OOC Calling Cards

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The Phoenix
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My times are pretty erratic, but I try to avoid being on EST 11pm-9am.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Historical Romance.
Calling Cards

Please post all your characters in this thread. Any unrelated OoC chatter will be moved or removed. You must follow the basic CS template, but are not required to use the code provided, though you are more than welcome to. You may also make your CS as long or as short as you'd like. You must get GM approval for that character (in the form of an RP reaction) before making any posts for that character in the IC forums. Please post only one character per post.

Please note, if your character sheet says WIP on it, I will ignore it, and possibly never get to it without some serious nudging. There are no reserved spots for anything, as this is a pretty free-form realm. I will accept characters on a first-come first-serve basis, so there isn't much advantage to posting a WIP.

CS Template:

This code is a slider, and you can substitute the front pic with anything you like that suits the dimensions. I have a blue version available upon request as well.

[div=margin:auto; height: 432px; width: 610px; overflow:hidden;]
[div=margin-left: -47px; margin-right: -47px; max-width: 704px !important;][slider=704x432]{slide}[div=height: 407px; 610px; background-image:url(https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/pink-flower-frame-background-with-watercolor_65186-2566.jpg?w=996&t=st=1668718811~exp=1668719411~hmac=bda6d4ed42043cc1ac13480a7b3043ff1b5a99e68b381308ad46c14a6c8fabbe); background-size:cover; padding-top: 20%; padding-left: 20%; padding-right: 20%;][div=font-family:Petit Formal Script; color: black; font-size: 50px; text-align: center;]INSERT NAME HERE
[div=padding-top: 15px; font-family:Cormorant Upright; font-size: 16px;][b]AGE || GENDER || TITLE[/b][/div][/div][/div]{/slide}{slide}[div=height:407px; 610px; background:white; padding: 30px; color:black; overflow:auto; font-family:Marcellus;][div=display:flex; margin:auto;][div=flex:1; height:174px; background-image:url(INSERT URL HERE); background-position: center; background-size: cover;][/div][div=flex:1; margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px; height: 174px; background-image:url(INSERT URL HERE); background-position: center; background-size: cover;][/div][div=flex:1; height: 174px; background-image:url(INSERT URL HERE); background-position: center; background-size: cover;][/div][/div]

[div=padding-right: 15px; text-align:right; border-bottom: black solid 1px; padding-bottom:10px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left:20%;]A P P E A R A N C E[/div]

[div=padding-right: 15px; text-align:right; border-bottom: black solid 1px; padding-bottom:8px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left:20%;]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/div]

[div=padding-right: 15px; text-align:right; border-bottom: black solid 1px; padding-bottom:10px; margin-bottom: 7px; margin-left:20%;]H I S T O R Y[/div]
INSERT HISTORY HERE[/div]{/slide}[/slider][/div][/div]

A comprehensive list of all the characters and their various ages and statuses and direct links to each sheet are here in this link:
Courtesy of @Nemopedia and @rissa
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  • Sweet
Reactions: Nemopedia

Charlotte Dey
21 || Female || Miss Dey


Charlotte has dark hair, a rich brown color, kept fashionably curled, but modestly up behind her neck. She is generally considered to be quite pretty, with a soft, round face, and hazel brown eyes that seem to sparkle when she smiles. She tends to keep her hands folded politely in front of her, and has a careful style of movement, but is otherwise unremarkable in stature and posture. (Second picture of her above is from when she was 14.)


Charlotte sees the potential good in everyone, and wants to think well of them. She is generally quiet and goes out of her way to be kind, but is also fairly frank and straightforward with her language and observations when she feels they're useful or will be listened to. She's hardworking, very skilled with the pianoforte, and her favorite of upper society interests is the opera, though she does not get to go often. She's not the most active, besides enjoying riding, and despite her quiet attitude, she very much enjoys social activities and contact, spending much of her time around others, when possible. She does not enjoy dancing except as a means of engaging with others. She does pay attention to the latest gossip, which she mostly gets through her much louder friends who it seems more adopt her than anything else.


Charlotte is a gentleman's daughter, and the eldest of three children, a 17 year old sister, and a 10 year old brother. While her parents are acceptably well-regarded in polite society, they are not well-endowed financially, and Charlotte was not presented at court, though she was out at age 15. Her parents initially hoped that she would make a decent financial match, as they only have a small property with minimal servants for their son to inherit. While Charlotte loves her family very much, she did want to marry for love, and has not at all found that in their small town. Now that she's 6 years out, her mother seems to mostly have given up hope of her making a decent match. When her younger sister Elizabeth turned 17, however, it was decided that she was ready to be out, and their mother's aunt, a wealthy and well-connected baroness with no children of her own, decided to sponsor Elizabeth for her first season. Charlotte was sent along to chaperone and in the hopes that she'd share Elizabeth's good fortune, though the baroness has not agreed to sponsor her as generously. Unbeknownst to them all, the baroness is only interested in sponsoring Elizabeth, because she's recently been embroiled in a scandal for accusing a maid of stealing one of her necklaces, even going so far as slapping the girl, which was witnessed by a gentleman caller quite by accident, only for it to then be discovered that she'd simply misplaced the necklace.

