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Celestial Speck

I'm not a bad guy, I swear!
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Divine Rot


Ashina's time was due-- that was a reality that even the proudest of its citizens could not deny.

Entropy and its claws dig deeper into the weakening land with every passing day; sickness, rot, and death all but common. With the rest of Japan and its clan bending a knee to the Interior Ministry, many gazes turn to this last standing bastion of independence to the far east of Kanagawa and what is to come from its standstill against the force that unified Japan through war.

Isshin the Sword Saint held onto his land with dear force, with the swing of his blade, and his undying nature more than earning his moniker. A war god with a man's flesh. That is-- what many heard through the decades of him. The man who kept Ashina's independence by his very existence.

However, it would foolish to claim Isshin protected Ashina simply out of love and empathy.

Within every dirty and bloodied crevice carved by the Sengoku, even beyond the sea, Ashina's worth would be known. The rejuvenating waters that flowed all through its land are said to be divine of themselves-- said to heal terrible wounds from a man while nurturing nature. Indeed, Isshin protected Ashina for its worth in history and divinity itself, staking his claim to such terrible powers.

That alone invited many, many, many visitors to Ashina. Those who sought not only its waters-- but its deeper mysteries.

... of course. You can figure out what occurred to them; from the nauseating smell in the air, from the bloodied battlefields, from the corpses of soldiers in their shallow graves...

To visit Ashina was to be desperate and greedy. Virtue, even if there, didn't show its face for longer than it needed to.


Somewhere, neighboring Suruga Bay and past Nijima, a ship from beyond the great ocean came. Its objective was not to trade, nor to attack. To put it simply: it would be the first and last voyage this ship would have. It had nothing else but the sole purpose but to bring those seeking something in Ashina. Be it death, be it godhood, be it virtues, be it purpose, be it natural order--

Be it immortality itself-- the enemy of Mujō.

Somewhere, far, far above the clouds: a single rotten blossom allowed itself to bloom.​

A ship with no captain, no crew, and no wind cruised towards land.

Claustrophobic mist hung low as a weight upon their shoulders--

As twelve passengers found themselves here, not even sure why.

Be it from horseback or through space-time-- it mattered not to the ship and their memories, as it surely, forcefully cruised onwards.

Twelve passengers. Twelve strangers to Ashina. Each upon the same compartment, dim light revealing their forms just enough so others could see and gaze upon one another as if rats hiding under damp places.

@Midle1998 as Yasuke (Netflix's Yasuke)

Cruising through uncharted waters in a ship that offered little to no comfort was perhaps an experience that was far too familiar to Yasuke. Even if he wasn't chained here, he could feel their phantom grip around neck and legs alike. The back of his mind reminded him of the disgusting smells he felt in ships such as these... piss and shit, rot and sweat, with him one among many others through that.

Yet just like those 'chains'-- those smells and sounds were nothing but phantoms at the back of his mind. The first thing he noticed was that this place was clean. Grime and death not present for a second. It was a fair change of pace-- even if he knew not what he was here for, what he was...

... ah, that's right.

Just like these people around him, Isaaque-- no, Yasuke, the Obsidian Samurai was heading to Ashina.

... but, Samurai is perhaps asking too much. After all, what is one without their Lord?

@navihime as Mori Calliope (HoloLive)

Calliope was not Buddha. She was not Emma-ō, nor was she the ruler of the Great Beyond. Despite her appearance taking after humanity, she was, naturally, Shinigami. Not an agent of Death, but a force of transience itself. Life and death flowed through opposite ends; as rivers and winds. A natural order that either often repeated itself through samsara, (that is, reincarnation) as old as she could remember. Older than her, even.

Immortality, of course, needed to exist for those to enforce these humans upon those lower than them. Perhaps a cruel cycle-- but humans again and again enlightened themselves of their own suffering and broke free. That was fine. That was acceptable. The natural order was not broken, nature was not at any risk.

But. To give physical immortality, to invite rot and stagnation-- with humanity shedding its ties with itself?


She did not know how she arrived. Perhaps something such as the Styx guided her here, but she stood here and now-- in a boat that she somehow knew would bring her to her objective.

And she knew, without seeing she knew-- even before setting foot in the land she needs to arrive-- that Ashina had an overabundance of souls.

@Loveless as Rayda Valence (Non-Fandom OC)

For Rayda, Ashina invited death.

It was an almost seductive thing, what she heard of this place. Death and rot... even if it didn't sing her unto their arms, it was there. So close, just awaiting the correct chance to come and nest itself in her.

Yes. Where others saw the promise of immortality, she saw the quest itself. She saw what was made of soldiers who wanted the land. She saw failure and utter defeat, stagnant as a cycle that was about to break. Immortality-- she knew it well-- was utterly unappealing. She didn't want more of that. She didn't want any of that. She wanted a chance, however small, to die for something that was perhaps worth it. As a hero, or not.

