OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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Chapter 2 - It's only getting worse . . .

After everyone safely returned to their respective factions, things were taking a good turn. More anomalies had been located and "rescued" from the harsh environments, and progress had finally been made towards getting these people home.

However, things were only continuing to worsen for Earth and it's inhabitants...

  • Washington DC
    GDA Headquarters
    3 Hours Later...

    With the teams safely arriving at base, Jack Granger welcomed them in with a worried face. Around the office, soldiers, technicians, military brass and other noteworthy officers were scrambling around in panic, assigning orders to each other.

    "Thank you for coming, but I'm afraid time is of the essence. Not long after your pilots made the call back, we encountered a new problem."

    Pulling up footage on one of the central monitors, everyone would bear witness to an array of satellites firing towards unknown objects in space. One shot connected, but split it into several fragments that descended towards the surface. The screen then flashed a news reporter:

    "Fifhteen Thirty Seven, Eastern Standard Time, Thirty Nine Alien Spacecrafts crashed into Red Zones on every continent. While the purpose of these crafts are unknown, there's no mystery about their intentions."

    The footage then cut to these crafts deploying across several locations filled with Green Tiberium Crystals, coating the landing zones in dust. Once the dust started to evaporate, large alien towers were in their place:


    These started spilling out various alien bug like creatures and advanced spacecrafts that are akin to fighter jets. More footage then began appearing which showcased their intentions.


    Cities were under siege as these crafts initiated bombing runs on populated city centres; advanced spaceships floating above even the tallest skyscrapers as various bugs assaulted the populace; killing anything and everyone in their path.

    Granger then looked towards the party with a face of stoic worry, and professionalism as his assistant; Sasha, pulled up another terminal which revealed an encrypted communication.


    "I'd like to introduce you all to our best field commander. Unfortunately in order to protect him, his name, location and related information are extremely classified."
    "Good to meet you all. I look forward to working with you as we deal with these invaders. What do you have to tell me, sir?"

    "What I'm about to tell you all is highly classified information. In 2028 GDI confiscated an artefact from Nod that was clearly not of this Earth. They called it the Tactitus. All we know from our decryptions so far was that it contained a warning of a potential alien invasion. The connection between it and the beginning of the Continuum Cataclysm is barely a coincidence. These invaders have struck every Blue and Yellow zone across Earth, using Red Zones as their bases of operation. Even Nod were not able to mount a counter offensive against them. We have reports that the Japanese are holding their own, but they will not last long on their own."

    Granger then turned to the Commander.

    "Which means the burden falls entirely on us. Which is why, I'm giving you all the worst mission on the board; Germany. I'm not going to mince words, the situation is extremely dire. But you're the best we've got. Special Agent Nova will give you what you need to know."

    A woman then entered the room. Equipped in a futuristic infiltration suit and visor, with a sniper rifle of some sort strapped to her back, she introduced herself to the group.


    "Our mission is in Germany, specifically in a place called Munich. According to our intel, Munich was the first Yellow Zone to be converted to a Blue Zone thanks to GDA's research into quelling Tiberium Mutation. It's a research lab for future studies and prevention. However, these invaders are currently assaulting the area and the lab was destroyed."
    "A small team of Engineers and Scientists escaped and are on route for pickup, however the aliens are hot on their trail. They must make it safely to Salzburg, which is why I'm sending you all in to ensure they do."
    "We won't let you down, sir."

    Nova then turned towards the group.

    "I'm sure you all must have many questions about the situation. Speak them now."


    @Hahli Nuva As Lucina, The Imagined (NPC'd by me)
    @dark As Thomas Sinclair, Marius Titus
    @LuckycoolHawk9 As Angelo Ryan Rose, Colby "The Chosen One" Madden
    @Foxes81_of_Anime As Yuuji Rurikawa, Kaoru Sakisaka, Sakuto Sakuma
    @shinku As Burt "White Devil" Vaughn
    @Gotham Knight Todd As Wally West "The Flash"
    @Signupname As Captain Gregor Vorrsk​

  • Undisclosed Location
    Brotherhood of Nod Territory
    Three Hours Later...

    Meanwhile back at one of Nod's facilities; the Commando had taken everyone to see Kane in one of his secret bunkers. With Haru in tow, the group eventually arrive at a Temple of Nod, where Kane and a few other members were waiting. One particularly alien stood out above them all, being one of Kane's trusted members of the Black Hand. With his Tal'Darim warriors in tow, they had made great strides against GDA occupations in various yellow zones. Another was a machine that looked particularly rusty and had a paint of orange, but his killing intent was immense, alongside his perversion of love.