  • Garaile Scriven
    28 || Male || Mr / esquire​
  • Appearance
    Garaile is the perfect mixture between his parents. Golden locks of hair that are as bright, warm, and full as the afternoon sun of a bright spring day with the most perfect breeze, like his mother accompanied with lips that naturally curve themselves into a smile. Paired with and inherited from his father Garaile has brown eyes, deep and dark along with a healthy complexion. His face carries on friendly, with a touch of warmth, just as his mother was known for, but the devilish charm and handsome mien are passed down from the other half of the couple that made Garaile Scriven possible. Standing lean and tall Garaile does look like a princely gentleman, hiding away a devilish personality.
  • Personality
    Where appearance-wise Garaile takes after both his parents equally his personality takes more after his father and mostly after his maternal grandmother. As a barrister he is eloquent and learned with the witticism needed as a merchant in which Garaile always has an answer ready. That doesn't make him yet his father's son, however. The prime trait that makes him a true Scriven is his cynical and misanthropic nature. Garaile operates under the assumption that everyone who surrounds him are both sillier and more debauched than he is, with worse intentions and worse natures. This distrust is further amplified as he carries his mother's amicable and fine manners along with the ability to drop a smile as soon as the back is turned and curse as soon as the door shuts. While capable of elbow-greasing and charming behaviour Garaile is a natural star when it comes down to finding out the weakest point and link and the worst insults if he so wills.
  • History
    Isabelle Thornton was considered the beauty of the West Yorkshire dukedom. From far and wide they came flocking to catch a glimpse of this beauty whose life had started out like roses growing from gold and the afternoon sun of spring welcoming the new breeze. A beauty who soon found her ruin at the hands of a man named Julen Scriven, a French merchant from Normandy. It was like the first shadow slipping into the light and deciding that it liked the warmth and stayed, planning on leaving when the sun went down if it wasn't for the Thornton brothers forcing Julen to stay around when it came known that Isabelle was pregnant with Garaile.

    Julen, a travelling merchant by origin, and Isabelle, a clerk's daughter by birth, were bound for a loveless marriage. Julen's love for freedom and hatred for the prejudice in the dukedom that existed all brought upon a deep resentment for the once lovable and cheery Isabelle, who in her own folly had given up her virtue to an undeserving man. They were stuck with one another, with Julen stuck on the shore where his only comfort was the flourish of business and wealth comparable to the fancy misters who never did a thing in life.

    Garaile's youth started in the midst of a doomed relationship of his parents, both a bit bitter and resentful to the other. The couple had been too young and silly after all when they met, and now as they grew and matured, his mother started to resent his father for his lack of social status, whereas his father resented his mother for her dependence. It made for many excuses in which they tried to stay apart from one another, with his mother indulging herself within the society she had grown up, while his father stayed overseas for periods of time to conduct business. It meant that Garaile was often left alone to his own devices, with precious little to do other than try to entertain himself. It really was no wonder that he grew up so bitter and disillusioned with both his parents and marriage in general.

    Bolstered by his mother and her family, and having seen the prejudice against merchants and his father as a foreigner, Garaile started his legal career early, first starting as an apprentice before setting off to university to attain a degree. However, even with a law profession there was a difference in class and position between those who were solicitors and the barristers and judges. Refusing to be a mere solicitor, one of the many, Garaile employed the good fortunes from his father's business. Allowing him to grease his elbows while he studied within the court and all of its jurisprudence Garaile spent seven years after wrapping up his studies and surpassed, to the surprise of anyone but himself, his more fortunately born peers to join the ranks of the gentry and become one of the few barristers in the country. A feat that turned him into a most eligible bachelor overnight and the envy of all.
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Elizabeth Dey
17 || Female || Miss


Elizabeth has a bit more of a babyface than quite her age. She has ash-brown hair, and hazel brown eyes, with small round features, and ears that stick out a little. Her eyes are a little farther apart than average, and her mouth a tad thin and wide, but she still manages to be considered acceptably pretty, though perhaps not as much as her sister.


While Elizabeth is decent at playing the quiet, polite, respectful character she knows she needs to find a match, she naturally dislikes and finds it difficult to do the whole rigmarole. Naturally, she's rambunctious and bright, but preferably solitary. She loves animals and children and climbing trees, and wants nothing more than to live a quiet life in the countryside, allowed to be whoever she wants.


Elizabeth does want to get married, but wasn't really looking forward to coming out. Her sister hasn't gotten married despite being out for years, and her parents thankfully thought Elizabeth immature enough not to want her out too quickly, but they leapt at the opportunity for their mother's aunt, a baroness, to sponsor her for the season. Elizabeth knows that with her younger brother too young to be marriageable for years to come, and her sister not long from being on the shelf, it's important she makes a good match while they have this rare opportunity.

Julia Nicholson
26 || Female || The Honorable Miss Nicholson


Julia has very straight, dark brown hair that she keeps up in a sort of matronly way, high at the back of her head with minimal decorative strands framing her face. Her face is very distinct, with strong facial lines and especially a prominent nose. She wears spectacles over her sharp, dark blue eyes unless she's doing some activity like dancing, but is quite petite. The way her long lashes frame her eyes used to have her known as quite the beauty, but that reputation has long since died along with most of her marriage prospects.


Julia is rather saucy, and knows it. She dislikes many of the conventions of polite society and is unafraid to express that opinion loudly. It's important to her to keep her body active, but even more so her mind, which she's constantly pushing to learn more. While maintaining a strong, and perhaps almost even rude persona in front of most of her peers with her stinging wit, she's very gentle with those she sees as vulnerable, and doesn't hesitate to lower herself to help others. She gets angry and frustrated easily and cries easily when overwhelmed with emotion, but far be it from her to be vulnerable with others when feeling emotional. She relies on herself as much as possible.


