OOC Calling Cards

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The Phoenix
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My times are pretty erratic, but I try to avoid being on EST 11pm-9am.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Historical Romance.
Calling Cards

Please post all your characters in this thread. Any unrelated OoC chatter will be moved or removed. You must follow the basic CS template, but are not required to use the code provided, though you are more than welcome to. You may also make your CS as long or as short as you'd like. You must get GM approval for that character (in the form of an RP reaction) before making any posts for that character in the IC forums. Please post only one character per post.

Please note, if your character sheet says WIP on it, I will ignore it, and possibly never get to it without some serious nudging. There are no reserved spots for anything, as this is a pretty free-form realm. I will accept characters on a first-come first-serve basis, so there isn't much advantage to posting a WIP.

CS Template:

This code is a slider, and you can substitute the front pic with anything you like that suits the dimensions. I have a blue version available upon request as well.

[div=margin:auto; height: 432px; width: 610px; overflow:hidden;]
[div=margin-left: -47px; margin-right: -47px; max-width: 704px !important;][slider=704x432]{slide}[div=height: 407px; 610px; background-image:url(https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/pink-flower-frame-background-with-watercolor_65186-2566.jpg?w=996&t=st=1668718811~exp=1668719411~hmac=bda6d4ed42043cc1ac13480a7b3043ff1b5a99e68b381308ad46c14a6c8fabbe); background-size:cover; padding-top: 20%; padding-left: 20%; padding-right: 20%;][div=font-family:Petit Formal Script; color: black; font-size: 50px; text-align: center;]INSERT NAME HERE
[div=padding-top: 15px; font-family:Cormorant Upright; font-size: 16px;][b]AGE || GENDER || TITLE[/b][/div][/div][/div]{/slide}{slide}[div=height:407px; 610px; background:white; padding: 30px; color:black; overflow:auto; font-family:Marcellus;][div=display:flex; margin:auto;][div=flex:1; height:174px; background-image:url(INSERT URL HERE); background-position: center; background-size: cover;][/div][div=flex:1; margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px; height: 174px; background-image:url(INSERT URL HERE); background-position: center; background-size: cover;][/div][div=flex:1; height: 174px; background-image:url(INSERT URL HERE); background-position: center; background-size: cover;][/div][/div]

[div=padding-right: 15px; text-align:right; border-bottom: black solid 1px; padding-bottom:10px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left:20%;]A P P E A R A N C E[/div]

[div=padding-right: 15px; text-align:right; border-bottom: black solid 1px; padding-bottom:8px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left:20%;]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/div]

[div=padding-right: 15px; text-align:right; border-bottom: black solid 1px; padding-bottom:10px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left:20%;]H I S T O R Y[/div]
INSERT HISTORY HERE[/div]{/slide}[/slider][/div][/div]

A comprehensive list of all the characters and their various ages and statuses and direct links to each sheet are here in this link:
Courtesy of @Nemopedia and @rissa
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  • Sweet
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Isobel Laurent
23 || CIS - FEMALE || MISS

Isobel is a rare beauty with white hair and distinct blue eyes that stand out when matched with her white lashes and hair. She is a tall woman with a lithe frame, all thanks to the work of her ballet, and a sickeningly sweet smile fixed on her face. Her skin is pale, so much so that it is often prone to sunburns which have led to her being very active in covering her skin outside. She is the perfect picture of elegance and beauty.

Every move Isobel makes is calculated. She plays the role of a sweet, graceful, and clueless woman who totally isn't after everything you own and can offer her, but in reality, this is absolutely what she is after. She is a manipulator, a schemer, and not just a liar but a thief as well. The woman is ruthless and ambitious, with the greed of wanting more than the cards she has been dealt even gave her. And with her drive, she will stop at nothing to get it.

But, despite all her arguments and denial, she has a soft side. Especially to those who naturally draw out from her, people who are genuinely kind and children and needy. She helps people even when she says she won't. Her friends have even referred to her as a big sister type of woman, with mother-protection instincts. She is not someone you would want to have against you, but he blessed if she was on your side with you.

Isobel was born in Versaille to a dancer who could not name the father of her child. That meant growing up poor. While her mother had great talent, she was only recognized for her beauty and though she should have thrown Isobel, an illegitimate and Albino child, away to survive, she did not. She loved her and tried to provide her daughter with everything she could. The woman didn't want her to grow up with a poor mindset and had her sit in on lessons about arts and sciences and music. And when she was with her mother, she practiced dance.

All of this led Isobel to want more. But she was poor and a woman and albino. She was resigned to entertainment as her mother had been and boy was she good at it. Isobel grew to be a better dancer than even her mother at a young age and soon made the position of a ballerina. Her talent and unique beauty alike gained her more work and attention than what she was comfortable with. Eventually, they began touring and she only became more overworked and with meager pay.

Everyone wanted to see the otherworldly ballerina. But when she was not on the stage, be that as a dancer or as a girl saying the curiosities of the men who found her "intriguing", she was a freak. A freak to the commoners and the higher-class men and women. She was not one that deserved the respect and decent treatment that others gained.

It was then that Isobel, wanting so desperately what she believed she deserved, began to steal. Not just from the ballet troupe, but their audience members. She began using the attention she gained from men to dupe them out of money. And soon she made enough to get her and her mother on a boat out of France and to England, hoping for a better life.

There was none. They looked her the same and treated her the same. But, she was able to start anew in another troupe and continue her tricks. She had gotten quite good at it, very subtle, and expanded her plans into dealing with secrets that she gathered. She has every plan of getting the comfortable life she deserves.
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Sebastian Leon
24 || Male || The honourable sir Leon


Sebastian was neither tall nor short. He was taller than some, as tall as others, yet there are also those that tower over him. With a slender build and feminine features, he could be easily mistaken for a woman. Though that did not bother him. They compliment his fashion style. He would usually only don a shirt, tapered pants and suspenders that accentuate his curves, and pair them with earrings and shoes meant for the female counterpart.


Sebastian was a free spirit. Unlike his older brother who was forced to live up to the expectations of the family, Sebastian chose to walk upon a different path. He was not a bad child by any means. He had never outwardly created any trouble. In fact, one could say that he was more meek than his older brother.

It was only that he refused to conform to the expectations of society. He was not intentionally flamboyant, but he was not afraid to speak his mind. He possessed no wit, and was known for his dry humour, but he was quite straightforward with his words, and never bothered to mince them out. Especially when it came to the things he was passionate about.


Second, and last born of Camilla and Jonathan Leon, Earl of Bradford, Sebastian was pampered. His older brother may be their golden child, but he was their miracle child. After suffering 3 miscarriages and 1 stillborn, Camilla managed to safely give birth to him. Wiith no responsibilities and obligations, he was free to explore the world as he wanted. He often let his curiosity get the best of him, which landed him in some sticky situation, though his ever dashing brother was always there to save him.

They showered him with unconditional love, and even when he told his family regarding his sexual preference and his desire to study sculpting in university, they accepted him as he was, despite his father's obvious struggle. They tried their best to understand him, for after all, same sex marriages between males were legal.

Leon was an artist at heart, and devoted himself to his sculptures. He never thought he would settle down and find love. Despite same sex marriages being legal and recognised, it was still a struggle to find those with the same orientation as him. While it did bother him, and he grew envious of his friends who were able to settle down and find love, he had somewhat accepted his fate, and was quite content with the affection he had received from his family. It was only that he knew his brother was reluctant to take on a wife because of him, which made him come to the decision that he would learn to live more independently.
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Julian Hawthorne
26 || Male || Lord


Julian Hawthorne prided himself into thinking that he was the beauty standard of the era. With blonde hair and blue eyes, paired with the devilish smile, and an irresistible prominent jawline, he had not failed to swoon anyone he had met. Men and women alike, they all sought to bed him. He had a slender build, although he was a head taller than most of his peers, making it hard to miss him.

