CLOSED SIGNUPS Amulets of the Elements (Info, OOC, and Sign-up)

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Fallen Angel of the Stars
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. Primarily Nonbinary
Fantasy, Adventure
Amulets of the Elements
Group Signup
Writing Level: Intermediate

Please read all of the info before signing up for this roleplay!

The Amulets.png

In the expansive land of Zedmal, an ancient prophecy speaks of four chosen children. These children, blessed by the four elements, are the key to fighting against the terror that will one day befall the realm.
As the years passed, however, this prophecy faded into obscurity; the four amulets that hold the wellspring of each child's power were passed down time, and landed themselves in various homes. A wealthy noble looking for a pretty historical piece to display in his home, a museum curator showcasing ancient jewelry to the masses in a massive city, A thief running through the sewers after stealing from a mighty king and queen; all of these people and more once held one of the amulets of the elements.
Today, however, the four amulets of fire, water, earth, and air have been reunited by an eager collector. Within a post-office in the country of Opalia sets our scene. Within this post-office the collector has obtained his long awaited treasures, a group of assassins have come to destroy that which could bring about their downfall, and the four children of the prophecy are about to obtain their long locked, previously unknown powers.

The Goals

In this roleplay, the main plot will be split into the following three arcs:

~ Gain a blessing from the queen of Opalia to set off on a journey to master the four elements ~
~ Find The Four Beasts of Nature in no particular order, and have each amulet-wielder train with their associated element, unlocking hidden potential ~
~ Find and defeat the Scarborough King, the main villain of this story ~

Our other goals will center around the completion of each of the four main character's arcs. These individual side journeys are centered around each of the amulet wielder's backstories and desires, and can provide fun detours on the way to saving the world. Discussion of these character arcs will take place in the OOC thread, AKA, THIS thread.

The World

This roleplay takes place in a fantasy-esque land known as Zedmal, inhabited by humans.
It's a singular continent with a variety of regions to explore: A forest and meadow in the middle of the land, a rain-forest in the southeast, a wet marsh and a dry savanna in the southwest, a desert and steppe in the northwest, and a taiga and mountainous tundra in the northeast.
The journey to saving the world will require exploring much of this vast, diverse land. The dangers you face will be many.

Zedmal is currently divided into five countries and two territories, as explored in depth below.

Opalia A Democratic Monarchy in the midst of Zedmal, next to Temule and the tribal territories. The country is well known for its bountiful riches and high-end fashion; its economy is booming and its diplomats tongues are smoother than silver.
Opalia's military, however, is weaker than the rest, and so it relies on these diplomats heavily in trading with the other countries of Zedmal. Their biggest contribution to the trade circle is fine silk that comes from a breed of giant spiders: Silk-Weavers. This very animal is a national symbol and is proudly displayed on their flag.
Opalia's governmental body is made up of the Queen herself, Angelisa III, and a twelve-member council that serves as the reigning Dukes of each province.

Temule is a Religious Oligarchy that borders most of the nations of Zedmal. It is ruled by six High Priests, who rule the entire land simultaneously.
Most of Temule's culture centers itself around its pantheon of gods, who are worshiped extensively in every day life. When reaping the earth of crops, songs of praise are given to the gods of the sun and the rivers. When night befalls the region, offerings are given to the god of the night to encourage a peaceful sleep. There are many more examples of this, but listing them all would take quite a long time.
You would expect Temule to be a peaceful nation, but that couldn't be farther from the case. It's currently at war with Gan-Gia over territory disputes, proclaiming that their gods have demanded land from the arid nation.

Gan-Gia is a Republic Federation next to Temule up in the South. It is ruled by a council of 24 Emperors, who are each in charge of their own city-state. This council only gets together when concerning high-stake matters; each city-state is generally self-governing.
In the past, the 24 city-states were at constant war with each other, it is only recently that they have united as one unit, bent on fending off the Temule forces.
Gan-Gia is well known for its slave trade; it commonly sends troops out to the north and southern territories to ravage tribes and bring back prisoners for labor and for purchase. This has been met with backlash from most of Zedmal, except Opalia, which allows for slave labor.

Kvraza and Visnenza
Kvraza is the original name of this once-whole unit of a country bordering Temule in the Southwest. Originally an Absolute Monarchy ruled by a Sultan, an uprising in the south part of the country as settled, advocating for a democratic republican government ruled by a "president", something never before considered in Zedmal. This new self-acclaimed nation, named Visnenza, is currently in the midst of a civil war with its original governmental body, with no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Despite the civil war, Kvraza and Visnenza are relatively similar in culture. They worship a singular god known as "the all-maker", but not to the same relative extent as Temule does. The country is Famous for their exotic style of dancing, making their festivals where these dances are on full display a popular tourist destination.

The Northern and Southern Tribal Territories
These parts of Zedmal in the northeast and southeast respectively are known as "The Wild-lands" of the continent. While occupied sparsely by a few separate tribes, they are mostly uninhabited, and therefore a danger-zone for lone adventurers.
The tribes of these lands vary from friendly and generous to aggressive and protective, the latter of which can't be blamed considering the constant raiding from Gan-Gia

The Rules

The rules of this roleplay are what relatively simple, and of which you would expect from any roleplay.

1. No God-modding: Invincibility, Immortality, and overpowered abilities ruin the excitement of the adventure, make your characters vulnerable and mortal, please.

2. Three Strike Dodging: You can only dodge attacks 3 times in a row, after the third attempt at dodging, you must let the next attack hit you.

