieces, skin to bone




date of birth



code by MaryGold, heavily inspired by winnie

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ultricies consectetur ex, aliquam mollis nibh fermentum eu. Phasellus varius tellus quis est ultrices maximus. Duis leo turpis, tincidunt ut mollis commodo, cursus eget velit. Fusce blandit dignissim leo ac vulputate. Sed venenatis tempus orci, eu egestas est consequat at. Morbi et malesuada ante. Nunc iaculis diam sit amet eros accumsan lobortis. Cras vitae tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque elit augue, interdum sed efficitur vitae, sodales et eros.

    Morbi eleifend hendrerit nisl, ut viverra neque dictum at. Aliquam et massa ligula. Sed vitae velit tincidunt, suscipit metus eget, pellentesque purus. Cras quis nunc et magna commodo interdum nec a nulla. Suspendisse mattis fermentum fringilla. In eu dui ut dui malesuada malesuada eget a neque. Morbi sit amet ex vitae lorem placerat commodo at eu libero. Ut sed suscipit neque, vitae pretium leo. Duis sit amet urna ornare, tempus magna ut, blandit dolor. Vestibulum laoreet, elit bibendum posuere sodales, felis lacus bibendum nunc, at laoreet neque nunc eget mi. Duis placerat non nisi hendrerit congue. Suspendisse eleifend nisl quis urna sollicitudin convallis. Suspendisse ac ex blandit, rutrum ligula at, hendrerit eros.

    Vestibulum ut augue quis est faucibus ornare. Fusce imperdiet fermentum elit mollis porttitor. Quisque pulvinar volutpat urna, sed porttitor est suscipit ac. Ut ultrices, lorem in euismod vestibulum, sapien velit dignissim ex, vel ultricies est lorem sit amet dui. Nulla justo erat, cursus sit amet libero convallis, tempor eleifend lacus. Vivamus velit elit, pharetra vitae quam in, vestibulum volutpat nisl. Duis laoreet elit a quam placerat molestie.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ultricies consectetur ex, aliquam mollis nibh fermentum eu. Phasellus varius tellus quis est ultrices maximus. Duis leo turpis, tincidunt ut mollis commodo, cursus eget velit. Fusce blandit dignissim leo ac vulputate. Sed venenatis tempus orci, eu egestas est consequat at. Morbi et malesuada ante. Nunc iaculis diam sit amet eros accumsan lobortis. Cras vitae tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque elit augue, interdum sed efficitur vitae, sodales et eros.

    Morbi eleifend hendrerit nisl, ut viverra neque dictum at. Aliquam et massa ligula. Sed vitae velit tincidunt, suscipit metus eget, pellentesque purus. Cras quis nunc et magna commodo interdum nec a nulla. Suspendisse mattis fermentum fringilla. In eu dui ut dui malesuada malesuada eget a neque. Morbi sit amet ex vitae lorem placerat commodo at eu libero. Ut sed suscipit neque, vitae pretium leo. Duis sit amet urna ornare, tempus magna ut, blandit dolor. Vestibulum laoreet, elit bibendum posuere sodales, felis lacus bibendum nunc, at laoreet neque nunc eget mi. Duis placerat non nisi hendrerit congue. Suspendisse eleifend nisl quis urna sollicitudin convallis. Suspendisse ac ex blandit, rutrum ligula at, hendrerit eros.

    Vestibulum ut augue quis est faucibus ornare. Fusce imperdiet fermentum elit mollis porttitor. Quisque pulvinar volutpat urna, sed porttitor est suscipit ac. Ut ultrices, lorem in euismod vestibulum, sapien velit dignissim ex, vel ultricies est lorem sit amet dui. Nulla justo erat, cursus sit amet libero convallis, tempor eleifend lacus. Vivamus velit elit, pharetra vitae quam in, vestibulum volutpat nisl. Duis laoreet elit a quam placerat molestie.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ultricies consectetur ex, aliquam mollis nibh fermentum eu. Phasellus varius tellus quis est ultrices maximus. Duis leo turpis, tincidunt ut mollis commodo, cursus eget velit. Fusce blandit dignissim leo ac vulputate. Sed venenatis tempus orci, eu egestas est consequat at. Morbi et malesuada ante. Nunc iaculis diam sit amet eros accumsan lobortis. Cras vitae tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque elit augue, interdum sed efficitur vitae, sodales et eros.

