TESTING Applo: Code Borker of Hut 33

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Beautiful like a Forest Fire
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
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  1. Male
  2. Female
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Tóra Uønsket
Twenty Three | Female | Norboro Marked | Archer

10 months

Linen Shirt & Trousers, Mail Shirt, Leather Cuisse, Leather Boots

Recurve Bow, Steel arrows x 30, Arming Sword, Knife

Bed roll, Water Skin, Tinder Box



- Distrustful

- Stealthy

- Reckless
- Survivor
- Easily manipulated
- Determined
- Marked

Tóra is 5"10 with wirery limbs and narrow shoulders and hips. Her hair is reddish brown, messily cut that looks like it has had lumps hacked off it to keep it short. Her eyes are green. Her markings are a series dark red irregular shapes that stretch from her right hip, up and across her back and on to the top of her left arm. On the rare occasions she does smile her incisors look larger, sharper and generally more fang like then would be expected.

Bitter cynicism rules Tóra. Highly suspicious of people's motives she trust very few people and is far happier in a small group or by herself than surrounded by lots of people. She is highly secretive about being a half breed and fearful of being exposed.

Tóra's mother, Talia, was recently married to a warrior of a neighbouring clan when Tóra was conceived. As was traditional in Talia's new clan, as a childless woman she accompanied her husband on raiding trips where she and the other women provided a rear-guard to watch over the boats and the camp while the warriors were further inland.

On an expedition to the Wildland, soon after the bulk of the force had left on a raid the camp was attacked by a force of Wildlings that quickly overwhelmed the defences. Most of the camps defenders were slaughtered within minutes of the attack. Talia and a few other survived because individual Wildlings claimed them as prizes and forced themselves upon the women Whilst horrific this meant that they were still alive when the raiding party returned and manged to kill the wildling attackers.

Two months or so after the attack Talia found that she was with child and happiness began to find its way back into her life at the thought of having a baby. Nothing untoward was thought of the pregnancy at the time, Talia had laid with her husband since the attack and none of the other survivors had become pregnant. The truth of the matter was aparent within moments of Tóra's birth and both mother and baby were cast out of the clan after the rest of the village saw the unistakeable markings that climbed up the babes back and along it's left arm.

Mother and baby returned to Talia's old clan where her farther was able to use his influence to allow mother and child to stay. For ten years they were grudingly permitted to stay on the edge of the village even though most members of the clan dispised and harassed the pair. However soon after Tóra's tenth birthday the political balance of the clan changed and the protection brought by Tóra's grandfarther was lost. Mother and daughter were stripped of the clan name, declared unwanted, forced out of the village and forbidden from ever returning. From that day on the pair wandered the wilds of Norboro following the migrations of the animals that they now depended upon for their survival. This was when Tóra first learned how to hunt as well as developing a deep seated mistrust of humanity.

The pressure of survival honed her skills to a fine point with Tóra's ability surpassing that of her mother's within a handful of year. Even so life was exceptionally hard for the pair. Word of a marked child had spread across the clans and most villages were completely closed to the pair. Even the clans that would deal with them treated the pair as pariahs and kept them to the outskirts of settlements. Without the support of others, every long Norboroian winter was dangerous and in the winter after Tóra's seventeenth birthday Talia fell gravely ill. Unable to provide enough food and at the same time as caring for her mother Tóra watched as her mother faded away and died in front of her.

With nothing left to keep her in a land she now hated Tóra began to wander south. As she went she found that people no longer knew she was marked and as long she was careful to keep covered up she found she could work and trade with people. However when people did find out her lineage she was shunned and hated just as readily as she had ever been in Norboro. Originally Tóra plied her skills as a hunter to make a living but during hard times she started to take on bounties and other contracts to earn coin. By she turned nineteen Tóra found she was living exclusively of the coin made from her mercenary work and decided to give up hunting to become a sell sword.

Over the next four years Tóra bounced around the kingdoms taking on as many contracts as she could, in the process earning herself a reputation as a highly capable scout and archer. The invitation to join the Wardens came out of the blue but Tóra accepted with barely a hesitation, seeing in it the chance to measure herself against the very best and to prove that she was just as worthy as any of them.
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[td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td] [tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Excellent Archer[/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Distrustful[/td][/tr][tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Stealthy[/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Reckless[/td][/tr][tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Survivor[/td][td="border: 0px;"][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Easily Manipulated[/td][/tr][tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Determined[/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Marked[/td][/tr]
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Tóra Uønsket
Twenty Three | Female | Norboro Marked | Archer