    "My children, the prophecy has been realised. As we speak, our alien friends have landed and are already engaging GDA forces. However, we have a new problem."

    Kane turns to a terminal which reveals the location of a former Nod Base; Sarajevo; otherwise known as Temple Prime. It revealed that several Nod Soldiers were facing off against other members of the Brotherhood in a struggle. Kane then resumed speaking, this time anger in his voice.

    "Once again, the world is quick to bury me. How could my own brothers believe that what transpired at Temple Prime did not unfold exactly as I planned…"

    His voice then started to slowly raise in volume as he continued.

    "Of course I could not have anticipated an ambush, BY MY OWN FORCES!!"

    Kane immediately stood up and continued.

    "Of all of Killian's offences and they are legion, her proclamation that the visitors are an even greater threat than GDA is an affront to everything I have planned for the Brotherhood. For this sin, she must be punished."
    "Statement: Killian is surely entrenched within a defensive position, master. I suggest we mount a full offensive."
    "I agree. Her treachery cannot stand."

    The Order stated as she looked over the situation. Meanwhile, Kane turned over to Haru and V with a bit more of a calm demeanor, as well as addressing Alarak in the process.

    "What say you, my children?"


    @Bixir As Alarak
    @ThePotatoGod As V, Haru Okumura
    @Hahli Nuva As The Order (NPC'd by me)​

  • A new group of Anomalies had been ripped from their respective realities. They would wake up and discover that they were on a moving fortress of futuristic design...


    Waking from what feels like a coma and mild concussion, they would soon discover that a group of Soldiers from several different angles converged on them, readying their rifles and aiming at them.

    ( Translation: Intruders! Stay your hands or be executed! )

    ( Translation: At ease! )

    A woman's voice shouted menacingly as a woman approached the group, causing the soldiers to lower their weapons.


    "Forgive them. I am Naomi Shirada, Admiral of the Empire of the Rising Sun, and you are currently situated on the Azure Dragon; one of our Floating Island Fortresses. State your names."

    Her demeanour held no peace, no mercy. Only calculated brutality.

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  • Himari.png

    "Oh dear, is that your first instinct when you see a delicate individual, unable to stand for herself in a manner most literal?" Himari smiles as the soldiers aimed their weapons at the group, "how uncouth. Fufufu~"


    "Geez, tough crowd," Ben uttered as the soldiers converged, "I don't know who you are or where you're from, but you should know this - that if you mess with Ben..."

    Ben prepared to dial his Omnitrix.

    "you get the-"

    That was when the Admiral halted her soldiers.

    "I am Ben Tennyson, deputized agent of the Plumbers kinda sorta, even I don't know at this point and world famous superhero," Ben reached a hand out, "heard of me?"

    "Akeboshi Himari," Himari would introduce herself as she rolled forward.

    @Raynar Saassin
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Vox Zéro

Vox extends his arm out scythe in hand. A wide smile would be plastered on his face as he sees how many people he could fight. Once Naomi came in and defused the situation his smile dropped. Vox dropped his scythe and it'd fall into a small portal. Vox points at his nametag.
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Lucina walked up to the front of the group, facing Agent Nova with an icy glare.

"We have many questions, actually. Such as where we are, why we're here and why should we trust you."


@Raynar Saassin
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Marius Titus, Centurion of the 14th Legion
Marius frowned. Today was frustrating after being subjected to 2,000 years of things in this modern warzone: Aliens, tanks, Russian soldiers, and skyscrapers. He also found out his language was dead something years ago.

The Centurion tried his best to mask his frustrated emotions, placing his handgun away and looking up trying his best to push an English accent "What…are aliens? What are skyscrapers?"

Even though he had no idea what any of those things were, he was willing to learn and had a grasp on wartime battles in Rome.

The Centurion looked over at the modern soldiers and then back at Agent Nova, who was serious herself. He eyed the woman with the sword, Lucina who stepped up first.

Her confidence was inspiring.

Marius was waiting for Lucina to finish before speaking his piece.

"How long have we got to rescue these scientists and engineers from the aliens?

"Plus, is there a way I can upgrade my gear? I'm literally 2,000 years out of my range."

