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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
The Helios Experiment

What would you do for peace of mind?
To leave your trauma behind?


Welcome to Helios, a neurological behavioral laboratory. For centuries Helios has been studying the human mind through tests and pharmaceuticals looking for the extended healing of PTSD and various forms of trauma. Helios not only wishes to prevent the lasting effects of trauma but vastly improve the healing process and even put a stop to PTSD for those suffering. In order to accomplish this, Helios is extending a helping hand to those willing to partake in a little experiment. This experiment is 100% harmless and a reward of $50,000 will be given to whomever completes the test with exemplary marks.

This test is a cooperative test, where you will be healing alongside your peers. At Helios, we believe the human mind is capable of miracles but, the mind cannot activate the consciousness involved in trauma by itself. Humans are social creatures as we believe so is the mind. This test will combine the subconscious of the 'helpers' into one; a type of arena will be given with puzzles to which the players must work their way through together or separately to make it to the end.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the designated form listed below, along with a list of medical history, and send it via mail to:

1500 Helios St,
building B,

Thank you and good luck!


Standard Iwaku rules Apply.
  • I as a GM have the right to refuse a character or idea, to which I believe would ruin the integrity of this roleplay. However, if you have an idea that you would like to share, please do so Via PM or Discord message to me, as I do want this rp to be a group effort.
  • Please be civil and polite to your fellow roleplayers, like in High School Musical, we are all in this together.
  • This will be a Red Star roleplay, that being said, Please do not make characters under 18 years of age. Please diversify between ages, I expect this with Face Claims as well. Face claims who do not look the age they are in the rp (A character that is 21 but has a fc that looks younger than 21) will not be allowed and you will be asked to change.
  • As a GM I reserve the right to remove a player from the rp for rude or inappropriate conduct (IC,OOC,Discord chat). I will give warnings of course, but if the problems persists past warnings, you will be removed.
  • If you or someone in the rp is having problems with another roleplayer, even myself, I do ask that you bring it to my attention so we can solve the issue accordingly. I will not tolerate retaliation as this is a team effort and we must stay a team.
  • Do NOT post one-liners. This is a plot heavy roleplay so please expect that taking interest in this, your expectation is a minimum of two paragraphs.
  • For now, there is a limit. Two characters per person. (Cannot be in the same Faction)

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Karsyn Escarans
Karsyn (Origin:Scottish. Meaning:Son of Carr; Marsh-dwellers.)
Escarans (Origin: Celtic. Meaning: An Angel fish; someone strongly attracted towards nature.)

Kar | Carly

28 (Human years) | 7 (Horse years)
While Kelpies do live much longer, as creatures who spend most of their time as horses, they follow the horse aging counters. The first two horse years are equal to 6.5 human years. From 3 years old, the rate slows down but it's still much faster than humans, averaging around 2.5 horse years per human year.

Male | Cis-gendered | He/Him

Unmated, Unwed, Unpaired | Pansexual | Polyromantic Monogamist
Prefers Masculine presenting creatures. Karsyn's mating habits copy those of horses in the wild and those habits of a seahorse. Horses in the wild have herds formed of mostly females for mating purposes, while they do not mate with one mare (female horse) for the rest of their lives, the stallion does form a close bond with those in his circle. Karsyn prefers to have multiple companions romantically, but like the seahorse; he will pick a mate within his group to create a stronger bond with, or multiple, but he will chose only one at a time to pursue a deeper sexual connection. It's unfortunate to say, but sexually he does pick favorites.

Kelpie | Pure Blood
A kelpie is a shape-changing aquatic spirit of Scottish legend. Its name may derive from the Scottish Gaelic words 'cailpeach' or 'colpach', meaning heifer or colt. Kelpies are said to haunt rivers and streams, usually in the shape of a horse. With a deceiving form, Kelpies are malevolent spirits. The kelpie may appear as a tame pony beside a river. It is particularly attractive to children – but they should take care, for once on its back, its sticky magical hide will not allow them to dismount. Once trapped in this way, the kelpie will drag the child into the river and then eat him.

These water horses can also appear in human form. They may materialize as a beautiful young woman, hoping to lure young men to their death. Or they might take on the form of a human lurking by the river, ready to jump out at unsuspecting travelers and crush them to death in a vice-like grip.

Newbie | Working for 2 years | On site employee | Prefers a necklace that works for all his forms.
Karsyn is a calm individual. More often than not while he enjoys the company of others it's more for presence instead of conversation. He is extremely social, and requires the company of other creatures to be happy and healthy. Karsyn has been known to form strong pair-bond relationships that can last a lifetime (His lifetime) – these bonds not only provide necessary socialization, but probability for romantic bonding as well. Like horses, Karsyn forms tight bonds and friendships with those close to him, feeling great loss when he is separated from his partners. Exceptional memory – he can remember both animal and human-appearing friends for his entire life, but he will remember if he's been treated badly. Born with a heightened sense of emotional intelligence, Karsyn can sense certain emotions and while he struggles; he is honest about his emotions as well.

At times Karsyn can be aloof, while he can be focused and driven, it is often in times of break that his mind will began to wander. He will find more interest in disobeying or not paying attention to supposed tasks or conversations. This disobeying can lead to Karsyn being stubborn or even bratty. Like his nature, Karsyn has a violent streak which can lead to causing trouble for patrons or even employees. In the process of acting innocent he will 'throw one under the bus' in order to make himself a victim. It is a behavior he can keep under control (most of the time). Like a horse, bad behavior can often be prevented or avoided by appropriate mental stimulation.

1.83 Hands (To be measured in Kelpie form from the top of the withers (top of the shoulder) down to the hoof.) Height from top of ears to hoof unknown.
6' 0" human form.

1500lbs - Kelpie form, both land and sea variations. Horse weight regulating, in both forms Karsyn can easily accommodate a combined rider and saddle weight of over 300lbs.
145lbs - Human form.

Heterochromia Iridium (Complete)- Heterochromia is when a person's irises are different colors. There are a few kinds of heterochromia. Complete heterochromia is when one iris is a different color than the other.

Brown - Copper and green flecks closer to the irises. This is only available on his left eye.
Blue/Grey - On right eye.

The eyelids are made up of three layers of tissue: a thin layer of skin, which is covered in hair, a layer of muscles which allow the lid to open and close, and the palpebral conjunctiva, which lies against the eyeball. The opening between the two lids forms the palpebral tissue. The upper eyelid is larger and can move more than the lower lid. Unlike humans, horses also have a third eyelid (nictitating membrane) to protect the cornea. It lies on the inside corner of the eye, and closes diagonally over it.

Human: Karsyn's human form resembles that of a corpse left in the river. His complexion is on the paler side with a shade of grey. what little color he has comes from the rosiness of his cheeks and the top of his ears. While he is lengthy, his body holds the muscular definition of a runner. He can be found with little strips of seaweed tangled in his curls. With his human form, he can carry half the weight of his horse form (up to 150lbs) with little stress on his joints. He is stronger than his body would show.

Land Kelpie: His land form takes of what can be commonly referred to as a Friesian horse (Pic here). Like his human form, this form also has wisps of seaweed in the mane and tail. Unlike the human form, these pieces cannot be removed freely and are attached to him like hair. If he is to step into water, his whole body with become soaked. His feet must be out of the water and dry before this form takes the appearance of being dry. This gives him the "drowning" horse form that children and adults are drawn to. (Example here)

Kelpie: This is Karsyn's favorite and most comfortable form to be in. This form is not bound by earthly will like his land forms. He is as free and unattached as the seas and the fish that swim within them. Maintaining the head of a horse, Karsyn's body has been replaced with long tendrils of hardened seaweed. Able to move impossibly quickly through water. Some say the resemblance of this form is akin to the Leafy Seadragon. In this form, in order to protect his eyes, Karsyn relies on his 'third' eyelid to avoid particles getting into his eyes. His eyes will remain a misted white in this form until his human or land form is taken, in which the membrane will retract to allow 'normal' sight.
(Example One | Two )

Traditional Yukata - While at Kaburi Tsuki, Karsyn prefers to wear the traditional cotton yukata. He enjoys the wide sleeves for it gives him comfort without constricting his movements. Preferably in darker colors or in a green. While he does enjoy human clothing, it does not compare to the freedom he experiences in his land Kelpie form.