10 months

Linen Shirt & Trousers, Chain mail Shirt, Leather Cuisse, Leather Boots

Recurve Bow, Steel arrows x 30, Arming Sword, Knife

Bed roll, Water Skin, Tinder Box


-Excellent Archer-Distrustful
-Stealthy[td="border: 0px;"]-Reckless
-Survivor[td="border: 0px;"]-Easily Manipulated
[/td] [/td]
Tóra is 5"10 with wirery limbs and narrow shoulders and hips. Her hair is reddish brown, messily cut that looks like it has had lumps hacked off it to keep it short. Her eyes are green. Her markings are a series dark red irregular shapes that stretch from her right hip, up and across her back and on to the top of her left arm. On the rare occasions she does smile her incisors look larger, sharper and generally more fang like then would be expected.
Bitter cynicism rules Tóra. Highly suspicious of people's motives she trust very few people and is far happier in a small group or by herself than surrounded by lots of people. She is highly secretive about being a half breed and fearful of being exposed.

Tóra's mother, Talia, was recently married to a warrior of a neighbouring clan when Tóra was conceived. As was traditional in Talia's new clan, as a childless woman she accompanied her husband on raiding trips where she and the other women provided a rear-guard to watch over the boats and the camp while the warriors were further inland.

On an expedition to the Wildland, soon after the bulk of the force had left on a raid the camp was attacked by a force of Wildlings that quickly overwhelmed the defences. Most of the camps defenders were slaughtered within minutes of the attack. Talia and a few other survived because individual Wildlings claimed them as prizes and forced themselves upon the women Whilst horrific this meant that they were still alive when the raiding party returned and manged to kill the wildling attackers.

Two months or so after the attack Talia found that she was with child and happiness began to find its way back into her life at the thought of having a baby. Nothing untoward was thought of the pregnancy at the time, Talia had laid with her husband since the attack and none of the other survivors had become pregnant. The truth of the matter was aparent within moments of Tóra's birth and both mother and baby were cast out of the clan after the rest of the village saw the unistakeable markings that climbed up the babes back and along it's left arm.

Mother and baby returned to Talia's old clan where her farther was able to use his influence to allow mother and child to stay. For ten years they were grudingly permitted to live on the edge of the village even though most members of the clan dispised and harassed the pair. However soon after Tóra's tenth birthday the political balance of the clan changed and the protection brought by Tóra's grandfarther was lost. Mother and daughter were stripped of the clan name, declared unwanted, forced out of the village and forbidden from ever returning. From that day on the pair wandered the wilds of Norboro following the migrations of the animals that they now depended upon for their survival. This was when Tóra first learned how to hunt as well as developing a deep seated mistrust of humanity.

The pressure of survival honed her skills to a fine point with Tóra's ability surpassing that of her mother's within a handful of year. Even so life was exceptionally hard for the pair. Word of a marked child had spread across the clans and most villages were completely closed to the pair. Even the clans that would deal with them treated the pair as pariahs and kept them to the outskirts of settlements. Without the support of others, every long Norboroian winter was dangerous and in the winter after Tóra's seventeenth birthday Talia fell gravely ill. Unable to provide enough food and at the same time as caring for her mother Tóra watched as her mother faded away and died in front of her.

With nothing left to keep her in a land she now hated Tóra began to wander south. As she went she found that people no longer knew she was marked and as long she was careful to keep covered up she found she could work and trade with people. However when people did find out her lineage she was shunned and hated just as readily as she had ever been in Norboro. Originally Tóra plied her skills as a hunter to make a living but during hard times she started to take on bounties and other contracts to earn coin. By the time she turned nineteen Tóra found she was living exclusively of the coin made from her mercenary work and decided to give up hunting to become a sell sword.

Over the next four years Tóra bounced around the kingdoms taking on as many contracts as she could, in the process earning herself a reputation as a capable scout and archer. The invitation to join the Wardens came seemingly out of the blue but Tóra accepted with barely a hesitation, seeing in it the chance to measure herself against the very best and to prove that she was just as worthy as any of them.
-Excellent Archer

: When eating your next meal depends on your skill with a bow, you get good or you get dead.
[td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Distrustful[/td] [tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Stealthy[/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Reckless[/td][/tr][tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Survivor[/td][td="border: 0px;"][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Easily Manipulated[/td][/tr][tr][td="border: 0px;"]-Determined[/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"][/td][td="border: 0px;"]-Marked[/td][/tr]

Tóra Uønsket
Twenty Three | Female | Norboro Marked | Archer


10 months

Linen Shirt & Trousers, Chain mail Shirt, Leather Cuisse, Leather Boots

Recurve Bow, Steel arrows x 30, Arming Sword, Knife

Bed roll, Water Skin, Tinder Box

-Excellent Archer: When eating your next meal depends on your skill with a bow, you get good or you get dead.
-Stealthy: Sneaking up on animals undetected is hard, Tora has found that people for the most part are a lot less of a challenge.
-Survivor: Living an isolated existence away from "civilisation" taught Tora how to survive using what nature presents her with.
-Determined: Tora's desire to prove herself and be accepted means that she will keep trying to achieve her current goal no matter the cost.

