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The Blackwoods
- NPC Post -
Two figures awaited the outsiders at the Dining Hall: a young man and woman, so similar in appearance they might have been twins, now fast approached them. The boy possessed an urgency in his stride, as though he were gearing himself up for a physical altercation; whereas the girl trailed behind him distraught, like one might hurry after a child running through a busy road.

But then the boy stopped, keeping a respectful distance between him and the outsiders.

"Pardon me, pardon–I'm afraid I must speak my mind, for the families' sake and my own. You cannot stay here. Already your presence has caused us great consternation. We are unaccustomed to guests, you see, and…"

As the boy continued his speech, he fastened his pince-nez onto his nose. But whatever he saw with that sudden visual clarity had him stuttering into incoherence. At last, all he could manage was:

"Dear me! What in the good Grimwood's name is on your head?!"

It was clear he meant Robbie's mullet. So intently was the boy staring that it seemed as though he half-expected the mullet to spring to life and lunge at him. He retreated a few paces, tugging anxiously at his cravat, his gaze shifting towards the rest of the cohort. He turned to his companion, who by now had caught up to him: "Lizzie, it is worse than we thought."

There was an expectant pause, but the girl named Lizzie had not been paying attention. Blushing, she stole glances at Davian, straightening her dress. It was a moment too late when she jolted out of her reverie, hastily concurring: "Oh, yes, Felix, they look very terrible indeed."

"You poor things," Felix tutted, shaking his head. "The world Beyond must indeed be a cruel place, full of many horrors. How pitiful you all look. And oh, your hair! Why, it's green! And yours is purple! Pray, tell me, what could have poisoned your hair so?"

@Ghostly Boo @Kuno @Leucothea @MiharuAya @Nougat @RaccoonKing

Let Me Introduce You to the Family - The Stranglers
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Grimsby. The very word conjures a sense of gloominess, of bruise purple clouds and mist as white as spectres. It means formidable, like the surrounding mountains, those steep behemoths with their jagged spines. It is to be cruel and grating to the senses, like the castle, that impenetrable fortress with its many black spires and turrets. In a place that is all sharp edges and tapered points, everything cuts until it draws blood.

Below is a list of locations in Grimsby. If this submission earns a realm, some of these locations will each be sorted into its own IC thread, so that descriptions are not too overwhelming and players can simply read about the locations as they encounter them. These threads would then be linked below, and the article itself would be marked as an optional read.

Grimsworth Castle

All the Founding Families live in Grimsworth Castle, a gothic fortress so unfathomably large and overbuilt as to be a city in its own right. It is said that the castle was not built by human hands; it seems to have thrust from the mountain below it, moulded from that same rock by some other force of nature. There is no way to tell where the mountain ends and the castle begins; the stone gradually elaborates into walls and crenellations and too-tall towers, embellished with gargoyles and pinnacles and ornate tracery. And yet, despite its size and uncountable halls and rooms, it elicits a claustrophobic feeling; there are simply too many towers huddled too close together, sparing neither land or sky in their conquest for more space.

the Castle
The castle also shifts like a restless beast: a displaced gargoyle here, a new arched gateway there, towers that swell and shrink and slide like pieces on a chessboard. Sometimes, it moves independently. Just as a person may need to stretch their legs after sitting too long, so does it require equivalent relief. But it will also morph itself according to the whims of Grimsby's leader (also known as the Provider) and the Guardian Grimsworth, with whom it shares a deep connection. It is unknown to the Founding Families how such a connection is made.

Inside, new rooms are fashioned in an instant. Furniture is moulded on command. They emerge from the walls and floors and ceilings–an amorphous mass that distends and contorts into the furniture requested, down to their make, feel, and shape. Many a cupboard, chaise lounge, and chandelier have been created in this way. They can be rearranged, shuffled from one place to another, re-moulded into something new, or even absorbed back from whence they came. In every way they are perfect mimicries, with one exception: they will always be fused to the castle. It is impossible to dissever them, impossible to destroy them. Because this is not always ideal, such as in the case of chairs and kettles and other household items, the Founding Families possess some manmade and manifested furniture as well.

The castle is not without its limitations, for it too is a creature with a mind and feelings of its own. For instance, it is not immune to exhaustion. If compelled to change too much too quickly, it becomes prone to sluggishness or even downright stubbornness, refusing to budge until it is given adequate rest. It also cannot be compelled to remove its statues. Nor will it accept requests that are of such a malicious nature they could wreak havoc or endanger lives. Its primary purpose, after all, is to protect those who live inside it.

For this reason, anything deemed potentially dangerous is also barred from entry, unless it is brought indoors by the inhabitants themselves. That, of course, does not mean the castle never makes mistakes, or that curios cannot enter by themselves through other means. Should this happen, and a curio reveals its true dangerous nature, the castle will force it out through one of its passages.

Happy House
Siouxsie And The Banshees

  • the Courtyard

    Carved into the mountain base are the narrow steps leading to the entrance, an arched gatehouse fortified with a portcullis. Like the ramparts, the gatehouse is guarded by quasi-intelligent curios known as Hollows. There are many Hollows all over Grimsby, but these ones look much like human beings, if human beings were faceless. Nonetheless, their alarming looks are said to be an intended feature, for these creatures are tasked with keeping castle residents within.

    Through the gatehouse, one will find themselves in a cobblestone-paved courtyard surrounded by massive gothic buildings.

    At the centre of the courtyard is a stone fountain. Its basin is about knee-height, and within is a cubic platform with gargoyle spouts. In the middle of the platform stands the statue of the guardian known as Grimsworth, a figure revered by the Founding Families and from whom the castle derives its name.

    The statue is said to shift ever so subtly in the quiet moments when no eyes are upon it. Its head might turn the other way, its stature might rise an inch higher, or it might even close its eyes as though in deep sleep. Superstitious residents of Grimsby would make predictions based on these minute changes, believing them to be messages from Grimsworth. Others say that the statue is in fact the real Grimsworth himself, and not just a sculpture made in his likeness.

    The Founding Families believe that their guardian is watching over them. That in dark times, the statue would stir and he would awaken, becoming flesh once more to rescue them from peril. In the year 1987, such an occasion would arise, and for the first time in many years the guardian would be witnessed roaming castle grounds.
  • Entrance Hall
    Directly across the gatehouse are the grand arched doors leading to the expansive entrance hall, in the middle of which is one of the castle's most impressive structures: the Founder's Tree. It is a bone-white pillar that is fifteen metres wide at the base and about fifty metres tall, with a spiral staircase that clings throughout its length.
    Founder's Statue

    Though its silhouette is that of a tree, this is where the similarities end. For in lieu of branches, the leviathan busts of the First Founders protrude from its trunk in alternating fashion. They are giants among men, heads bent and white eyes unseeing, each with an arm outstretched to support its corresponding balcony on the adjoining wall. Meanwhile, their bodies form the ridges along the pillar, those disfigured torsos and crooked limbs entwining like vines.

