Breath of Fresh Air

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Grandpa Jenkins scoffed and shook his head. "Didn't anyone ever tell ya not to play with yer food?" he teased. "Hooligans. Hooligans, the lot of ya." He carried a small bowl of seasonings over to the pot of noodles and added them in.

Less than a half hour later, the meal was just about ready. Opal and Noah helped set the table with enough spots for the whole group. Grandpa Jenkins put out drinks, fruit, and some additional sides and snacks. All they needed now was Jasper.

"There's no rush," Axle insisted. "Opal and the others are with Grandpa Jenkins. They'll be perfectly safe, and I'm sure fed, until we get back." He gently traced a thumb across the top of her hand. "I'll stay with you the whole time. So will Pumpkin. Isn't that right, Pumpkin?"

The orange and green dragon inched forward a little, nearly slipping off Axle's shoulder at one point, and stretched out his neck to nuzzle Malia's cheek with a soft chirr. Yes. He would stay, too.
Lily's grin was shameless at Mr. Jenkins teasing, and the sight of little Tima coming out of her shell enough to eat bits and pieces of dinner from Opal's hand as they cooked. By the time they were done, Lily thought the dragon would have been full already from all the snacks she was given.

It was as they were finishing up that Jasper and Nel finally made it back from their long walk, all their dragons reunited outside to keep watch over their respective humans, as they always did. Naga, as was her habit now, ran in to check on Nobu first and sit by his side now that things had calmed down.

"We're back," Nel called as they followed her in, sure to wipe the dirt off their shoes on the way and following the smell of dinner towards the kitchen. "Chaital and Fern are back, too."

Malia gave Axle's hand another squeeze at the reassurance, and finally couldn't help but smile a little at Pumpkin's involvement. "Our greatest helper," she said fondly, leaning in closer to him so he wouldn't have to stretch so far and giving him a little muzzle in return. "Where would be without you around, hm?" The little dragon had been very useful in helping them find each other in all the chaos, keeping either of them company and then assisting them in reuniting whenever they felt they could.

She would linger to tell the police who they suspected the bodies were, though she didn't particularly enjoy seeing them herself once they had been taken down from the trees, all but damaged enough to begin falling apart. She would maintain to herself that bodies that had been burned looked worse, but it was a grisly affair nonetheless. Once there was nothing more she could offer the men, and reinforcements began to arrive to help look over the scene and search for evidence, she could head back to the Mill with Axle to check on everyone, and perhaps during the walk discuss more of their suspicions. They would have to keep everything quiet until they were certain, and they most certainly had to keep others away from Opal.
Opal had just finished setting the last plate down when he heard the pair come in. He smiled warmly and went right to the door, nodding at the pair and bowing slightly. "Welcome home," he said softly. "We've prepared a very special dinner tonight." He stood up again, meeting Jasper's eyes. "Spaghetti and meatballs, to say thank you. I'm told they're a favorite of yours. Grandpa Jenkins used his own recipe."

Grandpa Jenkins scoffed. "Well - it ain't like yer Grandpa used to make, Jasper. But hopefully it'll do."

Pumpkin chirped a bit and fluttered his wings happily.

Axle smiled gently. "Yes. Where would we be without him, indeed." Pumpkin had been his closest companion and confidant since his wife passed away. And now, he was his greatest wingman when it came to charming Malia, who caught his fancy in some ways that were achingly similar to Anna - but also some ways that were completely new and fascinating.

He waited with her patiently, looking on in case the police had any questions or needed help with something. But once they were through their initial investigation, he smiled and offered Malia his arm. "So. Shall we go check on the kids?" In the back of his mind, a few times he'd almost come close to saying "our kids."
Nel was a bit baffled but amused by how Opal was speaking, concerned about all that had happened but unsure how to determine if the young man was really all right. Why was he bowing? "O-Oh. Thank you, it smells delicious." He was a little disappointed he didn't get to help, but went readily enough to the kitchen to see everyone. It seemed Jasper was the reason for the occasion, so he thought he should get out of the way and go check on the others and Nobu.

The blacksmith, on the other hand, was less indecisive about how he felt, an almost incredulous confusion on his face. ". . . I think I liked it better when you were punching me." He said, an eyebrow raised as he looked between Opal and Mr. Jenkins and a small smile just beginning to show on his face. "Glad you're feeling better, but what's goin' on? Noah's not still trying to guess my birthday, is he?"

He was relieved that no one seemed to be in tears anymore, Lily and Noah lingering together in the kitchen to wait for food to be ready and only giving him smiles and waves. Why were they acting like he was a guest of honor?