As the eldest daughter of a viscount, considered quite accomplished for her education, known to dance very gracefully, and possessing a very decent dowry, Julia knows she would've been considered quite the catch if it weren't for her personality, which her mother has tried (and failed) to beat out of her since she was a kid. At 26, she's well on the shelf and utterly unapologetic about it. Most of the men who approach her now assume she's desperate, she's quite certain, but she's much more interested in finding books and writing treatises condemning the treatment of the poor and becoming far more educated than she ought to be. She fights with her mother constantly, and is not on speaking terms with her father, but gets along well with her younger siblings, even her eldest younger brother, who's only 18.

Front image downloaded from Vecteezy.
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Daniel Wellington
28 || Male || Lord

Daniel has quite red hair, that's rather fine and naturally curly with quite long sideburns. He has pale skin and light blue eyes as well, but is tall and quite broad. He has a slightly narrow nose, but is otherwise fairly standard in appearance.


For all the craziness that characterizes most of his family, Daniel is quite a normal, and perhaps even slightly subdued person. He has a strong sense of his own duty and is very responsible, but is more anxious than stuffy about it. He considers himself to be boring, generally; his favorite leisure activity being reading and drinking a little. He's a very practical person, and his only real qualifications for a future wife, which he's growing increasingly concerned to get, is for her to be kind.


Daniel is the eldest son of Baron Wellington. His parents were married as part of a love match, but this has worked out poorly for them all, because he has a large number of siblings, and their financial means have fallen over the years. He's been very concerned since returning from university about getting his sisters out and properly situated, but now that his youngest sister Eloise is out, he's very concerned with his own marriage.

Averill Trevelyan
23 || Male || Viscount Trevelyan


Avery, as he's usually known by his friends, has straight black hair with a slight tan, and delicate eyebrows and limbs. The most striking of his features he received from his mother - piercing grey eyes which sometimes seem like they can see straight through someone. This overall gives him a slightly feminine aspect to his looks, but a number of his features are much more like his father's, which include a long, straight nose, a rounded face shape with high cheek bones, and a straight, manly mouth. He is average height and skinny in a strong way, not lanky or awkward in his body. He does not have much in the way of sideburns, and keeps his hair on the longer side, just long enough to clip back when he's working on something.


Avery is quiet and careful, having taken a lot of influences from his mother. While he's very clever and does have a genuine care for other people, especially disliking seeing people take advantage of the vulnerable, he does not care much for intimate relationships with others, and keeps a distance from most everyone, not wanting to be too closely associated with or dragged into unwanted situations by others. He loves the difficult and impossible, but also is constantly learning new skills, so fewer and fewer things really feel like a challenge to him. People or things that can manage to shock or excite him instantly gain his approval, and he is constantly searching for interesting things to do, learn, or think about. While it may be difficult to excite him, Avery also has a broad sense of humor, and many things amuse him, despite the fact that his own jokes are woefully dry.


Avery is the only child and son of the 4th Earl of Dorset, Lysander Trevelyan. His father being the only son of his family (with one younger sister), was mild-mannered and considered an excellent prospect when he first arrived on the social scene for not having a single scandal against him, though not many people seemed to remember much about him during university. It was thus to everyone's shock when he suddenly proposed to and married a famous prostitute who some minor gentry claimed had blackmailed them. Though the scandal has since died down, especially when it became increasingly clear that the new Countess of Dorset melded perfectly into high society and was not at all pregnant when they got married, Avery still gets a little bit of a side-eye among his peers and the women who've started paying attention to him as the future Earl. While he has the perfect gentlemanly manners, no one from school can really say they know him intimately, and with lack of any particular recommendations, some suspect there's a bit more of his mother's past somewhere there. While he's managed to avoid any serious rumors of this, those suspicions are actually correct. Avery actually spends a lot of time in commoner's spaces in disguise, and is a close personal friend of a man running a prostitution house, and several bow street runners, unbeknownst to them.

Christopher Willoughby
28 || Male || Mr.

Christopher has thick, wavy, dark brown hair, and the classic gentleman's look, with decent sideburns, a strong jaw, and excellent posture. He's a little taller than average, but not by much, and is quite a bit more muscular than the other gentlemen he knows. His eyes are on the smaller side and very dark brown, but have a gentle light to them.


While strict about maintaining his own good manners and distant with most women who approach him, Christopher is generous, especially to his sisters, and boisterous with his friends, loving good company and a decent joke, though not at the expense of others. He has a hearty appreciation for painted art and a fine whiskey, but finds everything else without utility to be irritatingly frivolous, though he'll keep that opinion to himself to get along with company. He also has a keen eye for horses. He despises gambling.


Christopher is the second of five children, with three very young sisters, all less than ten years old. As originally the second son of a quite wealthy gentleman with extensive lands, he went into the navy and rose to the rank of Lieutenant. As the navy was a life-long career for the most part, he was fully expecting to continue there for the rest of his life, finding a wife if it suited him, but instead his father and older brother died of an illness two years ago, and he was left to inherit the property. He came home to run the land and take care of his mother and sisters, and now receives almost 10,000 pounds a year. Now that he's out of the navy, it's taken him a bit to get used to life as a relatively idle member of the elite, but he has made many good friends in the time since. He knows he's a wealthy prospect, helped along in reputation by his status from the navy, but really only wants to find a woman who will be kind to his sisters and not turn them out if they have a son.