A freak incident however, left him a nasty scar which stretched across the right side of his face, and a blurred vision.


The easygoing nature of Julian masked his disdain for those around him. Although he had no qualms about using his looks to his advantage and getting others to crawl into his bed, Julian was but just a lonely soul. Those that fawned over him were only there to warm his body, or were tempted by the wealth he was meant to inherit. He did not have anyone he could call a friend. They were all there for him to pass him time and amuse himself. It was made more apparent when the incident took place and faces finally began to turn away from him, avoiding eye contact.

And despite his carefree front, Hawthorne was anything but. In an attempt to defy his father, and escape the pressure of being the heir, he downed himself in alcohol and debauchery, often getting himself featured in scandalous news with different, and sometimes multiple partners.

When the persona he created for himself crumbled, he had never felt more liberated. He was no longer burdened with the need to marry, nor did he have to worry about having constant eyes of women preying on him, wishing they were pregnant with his child.


The Hawthornes were a well known name in the elite household. Despite being only a Baron, the hawthornes never lacked wealth. Cassius Hawthorne, an elder of the Hawthorne family, was a smart and decisive man. He invested in many companies, one of which contributed greatly to the wealth of his barony. The furniture produced by CH Woodwork was few yet raked in a lot of money, for the novelty of being the only one to own the unique creations greatly attracted the nobles. They were willing to pay, and he was happy to charge a hefty sum. His descendants enjoyed the fruit of his work, and the barony quietly accumulated wealth, and currently is under the hands of Edgar Hawthorne, whom expanded the business into a paper production company.

Edgar Hawthorne may not be as smart as his ancestor, but he had a good eye for business, and women. Lady Sylvia Hawthorne was a gentle lady with a firm disposition. She was not one to shy away from Edgar's gruff personality and coaxed indescribable feelings out of the depth of his heart, and their reunion birthed Julian.

Her health deteriorated drastically afterwards, and passed away when he was barely one years old, leaving the Baron to drown himself in his work, barely acknowledging the existence of his son. Their relationship was frosty at best, and Julian's actions when he grew older caused a bigger rift between them, but it never crossed Edgar's mind to disown him. Julian was a testament of his love with Sylvia, and while that woman could bring out a different side of him, all of that was lost with her death.

Julian could barely remember his mother, and grew up not knowing a father's love. All that man was, to Julian, was someone who pushed him beyond his limits, without a care for his interest and wellbeing. He was the sort of father who would make his own child kneel for hours under the rain, and lock him up in his room for a single mistake. He was a devil, and Julian needed to escape, and he used everything at his arsenal to defy his father, though it was in all honesty, a cry for attention.

The father and son could never communicate, and they were always cold towards each other, but when an assailant scarred him physically, the only person who was always by his side was his brooding father. For the first time, he saw concern on the man's face, and how haggard he looked. He realised then, that he never tried to understand Edgar, and while it may seem a little too late, but with nothing but time in his hand, he worked to repair his relationship with his father as he studied to take over the barony.
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Morgan Lightholder
28 || CIS - MALE || MR.

In spite of his homely background, Morgan is not a homely man. He is tall, though not threateningly so, and has a kind and lively face that matches his personality. His eyes are a bright blue and his hair a dark black in contrast. His frame is gangly and somehow also graceful. And his body carries the marks of a working-class man with faded scars from his childhood, but nothing too large. He is always dressed cleanly and his skin is clean from any dirt.

In one word, fun. Morgan is and has always been fun company with his colleagues and with children who find him charming along with adults. And yet none of it is sacrificed for an over-encompassing childish nature because he is responsible. Especially when it comes to his work, he keeps a natural balance in making his patients smile as well as letting them know their dire situation. And he is a man married to his work.

Most days he is very tired and it makes him seem lackadaisical when he's simply struggling to keep his eyes open. But he is a passionate man in general, about his work, hobbies, and likes. Though nothing is more passionate than his temper for when he's angry or upset, the man tends to be a handful.

Morgan Edmund Lightholder is the apothecary-surgeon second, and the gardener's son first. He was a child who grew up in the servant's quarters and enjoyed the work his father carried out. However, while he enjoyed the work of plants he was smarter than most working-class children. He learned to read when his father didn't learn to until he was an adult. Seeing this, his father was determined for him to do more.

The gardener sent his son to stay with slightly wealthier family members where he could practice medicine. Though in his case it was apprenticing as an apothecary and then a surgeon. But the bottom line was, Morgan though intelligent, was not wealthy enough to attend a college and become a respected physician.

Morgan was welcomed home and rejoiced by those around him. Though he had not earned the title of doctor, he had still done more than the rest of them. He practiced mostly on the working class and middle class and for those too poor to afford anything else. But he still tries to pinch a few pennies so that he eventually can attend college to become a true physician.
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20 || CIS-MALE || MR


Léo stands tall, with sharp cheekbones, dark skin and a seemingly permanent state of five o'clock shadow. It is rare that he grows his hair out, keeping it shaved close to the head. It is not rare to see him embarrassed or flustered, since it seems to be his natural state of being, from constantly comparing himself to others and trying to see if he measures up decently enough. He is broad and always trying to put his best foot forward, whether that be physically or personality wise. He often smells of wine and sugar.


Léo is a gentle soul. Humble and perhaps even a bit meek, he has never been one to stand out, not for his merits, anyway. Though he seeks social connections and is very intent on finding a partner for himself, he is terrible at making decisions and often finds it difficult to establish any contact with potential matches past being introduced. His main passions in life are sweets (especially the French kind), wine (his family's wine is the best, of course) and learning languages (he has english and french down and has now set his sights on italian). Forever a mama's boy, he spends most of his free time trying to console his widow mother, attempting to keep her out of trouble, even though trouble always seems to find her.


Born in Bordeaux, France, Léo was the son of a wealthy winery owner who had purchased slaves from Northern Africa. His mother, Léona, was essentially a trophy at first, prized for her beauty, but came to be his father's favoured companion. Something akin to love sprouted between them, leading to Léo's birth and consequently, their marriage. Expanding his business to socialize with wealthy brits, his father spat in the face of international tensions, moving abroad with his 14 year old son and young wife in order to educate the deprived brits on what was real culture.

Unfortunately, the family only lasted three years in their new home before tragedy struck. His father died of a heart attack, leaving Léo as his only official child, since his mother had suffered multiple miscarriages in the passing years. This left Léo as the sole inheritor of his father's assets, alone with his forlorn, lost mother. Now Léo spends his days trying to maintain his father's business, find himself a proper spouse and keep his mother from trying to sleep with every wealthy baron they run into.
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Léona is tall and holds herself like she has never heard of keeping to herself. Her head is usually tilted inquisitively or leaned in during conversation, as though listening to gossip cannot be done with a neutral face. Her dark hair is often let loose, wavy or curly depending on the day, growing longer and longer by the day. She refuses to cut it. She's often batting her eyes at any man who breathes in her direction, lips painted and pouty. Her hands and feet are still rough and callused from her long years of working before becoming a trophy wife, as well as tiger-like stretch marks running across her skin from growth spurts and pregnancy, but she sees these things as nothing to be ashamed of.


Some would say that Léona is a woman that doesn't know her place. Léona would argue that no woman needs to be given a place, rather that they must carve one out for themselves. Her body and her beauty had gotten her chosen, her words and mind had secured her place. She is insistent on thus using those two resources of hers to keep herself properly taken care of, mistakenly searching for the thrill of the love she'd found with Léo's father once more. She loves her meek son despite all of his concerns and warnings about pursuing every walking wallet in the area, but refuses to change her ways. Her favourite pastimes are wax modeling and needlework, since she often likes to keep her hands busy.