Malia was grateful for the company, though she was sure she could have stuck it out on her own. It was better, though, to have someone at her side while she dealt with things, of that much she was sure. She had spent so long doing everything on her own, and though she had needed it for a while and didn't regret her independence, she was glad that they had met.

"I'm sure they haven't burnt the house down yet," she said with some amusement in her voice as she took his hand and fell into step with him on the way back. "But I hope the time away from this has helped calm them some." They must have been upset, after seeing something so horrible. Nel had held his own, no stranger to life and death even so young, but the scene had been horrific. She couldn't imagine what the others were feeling.
Noah snorted and laughed, shaking his head. "Nooo. I'll figure that out one of these days. This is for something different."

Opal nodded eagerly. "Mhm! This is a thank you dinner, Jasper. For you. You've been through so much protecting us and keeping us all safe. We thought we ought to do something for you to show our appreciation. And I thought, what better way than with delicious food?"

Grandpa Jenkins beamed and led the group into the kitchen. "Hope you all came hungry. Ah fixed a whole pot fer us. Whole pot fer the dragons, too, to give 'em a little treat. Figured we'd feed 'em together after we all ate."

Axle chuckled and waved a hand. "Not if Nel and Lily are there. They'll ensure things go smoothly," he replied. He strolled off through the grass. And for a few minutes, he was quiet, thinking things over. ". . . Noah often found it helpful, as a child, to watch calling lights when he was upset. Do you suppose we should put some candles on for everyone and see if that helps, if Grandpa Jenkins hasn't already?"
How long had it been since she'd seen Jasper blush? Lily could have collapsed in delighted laughter at the way his expression changed as Opal talked, shifting from confused amusement to something more hesitant, almost flustered, but she held back. Her good friend had never been very good at receiving gratitude, especially for things he didn't think were 'deserving'.

"I didn't . . . really do anything," Jasper insisted, though softly and hesitantly, a hand rubbing over the back of his neck as his eyes wandered the room, finding Mr. Jenkins' as they followed him into the kitchen with something softer in his expression. ". . . Thanks. You didn't have to go to the trouble."

But Lily could tell he was touched by the appreciation, and the fact that anyone had known what a simple meal like spaghetti and meatballs could mean for his own memories of family. They were his family now, she would insist if she thought he wouldn't fight it out loud. They would always be there for him, just like he was for them.

"I suppose," was all Malia said in response at first, humming a soft, thoughtful note to herself as they walked. For a little while, she just wanted to enjoy the peace of being alone together, before they had to start a careful dance around crime and trauma.

"I don't think it could hurt anything," she said with a little shrug when Axle asked, a small, almost sad little smile on her face at his thoughtfulness. "We could put on a fire, even though it isn't very cold. Sitting around it together could help some." Just being together, surrounded by the people they cared about, could be calming. Opal was new to them, but if she knew their slowly merging family well she was sure it wouldn't take much time until he felt as if he belonged there, too.
"Of course you did," Opal insisted, walking with him into the kitchen. "You took charge and made sure we all stayed safe. I get the feeling you do that quite a lot." He gently patted Jasper's shoulder. ". . . And you were willing to stay out there. By yourself, if the dragons and Axle hadn't been there. Just to make sure none of us had to be there."

His eyes shimmered, and he swallowed thickly. ". . . And you made sure I got taken care of. It would have been so easy to just let me sit there in shock, but you didn't. I dare say that makes us friends."

Grandpa Jenkins smiled gently. It was nice to see Jasper finally getting some tangible recognition, but he knew the boy might get flustered, so he cleared his throat and gestured a hand. "All right. Let's go flap our gums at the table where there's food, huh?"

Noah chuckled and went over, sinking into his regular spot and picking up a fork. "Sounds good to me! You all talk. I'll eat," he joked, stabbing his fork into his spaghetti and twirling it.

"Why, Noah! You aren't going to wait for everyone else to be seated first? I thought I raised you better," Axle teased as he came through the front door. He was relieved to see everyone looking in far better spirits. Even Opal, who he assumed was going to still be in some sort of shock. Maybe he was, but it was clearly mild at the moment.

Noah laughed. "At fancy parties, sure! But this is at home. And I'm hungry!" he protested, popping the forkful into his mouth with a grin.
Every fiber of his being wanted to deny everything Opal said, but Jasper supposed he couldn't say any of it was wrong. He would have been fine standing out in the forest with just Naga, he wanted to insist, even though having Chaital around let him relax, and Axle coming to check on him had been . . . nice. He didn't think there was as much danger as everyone else thought - who would come back to the scene of the crime so quickly, anyway? But Mr. Jenkins butting in saved him from making an idiot of himself and inspiring other people to start singing his praises.