Estelle Prince
18 || Female || Miss Prince


Estelle takes after her mother, with golden-blonde hair that is fine, thin, and very light. She despises the current hair fashions, since it's nearly impossible to get her hair to curl well, and has fully embraced keeping her hair down and uncurled, if occasionally pinned back. She's gotten away with it this far, though most of the other proper ladies see it as somewhat loose, and considering the circumstances of her birth, she's had to fend off a few men who think so as well and try to touch her hair without her permission. She has fairly large, piercing blue eyes, with a slender, but strong figure, a bit unfashionably tall. Both her mother and she are not very curvaceous. She has delicate facial features with a small nose, and her skin is moderately pale.


Estelle is adaptable and unusually calm in crisis situations. She loves learning, and physical pursuits like swimming and riding horses, but doesn't much care for most of the rest of high society, preferring to be loud and open with the people she likes, and disregarding and largely ignoring those she doesn't. She has a bit of a sharp tongue, dislikes gossip, and is extremely loyal to her few close friends.


Estelle's parents were family friends growing up, with her father, Harold Prince, only a few years older than her mother. Her mother's parents were not particularly wealthy, and her father, though a fairly strong man in his youth, had found his sight rapidly deteriorating for some unknown reason by the time Estelle's mother Nadia was a teenager, so she grew up mostly trying to take care of her parents. Nadia was out by the age of fourteen, but her concern with her own family, and her large disinterest in marrying anyone she didn't love left her on the marriage market until she was 19, when she was saved from thugs by a commoner. She spent the night with him, but realized what a mistake she'd made when she woke up in a strange room, with him nowhere in sight. When it was discovered she was pregnant a few weeks later, Harold proposed to her, and they got married hastily through special license in a private ceremony most no one was invited to. Though no one outside of Estelle's grandfather, mother, and father know the true circumstances of her birth, rumors swirled through the small town they live near considering how quickly she was born after the marriage and the haste of the marriage itself. This is not at all helped by the fact that she looks nothing like Harold, who has dark hair and eyes. While Estelle herself knows the truth, she's always regarded Harold as her true father, and was raised in a loving, warm home. Her two younger brothers are very protective of her, and she of them, and while she's been out for two years at this point, she has no real interest in getting married at all, disliking many of the men she's met up till now, and knowing her brothers will take care of her as long as they're around.

  • Melinda Wellington
    21 || Female || Miss​
  • Appearance
    With parents that are opposites of each other in appearance, one tall and dark, the other short and a redhead, Melinda has quite an unlucky draw. Her most notable trait is her lack of height, standing so short that she is often still mistaken for a child, often even mistaken for the youngest, Eloise. To make matters worse, Melinda can't even be called a great beauty, or adorable, what with her naturally sullen looks and dark colouring that more often than not make her look like a funeral doll instead, or a sickly child. A little creepy, with light brown eyes that seem a bit too large and deeply set in her face, with a bush of dark hair that never really likes to manage itself.
  • Personality
    Outwardly Melinda is, by all means, a lady of fine birth. Eager to please her parents and to set a good example for society and siblings, Melinda tries her best to emulate the good manners and virtuosity that a lady of her rank is expected to have. Yet, the truth is more complex and so is keeping up the façade. The etiquette taught to her only runs skin deep, for everything below, badly concealed and easily triggered is a lady who readily gives her opinion and speaks frankly, whether that utter truth is wanted or not. Some may consider Melinda abrasive, for she doesn't shy away from conversation and heated discussions, even if they involve unbecoming topics such as politics and is eager to consider anyone of bad breeding who doesn't see eye to eye with her. The truth is, however, that Melinda is a lady that is trying to cover up her own perceived shortcomings, whether it is because she is actually short, or because she never felt like she could compare to her peers. There is a lot for Melinda to catch up on and she is determined to chase after this form of 'perfection' within her mind.
  • History
    The reminder that 'one day' Melinda might catch up with the rest was a constant throughout her life. From birth on there was always a shortcoming in Melinda, whether it was because she was actually short and seemed unable to gain the pounds needed to go into the height, or because she was just a slower student compared to her peers and older siblings. It wasn't said so explicitly, but it was always perceived, and though left unsaid, Melinda has the eyes to see and the good sense to compare. She knew her fingers were too impatient to really cover the beats of the piano-forte, making every piece rushed, whilst her grip was too tight to put the right tension in her embroidery. Her only solace is that she is a fine dancer, her small and lithe build making her a deft dancer with a lighter step to accompany with, but only dance isn't enough to make a virtuous lady.

    Her time before debut was a carefree time, filled with the lessons she was meant to attend to craft a fine lady, and filled with her trying to evade her governess when they were out of lessons, or playing tag with her siblings as she stole the ribbons out of the hair of her sisters, or crashing in on the Latin lessons of her brothers. Occasionally she would fight someone if they called her short, or if someone dared to point out how she fits into Eloise's clothes. Melinda's childhood was one of few worries and the confidence that she could outrun everyone on her legs, even if she couldn't outdo or outgrow them.

