ARK: Survival Evolved (Characters and OOC Chat)

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Irradiated Kaiju King
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Douche
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Medieval Fantasy, High Fantasy

Okie dokie! So, we have a few people interested in the ARK RP. I'll post both my own character here, as well as a Character Sheet for you guys so you can add your own character ideas as well. We can also chat and discuss any questions you may have about the RP down below.

All that said, I have two simple rules for character creation:


1) No "jack of all trades" characters.

- Everyone's characters in this RP will have their function (max of three functions if we have a smaller group) in the Tribe we'll be creating together. Examples of "roles" our characters could occupy in the Tribe include the cook, the home decorator, the negotiator, the engineer, the architect, the weapons/ammo maker, the armorer, the creature tamer, etc.

- Long story short, for the sake of fairness we all need to pick one lane (again a max of three if we have a smaller group) and stick to it for the duration of our character's time in the ARK.

2) If you make a character from a historical period you must remain true to all aspects of the culture and technology of their time.

- For example: A feudal Japanese samurai would not know anything about electricity, modern weapons or architecture, modern chemistry, etc. What they would know are the bow and arrow, the katana, samurai armor and clothing, Japanese architecture of the time they lived, feudal Japanese crops and livestock practices, etc.

And yes, real world cultural designs for weapons, armor, and architecture will be allowed since I'm not going to limit us to the basic "Thatch," "Wood," and "Stone" pre-set structures of the game. Those Engrams still exist. But they unlock the material instead of fixed building structures. If the material fits with what your character knows how to build, we can build it in the ARK. Same goes for armor and other items as well. Fiber, Hide, Chitin/Keratin, Metal, Riot, etc can all be made to look any way we want them to so long as the material is unlocked.

This way we can personalize everyone's stuff so they're all unique and easily identifiable. Lol.

Yume Okabe

  • Age: 21
    Date of Birth: July 31, 1285
    Birthplace: Kamakura, Japan
    Height: 5' 2"
    Weight: 108 lbs

    Survivor Role(s): Home decorator, peace maker/negotiator


    • Polite
    • Modest
    • Subservient
    • Home keeper
    • Mild mannered
    • Even tempered
  • As with all women in feudal Japan Yume was raised to embody several key traits that the men of her time found desirable in their future brides. These traits included restraint, respect, organization, decorum, chastity, and modesty. As the wife of a Samurai she was imparted the knowledge of proper etiquette and behaviors befitting of a Samurai warrior which she was expected to teach to any children she bore her husband. Yume had always been a soft-spoken woman anyway. And appropriately for her time and upbringing she remains so to this day a woman of peace and tranquility rather than action. She would much rather speak or flee than fight, even in survival situations.

    It could be argued that Yume is one of, if not the least prepared to face the challenges which lie ahead.
  • Yume was born to Keisuke and Mori Okabe on July 31, 1285 in Kamakura Japan during the height of the glory days of the Samurai warriors. Her father himself was a Samurai warrior of some renown having won a total of eighteen duels, four of which were confirmed to have been won with a single stroke. However, his final duel ended in defeat, nearly losing his left arm in the process to a long slash across the bicep and chest, which forced him to abandon the ways of the sword and take up a more political position in his province. Sadly, as was rather standard in any political realm, the dangers of espionage, sabotage, and treachery saw Keisuke succumb to assassination by poison in his tea served at a gathering of local leadership figures shortly after Yume's 4th birthday. Following his assassination Mori and Yume were taken in by Mori's parents where she was raised in a far more modest environment than the estate and wealth she'd been accustomed to.

    At age seven Yume was introduced to Rago Himamura, age 16, and a Samurai in training. A marriage between the two was arranged at the request of her mother who saw an opportunity to use the marriage as a way to salvage the estate they'd lost in years past, as well as beseech the Shogunate to expand their claimed lands and territory once the marriage was complete when Yume came of age. Not one to go against her mother's wishes Yume accepted this future and put all of her effort and energy into learning the ways of a Samurai's wife including etiquette, manners, restraint, respect, decorum, modesty, organization, and of course chastity. As the years past Yume's mother's health went into decline. And she decided it was time to teach Yume the responsibilities she used to occupy running the family estate including handling the finances, managing the servants, and much more. Her mother passed away peacefully in her sleep on Jan 1, year 1300, leaving Yume in charge of both her own family's assets as well as learning to manage those of her soon-to-be family through marriage which was rapidly approaching.

    On Yume's 17th birthday she was wed to Rago, now age 26 and a fully fledged Samurai warrior. As a young, bullish Samurai who was far too proud of his heritage for his own good, Rago was too preoccupied with his reputation and duel record to bother with Yume or the estate for the majority of their relationship. However, this didn't really bother Yume who had taken a liking to her duties and befriended many of the servants who kept her company while her husband was away chasing his ego. Rago lasted longer than Yume expected, given his lack of humility which was one of the few lessons he'd never properly learned during his training. And upon his first dueling defeat he came home in a drunken stupor and took his anger out on Yume and the servants, nearly killing one of them and leaving Yume unconscious from a blow to the head courtesy of his wooden training sword.

    Within days Rago had drunk himself half to death and several of his fellow Samurai intervened and took him away for recovery and retraining. Yume, meanwhile, had managed to recover as well and continued her daily duties tending the estate and assets of the family until one day she mysteriously vanished without a trace. The servants looked high and low for the lady of the house, to no avail. Not even a trace of her hair had been left behind. Her disappearance remained one of the most talked about of the region for several years before it faded from memory.

    Yume remembers little of what happened that night. All she remembers is a woman made of light speaking to her about being "the one I've been waiting for." The woman spoke a different language. Yet Yume somehow understood what she'd said.

    She then awoke on a beach in a land she couldn't recognize, and wearing nothing but cloth wraps around her chest and a loin cloth around her waist...

@Manna Beast, @Lyrikai If y'all have any questions about the RP or character creation feel free to ask and I'll be happy to answer any and all of them here!

You don't need to go crazy with BBCode like I did. The following CS should do just fine. If you want to include the extra elements that I did like quirks, a voice example, etc, feel free to do so! I like more detail, but don't require anyone else to live up to any particular standard than their own when I roleplay with them.

[b]Name:[/b] Please be realistic to the culture and time period your character comes from
[b]Pic:[/b] (anime or 2D art preferred, 3D anime style acceptable)
[b]Age:[/b] Youngest allowed is 20 years of age
[b]Height:[/b] Standard statistic
[b]Weight:[/b] Standard Statistic

[b]Survivor Role(s):[/b] If you have more than one role they must be directly related and come from the same educational/experience point of your character's life. Yume's roles as a home decorator and peace maker, for example, both come from her being groomed to be the wife of a Samurai warrior.

[b]Personality:[/b] Please describe in at least one paragraph the overall personality of your character, and give a few hints as to why it is what it is.

[b]Biography:[/b] Please write around two paragraphs to describe the basics of your character's birth, upbringing, and at least one or two major life events which in some way defined who your character has become today.

I look forward to seeing your character ideas!