3. No one sentence replies: Please write your replies thoughtfully and come up with a paragraph of well-written content, at the least.

The Main Characters

Please follow the format provided below when submitting your character:

Name: (First Name) (Middle Name(s)) (Last Name), (Other Names)
Place of Birth:
(Must be between 13 to 18)
Languages: (What languages do your characters speak, and how well?)
Gender: (What does your character identify as? What are their pronouns?)
Orientation: (What is your character attracted to?)
Skin: (Color and blemishes, like freckles or moles)
Hair: (Color, texture, and style)
Eyes: (Color and shape)
(Scrawny? Lanky? Pudgy? Muscular?)
Other notable Features: (Scars? Missing/Extra fingers/toes? ETC.)
Played By:
(Insert your Username Here)

(Insert the backstory of your character here at the end in paragraph form.)

The Fire User, Majid
Fire Amulet.png
Name: Badr Abd al-Majid
Place of Birth: Kvraza
Age: 18
Languages: English (Intermediate), Kvra-Viszna (Mother Tongue)
Gender: Trans-Woman, She/Her
Orientation: Lesbian
Skin: Naturally a deep brown, further darkened by the sun
Hair: Thick black curls, usually worn in dreadlocks. Some light stubble that she's too lazy to shave
Eyes: A deep, piercing amber
Weight: 260lbs.
Height: 6'7"
Body: Massive. Muscular and Bulky
Other notable Features: Arms are heavily scarred, especially along the forearms. Deep, long cuts. The same sort of scars litter her body; a trio of deep gouges over her face, a long diagonal scar from her hip to her shoulder, and a myriad others. Her arms are also heavily tattooed with the likenesses of mountains and broken chains
Personality: Serious, Hot-headed, Honorable
Played By: @Lesbingus

The Sultanate of Kvraza is a vast thing. A monolith by any other name. The will of its ruler made manifest, the Kvarazan war machine is absolute, inexorable and insurmountable. They march across the land, doing as their lord commands; and their machinations sow many seeds. It is the rich and the powerful who reap the crop.
One such crop? Gladiators.
Whilst Gan-Gia is most notorious for its slave trade, other nations take part as well. Badr Abd al-Majid was one such gladiator. Born and raised to fight, and eventually die, for the entertainment of those who perceived themselves her better. But there was something there, something more. Badr just would not die. Grievous wounds found her time and time again, but her will is ironclad, the anger that burns within her like a furnace, pushing her onwards no matter the cost. She fought and killed for the better part of her entire life. She was trained to fight from the moment she could walk. Where others used weapons, found comfort in extending their bodies with the reach and power of hammered steel, Badr fought with her bare hands.
The legend of Badr the Bear was born in the arenas of Kvraza, and remains even now, even after she earned her freedom. Seventeen years of her life were spent in the pits, and now, at eighteen, she is a free woman. It is jarring. She does not know how to live any other way, but she is learning, albeit slowly.
Finding herself in Opalia, Badr is blind to the grand machinations of fate. At least for now.

The Water User, Nasika
Water Amulet.png
Name: Nasika Aletheia
Place of Birth: Temule
Age: 17
Languages: English (Fluent), Temuleith (Native)
Gender: Woman, She/Her
Orientation: Straight
Skin: Fair, lightly freckled
Hair: Blonde, straight and wispy
Eyes: Grey, wide-set
Weight: 5'8"
Height: 120 lbs
Body: Willowy
Other notable Features: High cheekbones; long fingers
Personality: Aloof, Arrogant, Temperamental
Played By: @Ariel

Nasika is a scion of the Aletheia clan of Temule. While the nation is ruled by priests, there is still a need for temporal and economic power - and a source of those very priests, a social class that can educate and train those who are destined to rule. Thus, while in theory anyone can join the priesthood, and any priest can rise in the ranks, in practice those who end up in positions of power tend to come from wealthy, aristocratic families that can bring up some of their children in a manner befitting the priesthood - making sure that they are highly educated and well trained in the social niceties required for advancement. These same families tend to own land and businesses, and those of their members who are not destined for the priesthood might become temple knights or learn to run the family trades.
The Aletheia clan is one such. Its branches and cadet families are well established in Temulean society, with hundreds of members in all manner of trades and functions. Her own branch family is led by her uncle Kineas, head of the Lown Temple Knights; her father Lysandros is one of his officers, and most of the men in the family serve the Temple in one way or another. Unfortunately, Temulean society is not only highly religious but also patriarchal, and the lot of women is mostly to stay within the household and perform domestic labour.
This does not sit well with the intelligent and spirited Nasika. Lysandros, seeing in her the very image of her late mother, has indulged her with all the books and tutors she has asked for - assuaging her ennui with a voracious appetite for learning. Even at her young age - although not so young for Temule, where girls are often married the day they turn 15 - she has developed a reputation for her gifts in poetry, singing and lore. This has made her proud, and a problem for her family. Kineas is aware that she could make a valuable marriage alliance, and has in fact made several attempts to have her betrothed, but she has rejected every suit, with the increasingly harried support of her doting father.
All the while, Nasika chafes at the strictures of Temulean life. She feels trapped in a society that does not acknowledge the worth of her talents, or what she could offer it - and so, drawing inspiration from her books, she wonders every waking hour, and often in her dreams, whether she might find fulfillment elsewhere in the world. But where should she go, and how, without bringing shame to her father and her family?