Tragus | Eyebrow (Left side)

Spring Rain | Dust on wood | Seaweed | Lilies

  • Along with Karysn's heterochromia in human and horse form, his human form is gifted with his horse eyes. This means his eyes are slightly bigger, in what some would refer to as 'Doe-like'. Unlike humans with a round iris, Karsyn's are horizontal, meaning his line of sight is better to gauge his surroundings than those of a humans.
  • Karsyn does not have any dietary restrictions. However he prefers Honeydew and various fruits with most meals.


Weather Precognition - Karsyn can sense the weather, like most animals he can sense changes in temperature leading to storms or natural disasters. It is said that when the sound of a kelpie's tail entering the water is said to resemble that of thunder. And if you are passing by a river and hear an unearthly wailing or howling, take care: it could be a kelpie warning of an approaching storm.

Water Manipulation - Lightly having control over water, Kelpies are believed to be able to manifest floods to carry their victims to their deaths. While it is not mentioned how high a flood can be, Karsyn can hold water in 'bubbles' and move it place to place. He is able to flood ponds and medium sized rivers. Though this ability is better used in bogs and swamps where the water can move about vines and tree roots.

Shapeshifting - The ability to switch between his human, land, and true kelpie form and back again. True Kelpie form can be done easily if more than 1/3 of his body is submerged.

Voice Mimicry - Like the powers of a Crocotta, Karsyn can mimic voices he's heard before and repeat certain phrases and groans. Crocottas are creatures that can mimic any person's voice to lure their victims out so they can feed. The principle is the same for Karsyn, who can mimic voices even in Kelpie form to lure children into the water by mimicking the sounds of their mothers calling for them.


Brief Background

Mattie - First 'friend' to Karsyn. Mattie chose the last name Karsyn holds.


While Karsyn prefers to call outside his home, his room is the closest he was able to ask for. His room resembles the last place he called home, Loch a' Bhaile . While the space isn't as vast, the lake bed is teeming with plant life. Karsyn does not need a bed in this space, he reverts back to true kelpie form and falls asleep at the bottom of his 'lake'.
code by MaryGold
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  • Love
Reactions: wolf.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris quis tempus ipsum. Sed dignissim convallis laoreet. Maecenas condimentum mauris et velit placerat, nec vestibulum purus ultricies. Aliquam purus ante, mattis convallis sagittis sed, viverra consequat justo. Duis mollis nunc enim, quis aliquam nisi porta in. Phasellus imperdiet turpis sed tincidunt consequat. Integer sem dui, elementum eu elementum sit amet, vehicula eget mauris. Integer egestas, lorem ac aliquam gravida, ante felis pretium sem, id sodales dui felis vitae eros. Sed eget tortor volutpat, gravida tellus id, cursus ex. Nunc tincidunt lacinia lectus. Curabitur quis sollicitudin tortor. Donec non varius nisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer eu cursus diam. Morbi condimentum id enim et venenatis. Sed eget efficitur urna.

Pellentesque ac volutpat metus. Morbi sit amet nisi ac turpis interdum pulvinar in id arcu. Proin velit mauris, aliquam at nibh eget, ullamcorper cursus magna. Donec varius orci lacus, at tempus neque semper id. Nulla non laoreet elit. In dapibus lacus et facilisis rhoncus. Fusce pretium nibh mauris, in blandit est gravida quis. Aenean sit amet ex dignissim, iaculis tellus vitae, ornare lorem. Donec enim mi, tempus in hendrerit quis, suscipit a tellus. Integer euismod euismod purus, eu imperdiet turpis posuere et. Quisque et purus pharetra, bibendum nunc vitae, bibendum mauris. Phasellus in sollicitudin leo. Aliquam vulputate congue sem sed elementum. Ut rutrum elementum nunc a vestibulum. Morbi id consequat enim, in venenatis lacus. Nullam facilisis lacus elit, sed vestibulum dui rhoncus eget.

Quisque convallis id ligula ut pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin lobortis tortor justo, eget bibendum purus rutrum sit amet. Curabitur aliquet risus sit amet arcu ultrices, vitae mattis felis mattis. Vestibulum sagittis cursus ex at semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus ut nunc felis. Nunc posuere fermentum blandit. Quisque quis ornare enim. Phasellus sagittis iaculis arcu nec fermentum. Nunc ac est id neque lobortis eleifend nec ut augue. Nulla scelerisque lobortis mauris, a lacinia est sagittis sit amet. Suspendisse faucibus odio eget consectetur pretium. Pellentesque ac nisl efficitur, bibendum purus et, molestie lacus. Pellentesque euismod, dolor id posuere vestibulum, enim justo blandit sapien, a facilisis arcu augue ac purus. Morbi faucibus turpis nibh, eget sodales eros laoreet eget.

Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Donec eu sem facilisis, gravida massa et, rutrum ex. Sed rutrum, tortor a tincidunt sodales, est mauris aliquet nisl, ac volutpat augue est et neque. Morbi bibendum sem vestibulum fermentum dapibus. Duis pharetra dolor eget ipsum consectetur gravida. Donec et accumsan arcu. Sed rhoncus pharetra tellus, malesuada imperdiet tortor consequat eu. Sed convallis viverra nisl, quis pretium urna imperdiet at. In ullamcorper justo ante, sit amet efficitur elit euismod at. Ut consectetur congue tempus.

Suspendisse dapibus lacus urna, posuere egestas ex pellentesque vel. Phasellus mollis, diam posuere elementum posuere, tellus leo pulvinar enim, ut porta felis velit gravida ex. Phasellus efficitur nec velit vitae iaculis. Morbi pulvinar justo tellus, non semper ipsum finibus nec. Proin consectetur, dui sit amet semper mollis, eros tellus auctor quam, eget viverra elit mauris non mauris. Fusce vulputate odio nec pharetra egestas. Nam elementum lorem a tellus rutrum, dictum mollis ante sagittis. Nam at metus auctor nisi rutrum varius et at magna. Duis ultrices leo a odio aliquam, nec sollicitudin lorem efficitur.
code by MaryGold
Xoloitzcuintli (Xolotl "Shuh- lot)
Xoloitzcuintli gets its name from two Aztec words: 'Xolotl', the god of lightning and fire, and 'itzcuintli', meaning dog.


Evidence of Xolotl's existence through artifacts dates back to the 15th century. He's assumed to be older, post classic period of the early 1300's.


Cis Male | He/Him pronouns

Single | Unmarried | Unmated
Polysexual Demiromantic

God of Lightning and Fire. Additionally he was associated with dogs, twins, deformities, and sickness. Executioner of the Gods (Aztec Creation Myth) . It was said Xolotl was also a protector god that protected souls on their first test into the underworld.

Xolotl resided as a god in Mesoamerican/Aztec Mythology. Based in central Mexico, capital Tenochtitlan.

Xolotl has been coming to Kaburi-Tsuki for some time, about 150 years or so, give or take. While he wouldn't say he's close to the boss, he would consider them acquaintances. He is quite popular amongst the gambling crowd. He's been loving the atmosphere of the bathhouse since he found the location through his travels. He was drawn into the differences between his culture and the culture at Kaburi-Tsuki, and it was the rather generous hospitality that keeps Xolotl returning for more.

He would prefer a bracelet that won't interfere with his adorned jewelry.


