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The Phoenix
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My times are pretty erratic, but I try to avoid being on EST 11pm-9am.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Historical Romance.
So, these really aren't memes, but this was what my friend called them.

The main plan was to exchange these with @Nemopedia, but she said we should share this so other people can do it, too! I promise it's fun. The idea is to take characters from all throughout your writing career, whether it be a thousand year old ghostly child or a pirate of the skies, and throw them into short scenarios together. It's easy, really!

Step one: compile a list of ten of your characters randomly, numbered 1-10. It's important not to cheat by intentionally picking characters you think suit the scenarios.

Step two: answer the proposed set of questions in a simple scene of maybe a few paragraphs. You can include other side characters if they're relevant, and whether the characters know what's going on, know you (the author) exist, or accept their suddenly being thrust into a different setting from their native one, are all variables you can decide on!

This Session's Scenarios:

1: [2] finds [7] crying. What does [2] do?

2 : [1] and [6] are out on a date when [5] spots them. How does [5] react?

3 : [3] walks in when [8] is changing. What happens?

4 : [1], [2], [4], [7], and [10] are in a car. What's going on?

5 : [6] walks in on [1] and [9] in a bedroom. What happens?

6 : While [3], [5], and [10] are cleaning, they find a photo book full of embarrassing pics of [2]. What happens?

7 : [8] and [4] are playing a video game. Who wins?

8 : [9], [7], [1], [2], and [6] are having a race. Who would win?

10 : [4]x[5]. Who tops?
1. Amaris Mooney
2. Saree Nett
3. Okamuzumi
4. Ondine Fear
5. Lyssander Sudworth
6. Rudesind Pyr
7. Finley Ellis
8. Aisling Payne
9. Miyako Koizumi
10. Jaden Babic

2: Saree Nett
7: Finley Ellis

Awkwardly the mage placed a hand to the shoulder of the ginger, patting it. "There, there," he mumbled at the older man. "I'm sure you can grow a new one out of… Victoria."

Sobbing Finley buried his face into his hands, shaking his head. How could Saree understand the pains of a botanist? The hours of dirt, feeding, maintaining its sun hours. Finley would have to start his work all over again.

1: Amaris Mooney
6: Rudesind Pyr
5: Lyssander Sudworth

He looked once…

Then again…

And then he checked again…

Blinking the male froze in his path, head turning towards the unusual couple standing in line for some ice cream.

A young female, hair dyed purple as was popular with the youth, was practically running towards the parlor dragging along her unwilling even more unusual partner.

"Just get some for yourself, Mooney," the horned man snarled. Sander could swear the eyes of the man flashed red for a split second matching the colour of his skin.

"No. Rude, you promised," the female responded firmly as she pulled her partner closer, trapping his arm within her own with a grin. Sander wasn't sure whether she had called the tiefling rude, or if his name was actually 'Rude'.

"Youth," the man growled, blowing hot air into Sander's direction before breezing past.

Odd pair indeed, but they seemed to enjoy their time.

3: Okamuzumi
8: Aisling Payne

"Ah! Sorry, my apologies! I did not realise…"

Fretting the spirit immediately turned around, moving herself back out of the door once more as she covered her eyes.

Giggling Aisling watched the tree spirit leave as she finished pulling her shirt over her head. "It is alright, really. I could have locked the door," she called after the woman.

1: Amaris Mooney
2: Saree Nett
4: Ondine Fear
7: Finley Ellis
10: Jaden Babic

"This is something different from our cars," Finley mused. The ginger walked around the vehicle for the third time, each time finding yet another thing to feel fascinated about.

"Definitely different," the tanned Saree agreed absentmindedly, hand resting on his chin as he opened the front door. "Very fascinating as well. How fast does it go again?" the mage called over his shoulder.

"It can run on an equivalent of 140, could be 180 horses. Depends on the car," Amaris answered, hand waving in the air before she crossed her arms again. She was getting quite tired of both the botanist and the mage. Couldn't they admire the car from the inside?

Giggling Ondine shrugged at the whole sight, already seated in the front with her seatbelt ready. Throwing a look over at the back she smiled at the dark shadow in the back.

"It's fun, isn't it?" she tried.


"Hopefully we can leave soon. It would be awful if we were to be late," the blondine tried again.

Hmpfing Jaden agreed with the female in the front seat, but said nothing more. Ondine was satisfied with at least that much of a reaction.

6: Rudesind Pyr
1: Amaris Mooney
9: Miyako Koizumi

He honestly just wanted a moment of rest, close his eyes and sleep out the hangover. Fate didn't seem to agree as he seemed to run into all sorts of figures today.

As was the case right now. Swinging open the door the tiefling hoped dearly for some relief when he instead found two sleeping figures already occupying the bed.


Before even Rude himself could realise his temper had gotten the better of him, his voice raising but immediately stopped as he found a sharp item to his throat.

"It is fine, Miyako," Mooney mumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Put that… whatever it is down," the female continued. "Rude was my ice cream date."

The short brunette gave the tiefling a brief glare before turning her weapon down, a smile replacing her features instead as she beamed.

"It is awfully nice to meet you, Rude! I'm sorry for pointing my kunai at you, but you came in so threatening!"

Rude just groaned at all the excitement thrown into his face. He just wanted to rest.

3: Okamuzumi
5: Lyssander Sudworth
10: Jaden Babic
2: Saree Nett

"What is this?"

Leaning the broom against her shoulder Okamuzumi picked up the album she had found in a corner. Pushing a few strands of white hair out of her face the tree spirit lifted the cover up, only to gasp at the sight.

"Oh, how realistic this painting is!" she blinked at the picture of a young dark-skinned male with dark curly hair, and warm brown eyes. A bright smile was on the young lad's face as it sat naked in his bath, seemingly splattering around in the water.

Joining her Lyssander chuckled as he put down the rag he held in hands, taking over the album instead.

"They are called photographs, they aren't paintings, but can be considered a form of art," he explained gently to the spirit who gave him a sparse look before lifting another page. This time it revealed the same young boy, a little older as it ran down the beach, his butt bare.

"Are they usually of naked children?" the female questioned to which Lyssander grinned again.

"No, but this looks like Saree," he mused.

A rustling next to the pair, along with a shadow hovering over the book signalled the arrival of Jaden whose interest had been piqued. Staring down the book the pale figure flicked to the next page, revealing the embarrassing phase called puberty even Saree had to suffer.

"Didn't know he had braces," Jaden commented, though somewhere they had always known. It was impossible for anyone to have such perfect teeth.

"Poor thing, the artist was particularly severe to his skin," the tree spirit mused, a pout forming on her lips.

"Those are called zits, Oka," Sander laughed before quickly taking the album away. This would be great blackmail later.

8: Aisling Payne
4: Ondine Fear

"Banana peel left!"

"Than-- Oh, no! A shell!"

Groaning Ondine looked down at her controller as the car spiralled down the road. "Goodbye, Toad. I'm sorry for--- Ah, I'm back!"

With her lips pressed together firmly Aisling tried to maintain her position in the front, leaning one way and then the other along with the controller in hands. "Come on," the elf pushed out before a familiar white and red dotted mushroom passed her.

"Come on, you said you didn't know the game!"

Roaring Ondine passed over the finish line, the number 1 flashing on the screen in gold. "I don't, I really don't, but it is so easy!" the witch exclaimed, eyes bright and cheeks flushed. "So much easier than flying, or quidditch!" she continued with a huff.

Finishing her route Aisling threw the console away from her, crossing her arms as she turned towards the blondine.

"Then, let's play this quidditch of yours!"

Laughing nervously the witch threw the elf a look. "About that…"

9: Miyako Koizumi
7: Finley Ellis
1: Amaris Mooney
2: Saree Nett
6: Rudesind Pyr

Brown eyes nervously made contact with his left, a pair of pensive blue eyes glanced in return. A subtle nod from a ginger was exchanged before a flash of red finished first across the finish line.

"Hahaaaah! I win!" the tiefling cheered, steering his kart around to do a round of whooping and cheering for his win.

The rest of the group stayed eerily silent, only letting go of a deep breath when Rude had his back turned to all of them, screaming something that sounded like: "Suuuuckeeersssss!"

"Did you brake?" Amaris turned towards the group, addressing no one in particular.

Miyako nodded. Her eyebrows raising a little as her lips were pulled into a long line instead of the usual bright smile.

"I spiralled out of the last turn," Finley sheepishly admitted as he scratched his face, eyes not daring to meet that of anyone else.

Saree just slumped down in his seat, shrugging at the whole happening. "Who cares. Rude won, no eruptions, no disasters."

"I would have won the race if I didn't---"

Miyako didn't get to finish her line as the rest interjected.

4: Ondine Fear
5: Lyssander Sudworth

"I don't think this is a good idea," Sander sputtered against the female pushing him down. Crawling back the male tried to escape the grasp of his seducer, eyes wide in shock in the sudden change of character.

Sweet, innocent Ondine had suddenly turned into a woman and there was nothing holding back the femme fatale she was promised to be. Uncaring the xana climbed on top of the male, hips swaying ever so lightly as the blondine leaned over him.

A faint sweet smell lingered off from the female, reminding Sander of pastries and freshly braked bread. and as their eyes locked Sander momentarily forgot how to breath.

He was doomed.