There was a time in which Léona despised her captors. In a way, she still does, though she never says it aloud. Morroco had been a good home for her, but the love and hate she'd found with her husband had been a double edged sword that she could not forget. Life in France and life in the UK feel the same to her, same game, different language, different people. She is always proud of her son for making a place for himself in the world and refuses to be complacent, living as a sad widow for the rest of her life. It is her current goal to be remarried as soon as possible, despite Léo's protests.
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Parris Beaumont
24 || cis male || mr.


Parris is a couple inches shorter than the average man, much to his chagrin. He has dark skin, freckled cheeks, nearly black eyes, and long, springy dark brown hair that he normally keeps tied back. He has a strong jaw and nose, but he is sometimes described as feminine, given his round eyes, thick lashes, plumper lips, and inability to grow facial hair. He is lithe in build, though deceptively strong. His hands are always calloused. He has scars all over his back and the back of his arms from abuse.


Parris did not spend the majority of his life among others, and it shows. He's become adept at feigning a gentlemanly demeanor, but it doesn't take long before his callousness and vulgarity begin to show. He only acts as properly as is necessary for a situation, his reputation meaning very little to him. In four words, he is selfish, witty, insensitive, and cunning. Despite being a skilled assassin-for-hire, Parris often comes across as childish due to his haughtiness and impishness. While it would be incorrect to call him defiant, he's not one to blindly follow orders, usually only taking jobs that agree with his moral code under people he finds some degree of respectable. He's the first person to call a bluff and to prod at someone's weak points, and if he has a problem with you, you'll know about it because he'll undoubtedly tell you. He has a hard time trusting people and prefers to be alone rather than build attachments due to fear of loss, so if you try to get close to him, he will likely do everything to push you away.


Originally born John Thomas, Parris's parents were slaves to a sadistic man in Sutton, and Parris was born into that same slavery, frequently abused by the man and his friends. One day, he witnessed his mother almost get beaten to death for some perceived shortcoming. He snapped then, finding the nearest heavy object and attacking them. He was, of course, overpowered, being only eight years old at the time. If it weren't for his mother protecting him, he no doubt would have been killed. His mother ordered him to flee, and so he did, managing to escape onto the streets with the help of the man's son.

Having nowhere to go, he was a street rat for two years, where he learned how to survive through less-than-savory means. Eventually, he met a man who taught him how to wield a gun and how to wield it well, and when he was ten, he returned to the house of his captor to rescue his parents, only to find that his mother had been murdered the night of his escape and his father wound up committing suicide not long after in his grief. He proceeded to execute each of the men involved one by one, sparing the man's son on account of his help.

Having nowhere else to go, he returned to the man who taught him how to kill. He was taught how to be an assassin as well as a free man. Now, he is one of the most notorious killers in the country, taking jobs from whoever can pay him. He won't cross some lines, though, and he has been known to turn jobs down for people he deems too despicable to assist.
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Vivian J. Pembrook
28 | Female | Governess


Vivian is pretty, but in a severe sort of way, all hard angles and harsh lines— her cheekbones are a tad too high, her lips a tad too wide, and her nose a tad too long. The clothing she wears does little to accentuate what's there, for both utilitarian measures and the lack of funds. As she cannot afford a lavish wardrobe, the dresses she owns are of out-of-date design and even her impeccable sewing skills are of no use when the fabric just isn't up to par. Her saving graces, perhaps, are her soft, faded blue eyes, and the beauty mark just beneath her dimpled cheeks.


Vivian is a kind person, and while she can be gentle, her stern and perpetually dry humor keeps her at a distance from most. Not to say that she's rude, she's anything but, however, Vivian can be a bit blunt with her meaning, and a bit too dry, if given the opportunity and floor to speak her mind. Her persona changes minimally around the children, though much gentler at a baseline, as she sees every child she teaches as the one she could never have.

Above everything, however, is a sense of responsibility that follows Vivian wherever she goes. Whatever home she enters, whatever family she teaches- Viv is silently plagued by worries. It takes an observant eye to notice the signs of distress she's so expertly hidden away all these years, and though she's given up dreaming, in her heart of hearts, Vivian wants nothing more to find a man, solid and unyielding, to love.


The eldest child of two, Vivian has spent her entire life taking care of others. First her sickly mom, who never quite recovered from giving birth to her sister, Letitia, then both her father and baby sister, once her mother had passed. It was perhaps not her first choice in life, spending day after day taking care of others, even the ones she loved so desperately, but it was her life- and at the ripe age of 28, Vivian has finally found a sliver of satisfaction.

If only she could get her sister to stop spending so recklessly...

When she was nineteen, her father passed away, leaving the hatters shop he loved so dearly to Vivian and Letitia. When Viv took control of the business their finances were better than they had been for awhile (Viv bought her sister a new dress and paid off the remainder of her father's debts without even having to touch their inheritance), but slowly, and then all at once, customers fell away. Faces she knew from childhood stopped coming by and though the fountain was now a spring, the business was not doing well.

Until Letty, sweet Letty, seven years her junior, begged her to allow her to help. And so Viv obliged, finding that her sister fell into her father's shoes with ease. The creative mantle he had carried for decades looked so light upon her shoulders and Viv knew that day she'd do anything to see her flourish. From then on, Vivian pinched every penny to ensure she could properly sponsor and present her sister, to find her a man worthy of her love. And that she did, with a little humbling and more than a few bad decisions for the right reasons.

In the near decade that has transpired since then, Vivian has given up all dreams of finding a match- let alone one suitable -as she's nearly seven thousand in debt (having already repaid nearly half that), glued to her sister and her family, unable (or perhaps unwilling) to truly leave her family home in London. For the past five and a half years, Viv has taken to teaching; words and numbers having always come easy for her. She weaved across the city at first, bouncing between families, and then the zigzagged across the countryside, unable to stay away from home for too long. Though she always leaves in good graces and with recommendations to boot, gossip is simply always about.

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28 || CIS - MALE || LORD

There is not a single doubt from a person who knows the Lamberts that John takes after his mother. A nearly perfect carbon copy, if you will. Like the woman, he is taller than what is considered the average among men his age, and his hair is long blond. He is slender but by no means a thin man. He is a solid figure from fighting many battles and more to come. He has the face and dress of a prince more than what would be considered a knight. And his eyes are a bright blue, the one gift from his father than from his mother.

John would never call himself as such, but he falls into the lifestyle of a rake. Overindulgence, flirtation, sex, etc. However, that does not mean he lacks virtue because he has many to show that isn't so obvious when he's engaging in debauchery. For starters, he has a strong sense of justice between what is right and wrong and he always follows it. He is undoubtedly a brave soul, never hesitating to step into a dangerous situation for the means of others. And unexpectedly kind. His strengths do not end there, but his faults tend to outshow them.

He is by no means a quiet man, openly speaking his mind no matter how it could be taken by others. And it has been taken by others most often to be blunt or rude. Though, his intentionally offensive words are delivered in subtle veiled words as is the tradition of the Lambert family. He still holds all the pride of a Lambert as well, and their serious, cunning nature, not to mention having great difficulty allowing himself to be vulnerable and expressive. Still, he knows how to take it much easier than anyone else in his family, enjoying the many other parts of life easily.

The Lamberts, though cold and callous to outsiders, was a loving family. John was the secondborn, coming just a year after his brother. The boys being so close in age were as tight as brothers could be. Growing up, the boys talked of all their plans for how they would change the world. They never dreamed small and took their responsibilities seriously. His brother would take the title of Earl from their father and John would see the world, study more, and bring back all that he learned to share with his brother.

