ALWAYS OPEN F x M Casting a Wide Net (Fandoms and Originals Within)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fandom, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, Modern, Medieval/Fuedal

  • Heyo! :3

    Shizuki Nirokuma is the moniker I use, most seem to like to use Shizu as a nickname. I am in my thirties, and I live in California (I'm terrible with time zones…I could probably figure it out with google…but I always forget.). I use she/her pronouns but I am super lax about it…I really don't care as I myself use a lot of dude/bro language. I've been roleplaying on and off for 15+ years or so? I honestly lost count. I love watching anime, but due to my desire to write stories with people, I don't always give myself time to watch everything or finish it. XD (I'm working on this I promise!)I do love to play video games but a gamer I do not call myself, I also play D&D…sometimes I DM. Because of this, and working…I sometimes struggle with balancing all my hobbies and real life stuff. Which does result in slow replies sometimes. But don't worry I extend the same courtesy to you! I am a patient person when it comes to replies, although I can be a bit excitable with good rp partners.

    I should probably mention that I have self-diagnosed ADHD (in that I have never discussed with a doctor and got an official diagnosis after testing and whatnot that goes into getting an official diagnosis. But I have seen a lot of people on Tik Tok and talked with some people who have been diagnosed and I have found I have a lot of things in common there to where I feel comfortable with saying I have ADHD.) With that being said, please understand I sometimes hyper fixate on things and it switches around. Some days it switches around slowly, others it switches around what feels like every hour. So there will be days where I will and can reply multiple times a day and others where it may take me a month or more. Please bare with me during the times it takes me longer to reply as I am most likely hyper fixating on content creation for my D&D campaign so I am having a hard time focusing on anything else.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to say this now…I promise I am a lot nicer than some of the information that you will read in the following posts may make me seem.

  • I know I know…we hate them….but they are necessary in order to find rp partners I mesh with a bit more.

    Introduce Yourself!!!!!!!!
    This is the most important thing to me, because I am finding that it is incredibly rare to have someone do so, and for the ones that don't…have proven time and time again that they haven't actually read through my thread…just skimmed through, saw something they liked and began asking for things that I've clearly stated I am not comfortable with or will not do.

    Be 18+
    As I've put in my own Intro…I'm a grown ass adult. You need to be as well or else I will be incredibly uncomfortable. I do have a personal preference for people being at least 25+ but as long as you are an adult. We should be just fine.

    No One Liners!!!
    I am not asking for novels every time. I expect our posts will slide up and down in the amount we have based on what is happening. Lots of character interaction? I expect the posts to be a bit shorter..Lots of action going on between a character and an npc? I hope the post is a bit longer. Are our characters sparring or something and not sure what we should do? Let's plan it out a bit. A simple, 'Hey if Character A throws a punch at Character B…how would Character B react?' and we can go from there plotting blow for blow. Because we can both throw in the same content while adding things like thoughts going on in the characters head or maybe an attempt at a surprise attack or something.

    The most I usually plot/plan is what are we doing? Fandom? Original? Who am I playing for you in a fandom? What are the dynamics between the characters whether it is a Fandom or Original and occasionally what I would like to do with/to my characters when it comes to the torture aspect in some rps. Rarely will I plan something that is suppose to happen specifically to your character because I feel that needs to be a collaborative effort. After all this is your character….not mine. So yeah..XD

    I play MxF Pairings Only!!!

    I have tried playing same sex pairings in the past and I personally find it boring as it is not what I am looking for. Or I end up getting stuck playing the more dominant character in a relationship type I have no experience in and not comfortable with portraying because I have no idea what the hell I am doing. Having said that I also don't play platonic pairings either. I find it boring and while in fandoms I don't mind our ocs becoming (or in rare cases already being) best friends, when it comes to the originals…. I am looking for romance. Unless we are somehow doubling on an original in a way that makes sense…then sure the females can be friends with each other. :3

    So yeah…please respect that I roleplay M x F pairings only for main characters. But side/NPC characters can be whatever. My brain just loses interest if I'm writing a same sex couple as a main focus because I don't know what I am doing nor do I really feel any interest on learning how to write as a same sex couple. I'd rather read your wonderful work on the subject instead. :3

    Third Person Perspective Only!!!

