OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Second Wave Signups!

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Raynar Saassin

Multiverse RPer
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

A Melding of Alternate Futures - Second Wave!

Two Alternate Earths were fused into one! In one Earth; the usage of a Time Machine in order to change history in favor of the Soviet Union collided with another Earth's event; involving a Satellite Strike onto a target which caused a large chain reaction with a volatile alien mineral. Now, these Earths have combined and are facing dangerous tidings of war and infection. To make matters more interesting, the melding caused a multiversal anomaly at the same time; dubbed by the people of the combined Earth as the Continuum Cataclysm, pulling individuals from different universes entirely, as well as individuals from other Earths.

One group was particularly involved in a power struggle for control over the Earth. The first wave of anomalies engaged with the forces of Earth; the Japanese Empire of the Rising Sun as well as encountering Brotherhood of Nod Agents. After being surrounded by the Japanese, they were eventually rescued by the Global Defensive Alliance and brought to North America; currently being briefed on why they were here and answering any questions they may have. Unfortunately a few of them were not so lucky, a trio were forced to ditch the main group. A pair of Japanese individuals unaffiliated with the Empire alongside an American Special Agent known as Tanya are now stranded in Southern Africa. As for the other, they were kidnapped by Nod forces to meet their leader.

But, the Continuum Cataclysm still occurs with new faces appearing around the planet, knocked unconscious from having been ripped from their realities. Coming to terms with their physical states, they had to figure out where they were and how to find help, burned with two major questions...

Where were they?

And will anyone find them?

Character Restrictions are in place in this one. The people of the Command and Conquer Universe are from the 1900 - 2000's. Everyone still uses modern day bullets and armor, mixed in with different technological advancements: such as Cyro (Freezing), Transforming Vehicles and Ships, Space Travel, Lasers and Stealth. Aside from one faction utilizing the power of an alien element known as Tiberium in order to augment their soldiers, the otherworldly properties of the Alien Scrin whom are capable of space travel and storm manipulation, and the technological superiority of the Empire of the Rising Sun with their transforming vehicles, mechanical soldiers and vehicles, and physic powers, there are no strong superpowers.

In short: No characters with powers capable of extremely large scale destruction or potential to destroy planets. Characters with Shields are allowed as the Scrin do have shielded organisms and vehicles, and some basic superpowers are acceptable due to the presence of the Japanese Commando, Yuriko Omega.

If you're worried about a certain character, mention it and I'll take a look.

You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

If you're curious, here is the cast list of the first group:

V (Devil May Cry)
Thomas Sinclair (Killzone)
Angelo Ryan Rose (OC)
Wallace | The Flash (DC)
Elaine Dukkah (OC - StarCraft)
Yuuji Rurikawa (OC) | Kaoru Sakisaka (OC)
Captain Gregor Vorrsk (OC - Warhammer 40K)
The Imagined (Fortnite)

Be sure to join our Discord OOC!

Character Sheet:



Age: (If known)

Canon or OC?:

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: (Either described or a Wiki link.)

Extra Info:​

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Character Sheet:​


Centurion Marius Titus/ Damocles

Age: (If known)
30's assumed

Canon or OC:
Weapons / Abilities / Powers
: (Either described or a Wiki link.)​
Marius Titus
Character Sheet:

Appearance: Female, Tan, Blonde hair (mostly in a side part or high ponytail), A blue and a blind eye, Has glasses, Gothic style (Black makeup and clothes), Long/sharp nails(painted black usually), Has guns, daggers, or even a bow and some arrows on her at all times

Name: Крис or Chris

Age: Teenage Russian

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: Good with most weapons because she learned fairly young | Can make traps and tricks quick | Good with disguises and thinking on her feet | Can speak/negotiate in lots of languages | Can tame animals very easily

Extra Info: Fled/Left Russia at around 10 years of age | Not very talkative | Fluent in Russian (She pretty much only speaks in it) but can read and understand what people say in other languages | Has a thick Russian accent when speak | Always been accused of being a spy since she fled | Writes when communicating with people instead of talking so they can understand her | Adores animals


Name: Lucina

Age: 21

Canon or OC:


Weapons / Abilities / Powers:

Lucina is an expert swordswoman, having been trained by her father Chrom, the prince of Yillse. She has superhuman speed, strength and agility thanks to her divine bloodline linked to the Creation Goddess Naga.

Her strikes are lightning fast, strong enough to break through stone and steel as well as damage supernatural and demonic creatures. She can shatter an opponent's shield/armor with a single charged strike, and deal back an enemy's damage by countering with a well timed blow.

Lucina wields the Parallel Falchion as her primary weapon, a copy of her father's divine sword blessed by Naga herself. She is also an expert archer, able to fell foes in one or two shots with Nidhogg, another sacred weapon that shoots arrows of divine light to slay infernal enemies such as Risen.

Extra Info:

Chrom's daughter.

She traveled back in time from a ravaged future in which the revived Fell Dragon Grima has destroyed the world. In Lucina's world, Chrom was betrayed and slain by one of his comrades, and she intends to find the one responsible and prevent it from happening again.