    But now that she is out in society and nearly on the shelf Melinda worries as much as she struggles, trying to fit into a pair of shoes that are too big for her in a world that wants her to be more in almost everything. It is all that is needed to bluster out the fire she held as a child.
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  • Frederick Wellington

    23 || Male || Mr.​
  • Appearance
    Red seems to run through the male line through his mother. Frederick, like his older brother Daniel, is a redhead, though of a darker copper colour than the vibrant red his brother is known for and of the type that can be easily mistaken for a brunet. Not that he minds, being a redhead means standing out too much and Frederick is perfectly fine with not standing out. Yet one can't call him plain-featured like one would describe his sister Melinda, though that isn't necessarily to say that he is handsome, neither exceedingly hideous. One could describe him as odd-looking, tall and lanky, but still somehow looking like he doesn't fit within the frame that God bestowed upon him. At one hand looking like he could shrink, but yet at the same time much more imposing physically than his whole demeanour screams, and in overall so very disconnected, as if his feet aren't his own, and the legs on which he stands were taken from another as well. Clumsy would be a kind word to describe his awkward movements and his overall command over his body.
  • Personality
    A man of mellow personality compared to the vibrant bouquet of sisters he has, Frederick is very much a man influenced by all of the ladies in his house. A passionate lover like his mother is, yet too afraid to fully give himself over like his mother has done for fear of losing himself. Confident in his own knowledge of the world like Melinda is, yet unwilling to take a full stand in case he might offend someone, or worse, attract the sort of crowd that might harm his disposition. Frederick is known as the gentle brother of the sisters who likes a good joke and a tease, but only is so willing to do so with his sisters whom he considers his closest relation, but also the greatest examples of what he does not want for a wife. A forever fatigued second son of Baron Wellington who is, as time passes by, considering a career in the church if it means seclusion and solitude, yet is unable to commit himself as a clergy caused by a strong wanderlust instilled within him.
  • History
    As a second son Frederick knows that he isn't set out to inherit the title, a fact he is quite fine with as he doesn't enjoy the attention that comes with. It does mean, however, that Frederick has to tire himself with an occupation of sorts, to ensure his own upkeep, and that of the future, and to expand on the wealth of the family in overall. Fortunately the man has shown himself to be a smart, though vain, investor, thus saving him from entering the military. Inspired by his sister's vanity and jokes where they put snails on each other in a claim for beauty, Frederick has launched himself in the business of invention, or rather, selling, but that's for those outside of the gentry. Professing himself as an intellectual, and with several medical courses from university under his belt, Frederick spends most of his time thinking up concoctions that are said to make one's hair fuller, smell better, or grow faster, amongst many other things. Not a true doctor, but a beautician, is what he calls himself, which is also what he uses to draw in the funds needed to make his exotic travels around the world in search for more beauty secrets.

    With a childhood filled with books like Robinson Crusoe, instead of reading his required reading and studying his Latin, Frederick grew up with a head full of tales and a longing for adventure. It was part of the reasons why he didn't mind spending long hours outside with Melinda, chasing after each other in the fields and climbing in trees and behaving unbecomingly. It was part of the reason why he grew so attached to Eloise later, as she was always in for an adventure. But the world soon grew boring and weary, and above all, vain. Prestige, demeanour, appearance, watching his sisters put snail and mud on their skin after a claim that it would improve their skin, it all seemed rather repulsive to the growing Frederick who wanted nothing more but just a quiet place to retreat to and a world to explore. A good thing that he has a business-like mind, for his sisters served as his greatest inspirations for what he was to do with his own part of the inheritance.
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  • Eloise Wellington
    16 || Female || Miss​
  • Appearance
    If there is one lamentation Eloise has, it is the fact that she didn't inherit the fiery red hair of her mother. She has dark hair instead, long, thick and wavy, that is perfectly manageable and allows itself to be curled and styled in all sorts of ways. At least she got the bright blue eyes to accompany, which stands out even more in its pale colour against the dark contrast of her hair. She is, however (and much to her sister's Melinda's chagrin) tall, with a straight and fine posture that makes her often appear more mature than she actually is. It is perhaps Eloise's favourite part of herself, to be so tall compared to (some) of her sisters, though it does make it harder to find a suitable dancing partner on which she doesn't have to look down on.
  • Personality
    Eloise is alike to her sisters and yet unalike. Opinionated like Melinda, but more cleverly outspoken instead of the sharp brashness the older sister is known for. Mischievous like Penelope but in a more deft way that none would ever suspect her. Proud like Euphemia, though only insofar in regards to arts and literature and not so much about beauty. Eloise is, despite not yet formally introduced, known for her witty and good humoured remarks and her devious mischief and indomitable will to get to the bottom of everything she encounters, story, item and person alike. A restless spirit like her brother Frederick, yet not as repulsed by society and social manners as her brother tends to be, though, unlike Daniel, unwilling to compromise to just a nice wife. Eloise is true as they come for the youngest, ready to grab and hold onto all and everything she can and more.
  • History
    The single injustice in this world that Eloise has encountered in her young life is the fact that she wasn't allowed to attend the balls her siblings did. The pretty dresses they wore, the fuss they made doing their hair prettily up and the fancy cards on which names were recorded. Eloise was ready to engage with that world after a lifetime of being babied and distressed governesses that didn't like her idea of 'fun'.

    Though aware of the duties of her siblings, and herself, as the children of a waning baron who only hold a title, but little money, though aware of the fact that striking a match out of love did them no favours whatsoever, Eloise is determined to let all of her parents' mistakes her parents' and the responsibilities that comes with it her siblings. In fact, Eloise would be willing to marry well below her social class if it means that she can have both love and adventure. A feat she thought shouldn't be so hard once it is finally her turn to engage with the mass and try to settle down. After all, if they were considered 'poor' there must be plenty of wealthy prospects outside, not? Oh, and they have to be taller.