However, as a teenager, John was abroad studying when he was told the news of his brother's sickness. He came home just to see his older brother wither away in his final weeks, apologizing for leaving him. John never recovered from his death. In a day he lost his older brother and became his father's heir. The new responsibilities he was granted made him feel trapped.

There was no getting out of it, and though his father was still alive and well he wanted out and as a result, he began to act out. He engaged in debauched affairs, wasting money on wines, games, and sex. His father took action against his behavior, limiting his allowance, forcing him to work with and the family. But John decided he had other plans and joined the military as another act of rebellion. He did so well he has even bestowed the title of knight. But the title will always be secondary to Earl who he would become the day his father dies.

Abraham Miller
22 || cis male || mr.


Abraham is a sturdy fellow, standing at 5'8", with broad shoulders and a significant amount of muscle. His skin is tanned, sun-freckled, and often patched with dirt because of his work outside. He has wavy brown hair, a sharp jawline, sleepy-looking hazel eyes, a button nose, and thin lips. His eyebrows are thick and noticeably darker than his hair, and they grow in a distinct wave.


Abe is best described as a well-meaning idiot. Lacking a formal education, many "simple facts" elude him. Because of this, he is rather excitable and fascinated by the world around him. He is perfectly polite and endlessly kind to the point of being a pushover. He's naive, seeing the best in everyone, and blind to deception. He's a hard worker, loyal, charitable, and reliable. He's passionate about his work, gardening being one of the few areas where he has a great deal of expertise. He's a family man and quite paternal from helping to raise his younger siblings. He's an optimist with no malicious bone in his body.


Abe is the eldest son of five children, his siblings ranging in age from 17 to 6. Their family was impoverished when Abe was young, sustained by their father's low-paying work at a local factory. Abe entered the work field as a child to support his family instead of going to school. He did whatever odd jobs he could get his hands on until his work at a local plant shop inspired a love for botany, leading him to become a gardener. His work caught the attention of a skilled groundskeeper, and that launched his career in groundskeeping for the rich. Because the position pays well, it is almost entirely his money that keeps his family from sinking back into poverty.

His mother died in childbirth with their last child, an event that he'd witnessed himself. He has not yet healed from his grief, but he has recovered enough not to think about it most of the time. His father has not been so lucky, resorting to alcoholism to deal with the loss of his love. Instead of being the helpful eldest brother, Abe has now become his siblings' sole caretaker, his father either away at work, practically comatose with lethargy, or too drunk to function. Despite the negative aspects of his circumstances, he considers himself largely satisfied with his life and has no greater aspirations. Well, he does wish to marry one day and have a family of his own, but he knows that his current circumstances don't allow for that.

Reuben Egerton
25 || cis male || sir


Sir Reuben is a tall willowy man with porcelain skin and uniquely dark red hair. Unlike his eldest brother, he inherited their father's umber eyes that look golden in bright light, though he got their mother's long eyelashes. He has a strong brow, a sharp jaw, and prominent cheekbones. His lips are thin but naturally reddened, and he has perfect teeth that lend to his charming grin. Unlike his gloomy-looking older brother, Reuben can be found in much brighter colors and always includes at least a splash of jewel tones if he's wearing a more monochrome outfit. He has a rather large, ruddy, blotchy birthmark on his left side.


Outwardly, Reuben is everything a gentleman should be: charming, witty, friendly, well-mannered, and flirtatious without being crass. Inwardly, his held resentments make him insecure and bitter. He's not an attention-seeker by trade, but he's good at getting it when he wants it. He's adventurous, outgoing, and knowledge-seeking. He places value on productivity and prefers to surround himself with talented people so that they might rub off on him. He knows his talents and charm and can appear rather smug about them. Still, he is hardly inert, constantly striving for self-evolution, even if it's only to keep himself from feeling inadequate.


Reuben Francis Egerton, born Pádraig Eoin Mícheál Walsh, has never been particularly close with anyone but his younger siblings. Born amidst boiling tensions between Ireland and England, his childhood was filled with hushed secrets and somber evenings. He was emotionally neglected by his parents, whose work and revolutionary efforts kept them too busy to divide their attention among their children equally. Percy was given most of it as the heir, and their younger siblings got the rest because they weren't yet self-sufficient. Reuben spent much of his time playing with and taking care of his younger siblings, so most of his ire was pointed at Percy, whose duties and eventual revolutionary efforts kept him away and distant.

Rather than turning to liquor and sex to drown his woes like some, Reuben used his jealousy and spite as fuel for self-improvement. While Percy was away fighting in the rebellion, Reuben studied as many subjects as he could as vigorously as possible, accruing an impressive library of information for his age. He was particularly gifted in math and science, and when he took up hobbies, he found he had a natural talent for fencing. When they were all eventually sent to France by their mother to shelter them from the violence of the rebellion, he was taken by the culture and became more artistically inclined. It was here that he cultivated the charming persona he is known for.

When they moved back to their grandfather's manor in England, he quickly won over his peers and built a good reputation. Still, he couldn't escape the feeling of being in his brother's shadow, and in the face of Percy's rise as Baron, he did some military service and became a knight to garner respect. Happy with the life he has built himself in England and haunted by his painful memories of Ireland, Reuben does not share his brother's hatred for the English, especially when he understands that the common man has little to do with the evils of government. He even prefers to go by Reuben rather than his birth name, using the name like a beautiful veneer for his young, pitiable self. To get under Percy's skin, he occasionally exaggerates his political views to be more pro-England.

  • Warren Roosenvelt
    28 || Male || Mr​
  • Appearance
    At a first glance Warren is a handsome man with dark brown hair and matching eyes. The rigid lifestyle his uncle and caretaker put him through has provided the foundation of a healthy build, noticeably muscular, but soft in overall features. Standing at average height Warren enjoys the golden combination of good character, fashionable sense, handsome mien, and great wealth all of which he doesn't employ at all.

    Those who stand closer to Warren will notice the heavy musky smell of laudanum on his person. Even more intimate and they can smell it in his breath as well. An injury, he says, while performing the dance routines with perfect grace. The sharpest observers will notice, however, that there are dark circles under his eyes, indicating that it has been ongoing for much longer.
  • Personality
    Warren is known as a pleasant man in public, easy going and friendly as much as he is attentive and patient, able to endure all. None can comment on his manners, he asks the debutantes to dance that haven't had their first dance yet, he makes his calls and is known for his charitable good heart, but mostly for opening a school for the underprivileged, and open character that is willing to befriend all, but mostly eager to help. That doesn't make him gullible, however. Gullible are the ones who don't see beyond the façade Warren has thrown up, the smoke screen of kindness and generosity that is meant to hide generations of shame, sin and regrets. Warren is guilt-driven if anything, finding comfort by guarding himself so carefully, that the walls of his heart and persona have grown impenetrable. While Warren cares for others he doesn't allow anyone to care for him, nor does he have anyone to depend upon, other than the bottled comfort he finds in laudanum.
  • History
    A Roosevelt isn't granted a long life, but at least it is wealthy.

    Warren's fortune grew overnight, at age 14. It came in the form of an express notice while he was studying in Scotland, informing him of the gruesome murder of the whole of his family. It was expected, in hindsight, for the Roosenvelt fortune was grown in business before they became a gentleman's household, and were in the slave trade before transitioning into more 'acceptable' business, keeping the remaining slaves as servants with essentially the same rights.