So did this place... this... boat... summon her. To give her a chance to grant her wish, to see what those in Ashina call the 'Great Beyond.'

But perhaps... it was more accurate to say she came here by herself.

@cloaked as Rei (Pokémon Legends: Arceus)

For the second time, Rei found himself in a dark place.

It was not as dark as the void he fell and swam through so long again, nor was it any divine. It was damp and somewhat uncomfortable-- the opposite of where he first found himself on so long ago. Once again, this change came with no form of prior warning, no way he could have prevented it. And unlike the calm, divine presence of the 'almighty Sinnoh' he had come across in that dark ocean-- here he only saw others, not unlike him.

In his hand... a familiar device. The one form of communication between him, and technically speaking, his patron. Golden letters danced through the device, sending the only last, known message:


... and it was gone, the Arc Phone's going dark as the ocean beneath him crashed violently against the ship. His Pokéballs, containing his companions, still stood comfortably by his side in this trip with people he did not, in yet another land. But he knew and remembered: Ashina is where his objective is, and where immortality itself lays on.

@thatguyinthestore as Norman Osborn (MCU)

Norman was trapped in a labyrinth made of violence and memories.

A labyrinth that every day, he ran against the clock to get out. A labyrinth of televisions and his failures, all shining blinding led light with familiar faces he knew, faces he snuffed out. They yelled in fear and hate towards him, mocking him as he ran across corridors towards an exit that was farther and farther away with every passing day, every passing second.

With every exit, the breath he drew was temporary. With every exit, something underneath his skin ran faster and smartly through that same labyrinth, laughing and mocking him all the same.

Some called him 'Globlin', a demon of his own making. Others, such as the ones in the land he visited, called it violence incarnate. Cruelty-- the act of inciting violence for no reason, getting lost in the way of the war that overtook Japan in its entirety. Indeed, in this land, where this demon of cruelty sought to become God, they called it one thing and one thing only.

The Shadow of Shura.

Now-- both found themselves here, one of them trapped in that labyrinth yet again for now-- in a great ocean towards the objective. That blood of the Gods, what is to be claimed by them.

First to the prize. First to ascension. First to becoming God.

@megar as Mitsuhide (Dragalia Lost)

She heard of Isshin, the Guardian of Ashina, and his particular distaste of rats.

She also heard of the thing hiding in plain sight in his land-- the waters of rejuvenation, the Divine Blood, the Divine Dragon. Indeed, Mitsuhide heard many such things. She was here, after all, to grow old by virtue of another's blood. Dragon's are prideful beings, always taking their due, after all. But it doesn't matter what that is-- just for a chance of living longer, this rat-- her-- would have to take that.

Within this ship that she knew not the name of, small, dirty rats moved about. Behind figures that were not so familiar to her-- before slowly aglomerating around her and her only.

"Mitsuhide-sama, Mitsuhide-sama, Mitsuhide-sama..." they all repeated under their breath, with admiration in their tone. They said nothing of worth, of course: such as how or why she was here, how they knew her name-- or...

... or why there was no crew in this ship. Only rats.

@TheElenaFisher as Ciri (The Witcher)

Ciri traveled through worlds before. Ashina, however, she never went to.

Perhaps it was the neverending war that seemed to plague the nation. Or perhaps it was simply due to her never hearing of it until now. But where she didn't visit, she certainly heard more than enough: monsters, dragons, and immortality itself-- it was a legend packed with culture and history, rumors and violence. Even beyond worlds not this own, those things reached her somewhere, somehow. Maybe in a tavern, spoken by a shady figure-- or from a confused native from there, bloodied and bruised.

It didn't matter-- her eyes were on the prize. Immortality so she could be with her family. Immortality so things didn't need to be sour anymore.

-- but, she knew more than most. Somehow, another word closely accompanied the promise of Immortality whenever Ashina was the topic. And, that was, of course... something not so different from her.

No-- something wasn't right. Someone.

Ciri, for better or for worse, knew the gift of Immortality belonged to someone that could give it, somehow: The Divine Heir, of the Dragon's Heritage.

Now she stood here. Unfamiliar waters and people beyond the eye could see, but somehow all heading to the same place; she somehow, certainly, knew that. In this nameless ship, Ashina was the objective. And the prize of immortality perhaps to become a manhunt.

@Minerva as Yashamaru Kurama (Samurai Showdown)


That was the name behind the Interior Ministry-- a name belonging to violent and scared cowards, too afraid of the outside world, but too greedy for their land. Yashamaru, too, like Mitsuhide, heard of Isshin Ashina and his distaste for rats-- but between them, he knew the most. He knew who these rats truly were, he knew of Ashina's last stand as the Tokugawa awaited the death of the sword saint.

And naturally, he knew of the gift of Immortality, of the Dragon that came from the West.