The Air User, Yuca
Wind Amulet.png
Name: Yuca, Violette (Slave name)
Place of Birth: The Northern Tribal Territories, The Dwenli/Nix-Tribal Grounds
Age: 16
Languages: English (Beginner), Dwenik/Nix-Tribal (Native)
Gender: Intersex, Nonbinary Boy, He/She/It
Orientation: Pansexual
Skin: Pale
Hair: White, Short, and Wavy
Eyes: Blue-Violet, Round Shape
Weight: 96 lb
Height: 5'4"
Body: Slender and Lithe
Other Notable Features: Albinism, Stahl Ears
Personality: Quiet, Meek, Curious
Played By: @StarlightStarbright

Yuca was born in The Highlands to the Dwenlil, a notorious Northern Tribe known for their striking and unique weaving patterns. His father perished from a mountain lion attack before he was born, while his mother died giving birth to him.
Yuca was considered a cursed child because of his physical abnormalities. While most Dwenli are born with light hair and a fair complexion, many believed Yuca to be a reanimated corpse because of his albinism, which earned him the nickname "Suuek" (Derived from Dead body), and as a result his tribe isolated him from the rest of the village in a small cottage. The Matriarch of Yuca's tribe, Esse-Zavxi, raised him as her own, and was the only member of the tribe allowed to speak with him. Most of his childhood was spent weaving cloth for the tribe and performing extensive rituals with Esse-Zavxi to "cleanse himself of his impurity."
On his 13th birthday, when Yuca's tribe was nearly wiped out by colonizers, Yuca was spared from death and abducted to be sold on the Gan-Gia slave market. He was bought by an Opalian aristocrat by the name of Savio Del Rosario, who he belongs to to this day. Yuca was renamed "Violette" and introduced into upper class society as a girl.
To this day, "Violette" serves primarily as a "display doll" to uplift and advertise the Del Rosario name, although she also has a second purpose of weaving traditional Dwenlil cloth for her master to sell.

The Earth User, Alessandra
Earth Amulet.png
Name: Alessandra Hope, Sasha or Aless (Nickname)
Place of Birth:
Age: 18
Languages: English (Moderate), Kvra-Viszna (Native)
Gender: Nonbinary Woman, She/They
Orientation: Questioning
Skin: Olive, Many moles scattered around her body.
Hair: Sun-bleached brown, Wavy and thick, Hip-length
Eyes: Blue, Almond shape
Weight: 136
Height: 5'6
Body: Long and lean, A bit muscular
Other notable Features:
A scar on her right hip
Personality: Kind, Amusing, Genuine
Played By: @Ness

Alessandra, or better known as Sasha, grew up in the unstable new country of Visnenza. Her parents were both a part of the revolution against Kvraza; they fought hard and raised Sasha to be a fighter, one that would defend themselves against any oppressor who dared step in her way.
Sasha in her part, however, did not want to be a fighter, but instead a dancer: A beautiful dancer that could make the crowd ooh and awe in admiration. Despite the civil war, Sasha focused some of her time on learning the gracefulness and precision of dancing. Time she wasn't spent training with her parents she spent practicing her art, and she even came up with moves that she created herself.
She hoped that once Visnenza was a free country, she would be able to travel and show the rest of the world her dances, with her parents aid of course. That dream came to an end, however, when her parents were killed during an altercation between the two conflicts.
With her parents dead, lone orphan Sasha would have to fend for herself, becoming an exotic dancer for tourism. She was still dancing, but it had to be ridged in style, lacking any uniqueness. She was stuck in a boring, never-ending loop, and no longer could she see herself having the chance to dance around the world the way she wanted.
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The Earth User

Alessandra Hope
Nickname: Sasha or Aless
Place of Birth: Visnenza
Age: 18
English(Moderate) and her native tongue of Visnenza
She/Her, They/Them
Olive skin tone with many moles scattering around her body. She also had a scar that ran down her right hip coming from a risky medical procedure.
Sun bleached brown hair, wavy and thick running down her back and above her behind.
Almond shaped eyes that are blue
Long and lean body with a little bit of muscles
Other notable Features:
Just a scar on her right hip

Alessandra is kind for the most part, she is someone who if you are kind and respectful to her, she in turn will be kind and respectful towards you. Those who are closer to her will see her sillier side. Despite the [FONT=Almendra Display, cursive]tragedy[/FONT] she went through Sasha loves to be funny and hear jokes. She is warm and always comforting towards those close to her. She enjoys being affectionate and caring with close friends and overall with friends will do everything she can to protect and make them happy.
Played By:

Alessandra or better known as Sasha grew up in the unstable new country of Visnenza. Her parents were both apart of the revolution against Kvraza. They fought hard and even raised Sasha to be a fighter one that would fight against any oppressor who dare step in her way. Sasha in her part did not want to be a fighter but instead a dancer. A beautiful dancer who would make crowd awe and ooo in admiration. Despite the civil war going on Sasha still focused some of her time on learning to be graceful and precise in her dancing. Time she wasn't spent training with her parents she spent practicing her culture dancing and even adding moves she created herself. She hoped that once Visnenza was freed she would be able to travel and show other countries her dances. That dream came to an end when her parents were killed during an altercation between the two conflicts.
With her parents dead and being left alone Sasha would have to fend for herself becoming an exotic dancer for tourist. She was still dancing but it had to be ridge and not unique to her own style. She was stuck where she was and did not see her ever having the chance to dance around the world like she wanted.
The Earth User