-Distrustful: If life has taught her anything, it is that people everywhere are bastards. Anything that relies on Tora trusting is likely to unravel pretty fast.
-Reckless: She has a tendency to act without thinking through the consequences
-Marked: Being a half breed draws a lot of very negative feeling around Elliria and so Tora is highly secretive about it. Anyone who knows of her mixed blood hold considerable power over her.
-Easily Manipulated: A combination of her isolated upbringing, distrust and mixed parentage mean that Tora is far more susceptible to being manipulated.


Tóra is 5"10 with wirery limbs and narrow shoulders and hips. Her hair is reddish brown, messily cut that looks like it has had lumps hacked off it to keep it short. Her eyes are green. Her markings are a series dark red irregular shapes that stretch from her right hip, up and across her back and on to the top of her left arm. On the rare occasions she does smile her incisors look larger, sharper and generally more fang like then would be expected.
Being cynical and suspicious to a fault can make Tora rather difficult to be around. This rather suits Tora as her fear of being discovered as a marked makes her uneasy in large groups. When she does have to be around people she prefers the company of Elleria's non-human species. She is just as suspicious of the non-humans races as human but she feels their obvious physicality draws attention away from her. Feeling like a perpetual outsider looking in on society is what drive Tora. Her deepest desires are to prove herself worthy in spite of being marked and to find a place where she no longer has to hide who she is.

Tóra's mother, Talia, was recently married to a warrior of a neighbouring clan when Tóra was conceived. As was traditional in Talia's new clan, as a childless woman she accompanied her husband on raiding trips where she and the other women provided a rear-guard to watch over the boats and the camp while the warriors were further inland.

On an expedition to the Wildland, soon after the bulk of the force had left on a raid the camp was attacked by a force of Wildlings that quickly overwhelmed the defences. Most of the camps defenders were slaughtered within minutes of the attack. Talia and a few other survived because individual Wildlings claimed them as prizes and forced themselves upon the women Whilst horrific this meant that they were still alive when the raiding party returned and manged to kill the wildling attackers.

Two months or so after the attack Talia found that she was with child and happiness began to find its way back into her life at the thought of having a baby. Nothing untoward was thought of the pregnancy at the time, Talia had laid with her husband since the attack and none of the other survivors had become pregnant. The truth of the matter was aparent within moments of Tóra's birth and both mother and baby were cast out of the clan after the rest of the village saw the unistakeable markings that climbed up the babes back and along it's left arm.

Mother and baby returned to Talia's old clan where her farther was able to use his influence to allow mother and child to stay. For ten years they were grudingly permitted to live on the edge of the village even though most members of the clan dispised and harassed the pair. However soon after Tóra's tenth birthday the political balance of the clan changed and the protection brought by Tóra's grandfarther was lost. Mother and daughter were stripped of the clan name, declared unwanted, forced out of the village and forbidden from ever returning. From that day on the pair wandered the wilds of Norboro following the migrations of the animals that they now depended upon for their survival. This was when Tóra first learned how to hunt as well as developing a deep seated mistrust of humanity.

The pressure of survival honed her skills to a fine point with Tóra's ability surpassing that of her mother's within a handful of year. Even so life was exceptionally hard for the pair. Word of a marked child had spread across the clans and most villages were completely closed to the pair. Even the clans that would deal with them treated the pair as pariahs and kept them to the outskirts of settlements. Without the support of others, every long Norboroian winter was dangerous and in the winter after Tóra's seventeenth birthday Talia fell gravely ill. Unable to provide enough food and at the same time as caring for her mother Tóra watched as her mother faded away and died in front of her.

With nothing left to keep her in a land she now hated Tóra began to wander south. As she went she found that people no longer knew she was marked and as long she was careful to keep covered up she found she could work and trade with people. However when people did find out her lineage she was shunned and hated just as readily as she had ever been in Norboro. Originally Tóra plied her skills as a hunter to make a living but during hard times she started to take on bounties and other contracts to earn coin. By the time she turned nineteen Tóra found she was living exclusively of the coin made from her mercenary work and decided to give up hunting to become a sell sword.