"Definitely feverish, but also very much turned on," the blondine announced to the room. Giving the male another push to the shoulder Sander fell into the bed as she crawled off.
  • Love
  • Haha
Reactions: Applo and firejay1
The Ten:

1. Nala
2. James
3. Sa'laya
4. Dus
5. Magenta
6. Michael
7. Whisper
8. Arista
9. Celia
10. Tadashi

1: [2] finds [7] crying. What does [2] do?
James was at a loss. He really, really didn't know what to do here. He glanced at the silently crying Whisper; glanced behind him looking for help. Any help. Anyone. of course, no one was there. He took a deep breath and sat next to her with his legs crossed. "So..." He glanced up for a moment. God damned, he was bad at this. "Do you...need a drink?" Whisper shot him a glare and her fingers flashed angrily. I'm eighteen you dick. James just raised his hands. "God I wish I knew ASL." He muttered to himself.​

2 : [1] and [6] are out on a date when [5] spots them. How does [5] react?
Magenta raised a skeptical eyebrow at the mismatched pair in front of her. Nala, glasses perched on the tip of her nose, and Michael lounging next to her. They were like fire and ice. Nala was all lace, pastels, light colors, and cardigans. Michael, on the other hand, was leather and rock music and piercings. A half smile crossed her face at the sight. "You go, girl." She muttered as she kept walking.​

3 : [3] walks in when [8] is changing. What happens?
Sa'laya raised an appreciative eyebrow, leaned up against the door jam. Arista raised an eyebrow right back and put her hands on her hips. "Do you mind?" She asked with a grin. Sa'laya smirked. "Nope, not at all."​

4 : [1], [2], [4], [7], and [10] are in a car. What's going on?
Dus spun towards the backseat yet again, a growl in his throat. "I swear to god if you four don't chill the fuck out-" before he could even finish the sentence he was hit by a stray splash of water. Tadashi froze, the water still hovering over his hands from where he and Nala had been tossing it back and forth. "...oops."​

5 : [6] walks in on [1] and [9] in a bedroom. What happens?
Michael stopped short, staring at the steamy scene unfolding in the bedroom. He seemed a little perturbed as he stepped back and slowly pulled the door closed. "...well. Guess there's no need to corrupt them since they're clearly already there."​

6 : While [3], [5], and [10] are cleaning, they find a photo book full of embarrassing pics of [2].
What happens?​
Magenta cackled manically, holding up a small photo of James as a kid, wearing some old pajamas and clinking to a stuffed unicorn. Every time she tried to say something the cackling started again. Tadashi scowled and snatched the photo out of her hand. "It's not funny!"​

7 : [8] and [4] are playing a video game. Who wins?
Arista stretched lazily as the word "winner" flashed across her screen yet again. "Give it up, Dus." She taunted with a laugh. "You cannot defeat the master at her own game." Dus grumbled to himself, shoving the headset back onto his head. "Let's play again."​

8 : [9], [7], [1], [2], and [6] are having a race. Who would win?
The group scowled at the lazily lounging Michael. They'd each barely taken three steps, and he was laying around on the other side of the finish line. "Teleporting doesn't count!" Celia pouted, stomping her foot, but Michael just shrugged. "No one said it didn't."​

10 : [4]x[5]. Who tops?
Dus raised an eyebrow at the woman straddling him, his hands behind his head. "You know...I don't do well with lack of control." He murmured, seizing her arms and flipping them over so he was above her. She smirked at him, her eyes wandering and her teeth nipping at her dark tinted lips. "Then take control."​
1)Roxanne, a human woman from 1540 Scotland.
2)Morden, a member of the white fae royal court who is both an alchemist and a magically powerful wizard
3)Cassandra, futuristic doctor on a traveling star cruiser called Andromeda now serving in a facility run by the Director.
4)Grace, the youngest of a set of triplets who is an excellent chef and has recently opened her own restaurant.
5)Rocklyn, son and heir to the throne of Lorag where men are dominant and all have a cat form. He is a Panther.
6)Brylath, born to a poor family was sold into servitude. A minotaur of some stature and intelligence.
7)Varen, centaur in service to King Caden
8)Cai, A planet protector created by mother nature with great elemental powers currently serving on earth.
9)Diomedes, unlikely pirate sailing with his late sister's husband to keep him from trouble.
10) Glynnis, former olympian in dressage and cross country, had an accident and is now wheelchair bound.

Morden turns the corner approaching the training grounds of the guards for the palace and seen Varen crying. The mere sight of the centaur weeping has him standing shocked in his shoes without the ability to move or comment. However, unable to allow his friend to suffer without support, he approaches and rests a hand upon the large man's shoulder, "Whatever is the matter, Varen?"

Varen startled at the touch on his arm turns quickly and nearly tramples Morden, but manages to step away quickly enough to avoid injury, "Morden...I did not hear you."

"No, that is quite evident. What troubles you?"

His hand motions out to the training grounds, "They are utterly hopeless. None of them can run even a mile without some horrible cry of pain, none can hit the target even at ten paces...not the bull's eye I mean the target...How can I tell the king such news? No...I cannot." Weeping ensues once more.

"Surely time will..."

"TIME?!?!" he bellowed, "We have been training them for six months and still...look at them!"

"Hmm...I see what you mean."

"Exactly!" More weeping, "What can I do? I am not a magician!"

Morden smiled, "But I am..." He raised his hands out toward the training guards and one by one their aim improved, shocking themselves and those around them. "I believe you will find them to have better aim and a lot more stamina after today."

Varen blinked and hugged the smaller man fiercely before trotting back to the men.

Brylath held the chair as Roxanne sat daintily and thanked him. He then took his seat opposite her and their waiter was instantly at the table to suggest wine and drink options. Roxanne just smiled a beautiful and charming smile at her date and the waiter and allowed Brylath to choose for them both. "The Merlot sounds perfect," he said in a deep though gruff voice. He looked over at Roxanne and smiled though it was dificult to tell as much given his bovine features, "You look perfect this evening, Roxanne."

She blushed prettily, "Thank you. That is quite kind of you to say and might I add that you look amazingly well groomed this evening. I do so appreciate the effort."

"Anything for you."

Rocklyn watched as the most exquisite female he had ever seen entered the room with a minotaur. A minotaur. Why the devil was she smiling at it? How can she even speak to it without being revolted and nauseated? He looked at it and shook his head, even its nostrils were wet for heaven sakes. No, he would never...EVER...understand women.

Cassandra had only one more patient to see that day and she was glad it was the last. her back and arms were aching from a long day in surgery and she was looking forward to a hot shower and some rest. She tapped the door and entered the room and stopped dead in her tracks. Before he was the most perfectly chiseled male she had ever seen in her life and he was completely naked. "Excuse me?"

Cai turned and smiled at the woman by the door, totally unphased by his nakedness before her, "Hello. Can I help you?"

Cassandra blinked, "I believe that is my question. I am Doctor Brandford..."

Cai smiled even wider and tipped his head a bit, "Well, as you can see I am perfectly fine."

"You do appear to be in optimal physical condition, but my chart says you were..." She looked away and to the file in her hand, "Shot four times..."

"Five actually, but as you can see I am fine."

She moved to him and began looking for wounds or even traces of wounds. " are you fine? You have only been here.." Once again she consulted the file, "For ... two hours."

"Yes, well...I am a fast healer," he said as he pulled on his jeans and grabbed his white t-shirt.


"Anything else?" he asked.

"I guess not..."

"Well then, thank you for your time and have a lovely evening."

"But wait...what shall I write on this file?"

"Whatever you like." and with that he was gone. When she went to the door to find him and question him further he was nowhere to be seen.

4 : 1, 2, 4, 7, AND 10 ARE IN A CAR. WHAT'S GOING ON?
Glynnis pulled her van up to the stables for the last passenger of their trip. He was standing outside the barn giving instructions to those within when he heard the van arrive. He trotted over and smiled at her, "Good morning beautiful! Thank you for coming to get me." The side lowered and he trotted in and then grabbed hold of the front seat to steady himself.

"Good morning Varen," she said cheerfully, "No problem at all...We'll get to the Keep in no time."

Varen looked at the other occupants of the large van and nodded, "Good morning everyone."

Roxanne smiled, "Good morning Varen. How are things at the stables?"

"Working smoothly M'lady. I am very sure his Lordship will be pleased."

Roxanne nodded, "Are the horses ready for my special students today?"

"Yes M'lady. The most gentle horses have been selected. Miss Glynnis chose them herself."

Glynnis nodded as she turned out onto the main road that led to the keep, "Yes I did. They will be perfect." Her wheelchair was sitting securely into the grooves that had been fashioned into the floor behind the wheel. It was specially modified to accommodate her chair and had all the controls including gas and brake on the wheel.

Roxanne turned to Grace, "Is the menu all planned?"

"yes, Ma'am. Just as you asked and all the food has been delivered. All I must do is plate everything."

"Perfect!" Roxanne smiled as she turned to Morden. "And the magic show?"

Morden cast her a flat look of boredom, "He will be positively delighted I promise."

"I hope so, he's difficult to impress you know and I want this to be the best birthday ever!"

"I dare say I can impress a five year old and if not I will resign as royal magician."

Roxanne held a sword at the ready. Diomedes too had out his sword ready to defend himself though hoping that would not be the case. Perhaps the tiny thing was bluffing, but she looked very comfortable with the sword in her hand. He weighed his options. He decided upon charm, "Surely a lady of your bearing and beauty would not wish to belittle herself by trifling with a pirate."

Roxanne merely lifted a regal brow his direction, "Surely a pirate even a handsome one would realize that a lady of my kind would have no difficulty slicing a pirate stem to stern rather than see them take off with any of her treasures."

Dio sighed, "then we are at an impasse."

"So it would seem."

At that moment Brylath, Lady Roxanne's Knight entered. He let out a long huff of air, seeing a sword drawn against his lady. An otherworldly noise came from him before he lowered his horns and rushed at the intruder head on.

Dio looked at the minotaur and paled. "Oh hell no!" he cried and dove out the window. It was a long way down to the water but both Roxanne and Brylath ran to the balcony to watch and see if he landed on the rocks or the water.

"Ten says he hits the water." he said with a huff though his large nostrils.

"NO bet...I can see he will though I bet it will hurt like the devil."