Alessandra Hope
Nickname: Sasha or Aless
Place of Birth: Visnenza
Age: 18
Languages: English(Moderate) and her native tongue of Visnenza
She/Her, They/Them
Orientation: Unsure
Skin: Olive skin tone with many moles scattering around her body. She also had a scar that ran down her right hip coming from a risky medical procedure.
Sun bleached brown hair, wavy and thick running down her back and above her behind.
Eyes: Almond shaped eyes that are blue
Weight: 136
Height: 5'6
Body: Long and lean body with a little bit of muscles
Other notable Features:
Just a scar on her right hip

Personality: Alessandra is kind for the most part, she is someone who if you are kind and respectful to her, she in turn will be kind and respectful towards you. Those who are closer to her will see her sillier side. Despite the [FONT=Almendra Display, cursive]tragedy[/FONT] she went through Sasha loves to be funny and hear jokes. She is warm and always comforting towards those close to her. She enjoys being affectionate and caring with close friends and overall with friends will do everything she can to protect and make them happy.
Played By: @Ness
Alessandra or better known as Sasha grew up in the unstable new country of Visnenza. Her parents were both apart of the revolution against Kvraza. They fought hard and even raised Sasha to be a fighter one that would fight against any oppressor who dare step in her way. Sasha in her part did not want to be a fighter but instead a dancer. A beautiful dancer who would make crowd awe and ooo in admiration. Despite the civil war going on Sasha still focused some of her time on learning to be graceful and precise in her dancing. Time she wasn't spent training with her parents she spent practicing her culture dancing and even adding moves she created herself. She hoped that once Visnenza was freed she would be able to travel and show other countries her dances. That dream came to an end when her parents were killed during an altercation between the two conflicts.
With her parents dead and being left alone Sasha would have to fend for herself becoming an exotic dancer for tourist. She was still dancing but it had to be ridge and not unique to her own style. She was stuck where she was and did not see her ever having the chance to dance around the world like she wanted.
Congratulations for claiming the Earth Element, Ness! Let me know of any questions you might have for the RP, and how you want to portray your character's arc in the story! ^o^
The Earth User

Alessandra Hope
Nickname: Sasha or Aless
Place of Birth: Visnenza
Age: 18
Languages: English(Moderate) and her native tongue of Visnenza
She/Her, They/Them
Orientation: Unsure
Skin: Olive skin tone with many moles scattering around her body. She also had a scar that ran down her right hip coming from a risky medical procedure.
Sun bleached brown hair, wavy and thick running down her back and above her behind.
Eyes: Almond shaped eyes that are blue
Weight: 136
Height: 5'6
Body: Long and lean body with a little bit of muscles
Other notable Features:
Just a scar on her right hip

Personality: Alessandra is kind for the most part, she is someone who if you are kind and respectful to her, she in turn will be kind and respectful towards you. Those who are closer to her will see her sillier side. Despite the [FONT=Almendra Display, cursive]tragedy[/FONT] she went through Sasha loves to be funny and hear jokes. She is warm and always comforting towards those close to her. She enjoys being affectionate and caring with close friends and overall with friends will do everything she can to protect and make them happy.
Played By: @Ness
Alessandra or better known as Sasha grew up in the unstable new country of Visnenza. Her parents were both apart of the revolution against Kvraza. They fought hard and even raised Sasha to be a fighter one that would fight against any oppressor who dare step in her way. Sasha in her part did not want to be a fighter but instead a dancer. A beautiful dancer who would make crowd awe and ooo in admiration. Despite the civil war going on Sasha still focused some of her time on learning to be graceful and precise in her dancing. Time she wasn't spent training with her parents she spent practicing her culture dancing and even adding moves she created herself. She hoped that once Visnenza was freed she would be able to travel and show other countries her dances. That dream came to an end when her parents were killed during an altercation between the two conflicts.
With her parents dead and being left alone Sasha would have to fend for herself becoming an exotic dancer for tourist. She was still dancing but it had to be ridge and not unique to her own style. She was stuck where she was and did not see her ever having the chance to dance around the world like she wanted.
Congratulations for claiming the Earth Element, Ness! Let me know of any questions you might have for the RP, and how you want to portray your character's arc in the story! ^o^
I want my character to hopefully be the moral of the group
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Reactions: StarlightStarbright
The Earth User

Alessandra Hope
Nickname: Sasha or Aless
Place of Birth: Visnenza
Age: 18
Languages: English(Moderate) and her native tongue of Visnenza
She/Her, They/Them
Orientation: Unsure
Skin: Olive skin tone with many moles scattering around her body. She also had a scar that ran down her right hip coming from a risky medical procedure.
Sun bleached brown hair, wavy and thick running down her back and above her behind.
Eyes: Almond shaped eyes that are blue
Weight: 136
Height: 5'6
Body: Long and lean body with a little bit of muscles
Other notable Features:
Just a scar on her right hip

