• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


~ extroverted introvert ~
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Just a place to test out my coding and play around with characters.
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For "The Circle" Group Roleplay​


NAME: Cassandra June Polaris
AGE: 25
BIRTHDAY: January 5th
BIRTHPLACE: Black City, Washington
RACES: Werewolf/Darkness Magi
CLASS: Upper Middle
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: "Dancer"/ Law Student

HEIGHT: 5' 5"
BODY: Lean
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Brown
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Freckles and various scars on back from past lovers

PERSONALITY: Cassy is a rather flirty individual despite her sexual orientation. She's all tease and no please of course. That being said Cassy finds it very fun to tease those close to her by putting them in very awkward flirty situations. It's all in good fun of course, she just likes to see people squirm. Though don't let that drive you off from her she loves to make friends and tends to be a bit of a pushover and will literally give you all of her money if you need it more. But Cas is also very smart, she is studying to be a lawyer after all, she just dumbs down to make people feel better. Then again because of her smarts she has a very cocky, confident aura about her. Especially because of her Hybrid type. Cas is tough as nails and can take a punch like a man thanks to her werewolf side. Though this doesn't mean she's a tomboy, no Casandra is rather girly and loves to shop using her work money.

That's not there all there is to Cassy. She happens to be a little socially awkward around strangers, not really knowing what to do with herself. Due to this she has a habit of flirting with random people as that's what she does to her friends and they seem to like her. This has given her a record around the city for "stealing" people's boyfriend. Despite that Cassandra is a bright individual with a lot of life to her, it's rare that a smile or playful smirk is not seen on this woman's face.

LIKES: Cotton candy | Sunflowers | Walking | Her job | Thunder storms | Rainy days | Comfy clothes | Fluffy pillows | Reading | Plants | Most animals | Insects | Snow hares | Any red head | The forest
DISLIKES: Anything spicy | Dancing | Purebred elitists | Being talked down to | Mistakes | Awkward situations | Party poopers | Surprises | Being left out | Not getting her money | Religion

  • Father: James Polaris | 55 | Lawyer | Darkness Magi
  • "Mother": Katherine Polaris | 39 | Unemployed | Darkness Magi
  • Birth Mother: Unknown
  • Younger Half Sister: Margaret Polaris | 20 | Financial Aid Student | Darkness Magi
  • Younger Half Sister: Jessica Polaris | 16 | High school student | Darkness Magi
  • Younger Half Sister: Opal Polaris | 13 | Middle school student | Darkness Magi
  • Younger Half Brother: Philip Polaris | 15 | High school student/Coffee shop worker | Darkness Magi
  • Paternal Family:
    • Grandmother: Penelope Polaris | 80 | Lincoln's assistant | Darkness Magi
    • Grandfather: Lincoln Polaris | 80 | Lawyer | Darkness Magi
    • Uncles:
      • Jacob Polaris | 55 | Lawyer | James' twin brother | Married to June | Darkness Magi
      • Henry Polaris | 52 | Lawyer | Younger brother of James | Married to Issa | Darkness Magi
      • Patrick Polaris | 57 | Lawyer | Older brother of James | Single | Darkness Magi
      • Orion Lindell | 50 | Court Official Judge | Married to Kaleen | Common Fae
    • Aunt:
      • Mary Polaris | 56 | Lawyer | Older sister of James | Single | Darkness Magi
      • Issa Polaris | 21 | Assistant at family law firm | Married to Henry | Red Vampire
      • June Polaris | 50 | Math High School Teacher | Married to Jacob | Blood Magi
      • Kaleen Lindell | 48 | Stay at home mom | Younger sister of James | Married to Orion | Darkness
    • Cousins
      • Liliana Lindell | 17 | High school student | Daughter of Orion and Kaleen | Hybrid
      • Trinity Lindell | 20 | Police Academy | Daughter of Orion and Kaleen | Hybrid
      • Uliff Polaris | 6 | Elementary school student | Son of Henry and Issa | Hybrid
      • Lenny Polaris | 13 | Middle school student | Son of Jacob and Jun | Darkness Magi

HISTORY: Born and raised in Black City, Washington Cassandra is the oldest of 5 children and heir to the Polaris company. From birth Cassy hasn't had it the easiest having been raised by the maids. They gave her the basic needs and left Cas to be with herself as they went about their daily do's. But as she grew Cassandra learned to love her solitude instead fearing it like she first did. Though the older she got the lonelier she got. Her parents, being as strict as they were, didn't let her go to school with others. Instead they homeschooled her, thinking they were doing what was best for her life.