    Morbi eleifend hendrerit nisl, ut viverra neque dictum at. Aliquam et massa ligula. Sed vitae velit tincidunt, suscipit metus eget, pellentesque purus. Cras quis nunc et magna commodo interdum nec a nulla. Suspendisse mattis fermentum fringilla. In eu dui ut dui malesuada malesuada eget a neque. Morbi sit amet ex vitae lorem placerat commodo at eu libero. Ut sed suscipit neque, vitae pretium leo. Duis sit amet urna ornare, tempus magna ut, blandit dolor. Vestibulum laoreet, elit bibendum posuere sodales, felis lacus bibendum nunc, at laoreet neque nunc eget mi. Duis placerat non nisi hendrerit congue. Suspendisse eleifend nisl quis urna sollicitudin convallis. Suspendisse ac ex blandit, rutrum ligula at, hendrerit eros.

    Vestibulum ut augue quis est faucibus ornare. Fusce imperdiet fermentum elit mollis porttitor. Quisque pulvinar volutpat urna, sed porttitor est suscipit ac. Ut ultrices, lorem in euismod vestibulum, sapien velit dignissim ex, vel ultricies est lorem sit amet dui. Nulla justo erat, cursus sit amet libero convallis, tempor eleifend lacus. Vivamus velit elit, pharetra vitae quam in, vestibulum volutpat nisl. Duis laoreet elit a quam placerat molestie.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ultricies consectetur ex, aliquam mollis nibh fermentum eu. Phasellus varius tellus quis est ultrices maximus. Duis leo turpis, tincidunt ut mollis commodo, cursus eget velit. Fusce blandit dignissim leo ac vulputate. Sed venenatis tempus orci, eu egestas est consequat at. Morbi et malesuada ante. Nunc iaculis diam sit amet eros accumsan lobortis. Cras vitae tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque elit augue, interdum sed efficitur vitae, sodales et eros.

    Morbi eleifend hendrerit nisl, ut viverra neque dictum at. Aliquam et massa ligula. Sed vitae velit tincidunt, suscipit metus eget, pellentesque purus. Cras quis nunc et magna commodo interdum nec a nulla. Suspendisse mattis fermentum fringilla. In eu dui ut dui malesuada malesuada eget a neque. Morbi sit amet ex vitae lorem placerat commodo at eu libero. Ut sed suscipit neque, vitae pretium leo. Duis sit amet urna ornare, tempus magna ut, blandit dolor. Vestibulum laoreet, elit bibendum posuere sodales, felis lacus bibendum nunc, at laoreet neque nunc eget mi. Duis placerat non nisi hendrerit congue. Suspendisse eleifend nisl quis urna sollicitudin convallis. Suspendisse ac ex blandit, rutrum ligula at, hendrerit eros.

    Vestibulum ut augue quis est faucibus ornare. Fusce imperdiet fermentum elit mollis porttitor. Quisque pulvinar volutpat urna, sed porttitor est suscipit ac. Ut ultrices, lorem in euismod vestibulum, sapien velit dignissim ex, vel ultricies est lorem sit amet dui. Nulla justo erat, cursus sit amet libero convallis, tempor eleifend lacus. Vivamus velit elit, pharetra vitae quam in, vestibulum volutpat nisl. Duis laoreet elit a quam placerat molestie.