Personality: Alessandra is kind for the most part, she is someone who if you are kind and respectful to her, she in turn will be kind and respectful towards you. Those who are closer to her will see her sillier side. Despite the [FONT=Almendra Display, cursive]tragedy[/FONT] she went through Sasha loves to be funny and hear jokes. She is warm and always comforting towards those close to her. She enjoys being affectionate and caring with close friends and overall with friends will do everything she can to protect and make them happy.
Played By: @Ness
Alessandra or better known as Sasha grew up in the unstable new country of Visnenza. Her parents were both apart of the revolution against Kvraza. They fought hard and even raised Sasha to be a fighter one that would fight against any oppressor who dare step in her way. Sasha in her part did not want to be a fighter but instead a dancer. A beautiful dancer who would make crowd awe and ooo in admiration. Despite the civil war going on Sasha still focused some of her time on learning to be graceful and precise in her dancing. Time she wasn't spent training with her parents she spent practicing her culture dancing and even adding moves she created herself. She hoped that once Visnenza was freed she would be able to travel and show other countries her dances. That dream came to an end when her parents were killed during an altercation between the two conflicts.
With her parents dead and being left alone Sasha would have to fend for herself becoming an exotic dancer for tourist. She was still dancing but it had to be ridge and not unique to her own style. She was stuck where she was and did not see her ever having the chance to dance around the world like she wanted.
Congratulations for claiming the Earth Element, Ness! Let me know of any questions you might have for the RP, and how you want to portray your character's arc in the story! ^o^
I want my character to hopefully be the moral of the group
With how you described her? I think she will be the moral. Yuca's too quiet to cheer everyone on XD.
Also I see symbolism hidden in your personality decisions. The earth user is down-to-earth and friendly, ay? Niiice!
You excited to see others submitting their characters as much as I am? My favorite part about 4-man groups is the dynamics that arise from them interacting with each other.
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Reactions: Queen Sonia
The Fire User

Name: Badr Abd al-Majid.

Place of Birth: Kvraza.

Age: Eighteen.

Languages: English (Intermediate), Kvra-Viszna (Mother Tongue).

Gender: Trans-Woman.

Orientation: Lesbian.

Skin: Naturally a deep brown, further darkened by the sun.

Hair: Thick black curls, usually worn in dreadlocks. Some light stubble that she's too lazy to shave.

Eyes: A deep, piercing amber.

Weight: 260lbs.

Height: 6'7".

Body: Badr is massive. Standing well above most others she encounters. With a barrel chest, incredibly dense muscle mass and the weight to back it up, she's built like a strongwoman. It reflects her fighting style, using every bid of power and weight behind her bulky frame combined with deceptive speed.

Other notable Features: Badr's arms are heavily scarred, especially along the forearms. Deep, long cuts. Old battle scars, by anyone's reckoning. The same sort of scars litter her body; a trio of deep gouges over her face, a long diagonal scar from her hip to her shoulder, and a myriad others.
Her arms are also heavily tattooed with the likenesses of mountains and broken chains.

Personality: Badr is serious. A stern, intense woman who, at first glance, appears to be nothing more than a wall of muscle and anger. It is true, Badr struggles with that anger, a deep-rooted rage, a fire in her belly always stoked by the slightest provocation. But she is also far more. Honorable and generous, she has learned the value of life through vicious trials no one of her age rightly should have gone through. Whilst it has left her scarred, battered and broken, it has also imparted in her an empathic eye, and a willingness to extend a helping hand when and where she is able.

Played By: @Lesbingus

The Sultanate of Kvraza is a vast thing. A monolith by any other name. The will of its ruler made manifest, the Kvarazan war machine is absolute, inexorable and insurmountable. They march across the land, doing as their lord commands; and their machinations sow many seeds. It is the rich and the powerful who reap the crop.

One such crop? Gladiators.

Whilst Gan-Gia is most notorious for its slave trade, other nations take part as well. Badr Abd al-Majid was one such gladiator. Born and raised to fight, and eventually die, for the entertainment of those who perceived themselves her better. But there was something there, something more. Badr just would not die. Grievous wounds found her time and time again, but her will is ironclad, the anger that burns within her like a furnace, pushing her onwards no matter the cost. She fought and killed for the better part of her entire life. She was trained to fight from the moment she could walk. Where others used weapons, found comfort in extending their bodies with the reach and power of hammered steel, Badr fought with her bare hands.

The legend of Badr the Bear was born in the arenas of Kvraza, and remains even now, even after she earned her freedom. Seventeen years of her life were spent in the pits, and now, at eighteen, she is a free woman. It is jarring. She does not know how to live any other way, but she is learning, albeit slowly.

Finding herself in Opalia, Badr is blind to the grand machinations of fate. At least for now.
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The Fire User

Name: Badr Abd al-Majid.

Place of Birth: Kvraza.

Age: Eighteen.

Languages: English (Intermediate), Kvra-Viszna (Mother Tongue).

Gender: Trans-Woman.

Orientation: Lesbian.

Skin: Naturally a deep brown, further darkened by the sun.

Hair: Thick black curls, usually worn in dreadlocks. Some light stubble that she's too lazy to shave.

Eyes: A deep, piercing amber.

Weight: 260lbs.

Height: 6'7".

Body: Badr is massive. Standing well above most others she encounters. With a barrel chest, incredibly dense muscle mass and the weight to back it up, she's built like a strongwoman. It reflects her fighting style, using every bid of power and weight behind her bulky frame combined with deceptive speed.

Other notable Features: Badr's arms are heavily scarred, especially along the forearms. Deep, long cuts. Old battle scars, by anyone's reckoning. The same sort of scars litter her body; a trio of deep gouges over her face, a long diagonal scar from her hip to her shoulder, and a myriad others.
Her arms are also heavily tattooed with the likenesses of mountains and broken chains.