    When day breaks and sunlight filters in through the stained glass windows, the statues are drenched in a scarlet glow reminiscent of blood.
  • faceless servant
    The kitchen is a wandering room. The Provider regularly manipulates the location of this room so as to ensure that provisions are safely and securely concealed. The Faceless Servants, who are Hollows, also occupy the kitchen and are tasked with cleaning, cooking, and guarding provisions.

    Prior to feasts, the Provider would summon the kitchen as well as a temporary door to the dining area. This allows the Faceless to set the tables, bring the meals, and clean after the residents.

    Dining Hall
    Behind the base of the Founders' Tree are the doors to the Dining Hall, a place that is most reminiscent of a cathedral's interior. It is a long and narrow space with ribbed vaulted ceilings, candlestick columns and lancet windows. Like the ones in the Entrance Hall, these windows are stained glass, but a more discerning eye will note a difference. What at first glance may seem like abstract patterns are in fact pictures: a chronological depiction of a child's adventure in the woods, and in which disease, treason, and death are prominent themes.

    dining hall
    Altogether, there are six refectory tables. Five of these are arranged in a row, one for each Founding Family. When viewed from the entrance, they are positioned as follows: Crowthornes on the left, followed by the Bloodhearts, then the Darkstones, the Dreamfords, and finally, adjacent to the enormous glass windows are the Blackwoods. Each family has its own distinctive colour scheme evident in the linen and tableware. Meanwhile, on a balcony at the furthest end of the hall rests the table of the Provider and the Council, Grimsby's governing body. This one stands perpendicular to all others, providing an unobstructed view of the room.

    It is customary for residents to dine together, for food is not to be taken outside the Dining Hall unless permission is explicitly given. This way, provisions are parcelled out evenly and not a single scrap goes to waste. In the event the castle has guests, the Founding Families are never inclined to hospitality. Outsiders are made to take their meals after the Founding Families have had their fill; only occasionally, and through Grimsworth's involvement, are they allowed to join the families at their dining tables.

    Feasting with the families is never a pleasant time, given the latter's reputation for peculiar rituals. One such ritual, called the Offering, precedes meals and features five brass basins. These basins are set at the tables and passed along, with each person contributing a portion of their blood into it. When all five containers reach the end of their respective tables, the Faceless Servants pour them into one larger basin, which is brought to the Provider to be consumed. It is only after this that the Families begin their meals. Curiously, the Provider does not partake in the feast, though they remain seated at the balcony, silently watching.
  • Residence Halls
    The Founders' Tree does not only exist as a tribute to Grimsby's first settlers, it is there to serve as the grand entryways to the residential areas. Each balcony supported by a founder's sculpture holds the entryway to that corresponding family's Residence Hall.

    Extended relatives are to share the same Hall, though this does not mean a lack of privacy. Residence Halls are unimaginably enormous. While there is always a spacious common room, this branches out into smaller hallways that lead to the private 'homes' of each nuclear family. These fractured spaces are arranged in the manner of multi-storey houses, varying in sizes and degrees of extravagance.

    residence hall
    Visitations may occur among relatives. Non-relations, on the other hand, are not permitted to visit. For instance, a Crowthorne would not be allowed inside the Blackwood Residence Hall. Should one attempt to intrude, they would find it difficult if not impossible to do so, for Residence Halls are protected with all sorts of complex curios. Some require special keys, others require passwords or gestures, still others contain traps that trigger alarms. Should one manage to sneak past the first set of double doors, there will always be more doors and more rooms to contend with. Private houses, too, may have their own security measures in place.

    Residence Halls look drastically different from one another, but it is clear that some comforts are deeply ingrained. The Five Families are quite fond of their intricate wallpaper, elegantly carved woods, lavish drapes–small vestiges of the Regency Era that may escape the untrained eye. Faceless Servants are also a common sight here.

    Below is a description of each Residence Hall and the sort of people that live within them. Every family has a reputation, but this is not representative of all members in that family. Some will deviate from the traits and priorities of their kin, while others will exhibit them to the fullest degree. However, it must be noted that great deviations from the family standard may negatively influence one's social standing.

    (Click each accordion slide to reveal the description.)

    Crowthorne Hall
    It would be a mistake to call the Crowthornes optimistic–there are hardly any of those in Grimsby–but they are particularly disinclined to believe the unpleasant truth, even when it is staring them right in the face. Ignorance is bliss, or so the Crowthornes believe. They are known to avoid their duties in favour of their whimsical pursuits, swept into their own world with little care for what happens around them.

    crowthorne bust

    Over the years, they have gained a reputation for being unreliable. Yet, their escapist ways also make for some fine qualities. They possess a childlike fascination for simple things, like hearths and music and good food; and they have an obvious talent for entertainment. Many Crowthornes are artists, storytellers, or even musicians, providing a much-needed avenue of escape–even if momentary–from the grim world of Grimsby.

    Should one enter Crowthorne Hall, they would be greeted with an enormous sculpture in the shape of a crow. It is so enormous, in fact, that the average man is only a third of its head. The crow's wings are spread, as though in mid-flight, and from its eyes emerge roses in full bloom. The sculpture feels real to the touch–from its sharp, sloping beak down to those fine, blue-black feathers.

    Windows and mirrors are scarce in Crowthorne Hall. Those that do exist are concealed by heavy drapes that are rarely drawn back. It is a place of desaturation, of blacks, greys, and off-whites. Furnishings are sparse, so that rooms feel incomplete, and for whatever reason everything in Crowthorne Hall has eyes–a potentially unsettling sight, if they weren't closed.

    Perhaps this is fitting, for Crowthorne Hall is a place of many secrets. What seems like an ordinary candle could very well be a lever that opens a hidden compartment. Rooms are not easily found. Even Crowthornes themselves find it toilsome to locate objects and places in their own home. Whispers say that many illegal curios are hidden here, hidden so well that no living soul remembers they exist.

    Crest: A burning crow, roses emerging from its bleeding eyes
    Motto: In Somnium, Volamus
    House Colours:

    Keywords: Denial, Secrets, Delusion, Flight, Escapism
    Notable Figures: Arabella Crowthorne (First Founder), Marcella Crowthorne (Creator of Self-Playing Piano and Self-Weaving Tapestry)

    Bloodheart Hall
    Mediators, peacekeepers, negotiators. These are the primary functions of the Bloodhearts, the beating heart of the five that keeps them all connected. When problems arise between the families, the Bloodhearts can be counted upon to solve them, no matter how long it takes. Without their gentle guiding hand, it is likely that Grimsby would have long fallen into disarray.