As the god of fire, Xolotl enjoys a room hotter than usual, purely temperature wise. He enjoys the typical Tatami room style, the only vast change of the room becides temperature would be the various plants and flowers native to central South America. His favorite flowers being Frangipani, Holy Ghost Orchid of Panama, and the Cantuta or Sacred Flower of the Incas. It is a request of his that these flowers be placed into his room.
( Be creative, and do not forget any unique personality quirks they may possess.
Write at least a paragraph or comprise at least 10 to 15 bullet points. )


6' 7"
Both in human and true form

Pale Blue with Black Scaleras

Xolotl has a modern warrior body type, think of a boxer or MMA fighter. Muscles cover his body are more for performance than show. What would be abs are covered in a thin layer of fat to protect his organs from blows to his stomach. It's not stretching to say his body is like that everywhere, even down to his legs. Example ( 1 2 )

Xolotl has a dark olive complexion, thick black eyebrows under tufts of raven colored hair. His skin has shadows dancing upon it, like smoke running in waves like active fire on his skin. It is unknown to those who touch him, where the smoke goes determines the hottest part of his body, like he is dispelling ashes. See picture for example.

[FONT=Viaoda Libre, cursive]Xolotl prefers the traditional Kimono and occasionally Jinbei. He does prefer clothing on the loose side, as his clothing ends up singed against his skin. Xolotl prefers dark colors, blacks, greys, and deep reds. He does enjoy colors that remind him most of his homeland. [/FONT]

Ear piercings - Both lobes. Upper lobe (right). Conch (right). Industrial (right). Tragus (left). Daith (left)
Nipple - Both
Nose piercing - Left side, with a chain to the left lobe.


Campfires | Wood burning smoke | Cinnamon

Xolotl's true form is that of a skeleton in the late process of decomposition. Flesh is falling off the bone and what can be described as a body burning, smoke and cinders cover the decaying body, acting as a second 'skin' for the god. Xolotl's eyes are hollow and full of ashes that fall occasionally from the sockets. His warrior headdress is also burning, the human skull adorning it tends to move as the body does, giving a second echoing voice for the god.

  • Xolotl loves the burnt pieces of food, whether it is the crispy ends or the singed pieces from being on the grill for too long, he will happily eat it. His true form singes food within seconds and he's become accustomed to the flavor even in human form.
  • He loves spice, from the mildest to the hottest pepper, Xolo will be sure to be the first to grab it.

Fire Manipulation -
Users can freely generate, shape, and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. The user can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.

Lightning Manipulation - Xolotl can create, shape, and manipulate lightning, a form of electricity within the upper atmosphere resulting from the movement of charged particles. As lightning bolts are giant sparks of high-voltage electrical discharges caused by imbalances in the atmosphere between storm clouds, the air, the ground, or within the clouds themselves, and in the early stages of development, the air acts as an insulator between the positive and negative charges in the cloud and between the cloud and the ground.

Death Precognition - Can sense the coming of death, determining when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location. This extends to seeing the names and lifespans of those whose faces Xolotl sees. More used with humans.

Disease Manipulation - Xolotl create, shape, and manipulate diseases, a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to any immediate external injury. This includes their severity, contagiousness, methods of spreading, etc. They can control the organisms that spread diseases, including germs, bacteria, virus, or other pathogens on a cellular level, including bacteriophages, microorganisms (microscopic organisms), retroviruses, cells that abnormally grow to make cancerous tumors and cysts, and pathogens that produce genetic mutations.

Xoloitzcuintli - Mexican Hairless Dog. According to Aztec belief, the Mexican Hairless dog (Dog of Xolotl) was created by the god to guard the living and guide the souls of the dead through the dangers of Mictlan - the Underworld.

Xoloitzcuintli - Mexican Hairless Dog.
Chel - Chel is a soul bound guardian to Xolotl and is to be treated as an extension of himself. Chel acts as a protector and companion to Xolotl and will remain by his side through his stay at Kaburi-Tsuki. In size Chel goes above the standard size of a Xoloitzcuintli (18-23 in), Chel is a comfortable 35in.

When the gods created the Fifth Sun, they realized that it did not move. Therefore, they decided to sacrifice themselves in order to get the Sun to move. Xolotl acted as the executioner and killed the gods one by one. In some versions of the myth, Xolotl commits suicide at the end, as he was supposed to do. However, Xolotl did not, he took the form of one of his familiars and hide from the bloodshed.

For centuries the fire god roamed the world, having enjoyed the company and culture of Japan, Xolotl found Kaburi-Tsuki. Bathhouses were not common where Xolotl roamed and it was the hospitality of Mitsuru-sama that allowed Xolotl to come back every year.


Mitsuru-Sama - Purely Business

code by MaryGold
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介護者 (Kaigo-sha: Means 'Caregiver')

Kai | Sha

300 years old

Male | Cis-gendered | He/Him

Unmated, Unwed, Unpaired | Homosexual | Polyromantic
Like dragons, Kaigo-sha mates for life.

Dragon | Pure Blood

A white dragon in Chinese Mythology symbolizes purity and virtue. However, it is also not uncommon that the color white also symbolizes death and mourning, it is also seen as a bad omen.

Red dragons are associated with luck and good fortune. While Kaigo-sha is both colors, his main colorization is white, but he'd consider himself lucky.

Veteran Beast Caregiver | Working for 150 years | On site employee | Prefers a necklace.
Intelligent | Jealous | Territorial | Calm | Positive | Manipulative | Selfish | Solitary | Confident | Charismatic

250 ft long dragon form (From nose to top of tail)
6' 4" human form.

145lbs - Human form.
276 lbs - Dragon form.
While his dragon form is larger and longer, his bones are quite hollow, similar to an avian species. Allowing for him to move through the air easily.

Crimson - Kaigo's eyes are a deep crimson in color. He does possess rather elongated cat like irises. He is blind however, a mishap during his life. Kaigo-sha uses his abilities to see through another's eyes. Some would say it's a rare gift to look at something through someone else's perspective.

Human: Kai has a lithe form, subtle muscles underneath pale skin. His fingernails are long, tips painted red. His fingertips also hold a red tinge to them, as if they have a temperature fluctuation the rest of the body does not possess. Kaigo's hair is a pearlescent white, his bangs hang loose around his face, adding a frame of reference for a chiseled jawline. His hair is kept long in the back and is usually tied together with red and black ribbon. Kai has a pair of sharp horns that protrude from his head, these are a mix of red and black in color. His horns do curve back then go straight, possibly to mimic the antler like horns on his dragon form.

Dragon Form: Kaigo takes the form of a spectral white dragon. A Chinese dragon with no wings like their European counterparts. While Kaigo has no wings, he is able to fly by manipulating air waves to lift and propel himself through the air with ease. Kai's mane and the tips of his crimson tail are a mix of feathers and tufts of a satin like fur. These hairs are in the shape of fins but are not like those of a fish. His scales however, much like a fish, are smooth and covered in an oil his body produces to help his body move through the air and protects against some forms of wind resistance.

Kaigo-sha has antler like horns in this form, these have little hairs on them ad much like whiskers, they help detect their environment. It is not uncommon for Kaigo-sha to be seen touching or rubbing his antlers on people and things in dragon form.

Traditional Yukata - Kaigo prefers satin or silks for his traditional attire. As beast master, he prefers that his Yukata be shorter in the arm and leg area to allow better movement around the beasts he cares for, less items to get caught. Typical red and white kimono and yukata are his favorite to wear.

Tragus - Right ear
Nipple - Both


Hints of rain | Lilies | Hay | Cut grass | Metal

  • As blind as Kaigo is, he requires some assistance getting to and from the many places of Kaburi-Tsuki. For this he is always using his powers to sense walls and persons. He will often cling onto an NPC for he gets overwhelmed easily in crowded areas.
  • Kaigo loves tea, he will have tea with every meal.
  • He loves Shrimp. It's the quickest way to his heart.

Air Manipulation - Kaigo can manipulate air. He can create differences in atmospheric pressure, breezes, zephyrs, gales, tempests and whirlwinds. This power is used the most in his dragon form where wind can affect how he flies. In human form, if Kaigo is alone, he will push out strings of air around him, similar to how echolocation works in dolphins. This will let him know if he is becoming too close to an object or person.

Size Manipulation - User can change the size of their form, from their whole body to sections.

Enchanced Senses - Being blind, Kaigo has heightened his other senses drastically. Allowing him to hear, smell, taste, and feel better than other creatures of his species. This is also prevalent in his human form where his sense of sight is removed.