Personality: Badr is serious. A stern, intense woman who, at first glance, appears to be nothing more than a wall of muscle and anger. It is true, Badr struggles with that anger, a deep-rooted rage, a fire in her belly always stoked by the slightest provocation. But she is also far more. Honorable and generous, she has learned the value of life through vicious trials no one of her age rightly should have gone through. Whilst it has left her scarred, battered and broken, it has also imparted in her an empathic eye, and a willingness to extend a helping hand when and where she is able.

Played By: @Lesbingus

The Sultanate of Kvraza is a vast thing. A monolith by any other name. The will of its ruler made manifest, the Kvarazan war machine is absolute, inexorable and insurmountable. They march across the land, doing as their lord commands; and their machinations sow many seeds. It is the rich and the powerful who reap the crop.

One such crop? Gladiators.

Whilst Gan-Gia is most notorious for its slave trade, other nations take part as well. Badr Abd al-Majid was one such gladiator. Born and raised to fight, and eventually die, for the entertainment of those who perceived themselves her better. But there was something there, something more. Badr just would not die. Grievous wounds found her time and time again, but her will is ironclad, the anger that burns within her like a furnace, pushing her onwards no matter the cost. She fought and killed for the better part of her entire life. She was trained to fight from the moment she could walk. Where others used weapons, found comfort in extending their bodies with the reach and power of hammered steel, Badr fought with her bare hands.

The legend of Badr the Bear was born in the arenas of Kvraza, and remains even now, even after she earned her freedom. Seventeen years of her life were spent in the pits, and now, at eighteen, she is a free woman. It is jarring. She does not know how to live any other way, but she is learning, albeit slowly.

Finding herself in Opalia, Badr is blind to the grand machinations of fate. At least for now.
Welcome to the team, Lesbingus! Also OMG Majid can literally pick up Yuca like a couple o' grapes XD. The height difference is REAL.
The Fire User

Name: Badr Abd al-Majid.

Place of Birth: Kvraza.

Age: Eighteen.

Languages: English (Intermediate), Kvra-Viszna (Mother Tongue).

Gender: Trans-Woman.

Orientation: Lesbian.

Skin: Naturally a deep brown, further darkened by the sun.

Hair: Thick black curls, usually worn in dreadlocks. Some light stubble that she's too lazy to shave.

Eyes: A deep, piercing amber.

Weight: 260lbs.

Height: 6'7".

Body: Badr is massive. Standing well above most others she encounters. With a barrel chest, incredibly dense muscle mass and the weight to back it up, she's built like a strongwoman. It reflects her fighting style, using every bid of power and weight behind her bulky frame combined with deceptive speed.

Other notable Features: Badr's arms are heavily scarred, especially along the forearms. Deep, long cuts. Old battle scars, by anyone's reckoning. The same sort of scars litter her body; a trio of deep gouges over her face, a long diagonal scar from her hip to her shoulder, and a myriad others.
Her arms are also heavily tattooed with the likenesses of mountains and broken chains.

Personality: Badr is serious. A stern, intense woman who, at first glance, appears to be nothing more than a wall of muscle and anger. It is true, Badr struggles with that anger, a deep-rooted rage, a fire in her belly always stoked by the slightest provocation. But she is also far more. Honorable and generous, she has learned the value of life through vicious trials no one of her age rightly should have gone through. Whilst it has left her scarred, battered and broken, it has also imparted in her an empathic eye, and a willingness to extend a helping hand when and where she is able.

Played By: @Lesbingus

The Sultanate of Kvraza is a vast thing. A monolith by any other name. The will of its ruler made manifest, the Kvarazan war machine is absolute, inexorable and insurmountable. They march across the land, doing as their lord commands; and their machinations sow many seeds. It is the rich and the powerful who reap the crop.

One such crop? Gladiators.

Whilst Gan-Gia is most notorious for its slave trade, other nations take part as well. Badr Abd al-Majid was one such gladiator. Born and raised to fight, and eventually die, for the entertainment of those who perceived themselves her better. But there was something there, something more. Badr just would not die. Grievous wounds found her time and time again, but her will is ironclad, the anger that burns within her like a furnace, pushing her onwards no matter the cost. She fought and killed for the better part of her entire life. She was trained to fight from the moment she could walk. Where others used weapons, found comfort in extending their bodies with the reach and power of hammered steel, Badr fought with her bare hands.

The legend of Badr the Bear was born in the arenas of Kvraza, and remains even now, even after she earned her freedom. Seventeen years of her life were spent in the pits, and now, at eighteen, she is a free woman. It is jarring. She does not know how to live any other way, but she is learning, albeit slowly.

Finding herself in Opalia, Badr is blind to the grand machinations of fate. At least for now.
Welcome to the team, Lesbingus! Also OMG Majid can literally pick up Yuca like a couple o' grapes XD. The height difference is REAL.
Just made a Yuca design! (Give me a PNG of a collage of as many references possible and I will TRY to draw the others and do them justice)

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Reactions: Lesbingus
Heya! So in the chance I miss out on filling the last spot is there any possibility this RP will be open for more people or will you strictly keep to four?
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Reactions: rissa
Heya! So in the chance I miss out on filling the last spot is there any possibility this RP will be open for more people or will you strictly keep to four?
Strictly Four. There MAY be a chance for more to come in in the future, but that's after some in depth discussion between the four of us, and how and where we would insert these new characters smoothly into the narrative.
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Reactions: StarlightStarbright
Name: Nasika Aletheia
Place of Birth: Temule
Age: 17
Languages: English (Fluent), Temule (Native)
Gender: Female, She/Her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Skin: Fair, lightly freckled
Hair: Blonde, straight and wispy
Eyes: Grey, wide-set
Weight: 5'8"
Height: 120 lbs
Body: Willowy
Other notable Features: High, elfin cheekbones; long fingers
Personality: Aloof, almost arrogant, and prone to bouts of furious anger
Played By: @Ariel