    As their role requires, the Bloodhearts are experts at communication. They know how to twist a narrative, to tug at heartstrings, to manipulate the outcomes. And yet scarcely do they do this for their own benefit. Always the Bloodhearts act in the interest of Grimsby's preservation. Their motivation? Religion. Dubbed the Slaves of Scripture, they are exhaustingly devout and are scrupulous about following the tenets and laws of Grimsby.

    The doors to Bloodheart Hall open to the lifelike sculpture of a man and woman locked in eternal embrace. They are dressed in purple; and cradled within their intertwined hands is a tree in the early stages of growth. Roots and flowering branches twist around what at first glance looks to be an infection but is, in fact, an unusually round planter.

    inaccurate depiction

    Both tree and vessel are an aggravating scarlet, altogether shaped in such a way that they look like a human heart. Inextricably connected, these curios thump rhythmically, the swell of life rippling out from the vessel all the way to the tree branches and the breathing flowers.

    Such symbolism of duality and compromise are present elsewhere at the Bloodheart residence. Furnishings have symmetry and often come in twos: a single statue would have double the face, a door would have an extra handle, chandeliers are paired together and hang side-by-side. There are also paintings aplenty here, showing different images at different angles.

    The most common colours in Bloodheart Hall are lavender and purple, with blues and reds being an occasional sight.

    Crest: Two hands, twisting around a human heart
    Motto: Unitas Per Vincula Sanguine
    House Colours:

    Keywords: Bargaining, Middle Grounds, Loyalty, Communication, Duality
    Notable Figures: Eleanor Bloodheart (First Founder)
    Darkstone Hall
    It is foolish to cross the Darkstones, who are famous for their quiet rage. They never forget their enemies and will hold onto grudges, passing them on to future generations as if they were precious heirlooms. True to their name, they are some of the most stubborn minds in Grimsby, being the resolute followers of tradition that they are. But it is also their determination to see their goals achieved and their enemies fallen that makes them Grimsby's most audacious rule-breakers.

    It is never overt with the Darkstones who, despite this inherent rage and thirst for power, are also blessed with a cunning mind and a surprisingly patient disposition. This combination of traits has allowed them to coast by with little repercussions for their many transgressions.

    Upon entering Darkstone Hall, one will find themselves in a small round room occupied by a single stone statue. This portrays First Founder Ansel Darkstone in his silent intensity, those molten eyes always watching, always following. Impossibly, his sculpted cloak rages around him in a nonexistent wind. It is often cautioned not to touch the statue of Ansel Darkstone, for those who dare do so will find themselves subjected to its wrath.

    darkstone hall

    Past the stone statue and through another set of double doors lies the common room. Here, and in the private rooms beyond, asymmetry is an evident theme. Chairs may lack a spindle or an armrest, chandeliers may appear slightly off-centre, and beds are shaped irregularly. The Darkstones also favour wrought iron and sharpness and angularity. Nothing is predictable in this place—save perhaps for the colour scheme, a predominant orange-and-red that makes even the stained glass windows seem like infernal portals.

    So unsettling is Darkstone Hall that one will find no comfort or solace here, even after many years of dwelling within.

    Crest: A tower in chains with a single window aglow in red, set against a backdrop of thunderclouds
    Motto: Invicta Traditio
    House Colours:

    Keywords: Anger, Unpredictability, Cunning, Grudges, Tradition, Forbearance
    Notable Figures: Ansel Darkstone (First Founder), Seraphina Darkstone (Creator of the Ambulator)
    Dreamford Hall
    As befits their name, the Dreamford's grip on reality is a tenuous one. While this means their creativity knows few bounds–they could often imagine what lesser minds could never envision–they are also prone to see the world through a murky window. Rarely do they find beauty in their surroundings, instead preferring to retreat into their heads; and truly who could blame them? The Dreamford family is said to be plagued by tragedy through the years; and under such a vast shadow, it is hard, if not impossible, to see the light.

    Dreamford's entryway captures the feeling of being underwater. At the heart of this round room is a grand spiralling staircase, accentuated by undulating blue patterns cast by stained glass windows. Crystals shaped like teardrops hang from the ceiling, catching the light and sparkling throughout the space.

    dreamford hall

    The stairs culminate at a vast common room. There is a madness to this place, a madness that approaches another plane of existence. To live here is to live within a waking dream, where all logic ceases to exist and everything is made ethereal. Chairs float listlessly like feathers, pillows whisper stories and sing lullabies, dark clouds veil the ceilings so that it always looks like it's going to rain.

    Despite the weightlessness that permeates Dreamford Hall, some things feel unnecessarily heavy. Doors, most notably, are a great strain to open. Lightweight blankets become dense and suffocating after only a few hours. Spend too long at Dreamford Hall and one would feel as though they were drowning with the weight of the world upon them.

    Always, always, there is somebody weeping in the background–a subtle sound that is only apparent when all else is quiet. It is difficult to place where it comes from, for the sound persists even when one is alone.

    Crest: An arched window, looking out into the watery depths. The crescent moon in the distance is only a faint glow through the murky waters.
    Motto: Inter Somnia Et Umbra
    House Colours:

    Keywords: Depression, Tragedy, Dreams, Creativity, Romance
    Notable Figures: Cordelia Dreamford (First Founder), Unnamed Romantic Interest (Scripture - Tale of Two Birds and a Dream), Edith Dreamford (Creator of the Clouds of Concealment)
    Blackwood Hall
    As the black sheep of the five, the Blackwoods are lovers of truth and knowledge, and are not as averse to death as the other families. They are objective, curious, and naturally inquisitive. But in their love for learning, they may encroach upon the privacy of others, unearthing secrets that are perhaps best left buried. It is difficult to convince a Blackwood to rest once they set their mind on something. Afflicted with hubris, they believe that anything done in the pursuit of knowledge must be the right thing to do.

    It is sheer luck that some Blackwoods are amenable and able to work within the bounds of conformity. Else, it is likely this house would have long ceased to exist. But still the threat hangs, for this divergence in priorities has led to severe infighting that only worsens every year. It is a matter of time, they say, before the house of Blackwood burns itself down.

    The layout of Blackwood Hall is akin to a tree: the doors open to a long space that from above would be reminiscent of a trunk, and on the far end are the different branching hallways leading to the private domiciles. Unlike other residence halls, there are no central pieces here. Instead, the entrance doors lead directly to the common room, for the Blackwoods are not particularly fond of the ornate and instead value a straightforward approach to all matters.

    blackwood hall

    In line with this, everything in the common room is visible from the doorway. Spaces are tall and wide and the windows are vast, providing plenty of natural light. It is a place that brims with academia. Where there are no windows, there are books; and where there are books, there are reading nooks. Furnishings here are as practical as those who use them. One would never see something as outrageous as a floating chair in Blackwood Hall, whose residents fancy themselves to be rather down-to-earth. Instead, everything is as it should be: sturdy, sensible, and natural.