Luck Bestowal - User becomes a sentient luck charm, Kaigo is able to grant luck to himself and other beings in various ways. This includes broadly in everything the target does, more specifically in dating, gambling, finding a new job, surviving deadly encounters etc. Often times it's an illusion, the thought of being lucky livens a mood or gives a positive energy.


Kaigo-sha was born from an egg, much like snakes, he hatched. Kaigo has always been in Japan for as long as he can remember.

Mitsuru - Boss (Purely professional)

Kaigo-sha's room is a standard tatami room. Not much is different compared to the standard guest rooms. The reason being that because Kaigo is blind, he has no sense of decoration or the need to do so. He is always in the presence of beasts unless it is to be with a patron or his basic care needs. Perhaps the only difference is the floor is often covered in pearlescent scales that come loose from his form.

code by MaryGold
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The deity could not remember the last time he had stepped foot on the rich grounds of Kaburi-Tsuki. The atmosphere gave Xolo a relief unmatched to those he's felt before. The wind was blowing, whipping his hair and cooling his overheating form. The wind reminded him of his brother, Quetzalcoatl, unlike other times the two would arrive together. Had it not been for his brothers other arrangements they would be in each others company now. The god had intended to entertain himself with the festival, regardless of his brother's attendance. Xolotl had been to the festival his second year, mesmerized with the excitement of it all, he'd be damned to miss it.

Petals padded the gods steps as he made his way through the streets, the subtle clacks against the stones from his companion's claws. Xolo could feel her happiness, their soul bond was a strong one, the dog had a way of changing his mood to match her own. Chel loved the festival as much as the god did, the sounds of the music and the various types of food, Chel loved the food. Having an affinity for dango, his companion unknowingly gave the same love to her master. Xolotl's eyes rushed to the red lanterns, floating underneath the awnings like crimson bubbles in the water. Once they were lit, Xolotl knew his time at the bathhouse would truly begin.

Stepping into the bathhouse Xolo was greeted with the familiar scent of sake and roses, a smell which was all to familiar as he approached the counter, smiling slightly at the white petaled creature before him. "Ah Imogen, what a pleasure it is to see you again. I hope my room is set to my liking?"

Xolo eyed the flower as she searched for his card and pendant, Imogen had helped him find his way the first time he arrived, it always warmed his already fire lit heart that she remembered him. Charcoal fingers reached out to the pearlescent flowers, still remembering the scarring the rose had acquired his first time. Fingers had grazed one another and the result was a burn, what was left of it was healed but a small mark. Xolo made sure to grab the small corner of the bath token from the flower.

"A bath? Surely in my favorite spot" the god hummed. Always thrilled about the hospitality, he took the token and handed it to his soul bound friend who accepted it gently into her mouth and began to pad her way to the bath. No doubt more excited to play in the water than he was. Without hesitation the god bid farewell to Imogen and followed his companion towards the waterfall bath.

Out of Time
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It was quiet in the barn, sounds of munching and soft whines from the animals as they ate breakfast. One such animal was an ebony horse, head hung low and still, as if the equine was sleeping. What had been a short run before the sun rose had turned into a lingering trip to the beast building. It wasn't uncommon for Karsyn to take an area inside the barn, take a short nap where one is less likely to be bothered. It hadn't been long until the kelpie dozed off.

"You should be out enjoying the cherry blossoms, Karsyn. You have done enough comforting today."

The familiar voice brought the kelpie back into his reality. The voice was followed by a breeze of warm air that ruffled his raven fur, bringing a shiver to the horse's frame. Ears twitched back to the sound of delicate hands running over his hindquarters to his neck, Karsyn was aware of the dragon's presence, but it was natural around hooved animals to let them know your movements. Something Kaigo was familiar with no doubt, years of being around various creatures made one aware of the little details. It was Kaigo's knowledge that Karsyn looked towards, the reason he chose to become a beast mount caregiver and not an assistant like the others. There was something tranquil about the dragon, perhaps it was his lack of sight. It invited others to speak to the creature without judgment or retaliation, it was often the kelpie used the man as a diary.

The horse nickered softly, lowering his head slightly to rest his spine, letting the dragons delicate fingers separate the sinews of onyx hair, folding sections over others and using the loose strands as a tie. Strands of hair coarse enough to see a single line, not for tying anything. Horse hair had always been used for Bow strings, the rivets in their composition held sound surprisingly well, and it was strong enough to hold form with pressure put upon it. To Karsyn's own surprise, he had produced strong enough hairs to tie his newly decorated mane, the dragon made knots with ease but did not make any bows. It wasn't long before the horse had a row of tightly formed braids.

"Now, you have done enough work for the day, on your day off no less. As your superior, I insist you enjoy yourself"

The turned boy gave a wide smile. Skin quickly forming goosebumps before silken layers covered flesh. The kelpie was truly grateful to have a fair and understand veteran supervisor. The dragon was the closest companion Karsyn could compare to a father figure, though the dragon looked barely past the kelpie's age. Cloth got tied delicately as Karsyn took the dragon's soft hand into his, it wasn't uncommon for himself to lead Kaigo around, as certain situations ensnared the senses of the veteran. Leading the male to the open doors the two stopped, one admiring the petals of the cherry blossoms dance their way to the ground like the others. The two companions holding pinkies against Kaigo's ever flowing wind.

"I wish I could see those petals fall" the dragon replied calmly, a heavy sense of sorrow and yearning sunken into his voice. It hurt Karsyn to hear such words from his friend. Life was rather unfair to those who did not deserve it's cruel advances. Before the kelpie could mutter whatever words of comfort he could muster, the dragon had cleared his throat. "Enjoy your day off. I shall see you at dinner"

Karsyn knew better than to argue with a superior, it was the rush of wind around him, curling into his hair, that gave the man a sense that the dragon would be alright alone. Rushing down the steps Karsyn planned on making his way to the gardens to catch the flowers once more. Surely it would be the first stop for the guests before settling down to the rest of the bathhouse.

Of course it was just as busy as Karsyn hoped to avoid, another flight of stairs and the kelpie noticed the all to familiar flows of white hair "Mihiro!" the male felt a burst of energy, his legs quickly carrying him to Mihiro's side. A short bow following before the male straightened and crossed his arms through the sleeves of his hakama. Horizontal irises broadening as his mismatched eyes sparkled under the sunlight. Like a dog seeing his owner, Karsyn couldn't hide the wide smile that formed on his face and lifted his rosy cheeks. "Aren't the blossoms wonderful this year?"

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet nisi quis quam malesuada, vel pellentesque felis ultricies. Nunc tincidunt non nibh congue auctor. Ut vel malesuada leo, eu facilisis mi. In vel facilisis ante. Fusce eget arcu semper, interdum quam quis, rhoncus augue. Integer aliquet massa tortor, et venenatis ipsum suscipit vel. Nullam congue id quam quis elementum. Pellentesque in placerat ex. Morbi iaculis mollis purus, id dapibus orci elementum sit amet. Nullam porttitor nunc eu tincidunt malesuada. Aenean urna lorem, tempus a condimentum nec, iaculis nec diam.

Fusce tincidunt nisl eget dictum venenatis. Phasellus sollicitudin orci id sapien ultrices consequat. Donec ultricies lorem et sem finibus, sed porttitor odio tincidunt. Integer eros leo, feugiat et lorem vitae, aliquet rutrum leo. Morbi sem urna, finibus at posuere non, laoreet non urna. Integer non egestas ante. Suspendisse vel ornare orci.

In fringilla hendrerit nunc eu mattis. Donec sit amet neque nulla. Nunc dapibus, neque in aliquam luctus, nunc risus lobortis velit, nec ultrices libero lacus non lorem. Vestibulum semper turpis vel ultricies egestas. Nullam fermentum odio libero, in gravida ex vehicula sit amet. Nunc sagittis libero rutrum, convallis justo nec, volutpat nibh. Integer cursus sed neque non suscipit. Sed bibendum non purus a vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ultricies in felis vitae eleifend. Cras eget quam et mi eleifend malesuada. Sed quis fermentum massa. Donec sollicitudin libero ut nisl rhoncus rutrum. Morbi id tellus tortor. Quisque accumsan massa ut neque posuere, nec porta lacus elementum.