Like Ainu Gold, Ashina had its worth that needed to be protected. Beyond the hands of Tokugawa and any bloodlust enough-- but even that gold was tainted, Dragonrot slowly spreading all through the land. A direct consequence of that very same dragon that drove away Buddha and Gods.

For the masked Tengu, Ashina was a land that hid vices and blessings.

For the masked Tengu, corruption needed to be rooted out.

For the masked tengu, Tokugawa's rats would be in his way.

And in this ship...

... only normal rats stood, thankfully.

@Igloo as Blyeth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Atone for sins past. Seek it, destroy it-- the 'gift' of the Gods to humanity.

Bloodshed and death only came in response to it, reaching their peak whenever strife came to be. The Dragon's Heritage, and the many other Divine Gifts of Ashina, were no different.

He was, naturally, a foreigner-- but even beyond the great sea, the Interior Ministry closed its gates to, similar stories as the ones here took place. Blyeth's was no different. Perhaps it was for that reason alone he came here unto this boat-- no memory on the why or how and the when or why-- but with the certainty that it would bring him to the place he sought. The Land of Rejuvenating Waters, Ashina-- where yet another 'gift' of the Divine stood.

Many other warriors stood here. Their presences and convictions to achieve what they sought were no different from his own. Even if they were to be perhaps... selfish, or even problematic.

Some of their faces were sad and broken. Others were determined and virtuous, some confused and uncertain. And, deep down, perhaps even seeking the same he wanted-- not to destroy this heritage, of course. But to instead atone for everything up until this moment of their lives.

But here he stood. In a boat leading to where he needed to be, and for once, not alone.

@PlumpyNut as Baiken (Guilty Gear)

She was visiting her homeland after what felt like a long time. An undestroyed Japan, but one that felt pretty close to it regardless, given the period.

The 'Sengoku' era was perhaps the bloodiest era of Japan-- and there are many tales to boot of it. Skeletons rising from shallow graves made for nameless and forgotten soldiers, of forced unification and war against my clans, and the birth of bloodshed and hate all through. But this business of a 'Dragon's Heritage'-- that was new. That was something that did not belong and worsened this already bloody period.

Immortality was unappealing-- perhaps that's why the blade she carried by her side existed. One perfect for the job: to cut away the ties of immortality.

... but...

... she couldn't help but feel that there were many others here with similar purposes, and some not. She could see a black man with a sword that was clearly no native, with a lost and floaty expression, rats, and what appeared to be a woman dressed as the grim reaper herself.

It was obvious: Ashina invited many odd figures.

@marc122 as Yume Moto (Non-Fandom OC)

Why was she here, if not for immortality? What could one possibly seek that wasn't what others wanted?

It was perhaps oddly simple to some-- to leave a message to oneself here, in the past. While the 'avatar' that is Yume Moto did not exist in this distant period of the past, one day, there's a possibility, however small, that 'she' will be born. And for that purpose, that is enough to come here in this land of strife.

Five hundred years and more from now, a message could be left and received all the same. A chance to do better.

Of course-- such a self-focused objective isn't shared by most here, perhaps for the better. In this quest of bloodshed and longevity, of war and campaigns, 'she' alone sought to better 'herself' through leaving something for the far future.

... the how, though. That 'she' wouldn't know how to do. But the answer would come in time-- as soon as this boat stopped.

@udon as The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who)

The last passenger, and funnily enough, the twelfth, would have found himself separated from the Tardis.

The ship he found himself on was not the same he was so used to but somehow felt no different. A place that-- no, that's not right. A thing that broke through the veil between worlds, edging on manipulating what is possible and what isn't. Those here were very much alive-- but it likely did not matter if they were dead before this. This ship, created for their very convenience, would stop at nothing until it reached Ashina. Until all passengers here were in.

They were all quiet for now, only the waves and crashing sounds of water against wood breaking that silence-- it made for a rudimentary form of travel. Certainly would make his objective a bit harder.

At the very least though? He still had the keys.

Twelve passengers with their objectives here approach the land.

Twelve fates intertwined as either allies or enemies.

Ashina will fall by the end of the day.

There are a few minutes until the boat arrives on Ashina.

There are six years until the Sengoku Period ends.

And an eternity available for those who claim the Dragon's Blood.

Shadows Die Twice.

As the boat sailed across the seas, Yasuke was lost in thought over the events of a few days prior. The Daimyo's Army had come to through all of Nobnaga's conquered provinces, wiping out his forces in mass with her dark army; enfused with dark magic and power armor from the Mongols. Nothing could compete with such power. Not even the gifted seers who swore fealty or Nobunaga and his cause could hold them off forever. That was until he, Nobunaga, and Ranmaru, Nobunaga's confidant were left as his estate began to burn to the fires of war.

Nobunaga sat on his knees in front of an art piece. Yaskue and Ranmaru stood on opposite sides of him. Yasuke had spent a few minutes trying to convince his lord to retake the hold but Nobunaga did not budge. Nobunaga wanted Yasuke to take Ranmaru awa from here as the palace was burning all around them, but Ranmaru would not leave his lord behind. Not like the others. Now they all stood silent in a stalement. Until Nobunaga spoke up "It's ironic, isn't it Yasuke?"

