IC Black City

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Bella didn't have time to respond to the news of Percy's arrival, as not a moment later they were joined by the man in question. Stella brightened immediately at his greeting, a broad grin filling her face. It was a rare treat to see him, as Percy was a busy man, highly sought after for his talent. He made time for her, however, and that was what counted. Even if it was less time than she wanted. But considering how long she had gone without seeing him before, he was practically suffocating her.

Percy wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a side hug, she returned the gesture with a tight squeeze around his ribs, her drink sloshing precariously in her hand. Stella was unsurprised to see her brother had put so much effort into his outfit. It was unimaginable that he'd show up in anything less than a stellar outfit. Stellar being a fitting word, based as much on their family as on his facial decoration.

Stella chuckled at his comment. Atlantis was a good film, and she was glad to be likened to it. She liked to think she was more suave than the protagonist, but she was happy to pretend to be him for an evening. Stella giggled. She had hoped someone would ask something like that. Her goofy grin didn't falter.

"I found this fine skeleton, an archaeological wonder," she said, gesturing to Bella. "Date still unknown, but it's got to be ancient." Stella let a beat pass. It was barely a joke, but she was amused, even if neither of them laughed.

"This is my brother, Percy," Stella said, nudging the man with her elbow. "And this is Bella, my date!" She said, broadly smiling at the girl.
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To Keaton😌🤘🏻🔧: Yo! I'm at Stella's party! Were you coming out or did you find something better to do on this fine Halloween night?

To Keaton 😌🤘🏻🔧: OH! And I DID manage to find a good costume! So ha! :p

Jodelle slipped her phone into the shitty hand sewn pocket on her Spider-Man costume. Spider-Woman? Spider-Person? It didn't really matter! Although now, she was lowkey wondering if she should have decided on the Ash and Pikachu costume she'd overlooked. The suit on her was skin tight. It accentuated her every curve quite nicely, but it also made her feel a bit… self-conscious? Sure, she thought she looked hot, but it wasn't too much, was it?

Leaning against the wall, she anxiously sipped her drink as she people watched. One girl was dressed as a sexy cowardly lion, and another was wrapped in caution tape, a clear nod to Lady Gaga's Telephone music video. Hot. So she was fine!!

Jo felt compelled to follow the tall man's silhouette when he walked in. First off, he was considerably taller than most of the people in the room. And she was pretty tall, so that was saying a lot. She also couldn't help but notice he was carrying brownies. Banana bread at work was great, but brownies at a party were even better! Plus they gave her something to talk about.

After grabbing one (definitely out of the special batch), Jodelle swiftly ate half for good luck and made her way over to the tall guy in the corner. She had to congratulate him on the bomb brownies. And she could always use Stella and Belle as a crutch if she got herself into something too weird.

Slowly, she side stepped from one side of the wall to the other, settling herself in next to the guy who she now noticed had great hair. Possibly another thing to talk about. "I saw you brought the brownies, and I had to come say, they're fucking delicious." She nodded, taking another bite with a chuckle.
@Dusk | @peach
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Genji noticed a blue and red shape in his peripheral vision. A rather cute shape if he was seeing correctly, and made a mental note admiring the form of whoever inhabited the suit. Respectfully, of course.

He found himself eavesdropping on their conversation, standing silently and flat faced against the wall.

Oh, someone else brought brownies too? I guess I'm not surprised, they're pretty popular.
Hundreds of miles away, Shane felt a migraine coming on.

Genji blinked, making a mental note to check out the opposing sides brownies before a horrific realization jerked him to reality and nearly knocked him off his feet. FUCK SHE'S TALKING TO ME.

Genji turned towards Jodelle, his face slightly pink as he leaned one arm against the wall and rubbed the back of his neck with the other. "My sister made them, I'm glad they survived the drive." He chuckled awkwardly.