@Hahli Nuva
As Lucina, The Imagined (NPC'd by me)​
As Thomas Sinclair, Marius Titus​
As Angelo Ryan Rose, Colby "The Chosen One" Madden​
As Yuuji Rurikawa, Kaoru Sakisaka, Sakuto Sakuma​
As Burt "White Devil" Vaughn​
@Gotham Knight Todd
As Wally West "The Flash"​

(@Raynar Saassin -GM)
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  • Burt listened intently as questions were raised among the group. After all, a lady already spoke of the query he was supposed to ask and it seemed that where he was, would be the least of his concerns. Whether he like it or not, the hostile creatures in the previous footage were something that he'd definitely have to deal with while in this world and dealing with them alone wouldn't be a wise idea.

    Keeping his lips sealed, he ran his eyes around the room, his arms crossed against his chest. With all the soldiers he saw on the way to the base, it somehow puzzled him why these obviously tech-advanced soldiers trusted that the group could indeed be of help. Something didn't quite add up, and either he needed the right question to find that out or the right time to figure it out himself. For the moment, he decided to just listen and observe.
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  • "I can understand why you're suspicious. I was the same when they first found me. These people are genuine."

    Nova looked towards Lucina whilst responding to her, her icy glare doing nothing to intimidate the Ghost. In short, her glare would shoot even through the icy barrier of the warrior maiden.

    "We were the ones who sent that soldier to come and rescue you."
    "Lucina, we can trust them. In an unknown world, we need all the allies we can get."

    Corrin interjected, planting a hand onto Lucina's shoulder with a smile that could melt even the darkest of hearts. Meanwhile Granger responded to Marius.

    "Not long. Which is why we must make this brief. The transport is already prepared for you all."

    The Imagined however, walked over to Burt as she noticed his glare passing over everyone.

    "Hey. You keeping an eye on things, too?"

    @Hahli Nuva @dark @shinku
    @LuckycoolHawk9 @Foxes81_of_Anime @Gotham Knight Todd

  • "I am Ben Tennyson, deputized agent of the Plumbers kinda sorta, even I don't know at this point and world famous superhero," Ben reached a hand out, "heard of me?"
    "No. But someone on this Fortress has. I'll be sure to introduce you later."

    Naomi's glare remained ever apparent as she spoke to each of them.

    "Akeboshi Himari," Himari would introduce herself as she rolled forward.
    "Interesting that the cosmos would be so cruel as to take a disabled person into a war torn planet. I would pity you but I don't really care."

    Meanwhile a Soldier inspected Vox as he disarmed himself with the use of a portal, wondering just what was going on with that. They then spoke to them in a Japanese dialect.

    ( Translation: Nice magic. Come out of a manga, have you? )

    @Crow @SolsticeArcanum
    @Bixir @Holy R. Enigma @sleepingxdragon18 @Gotham Knight Todd
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  • Burt turned to examine the fully armored stranger that approached him. He nodded slightly before opening his lips. "Meh, just tryna gettin' a grasp of what's happenin'," he remarked. "Ya think these guys could be hidin' sumthin'?," he then continued in a hushed tone, leaning closer to the stranger.

    @Raynar Saassin
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Vox Zéro

Vox's eye twitches. Vox uses JSL, "Are you from Star Wars or some shit? You look like you just came from flying a X-Wing." Vox looks at the soldier's gun. He continues to sign, "You're gun looks like something from Gundam, but cheap. Does it even work?" Vox pokes the end of the barrel. Vox goes back to signing. "Is that a uniform?" Vox smiles and covers his mouth as if he was trying to hide a laugh but there was nothing. His eyes look down at the soldier.
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  • "Interesting," Ben scratches his chin, "if this someone mentioned me specifically, maybe it's Gwen, or Kevin, or Rook, maybe even Grandpa! On the flipside, it could easily be one of my bad guys like Aggregor or Vilgax... maybe not, seeing how this place is still in one piece."

    "Not one for attachment, I see? Fufufu," Himari's smile remained, "the cosmos ripped me from- ah, I see, I see."

    Himari recalls the recent incidents in her head.

    "A significantly different worldline... what's the big turning point that lead to things looking so bleak, may I ask? Surely there are many things that are common sense here that we are unaware of."