"What is, my lord?" Yasuke asks even though he had a faint idea of he means

"That I was betrayed by two my own retainers. My own kin form my native land, yet you. By all definition, a foreigner, have been loyal to me to the end...Even now...You fight for my honor....Even when the fight is over...." Nobugnaga looks to Ranmaru

"Ran...Don't let them in... I refuse to give my enemies the satisfaction of seeing the life leave my eyes...!"

Ranmaru swallows hard, knowing what was going to come next "Y-Yes, my lord..." Ranmaru quickly walks past Yasuke, who's also looking rather distressed before Nobunaga draws the wakashiki from it's sheath, griping with with both hands, and point it directly at his stomach

"I suppose this is my final lesson in life "When you are at your wits end...And you look around for one you can rely on....You'll always be met with a friend who's a stranger....And a stranger....Who's a friend...." Nobunaga smiles before stabbing himself in his gut. He then drags the blade, cutting his stomach open, letting his intestines spew out from the cut. Yasuke stood there mortified.

"Grrrrh! Now let this be my final lesson to you, Yasuke....Not every dream...Is meant to come true...Let's get this over with....I have a family I must apologize to. Yasuke....I ask you....Not as your lord....But as your friend....To put this dreamer...To rest..." Nobunaga closes his eyes

Yasuke's eyes widen at the request. He shouldn't have asked him to do this....He couldn't bring myself to do this...But he couldn't let him suffer in pain like this....Not after all Nobunaga has done for him. He needed to do this...No one else could. Yasuke took the hilt of blade and stopped for a brief second. He tightens his grip before drawing his blade from it's sheath. Yasuke holds the hilt with both hands, holding it just above his master's head. He slowly raises it above his own and stops. He can only here the crackles of flames, the drops of his master's blood, and the rampant beating of his own heart. Before he knew, the blade came down on Nobunaga's head.
Ranmaru's unconsious body came crashing through the doors and slid across the ground. A large man in orange armor, wearing an oni mask and clowing red eyes enters the burning room along with a couple of other samurai clad in black armor. As they walk further into the room, they see Yasuke, already on his knees and bowing. His blade in his sheath in front of him, while also being just a couple of inches away from Ranmaru's body. The large man looks at Yasuke for a moment before looking past him and seeing what was left of Nobunaga, "Hm....I know this wasn't your choice, Yasuke. If you had it your way, you wouldn't have given up. You do not surrender out of cowardice. After all the battles we fought for our master, you have proven that you are indeed a warrior. I might not have liked you, Yasuke but I respected your spirit."

"Mitsuhide..." Yasuke whispers to himself. The name of the man who betrayed his master. Who sold him out to the Daimyo and crushed his dream of unification.

"It is time for this dream to end." Mitsuhide raises his foot and stomps on Yasuke's head,
As Yasuke comes to, he felt his nose burning. He speculated that it was broken and felt some blood over his lips. He sees that he's sees nothing but dirt and sands as far as the eye could see, behind him was the desolate remains of his Nobunaga's state. He was held up by two dark samurai on both sides of him, who proceed to drop him to the ground. He also sees that he's been stripped of his armor and only left with a white hakama "You are no longer a samurai of Japan, Yasuke." Mitsuhide remarks upon his armored horse
"Mitsuhide..." Yasuke turns to his former ally "Surely you-'

"The reason I spare you now is because of tradition. I am not to slay another man who lays down his blade. Had I've forgone said traditions, I would not have been obligated to spare your life. The ways of old are what granted your mercy this day, Yasuke. Remember that." Mitsuhide take Yasuke's blade tosses it to the ground in front of him "There is your blade. You are now samurai of the dirt. Begone from Japan, Yasuke. Return to your masters. Return home back over the horizon, if you can remember. Serve the spiders, the maggots, and the vultures!"

Yasuke picks up his sheathed katana and looks upon it in sadness. The blade stained with the blood of his lord. His friend... Water droplets fall on to the sheath only for it to be the dark foreigner's own tears falling from his eyes, yet he does not weep or sob. He simply stands to his feet and holds the sheath in one hand.

"From slave to stray... There is no place for you here... Or any where..." With that, Mitsuhide turned his head around and began walking towards the setting sun with his tioops walking as their silhouettes were made clear by the setting Sun. The further they went, the shadows got thinner, and thinner, and finally, they disappeared into the light. Yasuke found himself alone with only his blade. He had nothing now. Not a family. Not a friend....Just a bloody blade...He clustches on to it before slowly walking the other way towards dusk, hanging his head in shame as he walked along the dirt path with bare feet.
Yasuke clutches his hands into fists. How stubborn can one man be towards the idea of change? Just...How? Why go this far? He couldn't have just rennounced his service to Nobunaga, he had to side with a dark entity and destroy him! Yasuke may have been taken from his land and sold as property. Like some animal but this...This was the type of evil he couldn't bear for some reason and the waves couldn't keep him from thinking about it over and over again since it happened...
@Celestial Speck
[Open For Interactions]​
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Yume Moto, the Sterling Adventurer.