Cassandra was using lysol disinfecting wipes to clean all the tables and eating surfaces.

Glynnis made a face as she maneuvered her chair around the room using the vacuum. "Ugh you know I hate how that smells."

Cass looked over at her, "Well at least you won't get poisoned or come into contact with any germs while you eat."

Rocklyn looked at them both from his place on the sofa organizing the bills. "It doesn't last long anyway..." he lifted some mail and saw a photo album and huffed. he opened it and blinked and then flipped the page and laughed. "Well who'd have believed?"

Cass looked over, "What?"

"It's Morden..." he whistled at the next one turning the book this way and that. "Pretty limber for an old guy..."

Gylnnis made a face, "What are you talking about?" she asked as she wheeled over and then looked away, "Oh for the love of God! I can never unsee that!"

Cass stayed where she was, "I think I'll um ...go wipe down the counters in the kitchen..."

Glynnis blocked her, "OH NO...if I had to see it so do you..."

Rocklyn held the book up so Cass could see it and she blanched. "What is he doing? And who are all those people?"

"I think it's pretty obvious WHAT he's doing...I want to know who all those people are too and if they are available for hire..." He wiggled his brows a bit and winked.

Glynnis looked at him, "Oh be serious..."

"Ok...seriously...I think this is worth about oh...half a million at least."

Cass looked at him, "Morden doesn't have that kind of money..."

"Who was talking about Morden...?"

Cai sat on the sofa in her living room waiting. Grace came in from the kitchen and set some freshly baked snacks on the coffee table in front of them. "Did you choose a game yet?"

Cai nodded, "I believe this..." He lifted the box and showed her.

"Mario Cart?" She grinned. "Ok if you're sure." She took the game from the box and put it into the console. She handed him a controller, which was positioned into what appeared to be a steering wheel. " here to go and here to shoot any weapons you might pick up along the it?"

He watched her hands and nodded, "Go and it..."

They spent a little time choosing characters and cars and then the race was on. Grace, having played the game before made ehr way through the course without much mishap while Cai had a bit of trouble getting the hang of the controls and spent most of the first race figuring our the nuances of the turns and the speed he could safely take every part of the course. Grace won easily.

"Rematch!" Cai roared, "I demand a rematch! I was just getting the hang of it."

"No one can win every time..and we can play as long as you like." She assured him.

One thing about Familiar Males is that they have excellent reflexes and they learn quickly. They played until well after midnight. Every snack was gone, as was all the beer in the house and Grace never won again. She looked over at him and grinned, "Are you done proving your superiority?"

Cai looked at her, "That depends..."


"Whether or not you acknowledge my superiority or not."

Hmm...toughie...but it would be close between the minotaur and the centaur but I go with Varen for the win!

10 : 4 X 5. WHO TOPS?

Rocklyn looked down at Grace and kissed her tenderly. She smiled up at him their lips only a breath apart, "So now I know who ate that piece of pie..."
Wow @PoetLore @MadylineJames I didn't actually expect anyone to do this but me and wa (Nemo). She's gonna be posting a new set in a week or so, if you wanna do more.

1. Lucas Yoo
2. Megaera Gott
3. Sebastian Prince
4. Aemer Correny
5. Perla Lozier
6. Idris Yuuki
7. Caelan Nash
8. Element
9. Rengyou Yuuki
10. Kyne Sand

2: Megaera Gott
7: Caelan Nash

Megaera shook slightly, reaching her hand out, but not getting close enough to touch the slender boy in front of her who was crouched down on the floor sounding a bit like he was sobbing. "Uh... Are you, okay? Do you need help?"

He turned around to look straight at her, and she jerked backwards a couple steps. The boy's eyes were terrifying. One green eye, one brown, both tinged with red. He was crying, alright, but clearly doing it most unwillingly, and it most certainly wasn't emotional, as he was clutching his stomach and blood was pouring out of it. He glared at her as if his predicament was her fault, and it reminded her a bit of Simon. Except Simon usually reserved his scary expressions for people other than her.

"I'm going to call 911." She said, opening her mouth to issue a command to her phone, but a blood-stained hand reached out and wrapped around her wrist.

The voice that came out was horribly raspy, but stronger than she would have expected from a half-dead man. "Where did you put Jamie?"

"Excuse me?!" She squeaked.

"My brother!" He snapped furiously. "Where's Jamie? Where did you take him?" His grip on her wrist was bruisingly tight.

"I don't know!" She cried, "I can't find my brother, either." Shaking her arm hard, she insisted, "Let go of me. Let go! I don't know anything!" Hand curled into fists, she shook her arm again and dropped to her knees on the floor, bursting into tears.

Caelan squinted at her, then seemed to decide harassing her any further was about as useful as continuing to bleed onto the floor. While she continued to cry, he patted her down weakly and found her phone, pulling it out and dialing a random number. Phones were like a siren call for monsters, which included giant eagles. Hopefully they would get there before he bled out.

1: Lucas Yoo
6: Idris Yuuki
5: Perla Lozier

"What are you doing?" The little ghostly child asked, Perla floating in the air above Lucas and Idris.

Idris looked up at the little girl with an expression of mild confusion. What was that? It didn't look like any monster she'd ever seen. Lucas, on the other hand, looked murderous the second he saw her. "It's a demon." He hissed, and suddenly he whipped out a half-sword and flung it at the will o' the wisp with all his might. Perla dodged, looking at the thrown weapon curiously, but without fear.

"Woah." Idris grabbed his arm. "We don't know that." She looked up at Perla. "We're on a blind date." She kept the irritation carefully off her face, having been forced into this by one of her son's friends' moms. The woman clearly thought the boy was about twenty years older, to set her up with this teenager, but she was one of Idris' few friends, and wouldn't shut up about how her son needed a father, etc etc.

"What's that?" Perla wanted to know.

Idris heaved a huge sigh. "It's over. I'm going home." She wanted to see her son. She handed the little ghost girl her ice cream cone, and strolled away slowly.

3: Sebastian Prince
8: Element

The door opened and Element whirled around, to see a pretty, black-haired boy with grey eyes walked through the door. For a moment, she froze, then she screamed and pulled her shirt down all the way. "Who are you!?" She cried.

Sebastian sighed, rolled his eyes, and said, "Wrong room." Before walking out.

1: Lucas Yoo
2: Megaera Gott
4: Aemer Correny
7: Caelan Nash
10: Kyne Sand

"What are you doing with your hands?" Aemer asked, staring at Meg in an annoyed fashion.

Meg gave an awkward, unhappy laugh, her arms stretched out and hands held slightly above their heads. This was why she hated crammed cars. If she didn't want to hurt anybody, herself, or break something in the car, she had to hold her hands like a prisoner. A very sore prisoner. "It's hard to explain." She said, quietly.

Aemer clicked her tongue, clearly annoyed with her timid attitude, among other things. It was hard to blame her, really. This was one of the most uncomfortable car rides Meg had ever found herself in. Five people could fit easily in a small car like this, most of the time, but the two slender boys with them hadn't exactly been pleasant. The one with mismatched eyes (who almost definitely wasn't old enough to be driving without a proper licensed adult) had almost never taken his foot off the pedal, driving and swerving like a madman. "It's not so different from driving a chariot." He'd said. They shouldn't have trusted that. This Aemer girl looked old enough to be a proper driver, as well as the rather large man with freckles who had introduced himself as "Kyne Sand of House Manwoody" whatever that meant, but apparently neither of them had ever even seen a car before.

The large man in question had somehow squeezed his bulky frame almost all the way out the window, and was marveling at the speed they were going at. This seemed like a terrible idea to Meg, considering he was by far the heaviest of all of them, and she felt a bit like the car was leaning to the side, but the boy with golden eyes had spent hours banging around in the hood of the car before the trip, and didn't seem worried. Despite their psychotic driver and perhaps equally psychotic passengers (considering how many of them had threatened to kill golden-eyes for holding them up), the car had been moving very smoothly at high speeds for miles, so Meg sort of trusted his judgment on their vehicle.

Aemer gave a long, drawn-out, annoyed sigh. "Are we there yet?" She might never have seen a car before, but wherever she was from, it wasn't impressing her the way it was Kyne.

"Hah. You really want me to go faster than this?" Caelan sneered at her, looking away from the road to do it.

"NO!" Meg shrieked. "Look forward!"

He stared her down a moment longer (which was definitely two moments too long), just to be obnoxious, then returned his attention to the road. Meg gave a long sigh of relief, and leaned forward, her hands still held shakily in front of her. This had already been a long drive, and it felt like it was going to last forever.

6: Idris Yuuki
1: Lucas Yoo
9: Rengyou Yuuki

Idris had never felt the need to knock on her son's room door before opening it, and she wasn't about to start now, but she had certainly never expected to see Rengyou sitting on his bed with another boy. She gave him a mild look, then quietly said in Japanese, "If you need to wash the blood off your clothes, please make sure Takeo doesn't find out. I wouldn't want him to be too proud of you." And then she turned to leave and closed the door softly behind her.

3: Sebastian Prince
5: Perla Lozier
10: Kyne Sand
2: Megaera Gott

"Hey, what's this?" Perla asked, floating on over to the other people there. Sebastian groaned and ignored her, because she'd been asking that about everything she found in this storage room they'd been assigned to clean for some random reason. All he wanted to do was be free to go home.

Kyne, though, indulged her every time. It had to be something about how much she looked and acted like a child, no matter that she'd apparently existed almost a thousand years. She just reminded him of his long string of younger brothers. He stopped what he was doing to take the album from the small girl's hands. It was unlabeled, but covered in a beautiful, soft, purple cloth, trimmed with silk ribbon. He'd never really seen anything like it. "I'm not sure." He replied, kindly, flipping it open.