"Uh, sorry about that. I didn't realize you were talking to me…" He mused, cheeks lightly dusted with pink. " I'm Genji," He introduced, extending his free hand to her. "Pleasure to meet you…?" He trailed off, waiting politely for her to introduce herself.

Real smooth Genji. Great.

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Jodelle pursed her lips at first, anxiety stealthily creeping its way through her when she thought her compliment went unnoticed. Maybe she wasn't loud enough over the music? Her anxiousness slightly alleviating, turning her nervous lip bite into a chuckle once the man realized she was indeed talking to him about said brownies.

Her anxiety was basically nonexistent once she noticed the faint pink tinge to his cheeks. Cool so he's nervous too. "Tell her I said my compliments to the chef." Jo smiled with a chuckle, mentally kicking herself in the ass for being a bit of a lame ass with her comeback. "It's all good," she shook her head nonchalantly with a wave of her hand, "I'm Jodelle, it's a pleasure." Jo smiled, unsure if she should hold out a hand for him to shake or not; glad when he made the decision for both of them.

"You mentioned the brownies not making the drive, so I assume you aren't from Black City?" Jo questioned as she took a sip of her drink. Small talk (and talking in general) was one of her strong suits, especially when it came to her line of work.
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Arabella laughed with a shake of her head when Stella apologized for scaring her. It wasn't her fault Bella was a jumpy scaredy cat. "You're fine, you know I'm just a little bundle of nerves sometimes." She took another sip of her drink, her comment about being a bundle of nerves ringing even more true at the mention of Stella's brother.

She'd all but forgotten he was even coming into town, and she knew for a fact Stella had told her. It wasn't like she didn't care or anything, she was just one of the most absentminded people she'd ever known. She was nervous as all hell for them to meet for the first time, but she was more excited to see how happy Stella got when she saw him. That would be the highlight of her night.

Belle didn't get a chance to voice her small bouts of concern before they were joined by a considerably fashionable rock star whom she could only imagine was the famous Perseus Altair! Arabella could do nothing but smile at the wholesome interaction between Stella and her brother. It made her wish she would've also invited her sister. Layla would've loved a party like this.

She and Stella chuckled in unison at Percy's comment on Stella looking akin to Milo Thatcher. Awh, they should've made a plan before then to watch the movie together in their costumes! Bella would have to make the suggestion later on. She put on a beaming smile, striking a pose as Stella showed her off as the "archeological wonder" she was for the night. Arabella giggled, giving a small wave to Percy as he greeted her and Stella began to introduce the two.

"Hi, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Arabella went in for a quick hug, hoping it wouldn't be too much since they'd just met and all. She was a hugger. "Stella's told me so much about you."
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Genji gave her a crooked smirk, cocking a brow at her in interest. What a pretty girl.
He made a quiet hum, crossing his arms and leaning a shoulder to the wall beside them.

"Yeah, I drove up from New Tokyo last night." Genji explained, "I visit a lot." He added, pulling his gaze back up to her face to keep them from wandering. Dude, keep it together. You've talked to a girl before, chill.

She is really lovely though… And way too fucking cool for me.

" Do you want a drink? I think the bar is set up over there." He mentioned as casually as one could, pointing towards the table of alcohol and mustering up an ounce of courage to come off as smooth. Stella seemed busy right? She probably wouldn't mind him stopping over to say hi later on in the night.

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Jodelle smiled with a bite of her bottom lip. She had no idea why the man was nervous at all seeing as he was fine as hell. His long locks looked soft and shiny and she almost stared a few seconds too long as he leaned against the wall. His crossed arms accentuated the muscularity in them perfectly. 'God he's gorgeous.'

"Oh that's super cool!" Jo smiled and nodded as they chatted, "I've never really been to New Tokyo before. How long are you going to be in town?" Jo furrowed her eyebrows a little as she finished the last of her drink. She let out a light chuckle at the mention of another drink. It would definitely help her bouts of anxiety. And he was quite the gentleman to ask.