Over the next four years Tóra bounced around the kingdoms taking on as many contracts as she could, in the process earning herself a reputation as a capable scout and archer. The invitation to join the Wardens came seemingly out of the blue but Tóra accepted with barely a hesitation, seeing in it the chance to measure herself against the very best and to prove that she was just as worthy as any of them.
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Classification: Top Secret.

MI6: Meta-Human Observation Unit.
This breif has been put together at the request of our Ottawa field office for the benefit of the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service in line with the meta-human task force agreement. The subject and her assoiates are unaware of the units existance or the investigations into her at this time.

Code Name: Windfall (AKA Rapture).

Subject Name: Samantha Alexandre Pendleton.

D.O.B: 17.05.1984.


Current Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Subject Abilities: Aerokinesis.
Through direct observation of Samantha in action we have determined that she seems able to maniulate gas molecues to create and sustain pressure pockets around herself up to a maximum of around six atmospheres. It can also be confimred that while these pressure pockets natraully form around Samantha, she seems able to expand and focus them or create them away from her body. We have no data on a maximum range but our agents have reported that increasing the size or distance of a pocket seem to lead to increased fatiuge of the subject. Below we have listed the main way Samantha seems to utilise her abilities.








Phycological profile: ESTP-T, The Entrepreneur.

- Partying: The subject's social media profiles are awash with images of her at parties as well as status updates raving about the night before. This matches with our phycological analysis of Samantha.

- Ice Hockey:

- Seals:

- The Rain:

- Donner Kebabs









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"I swear to god, if one more person asks me if I want tea"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]NAME: Sarah Pendle[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]MONIKER: TBD[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]AGE: 23[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]GENDER: Female[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]SEXUALITY: Heterosexual[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]ETHNICITY: British[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]YEARS AT ACADEMY: One[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]BASIC DESCRIPTION: Standing at 5'8 Sarah is a little taller and a little more muscular than average, although not so much so as to be worthy of comment. Normally she will be found loafing around around in combat boots, distressed (yet surprisingly pricey jeans) and a T-shirt for some obscure festival or band.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]POWERS: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Aerokinesis[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: Sarah can manipulate the movement of gas molecules so that they travel against the diffusion gradient allowing her to create pockets of elevated atmospheric pressure. These pressure pockets can be shaped and directed although the larger or further away they are the harder they become to maintain.[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Narcosis: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Anyone who stays in a pressure pocket of air that Samantha has created will rapidly start to become "drunk" on nitrogen after a couple of minutes and will suffer significant physical and mental impairment. Once her victims are returned to normal conditions they make a full recovery just as fast.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Enrichment: With concentration Samantha can feel and separate gases out from each other. Mostly she uses this to create a small bubbles of oxygen enriched air to breathe. This can be very risky around flames or any other source of ignition as it tends to make things go bang.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
  • [BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Vacuum: Sarah can, using a carefully shaped pressure pocket, create a pocket of extreme low pressure. Anyone caught in this ultra low pressure area will begin to suffocated. They will need to be prevented from being able to move as Sarah is effectively incapacitated while maintaining a vacuum.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Pugilist: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]She's not going to win any tournaments but Sarah can throw knuckles better than most. That being said anyone with serious training will wipe the floor with her in a straight up fight[/BCOLOR]​


"Another beer please"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]NAME: Charles Finley [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]MONIKER: The Faceless Man[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]AGE: 55[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]GENDER: Male[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]SEXUALITY: Hetrosexual[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]ETHNICITY: American[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]

[BCOLOR=transparent]WHAT CLASS DO THEY TEACH: Why donuts make the worst bribes and other important lessons about law enforcement.[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]BASIC DESCRIPTION: Charles is a man whose prime is probably in the rearview mirror. Grey streaks run through his hair and where once there were rippling abs, a comfortable bear belly has formed instead. That's not to say that Charles is out of shape, he is still fairly fit and strong, it's just now his muscles have a little extra protection. [/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Style wise he favours loose button up shirts and cotton shorts teamed with a beer. He can scrub up nicely but honestly why bother.[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]POWERS: [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Shapeshifter[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]: Charles can change his appearance to look like any other person he can see. This has limitations, he has to be able to see of clearly visualize his new appearance otherwise his new form will be messed up. To this end he carries a stack of stock photos in his wallet as well as having a few appearance he has remembered to the last detail. Also his changes only last for a few hours before he reverts back to his "natural" state.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Prompt: WIP[/BCOLOR]

"I swear to God if anyone else asks me if I want tea..."
NAME: Sarah Pendle
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

BASIC DESCRIPTION: Standing at 5'8 Sarah is a little taller and a little more muscular than average, although not so much so as to be worthy of comment. Normally she will be found loafing around around in combat boots, distressed (yet surprisingly pricey jeans) and a T-shirt for some obscure festival or band.