What was inside caused his face to twist with laughter. The main subject was a purple-haired, purple-eyed girl doing various embarrassing things. Most of them were of her as a child, and several included the same boy, who must've been her brother considering how similar they looked. In most of them, she was crying. In one, she was splashing in the pool looking like she was about to drown in the shallowest body of water he had ever seen, in another, she had fallen down with an enormous backpack on her back and looked like a beached turtle. His laughter drew the attention of his two companions, who came over curiously. The little will o'the wisp girl didn't seem to quite understand what was so funny about it, but to his surprise, the boy who had not smiled once since getting there, thought for a moment, then started to laugh.

8: Element
4: Aemer Correny

"Okkkay, you are competitive." Element said, a little awkwardly

"And you're terrible at this." Aemer snapped back as her fingers flew over the controller, shooting down virtual aliens with a vicious speed. "Man, this is so much easier than trying to pilot a mech." She muttered to herself, "But I wish..." She continued to mutter to herself, ignoring the meta-human as she continued to send her virtual character spinning through the alien hordes. They'd only been playing for a short while, and neither of them had really had any experience with games before, but Aemer had picked it up much more quickly than Element had.

9: Rengyou Yuuki
7: Caelan Nash
1: Lucas Yoo
2: Megaera Gott
6: Idris Yuuki

Meg leaned her elbows on her knees wheezing, and then stared at the rest of them. "You guys are crazy." She said, through squinted eyes. The second runner-up had been the boy with golden eyes, whose name was Lucas, and he looked extremely irritated by his near complete loss, but the other three didn't look particularly surprised that they'd left the two of them in the dust.

The Asian boy shrugged at her, "We're demigods. That gives us some physical perks." Turning to the older woman among them, he handed her the medal he'd won. "Here, mom."

"Wait, mom?!" Meg asked in shock.

The pretty boy with the mismatched eyes scowled and muttered, "I can't believe that old lady beat me."

4: Aemer Correny
5: Perla Lozier

"Get down here!" Aemer said, crabbily, grabbing at the little girl in the air.

"Why?" Perla asked with a gleeful curiosity. "Are we playing catch? I bet you can't catch me!" She spun in the air.

"We're supposed to be deciding who's on top!" Aemer snapped, clearly none too pleased by this idea.

"Oh is that what it is?" Perla asked, cheerfully. "That's easy!" Aemer stared at her suspiciously, but the little girl just plopped her feet on top of Aemer's head. "Obviously I'm always on top!" And with a little giggle, flew off again.
Chances are I won't be doing all of these at once like I was going to originally due to doing 3rd shift and being tired all the time, but this could be a fun way to write for some characters I haven't written for in a while.

1. Mishka Braun (just a guy with shit luck)
2. Van Fitzgerald (normal gloomy dude)
3. Rufus (a friend of Van's)
4. Artemis Dox (a half-manakete)
5. Siv (a normal girl with pink hair)
6. Shu (a fallen angel)
7. Flynn Valentine (Mishka's ex)
8. Wei (just a normal girl)
9. Zaza (a reaper in training)
10. Awanita (A waterbender)

1: [2] finds [7] crying. What does [2] do?
2.Van Fitzgerald
7. Flynn Valentine

2 : [1] and [6] are out on a date when [5] spots them. How does [5] react?
1. Mishka Braun
6. Shu
5. Siv

3 : [3] walks in when [8] is changing. What happens?
3. Rufus

4 : [1], [2], [4], [7], and [10] are in a car. What's going on?
1. Mishka Braun
2. Van Fitzgerald
7. Flynn Valentine
10. Awanita

"I don't know what the hell went on with you two, and I don't really care, but I'm tired of your arguing! I'd rather you give each other the cold shoulder than listen to you bicker!" Van hissed, visible green eye narrowed in irritation at the two in the backseat. He didn't know what power on earth or whatever the fuck placed hin in a car with two drama kings and some lady with magic water for the last hour and a half of slow traffic and a sudden downpour but the teen wanted to be home in bed blasting Set it Off in his room.

"I could see about getting us in the front with my waterb--" Awanita started, blue eyes glancing back to the two men in the backseat and Van when a flash of lightning came followed by the roar of thunder and-

" that...a cow trying to cross the street?" Van asked in disbelief..

"Oh that's a cow pig!" Awanita remarked, earning looks of confusion from the other three companions.

"It's a what?" Flynn asked, one red brow raised in question as gis blue eyes turned to what was passing in front of their current ride, his argument forgotten.

"A know, a--"

"A pig that looks like a painted cow?" Mishka offered, and Awanita frowned at being cut off. As it turned out, there were more cowpigs in the area trying to cross.

"I guess we're gonna be stuck here a while." Flynn grunted, and Van groaned, resting his head on the steering wheel.

5 : [6] walks in on [1] and [9] in a bedroom. What happens?
1. Mishka Braun
6. Shu
9. Zaza

6 : While [3], [5], and [10] are cleaning, they find a photo book full of embarrassing pics of [2]. What happens?
3. Rufus
5. Siv
10. Awanita

7 : [8] and [4] are playing a video game. Who wins?
8. Wei
4. Artemis

8 : [9], [7], [1], [2], and [6] are having a race. Who would win?
1. Mishka Braun
2. Van Fitzgerald
6. Shu
7. Flynn Valentine
9. Zaza

10 : [4]x[5]. Who tops?
4. Artemis
5. Siv
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A project between @firejay1 and me, but everyone is free to join if they want and are interested. You can find the first round by clicking the link.

Step 1: compile a list of your characters numbered 1-10. Any character will do, from memorable NPC's you have written to your very first OC. It is important that the selected characters are randomly chosen and not by intention of whoever suits the prompt more. It is more fun that way!

Step 2: write a scene, or a few paragraphs according to the numbers and the prompts corresponding. Can be long, can be short, just have fun. It is free game how you choose to answer the prompts as long as it stays relevant to the prompts!

1: 8, 6, and 9 fall down into the water. What does 7 do?

2: 7 forgot their homework and asks 4, what is their reaction?

3: It is storming at night and 5 suddenly appears at 9's door for shelter and comfort. 2, 6, 8 appear soon after as well. What happens?

4: 2 falls on their head and suffers amnesia. What does 4 do?

5: 10 and 5 wake up to find that they have switched lives. What is the first thing they do?

6: 7 gets to choose who to fuck, marry, or kill between 5, 9, and 1. What will their choice be?

7: 10 and 3 are locked in a small and dark place, what happens?

8: 8, 2, 1, and 3 become homeless and hungry, what will they do to survive?

9: 10 and 1 are playing a prank on 3, how does it play out?

10: 4 uncovers a dark family secret about 6. What is their reaction?
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1. Erin
2.General Soo (Fiora)
3. Arden
4. Pascal
5. Alpha
6. Rolan
7. Leo
8. Rabbit
9. Hyungwon
10. Shayna

[2] finds [7] crying. What does [2] do?
The red-head walks into the living room after a long training session only to find the smaller dark-haired boy sitting on the couch with a blanket over his head and tears fogging up his glasses. She sighs but doesn't say a word as she tosses the towel around her shoulder away before sitting down next to the mute boy. "Oh booooooy!" She loudly exclaims which makes the younger jump. "That was an amazing warm-up, never felt so great!" She adds before pulling the other closer and allowing him to rest his head on her shoulder. "So tell me, who am I murdering as my exercise? I'm all ready to go now."

[1] and [6] are out on a date when [5] spots them. How does [5] react?
Erin and Rolan enjoy their cup of delicious sweet strawberry bubble tea outside the local cafe. A nice summer breeze passes them both by which is refreshing though so is their laughter after Erin finishes his story of the kid who ran into the ER for a papercut.

Alpha is coincidently jogging by as he spots the couple on their date and rolls his eyes so hard he probably saw his brain. Casually, he runs over and leans over their table. "Rolan, no," he says firmly. "This boy belongs to Liam, get your whatever hands off!" The taller brunette says protectively and holds his arms around Erin's smaller shoulders.

"Oh, boooo!" Rolan rolls his eyes too before he turns into a she. "Is that better for you?"

"It doesn't matter! He belongs to Liam! Get your God hands off!"

"I- I don't belong to anyone! I- It's not official!" Erin says while burying his red face in his hands. ". . . yet."

[3] walks in when [8] is changing. What happens?
Arden sighs and tosses her backpack from school off into the corner of the hallway. What a long day, she just wants to get home and take a nap, forget the world exists for an hour at the very least. Maybe she would order some pizza today or Chinese. Oh, Indian sounded pretty good. In fact, it made the kumiho hungry. She yawns and opens the bedroom door before hearing a high-pitched squeal from the other side.


"Rabbit?!" She replies and slams the door just after she spotted his bright purple underwear. "W-Why-- Haven't you heard of locking the door?!" She asks flustered.

"You haven't heard of knocking?!" He retaliates as both of them are unknowingly competing in seeing which one of them turns into the deeper shade of red.

[1], [2], [4], [7], and [10] are in a car. What's going on?
Pascal is driving them all to the nearest restaurant to have a celebratory dinner after a set of complete exams and the beginning of the sweet freedom, better known as summer vacation. Erin is holding his camera and snapping photos of Fiora and Shayna who have their arms wrapped around one another with a bottle of orange soda each.

"Smile!" Erin laughs as he snaps a few pictures.

"We showed them who is boss! We should totally go on that marathon later! I bet I can beat you!" Shayna says as Fiora almost looks appalled at the silver-haired's audacity to challenge her.

"Shut up! I'll leave you in the dust!" Fiora instantly retaliates as the two of them are already competing.

"Hey!" Pascal yells to the girls in the back. "Any fighting back there and I'm pulling over and only bringing the good kids. AKA Erin and Leo," he says strictly.