At least, that was what she had purported herself to be.

In reality, she was but a mere businessman named Hiroyuki who had, in the last couple of months, found time to escape to a certain reality where he would let out his frustrations. Let his fantasies of reliving his golden years wild. Let his weapons run through those of a typical fantasy's setting, only except in a virtual reality where he didn't just watch his character destroy her opponents, but rather physically fought as her.

All within his sleep, where he would find himself joining a game.

But the last couple of hours were a little different.

He fell asleep to log in to the game as Yume like usual. Like before, he would embark upon a guild quest where he would keep watch on a certain area that was higher up in danger than usual. And then, he would do more within the game so as to escape the dread of working where he worked.

But somewhere along the way, he was taken to a seemingly unfamiliar place.

. . .

"Yume Moto"

Sterling Adventurer..?

#FAC51C = Speech

  • Hammer-axe
  • Makeshift war scythe
  • Light armor
  • Heavy armor

(Location: Boat)
@Celestial Speck (GM) (FREE FOR INTERACTION!)

And eventually, he was on a boat.

Hiroyuki could remember it pretty well; he had made his wish to leave a message for himself. Although he had no interest in immortality, it was starting to be clear that pretty soon, he would have to accept being immortal just so he could bring himself the message he wanted deliver. And already, he was conflicted.

Was he going to wait hundreds of years just to send a message? Or would he be allowed to go straight to where he wanted to be? Even so, would he be bothered to remember to do so by then, let alone with his intent and specifics intact? And past that...

Would he even be allowed to finally part with the world once he leaves the message?

No matter what, however, he was still going to give himself the piece of advice as long as it gives him a better chance at life than he did.

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"Chatty little guys, aren't they, Bonnie?"

Mitsuhide coolly gives the mouse atop her head a small stroke. Her loyalest little friend is far quieter -- he speaks only when he needs to -- and perhaps in that way, the soundless droning of the rats behind her she could call appreciated. They say nothing of worth but her own name, a name passed down through her family as though it was supposed to give her some greater importance and destiny just for having it.

And how she hates tradition. It has done nothing but rot away at Hinomoto. The wyrmclans may join arms when times are most dire, when the threat of Tsukuyomi lurked, but what of after? With their own patron god dead, what was left for Hinomoto but to continue her legacy? It did nothing, it remained the same. Was the constant warfare what Amaterasu would have wanted, the clash of wills just so one might become shogun and shape the country in their image? Perhaps. Perhaps not. She was never there: and far be it from her to show any sort of doubt, any weakness, before a leader of another clan so that she might ask.

She shares her distaste with another. Nobunaga, her rival from birth, the woman she was destined to meet in the field of battle as the eternal fight for revenge for what their ancestors' ancestors had did so long ago. It's all nonsense. What are a bunch of warmongering old fools to decide her allies? No, Nobunaga is a friend -- perhaps more than that -- and one she can confide in with all things. Of those back home, she and she alone knows of this journey, then: this journey to a world beyond to bring an end to the ways of their own.

Mitsuhide doesn't know what lies ahead for her. But this is a task that only she can do. Hinomoto is, for now, at peace: but for how long, and will she ever live to see it? She holds no ill will with Daikokuten, nor any dragon that may claim the life of a leader. Yet life is short, and her time to make anything of it shorter. She's sure he'd understand -- they all will, once she returns with the future in hand.

And then, maybe, she can just nap in peace.

But those thoughts are for later. Mitsuhide hates one thing more than tradition: needless effort. She'd much rather have others do the heavy lifting for her, like the rat she supposes she's supposed to be. A tradition she cares not to break, perhaps. Nobunaga often speaks of she and she alone deciding what rules and regulations suit her path. Mitsuhide will do the same.

How to convince people to do her bidding with that old man there, though... Well, leaders always have to face challenges sometimes. Maybe he can be of use too, if she plays her cards appropriately. She'll right her country's wrongs... whatever it takes, now.

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Hand held overboard, the Doctor watched the key in his palm sparkle. Dimly so, dimmer yet dimmer. Finally, the sparkle faded, and the Doctor was left with but a dull piece of shaped brass.
The link between the key and the TARDIS had been severed. They had travelled too far from her—or she had travelled to far from them. He could no longer use it to call her back: Only to detect her presence in the event she was nearby.
He chewed his lip, leaning back from the boat's edge and pocketing the key.
Yes indeed: This did make things more difficult.

