1x1 CLOSED ChristoViv (gummyrissa)

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The Phoenix
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My times are pretty erratic, but I try to avoid being on EST 11pm-9am.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Historical Romance.

Christopher Willoughby strode down the hallway, adjusting his clothing. Finding a governess for his three sisters had been difficult. He could, of course, have paid for a separate governess for each of them, but they were so close in age, he didn't really wish to separate them during their studies. He knew he was overprotective, and had been putting this off so his mother could console herself fussing about them, but his sisters were reaching the age of ten now, they needed a proper education. If only any of the governesses he had interviewed had taken any interest in THEM instead of himself.

He took a breath, and then entered the waiting room. The woman whose face greeted him was attractive, in a way, but not in the typical manner of beauty, he might have almost said masculine. She held herself with perfect comportment, but her cloth was poor, as expected of a governess. "Miss Pembrook?" He waited for her to rise, then bowed to her. "My name is Christopher Willoughby. It's a pleasure to meet you." She'd already been served tea, so he sat in the settee across from her, while the maids served him a cup as well.
  • Creepy
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Nemopedia and rissa
Vivian curtsied low in response, a soft businesslike smile gracing her face as Mister Willoughby sat across from her. "The pleasure is all mine," She assured him, waiting until his tea had been served and the maids curtsied their way out.

"There wasn't much on the children, Mr. Willoughby," Vivian said softly, confusion dripping out of her tone. "Just their ages and names. I like to take a personalized approach to my governing. Everyone learns differently, you see, and I aspire to modify my approach for each student, to ensure they get the most out of my lessons."

Vivian took another sip of her tea, folded a leg beneath the other, and continued. "Though I leave the final say to the families, I would also like to begin basic tutoring in numbers; I believe everyone should have a routine knowledge, even if it's not to be their expertise."
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  • Sweet
Reactions: firejay1
[Henrietta age 7, Abella age 6, Dorothea age 4]

"Yes, of course." Christopher said, smiling at her warmly. "I did not include much information, because I wished to introduce my sisters myself. I hope you do not mind that I have asked their permission for the two of us to join them for afternoon tea in the garden after I've had a chance to speak to you." It was very promising, in his estimation, that she had voluntarily asked for a little more information on those who would become her charge. "Henrietta, the eldest, is already rather adept with her letters, and has begun to read in earnest, but despises numbers and shan't be persuaded otherwise. I believe it would be wonderful to also allow her to improve her penmanship at this stage." His eyes twinkled as he smirked to himself. "Darling Abella is quite a bit quieter, so far nothing interests her beyond stealing mother's shoes and pretending to dance at balls. And Dorothea is at the perfect age to learn her letters and numbers, and I believe shall be amenable to doing so since she can't quite bear to be set behind her sisters in anything, now that she has reached that age.

"What is your general curriculum for children their age? Your references are quite impressive, Miss Pembroke, so I should like to hear what you believe to be best for teaching three children at once."
  • Creepy
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia and rissa
Vivian, in a moment of quiet shock, simply stared at Mister Willoughby with appreciation for his kindness and forethought. Her eyes sparkled as she began, face animating with passion curbed only by decorum. "Afternoon tea with the children sounds absolutely lovely, Mr. Willoughby, I would be honored to attend."

She took a small sip, settling her mind that'd already begun formulating curriculums after Henrietta's introduction.

"If the siblings are close, healthy competition goes a long way in keeping a strict focus... It's not always necessary, however, as some children come alive with different types of teaching and introducing the younger ones to higher learning a bit early simply prepares them for success." Viv stopped for a moment, to tuck away a traitorous lock of hair. "For young girls I typically begin with reading, writing, and basic arithmetic. Needlework, drawing, dancing, and music are introduced relatively soon as well, especially with families with several children; group activities like these serve well for those who excel to help and provide examples. If allowed, and once appropriate, poetry, politics, and foreign languages can also be instructed."
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"Excellent." Christopher said, grinning broadly. "They can hardly bear to be separated from one another most days, so a healthy mix of group activities should do well for them. Poetry and foreign language I encourage as soon as they have a steady grasp of literature, but politics... I suppose I at least hope to allow them their innocence till they are a bit older, but I have been told I am overprotective, as older brothers go." Mostly from his mother. "I shall leave that to your discretion, unless I see some sign that they are taking to it ill."

He stood and held out his hand towards her. "Shall we join them for tea then?" Henrietta had been quite superior about the whole thing, as in truth none of them had liked any of the governesses he'd interviewed thus far, but he rather thought if anyone knew how to deal with children kindly, the woman in front of him might.
  • Creepy
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Nemopedia and rissa
With a gentle smile Vivian took Christophers hand to stand, an earnest sparkle in her eyes as she spoke. "I've been told the same, more than a few times." She tucked another traitorous lock behind her ear before continuing, "Overprotective or no, I still waited until Letty was twelve or so before introducing politics..."

She blushed slightly, her hand falling away as she began to follow him towards the gardens. "So I shouldn't be so presumptuous."

"Oh!" Viv said softly, reaching back for her satchel. She removed three small brown paper wrapped giftboxes. "I almost forgot, I made the three of them a little something." She flushed a shade deeper, only a subtle change. "Little reticules with some simple embroidering; one purple, one yellow, and one blue. Tokens of my appreciation and a simple segue into needlework."