Welcome to Cafe Society

"Beware who finds your secrets, some are not the kindest of the mouth"

Cafe Society- Café society was the description of the "Beautiful People" and "Bright Young Things" who gathered in fashionable cafés and restaurants in New York, Paris and London beginning in the late 19th century. Maury Henry Biddle Paul is credited with coining the phrase "café society" in 1915.


It's the fall of 2020, eight years after the Gossip Girl timeline, GG is back, wreaking havoc on the new generation of Upper East Siders. New York, a world filled with drama, romance, and pseudo-aristocracy, is about to be shaken up once again. As these young adults enter college and their love lives, they must now balance watching their every move, and staying under Gossip Girl's radar. Who could be doing this? It's up to the targeted students of Cornell University to find out. Do they have what it takes to survive the cut-throat social sphere of the uppermost echelon of New York City society? Or will they be dethroned from their place in the hierarchy when their deepest, darkest secrets are revealed?


* The primary form of communication for this roleplay will be on Discord, so please have an account, if not it's easy to set one up so you can plot and stay in touch with updates etc.

* This is a college style rp, all characters MUST be over 18 years of age. Real faceclaims ONLY.

* It is 100% not required for you to know anything about Gossip Girl, there are plenty of other players who would love to help you out along the way!

* This roleplay will have smut, light smut is allowed. Please hide heavy smut in spoilers or take to PM's. This roleplay, however, will likely include intense themes and violence. Therefore, you must be a RedStar to participate.

* Please be adept in your writing skill, at least 3 to 4 paragraphs per post.

* Please be respectful and friendly to one another! IC fighting is fine (with the players involved consent), but we should be civil in the Discord. Any rudeness will NOT be tolerated.

* All coding, both IC and character sheets, should be easy-to-read. We have a set coding, you are welcome (but not required) to use for your convenience. Code will be listed in Links.

* When making your character/s, there must be three secrets to them. Two minor and one major secret that will de-throne them if released by GG. You may have more than three secrets. These secrets are to be DM'ed to either myself or @Jenamos via Discord, in the order of relevance -- Starting with least to most detrimental.

* You can post a reservation for where you'd like your character sheet to be, in order to keep characters together. At this time we are only allowing 2 characters per player.

* Please don't chat here -- This is for character sheets only.


Code -
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margin: auto;
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[/TABS][/div][div=cursor: url(, auto; margin: auto; width: 600px; height: 440px; margin-top: -410px; border-radius: 20px; background: url(; background-size: cover; background-position: center;][/div][div=margin: auto; width: 300px; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-size: 9px;]Created by Jenamos[/div]


Based off of Blue Bloods by @lxngdon. Code by Leucothea
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I'm a good guy turned bad guy when I crossed the line. Why do I fall for your type?

Seokjin Hei Wu Dim

SeokJ, SJ, Wu


November 26th, 1996

24 years old

Bi-sexual (Demi-romantic)

Model/Music Artist
code by MaryGold, heavily inspired by winnie

  • Birthplace: Wuhan, China

    Academic Year: Senior

    Minor: Performance Arts (Dance, Singing)
    Major: Musical Arts (Sound production)

    Relationship Status/Interest:
    Single (Couple of flings in China and Seoul)
    No interest as of now

    Height: 6'3" (195 cm)

    Hair Color: Black. On occasion he will color his hair blond, but he has not tried any other colors yet.

    Eye Color: Blue (Left eye), Brown (Right eye).

    Skin Details: Light sprinkling of freckles on his nose, easily covered up with makeup.
    A beauty mark on his nose (left side).


    Other Noticeable Features:

    Medical Notes:

    Seokjin has Heterochromia Iridium: a condition in which the iris in one eye has a different color than the iris of the other eye.

  • Personality:



  • History: Seokjin was born in Wuhan, China, in the Hubei province. Seokjin was born to a wealthy concert pianist and his Opera Singing wife. Like most asian families during the time of his birth, his traditions and parental expectations lingered over him for most of his young life, and didn't ease up with the birth of his sister in 2001. Everyone in his family from his parents to his great great grandparents have been in Theatre. From the orchestra to the maternal job of Opera singer. He comes from a long line of musically exceptional humans.

