
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


The Glitched Entity
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
Online Availability
Night. (10pm-6am)
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Agender
I don't like romance or action.
I am new here. Impulsively joined 'cause my usual site is a tad inactive today and I have nothing to do. I highly recommend you check my profile though I'll say some basic things here:
  • I am of an undisclosed age, though I have been roleplaying since I was very young. I have been doing it for 7 years, I think.
  • I am very nocturnal, but you may catch me on in the day. Maybe.
  • I currently have a lot of time on my hands. I am unemployed and not in any education. I will be joining a theatre group but I'm not in it yet. TLDR I am a loser who has nothing going on in his life so expect me to be active maybe.
  • My favourite time to roleplay is Summer. I will be most active then.
  • I not know what's going on ? I like roleplays that are like "Boom. Here's a world. Do whatever you want in it whenever you want, just pop in, roleplay for however long you want and leave", as that is the type of roleplay I hail from, and am more familiar with. When we bring in intricate plots and action is where it fries my head ... I'm not sure if I'll find that here but I'll try.
  • I'm very bad at talking. Especially to new people. Also my memory isn't the best, I tend to forget things. Please be patient with me.
That might be all. Again, I recommend looking at my profile. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll try and answer.
Welcome to Iwaku! Hope you find that 'Boom! Story!' you're looking for. ^^
Ahh, thank you. Admittedly I am a bit confused, seeing as I've only ever done chat-based roleplays, and the chat side of here seems a bit...dead. And I've never done a forum roleplay or anything, New things.
Hi! Welcome! I see you're interested in chat rps - be sure to join the discord (if you're comfortable with discord) for reminders on when the chat rps are taking place! INFO - Official Iwaku Discord Server

Everyone here is very friendly and welcoming, if you're interested in trying out forum rps there's lots of people who will help teach you, I'm sure!
Thank you. I'll see about joining the discord. As for now, I'll try and work out how to. start. For a lack of better words.
NP! Here's another forum to help you out: INFO - Newbie Navigation
It has a lot of helpful information. From there you can do whatever you want, jump right into searching for partners, groups, or maybe chat a bit in general!
I happened upon this post and figured I'd welcome you! I figured I'd say that forum "play-by-post" roleplay is where I began, opposite to you. I did chat roleplay maybe once or twice years ago but I don't think it was for me at the time. I will say forum roleplay is quite nice; there's little to no pressure for immediate responses (at least, that's my struggle), time to think and breathe. I relate to the struggle to talk and with memory; I'm still navigating around here myself but in my experience, writers and roleplayers tend to be kind and patient — I hope that eases your worries a bit.
I'm in a bit if a rush. I wish you the very best of luck in your time here! Welcome to Iwaku, I hope you like it here.
NP! Here's another forum to help you out: INFO - Newbie Navigation
It has a lot of helpful information. From there you can do whatever you want, jump right into searching for partners, groups, or maybe chat a bit in general!
Thank you, I'll check it out when I can. I've already been invited by someone, which is fun. Hopefully it goes well.
I happened upon this post and figured I'd welcome you! I figured I'd say that forum "play-by-post" roleplay is where I began, opposite to you. I did chat roleplay maybe once or twice years ago but I don't think it was for me at the time. I will say forum roleplay is quite nice; there's little to no pressure for immediate responses (at least, that's my struggle), time to think and breathe. I relate to the struggle to talk and with memory; I'm still navigating around here myself but in my experience, writers and roleplayers tend to be kind and patient — I hope that eases your worries a bit.
I'm in a bit if a rush. I wish you the very best of luck in your time here! Welcome to Iwaku, I hope you like it here.
Thank you. I'll admit, I prefer it when a roleplay only lasts a few hours to a day, it starts to lose me once it gets longer (curse my attention span). Again, I prefer popping in, roleplaying for a while then leaving. Chat roleplays have always been my go-to because of this, though I'm willing to try new things.
Welcome to Iwaku!

I can see another member has already linked our handy guide known as newbie navigation but if you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to any staff member.

Good luck to you and happy writing! ✨
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Welcome to Iwaku!

I can see another member has already linked our handy guide known as newbie navigation but if you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to any staff member.

Good luck to you and happy writing! ✨
Thank you, I will keep that in mind.
Heya! Welcome to iwaku!
Hi there! Welcome to iwaku!
Hopefully you find what you're looking for here, it's always exciting finding a new place to write and make friends.
Take care and happy writing!