    Private homes, like the common room, are also open, featuring balconies and decluttered spaces. There is symmetry here but also the wildness of nature, like the vines twisting along the balustrades and the sweetness of blooming lilies.

    Crest: A tree bursting out of a terrarium
    Motto: Veritas Vincit
    House Colours:

    Keywords: Acceptance, Knowledge, Investigation, Truth, Conformity, Hubris
    Notable Figures: Erasmus Blackwood (First Founder), Percival Blackwood (Creator of the Grimoire), Artorius Blackwood I (Scripture - The Talking Skull)

  • Outsiders' Hall
    Summoned into existence in 1987, the Outsiders Hall is situated above the founders tree. Upon entering, one will find a long hallway with windows on one side and doors on the other. The hallway itself appears much like other areas of the castle, with its high vaulted ceilings and large, curved windows.

    outsider hall
    There are two main doors along Outsiders' Hall. These lead to the gendered common rooms, which both appear to be furnished in the suitably plain, academic fashion that puts function over form. Branching off the common room are the sleeping quarters. These are smaller and afforded only the barest essentials: two or three single beds, a wooden bureau, and a closet.

    Meanwhile, the communal shower rooms and lavatories are located on either end of the Hall. In construction they resemble the common rooms: plain and contemporary, much unlike the rest of the gothic castle in which they are kept.

    Lately, with the threat of the Roots encroaching upon their space, it seems the outsiders will soon have to find some other place to go. Perhaps the Founding Family Residence Halls are an option, if only their reluctant hosts were a little more accommodating.
  • The Council Tower
    There are certain areas that are not part of the castle itself but are actually manmade. For the most part, these specially erected buildings cannot be influenced by the castle's changeable nature, even if they may look indistinguishable from its architectural design. They still tend to wander due to the simple fact that they were built on the castle's very foundations, but the structure itself cannot change or generate furniture.
    council tower

    One such area is the Council Tower. Weary of the castle's unpredictable changes and the ever-watching statues, the First Founders created this place as a safe haven for themselves. It has few windows and only one entry point: a curio in the shape of an intricately carved wooden door, which is replaced with every new generation of Council Members.

    Because of the sensitive nature of the objects and books inside the Council Tower, security measures are in place to ensure that any would-be trespassers are swiftly caught and dealt with. Therefore, it is in one's best interest to avoid this tower at all costs lest they wish to tempt fate. The numbers speak for themselves: no one outside of the Council has ever made it into the tower independently. Not even curios, but for the ones already within, are allowed here. Only the Council's successors, the Heirs, are permitted access during their final years, and even then they must be accompanied by a Council Member or invited inside.

    A place of forbidden knowledge, the Council Tower is said to hold an unfathomable amount of books sourced from the outside world–the place which the Founding Families call the Beyond.

    Council Secrets
    The rumours hold truth, for lining the walls of the tower are rows upon rows of books, encased in near-indestructible glass: a sight that would certainly put the Blackwood library to shame.

    At the heart of the room is an enormous Hollow tree–leafless but very much living. Fluent in the secret languages of the Council, the tree can understand any command given to it. Typically, it is used to reach the uppermost floor. One need only hoist themselves onto its sturdy branches, and they will be safely and steadily lifted to that otherwise unreachable place.

    There, in that hidden space above the library, is the Council Room. Immediately noticeable is a large wooden table supported by a sculpture of six hands. A tapestry hangs behind it–or it would, had it not recently disappeared. Off to its side is the Grimoire, sitting on the upturned hands of a hooded statue, the pages flipped to the latest written entry.

    Across the room is the study, a smaller space that consists of five neatly arranged bureaus and a single bookshelf containing the personal writings, notes, and research papers of the Council. A curio called the Viewer can also be located here.

    The Viewer
    The Viewer is necessary to access the vast library of books below. Though it is similar to a podium in overall shape, it looks more like a pedestal showcase, its surface enclosed in glass. This is a precautionary measure to ensure that no books are stolen or tampered with. Next to it, wrought in brass, is a speaking tube.


    To use the Viewer, one must utter the name of their desired book into the speaking tube. In a matter of moments, a pair of ink-stained hands should emerge from the pedestal hole, the requested book in its grasp. One need only instruct the hands to turn the pages. In the event that books must be added to the collection, the speaking tube can also be expanded upon request. It is through this hole that books can be inserted.

    Should one have trouble specifying a title, all they must do is speak of the subject they would like to research. A grating voice would promptly answer, happy to be of service. There is also a Master Book, a hefty tome that records all available titles and their descriptions, that can be summoned using the Viewer.

    Council Members typically use a Self-Writing Quill while using the Viewer. This is a convenient way to take notes; with it, a passage need only be recited to be written down.

    The Imprisoned Librarian
    Between the walls and bookshelves is the damp and narrow space in which a strange creature resides. This is the imprisoned librarian, the oft-unseen warden of Grimsby's vast catalogue of books. One may catch glimpses of its strange eye through the Viewer hole, or its scampering shadow through the spaces between the book spines. Nobody knows for sure what the librarian is, or how it came to be this way, forever a slave to the written word.

    In the years between 1962 - 1987, access to the tower is gained by using the knocker, a brass ring secured to a lifelike imitation of a crow's head. The crow will then come to life, and whosoever is holding the ring will find themselves inexplicably glued to it.

    Should the crow recognize the face at the doorstep, it will begin to speak in the Council's secret language. It does not ask for a password, nor does it require an answer to a riddle. It merely starts a conversation. If the person at the door is able to hold a conversation in the secret language, the crow releases them, and the door swings aside.

    Any intruders who fail to pass this test will be unable to extricate themselves from the ring, and will thus fall prey to the warden's wrath. The crow will bite and gnash at the offender's hand until it bleeds. (CW: Gore) Skin shall be ripped from muscle, muscle shall be ripped from bone, and bone will be all that is left in the end.

  • The Lonely Tower
    This particular tower is quite similar to the Council's in terms of outward appearance, except it is not a manmade structure and is significantly smaller than its twin. This is the place where the Heirs convene.

    There are no obvious entry points to the Lonely Tower. The only way to access it is through a secret passage located elsewhere in the castle. Entrance to this passage is said to be a door that blends among the walls.

    Within the tower itself is a winding staircase that culminates in a room at the apex. It is a strictly functional room: no diversions, no frills. At the centre is one round table surrounded by five chairs, and to the side is the hooded figure wrought in stone, believed by some to be a Hollow in disguise. It acts as a pedestal, palms holding a book in place. This book is the heirs' copy of the Grimoire.