    This is purely from a standpoint of roleplaying on other sites where people love to use first person and it weirds me out. I need that separation of character and player. Otherwise I just get weirded and creeped out and I will drop the rp faster than it could get started.

    Second person is ok for monologuing for the most part. Otherwise third person only.

    As a side note…I've been told I mix tenses…so I won't get technical on that but if it weirds you out to see past and present tenses mixed in the same post ..then perhaps we won't be a good fit…I'm not putting in that much work just to make sure my tenses match.

    Fandoms: I play Oc x Canon Only
    Nothing against Oc x Oc pairings or Canon x Canon pairings. But if I wanted to use the world but our own characters I would advertise as inspired by or new gen. And I don't like playing two characters from a fandom and shipping them together regardless of canon relationship or not, very often.

    So unless you see me specifically list something as either canon x canon pairing (which I would list it as which canons I would want and which of those canons I would like to play as) or me listing oc x oc/inspired by/new gen. You can say it's safe to bet…I wanna do canon x oc only.

    Fandoms: Doubling required!

    I will not ask you to play a canon for me and not offer the same in return. Do not come at me with any form of "well I am not good at playing canons." Or "I don't like to use canon characters" to try to ask for either me to play only a canon for you or to try to convince me to play an oc x oc pairing.

    I will accept a trade off as a form of doubling as well. So I would play the canon you want from one fandom and you play the canon from one that I want.

    Fandoms: I WILL NOT AGE CHARACTERS UP TO 18!!!!!

    (Apologies…this one is gonna be a long one. And the only mention of Steamy/Spicy Content on this search thread)

    I'm tired of people asking for this. I don't play characters under 15 myself with the exception of Naruto IF we are in agreement of doing a suuuuupppeerrr slow burn romance because well…they're dumb kids (if you are asking for any of the characters like Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, etc.) otherwise I will age them to bare minimum 15-16 years old.

    If you really wanna age them up to 18 that badly then you better come prepared with a good plot that explains why they need to be aged up. You try to feed me that bs of "I don't feel comfortable playing underaged character's" and it's an automatic no. Because it's not that you are uncomfortable writing characters aged 13-17, it's that your definition of romance is what you're used to seeing in books. Not the cute shit that's actually shown in anime where it starts out as an awkward crush where they struggle to realize they like each other up to when they do finally realize it and decide to give dating a chance. Going on cute dates they plan as surprises or maybe they plan it out together. The awkwardness of how to act around each other now that they know what they feel is more than friendship. Those insecurities of what if that other person doesn't feel the same? Or maybe even the ones of whether or not that person still feels the same after a couple of dates. The emotional stress and recovery of having the first couple argument. Things like this.

    It is not my fault nor my problem if you equivalate romance to spicy content as that is what it is in the romance novels you read. That is not my definition of romance. (I am ok with it, but it's the cute fluff type of stuff I am looking for when I speak of wanting romance involved.)

    So no I will not age characters up to 18 just for your own personal comfort on the romance department.

    Yes if you are going to try you better come prepped with a compelling plot line for it.

    Yes you better be prepared to do a LOT of planning when it comes to character history and backgrounds in the event I do happen to agree as ALL of my teen aged characters for fandoms were designed to be placed in the beginning of the fandom's timeline…meaning there is going to be history between my character and the canon you play for me that needs to be discussed and plot points I intended to happen during the early teen years that help shape my character into the adult they will become that we need to discuss on if we still want it or should we rework it to happen instead at the older age…blah blah blah…

    Basically it's also a lot of planning work for certain fandoms based on how my characters are designed that I just don't really want to do unless someone makes a good argument.

    As a final note. In the event I do agree to age the character up…I swear to God I will drop kick then punt the rp into space if there is even an inkling of spicy content within the first few posts!!! (Because this is what it boils down to…you look at romance and think spicy content…not cute fluff content and you heathens wanna do spicy right off the bat.)

    Originals: I Play The Female Role

    Listen…I am fine with playing either male or female roles. However, thanks to a consistent flow of requests that basically force me into taking on the male role without really asking me if that is the role I am willing to play (as I was working with the impression I was going to be able to pick who I wanted.) I no longer will play the male role unless you have made it pretty painfully clear that you are wanting me to play the male role and I have agreed to do so.