POWERS: Aerokinesis: Sarah can manipulate the movement of gas molecules so that they travel against the diffusion gradient allowing her to create pockets of elevated atmospheric pressure. These pressure pockets can be shaped and directed although the larger or further away they are the harder they become to maintain.

Narcosis: Anyone who stays in a pressure pocket of air that Samantha has created will rapidly start to become "drunk" on nitrogen after a couple of minutes and will suffer significant physical and mental impairment. Once her victims are returned to normal conditions they make a full recovery just as fast.

Enrichment: With concentration Samantha can feel and separate gases out from each other. Mostly she uses this to create a small bubbles of oxygen enriched air to breathe. This can be very risky around flames or any other source of ignition as it tends to make things go bang.

Vacuum: Sarah can, using a carefully shaped pressure pocket, create a pocket of extreme low pressure. Anyone caught in this ultra low pressure area will begin to suffocated. They will need to be prevented from being able to move as Sarah is effectively incapacitated while maintaining a vacuum.

Pugilist: She's not going to win any tournaments but Sarah can throw knuckles better than most. That being said anyone with serious training will wipe the floor with her in a straight up fight


[div=background-color:#ffffff; display:inline-block;border:2px solid black;margin: auto;padding: 5px;][font=Karla][color=#000000][hr][/hr][/color][imga=right]http://i.imgur.com/rIZ2u8B.png?1[/imga][font=karla][size=3][color=#000000][color=#de452d]✪[/color] [shadow][B]"I swear to God if anyone else asks me if I want tea..."[/B][/Shadow]
NAME: Sarah Pendle
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
BASIC DESCRIPTION:  Standing at 5'8 Sarah is a little taller and a little more muscular than average, although not so much so as to be worthy of comment. Normally she will be found loafing around around in combat boots, distressed (yet surprisingly pricey jeans) and a T-shirt for some obscure festival or band.

Aerokinesis: Sarah can manipulate the movement of gas molecules so that they travel against the diffusion gradient allowing her to create pockets of elevated atmospheric pressure. These pressure pockets can be shaped and directed although the larger or further away they are the harder they become to maintain.

[size=2]Narcosis: Anyone who stays in a pressure pocket of air that Samantha has created will rapidly start to become "drunk" on nitrogen after a couple of minutes and will suffer significant physical and mental impairment. Once her victims are returned to normal conditions they make a full recovery just as fast.

Enrichment: With concentration Samantha can feel and separate gases out from each other. Mostly she uses this to create a small bubbles of oxygen enriched air to breathe. This can be very risky around flames or any other source of ignition as it tends to make things go bang.

Vacuum: Sarah can, using a carefully shaped pressure pocket, create a pocket of extreme low pressure. Anyone caught in this ultra low pressure area will begin to suffocated. They will need to be prevented from being able to move as Sarah is effectively incapacitated while maintaining a vacuum.[/size]

Pugilist: She's not going to win any tournaments but Sarah can throw knuckles better than most. That being said anyone with serious training will wipe the floor with her in a straight up fight

PROMPT: WIP[color=#000000][hr][/hr][/color][/color][/size][color=#000000][/color][/font][color=#000000][/color][/font][/div][font=Karla][color=#000000][/color][/font]
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"Another beer, please."
NAME: Charles Finley
MONIKER: The Faceless Man
AGE: 55
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
WHAT CLASS DO THEY TEACH: Why donuts make the worst bribes and other important lessons about law enforcement.

BASIC DESCRIPTION: Charles is a man whose prime is probably in the rearview mirror. Grey streaks run through his hair and where once there were rippling abs, a comfortable bear belly has formed instead. That's not to say that Charles is out of shape, he is still fairly fit and strong, it's just now his muscles have a little extra protection.

Style wise he favours loose button up shirts and cotton shorts teamed with a beer. He can scrub up nicely but honestly why bother.
POWERS: Shapeshifter: Charles can change his appearance to look like any other person he can see. This has limitations, he has to be able to see of clearly visualize his new appearance otherwise his new form will be messed up. To this end he carries a stack of stock photos in his wallet as well as having a few appearance he has remembered to the last detail. Also his changes only last for a few hours before he reverts back to his "natural" state.