    @Raynar Saassin @SolsticeArcanum

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  • Burt turned to examine the fully armored stranger that approached him. He nodded slightly before opening his lips. "Meh, just tryna gettin' a grasp of what's happenin'," he remarked. "Ya think these guys could be hidin' sumthin'?," he then continued in a hushed tone, leaning closer to the stranger.
    "You suspect you're being played? I highly doubt that."

    The Imagined remarked, watching as the Commander continuing briefing a few of the nearby Soldiers.

    "I mean, we're already here, aren't we? If they were really the enemy, they'd of made every attempt to destroy us. But yet, they've vowed to help us get back home, all of us, and aren't mincing any words about the current situation."


  • Vox Zéro

    Vox's eye twitches. Vox uses JSL, "Are you from Star Wars or some shit? You look like you just came from flying a X-Wing." Vox looks at the soldier's gun. He continues to sign, "You're gun looks like something from Gundam, but cheap. Does it even work?" Vox pokes the end of the barrel. Vox goes back to signing. "Is that a uniform?" Vox smiles and covers his mouth as if he was trying to hide a laugh but there was nothing. His eyes look down at the soldier.
    ( Translation: Watch your mouth, or I'll watch it for you. )
    The Soldier remarked as he clutched his burst fire rifle, a few nearby soldiers laughing at him for letting a random get under his skin.
    "Interesting," Ben scratches his chin, "if this someone mentioned me specifically, maybe it's Gwen, or Kevin, or Rook, maybe even Grandpa! On the flipside, it could easily be one of my bad guys like Aggregor or Vilgax... maybe not, seeing how this place is still in one piece."
    "He brought you up a few times."

    Naomi muttered before footsteps were heard behind her, the sound of heavy boots and moving crystal before it revealed itself to be a former ally of Ben:


    "Ben Tennyson? I must admit, I'm surprised to actually see you again. Not since we helped me atone for the destruction of Petropia."

    "Not one for attachment, I see? Fufufu," Himari's smile remained, "the cosmos ripped me from- ah, I see, I see."

    Himari recalls the recent incidents in her head.

    "A significantly different worldline... what's the big turning point that lead to things looking so bleak, may I ask? Surely there are many things that are common sense here that we are unaware of."
    "To put it simply. The entire world is infected with a mineral from outer space. And now we're under attack by aliens that live and breath said mineral. All the while we are fighting for our survival against the overwhelming numbers of GDA, Brotherhood of Nod and these new aliens. Take your pick which one's worse."

    @Crow @SolsticeArcanum @Bixir @sleepingxdragon18 @Holy R. Enigma @Gotham Knight Todd
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Vox Zéro

Vox acts scared then signs using JSL again. "Sorry, I was unaware I said something." Vox taunts the soldier with a smug look on his face. He'd look at the other soldiers and wave to them. Vox looks back at the soldier in front of him. Vox signs with a smile on his face, "Be careful." He looks at the soldier with a more serious look and continues his signing, "I don't feel like carrying dead weight." Vox smiles again, turns around, then waves as he walks away towards Naomi.
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  • "I can understand why you're suspicious. I was the same when they first found me. These people are genuine."

    Nova looked towards Lucina whilst responding to her, her icy glare doing nothing to intimidate the Ghost. In short, her glare would shoot even through the icy barrier of the warrior maiden.

    "We were the ones who sent that soldier to come and rescue you."
    "Lucina, we can trust them. In an unknown world, we need all the allies we can get."

    Corrin interjected, planting a hand onto Lucina's shoulder with a smile that could melt even the darkest of hearts. Meanwhile Granger responded to Marius.

    "Not long. Which is why we must make this brief. The transport is already prepared for you all."

    The Imagined however, walked over to Burt as she noticed his glare passing over everyone.

    "Hey. You keeping an eye on things, too?"

    @Hahli Nuva @dark @shinku
    @LuckycoolHawk9 @Foxes81_of_Anime @Gotham Knight Todd

  • "I am Ben Tennyson, deputized agent of the Plumbers kinda sorta, even I don't know at this point and world famous superhero," Ben reached a hand out, "heard of me?"
    "No. But someone on this Fortress has. I'll be sure to introduce you later."

    Naomi's glare remained ever apparent as she spoke to each of them.

    "Akeboshi Himari," Himari would introduce herself as she rolled forward.
    "Interesting that the cosmos would be so cruel as to take a disabled person into a war torn planet. I would pity you but I don't really care."