Ut consectetur fringilla felis, hendrerit tempor felis pulvinar eu. Vestibulum commodo massa sed ultrices rutrum. Aliquam efficitur ultrices interdum. Donec sed purus a orci aliquet molestie non nec nisl. Sed bibendum id nisi at venenatis. Nunc gravida malesuada elementum. Nam dui ex, vulputate ut malesuada vestibulum, fringilla sit amet urna. Morbi eleifend dui at ipsum vestibulum consequat. Praesent in lacinia turpis. Vivamus dignissim mollis quam, vitae pretium lectus pharetra ut.

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Appears in mid 20's.
(First document of Xarpo may date back to 8th century BCE-5th century CE, so following this timeline, Xarpo would be around 2,823 years old.)

Identifies as Female. She/Her pronouns

There is no account of Xarpo having a partner - Single | Unpaired

Carpo (Καρπώ), Carpho or Xarpo was the one who brings food (though Robert Graves in The Greek Myths (1955) translates this name as "withering") and was in charge of autumn, ripening, and harvesting, as well as guarding the way to Mount Olympus and letting back the clouds surrounding the mountain if one of the gods left. She was an attendant to Persephone, Aphrodite and Hera, and was also associated with Dionysus, Apollo and Pan.

While Xarpo has not been at the bathhouse since it's creation, she has been a customer for a millennia. Where the leaves begin to fall is where Xarpo can be found.
She prefers a bracelet.

Xarpo prefers a room that reminds her of Paris in Autumn, when the sky is a light grey of expecting rain and the trees are a mix of orange and yellow. The faint smell of a bakery down the corner taking fresh baguettes out of the oven. Chocolate eclairs with a small hint of coffee, from a shop across the street. Fallen leaves speckling the grey roads like orange and yellow polka dots.

( Be creative, and do not forget any unique personality quirks they may possess.
Write at least a paragraph or comprise at least 10 to 15 bullet points. )

5' 7"

A mix of Amber and flecks of Crimson












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Lorcan Whitehaven
Lorcan - Irish origin: meaning "Little Fierce One" or in some cases "Silent" and "Fierce". He was promptly named after the father of the most famous high king of Ireland in 1014, Brian Boru.

WhiteHaven - A coastal town and port on the English north west coast in Cumbria, England. Essentially where Lorcan's family found their prosperity.

Lorry - However it is not a nickname he is fond of. Used when being referred to by children, he will accept only children to use 'Lorry'

350 years old

Male | Cis-gendered | He/Him

Unmated, Unpaired | Homosexual | Polyromantic
Partially Wed
- For traditions Lorcan's family have spent precious time and effort into arranged marriages. To which Lorcan has been able to avoid for most of his years. The rich WhiteHaven heir was to wed Marcelia Winters, a fellow leopard woman in Greenland to keep the species (Panthera uncia - Snow Leopard) alive.

Due to Lorcan's preferences, he remains out of the country to 'spoil the genes' as his family would graciously put it, in Kaburi-Tsuki. Like all Snow Leopards, Lorcan intends to give Marcelia a child then only return after the regulated 18 months to give her another. Snow leopards do not share a 'fatherly' bond with their child, and Lorcan intends to continue the traditions.

Were-leopard | Pure-Brood
Lorcan and his family have been a rich family of Snow Leopard Weres. Through the years the Whitehaven bloodline has been untainted by other species of leopards but the fellow Panthera uncia. While in their efforts to keep the bloodline pure, the Whitehaven family has many relatives of other cultures, Lorcan's great aunt for example, has not set foot in England but found herself in the family by ways of Central China.

Purely Recreational. Lorcan visits the bathhouse so often he should ask for a position and work there himself. The leopard spends about half the year at the bathhouse, though he would argue he is a favorite client. He prefers to visit during their winter hours so he may enjoy the snow and chill. This year however, Mr Whitehaven has decided to frolic amongst the Sakura blossoms. Lorcan prefers a Necklace.
Lorcan has the personality of a cat, very fitting for the snow leopard. He is not lazy by any means but tends to have those moments in which getting the male out of bed against his will can become quite the hassle. His attitude is always 'I won't do it unless it's my idea' and that comes with casual things as well as the male's love life, despite this he was born not truly understanding the word 'no'. Lorcan is a curious, headstrong, and dominant soul, he doesn't take kindly to being told what to do, even if it's coming from someone considered to be higher on the pyramid. Yet it's covered by a more lax and aggressive outer shell, he prefers to speak his peace than result to violence, unfortunately the latter has come first.
Despite this secretive nature of his, Lorcan can be very affectionate, when he wants to be and wont hesitate to let anyone know when he wants affection. The man is not shy with his words. Unfortunately Lorcan keeps everyone at arms length, rarely seeking out relations that would rely on his outer shell breaking down.

Assertive | Stubborn | Curious | Headstrong | Dominant | Secretive | Quick temper | Lazy | Disobedient | Intelligent | Narcissistic | Manipulative | Affectionate

7' 3"

250 lbs Human Form
1,013 lbs Leopard Form

A pale blue extending from the iris, forming into a grey once the iris extends to the sclera.



Lorcan has few chosen Hakama and Kimono's he prefers to have handmade to his specifications. On days the traditional clothing is not required, the leopard has a penchant for wearing tailored suits.
| 1 | 2 | 3

Piercing -
Prince Albert Cross with small aquamarine gemstones | Tongue

Fingernails are usually painted a navy blue or black

Cigar | Parchment paper | Rum | Peppermint

  • Carnivorous - Lorcan is primarily a meat eater, preferring the more 'interesting' meat choices from normal. Sheep, deer, and goat meat are a preference over meats such as chicken or beef. He will rarely stray from those choices, however, Lorcan does have a certain taste for horse.
  • Lorcan is proficient in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese languages. These lessons were required at the academy where Lorcan studied as a child.
Enchanced Condition - User's mental and physical condition is beyond the peak human and leopard limits. Able to carry more than ten times his weight.
  • Enhanced Stealth- The user possesses incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling them to easily slip in and out of areas undetected. Their abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined they appear as mere illusions to those who have been lucky to spot the user.
    They are highly skilled at stealth and have incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling them to easily slip in and out of areas undetected.
  • Parkour - User is highly proficient in using parkour, which can be summed up as either acrobatics meets assault courses or skateboarding without a board. It is based on general principles of survival: Should one ever need to get from Point A to Point B as fast as possible, the shortest distance is always a straight line. The goal, therefore, is to get past, over, under, or through various obstacles without wasting any time.
Enhanced Combat - Users possesses proficiency, capabilities and knowledge regarding general combat. Essentially, they would be extremely skilled in combat, beating the toughest of opponents or dozens of aggressors at once. Users would also be able to perform combat maneuvers and other stunts much more proficiently than the average person. They would be able to use their combat skills for both offense and defense and would also be able to utilize high-level combat techniques that would give them an edge over other combatants. Naturally, users would also possess above average physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual attributes that would aid them or enable them to fight at an enhanced level.


Like most nepotism children, Lorcan was born with a silver spoon into his mouth. His family was millions into wealth when he was conceived and like most rich humans who send their child to boarding school across the country, Lorcan was no different. He spent twice the years of a human inside his boarding school beating all of his bad habits, literally. The teachers did not deal with any disobedient behaviors at all, and during his formal years the male had taken many a beatings. His chest and back are covered in those scars that often layer each other like etched patterns.

This never stopped the male from being disobedient, if anything Lorcan grew within himself to sneak around. Once his schooling had been done with the leopard followed closely behind his parents in keeping their fortune in check, yet insisted he be allowed to mess around. Lorcan quickly took over half the business after her father passed, his mother insisting that her son settle down and marry. Lorcan hearing of Kaburi-Tsuki by word of mouth on one of his trips decided to extend his vacation at the bathhouse, a place of paradise for the male who was allowed to sleep around without pressures of marriage.