    His little sister, Si-yan, and himself underwent rigorous training to strengthen their voices at a young age. It had been decided, against their wishes, the two were to become Opera singers. Seokjin became very rebellious around the time of his 6th birthday. His parents had moved him to America to seek more professional jobs. It was here that Seokjin found his own American friends and came to enjoy the music he would hear later in life. Hip Hop.

    As he progressed in age and schooling, his parents made it apparent to offer Seokjin up as a side to make money. He worked at age 12, in China town, the closest area his parents could find that held authentic Chinese speakers. They insisted he were to keep in touch with his culture throughout everything. So he did, going back and forth between China and America during summer breaks.

    The older Seok got, the more his parents began to resent his interest in Hip Hop, while he found it to be his talent. Trying his best to please his parents by attempting to make it big in China, creating music for his native language which never pleased his parents.

    Seokjin graduated high school and moved by himself at age 18 to Shanghai, to further his music career. For a couple years he studied under a production company which in order to train him in dance as he was required, moved him back and forth from Shanghai to Seoul, South Korea to train with the kpop idols.

    Recently Seokjin has moved back to America for familial reasons and is finishing up his schooling.

  • Extra:

Seokjin Dim

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- invis scroll
- "chat" color
- hover icons for faceclaim, sexuality, and gender

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse platea. Eget nullam non nisi est. Egestas sed sed risus pretium quam. Urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in nulla. Mauris rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor. Faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed. Pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae. Nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere. Est velit egestas dui id ornare arcu odio ut. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas.

Augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget. Arcu dictum varius duis at consectetur lorem donec. Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna. Posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent. Nunc non blandit massa enim. Vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum varius duis at consectetur. In est ante in nibh mauris cursus. Mauris augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci. Non consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna duis. Arcu dictum varius duis at consectetur. Scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla. Neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem et.

made by zenith
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  • Love
Reactions: BigBirdie

Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow.
Tai-Long Shi
- 28 years old + Gemini + June 10th
- Male. He/Him - Bi-sexual

Mulan (1998).
Mulan's early story development was concurrent with a Scottish folk tale project that featured a dragon character. When that project ended up being canceled, Mulan ended up inheriting the idea of a dragon sidekick.
At first, Mulan's companions were to be two reptilian creatures; the idea of the creatures being dragons had not yet been established. However, feeling that two sidekicks would overcrowd the story, the animators then decided on a two-headed dragon, though they were green and grotesque. After the animators decided on a single-headed dragon, they established Mushu's physical concept. Originally, Disney rejected the idea of having a dragon as Mulan's partner, but after learning that Chinese dragons could be many different sizes, the idea came back. For better use, the animators shrunk Mushu to a smaller size.

Fire Manipulation

OCCUPATION - Unemployed, if anyone asked, he's secretive about his profession.
Tai makes his own Sake, he makes a variety of flavors and strengths and sells them to restaurants around the area for profit. His leftover fruit batches go to the local farmers market, where they can be bought.

HEIGHT - About 6'0

EYE COLOR - Tai has Heterochromia Iridium- His right eye is brown while his left is a light blue. He doesn't hide this fact and is indifferent about it. If anyone were to ask if it was a contact, he would simply say he stole someone's eyeball.

HAIR COLOR - Tai has two different hair colors, this could be due to an alter wanting one color over the other, or because he couldn't come to a proper decision and chose both. There is truly no method to what he chooses.

* Slightly tanned skin.
* Razored detail over left eye-brow.

* Rough patches of skin behind his ears, with an almost scaly feel. Very small and barely noticeable.


* Forked tongue.
* Elongated canines, not easily visible until he smiles.