The two girls open their mouths to object but the glare they're given from the rearview window makes them go quiet.

Leo pulls up his phone and texts the three sitting in the back before raising his phone to show off the same text to Pascal.

All of them laugh as they see it and Leo smiles brightly before striking a pose for Erin as the camera focuses on him to capture their summer together.

"You're right, Leo," Pascal says. "This summer will be anything but quiet."

[6] walks in on [1] and [9] in a bedroom. What happens?
Rolan, as bored as ever, walks around during the night in the search for a late-night snack. If anything, he needs something to stop his grumbling stomach! And he knew the answer, chocolate or cheese! He stops though the moment he hears sounds coming from Erin's room and a pair of white cat ears perk on top of his head as a tail swishes behind him and a mischevious look spread across his boyish face. "Oh ho. . . late-night visit? How daring Erin, I'm impressed!" Rolan whispers to himself before slamming the door open.

"Oh! Perfect!" Erin smiles. "You're just in time! Hyungwon needs to change his bandages!" The young boy informs as the blind young man sits quietly on the bed with loose bandages around his eyes. "Can you get them for me? I forgot to bring them," the nurse admits a bit embarrassingly.

"It's okay, I told you we could do this tomorrow. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked--"

"Ugh!" Rolan throws his arms up in the air and turns on his heels. "It's night, two guys in one bedroom! Suggestive sounds and all you're doing is changing bandages! Boooooooooooring!" He loudly complains but walks away to get the bandages regardless.

"What did he mean?" Erin blinks. "What else would we be doing?" Erin asks a somewhat red Hyungwon.

"D-Don't ask."

While [3], [5], and [10] are cleaning, they find a photo book full of embarrassing pics of [2]. What happens?
"So why are we cleaning?" Alpha loudly complains, with a broom in hand. "Can't Fiora clean her own apartment?!" He adds as Shayna whacks him in the back of his head with a rolled-up newspaper.

"Shut up. The more you complain the longer it takes! She's had a busy week and we're doing her a favor, right Arden?" Shayna asks with a smile that's more assertive than anything.

"M-Mhm!" Arden agrees though she also shares Alpha's mindset. "But, it's not so bad," she says and puts her rag back into the bucket to soak it once more. "Just think of how happy she'll be!" She adds and wrings the rag to get the excess water out.

"Whatever," Alpha rolls his eyes before his broom hits a white small book with black patterns on it. "What's this?" the brunette asks as he puts the broom away now that he has found the most interesting thing he's ever seen in the last two hours. He flips open the pages to see a baby Fiora posed naked on a little pedestal while the next picture is her in a bright pink princess dress. He bursts out laughing and sits down, giving completely up on cleaning.

"What you find?" Shayna asks and puts her newspaper down and threads over.

"F-Fiora! In Princess mode!" Alpha laughs so hard he starts crying. "She's-- I've never seen her so cute! She got pigtails!"

"G-Guys!" Arden says and runs over. "You shouldn't look at that!" She tries to persuade the two that are staring down the photo album, though the moment she sees the picture of Fiora with a kitty plushie, she's pulled into the fit of laughter too and they all abandon the cleaning favor.

[8] and [4] are playing a video game. Who wins?
"Are you even trying?" Pascal cocks a brow as he wins their fifteenth game in a row of Wii sports archery. He holds the two remotes highly as if he is ready to get yet another ten, which he hasn't missed, not even once. He didn't even miss bull's eyes when Rabbit had blindfolded him nor when he ran in front of the screen or thrown a pillow at him.

"What do you mean?! Not all of us were born with a bow in hand!" Rabbit whines as he has barely been able to hit the target this entire time. He was more of a runner, hence the nickname.

"Well, you're wrong I wasn't--"

"Just take your victory and be quiet!"

[9], [7], [1], [2], and [6] are having a race. Who would win?
"I win!" Rolan smiles as he teleports over to the line and waves at the other four who haven't even left the startline yet.

"Okay, no!" Fiora shouts. "You can't teleport! That's cheating!" She loudly complains to the boy who shifts into a girl with a pair of fox ears perked on her head.

"Pssst," Erin whispers to Hyungwon and gives his arm a little pull. "Let's go, they're distracted now. Let's go and get some sweets," the youngest suggests as he leads the blind boy away from the racing track that's slowly being filled with loud arguments coming from Fiora and a series of mischievous giggles in response from Rolan.

Leo runs after the other two and grabs onto Hyungwon's other arm before glaring at Erin for almost leaving him behind.

"Leo?" The blind boy asks and Leo taps on the taller's shoulder for a yes. "Don't be too mad at Erin, I was the one who didn't want to race in the first place. How about some sweets as an apology? My treat?"

"Wooooo!" Erin cheers as Leo taps on Hyungwon's shoulder to signal the bright smile and eager nods for some delicious sweets.

[4]x[5]. Who tops?
"What do you mean who tops?" Alpha asks and cocks his brow. "Obviously it's me--"

"Dream on," Pascal interrupts. "I'll rather keel over in my grave than to let you top me," the older states clearly insulted by the mere thought of being the bottom.

"Okay, shut up Pascal," Alpha says and slams the other against the wall. He uses his arms to cage the other in and leans in close enough to let their breaths mingle. "You know I'd rock your world, so all you need, is to be a good boy for me," he growls threateningly before Pascal grabs the stronger's arm and twists it behind his back, turning the tables.

"And what if I'm bad? I know how to punish people, I'm pretty good at it," Pascal chuckles darkly before Alpha trips his legs and the two of them fall down on the bed with Alpha on top of the other.

"We'll see about that," Alpha smirks.

"We will," Pascal adds with a laugh. "I've always liked a good challenge. Let's see how this goes, tough guy."
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Btw, guys, round 2 is up! PROJECT Character "Memes" Round 2

Since wa is more diligent than me she didn't forget #9 this time. Haha. And of course, anyone can still do round 1.
THE CHOSEN 10 (Same 10...sue me I'm lazy like that)
1)Roxanne, a human woman from 1540 Scotland.
2)Morden, a member of the white fae royal court who is both an alchemist and a magically powerful wizard
3)Cassandra, futuristic doctor on a traveling star cruiser called Andromeda now serving in a facility run by the Director.
4)Grace, the youngest of a set of triplets who is an excellent chef and has recently opened her own restaurant.
5)Rocklyn, son and heir to the throne of Lorag where men are dominant and all have a cat form. He is a Panther.
6)Brylath, born to a poor family was sold into servitude. A minotaur of some stature and intelligence.
7)Varen, centaur in service to King Caden
8)Cai, A planet protector created by mother nature with great elemental powers currently serving on earth.
9)Diomedes, unlikely pirate sailing with his late sister's husband to keep him from trouble.
10) Glynnis, former olympian in dressage and cross country, had an accident and is now wheelchair bound.

1) 8,6 & 9 fall down into water.What does 7 do?

Brylath, Cai, Dio and Varen were all standing on a ledge jauntily making their way across it to the keep of the vile Humperdink. It was said that he was keeping the fair princess Buttercup prisoner there against her will, and so the four had set out on a valiant quest to save her from his nefarious plans. Varen was leading the way carefully when he felt the ricks of their ledge begin to shift and give way. he leapt to the next part of the narrow walkway, but the rocks behind him crumbled, taking his three companions with it into the sea far below. He looked for any signs of their having survived the plunge and was gratified to see three heads bob to the surface, "Good going mates!" he called to them, "I will forge ahead...perhaps you can find a way into the keep from beneath."

The three were looking up at him in shock, "He's just going to leave us here?"

"Seems so." said Cai.

"Why that ass..." Accused Dio.

"No...he's not an Ass he's a centaur." Said brylath with a tiny smirk on his bull face.

2) 7 forgot their homework and asks 4, what is their reaction?

Varen rummaged through his backpack and was becoming panic stricken. He took everything out and went through it one thing at a time and then groaned.

Grace sat in the desk next to him and curious, leaned over and spoke, "Everything ok Brylath?"

"Noooo...I can't find my homework.."

"Oh...that's not good. You know what Mr. Henderson says about homework.."

"I know...I know..." he frowned, "did you do yours?"

"Of course!"

"Can I copy it?" he begged, "Just this once...I promise I did it...please just help me."

"That's cheating though...." She said frowning. "I'll get in trouble too. he'll know it was mine."

Of course he would Grace was the only one in the class with a perfect score. "I'll make mistakes on purpose, please..."

Grace rolled her eyes, "here...use my book and do it really fast..."

"If I thought I could finish it all before class I'd be doing it grace..." he flashed her a look, "It took me hours to do it last night. Not everyone is as smart as you."

"I spent two hours doing it. I'm not that smart....I work hard."

"Right....of course." He sighed, "never mind...I don't want to be the cause of you losing your perfect 100%."

"I'm so glad you understand." She said and turned to face the front of the room.

Brylath watched her and then looked at the clock hanging on the wall, ten minutes until the end of his life. he looked back at Grace and thought how her name definitely didn't suit her at the moment. he'd never understand females.
1. Freya Davidson
2. Roland Kaplan
3. Nysa Arryn
4. Yoru Kyougi
5. Jessica Elizabeth Menzine
6. Joshua Coralzono
7. Eister Farwynd
8. Averill Trevelyan
9. Daniela Sereph
10. Chase Alexander Vael

6: Joshua Coralzono
7: Eister Farwynd
8: Averill Trevelyan
9: Daniela Sereph

Joshua was not fond of being in deep water. Ever since he'd almost drowned as a young boy, he had mostly preferred to stay out of the water. His mother had taught him not to drown, but that didn't mean he could get around. He looked at the two companions in the water with him. A lanky looking boy with long black hair tied back into a thin ponytail, and a very bedraggled girl with wings. The girl with wings was splashing around wildly and gasping for air, wings apparently dragging her down badly. A very short girl with slightly tanned skin and grey eyes was standing above them all on solid ground, too far up for them to reach. It wouldn't be difficult for her to drop them a rope or something, would it?