Anansi - Lorcan expects nothing but the best for his clothing, and the spider has been more than accompanying to comply with his requests. While Mr Whitehaven would not say the two of friends, it is a strictly professional want vs need relationship.

Lorcan prefers his room a chilled temperature, visions of snow capped mountains against the windows. His room is a palette of Victorian gothic architecture. Due to himself being a Crepuscular creature, he prefers his room with minimal light as to replicate dawn and dusk hours.
| 1 |

code by MaryGold
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Lorcan Whitehaven
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet nisi quis quam malesuada, vel pellentesque felis ultricies. Nunc tincidunt non nibh congue auctor. Ut vel malesuada leo, eu facilisis mi. In vel facilisis ante. Fusce eget arcu semper, interdum quam quis, rhoncus augue. Integer aliquet massa tortor, et venenatis ipsum suscipit vel. Nullam congue id quam quis elementum. Pellentesque in placerat ex. Morbi iaculis mollis purus, id dapibus orci elementum sit amet. Nullam porttitor nunc eu tincidunt malesuada. Aenean urna lorem, tempus a condimentum nec, iaculis nec diam.

Fusce tincidunt nisl eget dictum venenatis. Phasellus sollicitudin orci id sapien ultrices consequat. Donec ultricies lorem et sem finibus, sed porttitor odio tincidunt. Integer eros leo, feugiat et lorem vitae, aliquet rutrum leo. Morbi sem urna, finibus at posuere non, laoreet non urna. Integer non egestas ante. Suspendisse vel ornare orci.

In fringilla hendrerit nunc eu mattis. Donec sit amet neque nulla. Nunc dapibus, neque in aliquam luctus, nunc risus lobortis velit, nec ultrices libero lacus non lorem. Vestibulum semper turpis vel ultricies egestas. Nullam fermentum odio libero, in gravida ex vehicula sit amet. Nunc sagittis libero rutrum, convallis justo nec, volutpat nibh. Integer cursus sed neque non suscipit. Sed bibendum non purus a vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ultricies in felis vitae eleifend. Cras eget quam et mi eleifend malesuada. Sed quis fermentum massa. Donec sollicitudin libero ut nisl rhoncus rutrum. Morbi id tellus tortor. Quisque accumsan massa ut neque posuere, nec porta lacus elementum.

Ut consectetur fringilla felis, hendrerit tempor felis pulvinar eu. Vestibulum commodo massa sed ultrices rutrum. Aliquam efficitur ultrices interdum. Donec sed purus a orci aliquet molestie non nec nisl. Sed bibendum id nisi at venenatis. Nunc gravida malesuada elementum. Nam dui ex, vulputate ut malesuada vestibulum, fringilla sit amet urna. Morbi eleifend dui at ipsum vestibulum consequat. Praesent in lacinia turpis. Vivamus dignissim mollis quam, vitae pretium lectus pharetra ut.

ALONE - Halsey
Name Here
Outfit | Location | Mentions | Interactions

All those messages I left you
All those nights I spent alone
Give me a reason
Cause all that I hear is
A dial tone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam. Risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat. Elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium. Posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui. Nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada. Dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed.

In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas. Iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna. Sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci porta. Nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc. Amet venenatis urna cursus eget.

Placerat duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt. Neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec nam. Vel orci porta non pulvinar neque. Arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id. Diam sit amet nisl suscipit. Feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed. Lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.

made by zenith, tweaked by Leucothea
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Lorcan Whitehaven
Outfit | Location | Mentions | Interactions

All those messages I left you
All those nights I spent alone
Give me a reason
Cause all that I hear is
A dial tone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam. Risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat. Elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium. Posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui. Nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada. Dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed.

In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas. Iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna. Sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci porta. Nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc. Amet venenatis urna cursus eget.

Placerat duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt. Neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec nam. Vel orci porta non pulvinar neque. Arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id. Diam sit amet nisl suscipit. Feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed. Lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.

made by zenith, tweaked by Leucothea

Outfit | Location | Mentions | Interactions

The voices in my head
Keep telling me I'm cursed
I'm paranoid I don't wanna make it any worse
We're all gonna die but first things first
Imma take the world with me
When they put me in the dirt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam. Risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat. Elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium. Posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla. Mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui. Nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada. Dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed.

In fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas. Iaculis urna id volutpat lacus. Varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna. Sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci porta. Nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc. Amet venenatis urna cursus eget.

Placerat duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt. Neque vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec nam. Vel orci porta non pulvinar neque. Arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id. Diam sit amet nisl suscipit. Feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed. Lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.

made by zenith, tweaked by Leucothea
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Huitzilopochtli (weet-see-luh-powch-tuh-lee)
Huītzilin "hummingbird" and ōpōchtli "left hand side." The name is often translated as "Left-Handed Hummingbird" or "Hummingbird of the South" on the basis that Aztec cosmology associated the south with the left hand side of the body.

Huitzli | Hui | Zilo (more commonly used with Huitzli)

Other Names given to the god have been; Blue Tezcatlipoca, Omiteotl, Mextli, Mexi, Huitzitlon, Huitzilton, Tzintzuni, Huitzi, Huichilobos, Vichilobos, Opochtli, Inaquizcoatl-Tezcatlipoca.

Evidence of Zilo's existence through artifacts dates back to the 15th century. He's assumed to be older, post classic period of the early 1300's.

Cis Male | He/Him pronouns

Single | Unmarried | Unmated
Polysexual Demiromantic

is the Solar and war deity in Aztec mythology, he was also strictly associated with human sacrifices. He was also the patron god of the Aztecs and their capital city, Tenochtitlan. He wielded Xiuhcoatl, the fire serpent, as a weapon, thus also associating Huitzilopochtli with fire.

The Spaniards recorded the deity's name as Huichilobos. During their discovery and conquest of the Aztec Empire, they wrote that human sacrifice was common in worship ceremonies. These took place frequently throughout the region. When performed, typically multiple victims were sacrificed per day at any one of the numerous temples.

Huītzilōpōchtli has been a patron of Kaburi-Tsuki for over a millenia (1000 yrs). It isn't uncommon for the deity to offer funds to the Nogitsune for various festivals and events. While his own festival isn't practiced in modern times, it is a preference of his, that the festivals Kaburi-Tsuki offer are given full funding to continue. Much like his nephew Xolotl, Huitzli is an active gambler and can commonly be found at the gambling tables, betting off the souls that have been graciously offered to him.

He would prefer a bracelet that won't interfere with his adorned jewelry.

Huitzli's room takes the form of his once great temple, Huēyi Teōcalli [we:ˈi teoːˈkali]. While the temple was dedicated to himself, Tlaloc (God of rain), and his brother Quetzalcoatl; the war god does mold his room to represent his own side of the worship. A wide room with a view of the forests of his old home, Huitzli uses his room as a comfort zone to remind him of a past unchanged. The hallway leading to this space are dark, faces from Aztec mythos formed from stone, their eyes emitting a far off blue light. Covered in hanging vines and various ferns to give the illusion the temple had been there for centuries.

From the hallway the always sunny room is decorated in lit fires, various colored pillows scatter about the room in a purposeful mess. There is a faint smell of dust from the stones and metal from the red painted on some of them. There is a faint hum about the room, one that with little time and observation can be heard coming from the various hummingbirds that hover through the space, darting in and out of the open windows. Often times, if the room is silent, one can hear the soft whistles from hummingbirds taking a rest, as they tend to snore.
EX: 1
Huitzilopochtli is a strong individual, he serves as a protector for those without a voice. Sadistic and narcissistic, the god believes anything worth his time should be proven to be worth his time unfortunately, this works towards others, gods or not. While Huitz has a calm demeanor, leaning towards being more of an observant force than a violent one. Of course, if Huitzli was passive he wouldn't be the god of war now would he? Huitzilopochtli is a clever and manipulative individual who toys with others at their own expense, he enjoys the thrill of drama when he has not been directly involved, but to say he doesn't enjoy a little drama in his own life would be an easy lie. In spite of his intelligence, he is a confrontational and hot-headed man prone to poor impulse control, it is not a question of how his anger will flare, but moreso of a when and where it will happen. This annoyance and anger with others often impedes his ability to sustain relationships and therefore he does not bother himself with trying to make those bonds.