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED)-
* Palpitations

* Emotional detachment (Brief periods)
* Tension Headaches
* Uncontrollable Irritability

PERSONALITY (At least five traits) -
| Comical | Overconfident | Impulsive | Loyal | Analytical | Hard-headed | Witty | Sarcastic | Connected | Adventurous | A Rager | Perceptive | Quite Antisocial | Difficult to deal with |

LIKES - Warmth | Fire | Spicy Foods | Fireball whiskey | The cold | Adventures | Gumbo |
Tailong spent a short time by himself moving into the town, he avoided those he was close with to find the right spot for his home. Mushu chose his area closest to the river's widest part, taking a couple months to establish himself. Taking up two acres for his race patties and water wheel, Mushu took up making his own Sake. Once he was comfortable within his home, his next step was leaving it. Offering Sake to his friends in lieu of 'vanishing' within himself for a vast period of time. He is still closed off but more open and to his normal self with his friends. He never dealt with the change well.

* Lowkey (highkey) a pyromaniac. Has set things on fire because he was told not to.
* Has accidentally set his rice patties on fire.
* Jokingly does the tongue thing.
* He will taste the air with his tongue and call you a Salty bitch.
* A ride or Die.
* He's always over-heating. Wears loose clothes to combat this a bit.

Code by Jenamos
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If I had a world of my own,

Everything would be Nonsense.
Anais Kingsley
- 26 Years old + Virgo + Sept 14th
-Male - He/Him + Homosexual

Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel by English author Lewis Carroll (the pseudonym of Charles Dodgson). It tells of a young girl named Alice, who falls through a rabbit hole into a subterranean fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. One of the best-known and most popular works of English-language fiction, its narrative, structure, characters and imagery have been enormously influential in popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre.

POWER - No power.

Anais currently works under Whitley as an assistant Horologist

HEIGHT - 5'9"

EYE COLOR - Blue, almost dark blue around the Iris

HAIR COLOR - A mix of caramel blond and light blond. Wavy.

SKIN DETAILS - Anais has fair skin, while it is a little bit on the reddened side. His cheeks are always red and easily flesh out the freckles that stain them.

BUILD - Anais is lengthy for his height. He is not muscular by any means, what muscle he does have is displayed evenly through his body.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES - Curly hair. Freckles. Always looks to be blushing.

HEALTH NOTES - Chronic Hallucinatory Disorder

PERSONALITY (At least five traits) -
| Kind | Patient | Overanalytical | Aloof | Observant | Faithful | Irritable | Reliable | Sassy | Polite |

LIKES - Daydreaming | Heights | Flying | Flowers | Explorations | Teas (all kinds) | Cats | Books | Mini golf | Magazines | Singing | Lilies | Soft things | Pillows | Doves | Lavender Lemonade | Painting | Being read to | Picture books

DISLIKES - Bitter foods | Coffee | Long books | Being talked down at | Dishonesty

Anais had a difficult time adjusting to outside Wonderland. The world was an unforgiving place, full of people who called him crazy, denying to help him find his friends to the point he became a harm to himself and others. Terrible people mocked his loss, refusing to believe in such things as talking animals or rabbits in waist coats. His fellow patients laughed at him, for there was no way his friends were real aside from theirs, but he heard them.
Anais hated London, such a horrendous place filled with grime and fools. He knew Wonderland had been real, it had to have been. It was a struggle when Whitley found him, a shell of himself with little to hold in reality. Whitley offered him a home and security from the Institution in Glasswick. Anais has been sloly healing ever since.