Instead, she watched them all coldly, and when he said, "Can you help us?"

Her response was, "I'm afraid you will have to help yourselves." And she turned and left them.

The boy with the ponytail sighed and calmly swam over to the winged girl, getting her to stop splashing, and supported her, then swimming over to Joshua. "Come on, then. Let's look for way back to dry land. There has to be one somewhere." Joshua nodded, then slowly began to wiggle his way forward.

4: Yoru Kyougi
7: Eister Farwynd

Yoru ignored the tap on his shoulder at first, his headphones firmly over his head. He closed his eyes, trying with all his might to pretend that no one had approached him at all, but the tap came again, still as light and proper as ever.

With a heavy sigh, Yoru looked up from where he was sitting to see a rather short girl standing beside his desk. She had very proper posture and was looking at the feet on his desk with an expression of slightly displeasure. "You're Yoru, right? I'm afraid I've forgotten my homework today. May I see yours?" Even though her tone was perfectly polite, it was also abnormally stiff and unpleasant, more of a demand than a request.

Yoru glared at her. He was tempted to go back to ignoring her, but he got the feeling that this girl would keep bugging him. So instead, he sighed, put his headphones back on, and threw his notebook at her. He'd never put much effort into his homework, but she didn't need to know that.

2: Roland Kaplan
5: Jessica Elizabeth Menzine
6: Joshua Coralzono
8: Averill Trevelyan

Daniela didn't hear the knock at first, the pounding rain drowning it out. She wouldn't have heard it at all, in the safety of her dorm room/office, if she hadn't been downstairs in the kitchen getting herself a cup of hot cocoa for the night. The knock came more persistently and impatiently, and she popped her head out of the kitchen to look at the door of the teacher's building. Who could it be? The building wasn't open for students at this time of night, and the rest of the teachers were abed.

The third set of knocking was particularly ill-tempered and Daniela rushed to the door with her cup of cocoa in hand, long wings fluttering uncomfortably behind her in her haste. She pulled open the door to see a fairly pretty woman who looked a little older than her. The woman appeared to have blond hair and ice blue eyes, but it was difficult to tell since she was completely wet from head to toe and looking fairly irritated.

Daniela quickly stood to the side and let the woman in. She normally would've been cautious, what with the war not too long ago, but the woman hadn't attacked her, and she got the feeling wasn't related to anything to do with the Strygen. She certainly seemed to confirm that as she walked inside and shook herself off. Strangely, the water didn't seem to bother her long. While her clothes stayed wet, her person seemed to be drying rather quickly, or was it that it was being absorbed into her skin...? "Where am I?" The woman demanded.

"You don't know where this is?" Daniela asked in quiet surprise.

The woman shook her head and flipped her long golden hair over her shoulder. "No. I just found myself outside that door getting rained on. Who are you and what is this place?"

"I'm Daniela, and this is Wormingshire Academy, well, the teacher's building specifically. Do you need any help?"

The woman looked suddenly very interested in Daniela, "Do you have a locator spell to tell me where to go?"

"Erhm." Daniela backed away uncomfortably, "Well, no, locator spells aren't my specialty."

She got scowled at, "Then why-" But before the woman could go any further, there was a knock at the door again.

Daniela didn't hesitate to pull it open this time. A young man, also looking perhaps to be a bit older than her, was standing there. He had sandy hair, and a smile that didn't feel quite right, though she wouldn't have been able to pinpoint why. "Who are you?" Daniela asked, prompting this time, because she realized she hadn't been able to get a word in with the blond woman.

"Roland Kaplan." He said, still smiling. "Will you let me in?"

"Uhm, sure." She said, uncomfortably, allowing yet another stranger over the threshold of the teacher's dorms. What else was she supposed to do? It was the middle of the night, and raining.

The blond woman eyed the sandy-haired guy uneasily. "Who are you?" She asked him, parroting Daniela's question. He seemed about to open is mouth and answer, even though the other woman had certainly been close enough to hear the answer the first time, but a knock came at the door again.

Daniela sighed and opened it again to find yet another boy standing there. He had dark hair and eyes, and seemed extremely confused. "Sorry to bother you, but-"

"I suppose you also just woke up to find yourself here in front of the door?"

He looked surprised to hear that. "Also?"

Daniela opened the door further, and gestured at her two guests. "Please come in." She paused a moment as the new boy walked into the building, and then peered into the darkness to see if anyone else was out there. Seeing no one, she turned around and closed the door behind her, only to see that a fourth person had somehow made their way inside, a lanky, but friendly-looking boy with black hair pulled into a ponytail and grey eyes. He was also dripping wet, but she could not recall letting him in.

She turned uneasily to the door, waiting for another knock to come, but it was thankfully silent. Looking around at the four of them, she flapped her wings nervously behind her, and then said, "Who would like some cocoa?" Hers was probably cold by now, anyways, might as well make a new cup.

2: Roland Kaplan
4: Yoru Kyougi

"Hey." Yoru shook the unconscious man in front of him. "Hey." He said again, more impatiently this time, pinching the man's nose.

The man didn't stir for a moment, then gasped and jolted awake. "Wha- What's happening?"

"You hit your head." Yoru said, carelessly. "You okay?"

"I- I think s- I hit my head? Owww." He said.

"Yeah, right in front of me. I transferred the wound, so pay up." Yoru responded, holding out his hand.

"Pay?" The man looked very confused, and rummaged in his pockets, but came up empty, making Yoru sorely regret having helped the man in the first place. "I'm sorry." The man said, "I don't know- I don't know if I have any money. I don't even know my name. What's going on? Where am I?"

Yoru sighed and stood up, rolling his eyes, "Fine, whatever, man." Walking away, he muttered to himself, "Remind me not to help hapless strangers again before they pay up."

5: Jessica Elizabeth Menzine
10: Chase Alexander Vael

Chase's eyes flashed open. "Chase! Wake up!" A voice called.

Frowning, Chase sat up. The voice was acting familiar, but he didn't recognize it. Who was she? And why did she sound so fond of him? The room around him was not familiar either. The soaring ceilings and grand space was the same, but the entire thing appeared to have been constructed out of ice, and was larger and more devoid of soft furniture than his own room. His instincts told him he should be cold, but he didn't feel cold at all. What was going on?

He stood up and walked to the door, realizing there were pools of water embedded in the floor. Where was this? Making sure he was suitably dressed, Chase walked out of his room to see a woman in a pool of water, waving at him. She was quite beautiful, and her face seemed somehow familiar, but the most striking thing was that she was mostly naked and had a large tail, splashing up and down in the water.

He refrained from asking who she was, sensing that this was something he was supposed to know. "The Fialaki Ceremony continues today, what are you wearing, Chase?" She asked, looking surprised. It surprised him more that she was speaking rapid, fluent French, and he understood every word. Fialaki... That was something Jessica had mentioned before, a drink made by the ice-makers.

"Father?" He asked.

"Yes, your father. King Frank? Does that sound familiar?" She asked teasingly, "Go on, then, change into something more festive. He'll expect you to help keep spirits up, I don't know why." She laughed, and Chase felt a strange twinge in his heart of sadness. Jessica's mother, for he understood now that this had to be Jessica's house, Jessica's life, was a woman that made him which his own mother had still been alive. Jessica had always described her as a picky and critical compared to her father, but also determined, in touch with her passions. This was not how he had envisioned that kind of woman.

He tried for a smile, as he thought Jessica might have, and returned to "his" room. He would figure out what to do with this weird life he'd been given later.


Jessica opened her eyes and frowned at the room around her. Her first impression was "red" and the second was "soft." Everything was soft. How strange. She slowly began to stand when a younger girl rushed into the room, wrapping her arms around Jessica's waist. "Big sister!" She cried, and that was when Jessica realized who it was.

"Prissa?!" She asked, in shock. "What are you doing here?"

The younger girl looked up at her in surprise, taking a step back. "What am I doing here? Something wrong?"

"No, I just- Where is this?" Jessica asked, confused.

Priscilla half-frowned, half-laughed. "Home, of course! The Ruby Royal City! Are you feeling alright, big sister?"

Jessica stared at her, "The Ruby Royal City? Wh- How did I get here? Did Chase bring me here?" She asked, before realizing she had said all of it in perfect Russian.

"Big brother Chase? I know you miss him, big sister, but he should be back home, in ice maker country." Jessica stared uncomprehendingly at Priscilla, before the truth began to click into place. She wasn't quite certain how, but somehow she and Chase... had switched lives. It made no sense whatsoever. There was no magic in all of Adestor capable of this. She shook her head, and reeled backwards. Impossible. "Are you okay...?" Prissa asked again.

"Uh... y-yes." Jessica decided. "Just- just fine, Prissa. Right, this is nothing out of the ordinary at all." She said, before shoving Prissa out of her room and hastily scrawling a letter to Chase. This one was going to be interesting to explain....

1: Freya Davidson
5: Jessica Elizabeth Menzine
7: Eister Farwynd
9: Daniela Sereph

Rey stared in disbelief at the three other girls around her. "This girl gets to do what now?" She asked.

The short girl stood very straight and proper, and looked at all three of them. "I was informed that I am allowed to decide between the three of you who is most suitable to fuck, marry, or kill."

"Excuse you?" Rey asked, jerking forward, strands of silver beginning to wrap themselves around her body in a threatening gesture. She'd have worried about exposing Shadows to the rest of the world, but the giant wings on one of the other girls told her she wasn't in her own world. Different world, different rules.

"What does that mean?" The blond girl asked, frowning in confusion, and looking just as annoyed as Rey. "For who to fuck, marry, or kill?" She asked, with her faintly French accent. The short girl had an accent Rey could not place at all.

