GROUP OPEN A Roosenvelt and Vielfaure collaboration

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Chaotic Lawful
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Ondine doubts that Miss Vielfaure would judge her for being a nobleman's bastard daughter. But it was a detail unknown to most and a secret tightly kept as a firm condition for the allowance she and her mother received, however meagre that was. Money they needed with all support from her maternal side gone for her mother's shame.

So she had said nothing to Miss Vielfaure's last question, only smiling mysteriously with a curtsy as she listened to the details of the upcoming soiree, grander and better than the ball they had met on. A promise and prospect that excited the female as she imagined what fine gentleman she could attract with the backing of Miss Vielfaure.

At the insistence of the gentleman Warren Roosenvelt the ball tonight was open for all classes to attend. Though, the man had in the end relented to keeping the numbers limited by only allowing those with ties to the Vielfaure and the Roosenvelt to attend. It still left them with a wide public, but it ensured that Ondine could enter the party without needing to explain herself and give Miss Vielfaure some sort of control over who attended.

"Careful, dear, you are about to trip over the hem of your skirt," Warren had warned one of the maids that was in training within the Roosenvelt boarding school, the excitement of the child to clear and too eager to mind a slight tumble at the appearance of her humble family in the crowd. Along with the commoner's family, through the same entrance, a family of class followed, exiting their carriage as another flock of servants lined up to guide the family of distinction in, a smile and a greeting following from Warren as he recognised one of the contributors to his humble school.

It was clear that the students of the Roosenvelt academy had put in their best effort to pull the ball tonight together and that Warren had left no coin unturned to ensure a proud display for those of finer tastes. However, Ondine, from her spot down below near the entrance couldn't help but note how gaunt this supposedly handsome headmaster looked for someone so respectable. Perhaps it was the way the lightning fell over his face, but the missus paid no further attention to it or the headmaster.

So, just as the post suggests, everyone, no matter class, is free to join this dance. We can make up some connection to the Roosenvelt or the Vielfaure easily! A continuation of this thread here.