Huitzilopochtli does love being desired, a fight he will often put up for the attention. For those lucky enough to have gone through both his physical and emotional trials will find a no better companion. Incredibly loyal, Huitz would rather put his own self on the line to prove his own loyalty than risk it ever being questioned from those he loves. He is not a jealous lover, and it would be a waste of time management to get such a reaction out of him. Ritual Sacrifice and self bloodletting was a key offering to Huitzilopochtli, who demanded blood in order to be appeased. Huitzilopochtli asks nothing less than full devotion to him, as he gives others who deserve it, and all it requires is a heart offered from bloody hands.

7' 3"
Both in human and true form

Bright gold hues. His irises are a very light shade of honey that almost appear white in tone, giving the appearance of no iris at all unless close enough to be examined.

Huitzilopochtli is well tanned, a glow which some say would resemble the sun rising in the sky. It was said that the god shone so brightly in the sky only warriors deemed brave enough would look into his light. This light is created in his hair, a glowing white light rises from the strands, filtering light through even the darkest of places. His hair is often straight, holding little to no curl and while it is not necessarily thick in nature, he does have a lot of strands, which can be altered into braids or even a more fashionable ponytail like the guests at Kaburi-Tsuki often have.

Being a warrior god to his people means Huitzli is looked upon as being muscular and strong. His body is long, having most of his length evenly distributed between legs and torso. Like Xolotl, his body is composed of thick muscles slightly hidden by a layer of fat, only showing their true potential when the muscles flex in any form.

Huitzli has a softly chiseled jawline and cold but compassionate eyes, hidden under long thick eyelashes. He does not have very many tattoos although the ones he does have are mostly on his face, a set of 3 white bars against his left cheek and one on his right horizontally. Three triangles underneath his right eye to symbolize the sun.
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Huitz prefers to be adorned in light fitting clothing and material that matches. The god tends to avoid sherpa, and various forms of suede. Silks, cashmere, voile, satins, and chiffons are most preferred. What cotton the male should choose to wear must be thin naturally woven or knitted.

Unlike most Aztec colors, bold greens, reds, and yellows; Huitz prefers the more soft or pastel versions of the colors, choosing golds and whites to represent the blinding light of the sun.

Ear piercings - Both lobes. Upper lobe (right). Conch (left). Tragus (left). Daith (left)
Nipple - Both

Honey | Gardenias | Metallic hint commonly associated with the smell of blood

Huitzilopochtli's true form has been up for debate many years. Some stories show him as a blue skinned warrior with feathers attached to a mask resembling that of a hummingbird, wielding Xiuhcoatl into battle.
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  • Huitzilopochtli requires a heart with every big meal, whether it be animal or human. His preferred beverage of choice, other than alcohol, is fresh blood, this is preferred to be human for animal blood is a little too thick and bitter for his liking.
  • Reading is a common hobby for the god, his time at Kaburi-Tsuki is no different. He can often be found leaning against the buildings or even in the gardens reading whatever book he can find at the time. Often he can be caught on the same book he's read multiple times, often getting lost in his own thoughts while idly staring at the pages.

  • Blood Manipulation - Huitz can create, shape, and manipulate blood. The aztecs believed blood was the most powerful source, and offered it to the gods to give them what they wanted, to the people, gods demanded sacrifice because they did not bleed. The god can manipulate the liquid easily, using it for various purposes, such as for rituals, examining, or most commonly combat; shaping his blood into tendrils to strike enemies from afar or use it to trap opponents in a prison of blood. Another use of blood manipulation is controlling the blood within the body of oneself, increasing physical abilities by speeding up the transport of nutrients and oxygen via blood to all parts of his body, thus improving his energy and power. Through the use of bloodletting, Huitz can also manipulate or heal others.
  • Battle Manipulation - User can create, shape and manipulate battlefields, and everything in them, including all the aspects of battlefields, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones.
  • Solar Manipulation - User can create, shape, and manipulate all aspects of the sun (or any other similar star), starting from its immense heat, luminosity, mass/gravitational field, magnetic field, raw nuclear energy, and reaction, etc. More specific effects include solar winds/flares, geomagnetic storms, sunspot reaction causation, UV emissions, and plant growth promotion.
  • Soul Manipulation - Huitzli can manipulate the souls of others. It is the process of moving a warriors soul into the body of a hummingbird after the four years of service. He also uses this manipulation to prevent the souls of women who passed from childbirth from drifting into the underworld to get lost.


* Bloodplay
A requisite for the god, any sexual encounters must be met with bloodletting of some sort. Biting, or the use of sharp objects may be permitted, if one is not willing to provide what he considers a small sacrifice, than his time simply cannot be wasted. His human disciples have offered blood for much less.
* Choking (giving | Receiving)
* Oral (Giving | Receiving)
* After care (Giving)
It is required that all if not most of Huitzli's lovers get care afterwards. Whether the god gets it himself isn't of importance.
* Prefers to be chased after
* Body worship (unfortunately receiving, he can be quite selfish)

-- Non-con
-- Scat play or anything related
-- Feet (this is non negotiable, you might as well not waste his time)
-- Humiliation

Hummingbirds -
According to Aztec belief, hummingbirds were fallen warriors who passed in battle. Fallen warriors and women who died in childbirth were thought to become a part of his retinue. After accompanying Huitzilopochtli for a period of four years, the fallen warriors would be reborn as hummingbirds.

Zilin - A creature similar to a European dragon in form, a lithe snake like body equipped with four bird like appendages. Zilin is a creature made by Huitzli himself for a more adequate form of travel. Created from the fractions of light produced onto a statue of a Chinese dragon, Zilin has become a travelling companion to the solar god for the Millenia of visiting Kaburi-Tsuki. The creature does not need to be within care of the bathhouse's stables, Zilin's essence becomes absorbed by Huitzilopochtli upon arrival onto the Kaburi-Tsuki's grounds.

Xiuhcoatl - A mythological serpent, regarded as the spirit form of Xiuhtecuhtli, the Aztec fire deity sometimes represented as an atlatl or a weapon wielded by Huitzilopochtli. During the Panquetzaliztli ceremony, Xiuhcoatl was represented by a paper serpent with red feathers emerging from its open maw to represent flames. During the ceremony, burning torches also symbolized Xiuhcoatl and a serpent dance was performed. While at Kaburi-Tsuki, Xuihcoatl accompanies Huitzli in the form of a Mojave Green; (Crotalus scutulatus) a highly venomous pit viper species found in the deserts of the southwestern United States and central Mexico. He can commonly be found wound around Huitli's left forearm. Snake Form Here

Huitzilopochtli was the patron god of the Mexica tribe. Originally he was of little importance to the Nahuas, but after the rise of the Aztecs, Tlacaelel reformed their religion and put Huitzilopochtli at the same level as Quetzalcoatl, Tlaloc, and Tezcatlipoca, making him a solar god. Through this, Huitzilopochtli replaced Nanahuatzin, the solar god from the Nahua legend. Huitzilopochtli was said to be in a constant struggle with the darkness and required nourishment in the form of sacrifices to ensure the sun would survive the cycle of 52 years, which was the basis of many Mesoamerican myths.

There were 18 especially holy festive days, and only one of them was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli. This celebration day, known as Toxcatl, falls within the fifteenth month of the Mexican calendar. During the festival, captives and slaves were brought forth and slain ceremoniously.

Every 52 years, the Nahuas feared the world would end as the other four creations of their legends had. Under Tlacaelel, Aztecs believed that they could give strength to Huitzilopochtli with human blood and thereby postpone the end of the world, at least for another 52 years.