"Yeah, I could use another, thanks." She gestured towards the drink table as if to say 'after you'.
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Genji smirked warmly and offered his arm out to her, walking her through the crowd towards the table where the alcohol was. " I'll be in town for a week, but I could always extend my stay." He half-joked. It wasn't really extending a stay when it was his guest house, but hey… That wasn't something he thought she needed to know just yet.

"So… What we thinking for drinks?" Genji asked, looking down at her with a smirk. " I like to think I make a half-decent bartender." He added matter-of-factly, looking back down at the makeshift bar.

Genji was by no means a womanizer, but he was feeling maybe just a little bit confident in his small flirtations with Jodelle. It wasn't every day someone caught his attention, but once they had it, it was theirs until they didn't want it anymore.
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Jo's cheeks lightly burned with a pink hue as she wrapped her hand around Genji's (rather muscular) arm, giggling giddily as the two of them pushed through the crowd of people. She could say hi to Stell and Belle later. Right now, it was time for drinks! It wasn't very often she had a handsome man willing to play bartender for her.

"Ooh, seems I'm doing something right if you're already thinking of extending your vacation." Her flirtatious tone came almost naturally and it honestly surprised her a bit. She wasn't flirting and romancing people on the regular but she did have some rizz. Even if she did think it was buried deep inside somewhere.

"Hmm, how about you surprise me? I'll let you put your money where your mouth is, bartender." Jo returned his smirk with one of her own.
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Genji cracked a smile, his jaw dropping in faux shock at her flirtations, but his face was definitely burning a little. " I guess so, Jodelle." He chuckled, sucking his tongue to his teeth behind closed lips.

"One Midori Sour coming right up. And a water. Don't forget to tip your bartenders." Genji joked, smiling as he looked over the class bottles of liquor. "Oooh. Spherical ice cubes." He pointed out, giving her a playful look of "this shit fancy."

Genji began to mix her drink, shocked to find his cheeks had already begun hurting from the cheeky smiles he'd been throwing around . It was out of the ordinary, that was for sure, but he wasn't sure if that was weird or not… so he didn't bring it up.

"One for you." He said, taking a plastic red cup and swiftly writing "Jo" on the front. He poured her a drink and handed the cup to her. "Don't set that down anywhere." He said softly as he poured himself one as well. As he said that final line, he felt a little awkward, so he stood up and faced her, pulling a worried face.

"I mean, you're probably totally safe here, and I'm sure you know how to take care of yourself, I was just being a dork." Genji said hastily, chucking a bit at his clumsiness. " Sorry. I hope you like it." He said finally, taking his cup to his lips and downing a good portion as punishment for giving himself secondhand embarrassment.
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A dreamy sigh found its way through her lips, as the two of them flirted. She was surprised as fuck happy to know she could steal the attention of such a lovely person. It wasn't often she met people with such warm and genuine intentions but she could tell Genji was one of those people.

With a laugh and small shake of her head Jodelle pulled a dollar bill out of her makeshift pocket, adding her own bit to Genji's tip joke. She then made mention of the ice cubes, saying aloud what the two of them were thinking. "Stella pulled out the fancy pants stuff. Bet it was Bella's idea," the brunette chuckled at the thought of her redheaded friend getting excited over different shapes of ice.

Her hazel eyes caught Genji's as he threw another smile at her while making their drinks. Her cheeks burned hot. Again. She looked away shyly, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to ground herself. Get it together Jo!

Jo watched as he wrote her name on the solo cup, smiling she held the cup up in a mini cheers before she took a drink. It was delicious! Better than the random shit in a cup she'd have come up with. "Hey, I get it, you never know what weirdos are around." She shrugged, part of her wondering why a random stranger would care so much about her safety and the other content and giddy that he did in the first place.

