EVENT Cervian Post

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Ok hi. I tried calling but hung up when I realized I didn't know how the hell to say some of the items I wanted to request from your shop. Sooo, I looked up the shop's address. This is important for me to get right, so you're literally getting a physical, actual letter. I know, it feels super grandpa to do.

Anyway, my name's Hunter Sterling, I'm a magi of House Ignis. My younger brother is a magi of House Ventus. He's much better at the studying and the technical side of stuff. So you see it's important to me for him to have access to the types of materials that will help him best. His name's Edwin, btw. I don't know if you need that.

I was doing research on shops that offered high-quality type stuff and seemed to put in real care. Your website for Green Thumb looked crazy meticulous, in a good way. So maybe you can help me out. He got a pretty shit delivery of herbs and plant things and I know how much he felt let down about that, even though he kinda just ultimately shrugged and tried to put on an accepting face. Something about 'that's life' or some bullshit. Nah. Life isn't JUST that, there's good, too. So you and me can maybe work out an order to turn things around for him. You see even more reason for why I wrote to you so I wouldn't say things wrong and get him even MORE of the wrong shit.

Okay, so we're students at Elkwood University in Pennsylvania. I'll provide his address where you can send everything if we come to an agreement. I'll leave my number, too, so you can let me know what you accept or need. I kinda cut back on some of my usual spending to save up for this so I hope I end up with enough. That's not something for you to worry about though. We'll do something fair all around.

I took a picture of his invoice so I know all the things he needs, I'll list below. I think they're all kinda wind-element related, but that'd make sense since that's his specialty, like our mom's. I was tryna understand what he was working on and did some research on this stuff, and there's like, this theme of destressing, courage, warding off evil or some shit? Or good luck. I don't know, man. I think he just needs a good lift or is hopeful about something? If I can help him get that, I'm all in.

Alright, so the list. I don't know exactly the amount he wants for each, the invoice just indicated "1 order" by each, but I don't know if there's some sort of botanical unit associated with that. Maybe you do? Anyway, "1 order" of each of these. Sorry this became weirdly long.

Edwin's Inventory List:

Borage Flower - Self Courage, peace, calm, self love and strength. Element Air.
Borage Leaf - Courage, strength and peace, plus aids psychic powers. Also ward's off evil. Calming and de stressing. Element Air.
Linden Flower - Wisdom, justice, love and protection. Element Air.
Lime Tree Leaf - Healing, calm and love. Aids strength and tranquility, Element Air.
Nasturtium - Banishing and releasing fear. Helps create your own reality. Aids creativity and independence. Element Air.

I hope you can help me out, man. This is important to me cuz I know it's important to my brother.


tag: @Lulunopia 's Felix

fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'

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I write to you with a keen interest in your craft. My name is Velia. I accepted an invitation to an art convention at a gallery in New Tokyo in about a month from now. With curiosity, I more recently glanced at others who had been announced to attend, too. Your fashion design catches the eye with an aesthetic as well as a cleverly intellectual appeal. It's nothing that forcefully punches an idea at someone, but can help lead viewers in a way that they feel they made the consideration themselves. Whether the colors are bombastic or subtle, your concepts come through with a graceful hand across your styles. I find that incredibly talented and tactful.

My brand that will be at the convention is called Heresiart. I paint, typically more historically-based pieces of Cervia-past. This will be my first venture into New Tokyo - most of my work has been slowly spreading more in Northern Cervia. I would love to meet you and hear about your designs and creative journey, if you'll oblige me during the convention.

I hope to bring a dear friend with me who himself is quite talented with clothing - he designs with historical accuracy in mind. I imagine he would be incredibly fascinated to speak with you and hear about your process. I also have no doubt that his general enthusiasm will pull the curiosity of other event patrons to come consider whatever he's looking at - he has a luminous personality like that. His name is Willow, and yes, I will break formality to make puns about his light magic. I hope you'll still meet us!

In seriousness, I admire what I've seen about your work and I'm excited to see what pieces you'll put on display for the convention. The idea of wearing art is powerful, I feel.

In hope & reverence,​

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tag: @peach 's Shane mention: @PavellumPendulum 's Willow

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  • Sweet
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My sweet Elle,

While I seem to talk to you every day, it's been a long while since I've written you a letter, and with the holiday coming up I figured now was as good a time as any. To fill you in on the most recent events, Double D is very into cubing at the moment! I've bought countless Rubik's Cubes and I'm even trying to talk him into entering more competitions!

Elodie's dancing a lot more (just like you used to) and she wants to be captain of her dance team at school. She's always making up choreography herself or learning dances from her favorite videos! It's so much fun watching her dance with her friends and making those TikTok things with her!