Then came the birth of her first sibling at the age of 5, her little sister Margaret. Just like with Cassandra and every sibling, they were left to the maids. Cassy, however, didn't like that and got into a "talk" with her parents about not taking care of Margaret or her. The "talk" went about as well as you'd think, Cassy was grounded and forbidden from seeing anyone, outside the help, for 3 months. In that time Cas learned a lot about herself and as soon as she was allowed to see her little sister, Cassandra started taking care of the then 4 month old Margaret, as she would do with all her siblings.

The years piled on, all seeming the same. By 15 Cassy discovered something off about her. Her sight was far better than anything she ever thought possible. Her senses were stronger, on par with werewolves, and she was stronger than most butlers the family had. So, Cassandra started digging into her family history. Seeing as both her mother and father were Magi it made Cas wonder why she has qualities similar to a werewolf.

By 18 Cas found out the truth. Her mother or who she thought was her mother wasn't. Cassandra's mother was a werewolf, an unknown woman that no matter how hard she looked, Cas couldn't find anything else out about her birth mother. But the night Cassy went to confront her father and hopefully gain more information she was attacked. That night haunts Cas to this day and 9 months later, after the attack, Cas gave birth to a little girl. The pregnancy had been hard but giving away the baby was even harder. Because of this Cas' confidence and love for life left her. She became a husk of her former self.

At 20 Cas started working at a high profile club "dancing." It was after this that she started loving herself again. The process was slow but by her 25th birthday she was as confident as could be and loving her life.

HOUSE: Tenebris
POWER: Darkness
  • All werewolf limitations
  • No teacher: Despite her father being a darkness Magi himself, he refuses to teach Cas leaving her with no teacher. Because of this Cassy is still a beginner.
  • Lack of mental strength: Because of the isolation and trauma Cassandra has endured her mental strength is almost non existent. Cas is constantly battling her inner demons on a minute to minute basis.
  • Speed: Not as fast as most werewolves, but faster than an average human.
  • No control: Cas has little to almost no control over the darkness she can control. As such when she gets overly angry or upset she tends to lose control over herself. Sometimes Cassy has even hurt people.

  • "Dancer" name is Kitten
  • Was a masochist and has scars covering back from past lovers cutting her
  • In training to become the family head, but in reality Cas wants nothing to do with her family's name and would rather be a "dancer." Though Cassy does dream of being a fashion designer and she's quite good at designing clothes so far.
  • Has a natural allure to her and will often flirt out of convenience or due to not knowing what to do.
  • Had a daughter when she was 18 but gave her away to have a better life. To this day Cassy regrets giving her child away but knows it was for the best. Cas also has had no contact with the child and doesn't even know her name or what she could look like
  • After the birth of her daughter Cassy came out as asexual to her friends; all positive reactions.
  • Loves cooking but chooses not to out of fear of the food hurting someone.

Theme Song: Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
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Before I begin I just want to extend a warm welcome to everyone reading this. Many of you don't know me but some may remember me from a few months ago or from a few years ago but under the name Lulunopia. To them I wanna say hi, sorry for the disappearance shit came up and emotions went wild and...yea a lot's been going on. 2020 was not really a shit year for me but I was super emotional and had to step away. Though this year isn't going much better :( But! Never-the-less I continue on. So if you are still here after all that I ask that you read through everything carefully please and thank you :D

About Me

  • I am 20 years old...finally. I mean I'm not happy about it because I'm getting old and my little brother is turning 4 (;-; they grow up so fast) but I am one step closer to being 21 so that's fun I guess.
  • I am huge into astrology, wicca, meditation, and mythology of all kinds so if you're into that thing let me break something down for you. I am a Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, and Aries Rising who is scared of confrontation and has no idea how to make friends :/
  • I love OOC chat and will gladly be your friend, seeing as I have none irl...if you don't count my love. But anyway, yea, let's be friends please! Forewarning I am awkward as hell and I have little idea on how to make friends. I never really got the chance to make many friends as a child.
  • When it comes to my writing I can write out novel sized posts if I'm inspired or it can be 2+ with the same inspiration. It all depends on what I feel is needed. Also depends on what my partner gives me.
  • I can post anywhere from once a day to once a week. I can either be very busy or I'll have a lot of lazy days. There is never an in-between.
  • I have been rping for 4 years now and writing for 6 years. Guess I could say I'm an advanced writer but I am still learning new things. Which is needed to help me develop the book I'm writing.
  • I prefer to write women character but can write for men as well. I'm just a woman so I'm more familiar with a woman. But I'll gladly play a male character if you would like :)
  • When it comes to smut I do have no go's like toilet play, vore, gore, other things. Just ask before be delve into it to make sure we are both okay with what's going on. No want for anyone to get upset or triggered or anything like that.