    The Lonely Tower earns its name because it is often neglected in the twenty long years without Heirs.
  • Rumble Hall
    The rowdy rumble hall is the place to be for those seeking entertainment. Entrance to this building is located to the west of the courtyard, and through it one will find the theatre, the fencing salle, and the recently established gymnasium.

    Gentle Hall
    Unlike its counterpart, Gentle Hall is known to be quiet and sophisticated. It is a place where serious matters are discussed, where truces are made, where magic theory is learnt. This building is located to the east of the courtyard, and through its doors one will find the social rooms, study rooms, tea gardens, and infirmary.
  • Secret Passages
    The castle has many passages, most of which are shortcuts to other areas within castle grounds. These passages are always in the same place, hidden in plain sight: under a couch, through a cabinet, behind an old portrait. Many residents are aware of their existence and know where they can be located.
    secret passages

    But there are other passages known only to a select group of people. Five of these lead to the forest, but some lead to restricted areas within the castle as well. The Provider manipulates the location of these passages to ensure no unauthorised individuals stumble upon them. Entryways change every fortnight, but exits are always located in the same place. Often they are indistinguishable from the castle walls and must be pushed open for the passageways to be revealed.

    Every fortnight, the Council and Heirs are briefed on the location of their corresponding passages. They must not reveal this information to anyone outside of their rank.

    Provider's Passage: Summoned by the Provider when necessary.

    Council Passages: There are two passages that are exclusively for the Council's use. One of these is currently closed due to an infestation of roots.

    Heirs' Passage: A single passage is dedicated to Heirs.

    Architects' Passage: Architects, being accomplished magic practitioners, also have their own secret passage. The location of this passage is revealed to Council Members and Heirs, who must pass this on to Architects with any ongoing magic rituals or business in the forest.

    Adjacent to every passage is a stable that houses the Embereyes, horse-like creatures with eyes that glow. These are the Founding Families' primary mode of transportation.

    Because Embereyes do not require much upkeep, their stables are simply storage spaces: narrow cavities in the wall that are empty but for the Hollows themselves. (See: Notable Curios > Embereyes)

Grimwood Forest

There are many notable locations within the Grimwood forest. Some of these are actively avoided, like Shadow Mountain and areas dominated by the Roots. On the other hand, frequently visited locations are connected via stone paths.

New Order

  • Ritual Areas
    The Provider, Council, Heirs, and Architects have their own exclusive areas in which to perform their magic rituals. These are reached via secret passages.
  • Torture Tombs
    A place where miscreants are imprisoned, located deep within the Council's region of the forest. Tombs are cubic structures made out of stone. Within, they are completely dark and empty, made intentionally so to induce the worst illusions for its prisoners. Even accomplished architects, when subjected to such darkness and isolation for so long, will eventually succumb to these illusions despite their training.
  • Shadow Mountain
    The Shadow Mountain is a dangerous labyrinthian realm that even the bravest Architects dare not venture into, for it is said to hold formidable creatures within its depths. (See: Aberrant Hollows > Shadowkin)
  • Hollowgate
    Deep within the woods is a little known place called Hollowgate. It is a mountainous mass, less location than it is creature, the outlines of faces and grotesque limbs swelling out from its viscous surface. In the silence of the woods, the muted bemoaning of its ensnared victims could be distantly heard.

    Curios and Hollows deemed too dangerous or indestructible are led to Hollowgate. At the right command, the murky eldritch creature snaps into movement, latching onto anything within its reach. Its victims are instantly swallowed, eternally petrified in this fusion of monsters.

    Hollowgate was originally created as a temporary way to imprison Hollows. It was never meant to be a long-term solution to a growing problem; but old habits die hard, and the Founding Families are quite fond of their old habits.
  • The Roots
    It is difficult to tell where the Roots are coming from, for no living being–human or animal–has ever stepped into that tangled growth and made it out alive. It is an accursed place that reeks of death and dying things, a curse that the Founding Families have tried desperately to ignore. Silently, they hoped and wished and prayed it would go away on its own, but it never did go away. Instead, it went into dormancy and stayed this way for almost two hundred years.

    Only recently, with the arrival of the outsiders, has the Roots stirred again. Now it grows ever faster than before, breathing death into anything that comes within its reach.

The Valley

  • The Village
    Believed to be inhabited by Hollows, the village is thought to be a dull place with only stretches of arable land and a smattering of houses; a land where nothing particularly exciting happens but for the occasional straying of sheep. After all, what else would these soulless Hollows do with their time, apart from exactly what they're told?

    From the windows of the castle towers, this may seem like the case; for the village is too far away to be discerned through the mist. But the reality is quite different. The Council Members, the few allowed to venture out into the village, would know.

    In the past few years alone, so much about the village has changed. It is no longer just barns and mills and chicken coops. Now, it is teeming with life and energy and movement; for despite what the Council may say, the Hollows are in fact not so hollow after all. Within this communal settlement, there are many different establishments apart from the usual homesteads, some of which have been erected by the Council themselves. There are saloons, there are meeting halls, there is even a small altar for Grimsworth–and all of these are for the villagers' use.
  • Gargoyle Bridge
    Adjacent to the village is a river that can only be crossed by way of Gargoyle Bridge, an arching stone bridge flanked by pillars and upon which a soldiery of gargoyles is perched. No two of these gargoyles are alike, but all of them are equally grotesque. The treacherous river below seems a far pleasanter sight in comparison to these crouching, glowering creatures.
  • The Ruins
    In the year 1835, one of the Dreamford families hoped to establish their own domain outside castle grounds. They constructed a house right across the river, only a stone's throw away from the village. But as soon as the Dreamfords moved into their new home, the roof of the building collapsed.

    There were no survivors. The Council called it a freak accident. The Fathoms, the preachers of Grimsby, grabbed their quills and wrote of the news into their Scripture books, to be later told as a cautionary tale. No one has dared follow in the family's footsteps ever since. It is said that to do so is to subject oneself to a similar fate.

    Even now, the Council Members are loath to approach the Ruins, believing it is occupied by the troubled ghosts of the Dreamfords. What else could explain those eerie echoes of life where life should not exist?