    Trigger Warnings!!!

    Depending on the content of roleplay we are doing… I tend to like to include some dark themes. Some of those being keep it a bit if dark themes are triggering to you…1. I am not the RP partner for you…and 2. Certain subjects are mentioned as part of my character's background and that is it and others may pop up every now and again depending on the context.

    I DO NOT EXPECT YOU TO PLAY ANY OF THESE THEMES OUT WITH ME! I usually will handle writing out any scenes involving torture for my character. I usually like to get more to the point of where the character you are playing for me sees the torture for a bit before the rescue or at the very least witnesses the aftermath after the rescue.

    Have An Idea or Ideas

    This is only here because I hate getting that one sentence approach of "Hey wanna RP?". I find this not only lackluster but makes me feel like you haven't read the thread at all and it's just gonna be pulling fucking teeth to get a proper response out of you.

    If you see this thread…especially if I have recent updates. I am looking. So come at me with an idea of what you want. Was there an original that caught your eye? Or maybe I have a fandom listed that you've been looking for as well? Maybe you'd like to try to pitch an idea of your own? Whatever the case may be…come prepared with an offer or two. Otherwise I will assume you haven't read this thread and will ignore the message. Which it will only suck if it would have turned out that you were a great rp partner..just couldn't give me something to work with that makes me feel like you at least did a good skim through.


    I'm not asking for you to tell me about every minute of your day. Nor am I asking for you to message me OOC every day. I just ask that if you have lost interest in the roleplay or are going to take a bit longer to reply for whatever reason. I try to do the same, and I am working on being more consistent with it to extend the same courtesy to you.

    Final Notes

    If you made it this far, congrats!! Now go drink some water!! XD

    But in closing this section, I just want to add some last minute things.

    Please do not respond to this thread. I don't want to delete posts because then it just looks weird on the thread since deletions are visible. If you wish to get a hold of me, please hit the start a conversation button.

    Please remember, like you I am a human being. Not some AI robot that can bust out responses for you everyday all day..respect that I will have days I am busier than others or just mentally tapped out because I happen to have done too much juggling of work and hobbies. Sometimes my hyper fixation kicks in and I only want to focus on something not rp related. So give me time to get to the reply as I always will do for you.

    Some minor things to remember as well.

    Please don't God mod or control my characters and I will do the same for you.

    Please be fair. If there is something being planned whether it is for my character, yours or both. Let's try to stick to the plans and not do this whole…you get everything you want…sure I get some of what I want…but you still somehow make all the limelight shine on your oc when it shouldn't based on the plans we made, discussed and agreed upon.

  • Just a quick reminder
    -Unless otherwise specified all pairings are OC x Canon only
    -All pairings are M x F (I will lose interest in main pairings that are anything else)
    -Doubling is required (Trade-offs are also acceptable)
    -I will NOT age characters up to 18 unless YOU can provide a good plot line that explains why this is necessary.
    -Be fair when we plan shit. If it was planned to happen to your character it will, if it was planned to happen to my character it not go adding shit in to bring attention to your character when that was not how it was planned.

    A quick guide to read this section:

    -I will list the fandoms in no particular order, but the *'s you see next to one the more I want to do it.
    -I will list the character I would like you to play for me in order of preference (Or only one listed if that is all I am looking for)
    -I will not list characters I will play for you because I am willing to give anyone a try.
    -I will list characters I will NOT play as and why however.
    -Finally: If I have a character profile ready for a fandom, I will include the link to the profile as well.
    -I will also list the pairings if I have more than one character on the doc.


    Naruto *****
    Haven't finished the anime, rewatched back up to the chuunin exams again, but I've seen enough spoilers and what not to get a gist of things.
    Play for Me: Kakashi Hatake (Please please please please!!!)
    Meet my oc:​

    Miraculous Ladybug
    I've watched all of what has been released on Netflix...I've got some catching up to do on Disney but I am working on it. XD
    Play for me: Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir
    Meet My oc: Haruka Asuna

    Boku No Hero Acadamia/My Hero Academia *****
    I've only watched up to the end of the Shie Hissekai Arc when they rescued Eri. Slowly working on catching up on this.