Casting a sunshaded gaze across the waters, the Doctor sniffed at the air. Hm. No trace of refined fossil fuels in the atmosphere. Coal, though, definitely: Civilisation existed, at least. Ozone content was indicative of a period before the industrial revolution. Salty—of course it was. Casting his gaze up into the sky, the Doctor tapped the side of his Sonic Sunglasses. Filtering local sunlight...adjusting wavelengths...The stars. The Polynesians developed a star compass to guide them along ocean voyages through the pacific—And from the Doctor's knowledge of them, he was sure they were somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Japan, China, New Zealand, perhaps early America. Those were the four that sprung to mind.
Without his memory to go off of, that was as close as he was going to narrow it down for now—or was it even his memory at fault?

He recalled it quite clearly: His mission to find the cure for immortality. The oath he had taken to end the suffering of his sworn enemy. The planet of Skaro, laid to rest—its writhing hatred finally staunched. He was in the TARDIS, using the telepathic circuits to narrow down the location—and then he was on the boat. Had he found what he was looking for? Or had what he was looking for found him?
Whatever the case, he thought as his vision returned to normal, it was well boring standing around waiting to arrive. He was on a mystery ship! No captain or crew, just a ship sailing its way to god-knows-where, with a bunch of strangers he'd never met before! He had woken up in an unfamiliar place with no TARDIS and no clue how he'd gotten there. There had to be something more interesting to do than stand around staring drearily out at the waves like some forlorn fisherman's wife.

Turning away from the waves, the Doctor lowered his shades and peered over the lens. There had to be some sort of captain's room or crew quarters—empty, no doubt, but still worth investigating. The question was, could he find anywhere to look?
"Hello hello, spooky ghost ship from out of time and space...What have you got for me?"

@Celestial Speck
@Minerva as Yashamaru Kurama (Samurai Showdown)


That was the name behind the Interior Ministry-- a name belonging to violent and scared cowards, too afraid of the outside world, but too greedy for their land. Yashamaru, too, like Mitsuhide, heard of Isshin Ashina and his distaste for rats-- but between them, he knew the most. He knew who these rats truly were, he knew of Ashina's last stand as the Tokugawa awaited the death of the sword saint.

And naturally, he knew of the gift of Immortality, of the Dragon that came from the West.

Like Ainu Gold, Ashina had its worth that needed to be protected. Beyond the hands of Tokugawa and any bloodlust enough-- but even that gold was tainted, Dragonrot slowly spreading all through the land. A direct consequence of that very same dragon that drove away Buddha and Gods.

For the masked Tengu, Ashina was a land that hid vices and blessings.

For the masked Tengu, corruption needed to be rooted out.

For the masked tengu, Tokugawa's rats would be in his way.

And in this ship...

... only normal rats stood, thankfully.​

"Ku areba raku ari"
"After the rain comes fair weather."
- Japanese Proverb


Waves lapped against the side of the boat, rocking it and its contents back and forth, and yet, the crow stood firm. Seagulls squawked overhead, their sound blending with the noises that the boat made while creaking. A rat ran across a board in front of him, squeaking and scattering. And yet, despite the noise and the the thief known as Karasu Tengu was at peace, a meditative expression on his face as he calmly breathed in and out. Ahead, the shore came into view of the boat, the mountainous Ashina forming over a misty sea. He had come because of what he had heard about Ashina. The issues they faced, especially with the rats of Tokugawa.

This offered him several chances: The first was that gift of Immortality, so he could watch over the people forever and prevent corruption from taking hold. The second was even more important to him, an opportunity to cut the head off of the Snake that would become the Tokugawa before it grew into a bureaucratic hydra that choked the people under its purview.

The Kurasu Tengu stood up from his meditative state and slowly approached the side of the boat. As he stood, he picked up the long sword and placed it on to his back, and then tied his beak mask around his mouth. When looking out at Ashina, he would focus himself and use his bird-like attributes to see if he could find anything out of the ordinary on the shore ahead of them. Banners of war, pillars of smoke, even boats or the faint movement of people gathering.

@Celestial Speck @Anyone

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It is said that even amidst mist, a bird's sight is always true. Perhaps that wouldn't be too inaccurate to say considering even the little the tengu could see farther ahead.

Broken wood, parts of what was no doubt a larger construction once, floated amidst the surface of the water, ever-so-gently being moved to the side with the ship's movements. No doubt, it likely once belonged to a shipping bay, with its pieces now broken and scattered amidst the sea.

Further ahead, the faint outline of the shore. Buildings-- seemingly decript even with the mist hiding their true appearance. It wouldn't be too long until they arrived there, but it would still take a while.​

The Doctor's search was not in vain. His quick search around the ship quickly revealed something: it was a liminal structure not so different from the TARDIS. However, where the TARDIS was bigger on the inside through its very innate nature, this ship felt... liminal in the sense there was an intricate wrongness to it.

There was no captain's quarter or quarter for the crew. But despite that, the entire location felt... elongated. As if something solely made to sail, with no manner of care if someone used it or not.