[div=background-color:#ffffff; display:inline-block;border:2px solid black;margin: auto;padding: 5px;][font=Karla][color=#000000][hr][/hr][/color][imga=right]http://i.imgur.com/XCQb0lR.jpg?1[/imga][font=karla][size=3][color=#000000][color=#de452d]✪[/color] [shadow][B]"Another beer, please."[/B][/Shadow]
NAME: Charles Finley
MONIKER: The Faceless Man
AGE: 55
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
ETHNICITY: American 
WHAT CLASS DO THEY TEACH: Why donuts make the worst bribes and other important lessons about law enforcement.

BASIC DESCRIPTION: Charles is a man whose prime is probably in the rearview mirror. Grey streaks run through his hair and where once there were rippling abs, a comfortable bear belly has formed instead. That's not to say that Charles is out of shape, he is still fairly fit and strong, it's just now his muscles have a little extra protection. 

Style wise he favours loose button up shirts and cotton shorts teamed with a beer. He can scrub up nicely but honestly why bother.

POWERS: Shapeshifter: Charles can change his appearance to look like any other person he can see. This has limitations, he has to be able to see of clearly visualize his new appearance otherwise his new form will be messed up. To this end he carries a stack of stock photos in his wallet as well as having a few appearance he has remembered to the last detail. Also his changes only last for a few hours before he reverts back to his "natural" state.

PROMPT: WIP.[hr][/hr][/color][/font][/size][/div]

HERE YOU GO. :^D Make sure to put the text editor into bb code mode before you post them!
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  • Love
Reactions: Applo

"I swear to God if anyone else asks me if I want tea..."
NAME: Sarah Pendle
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Standing at 5'8 Sarah is a little taller and a little more muscular than average, although not so much so as to be worthy of comment. Normally she will be found loafing around around in combat boots, distressed (yet surprisingly pricey jeans) and a T-shirt for some obscure festival or band.

Aerokinesis: Sarah can manipulate the movement of gas molecules so that they travel against the diffusion gradient allowing her to create pockets of elevated atmospheric pressure. These pressure pockets can be shaped and directed although the larger or further away they are the harder they become to maintain.

Narcosis: Anyone who stays in a pressure pocket of air that Samantha has created will rapidly start to become "drunk" on nitrogen after a couple of minutes and will suffer significant physical and mental impairment. Once her victims are returned to normal conditions they make a full recovery just as fast.

Enrichment: With concentration Samantha can feel and separate gases out from each other. Mostly she uses this to create a small bubbles of oxygen enriched air to breathe. This can be very risky around flames or any other source of ignition as it tends to make things go bang.

Vacuum: Sarah can, using a carefully shaped pressure pocket, create a pocket of extreme low pressure. Anyone caught in this ultra low pressure area will begin to suffocated. They will need to be prevented from being able to move as Sarah is effectively incapacitated while maintaining a vacuum.

Pugilist: She's not going to win any tournaments but Sarah can throw knuckles better than most. That being said anyone with serious training will wipe the floor with her in a straight up fight

[BCOLOR=transparent]"What do you want to do with your life Sarah"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sarah hated the way that Dr Bloom seemed to loom in her high backed arm chair where as her own chair felt like something you would find in a classroom for toddlers. It was probably part of some stupid psychological mumbo jumbo, she really needed to remember to look it up before the next session.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I don't know, being a psychologist seems like a good job, how much do you get paid to spout bollocks."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I suspect not nearly as much as you imagine Sarah." The psychologist sighed and put her note pad on her lap. "We've talked about this before. I understand that you'd rather be doing anything else than talking to me right now but if you're honest and work with me then these session will over a lot faster than if you fight me every step of the way. So again, what do you want to do with your life?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Fine!" It was irritating for Sarah to admit but the cow probably had a point, still she didn't have to know everything. "I wanna to do something to make the world slightly less shit, maybe go help save turtles or of those people whose organizes celebrity parties for charity."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"How about a career as a social worker or nurse, something like that. Would those kind of careers be of interest to you?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Not really no, I'd want to do something that actually makes an impact, not spend my life helping some pensioner go to the toilet, I know I can do more than that"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"So you want to do something good as long as it look good and is exciting. Is that why you beat seven bells out of Charlotte Tucker. From what I can gather until you came along she had been making several of your fellow pupils lives miserable and her parents donations to the school meant that she was never really punished for it. Since you wiped the floor with her I'm told she's even apologies to some of the students he used to terrorize. To some that might make you a bit of a hero and that would certainly fall into the category of exciting and glamorous."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I did it because she was a stuck up bitch and everyone else was too scared to show her that she wasn't the big fish she thought she was."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Do you not think it would have been better to find some other way to take her down a peg or two?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Not really no, why would I bother waiting. I'd had enough of her acting like some mad queen and knew that I could kick her butt"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Do you not think that if you'd waited and used your not inconsequential intellect you might have found a way to...dethrone her without nearly getting yourself expelled and arrested"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Not really no, I saw an opportunity and I took it."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The doctor reacted to this a little a snort and then nothing.Sarah found the silence from the doctor slightly unnerving, it was the way they sat there just staring at her as the clock ticked away, she wasn't even blinking for fucks sake. For a couple of minutes the pair sat and increasingly tense silence until Sarah felt compelled to try and fill the void that seemed to have filled the room.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Whats going on here Doctor?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm thinking"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Erm..what about?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You. On one hand you are an arrogant, impatient, lazy and spoilt young lady. On the other you're fairly intelligent, bold, caring and willing to risk your own well being for other people's benefit. If you really want to know what I think well, I believe that with hard work, commitment and a little guidance you could really do some good in the world. The question is, are you willing to put in the effort to make yourself worthy of your powers.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sarah suddenly found herself sat bolt upright in her bed as the early morning traffic rumbled past her window. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"What the actual fuck?"[/BCOLOR]
Sarah Pendleton