The Labyrinth

All magic portals, be it mirror or tapestry, lead to the Labyrinth–a place that, according to the Council, appears situated in some other dimension. It is a strange place, a world of branching tunnels and dark chambers of a scale so large as to be unimaginable. Those who enter the Labyrinth are thus cautioned not to stray too far from their portals, lest they never find their way back. Yet, despite its size, distances in the real world are greatly reduced in the Labyrinth. This makes for a useful tool for travelling long distances. To illustrate, two portals located on either end of the castle would be in neighbouring proximity in this dimension. However, this also has other uses: for instance, one could use the portals to hide dangerous or unregistered curios and hollows, or even for gatherings held in secret.

an impossible maze
Noteworthy is the fact that portals in this dimension look exactly like their counterparts in the real world. The mirror would remain a mirror, reflecting its new surroundings. The tapestry would remain a tapestry, in all its elaborately woven glory. Travelling individuals will also find themselves unchanged, even after what feels like ages of wandering. Time, after all, runs differently in this otherworldly place. One could spend hours here only to find that only a few minutes have gone by in their world of origin.

Any portal found in this dimension is traversable; one is not necessarily bound to the identical half of the portal they used to gain entry. (See: Notable Curios > Portal Pairs)

Map of Grimsby
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New Order
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Nobody remembers when the first Terrans came to Gamma One. The pre-Neon Era space vessels from the Milky Way were massive, clunky relics that barely survived the 200,000 light year journey from Earth, and the pioneering Terrans who managed to wake up alive from cryo sleep were dismayed to find their data logs fried to bits. Historians estimate that it was around the same time the Wohduns, fleeing the genocide of a conquering race on their home planet, emerged at the outer rim of the galaxy. It would take them a decade to reach the freshly colonized city of Sarva, and together the Gamma transplants transformed the wild planet of Terra into a veritable hub of trade, commerce, and civility.

The Terrans were never able to get in touch with their home planet, and over time their history on it before Gamma One was forgotten, their new reality settling into their bones and DNA with every passing of the alien star. Earth has become mythologized in their history logs, and the fanciful talk of more Gamma Babies arriving upon the edge of the cosmos lingers just long enough in one's mind for all Terrans to keep one eye constantly on the past and the other on the future. In time, more nations and clans came seeking refuge amongst Gamma One's embrace: first the war-hungry Ramites, and next the A'noi, each race finding their niche amongst the growing constellation of Gamma's denizens. With the latest advent of Artificial Intelligence to count within its ranks, the star system has never been more of a wondrous - if not tempestuous - cosmic melting pot.

Our story will be told in star system Gamma One, which spans five planets to date and four main satellite locations or space stations. The time in history is currently the Neon Era. Think big, bright, and bold- the somber notes of colonial rule has fallen to the gaudy showmanship of the modern day Spacer. If your ship isn't firing bright purple nitrous flames, well - is it even really a ship?

[div=margin:auto;width:800px;background:#171209;border:1px inset #FAE5CA; padding: 30px;]
[div=margin:auto;width:650px;height:200px;background-image:url(;][div=font-family: Lato; font-size: 30px; color: #FAE5CA;][div=padding:15px 5px; float: right;][div=display:inline-block; width:80%;][div=width:35px; height:35px; overflow:hidden; display:inline-block;][div=opacity: 0.01; z-index:1; height:11px;][MEDIA=youtube]HGM2_KKr7yo[/MEDIA][/div][/div][div=top: -58px; z-index:2; pointer-events:none; opacity: 0.99;][FA]fa-play-circle[/FA][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]

[div=margin:auto;font-family:Chakra Petch;font-size:50px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:5px;color:#ffeaee;text-shadow: 2px 1px 0px #000000;][font="Audiowide"]THE STORY BEGINS
[div=margin:auto;font-family:Exo;font-size:12px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:1px;color:#FAE5CA;text-shadow: 2px 1px 0px #000000;opacity:90%; border-bottom: 1px solid #FAE5CA; padding-bottom: 10px; width: 650px;][font=Exo]HISTORY & SETTING[/font][/div][/font][/div][font="Audiowide"]

[div=margin: auto;max-width:700px!important;][div=margin:auto;width:700px;height:420px; overflow: hidden; background-color:#171209;font-size:15px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;][div=width: 130%; margin-left: 5%; height: 420px; padding-right: 5%; overflow-y: scroll;][font="Barlow Semi Condensed"]Nobody remembers when the first Terrans came to Gamma One. The pre-Neon Era space vessels from the Milky Way were massive, clunky relics that barely survived the 200,000 light year journey from Earth, and the pioneering Terrans who managed to wake up alive from cryo sleep were dismayed to find their data logs fried to bits. Historians estimate that it was around the same time the Wohduns, fleeing the genocide of a conquering race on their home planet, emerged at the outer rim of the galaxy. It would take them a decade to reach the freshly colonized city of Sarva, and together the Gamma transplants transformed the wild planet of Terra into a veritable hub of trade, commerce, and civility. 

The Terrans were never able to get in touch with their home planet, and over time their history on it before Gamma One was forgotten, their new reality settling into their bones and DNA with every passing of the alien star. Earth has become mythologized in their history logs, and the fanciful talk of more Gamma Babies arriving upon the edge of the cosmos lingers just long enough in one's mind for all Terrans to keep one eye constantly on the past and the other on the future. In time, more nations and clans came seeking refuge amongst Gamma One's embrace: first the war-hungry Ramites, and next the A'noi, each race finding their niche amongst the growing constellation of Gamma's denizens. With the latest advent of Artificial Intelligence to count within its ranks, the star system has never been more of a wondrous - if not tempestuous - cosmic melting pot.

Our story will be told in star system Gamma One, which spans five planets to date and four main satellite locations or space stations. The time in history is currently the [b]Neon Era.[/b] Think big, bright, and [i]bold-[/i] the somber notes of colonial rule has fallen to the gaudy showmanship of the modern day Spacer. If your ship isn't firing bright purple nitrous flames, well - is it even really a ship?

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Coding for MiharuAya's RP:

FONTS TO TEST: voltaire, lancelot, belanosima, gugi, mouse memoirs, Tsukimi Rounded

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FINAL FONTS: Belanosima + Outfit


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nibh tellus, tincidunt et accumsan sed, vulputate ac tortor. Maecenas quis nulla leo. Nam eu congue metus. Aliquam ac pretium diam. Pellentesque eget augue velit. Phasellus suscipit orci eget interdum commodo.
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  • Love
Reactions: MiharuAya

Coding for MiharuAya's RP:

Make responsive
Clean up code
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Room for Images
Custom Scrollbar / Hide Scrollbar
Fix padding

Title Font
Body Font

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam purus sapien, feugiat sit amet ultrices vehicula, maximus sit amet nulla. Duis a tincidunt ante. Morbi suscipit sodales enim. Ut tempus consectetur arcu. Suspendisse risus sem, dignissim vel maximus sed, cursus vel sapien. In ac sem eu eros ornare pulvinar vitae non nibh. Fusce non tristique nisi. Aliquam vitae dui gravida massa venenatis porta nec eget orci.