    So Eloise thought as she starts her journey as a debutante.
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Fitzwilliam Wellington
48 || MAN || BARON


Extraordinarily tall, honey brown eyes, hair as dark as coal peppered with grey. Quite handsome even now in his older years, though slightly more portly than he would like.


If you judged a man by the look on his face, you would assume he was all unamused contempt. The Baron does not seem to know how to smile even in polite company. He can't stand parties and all of this frivolous dancing about. Behind closed doors and with the company of his family, he is a warm father with a gentle touch. He is just a bit stressed, you see, and for good reason! Damn his beautiful wife for being so irresistible, for now he has more children than he knows what to do with and a family fortune to rebuild.


Young Fitzwilliam knew he would one day have to take his place as heir to the family lands and title, and he accepted this duty with grace and a great deal of respect for this responsibility. He even accepted the betrothed bride his parents had chosen for him before he'd even knew what girls were all about.

Then he met Joanna and the world turned upside down.

Oh, he tried to resist at first. To stick to the plan his parents had made for him. Yet the better he got to know Joanna, the more he knew this was the woman he wanted to be his wife. His parents were FURIOUS. The family of his betrothed bride even MORE furious! They created such a scandal it's all everyone talked about for two seasons. Fitzwilliam got his lady love in the end, though!

Upon the death of his father, Fitzwilliam discovered just why that betrothal was such a big deal. The departed Baron had a severe gambling addiction and their family fortune had been severely depleted. His betrothal would have brought in a huge fortune. If Fitzwilliam had known this, he might not have had so many damn children!

In the present, their fortune is... stable. His father's debts have been paid. Fitzwilliam is doing everything he can to make sure every single one of his daffy daughter's has a proper dowry, and that his sons at least try to marry a woman of means. In the mean time he hopes to expand potential business prospects so that he doesn't leave his sons destitute.
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Joanna Wellington


The tiniest creature, flaming red hair with a streak of grey at her temple, blue eyes. A wicked pixie look so reminiscent of some otherworldly fae, one might think she actually is fae.


Joyous day! A woman that delights in social situations, the gossip game, being directly involved and meddling in anything she can dip her fingers into. In her youth she was quite the problem, as when Joanna wants something she gets it. These days she has put all of that energy into her children and making sure they get only the best life has to offer.


Joanna came from a country family with little fame or fortune. No giant scandals, no notoriety, no titles, nothing of interest to offer anyone. On her coming out, Joanna wasn't even the most beautiful - having to compete with a whole generation of pretty girls with hefty pocketbooks. But Joanna was clever! The moment she spoke to Fitzwilliam, she knew he was the man for her. Love at first sight! Unfortunately he was betrothed to another. Did that stop her? Absolutely not! Thus began a campaign of wooing, of always being in the right place at the right time, of being charming and making sure her competition was otherwise distracted elsewhere. And Joanna did indeed get her man.

Married life has been good to Joanna. Perhaps a little too good, as she and Fitzwilliam can't seem to keep their hands off each other long enough to take a breath. She has so many children now that her life is constantly busy! Raising babies, plotting their futures and hopefully plotting for grandchildren!
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Penelope Wellington
18 || Female || Miss


Vivacious redhead. Not the shortest of her sisters, but not the smallest either. With freckled skin and bright blue eyes, she makes a fetching young lady. She is so lovely, one has to wonder why this girl isn't already engaged to be married.


A feather-headed dingdong is what an impolite person might describe Miss Penelope as. Wrapped up in wild frivolous nonsense, Penelope's only interests seem to be in gossip and seeking out new experiences. She does quite a bit of flirting that borders on inappropriate, but seems to have no interest in marriage what-so-ever. Truthfully, she is just as sharp as the rest of her family, she just finds it easier to pretend to be a dummy. Penelope has deep romantic inclinations at heart, yet doesn't believe "a good match" is possible in this dull society and often imagines herself running away with someone exciting and dangerous! Penelope has a great deal of book smarts and intelligence, but not a speck of common sense.


Penelope is a middle child, and as a middle child she is often forgotten about if she doesn't make her presence known. And does she ever! She finds herself so frequently bored, that it's preferable to cause a little trouble in one way or another for some excitement and entertainment. That might be in causing grief for her family, or weaving wicked society gossip. The idea of finding her perfect marital match had been fun the first season, but now she's over all of this predictability and sameness. Go to a party, dance, have polite conversation, repeat, repeat, repeat.

For once Penelope would like something new and different and exciting to happen. She is about ready to cause a great stir herself just to shake things up.
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Caroline Annesley
20 || Female || Marchioness / Lady


Although Caroline was quite tall for an asian, standing at around five feet and two inches, she was not considered so amongst her western peers. Her skin, which would have been dubbed as fair should she still live in Malacca, was considered tan, the warm undertone making her look a little more yellow than what they are used to. Her waist length hair, which mimicked the colour of Raven, was always neatly tied in a bun, making her look exasperatingly stuffy, a reflection of her character. Her large onyx coloured irises was prominent, framed by an upturned, shaped eyes, which added to her youthful look.