"I am not certain." The small girl said, "And as far as I am concerned, you all are equally foreign, so I shouldn't have you marry anyone, but if I must choose," she pointed her small hand imperiously at the blond girl. "You will most likely do best as a wife," then she pointed that finger at Daniela, "I believe you would be most interesting to give a man for his pleasure, exotic as you are," and she finally turned to Rey, which made her fairly want to snap the finger off, "which leaves you to be killed."

Neither of the other two looked happy about those choices, either, so Rey just said, "No way, little girl." And spun on her heels and left.

3: Nysa Arryn
10: Chase Alexander Vael

Nysa shook slightly. She'd never been afraid of the dark, but being trapped in this little drafty little dungeon with a man she'd never met before did not seem like a particularly safe activity. She would have thought it quite exciting if it was Torren, but as it was, she was stuck here with this strange man, the door jammed shut no matter how hard they had hit it. She'd gotten even more afraid when he'd flexed his hand in a strange way and started talking to the air in what appeared to be a foreign language, as if chanting a spell.

At this point, he had finally given up on his endeavor, and was sitting there, not far from her, apparently just waiting for something to happen, same as her.

They couldn't just sit around forever, though. What if no one ever found them? Tentatively, Nysa began to speak, "Erhm. What were you trying to do... earlier?" She was usually less timid than this, but she was frightened and cold and tired, and still not certain how they'd gotten into this situation in the first place.

The man looked up at her, "Teleport us out." He said, very shortly. His brevity actually made her more cautious, in a way, so when he stood up, she shied backwards at first. But he just took off his stiff red coat, fancy enough that it appeared to be for quite the formal occasion, and placed it around her shoulders instead.

"Teleport?" She asked, skeptically. Perhaps the man was crazy, after all. She paused, then finally settled for asking, "How?" Sitting down next to him with her legs crossed, though she knew her mother would've scolded her for it.

"Fire magic." He answered, as if it was obvious, barely sparing her a glance. And somehow, though their situation hadn't improved at all, she felt actually a little comforted by the fact that he didn't seem interested in her at all. It wasn't like they could do anything anyways.

1: Freya Davidson
2: Roland Kaplan
3: Nysa Arryn
8: Averill Trevelyan

The four of them looked at each other. The girls didn't seem to be thinking too hard about it, but Avery noticed the other boy in their predicament watching him with shrewd eyes. There was something unsettling about him. Avery smiled mildly, and looked away. "Why don't we split up the work?" He offered. "What can we each do?"

Liquid silver seemed to burst up around the taller girl, wrapping around her until she was completely encased in armor. "I can help us get food and money." She said. Avery didn't ask how, but he guessed it would be through somewhat illegal means. The other boy didn't say anything at all, and the shorter girl just looked very uncertain about everything, and he got the impression that her answer, if she were to give one, would be a defensive "nothing at all."

So Avery just smiled, and said mildly, "I can set up a small home for us, and ways to safeguard it."

"Oh?" The other boy said, smiling though less mildly, and more curiously. "How would you do that?"

Avery decided right then and there that he didn't trust him with the truth, so he kept his wand firmly in his pocket and politely answered, "There have to be some homeless shelters we can get access to." He didn't answer how he would set about safeguarding it, though, and the sandy-haired man seemed to notice, as so many people didn't.

He was stared at a little bit longer, than the older boy rolled up his sleeves, and with his smile unwavering, simply said, "Well I can make do with anything else we might need." And before Avery's eyes, in a display he was certain was mostly show, the man vanished. What a strange bunch they all were.

1: Freya Davidson
3: Nysa Arryn
10: Chase Alexander Vael

Chase sighed, unsure how he had gotten roped into this, peeking at a small girl with long black hair so dark it seemed almost blue, so fine it was floating behind her. But he didn't say anything. This girl kind of reminded him of Jessica, anyways. "Why are we doing this?"

"Because it's fun, obviously." The other girl said, a hint of vicious pleasure in her smile. So... maybe not all that much like Jessica.

A whisp of silver snuck around and tapped the black-haired girl on one shoulder, zipping backwards as the girl turned. The little silver sliver tapped the girl on the older shoulder, disappearing again as she whipped around. "Hello?" The girl called, looking frightened.

She was scaring her. Chase frowned, but didn't say anything. The girl he was hiding with was stifling laughter.

"Hello~" She said, in a spooky voice.

"Who's there?" The smaller girl demanded.

"The ghoooosttt of your graaandmotherrrrrr." She whispered back in that same tone of voice.

The girl with black hair frowned, seeming to have identified the origin of the voice. She began stalking towards the room they were hiding in, and Chase backed up as quickly as possible. He had backed into a corner of the room when the door was flung open, and the girl angrily began talking. "Who are you, and what are you doing!" She demanded. "My grandmothers are both hale and hearty, thank you." And Chase winced and backed away more as the shorter girl attempted to slap the taller one across the face, but was stopped by a strand of silver slapping her hand away as the taller girl continued to laugh. Chase did not get the point of this exercise at all.

4: Yoru Kyougi
6: Joshua Coralzono

"So your family trains its men to fight." Yoru said, somewhat slowly.

Joshua nodded.

"And this is a long tradition that is illegal..." Yoru continued. Joshua nodded again. "Because only women fight in your native society?"

"That's right." Joshua said, looking a bit on edge.

Yoru frowned at him, "Why does this matter?"

Joshua stared at him, then sat back with a sigh of relief. "Outsiders really are different, huh?"
  • Haha
Reactions: Nemopedia
1. Liselot Cracchiollo
2. Ella Constant
3. Phineas Abbess
4. Ahjin Wang
5. Mai Himura
6. Zao Gao
7. Eirian Keegan
8. Barthy Scourge
9. Cassandra Prescott
10. Philibert Merckx

8: Barthy Scourge
6: Zao Gao
9: Cassandra Prescott
7: Eirian Keegan

With a look of disdain Eirian took a step away from the side, lips curled up and eyebrows high. Down at her feet three figures had fallen into the water, limbs struggling to grasp at the air as their bodies reacted to the shock of suddenly having to float.

Expression placid the female let go of a deep sigh. Turning around the female carefully bend down to pick up a floating ring near the pool, pinching it between her fingers like it was a pile of dirty rage before tossing it into the direction of the water.

"Eirian!" Zao was quick to call out in annoyance when the ring hit him on the head. He had just managed to haul himself over the side for a breather when the plastic floater came skidding over his head.

Regaining his composure he was quick to scan the situation, taking note that Barthy was still struggling staying afloat while Cassandra already made her way over to climb out of the water.

"Great help. You really are embracing the spirit of the whole scenario," the blondine snapped at the female, hands wringing out her long hair.

Throwing back her dark hair Eirian pursed her lips, blinking a few times as she examined her nails. "Theoretically I would have saved Zao Gao and left you and Barthy to drown," she spoke casually, giving Cassandra a sweet smile.

"I don't need saving, this man does," Zao responded with a gruff as he pushed Barthy over the side of the pool. "He can't swim," he continued with a growl, as if he couldn't quite believe how the old fool could have lived for so long without learning to swim.

Rolling her eyes Eirian shrugged her shoulders. "I said theoretically, assuming that none of you can swim," she shrugged.

"I still wouldn't need saving," Zao insisted, not understanding why Eirian insisted on saving him out of the water first.

Rolling her eyes Cassandra flicked her now damp hair over her shoulder, taking care to swing it into the direction of Eirian so that drops of water would head for her. The jump the dark beauty made in response was all the more worth the glare. Pretending not to see the mischief she caused Cassandra turned towards the soldier.

"She wouldn't want to save anyone that could be a threat to her," Cassandra spoke, earning a scoff from Eirian who crossed her arms with a challenging look.

Still confused Zao gave both women a look before Barthy spoke up, still coughing up the chlorine water he had swallowed.

"Why would I be a threat?"

"Why would Cassandra be?" Zao interjected, not understanding the implications.

The women both sighed at the cluelessness of the men, exchanging a look with one another. While they didn't get along they were of similar minds at least.

7: Eirian Keigan
4: Ahjin Wang

"Shit," Eirian clicked her tongue upon opening her book. Band practice ran late yesterday, causing the female to forget all about the homework meant for today. Pursing her lips she examined the classroom in pursuance of an unassuming helper.

"Ahjin," the female called, approaching the man with a wave and a smile. Twirling her dark hair between her fingers she batted her eyelashes at him as she swayed her hips. "Can I take a look at your homework? I want to compare notes," Eirian spoke, an innocent smile playing around her lips as she gave him a pleading look.

Taken aback Ahjin fell weak to Eirian's charms, eyes glued onto her careful put together appearance as if he was under a spell.

"Well?" the female pressed, snapping her fingers in his face.

Blinking the male bashfully rubbed the back of his head, an awkward laugh escaping him as he avoided her eyes.

"I didn't even know we had any due today," he finally admitted sheepishly.

And that really was no surprise at all.

5: Mai Himura
9: Cassandra Prescott
2: Ella Constant
6: Zao Gao
8: Barthy Scourge

No disturbances. Cassandra had been clear on that. With the storm raging outside Cassandra hadn't expected anyone to come to her either. After all, who in their right mind would bother to go through this weather to visit her?

Mai, it seemed, as it was the soul reaper who stood in front of her door when the blondine answered it.

"I have a doorbell," Cassandra snapped as a form of greeting.

Mai shrugged lowering her fist as she stopped her assault she had performed on the door earlier. "You would say that you hadn't heard over the thunder, or so," the female grimaced back to which Cassandra could only roll her eyes at. There was a truth in Mai's statement after all.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Cassandra pushed the door further open, allowing room for Mai to enter.