"Yeah. . . Friends," he murmured quietly as they moved to sit down, taking a seat and for a moment just watching as everyone else settled in around him. For a long time, it had really just been him and Lily, working as hard as they could, keeping each other afloat. Having other people to think about looking after was a pain, sometimes, but even he knew it went both ways. No matter how different some of them were, the people around him had each other's backs. It was good, being a part of that.

"How rude!" Lily joined in as they started to take their seats, laughing at Noah's eagerness and making sure everyone was served before pulling her own bowl closer. "Can't even wait for the rest of us!"

"Yeah," Jasper chimed in finally, a bit more at ease with attention pulled away from himself, "Keep it up and we might choose a new favorite rich boy."

Malia had paused to check on Nel first, taking his face in her hands as the others walked off and speaking to him in hushed tones, telling him he'd done well and making sure he was all right, but after a moment they too joined everyone at the table. Theirs was a strange, cobbled together group, but they were still family.
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Opal smiled gently at Jasper and sat next to him at the table, giving a soft sigh. He still couldn't quite bear to think about his parents being gone - it was sure to hit him later, once he was alone - but for now the warm candles, good food, and new family were enough to stave off the feelings of fear and despair. He carefully twined his spaghetti around his fork and giggled when the group poked fun at Noah. "I dare say, I wouldn't blame you in the slightest. Noah, one must dine with a certain air of elegance. Like this."

He smirked and flung a meatball towards Noah's head. It might have hit him, if not for Pumpkin zooming over to snap it out of thin air.

"Whew! You saved me, Pumpkin," Noah joked, scratching the dragon's chin while he sank back to the floor. "I could've been consumed by a meatball!"

The group settled down to some quiet table chatter. And once Nel arrived, Noah beamed and patted the chair next to him. He waited until the others were engaged in conversation before quietly starting one with Nel. "Hey," he said softly. "How're you doing?"
Jasper made a startled sound when Opal threw a meatball, laughing with the rest of the table even as Pumpkin caught it and reaching over to push Opal's hand back down. "No, no food fights, no food fights, Naga'll take somebody out." Already she had lifted her head up from where she sat with Nobu, disgruntled about the fact that Pumpkin had seen the meatball before she had. "Geez, I didn't think you had it in you."

Lily almost couldn't take a drink afterwards, caught in a fit of giggles still at Pumpkin's quick catch and entertained by the looks on Malia and Axle's faces, like they were anticipating more food to go flying and wondering who they should stop first. There were still a lot of things wrong, but she felt better now that there were conversations in the room and good food on the table, with everyone together. It felt safe.

Happy enough to take the seat left for him, Nel was a bit surprised when Noah singled him out, as if pulling him aside while they were still at the table. No one was paying them any attention, and though he still felt a little shy with one-on-one attention he had grown more comfortable with Noah as they got closer. "I- I'm okay," he said softly, a little uncertain but telling the truth as best he could. "Are . . . you okay?" At least he had barely seen anything at all, even though the thought of murder made him feel like his appetite had gone. Noah had seen it so clearly he'd vomited. It was easier to worry about other people than himself, something he thought Noah felt similar about, but Nel wasn't going to have time to consider exactly how he was feeling until it was quieter and he could have time to himself.
Opal and Noah, too, collapsed in a fit of giggles. Opal laughed so hard he had to lay his head on the table and try to catch his breath. Eventually, Pumpkin clambered up to each of them and licked them on the cheeks to try and get them to calm down.

Axle pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, but he had a smile on his face. "Stars, give me strength. What are we going to do with these trouble makers?" Only once things had settled again did he dare sit down and dig into his own meal.

Noah was grateful Nel was willing to at least talk with him. That was a good sign. He clicked his tongue and shrugged. "Am I okay? Honestly . . . no. But I'm feeling better," he said softly. He heaved a breath and ran a hand through his hair. "Mostly I'm worried about Opal. I know he's in shock. I know he's pushing shit aside so he doesn't have to think about it. But once he's alone, it's gonna hit him." He rubbed his chin nodded. "I think before bed tonight, I'll offer him the chance to wake me up and talk if he needs it. No one should go through that by themselves."
Jasper laughed a little just a the way Opal and Noah collapsed together, shaking his head at them and reaching over to pat at Opal's back. "Breathe. Remember to breathe."

"Pumpkin," Lily said with a mock seriousness she could barely maintain long enough to say it, "I think you broke them."