    Meanwhile a Soldier inspected Vox as he disarmed himself with the use of a portal, wondering just what was going on with that. They then spoke to them in a Japanese dialect.

    ( Translation: Nice magic. Come out of a manga, have you? )

    @Crow @SolsticeArcanum
    @Bixir @Holy R. Enigma @sleepingxdragon18 @Gotham Knight Todd

Lucina's expression softened after Corrin's words sank in, her smile washing away any doubts the princess had. She extended her hand out for Agent Nova to shake, a friendlier visage now on display.

"My apologies. I should be used to different universes by now, honestly. It's sort of my job."
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  • "You suspect you're being played? I highly doubt that."

    The Imagined remarked, watching as the Commander continuing briefing a few of the nearby Soldiers.

    "I mean, we're already here, aren't we? If they were really the enemy, they'd of made every attempt to destroy us. But yet, they've vowed to help us get back home, all of us, and aren't mincing any words about the current situation."

    Burt glanced momentarily at the soldier that briefed them. He had to admit, his eyes did project sincerity in them. As for the commander, however, she seemed too secretive to read.

    "Hmmm. Maybe yer right. And I believe we ain't got a choice on this matter," Burt remarked, his eyes still trained on their hosts in front. There are strong points in the stranger's words, however, he still couldn't bring himself to simply give away his trust completely. At that moment though, it would be dangerous to probe further.

    "Well, the name's Burt by the way. In my world, they call me the 'White Devil'!," he chuckled, facing the stranger once again and extending his hand as a gesture of greeting. "If we'd be workin' together, we might as well get acquainted, ain't that right?"

    @Raynar Saassin

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  • "Tetrax!" Ben placed a fist of his heart, presumably a type of greeting, "it's been a while since I've seen you. Speaking of that, how're things going on back in your new- errr- old home of Petropia?

    "That's quite a number of things," Himari was surprised for a bit, then turning to the scene of soldiers laughing as Vox plays with some, "but I guess even in these dire times, people will always find a way to enjoy themselves and hold on to hope."

    @Raynar Saassin @SolsticeArcanum
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Yuuji's eyes widened as he watched the screen, and he started playing with his nails and sleeves, a nervous habit of his. When he felt the weight of Kaoru's hand on his shoulder, he relaxed slightly, sighing a bit.
"Kao-" he began, turning to face the pink-haired male, but his eyes widened a bit and he started shaking slightly, stepping a bit towards Kaoru.
"Uhm...Yu-kun?" Kaoru asked confusedly, catching the green-haired boy. "What's up? Are you feeling....sick...?" he put his hand onto Yuuji's forehead with a worried expression before looking in the same direction Yuuji was.
His eyes widened and his mouth formed words soundlessly before calling out.
"S-sakkun?" he said in a high voice, almost as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing-or, as if he was seeing a ghost. Well, he technically was seeing a ghost, but still.

Sakuto turned around, wings flaring up in surprise before he winced, racing over to the pair and tackling them with a grin.
"Yuu-chan! Kao-chan!" he said childishly, grinning wider as he hugged them.
"'re squeezing me-" Yuuji choked out, but he was grinning as well, carefully prying Sakuto off him and standing up slowly.
"Glad to see you're as Mr. Sunshine-y as always." Yuuji joked, helping Kaoru and Sakuto up.
"And you're still sassy as hell. Heck, even more than hell." Sakuto finished, shaking his head.

"Hey, Sakkun--what happened...?" Kaoru interjected, pointing at Sakuto's wing.
"Well..." Sakuto began, telling them about what had happened in Antartica.
When he was finished, he sighed. "And that's about it."

"Jeez." Yuuji said, opening his mouth to say something, but Kaoru interrupted him.
"Antartica!? We landed in uhh...actually, I don't quite remember." Kaoru smiled, drawing in the air with his finger as he spoke.
"Europe...I think? Then we found Miss Tanya..." the green-haired male finished.
"Oh! Yeah! Then we went to Africa, and fought these weird thingies..."
"And went here." the two said in unison.
"Hey, I said jinx first!"

The three started play-fighting...
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  • Nova shook Lucina's hand with a firm grip as she addressed her.

    "I'm still acclimating to this one. But we'll do it together."
    "You'll get used to it eventually, Lucina. I had to when I found out my home was a pocket dimension which was enterable by jumping down a Bottomless Canyon."