    Too young to pursue the murder or to understand what his sudden fortune meant, Warren was placed into the care of his uncle, a military man with zealous discipline that did not approve of Warren's naturally gentle disposition. A tense relationship and upbringing followed until Warren came of age and had access to his tainted wealth. By then the man understood the grief behind the coin, each creak of the house sounding like the wail of one of the indentured servants his family had kept. Disgusted, Warren's first action as the master of the house was to grant the servants their freedom, then a choice, to either collaborate with him as business partners, or leave with a recommendation for a future employer. However, to stay meant perhaps poverty, for Warren had plans that weren't meant to be profitable.

    His childhood house, filled with happy and painful memories, filled with memories he barely understood and is disgusted by, became a school of its own, funded by the enormous wealth he had. Aimed to give everyone a shot at education, but mostly to redeem the stain that his family had left in the fabric of time. The great lands he inherited were either sold or leased, to generate some income and to keep the school running, while Warren banished himself to the attic of his former home turned school.
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  • Ondine Fear
    20 || Female || Miss​
  • Appearance
    Ondine, unfortunately, takes after her father. With strawberry blonde hair that itches more towards red in certain angles of light, and then seems perfectly blonde the next moment, and soft brown eyes. It is her nose that mostly gives her away, a little upturned, but very fine and straight, accompanied with pinkish full lips that makes her look like one of those fancy ladies of high society. The joke is often that, if Ondine could afford finer clothes and wasn't covered in flour so often and smelled of butter she could have been a hit at those balls with her fine features and straight and elegant posture.
  • Personality
    As a child Ondine was described as shy, extremely so. With her fine pretty features Ondine managed to catch quite the attention from the crowd, turning eyes wherever she went. Sweet as the pastries she sells and the scent of caramel that clings onto her, Ondine is quite a popular figure within Peony Room, where she fits right into the elegant setting with her natural good senses. However, many forget that Ondine is a lady grown already and that she knows how unfair the world can be to women in general, but especially to her mother and herself. It is, after all, hard to believe that sweet and pretty Ondine, who was once a shy girl could hide such a vixen, after all. One that knows the worth of her own chastity and beauty, and one who is aware that her beauty will be the ticket out of poverty.
  • History
    Miss Fear was known as a pretty little thing, a gentleman's daughter that turned heads at every corner and was presumed to have great prospects in life. Presumed, if miss Fear hadn't been too overly confident in her own ability and gotten herself pregnant before an engagement was even settled and announced. When the little missus was forced to name the father she named the Duke, who promptly and swiftly denied any such association. For, after all, a lady pregnant before any engagement was set was surely a lady of ill upbringing and worse breeding. It all resulted in an early disinheritance and a departure with only her dowry in hands paid out in cash, and no word from her beloved Duke.

    Nine months and some hardships later and the black mail started. A girl was born, so very pretty as well, but so very different from the mother and so alike to the Duke! And while the man could deny it still when the babe was all wrinkled and red, it soon grew more and more apparent who the other half behind Ondine's creation was, leading to financial support that still lasts today, and a firm note to stay far away from the Duke and his family and, above all, never reveal the scandal. A promise that has been kept for all these years, as Ondine grows prettier and attracts more attention, the lessons of her mother's hardships ingrained while she works an honest job in the Peony Room serving the upper class.
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  • What a TWIST
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: firejay1 and rissa

Thomas Caldwell
28 || MALE || DUKE


Thomas bears a strong, well-sculptured face that pays tribute to the venerated sculptures of the Renaissance era. His eyes are a mesmerizing royal blue framed by honey blonde brows. His character and, in turn, his essence of being are best captured by them, whether in one of his infamous smoldering gazes or contemptuous glares, the latter of which darken his eyes into the storm of a sea. He holds himself well in stature and weight, neither so tall as to mark as imposing nor so bulky as to command athletic respect. His hair fails in short, loose curls, the brown roots growing golden by the ends. The man is an impeccable dresser and has a light and easy walk, like a dancer.


To devour English society in its entirety seems to be the inexplicable nucleus of Thomas Caldwell's character. The man is infinitely unsatiated, whether in food, women, parties, alcohol, or gambling, the latter of the list having spelled the most trouble for the Caldwell name. His appetite for life's passions is the driving force behind his bullheaded recklessness. He scoffs at the notion of mortality; man is put on the Earth, he believes, to explore her deepest recesses, and his eternal restlessness has kept him from forming permanent relationships with things and people. Only his newly acquired title has managed to settle the man some, but one can only wonder for how long.

In spite of the many alarming aspects of his persona, women continued to be pulled into his honeytrap. The man is a notoriously charming man, regarded cautiously as a suave wordsmith -- both verbally and in letters. Perhaps as a result of his upbringing, Thomas endeavors to be a good host, even at the expense of his own comfort and safety. New challenges excite him unnecessarily; where there is a new, dangerous endeavor, the young lord is sure to follow...with one or two wine bottles as his companions.


Civility was a thorned restraint on the bucking young Thomas Caldwell. As an accidental birth of parents well beyond the bloom of youth, Thomas' seemingly boundless energy and wayward will was simply too much for his tired parents. Nanny after nanny tried in vein to rein in the boy's wild spirit, but to no avail. At their wit's end, Lord and Lady Caldwell finally sent their young nine year old boy to boarding school while they focused on grooming their eldest son and daughter, Philip and Philippa respectively, to take their place alongside them in society. It was the best that could be done, and for a time, Thomas was sated, the glittering new setting of boarding school lending itself to his endless pursuit of adventure.

Naturally, the adventure had an end. It came when the late Duke of Westclere died.

Thomas was sixteen when he returned to the Caldwell estate. His sister Philippa had since been married, and Philip, too, had moved out and married, having taken over the dukedom. By now, Thomas was growing into his own as a man, and his silver tongue and fetching good looks had started quite a stir amongst the young ladies of London. In addition, his artwork began to gain him notoriety amongst the city's sphere of influence. Painting portraits was a hobby he'd picked up in boarding school, and his exceptional talent for it led to him being hired by some of the most elite members of society. Buoyed by this carefree lifestyle, Thomas began to indulge in various vices, his habits growing in monstrous capacity under his aging mother's increasingly blind eyes. No one, least of all Thomas, ever expected for him to have anything to do with the family title. But when Philip suddenly fell ill and died with no heir at 37, Thomas found himself pushed into an undeserved position.


  • Thomas specializes in portrait paintings, though he occasionally dabbles in landscapes. He is rumored to paint nude subjects upon request.
  • Lord Caldwell has secretly fathered two children. One is a three year old girl with a serving maid from a nearby tavern, and the other is a seven year old boy with the Earl of Barberly's wife. Fortunately for him, the latter child looks entirely like his mother, and the Earl is none the wiser.
  • Gambling is an addiction for Thomas. It may very well be the ruin of the Caldwell name, as his elder sister fears, but fortunately for now, Thomas has impeccable skill...and luck.
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Emilie Morgaine Riebau
20 || Female || Miss


The first thing one notices about Emilie is her piercing dark eyes. They lend a potent intensity to her delicate features. Her short, wiry frame gives her a doll-like appearance. Yet, she is animated by a dynamo of inner energy that can radiate a performer's charisma, shift to unapproachable sternness, or, when directed toward her work, become a level of focus a falcon could envy.

Normally, she dresses in simple, dark clothing appropriate to a maid or governess, but she switches to flowing gowns in pastel colors when she performs at a lecture or technology exhibition. Her curly brown hair is worn in simple up-do styles to keep it out of the way.


Emilie avidly follows the latest developments in natural philosophy. Presently she has become especially bedazzled by the "air engine" patented by Robert Stirling, envisioning applications for it in everything from clockwork automatons to the experimental flying machines of George Cayley. She is equally eager to make her own contributions, even if these must be introduced under the name of the elderly gentleman she serves as an assistant, Professor William Dalrymple. She dreams of a world where machines and automatons will do the work of servants and laborers, and everyone can be elevated to live as the gentry do now.