Another origin story tells of a goddess, Coatlicue, being impregnated as she was sweeping by a ball of feathers on Mount Coatepec. Her other children, who were already fully grown, were the four hundred male Centzonuitznaua and the female deity Coyolxauhqui. These children, angered by the manner by which their mother became impregnated, conspired to kill her. Huitzilopochtli burst forth from his mother's womb in full armor and fully grown. He attacked his older brothers and sister, defending his mother by beheading his sister and casting her body from the mountain top. He also chased after his brothers, who fled from him and became scattered all over the sky.

Huitzilopochtli is seen as the sun in mythology, while his many male siblings are perceived as the stars and his sister as the moon. In the Aztec worldview, this is the reason why the Sun is constantly chasing the Moon and stars. It is also why it was so important to provide tribute for Huitzilopochtli as sustenance for the Sun. The Aztec's believed sacrifice kept the god strong, if Huitzilopochtli did not have enough strength to battle his siblings, they would destroy their mother and thus the world.

The god travels the world after his festivals, returning back to his homeland in time for the festival days. It was a blessing for the god to make it to the other festivals Kaburi-Tsuki offers.

Xolotl -
Being his brothers Twin in the stars means Huitz has a rather tumultuous relationship with his 'nephew', being the twin star of his brother Quetzalcoatl, Huitz does not consider Xolotl to be on the same level as his brother. Xolotl has always had a chip on his shoulder about the human sacrifices Huitzilopochtli requires, a conversation that frequently gets brought up when drink is involved.
Kalina- He wouldn't say he is close with his nephew's affection of interest. Formalities with a little bit of flirtations.
Mitsuru-Sama - Purely Business

code by MaryGold
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In Morte Vincit Veritas

In Death, Lies the final Truth

  • You finally awaken in a dark space, the silence surrounds your being. No memory of how you get in this darkness, nor where you were before. A soft *ding* radiates from outside the darkness as the wide door opens to a bar... A human looking creature waits for you behind the counter of a grand bar. It consists of several shelves stocked with fine wine and alcohol. In the center is a beautiful centerpiece with a circular design.

    The bartender politely asks for you to take a seat and as you do, you realize that you are not alone, another body has taken a space to the side of you, the same confusion plastered on terrified eyes. Without hesitation the bartender explains your situation, a lack of empathy in it's eyes;

    "There are some rules I must tell you before we proceed. Number one, I'm afraid I cannot provide you with any information regarding your current location. Number two, now that you are here, I will have you play a game. Number three, as to the game's selection that will be decided by roulette"

    A large screen drops from behind the bartender, little tiles are shown yet do not have anything on them, it is clear a tile will be shown to you at random. The creature continues "Number four, the stakes of the game are very high, your lives in fact. Number five, until the game is completed you cannot leave."

    Panic starts to set in, is this some soft of joke? You leap from your seat and run towards the exit, after moments of rapidly pressing the buttons you realize the bartender is correct, you cannot leave. Several fruitless efforts later, exhausted you return to the bar and take your seat, you may ask for a drink to calm your nerves, but heaven knows what comfort that will quell. The only method is to play the game, and hope you make it out alive.
  • Location: A 'hotel' like building resting between the two planes of existence known to humans as 'Heaven' or 'Hell'
    Function: The hotel exists purely as a judging station for souls to pass onto the other side. Each level or floor determines where the souls will go, if they are to be reincarnated or fall into a void like space never to exist again.

    The hotel stands as a passage between the planes of existence. A location hiding of neither heaven or hell. This is where souls go to be tested. No one knows who owns the hotel, only of the vast floors and endless outcomes of it. Those who judge the souls are known as Arbiters, each Arbiter gets their own floor with a bar to judge souls how they see fit. Each floor comes with a bar, which will happily serve alcohol to even the thirstiest of souls.

    Each floor holds a set of games the bar will change to host. Games ranging from Darts, Poker, Air Hockey, Old Maid, etc. These games will bring out the worst in the souls in order to judge them properly, a range of the last memories to worst fears after all, Arbiters believe a soul can truly be read under heavy stress.

    We'll be playing as a mix of human and Arbiters. Judges and Soul. As an arbiter it will be your mission to determine where the soul will go, reincarnation or the void, choose wisely, for you cannot remake a decision. As a soul, you will try to survive, discover who you were before you passed, and try to persuade the Arbiter, for your existence is on the line.
  • - All Players can write an intermediate level or above. Multi-paragraph posts (minimum of 2 paragraphs per post).

    - Timely + Communicative. We all have responsibilities. Nobody expects a day-to-day itinerary. Letting the group know if you'll be away is expected. Ghosting will get you kicked.

    - Please DM me for Discord link if interested. More info is posted there.

    - This rp will focus heavily on death including, car accidents, su*cide, murder, etc. These, depending on the player, may be listed in detail or may be hidden in spoilers. If these subjects make you highly uncomfortable, I suggest finding a different rp. Backstories involving r*ape may not be listed in detail and may only be alluded to or mentioned briefly. There are many ways to die and this one can be omitted.

    - Posting speeds: 9 Days from your last interaction. If you are going to be later than the required timeframe, you are to let GM and your partner know so we may plan accordingly.
    (ie. you're Char B interacting with Char A + C. You have 9 days from A + C's most recent post date to reply.)

    - This IS a plot-focused rp. While this is full of mature scenes (murder, gore, etc) there will be little chance for romance. However, it is not forbidden, even human souls can still feel love in the afterlife.

    - Respect all member + character pronouns. A mistake is fine, but let's not start a habit of it.
    2. BigBird
    5. (Me)


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  • Davian
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Davian Aguillon
    Nickname: Davy, Agui (one given by his parents when he misbehaved, a play on his last name 'a thorn in his parents side')
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: 22 years old | October 31st

    Davian was born in Paris, France circa 1965 to a politician and his late wife. He lived a rich life, a lavished life with all the money and wealth a child could wish for at the time. However, with all the wealth came an expectation of unobtainable perfection. Davian was proper from the moment he emerged from the womb, his father being distant but kept a military-esque presence in the home. He was to be perfect out in public, his mother did her best to raise him as the perfect doll, from his manner of speaking down to the very cosmetics on his flesh.

    When Davian came of age, unlike most of the poorer friends he had collected sneaking out after hours to parties, he was sent to a private school, very befitting a politicians son.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 6'2"

    * Knows three languages fluently, French, English, and Italian.
    * His favorite artist is Madonna
    * Has a tongue ring he's successfully hidden from his father.
    * Favorite book is Interview with the Vampire.

Coded by Ardent

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Avalon - DPR IAN
What was this? Davian's thoughts intertwined with what was being seen into what was being fed to him. Much like an over stimulated dog, celadon eyes shifted throughout the room in curious yet anxious waves as his mind tried to sample as much information from the mysterious man who called himself Grimsworth. Tall and astute Grimsworth spoke with such a cadence Davian found himself drawn to the male's face, watching how his lips formed the words. Grimsworth held an ethereal beauty, such beauty the thorn had only seen one other time throughout his life and one he would likely never find again, this man was not human.

Having given the option to sit down by the numerous chairs that weaved themselves between bodies, Davian pressed his back against the nearest wall, likely trying to avoid any attention on himself by their 'mentor' or the other assumed students and their wandering gaze. The less eye contact the better.
Coded by Ardent
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  • Lonan
  • Info
    Name:Lonan Bloodheart
    Nickname: Lo
    Allegiance: Founding Family
    Occupation: Relative of Heir (1st cousin to Venetia)
    Birthday & Age: 23 yrs old | July 3rd 1964

    Condense the most important details about your character into an elevator pitch consisting of 100 - 300 words. Bear in mind that this rp takes place in the year 1987!

    [Founding Families only - any notable curios in your character's possession go here]

    Abilities & Limitations
    [Hollows only]
    Between 1-2 abilities balanced out with the right amount of limitations. Must be unique so as to encourage cooperation between the Hollow characters.
    Fatal Flaw(s): Reminder - your character is not aware of their fatal flaw(s)

    Physical Characteristics
    Image (semi-realistic artwork only) and/or a short description. You do not need to provide an image if you have a description, and vice versa.

    Misc. Information goes here.

Coded by Ardent