    Caption for Image

    Nunc sit amet orci et ante suscipit pulvinar. Maecenas nec turpis vitae augue luctus blandit. Mauris sed leo sit amet magna tincidunt eleifend hendrerit quis ex. In id efficitur arcu. Proin faucibus eros nibh, at porta orci aliquam in. Donec vitae tincidunt tortor. Aenean mollis interdum nisl in facilisis. Donec sit amet congue est, sed accumsan dui. Sed bibendum odio nec magna varius, in consectetur dui ornare. Praesent massa lacus, faucibus quis nunc in, vehicula dignissim metus. Ut pharetra interdum tincidunt. Nunc vel mauris tortor.

    Caption for Images

    Phasellus ac neque vestibulum, vulputate ex at, accumsan ex. Suspendisse sit amet euismod purus, ac eleifend lorem. Nunc luctus sapien vitae justo sodales blandit. Curabitur eget pretium ligula. Praesent fermentum vitae lectus quis tincidunt. Fusce semper, est id laoreet mattis, lectus tortor elementum quam, at efficitur orci nibh consequat lorem. Donec elementum imperdiet magna, eu facilisis nisl auctor id. Integer congue nunc eu turpis lacinia, nec vulputate libero pellentesque. Curabitur nec purus molestie, mattis risus ut, facilisis est. Pellentesque posuere, neque eget accumsan malesuada, turpis erat tincidunt felis, ac dictum purus lacus nec nulla. Quisque dictum feugiat erat, ac cursus diam blandit sed. Sed interdum egestas tempor. Morbi venenatis magna sed ex maximus, at tempus leo elementum. Praesent sed arcu in nulla tincidunt commodo. Pellentesque a augue gravida, mattis enim vel, ullamcorper tellus.
  • slide 3 title
    Slide 3 content goes here.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam purus sapien, feugiat sit amet ultrices vehicula, maximus sit amet nulla. Duis a tincidunt ante. Morbi suscipit sodales enim. Ut tempus consectetur arcu. Suspendisse risus sem, dignissim vel maximus sed, cursus vel sapien. In ac sem eu eros ornare pulvinar vitae non nibh. Fusce non tristique nisi. Aliquam vitae dui gravida massa venenatis porta nec eget orci.

    Caption for Image

    Nunc sit amet orci et ante suscipit pulvinar. Maecenas nec turpis vitae augue luctus blandit. Mauris sed leo sit amet magna tincidunt eleifend hendrerit quis ex. In id efficitur arcu. Proin faucibus eros nibh, at porta orci aliquam in. Donec vitae tincidunt tortor. Aenean mollis interdum nisl in facilisis. Donec sit amet congue est, sed accumsan dui. Sed bibendum odio nec magna varius, in consectetur dui ornare. Praesent massa lacus, faucibus quis nunc in, vehicula dignissim metus. Ut pharetra interdum tincidunt. Nunc vel mauris tortor.

    Caption for Images

    Phasellus ac neque vestibulum, vulputate ex at, accumsan ex. Suspendisse sit amet euismod purus, ac eleifend lorem. Nunc luctus sapien vitae justo sodales blandit. Curabitur eget pretium ligula. Praesent fermentum vitae lectus quis tincidunt. Fusce semper, est id laoreet mattis, lectus tortor elementum quam, at efficitur orci nibh consequat lorem. Donec elementum imperdiet magna, eu facilisis nisl auctor id. Integer congue nunc eu turpis lacinia, nec vulputate libero pellentesque. Curabitur nec purus molestie, mattis risus ut, facilisis est. Pellentesque posuere, neque eget accumsan malesuada, turpis erat tincidunt felis, ac dictum purus lacus nec nulla. Quisque dictum feugiat erat, ac cursus diam blandit sed. Sed interdum egestas tempor. Morbi venenatis magna sed ex maximus, at tempus leo elementum. Praesent sed arcu in nulla tincidunt commodo. Pellentesque a augue gravida, mattis enim vel, ullamcorper tellus.
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/* <-------- NAV TITLE --------> */]magic[/div]{tab=1}[div=/* <---- BUTTON 1 ----> */width: 260px; min-height: 70px; flex: 1; background: var(--button-bg-1), var(--button-color-blend); background-blend-mode: var(--button-blend-mode); border: var(--button-border); border-radius: var(--button-border-radius); padding: 10px; font-size: var(--button-fsize); color: var(--button-fcolor);  text-shadow: var(--button-text-shadow); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;]schools of magic[/div]{/tab}{tab=2}[div=/* <---- BUTTON 2 ----> */width: 260px; margin-left: auto; min-height: 70px; flex: 1; background: var(--button-bg-2), var(--button-color-blend); background-blend-mode: var(--button-blend-mode); border: var(--button-border-active); border-radius: var(--button-border-radius); padding: 10px; font-size: var(--button-fsize); color: var(--button-fcolor); text-shadow: var(--button-text-shadow); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;]magical races[/div]{/tab}{tab=3}[div=/* <---- BUTTON 3 ----> */width: 260px; min-height: 70px; flex: 1; background: var(--button-bg-3), var(--button-color-blend); background-blend-mode: var(--button-blend-mode); border: var(--button-border); border-radius: var(--button-border-radius); padding: 10px; font-size: var(--button-fsize); color: var(--button-fcolor);  text-shadow: var(--button-text-shadow); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;]dark magic[/div]{/tab}[/div][/div][div=
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/* <-------- BODY START --------> */]Slide 2 content goes here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam purus sapien, feugiat sit amet ultrices vehicula, maximus sit amet nulla. Duis a tincidunt ante. Morbi suscipit sodales enim. Ut tempus consectetur arcu. Suspendisse risus sem, dignissim vel maximus sed, cursus vel sapien. In ac sem eu eros ornare pulvinar vitae non nibh. Fusce non tristique nisi. Aliquam vitae dui gravida massa venenatis porta nec eget orci.

/* <---- SINGLE IMAGE ----> */
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
margin: auto;
/* <---- 200x200 IMAGE HERE ----> */
background: url( 50% 50% / cover;][/div][div=
text-align: center;
font-size: var(--img-caption-size);]Caption for Image[/div]

Nunc sit amet orci et ante suscipit pulvinar. Maecenas nec turpis vitae augue luctus blandit. Mauris sed leo sit amet magna tincidunt eleifend hendrerit quis ex. In id efficitur arcu. Proin faucibus eros nibh, at porta orci aliquam in. Donec vitae tincidunt tortor. Aenean mollis interdum nisl in facilisis. Donec sit amet congue est, sed accumsan dui. Sed bibendum odio nec magna varius, in consectetur dui ornare. Praesent massa lacus, faucibus quis nunc in, vehicula dignissim metus. Ut pharetra interdum tincidunt. Nunc vel mauris tortor.