And wild child Marci! She's been rather adventurous when it comes to… well just about everything lately! She's so multi-cultural when it comes to her music taste, the foods she eats, even the books she reads! She gets it from you, ya know? She asked if we could go to your favorite sushi place for dinner yesterday and of course I couldn't say no, so we're gonna have a nice family dinner soon.

We miss you like crazy Janelle. And there are so many days where I feel like I'm not doing anything right. I miss having you here to help. But I know you'd want me to stay strong. I love you. We love you. And we miss you immensely.

Until we meet again in another lifetime my love

  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: sele
fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'

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First, an introductory greeting, as we've previously not met. My name is Velia Ianthe LaFey. I contact you because I've become aware of the fact that you operate a photography business. That in itself is an intrigue, but what pressed my interest to write to you is that this business, boudoir photography specifically, was mentioned to me as having high quality, and more significantly, operated with dignity and discretion.

I have an interest in willing myself to participate as a client. I suppose it will be helpful to you to understand who I am and my perspective for if you might accept me, and how then you might approach the presentation.

Upfront, I mention that I am hybrid fae-gargoyle. I was told that you were a redblood vampire. Given that, you might prefer certain types of clientele, so if this somehow applies here, then you may simply discard this letter and we both move forward in our separate spheres once more. If however that has no negative bearing on your client selection, then I happily invite you to continue on with your reading.

I am an artist by trade - I paint. Beyond that, I admire other people's crafts and passions. I am no prude, but I am a discreet sybarite. I do not overtly broadcast what pleasures I find in luxuries or other people, and in a way, I believe I enjoy them all the more for that sense of secret delight. Now, a glint of jewelry or a splash of a costly dress now and then likely betray some of that about myself, but I see those as an acceptable, subtle sort of smile about my interests outwardly to the world.

Considering these things, you might wonder now if I'm vain. In shades, I think all people are vain about something or other. I'm certainly an aesthete, too, about myself and about the world. I now confess to you with privacy in mind, as well as assisting your decision about this potential contract, that I am yet uncertain about who I am or where my piece fits in this world, if it does at all.

Now, I don't say the above with a sense of depressed angst. For me, it is just the factual buzz that remains with me, whether I'm experiencing joy, loss, or any other shade of experience. I share this so that you better understand my motivation to participate in a tasteful, boudoir session. I understand how an artist can see and portray a world that not everyone else can experience without the assistance.

I would like to experience what I seem as through a fellow artist's perspective; when I am set vulnerable yet still posed to express an underlying strength, value, and beauty. Perhaps such an experience could help me to value myself more, truly, in the secret places of my psyche, behind poise and confidence that I show outwardly.

I am on a journey to better accept who and what I am. Perhaps that does not have to fit into particular molds of fae, gargoyle, hybrid, or any other segments of society. I long to feel whole and right within my own skin. I crave to wholly love myself, and perhaps that requires the assistance of an outside lens upon myself. I do not mean that in the sense that I need others' validation to value myself, that is an entirely other tragedy in life. I mean instead simply to be assisted to see myself through the skills of another artist who then might help me realize my private goals.

These are my confessions to you, shared in confidence and with hope. I do not mind any necessity to wait, nor any travel needs; I can do both. If you are unable to take me on as a client for any reasons at all, I thank you regardless for your time and consideration and I wish your business well. I would welcome other photographer recommendations to look over in that case, if you do need to decline and have the moment to spare.

I've included a head shot and a small print of one of my art pieces to assist with your deliberation. The piece is simply a side street in Black City at night. Sometimes side streets should be seen, too, I feel.

Kind regards,​

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tag: @Lulunopia 's Eloise

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  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: Lulunopia
Character Faces.png

to Alois Moore @wren.
Yesterday 10:30pm

you left your earbuds at my place

Yesterday 12:30am

are you up?

are you angry?

Yesterday 12:38am

I'm sorry, Al. For everything. I don't know if you know or not, but I do give a shit about you. I'm just a shitty friend and I'm not sure how to give you what you want

Yesterday 12:40am

I'm sorry, that's a lie. I know that was a lie. I do know how to give you what you want, but I think you'll regret it. I think you'll regret me. I haven't been the best.. Or even okay. I'm scared if I really give myself to you, you'll realize you don't like me and you'll leave. And I don't want to hurt when you do. So, I've been trying to push you away and keep you at a distance wherever I can. But you're so ridiculously insistent. And I don't mean that as an insult. I know part of the reason you still stick around is because I suck at truly pushing you away, but that's because you've already made a place in my life - in my heart. That sounds cheesy, but it's true. You're amazing. I don't tell you that enough but you're amazing, Alois. You're funny and creative, and charming, and kind, and adventurous. My life has never been more exciting since you entered it. You don't know how many times I have thought of you, wondered what you were doing, and hoped you were thinking of me. I wish I could tell you to your face what you mean to me. I want you to know just how much and I am afraid that can't be expressed with words alone. I love you.
Message not delivered.