  • Jock x Nerd
  • Prep x Outcast
  • Single Parent x Child's Teacher
  • Teacher x Teacher
  • Soldier x Nurse
  • Model x Shy Photographer
  • Soulmates

  • God x Peasant
  • Witch x Wizard
  • Prince x Witch
  • God x Goddess
  • Knight x Princess
  • Peasant x Royalty
  • Shy Maid x Tyrant King
  • Werewolf x werewolf
  • Werewolf x Vampire

  • Vampire x Human
  • God/Goddess x Human
  • Demi-god x Human
  • Werewolf x Human
  • Elemental x Elemental

Feel free to recommend a pairing, I'm open to new things :)


  • Naruto
  • Fairy Tail
  • One Piece
  • Harry Potter
  • House of Night
  • My Hero Academia
  • Death Note
  • Disenchantment
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Supernatural
  • Soul Eater
  • Rick and Morty
  • Gravity Falls


Work in Progress

Theme Song: Ur So F**king Cool - Tones and I
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  • Love
Reactions: Leucothea

Earth's Revenge


It's the year 2020, Trump was elected for his second term of presidency and Covid-19 was coming to a steadying point. Though it was looking like a spick was on the horizen and many anticipated it. Scientists worked tirelessly to find a cure, politics breathing down their necks telling them to work faster. They were trying things they had never even done. Testing in different ways, trying to see what made the virus tick. Politicians and news stations, however, worked on making the virus seem more bad than it is. However, as the days turn into weeks and Trump's rain continues new developments happen. The virus was evolving, mutating in a way no one would have guessed.

The first case was in China, the virus's place of origin. A 32 year old woman fell ill, having all the typical symptoms of Covid-19 in a matter of a week. Those around her went into quarantine. Though they quickly realized that would not be enough. As the days progressed those around her watched as the symptoms turned severe, so they rushed her to the hospital. Tests ran through and soon the woman was placed in the ICU and under constant watch. A few days go by and soon the woman is being rushed to the operating room, her organs are beginning to fail. After hours of trying to save the woman she ultimately died in the operating room.

Not even a day later reports break out everywhere as people are falling sick after the 32 year old woman came back to life and attacked the hospital staff and even some patients before she was killed by police. Those that were attacked were treated for injury and let back into the public. Weeks later those people died of the same phenomenon as the 32 year old woman. All across the world people were falling ill from Covid-19, only to die a few weeks later.

Then the world fell. Left and right people were falling sick and dying, only for those people to 'come back' to life and attack those around them. People panicked, countries began to close down, and mass murders happened. The world was trying to get a hold on the situation but it just seemed to get more and more out of control. Soon people were stealing from others and attacking people to get what they needed. The world people once knew, was gone.



3 years have passed since the world ended and there is only 1/8th of the population left alive. Vegetation and animals have become how those around live their lives. The world is slowly rebuilding, trying to mend what has been done. However, zombies still roam the land attacking anyone that gets near. To keep from being turned or eaten people have banded together in small communities. Most notable would be the camp in DC, though no one has ever entered or exited the campsite. No one even knows if it's still standing due to the immense activity of zombies there. Other places have popped up all over, though some people still roam alone or in a group.

Our story begins in Athens, Ohio where the group is traveling to a settlement they've heard about; Commodore. Commodore is a large settlement located in Dayton, Ohio run by a single man. The group has a while to travel and unknown to them they are being hunted by a pack of cannibals, people who have given up on humanity and taken to eating people instead of animals. Will they make it safe or will they fall prey to the cannibals hunting them? What dangers lay ahead at Commodore? Is it really safe?