/* <---- SIDE BY SIDE IMAGES ----> */
margin: auto;
width: 403px;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 3px;][div=
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flex: 1;
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max-width: 200px !important;
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background: url( 50% 50% / cover;][/div][/div][div=
text-align: center;
font-size: var(--img-caption-size);]Caption for Images[/div]
Phasellus ac neque vestibulum, vulputate ex at, accumsan ex. Suspendisse sit amet euismod purus, ac eleifend lorem. Nunc luctus sapien vitae justo sodales blandit. Curabitur eget pretium ligula. Praesent fermentum vitae lectus quis tincidunt. Fusce semper, est id laoreet mattis, lectus tortor elementum quam, at efficitur orci nibh consequat lorem. Donec elementum imperdiet magna, eu facilisis nisl auctor id. Integer congue nunc eu turpis lacinia, nec vulputate libero pellentesque. Curabitur nec purus molestie, mattis risus ut, facilisis est. Pellentesque posuere, neque eget accumsan malesuada, turpis erat tincidunt felis, ac dictum purus lacus nec nulla. Quisque dictum feugiat erat, ac cursus diam blandit sed. Sed interdum egestas tempor. Morbi venenatis magna sed ex maximus, at tempus leo elementum. Praesent sed arcu in nulla tincidunt commodo. Pellentesque a augue gravida, mattis enim vel, ullamcorper tellus.[/div][div=
/* <-------- BODY END --------> */

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pointer-events: none;][fa]fa-solid fa-angle-up[/fa][div=
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/* <-------- SLIDE 3 --------> */
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;][div=
flex: 1;
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max-width: 330px !important;
padding: 20px;][div=
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/* <-------- NAV TITLE --------> */]magic[/div]{tab=1}[div=/* <---- BUTTON 1 ----> */width: 260px; min-height: 70px; flex: 1; background: var(--button-bg-1), var(--button-color-blend); background-blend-mode: var(--button-blend-mode); border: var(--button-border); border-radius: var(--button-border-radius); padding: 10px; font-size: var(--button-fsize); color: var(--button-fcolor);  text-shadow: var(--button-text-shadow); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;]schools of magic[/div]{/tab}{tab=2}[div=/* <---- BUTTON 2 ----> */width: 260px; margin-left: auto; min-height: 70px; flex: 1; background: var(--button-bg-2), var(--button-color-blend); background-blend-mode: var(--button-blend-mode); border: var(--button-border); border-radius: var(--button-border-radius); padding: 10px; font-size: var(--button-fsize); color: var(--button-fcolor); text-shadow: var(--button-text-shadow); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;]magical races[/div]{/tab}{tab=3}[div=/* <---- BUTTON 3 ----> */width: 260px; min-height: 70px; flex: 1; background: var(--button-bg-3), var(--button-color-blend); background-blend-mode: var(--button-blend-mode); border: var(--button-border-active); border-radius: var(--button-border-radius); padding: 10px; font-size: var(--button-fsize); color: var(--button-fcolor);  text-shadow: var(--button-text-shadow); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;]dark magic[/div]{/tab}[/div][/div][div=
flex: 2;
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border: var(--body-border);
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background: var(--body-bg);
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color: var(--body-color);
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/* <-------- SLIDE HEADER --------> */]slide 3 title[/div][div=
height: 500px;
overflow-y: scroll;
padding: 0 20px 0 10px;
color: var(--body-color);
line-height: var(--body-line-height);
/* <-------- BODY START --------> */]Slide 3 content goes here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam purus sapien, feugiat sit amet ultrices vehicula, maximus sit amet nulla. Duis a tincidunt ante. Morbi suscipit sodales enim. Ut tempus consectetur arcu. Suspendisse risus sem, dignissim vel maximus sed, cursus vel sapien. In ac sem eu eros ornare pulvinar vitae non nibh. Fusce non tristique nisi. Aliquam vitae dui gravida massa venenatis porta nec eget orci.

/* <---- SINGLE IMAGE ----> */
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
margin: auto;
/* <---- 200x200 IMAGE HERE ----> */
background: url( 50% 50% / cover;][/div][div=
text-align: center;
font-size: var(--img-caption-size);]Caption for Image[/div]

Nunc sit amet orci et ante suscipit pulvinar. Maecenas nec turpis vitae augue luctus blandit. Mauris sed leo sit amet magna tincidunt eleifend hendrerit quis ex. In id efficitur arcu. Proin faucibus eros nibh, at porta orci aliquam in. Donec vitae tincidunt tortor. Aenean mollis interdum nisl in facilisis. Donec sit amet congue est, sed accumsan dui. Sed bibendum odio nec magna varius, in consectetur dui ornare. Praesent massa lacus, faucibus quis nunc in, vehicula dignissim metus. Ut pharetra interdum tincidunt. Nunc vel mauris tortor.

/* <---- SIDE BY SIDE IMAGES ----> */
margin: auto;
width: 403px;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 3px;][div=
flex: 1;
min-width: 200px;
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height: 200px;
margin: auto;
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background: url( 50% 50% / cover;][/div][div=
flex: 1;
min-width: 200px;
max-width: 200px !important;
height: 200px;
margin: auto;
/* <---- (RIGHT) 200x200 IMAGE HERE ----> */
background: url( 50% 50% / cover;][/div][/div][div=
text-align: center;
font-size: var(--img-caption-size);]Caption for Images[/div]
Phasellus ac neque vestibulum, vulputate ex at, accumsan ex. Suspendisse sit amet euismod purus, ac eleifend lorem. Nunc luctus sapien vitae justo sodales blandit. Curabitur eget pretium ligula. Praesent fermentum vitae lectus quis tincidunt. Fusce semper, est id laoreet mattis, lectus tortor elementum quam, at efficitur orci nibh consequat lorem. Donec elementum imperdiet magna, eu facilisis nisl auctor id. Integer congue nunc eu turpis lacinia, nec vulputate libero pellentesque. Curabitur nec purus molestie, mattis risus ut, facilisis est. Pellentesque posuere, neque eget accumsan malesuada, turpis erat tincidunt felis, ac dictum purus lacus nec nulla. Quisque dictum feugiat erat, ac cursus diam blandit sed. Sed interdum egestas tempor. Morbi venenatis magna sed ex maximus, at tempus leo elementum. Praesent sed arcu in nulla tincidunt commodo. Pellentesque a augue gravida, mattis enim vel, ullamcorper tellus.[/div][div=
/* <-------- BODY END --------> */

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pointer-events: none;][fa]fa-solid fa-angle-up[/fa][div=
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font-size: 11px;
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right: 15px;]Coded by Ardent[/div][/div][/div]
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