Today 10:00am

Sorry about that. I was drunk.

Today 10:02am

Don't forget to pick up your earbuds.

I'm sorry |

fae-gargoyle hybrid | fae-dominant traits | artist for 'heresiart.'

In reminiscence, pen in careful claw...

Winter floated gently down in darkening grays and whites. The soft, slow haze of it all was deceptive; the snowstorm was silent, picturesque, and brutal.

Foxby Town roads had been closed for hours by that point in the evening. The wet, heavy snow just kept piling up against the efforts of the plows. The mountain passes that wove narrow avenues through high peaks had been barred off since morning. Even for an experienced ski resort town like Foxby, the hazards were still just too treacherous.

So those who had already made it in ahead of the storm were caught in wintry isolation.

Nestled against a favorite slope in Foxby, a large, rustic resort gave cozy shelter to its inhabitants. Tall windows framed a dark, blustery night in contrast to the warmth within the lodge's primary lounge. At its center, a great stone hearth poured heat and a lapping, tangerine luminance amid large timbers and old paintings. Dense bear furs angled here and there on the high walls, and stained-glass lamps cast angles of sage and amber light from periodic end tables throughout the tremendous room. The air subtly tasted of pine, notes of coffee, and faint smoke.

Most guests were tucked away in their rooms, safe for the night from the near-blizzard conditions. As the hour grew later, fewer lingered about the various chairs and couches surrounding the public hearth. After a time, one guest, curled under a red plaid blanket, glanced up to discover only one other soul still also present.

"Wonderfully terrifying night." She'd hummed friendly amusement for a strange introduction toward the other remaining guest. "I'm

Good fortune was with her that night, as the other guest had proven convivial and happy to share fireside tales. He'd introduced himself as Dodger.

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I thought of you today. I notice it at the beginning or end of travel more often, given our mutual interest in wandering. Sometimes when tea warms a chill out of me, winter imagery returns from our mutual lodge, too. I realized, in my pleasant reflection, that I should contact you again. I'm on a train back toward Rose Town - book-ending a journey. So naturally, as mentioned, shared memories found me.

I'd like to return to that lodge with you sometime - as little serendipity there might be in intentionally planning the encounter. I do not often go back to the same places twice, unless work summons me there. In this case, sweet nostalgia and marvelous company would call me there to Foxby Town again should we agree to conspiring together.

I've thought about your stories about travel abroad. I'm envious - but in that way that I long to explore internationally, and where I'm happy that you have. I'd love to hear more, or to see pictures of the new places you've been to since we first met. I've mostly been along the Cervian west coast in that time. Although I crave to roam the wider world, don't mistake me: I have enjoyed my journeys here, too.

Little by little, I've expanded my engagements at new museums or art conventions. Stroke by stroke, I acquire new private clients. My future feels promising. My hope is that you feel similarly of your own.

I'm curious of your experience regarding travel's solitude, my friend. At times, I find myself quite lonely. While passing by established lives with my temporary stays, I sometimes crave a note of stability. No, not quite 'stability,' not in the sense of laying constricting roots somewhere and remaining there. I think it is more a desire for something that issues a sense of caring assurance. No, that doesn't quite fully pin the longing down either. I crave the freedom of the world - the potential in wherever I might wander, floating through like a happy specter.

I've had lovely encounters with a handful of intimate strangers. In a way, I see myself in love with the places I go for the locations and the select souls I encounter - fleetingly romantic or otherwise. I heard a song once - if I could only remember its title - that said a person falls in love for the duration of the time that they dance with a stranger. I find that true.

I'd love your insights on how you connect with people and navigate the beauty of solitude, as well as the occasional gloom in loneliness. The latter never holds me for long, but surely you've your own thoughts on all of these likely mutual experiences.

I hope for another serendipitous meeting, Dodger. In a town strange to both of us one day, maybe you'll amble around the corner into a bakery and see me at the counter, or I'll emerge into the restaurant where you're already seated.

Until then,​

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tag: @Dusk 's Dodger

  • OMG
Reactions: Dusk

Ya know, it's kinda funny that I'm writing to you now of all times. Valentine's day has come and passed yet you still cloud my mind. Though, you've never left my mind since we first met at the botany garden. I remember that day clearly. I mean, I did mess up on trying to find a plant for a friend and you sent me in the right direction. Everyday since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Every waking moment, day in and day out my. Thoughts of finally asking you out, thoughts of dating and being with you. Making memories together and just all together having fun and being in the moment.