The sudden burst of green appearing on Max's mask was enough to make Sarah lose it and double over with laughter. Up to now she'd spent the flight watching her peers through one bloodshot eye whilst trying to ignore the feeling that her brain was attempting to crawl out her head through the other. Part of her wished she hadn't been picked this bloody mission. Sure she loved field work but there would be plenty of other opportunities to punch bad guys when she was less hungover and right now she'd of given almost anything to be wrapped in her duvet in a darkened room. Seeing Max look like a tit, well more of a tit anyway, that was something she was genuinely glad she hadn't missed.

"I hope your going to share those with the rest us Max, after all, sharing is caring. You do care about us right Max?"

As she slumped back into her seat her eye wandered around the rest of her peers before settling on Dash. For the third or fourth time Sarah silently cursed his decision to wear a hoodie. Why of all the people on the plane did he, the person with a physique practically sculpted for a spandex suit have to be the self conscious one. The universe really wasn't fair sometimes. It wasn't even that she fancied him just a tiny bit. It just would have been nice to have something pleasant to look at before she was about to risk being turned into a thin smear across Oldline.

Come on focus! It's not like there's anything to see and anyway he's got all the personality of a cucumber.

To get her mind back to the task at hand Sarah brought up the dossiers of the three nutjobs that Dr Harkwell was sending after on her phone. She had casually flicked through the files for The Author and Median before moving onto the dossier for Doom. She was halfway through the file when a thought crossed her mind.

"So I have a question for everyone" Sarah said as she sat forwards in her seat, wincing slightly as she did so. "How do we detain someone that can blow up our sodding clothes? I mean I'm all for this lycra monstrosity being destroyed, I'd just rather not get turned into human confetti at the same time.
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Test, hey G


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Test 2Umm.jpg


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Tóra Gunnarsdotter

[bimg=fright|no-lightbox] https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/characters/tora.15174/full [/bimg]

NAME: Tóra Gunnarsdotter

AGE: Twenty-three


RACE: Nord

APPEARANCE: 5'10, shoulder length roughly cut brown hair , Green eyes, Slightly narrow shoulders and wiry limbs. Currently she is covered in dirt and grime from a couple of months spent in the dungeon

PERSONALITY: As a hunter Tóra had long gotten used to being by herself and is more than comfortable with silence but could still be the life and soul of a party. Since the death of her brother she has grown cold and bitter, preferring to find comfort and companionship in the bottom of a bottle rather than in the company of others. Like many nords she is prone to making rash and impulsive decisions once her emotions get the better of her.

BACKSTORY: Born in Falkreath, the second child of poor parents, most of Tóra's child was spent in the company of her older brother, Karl. While their parents were working the siblings would spend many a happy hour exploring and playing in the damp and misty forests of Falkreath hold. The bond between the siblings was strong and wherever one was, the other was sure to be near by.

This happy existence came to an end in the winter of Tóra's thirteenth year when the siblings mother became heavy with child yet again. With the prospect of another mouth to feed the children's parents decided that the siblings were both old enough to start earning their keep. Karl began working alongside his father at the nearby logging mill while Tóra began working as a chambermaid at the Dead Man's Drink.

Confined to spending most of the day slaving away in the dark and often fetid atmosphere of the tavern was Tóra's idea of hell. She lived for the days when her father would take pity and let her accompany him out into the woods on hunts. Tóra took to hunting like a duck to water and before her seventeenth birthday she was bringing home far more game than her father or even than the family could use and she started selling the excess to other families around Falkreath.