Nasika is a scion of the Aletheia clan of Temule. While the nation is ruled by priests, there is still a need for temporal and economic power - and a source of those very priests, a social class that can educate and train those who are destined to rule. Thus, while in theory anyone can join the priesthood, and any priest can rise in the ranks, in practice those who end up in positions of power tend to come from wealthy, aristocratic families that can bring up some of their children in a manner befitting the priesthood - making sure that they are highly educated and well trained in the social niceties required for advancement. These same families tend to own land and businesses, and those of their members who are not destined for the priesthood might become temple knights or learn to run the family trades.
The Aletheia clan is one such. Its branches and cadet families are well established in Temulean society, with hundreds of members in all manner of trades and functions. Her own branch family is led by her uncle Kineas, head of the Lown Temple Knights; her father Lysandros is one of his officers, and most of the men in the family serve the Temple in one way or another. Unfortunately, Temulean society is not only highly religious but also patriarchal, and the lot of women is mostly to stay within the household and perform domestic labour.
This does not sit well with the intelligent and spirited Nasika. Lysandros, seeing in her the very image of her late mother, has indulged her with all the books and tutors she has asked for - assuaging her ennui with a voracious appetite for learning. Even at her young age - although not so young for Temule, where girls are often married the day they turn 15 - she has developed a reputation for her gifts in poetry, singing and lore. This has made her proud, and a problem for her family. Kineas is aware that she could make a valuable marriage alliance, and has in fact made several attempts to have her betrothed, but she has rejected every suit, with the increasingly harried support of her doting father.
All the while, Nasika chafes at the strictures of Temulean life. She feels trapped in a society that does not acknowledge the worth of her talents, or what she could offer it - and so, drawing inspiration from her books, she wonders every waking hour, and often in her dreams, whether she might find fulfillment elsewhere in the world. But where should she go, and how, without bringing shame to her father and her family?
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  • Love
Reactions: Lesbingus
Name: Nasika Aletheia
Place of Birth: Temule
Age: 17
Languages: English (Fluent), Temule (Native)
Gender: Female, She/Her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Skin: Fair, lightly freckled
Hair: Blonde, straight and wispy
Eyes: Grey, wide-set
Weight: 5'8"
Height: 120 lbs
Body: Willowy
Other notable Features: High, elfin cheekbones; long fingers
Personality: Aloof, almost arrogant, and prone to bouts of furious anger
Played By: @Ariel

Backstory: WIP
Congratulations for taking the Water User's spot, Ariel! We're glad to have you here.
@Ness and @Lesbingus. All the slots are full! We're nearly prepared to start the adventure, but before we start, I want an open communication on what we're expecting in this RP.
Feel free to hand me all your plot ideas for your backstories, or just little things here and there to add variety to the journey.
Also feel free to ask questions in general. Anything you're curious of, I will try to answer! ^o^
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Congratulations for taking the Water User's spot, Ariel! We're glad to have you here.
@Ness and @Lesbingus. All the slots are full! We're nearly prepared to start the adventure, but before we start, I want an open communication on what we're expecting in this RP.
Feel free to hand me all your plot ideas for your backstories, or just little things here and there to add variety to the journey.
Also feel free to ask questions in general. Anything you're curious of, I will try to answer! ^o^

I've added my backstory, which turned into a lot of worldbuilding for Temule as well. I hope I'm not treading on your toes with all of that! But I needed to have a structure for Nasika to rebel against, if that makes sense?
Congratulations for taking the Water User's spot, Ariel! We're glad to have you here.
@Ness and @Lesbingus. All the slots are full! We're nearly prepared to start the adventure, but before we start, I want an open communication on what we're expecting in this RP.
Feel free to hand me all your plot ideas for your backstories, or just little things here and there to add variety to the journey.
Also feel free to ask questions in general. Anything you're curious of, I will try to answer! ^o^

I've added my backstory, which turned into a lot of worldbuilding for Temule as well. I hope I'm not treading on your toes with all of that! But I needed to have a structure for Nasika to rebel against, if that makes sense?
That's perfectly fine! I encourage y'all to contribute to the worldbuilding of this world! Contribution is what's gonna make this RP go round!
Anyways, before we get started, I want to list a few ideas and general thoughts/info I have for my own character, and see how you guys feel about them:

1. One obstacle in the way of getting a blessing from the Queen of Opalia to travel the world is Yuca's status as a slave. He still belongs to his master, Rosario, and Rosario is NOT keen on getting his perfect doll all scratched up and dirtied. Because Yuca is his property by law, Rosario would have to authorize Yuca's journey. There are many ways this can go:
- The Queen compromises by renting Yuca from Rosario, and puts him under the service of the other three.
- The three together somehow manage to gather up the funds to rent Yuca themselves, and then go to the queen for her blessing.
- Rosario takes Yuca back to the manor, and the three steal Yuca away and lie to the Queen that Rosario changed his mind. (This likely causes some hired mercenaries to track their trail on the journey)

2. Close to the Wind Beast's lair is the original site of Yuca's tribe, now reduced to smithereens. Yuca shows the gang some of his original culture while camping in the ruins for that night.