He did, however, find something on the walls.


A kite! How cute.​
MENTIONS: @Celestial Speck, @OpenForInteractions

This wasn't the first time she had ended up in the wrong place by accident but this was a story she needed to see through.

Originally she had meant to visit her friends, the one she made that belonged to different worlds, but the portal took her to these lands instead. Lands that she had never seen before but weren't entirely unfamiliar from the more she found out, what with the monsters and dragons or draconids as she also knew them as plaguing the land. However she had heard of another thing here that reminded her of her own home:


Once she heard of it in a tavern as well as helping out a native that ended up in trouble, her plans of trying to leave were put on hold. So here she was: on a boat headed to Ashina just like the other boats that she saw sailing around her. As it got closer to the shore, she looked at the city coming closer and closer into view. The manhunt for immortality, or rather the person that held the gift for it who was referred to as The Divine Heir, would be drawing ever closer the closer they got to the shores.

She knew all too well how hunting for one person with a gift such as that could end: with needless bloodshed and death. Ciri was once in their position once and while she too wanted the gift so she'd never die and leave Geralt and Yennefer alone, she felt for the position this Divine Heir was in. Whoever it was, she hoped that there was someone to protect them but with a title like that, she had no doubt that they had a protector.

The Divine Heir would need their Divine Guard after all.

So as the ship neared the shore, the ashen-haired woman looked at the other boats, her emerald green eyes looking around at the people she could spot on them. Some of them looked similar to the natives of this land while others were clearly from other worlds judging by their appearance. However they ended up here, it was clear that the hunt extended to a bunch of different worlds. Unfortunately for her, none of the people there she recognized.

Her gaze went back to Ashina, the city they were now getting closer and closer to. And the winner of the manhunt would be given immortality. Maybe she'd be the winner and be the one to finish telling the story of The Divine Heir and Ashina.

That is, if she survived long enough to finish it.​
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Baiken header.png

Japan was gone, this much Baiken knew. So as she drifted down the stagnant waters of the Styx on a boat with naught but shades for a crew, the samurai breathed deep, knowing it could be the very last she drew in the realm of the living.

"Praise be to the flawless, all-pervasive illumination of the great mudra. Turn over to me the jewel, lotus and radiant light," she murmured in monotone, steeling herself as she felt the bite of the Eight Cold Hells in the fog all around, and the stench of undeath it carried, "Singing in Hell purifies the six roots of perception." If she were to deliver her homeland from the cursed purgatory it had succumbed to, she needed her master's guidance.

But this crew? Every single one of them, a mask. An arrogant green oni, the penitent tengu, even Death itself. Frail women harboring demons, hiding them behind soft faces, like wolves in sheep's clothing. At least one - the most rugged among them, scarred and muscular - appeared honest about their affliction. And a man who wore shades, even in the dead of night? Baiken knew the type.

But one especially caught her eye. A mask of rigid obsidian, flecked with dirt and cracked with despair, like a twisted reflection of the ivory hannya forever haunting her. Spying the sword at his side and his fists balled up in feeling, Baiken approached distantly, and with her hand rested on the hilt of her weapon. Glimpsing the glazed look in Yasuke's eyes, Baiken looked outward into the choking mist. "Better not live in the past too long, 'less you want an early death to be your future," she grunted.


@Celestial Speck



As the exiled samurai turned to face the source of the voice, Yasuke was met with a vibrant samurai woman. Her long pink hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she has peach eyes. Her right eye and forehead have a crimson tattoo, while her permanently closed left eye has a scar; she has what appears to be a single goggle over her eye that she wears as an eye patch. She's dressed in a red, black, and white kimono with a ripped right sleeve, black greaves, and sandals. She also has a black gakuran with a white skull on the right arm that she drapes like a cloak over her shoulders. . Yasuke had to admit to himself she's by far the most stand-out samurai he's seen in his life. Yasuke was unsure if this woman was talking to him but given he was by himself away from the others aboard the ship. He looks back out towards the mist surrounding them with a hint of land being scene through it

"How do you know that I'm not already dead...?" Yasuke felt empty to put it mildly. No matter if this pink woman's advice was true, the past was all he had. Yasuke never had any real ambitions in his life. Rarely had the chance to live it while he could before he had been captured from his home tribe back in Mozambique and served the Jesuit Missionary. Not even freedom had crossed his mind, which causes him to question the functionality of his thoughts every now and again. Yasuke wasn't entirely sure why he was on-board the ship or here he would even go. He knew the reason but it kept leaving and coming back to him as he traveled. Though it begged the question as to why this woman bothered to approach him anyways? Was it just to tell him that? Was it so obvious that he was deep in sorrow even with his back turned? It's not to say we was hiding it to begin with, it was still odd.