As Tóra and Karl started to reach adulthood they both became increasingly opposed to what they saw as the Empire's betrayal of Skyrim and Talos in signing The White Gold Concordat and eventually they stole away in the middle of the night to answer Ulfric Stormcloak's summons. For a while life in the Stormcloak army was everything the two young nords could have wanted with ample opportunity to earn honour and glory whilst fighting for a free Skyrim. War however is a violent and unpredictable affair as Tóra learnt just six months after reaching Windhelm. On returning from a long scouting mission Tóra was summoned before Galmer Stone-fist. This wasn't unusual, Ulfric's second in command often liked to hear reports as soon as scouts arrived but the moment Tóra opened the door she knew something was wrong. Karl was dead and Tóra's world was shattered.

From that day on, those people that had know Tóra before saw a new woman emerge from the Hall of Kings. Where before she had carried out orders with burning pride and white hot belief, now she completed her tasks only out of duty to the oaths she had sworn as she grew increasingly disenchanted and bitter with the whole damned war. Between missions Tóra became a recluse drawing into herself, preferring the company and comfort of empty bottles to that of her comrades.

The incident that ended Tóra's time with the Stormcloaks came as unexpectedly as the news Karl's death. Having been sent on a scouting mission deep into Falkreath, Tóra had spent most of the day finding bottled oblivion in the camp when her fellow soldiers returned dragging a prisoner in with them. They had said the man was a Thalmor agent and were debating about whether to drag their prisoner back to Windhelm or just to kill them then or there. Maybe it was drink, or maybe it was being back in the lands of her childhood but all she saw when she looked at the man was someone's brother, some mother's son, not a traitor and months of repressed anger boiled over. The argument that followed was loud and heated and only ended when the group captain having had enough pushed Tóra to the floor only for her to respond by stabbing an arrow in his gut. Tóra only survived the ensuing beating because in her attempt to flee she staggered out onto a road and collapsed mere metres from an Imperial patrol. It was only because one of the local soldiers recognized the broken and bleeding Stormcloak in front as Tóra that she wasn't killed where she had fallen and was instead dragged back to Falkreath to await a sentence.


  • Ranged Weaponry
  • Stealth

  • Light Weaponry
  • Light Armour
  • Alchemy
  • Wayfarer

  • Block
  • Heavy Weaponry
  • Speechcraft

  • Alteration
  • Conjuration
  • Destruction
  • Dexterity
  • Enchanting
  • Heavy Armour
  • Illusion
  • Restoration
  • Smithing


The Duelist
Name: Alexander De'Malbrew

Age: Twenty-seven

Gender: Male

Nationality: Free Marcher

Place of Birth: Starkhaven

Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lb

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Class: Rogue

Specialization: Duelist

Abilities: Dueling, Keen Defense, Pinpoint Strike

Skills: Improved Combat Training, Improved Coercion, Combat Tactics

Weapon of Choice: Long Sword and a Dagger

Common Wear: A light grey linen shirt, Linen trousers, Knee high boots, A leather jacket and a decorative but sturdy leather pauldron on his right shoulder, A waxed traveling cape.

Armor: A segmented steel cuirass that straps over his jacket.

Personality: Alexander's main goal in life is to have as much fun as possible and while is on a quest for glory, he is quite prepared to wait a while longer for it if that means having lots of fun on the way. For him there are very few finer ways to spend an evening than carousing in a loud and boisterous tavern with his friends, showing off and winning the heart of a beautiful lady.

If someone were looking for a word to describe Alexander other than hedonistic then loyal would be a good choice as those he calls friends have a true ally. While he might bicker and quarrel with with a friend when push comes to shove they will be able to count on Alexander to stand by their side come what may.

Biography: History: Hailing from Starkhaven, Alexander is the second grandson of a nouveau riche money lender. Growing up he enjoyed all the trappings and privileges that are only available to the wealthy even though the rest of society saw his family as horribly gauche and tawdry. Access to money meant that Alexander was being tutored in everything from classical literature to the latest scientific discoveries as well as swordplay and warfare.

As the second child of his generation it had always been planned for Alexander to join the military to earn his family the respectability and glory required to truly become part of the aristocracy. Unfortunately Alexander had trouble with disciplined nature of the army life preferring to drink and carouse rather than drilling or patrolling. Due to his family's wealth he wasn't punished as lesser people might have been but he was quickly drummed out of the army. After a heated family argument Alexander stormed out of the city vowing he would not return till he had found glory of his own to shove in his family's faces.​
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