In order to avoid becoming entangled in history, she started out wearing a mask and using the name of the ancient hero "Marth." However, Chrom gradually picked up on the truth about her.

Her strength of will is a great asset to her, though at times it manifests as pure stubbornness. She has a fierce devotion to refining her sword technique through daily practice, and like her father tends to wreak havoc on her surroundings in pursuit of this.

She maintains a serious demeanor most of the time, yet on occasion the strangest things will prompt a laugh. She also has a fairly unique sense of fashion. While she views Chrom as someone to protect, she also reveres him as her beloved father and acts as a dutiful daughter to him.

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Haru Okumura, "Beauty Thief, Noir"

Age: (If known)

Canon or OC?:

Weapons / Abilities / Powers: (Either described or a Wiki link.)

Haru's main weapons of choice are a large axe and a grenade launcher. However, her main powers stem from a dimensional anomaly linked to her universe of origin known as the Metaverse. Embracing her own rebellious will granted her the power summon a familiar linked to her own mind known as a Persona, summoned through the mask she dons when within the Metaverse.


Haru's Persona is called Milady, boring the Empress Arcana. It specializes on Psychic affinity based magic and firearms as shown in the picture. In addition to her offensive capabilities, she is also capable of reflecting attacks, healing ailments and wounds, as well as inflicting confusion on her opponents.

Extra Info:



Burt "White Devil" Vaughn

7 [November 2, 2014] - Creation Age

Canon or OC?:

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:


Coyote is Burt's main weapon, forged by his alchemist creator. The gun is able to magically form its own bullet right inside its magazine, with properties that vary on its owner's need. It features a bullet that is charged with electricity, a very sharp one that can punch through strong metals with ease, another bullet that can explode like shrapnel shells and one that can release an EMP wave in a wide area.

Athletic Limbs. Burt owns a very strong pair of legs that allows it to run faster and jump higher than an average individual.

Ermine's Musk. Being an ermine, Burt can release a very strong odor that can disorient everyone around him when he's pressed in a tight situation.

Extra Info

Burt was created out of an accidental experiment, in an alchemist's attempt to revive his beloved pet. Mixing the alchemist's own blood with his revival solution did not only bring the ermine's life back, but was also able to grow the pet to a standing height of 3 feet and made it sentient as a human being. Having no other family to call his own, the alchemist began to treat the creature as his own son.

Though Burt's physical growth remained stagnant, the alchemist was surprised of the creature's rapid mental development. It was able to learn the human language within mere 2 months of being exposed to it, and started to reason almost like an adult being. As much as the alchemist wanted to keep him as a son, others saw him as a tool and a weapon to be deployed. A few more others saw him however, as a work of the devil and wanted to have him killed.

With the military trying to capture him for their own interest, and the public wishing for the ermine's destruction, the alchemist decided to secretly sneak Burt out of town. The escape however, caused the alchemist's freedom instead. Though Burt was able to safely leave the town, his creator was caught in a trap arranged by the military. Since then, he aimed to grow stronger, looking forward for the day that he could rescue his beloved father and creator.
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Still looking for some fresh new faces! Remember, You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!
Gonna be the final bump for this! A member of the group plans on submitting a second character which is fantastic.

Still looking for some fresh new faces! Remember, You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

I look forward to seeing some new faces!
Gonna be the final bump for this! A member of the group plans on submitting a second character which is fantastic.

Still looking for some fresh new faces! Remember, You don't have to know anything about the Command and Conquer franchise in order to participate! You also don't have to have a character from a fandom, they could be your own creation!

I look forward to seeing some new faces!
So I mentioned that would be the final bump but I decided against that. I'm hoping to gather some new faces to our group outside the two new folks we have above!

Same as before, no knowledge of Command and Conquer is required and you aren't limited to fandom characters! If any are interested, please do come forward, we'd love to meet you!
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Yo! Finally got time, haha! (Also, I haven't set up his formal Google Doc yet, so some of this stuff will sound weird)
Appearance: Here!

Name: Sakuto Sakuma

Age: 14-15 (perceived), 34+ (actual)

Canon or OC?: OC

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:

Sakuto has a pair of red wings extending from his back. The right-wing is half made out of parts, machinery, and wires, giving it a steampunk-esque look. Photo (full-body with wings extended) here.

Other Abilities consist of the regular ones, invisibility, floating, and teleportation. Teleportation has a three minute cooldown, due to his low rank.
(Ranks allow for Spirit Abilities in my personal AU, so Sakuto's are weaker than Yuuji and Kaoru. The order from highest rank to lowest is Yuuji, Kaoru, then Sakuto)
Extra Info:
- Sakuto's nickname is Saku.
Appearance:Screenshot 2022-11-21 11.35.04 AM.png


Colby "The Chosen One" Madden



Canon or OC?:
Canon (Villains of Valley View)

Weapons / Abilities / Powers:

Shapeshifting-Colby can change how he looks like.

Listed below are powers he has because he is the Chosen One

Telekinesis (Through this, telekinsis, he has super speed, regeneration and invisibility)

Kinetic- Telekinesis -He can make tremors.

Extra Info
I'm taking this version from way past his canon events​
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