Emilie shines in front of the mostly-male audiences who come to Professor Dalrymple's lectures and technical demonstrations, as well as the the more showy presentations of Professor Dalrymple's Cabinet of Curiosities, performed before audiences of gentry and nobility, to attract more funding for research.

Put her in a soiree or high tea with other women however, where she is supposed to join conversations about men, gossip, fashions, and children, and she becomes silent and taciturn. Inside, she feels as if she's being quietly strangled, and can barely manage the occasional "That's brilliant" or "Yes, that dress looks lovely on you, I am sure he cannot fail to notice."

Emilie is quietly terrified of entering into courtship, and especially of falling in love. The thought of being inevitably and irresistibly drawn by some irrational inner drive into a prison of childbearing, household chores, and subjugation to a man's will would keep her up at night if she allowed herself to dwell on it. Instead, she hurls herself into her work with ferocious intensity.

Lately, she has started to feel herself drawn toward radical politics, such as the abolitionist movement, and proto-feminist writers like Jeremy Bentham, the Marquis de Condorcet, and Mary Wollstonecraft. Uncomfortable with the idea of becoming some kind of political agitator or revolutionary, especially in the wake of the Reign of Terror, Emilie pins her hopes on literally building a world where women, slaves, and the laboring classes are set free by machines.


Emilie was born the second eldest daughter of a book-binder and printer, and developed a love of books from an early age. Her mother Elaine frowned on her interests, especially when they turned toward "manly" subjects like mathematics and the workings of the natural world. Her father George was more indulgent, however. For one thing, at least someone among his growing brood was interested in the family business, what with his sons all dreaming of finding adventure and glory in the wars. For another, little Emilie could produce the most heart-melting Entreaty Face in the history of Western civilization, at least if her father was to be the judge.

It wasn't long before Emilie exhausted the resources of her father's little bookshop, and took whatever free time she had to explore the national library at the British Museum, the only library that was free and open to the public. When she was nine years old, her father took in a young apprentice named Michael Faraday. He shared her interests, and helped her learn while he educated himself. Both drew particular inspiration from Conversations on Chemistry, Intended More Especially for the Female Sex, published anonymously in 1805. It was especially eye-opening for Emilie, since the book explained the science of chemistry through a dialogue between female characters, one of whom even shared her first name.

Hard times hit the family as more children were born, while her elder brothers George Jr. and Emmett both joined the army. With only her brother James at home to help run the family business, money was tight. The family started taking in laundry for washing and other odd jobs the daughters could do.

Chafing against this new drudgery, Emilie started making drawings for an improved "patent washing mill" (early washing machine) that could be powered by a treadle. The family had no money to even attempt to experiment with such things. Her mother started to scold her fiercely to forget childish flights of fancy and accept her lot. One day she'd be married, and there would always, always be washing.

Emilie's salvation came when a professor at Oxford, Professor William Dalrymple, uncle of Sir James Dalrymple, the 5th Baronet of Hailes and a Fellow of the Royal Society, came into the shop. He was seeking a laboratory and workshop assistant, and needed handbills printed. Overhearing the Professor from upstairs as he described the attributes and skills he sought, Emilie abandoned her mending, ran for her room, then came back downstairs and burst into the shop waving a sheaf of drawings she'd made. "I could be your assistant, Mr. Professor sir! I'll work hard day and night!"

"Emilie! You get back to your mending this instant!" her mother snapped. "I'm so sorry, sir!" she said to the Professor.

"Please sir?" Emilie said, holding up her drawings and giving her very best Entreaty Face. The need not to make a scene in front of such a potentially important client was the only thing that kept Elaine from giving her daughter a beating on the spot.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all," the grandfatherly gentleman said, bending down to look at the drawings with an indulgent smile on his face. The smile faded, and his brows knit together as his eyes raked over the array of wheels, gears, and belts dominated by a cylindrical drum.

"Well, what have we here?" Professor Dalrymple said.

"It's a patent mill for washing sir, with a foot treadle so that the hands are free to hold a book!" Emilie replied.

"Where did you get these? Did you make them?" Emilie nodded, curls bouncing. "Well, this is quite a thing! Though the gearing ratio between these two wheels would not offer sufficient torque to get such a drum turning if filled with water, and you'd need a flywheel to..." Professor Dalrymple began.

George Riebau knew when his wife was about to snap, and this was such a time. Before she could pull an arm back to slap some sense into her daughter and get her back to her mending, he gently pulled her away. "He adores her," he whispered. "Hit her now and we could lose his business! She'll only take up a little...of his...time..." By then the Professor and Emilie were thoroughly engrossed in a conversation about machinery, and George was having an inspiration. "What if we offered to hire her to him?"

"George, be serious! Machinery is men's work."

"Think of it though! If we can hire her out to him, we'll get at least as much as her work pays now, and we wouldn't have to feed and clothe her! She's going to start blossoming into womanhood soon. As his assistant, she'll meet young men of letters and learning, better matches than she'd find here. And just look at her. You
do want her to be happy, don't you?"

Daft as the notion was in Elaine's mind, she held her tongue as her husband went back to try to negotiate a deal.

No teacher worth their salt can resist the lure of an eager, brilliant young mind, and Professor Dalrymple was no exception. Though having a twelve year-old girl as his assistant was a bit of an irregularity, she would not be able to steal his inventions and claim credit for them as an ambitious young man might. And furthermore, perhaps feminine tenderness might be a good thing to have in an assistant, when he had one of his...lapses.

Sometimes Professor Dalrymple forgot what he was doing completely, or found himself in a room or somewhere out in the countryside without any memory of how he got there. The young girl looking up at him with adoring eyes like a granddaughter might be more...forgiving, more accepting, than some up-and-coming boy would in her place. And if "society" didn't like it, well, he was old enough to get away with ignoring a few conventions.

And so it came to pass that Emilie found herself on a coach to Oxford with an old, battered trunk stuffed with her clothes and a few beloved books that had come off the press marred in ways that made them unsaleable. As promised, she poured herself completely into her work, and into learning, day and night. As the Professor had hoped, she had nothing but compassion for him when his mind decided to stop cooperating.

Over the years, his lapses worsened and became more frequent. His inventions and publications gradually became less "his" and more hers. Yet to the outside world, it seemed that "old Dalrymple" was more brilliant (and also more eccentric) than ever.

Emilie absolutely loves her life, and it is doomed. Of course she wishes she could patent her inventions in her own name, but she loves Professor Dalrymple enough to be happy for him when he receives an accolade. His worsening condition is getting more difficult to hide. She writes his lectures and speeches for him, and comes up with subtle ways to give him cues when he loses the plot. She is not afraid to use her beauty to captivate audiences during demonstrations, and create misdirection to hide the fact that she is effectively the one in charge.

Unfortunately, it also draws the sort of attention that fills her heart with dread: interest and pursuit from young men, and the mounting social expectation that she should marry soon. She lives in fear of the day that "her" laboratory, workshop, and inventions will be taken from her, and replaced by never-ending mounds of laundry.

Augustus Barrington
25 || CIS MALE || DUKE


August is not at all an imposing man even if his title itself is. He is on the short side, nearly the average height, but still noticeably below. He has a gangly figure with fair flawless skin as evidence that he has never been in a real fight in his life. Though, there are marks on his face when he smiles, dimples, deep and charming. The man also has dark hair, the color of ink, and bright blue eyes paired with it. He is overall not bad looking at all, and because of the care put into his appearance, he is very much a dandy of a man. The most charming aspect about him aside from his dimples is his raspy voice.