    Play for me: Katsuki Bakugou (Please he is the only one I really really want!!!) ***********
    However! I am willing to accept in the event you don't wish to play as Bakugo for me
    Eijiro Kirishima
    Denki Kaminari
    Iida Tenya
    Hanta Sero
    Shota Aizawa
    Fat Gum

    I will NOT play as: Katsuki Bakugou (Because he is the one I want played for me and until that itch is scratched, I don't want to play him for someone else and ruin him for me.) Minoru Mineta (Look I like the pervy characters...but he takes it too far to where it's uncomfortable)

    Meet my Ocs: BNHA Character Profiles
    Pairings are as Follows:
    Yuki x Bakugo
    Aoi X Aizawa
    Aria X Kirishima (Interchangeable with Iida)
    Luna x Sero (Interchangeable with Denki)
    Kagami x Dabi
    Megumi X Fatgum

    One Piece *****
    I have made it up to the point where they are heading to the second island on the grand line. With the runaway princess. Another one I am slowly working on.

    Play for me: Zoro

    Meet my oc: One Piece Character(s)

    Supernatural *****
    I've rewatched up to season 4 I think? but i've seen spoilers here and there.
    Play for me: Sam Winchester!!!
    Meet my oc: Supernatural OCs

    Bungou Stray Dogs
    I just finished where they are about to introduce SHEEP...I believe. It's been a minute.
    Play for me: Doppo Kunikida (highly preferred)
    Osamu Dazai
    Edogawa Ranpo
    Meet My Ocs: Shizuki's Bungou Stray Dogs OC's
    Pairings are supposed to be: Kyoko x Kunikida (Interchangeable with Dazai)
    Sakura x Ranpo

    Fairy Tail
    I have previously watched up to the thunder palace arc where Laxus gets kicked out of Fairy Tail for making everyone fight each other. But I absolutely love this group and I have seen some future spoilers here and there thanks to tik tok.

    Play for me: Natsu Dragneel
    Grey Fullbuster
    Gajeel Redfox
    Meet my OC: Fairy Tail Characters

    I watched all of the first series including the movies. I still need to watch the Final Scroll and no I haven't watched Yashahime yet. XD
    Play for me: Koga (Please please please I love the wolf man so much!)
    Meet my oc: Ophelia Good (Inuyasha)

    Ouran High School Host Club
    I have watched all of this anime so many times!

    Play for me: (In order of preference)
    Takashi Morinozuka
    Hikari and Kaoru Hitachiin
    Ritsu Kasanoda
    Tamaki Suoh
    Kyoya Ootori
    Meet my Oc: Hirogawa, Kyra

    Legend of Vox Machina
    I watched all of the first season on Amazon, still need to watch season two and slowly working my way through the campaign that inspired it all. ^^
    Play for me: (In order of preference)
    Meet my OCs: Legend of Vox Machina OCs/D&Desque roleplays
    Fandoms I don't have premade characters at the ready for​
    I have watched all of Reload and some of the first season
    Play for me: (In order of preferece)
    Cho Hakkai or Sha Gojyo
    Genjou Sanzo

    Uta no Prince Sama
    I have watched all of the first season and some of the second
    Play for me
    Natsuki/Satsuki (listen I know the split personality kinda goes away after a while..but if you play both sides for me I will forever love you!)
    I will not play as: Cecil...personally I find him annoying and prefer to say he just ended up convincing Nanami to run off with him. XD

    Yu Yu Hakusho
    Still slowly working on rewatching this. I just made it into the final rounds of the spirit tournament (first one) where they are fighting the Guro brothers.
    Play for me:
    Kurama/Yoko Kurama
    Yusuke Yurameshi

    I refuse to play: Koenma (I know he's not actually a child…but because he is portrayed as such…I will not be playing as him.)

    Skip Beat!
    I have watched all of what was put out for the anime, and got to the point where she was having to play Ren's sister for a movie, to keep him in character in the manga.
    Play for me: Ren Tsuruga

    Apothecary Diaries
    I have watched most of this, except for maybe the last few episodes. I'm just waiting for the dub release because I'm being lazy in reading subtitles.
    Play for me: Jinshi​

    Some Inspired By

    These are ones based in a fandom world but meant for all OC characters (Unless you really really want a canon from that one, but do expect to be asked to double in return.)

    Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon/Rune Factory/Harvestella
    Who doesn't love a good farm sim? But for the ones that throw in monsters to fight? *Chef's kiss*

    Absolute Boyfriend (Or similar 'rent'-a-boyfriend type scenarios)
    If anyone remembers this manga...I love you...but something similar. I just thought the premise of a lonely high school girl whose made fun of a lot ends up accidentally ordering a cyborg boyfriend whose super hot albeit confused as to what normal interactions are like considering what he is technically programmed to provide.

    Sailor Moon
    I have watched most of the original. About to start watching Crystal since that storyline is closer to the original Manga, but doing a next gen type of thing I think could be fun. OR if you still wanna involve canons if you could please play Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask for me please?
    (I will add more as I watch/rewatch on the lookout! XD)

  • Just a quick reminder
    -I play the female role. You can ask but the answer is most likely going to be no on playing the male role.
    -Again MxF pairings for mains please.
    - I prefer action ,adventure, fantasy
    -I am incredibly picky with slice of life

    KEYWORDS: Cursed being x Pirate (Or sea farer of some sort), Soul Mates

    Basic concept: A woman was killed for trying to run away off a pirate ship, while water filled her lungs and claimed her life, she was given a second chance by a stranger who upon agreeing to take this chance for a second life and became a sea dragon. A fierce protector of the waters. One that has also tried to remain in the shadows as much as possible to avoid being hunted herself. That is until a shipwreck leaves her finding and saving one of the men that still had a chance to live.

    KEYWORDS: Human x Deity, Reincarnation, History Repeating, Arranged Marriage Gone Wrong

    Basic Concept: When two lives cross in the past, when plans made change due to factors of love and chaos, when those souls meet again in this new life and similar events begin to happen? Can they change what happened?

    Keywords: Fantasy, Action, Princess (Royal/Leader) x Knight (Personal Guard), Arrianged Marriage, Mildly Dark themes (Long drawn out wars causing a shift in people's emotions), Romance, "Forbidden" romance (In that I was intending it to be a supernatural being falling in love with a human. This is not necessary if you wish to play as a supernatural being as well. ^^))

    Basic Concept: What happens when people, especially those of the supernatural world, are involved in a long drawn out war created when fear begins to take hold in one particular races hearts. Add into it that your people are losing more and more thanks to that fear; the fear of the humans driving them harder, the fear from the supernatural weakening them into fearful beings trying to hide in order to survive. What happens when one strong willed person decides it is enough of people being afraid, that there has to be a way for them all to live in peace once again, as they did long ago? Will it work? Will it fail? Will all be lost?

    KEYWORDS: Vampires, Romance, Obsession, Fantasy, Hunters' Daughter x Vampire

    Basic Concept: When the daughter of a hunter family is spared from a gruesome fate, and a dream happening over and over again, does this obsession lead somewhere? Is it dangerous? Is it safe?

    KEYWORDS: Gangster x Club Entertainer/Singer, Romance, Action

    Basic Concept: When a young girl is struck with bad luck in life she sets out to do better, but that luck continues. Always with a passion for singing, lies about her age to work at a rather seedy seeming Strip Club that honestly didn't bother to fully check on her background. Barely legal to drink, she does so with a group who is offering to pay her for her company until something doesn't feel right. Last thing he remembers is that she was in the back ally being felt up by the very same guys. And then someone seemed to rescue her...little would she be aware in that moment this man was a part of the gang that ran in the background of the club.

    **TRIGGER WARNING: This character's profile does hold themes of child abuse, molestation and rape/almost rape....Beyond the mention of such acts as a part of her history for the character, no such themes will be further mentioned/played out.

    KEYWORDS: Action, Adventure, Romance, Doubling,Rurouni Kenshin-esque era, Fantasy potential, Crime Fighting

    Basic Concept: This sibling duo work for the government (or whatever we are choosing to call it.) and have been sent out on a mission to gather comrades for the cause, namely to stop the uprising of blood hungry warriors too keen on staying in the past that it begins to affect others in the form of mass murders.