Caroline was in all honesty, not as stuffy as she looked. Acting with utmost decorum was simply ingrained, or rather, beaten into her by her old governess and step mother. Not that she held any grudge. After all, the lessons she learnt turned out to be her saving grace. Her amiable marriage with her late husband was only possible because propriety never allowed her to overstep her boundaries. It was but just another tool for survival.

Yet, she possessed a childlike innocence that would randomly show. The overimaginative mind, irrational thoughts, and sporadic outbursts of emotions pointed to nothing but the fact that she was still young.


Caroline had yet to enter society officially. When her father hauled her from Malacca, she was confined in their estate, forced to sit through hours of etiquette lessons and honing the craft of feminine hobbies, all for the sake of selling her off to the highest bidder.Her hands and calves would throb terribly when the day ended, as she crawled into a bed at the servants' quarters, bags under her eyes.

Few years later, she was married off to Marquess Annesley, a promise made when they turned to him for help in clearing off the debt of the barony. Annesley surprisingly agreed to the proposition, for she had not a penny on her head.

During the time they were together, they lived harmoniously. While he was the decision maker between them both, he never forced her to do anything she she found uncomfortable. He was the anchor that helped her stand on her own two feet. And while there may not have been love between them, She was eternally grateful to him.

The day their firstborn and heir turned three months old, Annesley passed away after battling his lifelong illness at 45.. News reached her power hungry in-laws and her money grabbing father, all whom wished to rob then of the fortune Arthur Annesley left behind, making her determined to leave for the capital during the social season to look for someone that could help fend off the pests, until her son was old enough to inherit the title.
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Euphemia Wellington


Euphemia is but a flower with a weak stem, though her slender body could stand taller, her slouching often makes her seem smaller and more fragile. She rarely smiles, the pale, freckled skin of her face often set still by intense thought, dark brown eyes often downcast and bordered by heavy lashes. Her fiery hair falls around her face in loose waves, often heavily scented with flowery oils or the remnants of whatever new, exotic beauty trend she has fallen for. Her hair refuses to be properly styled on most days, but she tries to make up for it with her extensive collection of accessories, ranging from barrettes, to ribbons, to flowers or any other sort of shiny ornaments.


Euphemia, affectionately known as Euphie by family and close friends, is a lovely piece of art on legs, soft everywhere that it counts and looking oh-so-demure as she averts her eyes from scandalous social situations... Now, if only she had any interest in fulfilling her parents wishes and finding herself a good partner! Euphie is far more obsessed with preening, falling for conmen and women every other week and spending her pocket money on snake oil that will most definitely keep her as beautiful as her art. She is motivated only by the pursuit of true beauty, one that is not necessarily for the masses, spending much of her free time touching up her appearance and engaging in the creation of paintings and sketches. The only thing that seems to interest her about other people is whether she finds them beautiful by her own standards, which seem to change each month. If you catch her eye, good luck. She'll be trying to rope you into modeling for her for the next few weeks.


If Euphemia stood out for anything, it was always her lack of engagement in anything that did not interest her. Yes, she would dress up and assure that she was prim and proper for every ball and party she was slated to attend, but did she ever truly socialize? Absolutely not. Each social outing was just another way to search for her new muse and share her art (aka her face) with those around her. She has always left the more intense social networking to her siblings, much more interested in hearing about Frederick's travels, being pranked by Melinda (which she actually does not mind much) and watching Penelope cause trouble.

Augusta Dowding
20 || CIS - FEMALE || MISS

Rumors would say that Augusta Priscilla Dowding is a monstrous, witch of a woman hidden away for good reason. But that simply isn't true. The only flaw the young woman carries on her body is the scars on her eyes from a traumatic incident. She is a medium height woman, with darker skin than the people who surround her, but resembles her maternal family. Her hair is big and full of curly ringlets, usually free and out at home but pulled into a neat curly little bun when out. She is slender, but not unhealthy in size, and has more curves than the women like her father. Her eyes are soft and light brown and her lips are full. She is a beauty, but most would deny it due to her actions and heritage.

Wicked and mean. Or so that is the persona she portrays. Augusta does not trust anyone outside of her household, and she makes that very clear with every biting remark and disapproving look. She pushes others away by poking and pulling at their weaknesses until they unravel. She keeps the decorum in public spaces but purposefully acts out in private. It has gained her the title of the witch.

Those who somehow have grown close enough to her realize that that thought she can be quite sassy with her responses, she is also very kind and affectionate. While she has just as much pride as others in high society, she struggles even more to keep it. She is smart, and she is adventure-seeking, but she is also very aware of all the eyes on her.

Augusta is the daughter of an ex-slave. It is an open secret, one that she and everyone else around her are aware of. Her mother's name was Hannah and she served her father's close friend. But, while he was staying with said friend, they fell for one another and he took haste in buying Hannah her off him and freeing her after. Though they were not on the same social level, as he was a viscount, and she was of another race, a "crude" race he married her still and cared for and loved her as any man would his wife.

Unfortunately, Hannah died giving birth to Augusta. Her death broke his heart, but watching Augusta grow in their home helped to heal it. She still struggled growing up, often excluded from society get-togethers and parties as a child. For a long time, she was lonely and spent most of her days with her governess and in the garden, her father had built for her. The man was her favorite person in the world.

Then she lost her father when she was 14. He went on a trip as he often did, but never came back, declared lost at sea. She became the ward of her uncle. Her father had not left her with nothing, however, leaving her a big dowry and even writing her into his will. It proved to be not as sweet a gift as she had been kidnapped once at 16 by a man who tried to force her into marriage for her wealth. Though she was rescued she had been quite literally scarred.