Every time I visit the nursery it's never because I need a new plant or help taking care of one, though the fern I got is dying and I don't know what to do with it, but anyway I visit the nursery to see you. Just to talk to you and see those beautiful blue-green eyes fill with joy when talking about plants and how to care for them. You always just seem so happy, but I know there is pain behind the smile. 'Cause every once in a while I see that pain slip through. I wish I could help take that pain away. Ya know I'm always here for you.

We may not know each other that much but every time I see you I seem to learn something new. But, I'm rambling now so I'll just end this with, I wish I could tell you how I feel.

Love, Isaac

The letter was balled up and thrown in the trash

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upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic


If you're here, reading, then I know you've not discarded this physical piece of mail as likely junk. I'm glad. I know our periodic correspondence in the past tended toward digital, I felt that this was meaningful enough to be something that you could hold.

I write to you from Julian City where I've stopped to visit my brother Dorian and other kin. No, my studies haven't transferred to JC - I'm on an indirect route back to Black City, permanently as far as I can foresee. So I say again: if you're reading this, then you're either still in nearby Hollowstead, or a miracle of mail forwarding succeeded to find you wherever you've ended up.

I've taken up work at a medical clinic in BC, which officially begins relatively soon. I'll have some time in advance of that to settle and reacquaint myself with people and places alike. It feels strange, on one hand, to be done with the long training; on the other, it's given me a sense of (finally) achieving 'adulthood,' late as that has come, I know. Yet, I also don't feel all that different either. You're laughing, with and at me, I know it. It's alright, I enjoyed remembering your laugh just now.

Anyway, don't mind me - or do, at least just enough to hear me out. I think it'd be lovely to meet again, after all of this time. I'm booked for a charity event that you might enjoy, given your prestigious line of work. You might already even know of it, really. I'll be at the Black Wings fashion show offering my support. I understand that they showcase up-and-coming designers, and guests bid on clothes and even models for dates. All for good causes. It seemed the right way to step back into Black City. Perhaps I'll see you there?

Speaking of your work and successes, allow me my sentimentality to say that I'm proud to know you've come so far. I don't know all of the nuances of the road you've taken, nor do I know the count or intensity of the fights you've clearly won; but I know I'm proud of you.

You were always courageous, more so than me and I have always admired that you were brave enough to own your own truths. I think that people are generally good, but I also don't think most generally have that ability and confidence like you do. It doesn't matter really how big or small a topic might have been, you were always the sort that seemed like a guiding compass. You always knew what your North was. That's what I feel anyway, and just accept the compliment and praise and the fumbling good intention of it, will you?

I've come along with recognitions, honors, and accolades through all of this training. I've saved lives. I know that I can genuinely say that broken pieces of people beneath my hands were spared of their otherwise untimely deaths and made whole again. Perhaps, realistically, new wholes, but given their chances to carry on. I've healed the wounded, and I've softened fears.

I don't tend to think about my work in these terms, but in thinking of the poetry in your own victories, I risked turning that lens toward myself to see if I could measure up. I humbly say that I think that I do, and that I'm proud of the both of us for making something grand of each of our lives.

I sometimes have wondered what would have become of us, if we'd gone through with it. I think we'd have made it work, less for anyone who arranged the engagement, but more for each other. I never knew a pride to hurt so much as when you walked away from it all. I couldn't have admired anyone more. The people we were back then? We weren't really right for any of it. Both of us would have been faking something and living incomplete lives.

No one but us would have known, really, because I've always believed that we'd have built what we could have from the incongruent pieces, for each other. You, a bride; me, feigning comfort with the tradition of swearing myself to a wife. I know there was terrible fallout with your family, and mine I feel were trying their best by me as they always had and do.

But - you shouldered what I know I wouldn't have - you took all of those great expectations and you were able to still say that they weren't right. You gave us both the opportunity to live, genuinely. Thank you. I don't know if I ever did say thank you. I've loved you all along either way. I don't say that in an expectant way, but I imagine that you know that.

I'd meant for this to merely be a fond correspondence with an invitation for us to meet at an event. And yet, here I'm still writing. I suppose there was still a lot to say - maybe there always will be.

We aren't the same people that we were all of those years ago. In many ways we're bound to be different people - between then and now. It'd be bizarre if we weren't, if we didn't learn and grow and take some shape from our experiences. Though in others, I hope that we're not.

The best of regards as always, and I hope to see you at Black Wings.​


P.S. - I spoke to Theodore recently. I thought we might catch up. You knew of my secret affections for him, ones I never braved to tell him back then. He's with someone now. He's doing well in academics. But he's also asked that we not see one another. It gives me some dread that perhaps you might not wish to cross paths again, too. I only confess this at all because morning comes soon and I always did talk too much when I was tired.

tag: @wren. 's Stevie

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