Malia's laughter was much more sedate, too aware of all that was going on and how much the young adults around them might just need them very soon, but she gave Axle a consoling pat on the back as he sat down next to her. "Whatever we can to keep them on our side, dear." She was sure whatever person or force had all of them turned against it wouldn't last for very long.

Part of Nel wanted to reach over and take one of Noah's hands, give it a squeeze to let him know that he was there, but in the interest of not drawing everyones attention he kept his hands to himself. ". . . I'll sit up with him for a while." He said softly, a bit of old sadness beginning to resettle in his chest though it wasn't enough to stop him from offering a small, kind smile. "We'll take turns."

Nel had been the oldest of all of them when he had lost his parents to illness, he thought, and though he tried not to think about it often he had also likely been the most alone. Part of him was sure that was how Opal would think, suddenly finding himself the last of his family, and in such a violent way. Remembering how it felt to suddenly be completely alone in the world, Nel would do whatever he could to keep their new friend from feeling that way.
"Oh! That's a good idea. Then he won't have to feel bad about waking us up," Noah agreed. "Very thoughtful, Nel. How about you come get me around midnight, and we can trade off? Or whenever you feel tired. I'm not picky," he added.

Axle finally chuckled, grinning at Malia and shaking his head. "They've always been on our side. We're a family, you know, the lot of us." Then he blinked and stood up again. "Oh! That reminds me. Nel? Noah? May I see you briefly in the other room?" he asked with a smile. "It's good news. I hope."

Noah raised an eyebrow, but he shrugged, popped another meatball into his mouth from his fork, and ambled off into the other room. "Sure. What's going on, Father?"

"Well . . ." Axle said softly, once he'd joined the pair in the living room. "I know this is rather sudden. But before I even think of asking Opal about it - and that'll be once he's had a bit of time to grieve - I wanted to check with both of you boys first. How would you feel about adopting Opal officially as well? And if so . . . Nel, would you like to have both your adoption ceremonies be at the same time, or separate?"
Nel nodded a little to Noah's idea, but didn't add any more input after that. He would do his best to get some sleep, he told himself, even knowing that if it felt as if Opal needed it he would stay awake all night long. If there was something that his presence or his own experiences could do to help their new friend, Nel thought that a loss of sleep for a night was a small price to pay.

When Axle called them into the living room, Nel felt inexplicably worried. After all that had gone on, he thought, apparently his nerves were not very settled. He had been anticipating more bad news, and getting more of the Harn's endless, welcoming generosity derailed his train of thought so thoroughly he didn't know how to respond at first.

"I . . . I think that it will help to feel welcome," he said softly when he could think of the words, wringing his hands a bit and looking down at the man's chest rather than being able to look him in the eye. "But suggesting replacing his family too soon can be . . . jarring. I think . . . we should ask him to stay but . . ." He wasn't sure how to say what he wanted to, how to suggest that they be very careful without it sounding as if he was trying to tell them not to be so generous. Opal was in pain, whether he showed it yet or not. He would feel alone, but it was possible that, like Jasper, suggesting he have a new family might only make him feel worse. Nel thought it was best to wait and see, and let Opal take steps towards them first.
Axle blinked a few times, raising an eyebrow. Then he figured out why Nel was so distressed. "Oh. No, I certainly don't intend to ask him right this moment about joining our family. I wanted to ask you how you would feel about him joining our family. Eventually. Definitely after at least a few weeks or so. It's your family too, and I wouldn't extend the invitation of adoption if either of you felt I shouldn't," he explained.

Noah smiled gently. "You can stop asking me. If you want to adopt Opal, so do I. We've got room for another brother, I think. What do you think, Nel?" he added.

Back at the table, Opal enjoyed his second helping of spaghetti. He twirled the noodles together, took a big bite, and sighed happily. Then he gestured with his fork and smiled at Jasper. "I have to say, you've got excellent taste in meals. I suppose everyone here does. What do you think we should all make for breakfast tomorrow?" He paused and cleared his throat. ". . . We are all staying together tonight, right?"
Even weeks could be too soon, Nel thought. He wasn't sure how to express his worry without sounding as if he was trying to fight with Axle, or telling the man he was being wrong or insensitive. All Axle wanted to do was help; that was something Nel understood and appreciated. It was just so hard to tell what was right, when someone was so freshly devastated. Maybe Opal would be fine in a few weeks. Or maybe he would still be lost, and angry. Only time would tell.