Augustus Loftus Jasper Barrington the second, "please, August will do", for a duke, August is not all the most serious man for a man of his status. In fact, he is not serious at all. He's known for being quite laidback in nature, but every bit a gentleman in the process. Sometimes, a little too friendly in nature, as he is known to be very flirty and cheeky with nearly anyone eligible and even those unavailable. Though he has the nature of a man's best friend the dog, he has the intelligence of one too as he is far from the brightest. Worse than simply being a fool, he truly thinks that he is smarter than he actually is. If anything, he can act. And he is honest to a fault.

August is the first-born son of his family, but the fourth-born child of six. Because every single one of his parents' children was girl, his birth was an event worth celebrating. He was spoiled relentlessly by his family and found enjoyment in playing with his sisters more than he did others his age. However, when they learned how proud he was to illness that his mother became fiercely protective of him.

Instead of being sent to school, she had him study under several teachers. He was very sheltered except for the time his father would take him out with him. Eventually, August escaped his mother's grasp by sneaking out when he pleased and returning before she knew he was gone. He only experienced true freedom on the saddest day of his life, when he was sixteen and his father passed away due to illness.

August was set to take his place, though, he never really felt deserving or ready for it. His mother stepped in and had him follow her instructions and he would be free to do what he liked in terms of enjoying the privileges. So, quietly, he did listen to her. Though he doesn't have as much freedom over his life as he thinks he does now.

Benedict Nightingale
31 || cis male || mr.


Standing at average height, Benedict has broad proportions but has an average level of muscle, having spent most of his life without conflict or hard labor. His face is very angular from his jaw to his nose to his brow to the shape of his thick eyebrows. He has thick black hair, blue-grey almond eyes framed by long dark lashes, and pale skin. He is greatly masculine in appearance, though his demure attitude and gentle eyes give him a comforting feminine charm. His most distinctive feature is his lips, which, although thin, seem permanently reddened. He dresses plainly and more for comfort than fashion.


Possessing the virtues one would hope a vicar would have, Benedict is a kind, generous, and merciful peacemaker with good manners and good sense. Holding more strongly to the virtues God has decreed than many vicars do, he is sometimes accused of being too uptight. He is not one for large parties, liquor, or overindulgence in any other popular vice. He prefers the company of verse and his other books over that of other people.

Because he suffers from social anxiety, outside of a sermon, this often translates to him standing quietly in a corner, ignoring everyone else. This has led some people to consider him standoffish and arrogant, though he's really just internally panicking about making a good impression. Despite his unapproachable exterior, it doesn't take long to realize his good heart once you get into a conversation with him. He has no experience with romance and thus becomes easily flustered around it.


Born the third son of a gentleman, Benedict knew his chances for success weren't great without hard work. His family being devotedly Roman Catholic, he decided to pursue a career as a clergyman. He studied at the University of Oxford, becoming a deacon at a local church after graduating. When he obtained his priesthood at age 24, he began working as a curate, where he spent the great majority of his life.

Like most clergymen, he struggled to find a living, having not received one from his university and having no connections to gain one quickly. Not to mention, his being Roman Catholic made many possible patrons turn up their noses. Since most in the country were Anglican or Evangelicalists, they were also disturbed by the concept of a celibate priest, who had no firsthand knowledge of marriage or child-rearing, taking confessions from married women. His only solace was that the vicar he worked for paid him a bit more than the measly bits most curates were given, though it certainly didn't allow him to live comfortably.

When he was 28, he happened upon Warren Roosevelt, who appreciated his hard work and faith. He offered him a well-maintained living as a rector in exchange for his teaching at his school, which he accepted immediately. A year later, he met Percival Egerton, who offered him a second living to support a fellow Catholic. He now makes £1,400 annually, though he still lives rather modestly. More interested in his job and helping the poor than rubbing elbows, he has few friends.
  • What a TWIST
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Marianna Lambert
18 || FEMALE || LADY


Where her elder brother serves as their mother's reflection, Marianne is the antithesis to their maternal side. She is neither slender nor tall; standing at most at her brother's shoulder, and her figure is pleasingly plump and stout. Marianne carries on the Lambert gene of coal black eyes, round and plentifully lashed, and equally black hair. It is her crown of beauty; thick and curly, it tumbles down to her hips when loose, and she has shown little desire to have it cut any shorter. Like most high class women, Marianna's skin is pale from remaining indoors. Only a cheerful splash of natural blush colors her cheeks.


Once considered "intolerably shy" in her younger days, the Lambert's youngest child has blossomed into the paragon of a well-heeled lady. Her manners are impeccable, and her turn of phrase even more so. She takes great care in choosing her words when she is inclined to speak; her own natural reserved spirit, however, leaves her more often than not content to fade into the background of a social event and simply enjoy the association, her dislike for overt attention a thorn in her side. Like most in her family, she is guarded to a fault. Emotional sensitivity was never a strong suit of their family's, and both her late brother's death and John's scandalous behavior have raised the young lady's walls higher than ever.

To uncover the true Marianna Lambert is to finally reach the pearl within an oyster. She is wickedly clever, with a surprisingly sharp sense of humor. Despite the even-keel façade she tries to maintain, Marianna does care about a great many things. While she may not outwardly show affection, the young woman still manages to do so in discreet ways, whether through timely gifts to her friends or anonymous contributions to those in need. Her heart, while hurt, beats strong still for the plight of others, shielded though it may be. It shan't be injured again - not on her watch.


To be perfectly frank, there was never supposed to be a Marianna Lambert.

Two sons alone were enough to carry on the Lambert name, and Lord and Lady Lambert had thought themselves quite content with the size of their family. But a loving marriage birthed a peaceful home, and in the peace came carelessness; Marianna arrived ten years after Peter and John Lambert, and she was named after Lady Lambert's dearly departed mother. She was doted on to no end, none more so than from her eldest brother Peter. She was too young to fully understand his sudden illness and death, though she mourned him nonetheless. Her protector, her rock, had gone, and there was no one left to take her place.

Swiftly, things changed in her household. John, her remaining brother, had turned his back on his duties, and bringing honor to the Lambert household within the city's social circles fell upon the young Marianna's shoulders. The freedom she enjoyed as a child quickly dissipated; her entry into the life of a young noblewoman was expedited, her instruction in domestic duties, class, and regality placed as her foremost priority. She was a shy child by nature, and she often got in trouble for slipping away from family parties to her favorite reading nook, her governess' words as sharp as her pinches. Eventually, the more events she attended, the more she conformed, though her utter detest of soirees and parties has remained deeply ingrained.

Now that John has returned to London, Marianna has fallen back from some of her duties, though she will never thank her brother for that. Some resentment from his absence remains, and only time will tell if the rift between them will ever be mended.


26 || MALE || SIR[/div]


CAL.PNGStanding a good 5' 7" with a well toned build from his military training, Caleb would not appear as someone particularly remarkable. Dark hair and honey colored eyes are fairly standard too. No, this particular Irish gentleman stands out due to a large scar that covers most of the left side of his face, a token of his military service in the front lines. A token that unintentionally can make him appear quite menacing.

To someone who does not know him well, Caleb is a man of solemn poise. His angular face usually rests in polite indifference, but his eyes usually tell a different story if one dares to look closely.

This matches well with his army uniform, which is his standard public attire as he is still in active service at the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards Regiment. Caleb can be seen wearing a red jacket with blue facings and white lace, white breeches and high riding boots on most occasions, following the standard military dress code.