3. Yuca barely speaks English. Most of the phrases and words he DOES know are less conversation starters and more simple commands, like "Eat" or "Twirl" or "Follow". There's gonna be a huge language barrier not just between him and the gang, but also with everyone else. This will be funny, but also has its problems, as it makes it VERY easy to manipulate and take advantage of him. Combined with his lack of experience with actual freedom and agency, and you get someone who will follow some random stranger when they say "follow me" without any proper consideration of whether that person is bad news or not. Good luck to Majid, Nasika, and Sasha.
Anyways, before we get started, I want to list a few ideas and general thoughts/info I have for my own character, and see how you guys feel about them:

1. One obstacle in the way of getting a blessing from the Queen of Opalia to travel the world is Yuca's status as a slave. He still belongs to his master, Rosario, and Rosario is NOT keen on getting his perfect doll all scratched up and dirtied. Because Yuca is his property by law, Rosario would have to authorize Yuca's journey. There are many ways this can go:
- The Queen compromises by renting Yuca from Rosario, and puts him under the service of the other three.
- The three together somehow manage to gather up the funds to rent Yuca themselves, and then go to the queen for her blessing.
- Rosario takes Yuca back to the manor, and the three steal Yuca away and lie to the Queen that Rosario changed his mind. (This likely causes some hired mercenaries to track their trail on the journey)

2. Close to the Wind Beast's lair is the original site of Yuca's tribe, now reduced to smithereens. Yuca shows the gang some of his original culture while camping in the ruins for that night.

3. Yuca barely speaks English. Most of the phrases and words he DOES know are less conversation starters and more simple commands, like "Eat" or "Twirl" or "Follow". There's gonna be a huge language barrier not just between him and the gang, but also with everyone else. This will be funny, but also has its problems, as it makes it VERY easy to manipulate and take advantage of him. Combined with his lack of experience with actual freedom and agency, and you get someone who will follow some random stranger when they say "follow me" without any proper consideration of whether that person is bad news or not. Good luck to Majid, Nasika, and Sasha.
I'm thinking my character would be willing to steal Yuca and try to free them somehow. That would be more in tune with Alessandra character
Anyways, before we get started, I want to list a few ideas and general thoughts/info I have for my own character, and see how you guys feel about them:

1. One obstacle in the way of getting a blessing from the Queen of Opalia to travel the world is Yuca's status as a slave. He still belongs to his master, Rosario, and Rosario is NOT keen on getting his perfect doll all scratched up and dirtied. Because Yuca is his property by law, Rosario would have to authorize Yuca's journey. There are many ways this can go:
- The Queen compromises by renting Yuca from Rosario, and puts him under the service of the other three.
- The three together somehow manage to gather up the funds to rent Yuca themselves, and then go to the queen for her blessing.
- Rosario takes Yuca back to the manor, and the three steal Yuca away and lie to the Queen that Rosario changed his mind. (This likely causes some hired mercenaries to track their trail on the journey)

2. Close to the Wind Beast's lair is the original site of Yuca's tribe, now reduced to smithereens. Yuca shows the gang some of his original culture while camping in the ruins for that night.

3. Yuca barely speaks English. Most of the phrases and words he DOES know are less conversation starters and more simple commands, like "Eat" or "Twirl" or "Follow". There's gonna be a huge language barrier not just between him and the gang, but also with everyone else. This will be funny, but also has its problems, as it makes it VERY easy to manipulate and take advantage of him. Combined with his lack of experience with actual freedom and agency, and you get someone who will follow some random stranger when they say "follow me" without any proper consideration of whether that person is bad news or not. Good luck to Majid, Nasika, and Sasha.
I'm thinking my character would be willing to steal Yuca and try to free them somehow. That would be more in tune with Alessandra character
I figured Sasha would be like that!
Anyways, @Ariel and @Lesbingus , The In Character Thread is officially up! Everyone start whenever you're all ready! ^o^
Anyways, before we get started, I want to list a few ideas and general thoughts/info I have for my own character, and see how you guys feel about them:

1. One obstacle in the way of getting a blessing from the Queen of Opalia to travel the world is Yuca's status as a slave. He still belongs to his master, Rosario, and Rosario is NOT keen on getting his perfect doll all scratched up and dirtied. Because Yuca is his property by law, Rosario would have to authorize Yuca's journey. There are many ways this can go:
- The Queen compromises by renting Yuca from Rosario, and puts him under the service of the other three.
- The three together somehow manage to gather up the funds to rent Yuca themselves, and then go to the queen for her blessing.
- Rosario takes Yuca back to the manor, and the three steal Yuca away and lie to the Queen that Rosario changed his mind. (This likely causes some hired mercenaries to track their trail on the journey)

2. Close to the Wind Beast's lair is the original site of Yuca's tribe, now reduced to smithereens. Yuca shows the gang some of his original culture while camping in the ruins for that night.

3. Yuca barely speaks English. Most of the phrases and words he DOES know are less conversation starters and more simple commands, like "Eat" or "Twirl" or "Follow". There's gonna be a huge language barrier not just between him and the gang, but also with everyone else. This will be funny, but also has its problems, as it makes it VERY easy to manipulate and take advantage of him. Combined with his lack of experience with actual freedom and agency, and you get someone who will follow some random stranger when they say "follow me" without any proper consideration of whether that person is bad news or not. Good luck to Majid, Nasika, and Sasha.
Badr would likely also be the sort to steal Yuca-- or straight up beat his master into submission aksasaldk