    (DISCLAIMERS: There are options for this one in terms of do you want more fantasy based? Whether that be by simply adding magic/special abilities or even adding fantasy races or stick to a more 'realistic' based scene. DOUBLING IS A MUST! For this one is the only original I have that is intentionally designed with two characters that you are going to be playing against to not only make things fair in that I will be playing a male and female main but so that you will be able to as well. This was done mostly out of a personal frustration of always being asked to play the male portion of a pairing in originals and an understanding that sometimes other people do not want to play as the male role and would prefer to play the to be fair to everyone and myself...this is a pairing designed to be played in a doubling setting. You do not have to play as people that would end up on their team. Maybe one character is and the other is one of the "bad guys" that they are hunting down, or maybe a small time crook that ends up turning their lives around with them.

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Officially open! :3

Just in case no one is aware. I do use tabs. So if you're having a hard time finding the information I may have mentioned in my introductions, just click on the next 'title'. Basically the tabs are labeled as follows: Introduction, Rules, Fandoms, Originals. [This is also for those who like me are not that great at coding...and don't realize that there is indeed more information to look at...I just have it in a different little tab thing. :3]

I know I said it earlier under the rules...but it is super duper important to me that you introduce yourself when approaching for a roleplay. I have been traumatized from people just approaching and it ends up being a total nightmare. It is also important for you to please hit the Start a Conversation button if you are interested and not reply to this thread.

With the way Iwaku's system is set up to show deleted posts and why they were deleted I would rather avoid doing that because I don't like the cluttered feeling it gives me. It honestly gives me anxiety a bit. XD

Super Craving Right Now!​
These are fandoms or originals I am really really looking forward to having rps in and would most definitely get a yes response from me for.
Legend of Vox Machina
Miraculous Ladybug
For the Love of the Sea
Falling for the Gangster
Lady Luna
Mia Heartfilia/Who Are You (A vampire x human hunter soul mates/romance with a bit of obsession/possession themes)
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A memo on "ghosting"

- I understand life gets busy and things happen. Maybe you've lost interest. But because I am constantly trying to write, IF we are roleplaying together and suddenly responses stop. I will end up leaving the rp with or without saying a word.

-I know this seems harsh but I don't like clutter. But I will add this as well. While I am a patient person, that patience is reserved.

-It is reserved for people I have been roleplaying with for a while AND have kept ooc contact even if it's just a "hey how's it going?" Kind of message.

-If we're new patience is not as strong. Because I was excited about getting to write something I enjoy and now I'm having to wait or I look like the impatient asshole when it shows I've been reading and reading the same replies over and over again.

(I'll add below what the time frames are gonna start looking like in the next post.)
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Time frames and when I will leave an RP with or without a word.

New RP partners.

Again I understand being busy, or maybe you lost interest because I took two weeks to get a reply or starter out to you. HOWEVER!!!

If about a month goes by with no story response and no ooc, especially if I have reached out for whatever. (I typically use the last date of ooc contact for that month timeframe versus the last story reply date.) I will just drop the rp. I'll assume you lost interest and I'll remove our rps from my lists and open up that space for someone else.

If there has been rather consistent ooc chatter even if just short conversation. I'll hang onto it and after like 6 months of no response to the story I will send an interest check on if you were intending to continue the story whenever you had some free time.

For partners Ive had for at LEAST a year. I'll hang onto it until you either tell me you don't plan to continue it or I drop it because I'm no longer interested since too much time passed. But I usually will always tell you I've lost interest because you deserve that much at least.

As for interest check drops? It'll probably still follow that sixth month time frame. Just to see if I am keeping it or not. But I usually extend it to a year for you guys.
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Added miraculous ladybug to the super cravings list.
Still craving Vox Machina!! And BNHA. Also One Piece.

Out of the originals I am still super craving For the Love of the Sea, Mia Heartfilia/Who Are You?, Falling for the Gangster and Lady Luna.
Just to keep this out of the graveyards. XD
Still craving Vox Machina from fandoms.

Still craving Mia Heartfilia/Who Are You from originals.
Will be revamping this thread/making a new one...after I figure out what I wanna edit this too.