Code by Jenamos
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This world is Rotten

Let me fill it with Dreams
Elya Domitrekov
27 Years + Cancer + July 4th
Male + He/Him + Demisexual

Hans Christian Andersen's 1841 folk tale Ole Lukøje introduced the Sandman, named Ole Lukøje, by relating dreams he gave to a young boy in a week through his magical technique of sprinkling dust in the eyes of the children. "Ole" is a common Danish first name and "Lukøje" means "close eye".[3] Andersen wrote:

There is nobody in the world who knows so many stories as Ole-Luk-Oie, or who can relate them so nicely. In the evening, while the children are seated at the table or in their little chairs, he comes up the stairs very softly, for he walks in his socks, then he opens the doors without the slightest noise, and throws a small quantity of very fine dust in their eyes, just enough to prevent them from keeping them open, and so they do not see him. Then he creeps behind them, and blows softly upon their necks, till their heads begin to droop. But Ole-Luk-Oie does not wish to hurt them, for he is very fond of children, and only wants them to be quiet that he may relate to them pretty stories, and they never are quiet until they are in bed and asleep. As soon as they are asleep, Ole-Luk-Oie seats himself upon the bed. He is nicely dressed; his coat is made of silken fabric; it is impossible to say of what color, for it changes from green to red, and from red to blue as he turns from side to side. Under each arm he carries an umbrella; one of them, with pictures on the inside, he spreads over the good children, and then they dream the most beautiful stories the whole night. But the other umbrella has no pictures, and this he holds over the naughty children so that they sleep heavily, and wake in the morning without having dreams at all.

POWER - Dreamscaping (Dream Manipulation)

OCCUPATION - Unemployed- Stays with Tai

HEIGHT - '6'1"

EYE COLOR - Dull blue, more on a grey tone.


SKIN DETAILS - Almost pasty in color, damn near grey. Cheeks tends to get flustered very easily.

BUILD - Slender build.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES - Deep set eyes. Always seemingly tired unless his syndrome acts up. Piercings on his ears and tongue.

HEALTH NOTES - Kleine-Levin Syndrome

PERSONALITY - | Quiet | Internalizes his feelings | Caring | Dependable | Nurturing | Compassionate | Moody | Subtle | Pessimistic |

LIKES - | Grays | Contemporary Art | Anime | Apples | Sweets | Sleep | Children | Nostalgic Movies | Pistachio Ice Cream | Ava Max | Old folktales

DISLIKES - | Loud noises | Bright lights | Metal music | Over-sleeping |

BRIEF BACKGROUND - Elya, before Glasswick his name was Ole Lukoje, coming from his own fairytale it was . He travelled where he could and offered dreams to children. He found Glasswick shortly after his travels and decided once he found friends, that Glaswick was a safe location for him to make his home.

* Elya does not speak very often, he likes to say silent and speak with his mind, however no one is a mind reader. He speaks when spoken to.
* His favorite Anime is Wolf's Rain, he likes the concept of seeking a sanctuary, as he sees good dreams as a method of sanctuary.
* Sits like a nerd. It's almost a security for him, to have his midsection covered.

Code by Jenamos
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location mentions interactions
Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?

Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.

Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.

I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?

"This is is what dialogue looks like!!!" Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. "Do I like this color?" Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.

"Hell yeah!" Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.

I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.


location mentions interactions
Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?
Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.
Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.
I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?
"This is is what dialogue looks like!!!" Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. "Do I like this color?" Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.
"Hell yeah!" Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.
I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.


Ole Lukoje (Sandman)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultricies faucibus ornare. Curabitur eget tortor nunc. Curabitur maximus convallis dui, vel venenatis dui fermentum at. Mauris sagittis ornare est, id ultrices nisl elementum at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean facilisis sapien ac sapien rutrum ultricies molestie et metus. Ut bibendum luctus arcu, ac euismod ipsum faucibus a. Pellentesque facilisis orci vitae neque pulvinar mollis. Maecenas hendrerit quis tellus sed tristique. Pellentesque sed dui libero.

Donec fringilla, magna molestie fringilla consequat, nunc metus dapibus elit, sit amet aliquet sem tortor bibendum risus. Nullam lacus magna, fringilla sed suscipit eget, congue non turpis. Aliquam vestibulum quis velit a interdum. Mauris metus urna, suscipit et egestas sed, auctor a magna. Duis vitae gravida odio. Fusce viverra quam id velit imperdiet commodo. Ut et leo imperdiet, maximus velit vitae, bibendum lectus. Ut a dignissim eros, eget bibendum ipsum.