"Not like anyone would mess with me with you around, tough guy." She mentally cringed at her words, taking another sip of her drink. "We'd beat their ass." She chuckled.
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The skeleton was a hugger. Percy was taken off guard, but only momentarily, as he was quick to remove his arm from around his younger sister and put it around her recent discovery instead, squeezing her gently before releasing her. The "date" joke Stella had made before had become just a tiny bit funnier and a lot more corny, too. But the grin on his face betrayed whatever he thought about her joke.

"Did she?" he glanced at his sister briefly, wrinkling his nose playfully in her direction, before looking back at her date. Even beneath the makeup of her costume and the costume itself, he could make out just how pretty Bella was. The Altair's always had an eye for beautiful things, and Stella was proving it more than ever with her romantic choices. "Only good things I hope. I do try to give her lots to brag about." He nudged her ribs playfully in turn.

"So," Percy began, initiating the start of the mandatory older sibling teasing. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked directly at Bella's freckled face. "Stella and Bella, huh?" Surely they hadn't heard that one before, but not acknowledging once would be a crime on his part. "How did you two meet? How long have you two been going out? Did you plan the costume match or was it just a coincidence. I need the all details now."

@Dusk @Ghostie 」​

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Genji cocked an eyebrow, chuckling smoothly. " Hey now, I like to think of myself as more of a gentle giant. But if someone gives you a hard time, I think we got it handled." He mused, tilting his head to the side.

"So what do you do for work? Or are you in school?" He asked, casually walking Jodelle over to a side table with two chairs to chat. They had probably another half hour before the brownies started to kick in, so might as well sit and chat for a bit.

Genji couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself for stepping out of his comfort zone to socialize with someone new. A particularly beautiful someone new, too.
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"Brag about you? Not at all." She half-heartedly shoved his arm away. "I only shared the worst things." Which was the furthest thing from the truth. Stella adored her brother, and talked up his character and his work on numerous occasions (the latter of which was plainly on display). She definitely mentioned that she was only able to attend Blackwell Academy thanks to him. And some of the worst things were actually pretty bad, and not something she just wanted to share, especially not before Bella got the chance to meet him. But it was a party, and Percy was there now. Stella was determined to have one of the best nights of her life.

She laughed.

"We're a set," she replied enthusiastically. Stella had been the first person to point out their rhyming names, back when she had just started trying to befriend the shy girl. Stella took another sip of her drink.

"Totally planned. I picked out my costume when I decided I was going to have a party. But this one —" Stella emphasized her point by gesturing at the redhead with her thumb "— didn't have a costume until two days ago. You have no idea how hard it is to find a skeleton costume last minute." Stella spoke with equal parts amusement and fondness.

"We met at work," Stella said, "Over two years ago now. I'd just started working at the coffee shop and believe it or not, the cutest girl comes in to order a drink." Her gaze slipped from Percy to Bella, a broad grin across her lips.

"But our first official date was two days ago," Stella chimed, leaning into Bella slightly. Just enough to feel her against her. "Exciting, right?"
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Jodelle nodded as she took a sip of her drink before continuing, "Ohh so Howl the gentle giant and Spider Babe the trouble, I gotcha," her words trailed off into a soft smile before she took another sip of her drink.

Jo was proud of herself for not letting her anxiety get the best of her! She was actually talking to a very attractive and charming someone and wasn't stumbling all over her words. But the night was still young and the alcohol or ouid brownies hadn't hit her yet either. She still had plenty of time to embarrass herself.

"Right now I'm doing an apprenticeship to be a tattoo artist, so yeah… I poke people with needles and they pay me for it." She laughed with a shrug.

"What about you? I'm guessing it's something I wouldn't think of. And although this drink is amazing, you aren't striking me as a bartender."
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Genji chuckled at her comments, shaking his head lightly. "Hey, I'm slightly above average." He joked, noticing a subtle stinging sensation in his cheeks. He was usually so still in the face, he was already becoming sore.

"Shane needs to bring some wrinkle cream over later." He noted silently, giving a soft hum of contentment.