"I don't really know him well. . ." Nel said hesitantly, not wanting to say anything bad but with an uncertain smile still, "But I wouldn't want to stop you. It's kind of you, trying to help so many people." He didn't think he was deserving of being part of it, but he was grateful to Axle and Noah's giving natures for pulling him into their family. If they wanted to add more to it, he didn't see why he should have a problem with it.

Jasper was a much slower eater and was only just finishing up his bowl of spaghetti when Opal was already on his second. An appetite was at least a good sign, he thought, even though the tone in Opal's voice felt very small and afraid. Lily saved him from having to think of a response immediately.

"We don't actually have permission to go see if our house is still standing," she said, with a sheepish but still kind smile, "so we'll be hangin' around for a while."

Jasper only shrugged, hoping it wouldn't be too long before they could go home, even if they did spend a great deal of their time at the Dragonry and the Mill. "We'll stick together. Don't worry. It's literally impossible to find any sort of alone time in this house."

Lily laughed at the dry comment, knowing he was just trying to be reassuring while keeping things a bit light, and reached across to smack him lightly on the arm. "Oh, hush! You like it."
The older man's expression softened, and he smiled and patted Nel's shoulder. "Wonderful. In that case, we'll give him plenty of time to grieve and think things through. And then, when he seems ready, I'll bring up the question." He nodded and pulled Nel and Noah into a hug. "I'm very blessed to have such generous sons."

Noah chuckled and leaned into the hug. "We get it from our Father," he said softly. "But thanks." He leaned back finally and pulled away. "Now let's go finish eating! I'm so ready for more of that spaghetti!"

Opal looked relieved and let out a soft breath, taking another meatball with his fork. "Very good. In that case, what should you all like for breakfast? I . . . I would like to try cooking again. It's very fun. I didn't have much of a chance to cook myself before, what with servants and all."

Capper beamed. "Well! You wanna learn cookin', you came to the right place! Me n' the crew will teach ya everything we know. Right, kiddos?"
Nel couldn't help a small, warm smile as Axle pulled them in close, and a soft chuckle at Noah's response. He really had gotten lucky, hadn't he? He had the Dragonry and Malia, and now a family of very different, very kind people all around him. There were always things to be sad about, but so many to smile for at the same time. What more could he have ever asked for?

Tima had taken to sitting in Opal's lap to be out of the way while he ate, but after a while poked her head up above the table to see what was going on, curious now that the room was filled with friendly voices and everyone was calmly sitting. She sniffed at the meatball Opal had speared with curiosity despite having been given her own food already while dinner was cooked.

"Absolutely!" Lily agreed with Mr. Jenkins with a smile, giving a little salute and then laughing softly at herself. "We're not as good as Mr. Jenkins or Axle, but we get by."

"Feeding a crowds kinda hard," Jasper said with a shrug, leaning back against his chair with loosely crossed arms as he thought. "We could do pancakes, maybe? That's kinda easy to make a big batch of."
Opal giggled when Tima leaned forward to delicately sniff at the meatball. "Ohhh. You're so polite," he murmured. He lowered the fork and broke the meatball in half, eating one piece himself and holding the other up to Tima on a flat hand. "I suppose it makes sense you're polite, being my dragon. I hear rumors dragons and their people are rather a lot alike," he added with a smile.

Then he glanced back towards the group and nodded. "Pancakes, hm? Those sound easy enough."

"An' a great way to figure out what each of ya needs to learn about cookin'," Grandpa Jenkins added. "You can tell a lot about a feller by the way he flips a pancake an' mixes the batter."

"Hm. Wonder if it carries over to riding, too?" Noah asked as he, Nel, and Axle finally returned to the room. "Then we'd know exactly what to focus on when we finally start training!"
Tima had learned early in life not to try and take what wasn't hers, or else be faced with screaming, with violence, with hunger in the pit of her belly. She had only wanted to see what it was, wanting it but not daring to try and get it, so when Opal offered it to her she perked up visibly with a surprised little trill, shocked at receiving what wasn't hers to start. She was gentle still, biting the piece in half and peacefully chomping it a few times before going back for the second half with careful swipes of her tongue. Accidentally hurting Opal was the last thing she wanted.

Jasper was seconds from agreeing with Mr. Jenkins when Noah came back in, and instead had to look at him like he'd lost his mind, a bit of laughter in his voice. "I don't think that logic is as straightforward as you think it is."

Nel, for his part, only looked incredibly confused. "Pancakes??"

Lily burst into laughter at the exchange, patting Nel on the shoulder when he sat back down at the table. "Yeah, let's make pancakes tomorrow! And maybe go flying after!" She was still sort of 'on call' as a messenger for the Dragonry, but she wasn't nearly as busy as she'd been before.