"I was out and then it started to rain, so now I'm here," the female casually responded, not bothering to clean her shoes before entering, staining the floor with marks of mud and water. "I brought visitors, by the way!" she continued, waving to the back as she waved at something in the distance.

Not too far down the path stood three more figures. The small figure of Ella, drenched to the bone in what seemed to be a cat hoodie, along with the stern and grave expression of both the young Zao, and the older man Barthy.

"Oh, no. No." Cassandra hissed as she saw the crowd, but kept the door open anyway for the rest to follow Mai.

"Sleepover!" Ella exclaimed happily, hands rubbing her arms as she ran inside. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you," the female beamed at the blondine promptly pulling Cassandra into a tight, sloppy, and wet hug.


"You know, despite what everyone says," Ella cut Cassandra off as she continued to ramble, pulling away from the hug to look the other in the eye. "You are a really, really, really nice person for letting us in tonight. Now if it had been Mai she would have just slept through the whole thing and not noticed a thing, but here we are, with you!"

Groaning Cassandra just threw her head back, hoping that her unexpected, and unwelcome visitors were tired and gone to sleep soon. Though, one never knew where Ella's energy came from and ended.

"Yeah, thanks for letting us in," Barthy interrupted, feeling the need to say something as well while Ella still occupied Cassandra. "The rain was getting real heavy," the man continued to mumble.

Zao only grumphed in agreement, clearly unhappy about something like he was usually. Cassandra was just grateful that he felt no need to add to the noise already existing.

"So, all girls in one room? Painting toenails, doing each others hair, masks?" Ella beamed once more, seemingly envisioning the whole night already.

"I call dibs on the shower!" Mai yelled from the second floor. An exclamation that didn't sit well with the rest of the group.

"We can shower together, that be faster!" Ella shrieked as she tried to pass Zao and Barthy.

Cassandra decided to get herself a cup of coffee instead. It was going to be a long night.

2: Ella Constant
4: Ahjin Wang

"Soooo," Ella squinted her eyes once more, hand rubbing into her eyes as she tried to make sense of the whole situation.

"We are dating?" she repeated for the third time.

Ahjin nodded patiently, a shameless smile playing around his lips as he threw an arm around the shorter female. "Yep, we just recently got together, which is why you might find it so odd, but we are boyfriend and girlfriend. At least, we were before your little accident!"

Ella frowned at that once more, pursing her lips as she sank into thought.

"What is wrong, love?" the male chuckled casually, though his eyes shifted nervously to the side. Did she already figure it out? There was no way Ella could. Not Ella.

"I always imagined my man to be…" the female seemed pensive, reluctant to continue. "You're… just so short," Ella sighed in disappointment, letting her shoulders hang.

Ahjin wasn't sure if he had preferred a slap to the face.

10: Philibert Merckx
5: Mai Himura

"Honey, you truly have to sort out your wardrobe," a dark haired female spoke tugging at the black and white garb she wore. "It is so monotone and outdated, don't you have anything more fashionable? Also, what in the world were you thinking wearing that? I already texted you what to wear. Or rather, I send one of those butterflies you guys use as communication. Cute, but again; outdated."

Rolling his eyes the male walking next to the female striked a pose, pretending to throw all of the criticism received over his shoulder. "Look, I'm the fabulous Philibert," he spoke quasi-mocking, voice pitching into an unnatural squeal. "I'm about to teach Mai Himura that colour means fashion and fashion means colour," he continued to mock the other.

"I don't sound like that!" Mai yelled, or rather Philibert who somehow found himself in Mai's body. "Besides, I'm not going to teach you anything, it will be useless anyway," the female crossed her arms as she huffed. "Instead I'm going to throw all of your clothes out and buy you a new wardrobe. Thank me later!" the soul reaper continued with a wicked smile before skipping off.

The male gasped after the smaller figure before quickly regaining himself.

"Oh, nononono, today is payday and I need to pay rent and do my groceries, still!" he called after the other, panic settling in at the thought of all the money spent.

7: Eirian Keegan
5: Mai Himura
9: Cassandra Prescott
1: Liselot Cracchiollo

"Eugh, this is so childish," Eirian grumphed as the question was laid out for her. Resting her hands on her hips the female threw the three other females a look of disgust, an apprehensive look exchanging between them.

"Kill Cassandra," she shrugged to which the blondine scoffed.
"Of course," the pale blondine spoke to which Eirian threw the female a sweet smile.

"Gotta cancel out my competition, not?" Throwing her dark curls over her shoulder the female turned her attention to the other two, her lips pushed into a pout.

"I suppose fuck red head and marry the asian," Eirian pointed at Liselot and then Mai, giving another shrug before her expression brightened up. "Or…" she suddenly trailed off, an idea forming in her head.

"Kill red, because she creeps me out. Stay married to the asian, and fuck you and leave a bad review," Eirian smiled wickedly as her finger landed onto Cassandra.

"Why would I-- you know what, I don't even want to know what you're insinuating there," the blondine sighed, pressing the bridge of her nose as she tried not to feed Eirian with more fuel.

10: Philibert Merckx
3: Phineas Abbess

The small figure of the boy stuck huddled up in his corner, arms wrapped around his knees and his head buried away trying not to think of the space and the darkness.

"Should have listened to mother, should have stuck to the path," Phineas mumbled to himself as if in a mantra causing the older male to let go of a long and deep sigh.

"You already said that like a thousand times. What are you? Little Red Riding Hood?" he scoffed, hand running through a mop of purple waves. He really had to redo his coup, but it doesn't seem like he was going to get the chance to do so, at least not today and with this kid having a panic attack.

"Are you the Big Bad Wolf?" Phineas returned the question. With that he shifted even further into the corner, shrinking even more in size as if Philibert really was.

Raising a brow Philibert got up from his spot as he seated himself closer. "Hey," he said, uncharacteristically considerate for once before he reached a hand over to the soft hair of the other. "It is alright, the elevator will work soon enough. I already pressed the alarm button so it shouldn't be long," he tried to reassure the boy again who only seemed to relax a little at that.

Sighing again the man reached for his pocket to pull out his phone. "Maybe a little game?" he offered as the screen lit up the boy's face. A young brunette, probably not past the age of ten dressed in what indeed seemed to be a red cloak.

"I'm Philibert, call me Phil," the older male tried to smile, though it turned more into a grimace.

The boy gave him an uncertain look, as if trying to determine if Philibert really wasn't a wolf.

"Phineas," the boy answered before curiously peeking at the screen of Philibert's phone.

8: Barthy Scourge
2: Ella Constant
1: Liselot Cracchiollo
3: Phineas Abbess

"I'd say we send out the kid for pity," Liselot voted, voice flat. "We can tell him what to say to draw the most tears and hopefully get some food," the redhead continued. "Emotional manipulation," she shrugged.

Ella scrunched up her face at that, shaking her head as she pulled Phineas towards her.

"No, no, no, we can't put this sweet child out there," she disapproved before ruffling the head of Phineas. "Besides, picking locks is easy peasy, just leave it to me to look for a roof and steal some food," the female spoke, not realising the strange looks she received from her companions.

"What sort of childhood did you have?" gruffed Barthy, a disapproving look in his eyes, though more directed at whoever had taught Ella rather than the idea itself. The permanently looking roughed up man scraped his throat, finding it hard to believe that the shorter female had a childhood anywhere near to hardships. She was so happy all the time…

"Oh, you know, the usual," Ella casually shrugged her shoulders as she threw a bright smile at everyone.

"Mom never taught me how to pick locks," Phineas spoke, wide eyes turned up towards the female.

Giggling Ella flicked Phineas's nose affectionately. "That is because grannies do. I can even start a car if needed?" she smoothly continued, as if it was the most mundane skill to have. "It is better than to send a child out begging, that is so…" Ella paused as she scrunched up her face. "Humiliating, and probably not legal."

Liselot massaged her temples as she sighed. "And what of your ideas is exactly legal?" she questioned sharply.

In the back she could hear Barthy scoff as he mumbled something around the lines of 'princess' under his breath, but the redhead let it go as she waited for Ella to answer. She knew that she was a lot more privileged than the other two, seeing as she had none of the skills Ella proposed and was the only one uncomfortable with sleeping under the open sky.

Eyes wide in genuine surprise Ella turned herself towards Liselot, a dumbfounded look on her face as if it was the most obvious thing in the world that the redhead simply hadn't realised yet despite all her smarts.

"It is legal until you're caught."

10: Philibert Merckx
1: Liselot Cracchiollo
3: Phineas Abbess

"Really?" Liselot rose a brow at the grinning Philibert. "A prank on Phineas? That is so…" the female trailed off before rolling her eyes.

"Great, funny, hilarious! But don't say petty," Philibert winked at the female as he peeked around the corner. "Now hush, he is coming," the male ordered, his smile growing wider and even more wicked.

"Yes, petty," Liselot clipped, lifting her leg to plant her foot into the back of the male kicking him into the hallway.

"Whoa, Phil!" the young boy exclaimed when the fashionista stumbled into the hallway, blocking the path while holding a wolf's mask in hands. Blinking the young boy stared at the other, and then at an annoyed Liselot who just crossed her arms.

"Cold, Lise, ice cold," Philibert groaned, rubbing his back before flashing an innocent grin at Phineas.

4: Ahjin Wang
6: Zao Gao

"Let me get this straight," Ahjin mused as he stroked his chin. "Your dark family secret is that you aren't actually the son of the exiled general, but you also don't know who your parents are?"

Grunting Zao leaned back into his chair, giving the other a challenging look.

"And your name is just a reference to your temper?" the male continued to which he received another confirming grunt.

Letting go of a disappointed sigh Ahjin let himself fall over the table. "That's no family secret," he whined to which Zao only rolled his eyes at.

"None of my concern," he responded.
  • Love
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