Since she turned 17 she has been the target of many gold-digging suitors and her uncle keeps trying to marry her off. She has spread horrible rumors about herself to deter these men. It frustrates her uncle, but it works in her favor.
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Percival Egerton

Percy, called by his colleagues, and called Callum by his closest companions, is an imposing figure of a man. He is tall, and slender, with broad shoulders. Beneath his clothing is a frame that has marked by the battles and hardships he's endured. And continues to stay fit to face any peril at the drop of a hat. His skin is pale and his eyes are grey with dark circles due to lack of sleep and long eyelashes. His face is distinct with a prominent nose, sharp jaw, and defined cheekbones. His standout feature is his dark red hair. Despite his dark figure, always dressed in black, and one eye covered by an eyepatch giving him a frightening image, he is undeniably handsome. But the dangerous kind.

Baron Egerton is as menacing as he appears but in no way a gloomy gentleman like the way he dresses (all black, with a splash of color). He is known to be a gentleman with a cunning smile and flair for dramatics. He is often the life of the party, with many magnetizing toward him and his charismatic nature. But he is not to be trusted, as he uses those around him for his own purpose. He feels no remorse as he secretly harbors a great distaste for the British.

William is a lonely man, though he would never admit it. He fills the void by seeking revenge against the very people he lives amongst instead of seeking out the very love and affection he desires. He is resistant to letting anyone get close to him, shutting them out as soon as they make any progress. In many ways, he is rather childish stubborn, and petty, but also in positive ways shy and unexpectedly sweet in subtle ways.

Percival William Egerton was not born with that name. He was born Callum Eoghan James Walsh, son of an Irish lord who was killed after the rebellion of 1798. He remembers his childhood in Ireland vividly, spending most of his time on the land his father looked after, playing with the horses and children his age. Only as their conditions worsened did he take notice of the strain their people were under and the plans that his father was secretly making against the British.

It was only after he had a bad run-in with British soldiers that he defended a man whose house possessed weapons. His step-in led to him being flogged alongside him. He was only not arrested because of his Anglo-Irish stepfather, a Baron intervened. When learning of this incident, his father let him join them in the fight. However, the rebellion was a bloodbath as plans for it had been reported to the British. His father made sure his son was not caught or killed by British soldiers, hiding him well, and he was only able to leave after the executions took place and the soldiers had moved on to subdue battles elsewhere.

Percival reported the news to his mother who, being the strong woman she was, immediately took precautions. She sent Percy and his younger siblings to stay with his step-grandfather. The man took them in, legally adopting them and changing their names, the moment he heard that their mother was arrested for aiding in the rebellion. He had their names changed and sent them to stay in France to study and sit out the worst of things.

It was only after his son died, that he brought them back and announced Percy his heir. And on his deathbed, only then did he confess he was among the people to reveal the plans of the rebellion to the Crown, further solidifying his hatred of the British.
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Alexander Dean
21 || Male || Mr.


Short blonde hair the colour of straw. A strong back, and a firm gaze. Alexander is the model apperance of a young military man with a chip on his shoulder and a spring in his step. Alexander has always carried himself firmly under the weight of his family's expectations, and carries with him that burden wherever he goes. Despite this however, the man's gait is that of stubborn middle-youth- the shreds of optimism that have survived the fires of battle still temper his voice; and the glimmer of ambition still burns brightly in his eyes.


Alexander has served in the navy for almost half his life. It has grown to define him almost as much as legacy that pushed him into it in the first place. Orders are orders, and Alexander is a firm believer in the Law and the authority figures that command it. When push comes to shove, he's the first one to question the proper channels, to rely on authorities and to fall in line based on rank. While this does present as a prefrence for rigid thinking and stubborness when it comes to problem solving, it also has presented Alex with a greater deal of mental resilience; so long as he has some thin confidence in a greater plan, he's able to tolerate plenty of emotional stress. It's perhaps naive, but his optimism offers a surprising well of confidence that others can find themselves rallying around. While not at all trained in the finer arts of diplomacy and state, there's far worse men to have at your side when the cannons ring and steel echoes across the waves.


Born to Hudson Dean, lifetime marine and Lieutenant in the royal navy, Alexander's legacy has always been one of sea and sail. With his older brother treading waves in the navy already, Alexander has always been pushed to prove himself. Yet, the man's service record is one of misfortune. Despite a string of successful services first as Steward to Christopher Willoughby, and then as a midshipman in his own right, it always seemed like something was holding him back in his quest to become a Lieutenant like his brother and father before him. With both of them having made political moves in their own right in order to secure their stations, it often fell to Alexander to suffer the wrath of his family's enemies. Criticisms often face greater scrutiny, and he has been denied the rank of Lieutenant after attempting to take the exam twice; the first may have been a matter of merit, but the man is confidence the second was simply a matter of rigged referees. Despite the upward climb, Alexander remains steadfast in his otherwise firm service record and confidence that the Navy surely must recognize his talents eventually, regardless of the political capital stacked against him.

Not all of his family sees the same lights however, and at the urging of his brother, Alexander has set out to create more affluent and influential political connections, taking leave from the navy in order to gain contacts and allies among the elite. Once his leave is up, it will be time to return to the waves once more, and his efforts on dry land may be the only thing that can help him get the commission that he so dreams of.
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