As a youngster, Caleb was short-fused, wouldn't hesitate to get in a fight and generally projected an attitude of independence, rebelliousness and risk. It threatened to establish the sort of reputation that would make his acceptance to high society very difficult, if not impossible. Which didn't seem to bother Caleb at all, seeing as he had managed to create a social group with some of the commoners. These were all behaviors that were, somewhat, corrected by his service in the Army. However, they still boil underneath the surface.

Nowadays Caleb appears to be the capable third son to the Earl of Kenmare, a composed and skillfull young officer of great prospect. He can be characterized as bodyguard of sorts to people he considers friends or to people that cannot defend themselves. However, if you belong in the second category, do not expect this means you are immediately friends or that it will be easier to warm up to you. He can be friendly, sure, but his private affairs are his own, to the point he bottles up emotions enough to make his short fuse even shorter.

If someone manages to get even closer to him, they will discover that Caleb isn't as composed as he seems, despite him being relaxed and practical about most stressful situations. There is constant emotional pressure from his family. Remorse for something he had no control over and his new scar make it hard to say if Caleb will be able to move forward any time soon.


Caleb is the youngest child, third son and fourth child to the Earl of Kenmare. His birth had been a joyous and tragic day for the Earl's family as his beloved wife died soon after the boy's birth, leaving the Earl alone with a 3yo daughter that would grow to be the spitting image of her mother and a baby boy that was soon blamed for his mother's demise. A baby boy that was not necessarily 'needed' as the Earl already had two more sons, aged 7 and 6 years.

Caleb was an energetic, curious and independent child. Stubborn just as much as his father, which often led to the two clashing and deepening the blame placed upon Caleb's young shoulders. It was no secret that the Earl of Kenmare loved his wife dearly and her death had left a big hole in his life. At the same time, Caleb had to navigate the high expectations and the loathing of his father, the absence of a mother and the favoritism his sister and older brothers took for granted. It led him to act up and to seek a sense of belonging elsewhere and, much to his father dismay, that was with the commoners and those of lesser repute within the circles of high society.

The chances of his son being a 'rake' increasing, the Earl of Kenmare acquired a commission with the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards for Caleb and the young man was shipped off home as a Cornet at the age of 22. At first, Caleb had been greatly angered by the situation. Despite his acting up, the boy had taken a particular interest in engineering. If anything, he had argued with his father, he should have attended the academy to join the Royal Engineers. The Earl's word was final however as his family had better connections in the Dragoon and Horse Guards than the Royal Engineers, so Caleb's prospects were much better served there.

The Dragoon Guards suited Caleb just fine, he soon discovered and he took great pleasure at better his skills as a soldier. The life suited him as he managed to find a sense of belonging, where his father's expectations and disapproval could not reach him and where his temperament, while mellowed and placed under control, served him well. Caleb's talent in horse riding had been apparent from a young age and the many hours he spend exploring the grounds and hunting at his family estate in his youth gave him the right tools to learn the job on the fly, putting him on the radar of his commanding officers relatively fast.

After an initial period of training, Caleb was shipped off to Brittany with the rest of the regiment, where he engaged the French in various skirmishes and served as a scout and a messenger. The memories are bitter sweet every time that Caleb looks back on his time there. Four years he spend abroad and in those four years he had grown as a man, had been close to death, injured, made friends and enemies alike. His reputation as a reliable soldier and his respectable attitude towards officers and privates alike made him well liked and the chances of being offered a new commission looked great.

That was until he got caught in canon fire, sustaining extensive burns and injuries, most of which healed nicely except for the burns on his face. The field surgeon had commented that Caleb had been lucky to not have lost his eye, but his vision had been effected. His ability to judge depth and to see clearly from that eye had been compromised. As such Caleb was not as effective in the battlefield anymore. Light duties could only last for so long and a solution needed to be found. His father and his Captain secured him a non-combat position in London at the Ministry for War, along with knighthood for his services particularly on that battle as he had ensured the colors were not lost.

Left to deal with the aftermath of his injuries, the loss of his friends in the Regiment and the fact he would once more step under the shadow of his father, the newly appointed Lieutenant Caleb arrived back to England as a changed man. For better or worse, only time could tell.
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Raina Somers
24 || FEMALE || LADY


At 5'8" Raina sweeps the floors in dark, decadent gowns and lace, with long black hair often worn in intricate styles and silk. Silver adorns her long neck and wrists in the form of delicate jewlery as her grandmother says it compliments her blue eyes. It always feels cold against her skin; fair and easily sunburnt.


Something about her has her mother's contempt. Raina couldn't tell you what exactly. As a child she did what she asked and presented herself as expected. Where she realized it was never going to earn her, her mother's love she also couldn't place. Now, she smiles too sharply, bares too many teeth, demands too much of the room, with a voice that is too far above meek for a gentleman's liking. She is abrasive and angry and she struggles to hold her tongue. Too jagged, too hurt, too much.

The needle of her moral compass points down the middle, straying only when the situation calls for something more than neutral and less than chaotic. She does well under stressful situations, gets irritated at inaction even when inaction is the best option, and places perhaps too much faith on her gut instinct. She should fear heights more than she actually does, perhaps she should hold more fear towards many things, but self preservation is always and unwisely pushed to the back of her mind.

Never was she much of an animal person, but birds and other avians remain the exception. She likes reading about them and in a rare moment of peace and quiet, she'll content herself with watching them. Her room is decorated in potraits and figurines of just birds. And in the corner, an empty bird cage sits.

She doesn't take too kindly to being gifted a live one.


Raina was born to the Earl and Countess of Grey and the wrong way at that. She had to have been for her hand to be smacked just for picking up a quill. Playing an instrument was even more of a nightmare. She naturally held things in the wrong hand, in the wrong way, and it made doing simple tasks that much more difficult for her if only because her mother was there to correct her and with force when needed.

Eventually she did learn to write the right way and hold the violin the way it was intended to be held. Her mother even made her play for her and her guests in front of a crackling fire. But she had two sisters and one brother that came before her, and another brother after her, so after her moment of fame, she was quickly forgotten about.

Raina excelled in many things including dancing and singing, but doing these activities out of spite only took her so far. When she read about Mademoiselle Maupin and her dueling career, her attention quickly turned toward fencing. An elegant but dangerous sport no doubt, but one she went to great lengths to learn only to further agitate her mother and strain their relationship.

The final nail in that coffin was hammered in at her debut. She arrived late, first of all, and secondly, she was twirling her violin bow while holding the body of the instrument in the reverse position. Dancing and introductions mere meant to be made, but instead she entered through the main doors of the filled ballroom and went straight to the middle of the floor. What she played was Andante, the second movement of Symphony No. 94 "Surprise", and while she played she danced. By herself. When she finished, she turned to her mother's flushed red face and took a bow before strolling right back out of the room.

In her defense her father had died not a week proir to health complications and it was her mother who had the audacity to continue with her debute as planned. (It was her older brother, the third born, who inherited the title of Earl much to the frustration of the first born daughter; family drama that Raina tries very much to stay out of.)

She would later go on to duel a gentleman in her favorite laced gown, her hair up and pretty, and winning with a thrust and lunge combo that went against the usual showmanship that was practiced. Afterall, she wasn't doing this to look pretty, she was very much going for the win. And she did win, and was awarded with the gentleman looking thoroughly humiliated. Good

Maybe one day she'll settle down with someone, pop out a kid or two, but perhaps first she would have to stop sitting on rooftops while staring down the bottom of a bottle, to the panic shouts of servents on the ground, wondering what she could have done in her youth that was so deserving of her mother's disdain.

Oh and overcome her fear of marriage. Seeing her parents in a loveless marriage has left a strong impression on her even if she came to terms with the fact marrying someone for love was a fantasy.
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