@Celestial Speck @PlumpyNut
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Baiken header.png

Hearing the expected pushback from Yasuke, Baiken grunted and turned to face him again with a grizzled scowl, glancing at the sword on his hip, "Why would a dead man need a weapon?" she scoffed in answer, narrowing her eyes at the land in sight, "Don't waste your breath on dumb questions, you're gonna need it to fight," she curtly added, "Which begs the question. . .what're you here to fight for? You ain't just here to throw your life away are ya?"


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Yasuke was silent for a moment. Indeed he had brought his blade but in truth, he wasn't sure if he intended to fight. Atleast not seek one out. His sword felt more like a memory piece for him now. But this woman had a point. Wherever they were going, violence was guaranteed. Even with him being in grief, Yasuke wasn't suicidal. Atleast, the former samurai hoped he wasn't... But he couldn't deny that despite the tragedy that befell his lord, this was but another chapter in his wayward life. He can only imagine what laid for him beyond the mist. "I can't say that I know what or even who I'll be fighting for just yet...But I'm going to live until find out." Yasuke answers truthfully
@PlumpyNut @Celestial Speck
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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"Yume Moto"

Sterling Adventurer..?

#FAC51C = Speech

  • Hammer-axe
  • Makeshift war scythe
  • Light armor
  • Heavy armor

(Location: Boat)
@Celestial Speck (GM) (FREE FOR INTERACTION!)

At the same time, Hiroyuki couldn't help but to feel that this was a sight so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at the same time. Where he went, it reminded him of home. However, instead of the sleek, futuristic buildings he had gotten accustomed to, it reminded him of the Japan from history class.

But at the same time, something was up.

Well what can he do here, anyway. He decided to just wait around for the boat to arrive. If then, he would step off of it and into the shore.



The anticipation of arrival died in an instant once it actually came to be. The crevices of the boat bending under solid ground, and the sound of sand and dirt being crushed under tons left little room for interpretation over what happened.

Ah, indeed-- here they were, beached.


The mist did away fast, surprisingly so. And around them did a beach reveal itself. Broken remnants of what was once a pier doubtlessly drifted aimlessly along the shore. Other broken pieces of buildings and remnants of war could be seen all over too. Ashina was struggling to breathe, and this place alone confirmed that suspicion.

And... along with it.


~ The Medicine Seller ~

Someone there to greet them. Transient and temporary like the wind-- but still there, regardless. Otherworldly beautiful, he carried upon his back what was a giant box. The faint smell of medicine floated amidst the air, mixing together the sea's salt to create an oddly pleasant smell.

Of course, it was the bare minimum they would get in terms of greetings.

"... welcome to Ashina." thus he said, as each and all of you drew from the boat. "I am a medicine seller."

He frowned, gaze moving from the women first to all the men thereafter.

"It seems you're all stranded here... or perhaps you are right where you want to be?"

Pathways showed themselves to them even now. Either deep into land, to the forest, or perhaps to the small, dilated village herein. Regardless, the medicine seller stood, smile in tow.

@Midle1998 as Yasuke (Netflix's Yasuke)
@navihime as Mori Calliope (HoloLive)
@Loveless as Rayda Valence (Non-Fandom OC)
@cloaked as Rei (Pokémon Legends: Arceus)
@thatguyinthestore as Norman Osborn (MCU)
@megar as Mitsuhide (Dragalia Lost)
@TheElenaFisher as Ciri (The Witcher)
@Minerva as Yashamaru Kurama (Samurai Showdown)
@Igloo as Blyeth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
@PlumpyNut as Baiken (Guilty Gear)
@marc122 as Yume Moto (Non-Fandom OC)
@udon as The Twelfth Doctor (Doctor Who)​
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As Yasuke's feet met the sand, he looked around at the wreckage along the beach. His mind drifted into the sight of Kyoto after it was besieged by their enemies. He shuts his eyes tight and pushes the memory back. He loos to the odd-looking medicine seller and was suspicious of this him. Was he sent by someone to greet them when they ported? If so, who? Or was he intentionally tricking them all. His aura didn't sit well with the former samurai but perhaps he was to cautious of the seller and he was the last one who should be judging anyone off of first appearances. Nobunaga always said that was one of his better and more troublesome qualities. Yasuke could never be too sure. He was too trusting of the Europeans when they first came and he found himself on boat with his kin and their filth.... He shook those thoughts out of his head. He needed to make a choice.

Yasuke looked between the three paths before them and contemplated which to take. He first looked at the path that would take him in-land. Further into the heart of this new land called 'Ashina'. Yasuke took three steps forward and looked between the three paths. "...Hm." Yasuke looked up at the smoke,The one leading deeper into the forest, with the hot wind blowing and the sun beaming down upon them. The way leading into the forest. And that was all it was. All he could see of it, however, was a single ray of light in the otherwise shady expanse of distance ahead of him. And he supposed he could use some shade on his travels and perhaps admire nature and all it's beauty to keep his mind of his grief. Even if temporarily. Without saying a word, Yasuke began to walk along the path into the forest.
@Celestial Speck
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