Aenean lobortis magna ut est ullamcorper mollis. Sed lobortis sapien sed metus gravida scelerisque. Cras rhoncus nibh dui, sed hendrerit odio sodales venenatis. Duis tincidunt sapien nec est fringilla, vitae mattis erat sagittis. Duis mollis sem nec euismod efficitur. Duis ut erat vehicula, lobortis mauris in, egestas nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi id luctus magna. Nullam in imperdiet lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Curabitur non orci sit amet neque mollis commodo vel venenatis turpis. Praesent posuere metus et nibh hendrerit laoreet. Duis non nisi iaculis ipsum ultricies ultrices. Fusce elementum aliquet varius. Proin et magna molestie, dignissim odio sit amet, viverra elit. Maecenas non libero convallis, consequat magna sit amet, eleifend quam. In id sapien ac dui sagittis posuere. Etiam consequat felis lectus, et posuere arcu elementum quis. Mauris sed dui sed neque aliquam consequat ut in elit. Ut et arcu in nulla dapibus rutrum. Etiam vestibulum semper feugiat. Vivamus sit amet neque at arcu dapibus viverra. Curabitur vehicula velit eu ipsum ornare vestibulum non id lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas eget purus nec ligula eleifend malesuada.

Sed ultricies egestas mauris eu aliquam. Mauris eu elit ante. Proin in quam eu tortor hendrerit aliquet eget in quam. Mauris commodo nunc aliquam magna consequat sollicitudin. Integer auctor posuere sapien et aliquam. Quisque fringilla eros metus, eget posuere est bibendum nec. Donec ipsum nisi, dictum viverra neque ut, convallis vehicula ligula. Duis sem diam, rhoncus at diam eget, finibus pretium lectus. Fusce vehicula aliquet tortor, at consectetur diam rhoncus vel. Mauris ultrices sit amet nunc viverra ullamcorper. Ut sagittis velit ut dui dignissim, in egestas nisl interdum. In convallis tincidunt libero sit amet condimentum. Aenean quis metus ultrices, porttitor arcu eget, euismod purus. Maecenas luctus porttitor facilisis.
「 」
Code by Jenamos

location mentions interactions
Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?
Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.
Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.
I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?
"This is is what dialogue looks like!!!" Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. "Do I like this color?" Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.
"Hell yeah!" Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.
I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

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location mentions interactions
Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?

Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.

Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.

I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

Museoumgwa duryeoum da, Hechyeo naa gal su isseulkka?

"This is is what dialogue looks like!!!" Choemyeone chwihan deut, Nareul jabadanggyeo ikkeureosseo, Mueongae hollin deut, Nae anui moksorireul deutge dwaesseo. Dachi anado seonmyeonghan miraeui papyeon, Saeroun segye kkumui munjangi nal gamssa. "Do I like this color?" Nareul chajeun nare (A brand new day). Bichui gyedaneul ollaga, Kkumeul kkudeon sungan (We know the world). Sesange nal boyeojwo.

"Hell yeah!" Oh I can be there yeah, I'll be there be there for you. I know you got them big dreams too, you can show me yours if you want to. They're beautiful, we can look at them for hours. Surrender to their power. I see new worlds these visions, they burn inside of me, just out of touch; but still close enough to be part of me. I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.

Na museowodo an sungnyeosseo, na duryeowodo geunyang dallyeosseo. Naneun nal mideotgie pipbak giroedo, going ma way nadaun seontaek (I heard). Keojineun moksori gippeumui sumsori, sungan neukkyeosseo, nan kkumeul irul georan geol.

I'll be there when the day comes (A brand new day). Head up in that sunlight baby, I'll be there when the day comes (We know the world). Show the world just who I can be.
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