    Nova blinked a few times at Corrin's statement. She said that so nonchalantly it was somewhat scary.

    Burt glanced momentarily at the soldier that briefed them. He had to admit, his eyes did project sincerity in them. As for the commander, however, she seemed too secretive to read.

    "Hmmm. Maybe yer right. And I believe we ain't got a choice on this matter," Burt remarked, his eyes still trained on their hosts in front. There are strong points in the stranger's words, however, he still couldn't bring himself to simply give away his trust completely. At that moment though, it would be dangerous to probe further.

    "Well, the name's Burt by the way. In my world, they call me the 'White Devil'!," he chuckled, facing the stranger once again and extending his hand as a gesture of greeting. "If we'd be workin' together, we might as well get acquainted, ain't that right?"
    "Imagined. Pleasure."

    She shook Burt's hand with a firm grip.

    "I have a feelin' we're gonna get along just fine, Burt. White Devil, huh?"

    The trio were having a moment together which Jack and Nova didn't want to interrupt but had no choice. The Commander who was on the terminal spoke to the entire group.

    "The aliens are on the move from Munich. Time is of the essence. Board the landing ships and I'll direct you on what you need to do when we're there. Agent Nova, could you please?"
    "Of course."

    Nova then moved towards one of the doors of the room, opening it up and gesturing to it.

    "Let's move everyone."

    @Hahli Nuva @dark @shinku @Foxes81_of_Anime @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gotham Knight Todd @Signupname

  • Vox acts scared then signs using JSL again. "Sorry, I was unaware I said something." Vox taunts the soldier with a smug look on his face. He'd look at the other soldiers and wave to them. Vox looks back at the soldier in front of him. Vox signs with a smile on his face, "Be careful." He looks at the soldier with a more serious look and continues his signing, "I don't feel like carrying dead weight." Vox smiles again, turns around, then waves as he walks away towards Naomi.
    "If you're quite done playing with the troops."

    Naomi's voice carried one of un-amusement as Tetrax and Ben caught up.

    "Tetrax!" Ben placed a fist of his heart, presumably a type of greeting, "it's been a while since I've seen you. Speaking of that, how're things going on back in your new- errr- old home of Petropia?
    "Rebuilding has been slow, but we've prospered, thanks to you and Chromastone. It seems that the Galaxy has something in store for us if it keeps reuniting us like this."

    "That's quite a number of things," Himari was surprised for a bit, then turning to the scene of soldiers laughing as Vox plays with some, "but I guess even in these dire times, people will always find a way to enjoy themselves and hold on to hope."

    That was when a female ran over to Naomi and whispered in her ear, as she then ran off.

    "It seems trouble is already finding it's way to this Fortress as well. Everyone, we need to gear up. The aliens are on the move and will strike at any minute."

    @Crow @SolsticeArcanum @Bixir @Holy R. Enigma @sleepingxdragon18 @Gotham Knight Todd

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"If you're quite done playing with the troops."
Vox has a big goofy smile on his face as he looks at Naomi.
That was when a female ran over to Naomi and whispered in her ear, as she then ran off.

"It seems trouble is already finding it's way to this Fortress as well. Everyone, we need to gear up. The aliens are on the move and will strike at any minute."
Vox uses JSL, "Does that mean I get to kill them?" Vox's eyes widen and he smirks.
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  • "Imagined. Pleasure."

    She shook Burt's hand with a firm grip.

    "I have a feelin' we're gonna get along just fine, Burt. White Devil, huh?"

    "Gettin' along is easy but right now we should hope to survive this coming mission first," the mink cowboy chuckled before getting drawn to the sudden announcement. "Woops, I guess this is it. Time to skedaddle!," Burt gave a sloppy salute at the Imagined before turning to follow Agent Nova's lead.

    As everyone got moving to the landing ships, Burt suddenly caught sight of Jak and Daxter rushing with the others. 'Ah, some familiar faces. But I guess talking can wait till later,' he mused, moving along as their commander directed. Burt steeled his mind for whatever lay ahead, focused and determined to at least survive no matter what.

    @Raynar Saassin


  • "You can say that twice! I think it'd be great if my team and I went back to Petropia for a visit... oh right! You haven't met Rook! I've gotta introduce you sometime," Ben says, before his conversation was cut short.

    "Buttkicking time already?" He prepares to dial a transformation with a grin, "but we just got here!"

    @Raynar Saassin @SolsticeArcanum