Genji was pulled from his thoughts at what she had said. "Oh? An apprentice tattoo artist!" He said, eyes wide with interest. "Man, that's way cooler than pottery." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Maybe I'll swing by and finally get around to getting some tats." Genji added, taking a large sip from his drink. " Any ideas on what I should get?" He asked, smirking down at her coolly.

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Jodelle let out a light scoff, chuckling as she playfully nudged Genji's arm for being as humble as he was! 'Slightly above average' was way too harsh a description when it came to the man. The plucky brunette smiled at his genuine interest in her profession, and she shook her head at his comment of tattooing being cooler. She was just as interested in his pottery as he was her tattooing! Especially because it was something she hadn't expected.

"Pottery is cool! See, I knew you were gonna say something cool and slightly surprising."

Jo reassuringly patted his shoulder with a chuckle, taking another sip of her drink. She lit up at his mention of coming into the shop, her hazel-green eyes basically glowed with fervor at the ask of a tattoo suggestion as well. She loved talking tattoo ideas and art in general!

"I could try to come up with some designs for you if you want! Other than pottery what are some things that really interest you?"
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Genji felt his cheeks grow hot, his face going red. He clasped his hand over his mouth to stifle back a nervous chuckle, shaking his head. " Damnnn, now my cool guy aura is out the door." He joked, looking away for a moment as he drank from his cup.

"Aw man…" He groaned in amusement, crossing his arms over his broad chest. " You know, just the normally every day things…. Aquariums, fish, manga…. Video games…. Super cool stuff." He chuckled, shaking away his embarrassment with a wave of his hand.

"I'm sure Spider Woman doesn't mind though." He flirted playfully, smiling over at her warmly. He would be lying if he didn't say he was super excited to see what ideas she had, though she seemed happy to discuss it he felt a little bad about making her talk about work at a party.

Hopefully he wasn't putting her in an awkward position by talking her ear off.
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Jodelle was well aware that her art nerd was showing, but considering he'd asked about it in the first place, she was sure that Genji didn't mind much. "Cool guy aura is definitely sustained!" Jodelle nodded matter-of-factly as she sipped her drink.

"I didn't hear you name one uncool thing, Pendragon, so Spider Woman doesn't mind one bit." Jodelle mused, eyes sparkling at the immeasurable amount of ideas running through her head, and that was only with a few of his interests! She was sure that she could've filled an entire sketchbook with plans to cover almost every inch of Genji if he wanted.

"Oh dude, I wish I had my sketchbook!" Jo beamed, practically bouncing on her feet in excitement. "I could see you getting some sick ass traditional style koi fish! Or even something Studio Ghibli based!" Jodelle had to stop herself from running off to find some paper and pencils around Stella's apartment.

"You should just give me your number now, so I can send you some sketches later tonight or something!" Jo folded her arms around her chest an eyebrow raised in amusement as she leaned against the wall.

'Aha I'm so smooth.' Jodelle silently praised herself.
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The skeleton beamed, a small squeal escaping her lips as Percy squeezed her back. The redhead's anxiety was all but gone now that she'd gotten a chance to meet her date's favorite person. No matter how short the meeting was so far.

"Oh, only the best," Arabella could only giggle as she and Stella opposed in unison, shaking her head a little at their answers. Bella always enjoyed hearing the stories Stella told her about Percy, but none of that compared to actually spending time with him now! There was something about being able to appreciate his fashion sense in person rather than while looking at photos.

Bella only smiled brighter at the fun poke at their rhyming names. The redhead so fondly remembered Stella pointing it out when asking what to write on her matcha latte the first time they'd met, and now the two of them were quite literally history. The girl turned almost beet red at Percy's expected round of sibling questioning, a giggle escaping her lips as she interjected about their costume findings. "I insisted on the matching costumes. And finding a skeleton so soon was a pain in the ass, but we did it!"

The girl could only smile more as Stella recalled meeting at the coffee shop, her hand instinctively finding its way to Stella's, weaving their fingers together.
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