1 - Standard Iwaku rules apply
2 - Please respect your gm (me)
3 - Swearing is okay but use it in good taste
4 - Post 1-2 times a week. If you can not do this then please do not sign up
5 - There will be blood, violence, and gore. If you do not like these things do not sign up
6 - No Mary Sue's/Gary Sue's
7 - I ask that you post at least two paragraphs. No one liners.
8 - Keep drama out of the OOC please
9 - Romance is allowed as it's a natural thing it's bound to happen to some characters
10 - Real picture or realistic drawing only! I see any anime I WILL ask you to change it
11 - Children are allowed but have a less chance of survival
12 - There is a one character limit
13 - Please be creative with your posts
14 - One week reservation period. After that week the spot will be open again
15 - Any violation of the rules with result in a warning, three warning and you're out


The Virus

Xelapin Virus (The X Virus)

Symptoms After Infection

1 day: Mild headache, cough, and runny nose.
5 days: Severe cold like symptoms. I.e Migraine, sore throat, cough, sneezing.
1 week: Muscle spasm and cold sweats replace cold symptoms.
1.5 weeks: Extreme body heat and loss of muscle movement.
2 weeks: Infected has a hard time staying awake and sharp pains erupt through the body.
2.5 weeks:
  1. Internal organs begin to fail and internal bleeding.
  2. Lungs fill with blood and the infected dies.
  3. The body has restarted and reverted back to primal instincts.

People infected revert back to primal instincts and only think of killing. They have very little energy in the night. In the day they have a lot of energy and can jog slowly. Any shot to the body that would kill a normal human can kill them.



The Pack

The pack is known for their animalistic ways. Much like wolves The Pack has a hierarchy based on strength, the alpha being the strongest. Members of the pack are separated into 3 groups, hunters, protectors, and members. The hunters go out, kill, and bring the bodies back to eat. Protectors do like the name states, they protect the group from any undead or humans. The other members of the group take care of all the other little things like cleaning, watching after the young, washing clothes, or taking care of the elders. The Pack is also known for their inhuman abilities such as heightened senses, enhanced strength or speed, etc. When eating The Pack chooses to eat like wild animals, not cooking their food instead eating it raw. The Pack has not settled anywhere and often move from place to place, though they tend to stay in houses that are near each other so they may watch over the group.


Commodore is a large group full of all manner of people, from elderly to kids. They are not hostile and will let almost anyone into their group. While they are friendly they are hostile to anyone trying to raid them or hurt their people. Commodore is a dictatorship with only a few people the leader trusts. The leader's name is Bain and to the group he is seen as a charming man with many good qualities but, really he's manipulative and easily angered. Bain is a ruthless fighter and will leave no one alive if he has too. Still, Commodore is actively searching for a cure to the virus but, have so far found nothing. There have been many setbacks including not being able to find subjects to work on. Their goal is to make a serum that will allow them to stop the spread of the virus and kill it in people just bitten.

The group settled down in Dayton Ohio, living in one of the many tall buildings. They managed to fix it up and make it a livable place though they are targeted by raiders very often making them slightly distrusting at first but, they will still accept them into the group, though they will watch you carefully. Commodore occupies 7 floors and has many rooms including a cafe for people to eat in.

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Name: Flora Kain
Age: 16
Hometown: Small house in plains near Midway


  • Aloof
  • Clumsy
  • Whimsical
  • Sensitive
  • Clever
  • Bubbly
  • Dependent
  • Protective
  • Closed-Off
  • Easily Distracted
  • Excitable
  • Humble
  • Naïve

  • Youngest child of Maria and Henry Kain
    • Mother - Maria Kain | Deceased
    • Father - Henry Kain | 56 | Owner of "The Meadow" a restaurant in Midway
  • 5 Older Sisters
    • Delilah Kain | 25 | Cook at family restaurant
    • Miliana Kain | 22 | Waitress at family restaurant
    • Juniper Kain | 19 | Waitress at family restaurant
    • Sorea Kain and Noel Kain | 18 | Twins | Both help at the family restaurant
  • She grew up in Midway on a small sunflower field. The house was a small 3 room ranch house. Delilah, Miliana, and Juniper shared one room. The twins and Flora were in the second.
  • During the birth of Flora, Maria passed away resulting in their father going into a deep depression. Though he fought to keep a smile on his face for his kids.
  • Growing up Flora was mainly raised by Delilah and Miliana, who also helped in the raising of the twins when their mother passed on.
  • Their father worked long hours at the family's restaurant to help make ends meet. It still wasn't enough to keep them fed and pay the bills. So, he picked up odd jobs when he could to help fill in the gaps.
  • At 5 Flora met Link, he was hiding in a patch of sunflowers when she stumbled upon him. At first he was afraid of Flora but it didn't take long before Link was held tightly in the little girls arms. They've been inseparable since.
  • 2 years later Flora met Sobaka, who was fighting another Eevee for a slice of bread. When Flora came upon the scene the other Eevee left leaving behind Sobaka. He was growling but it wasn't long before Link popped out and defused the situation. Flora fed Sobaka a fresh loaf of bread and pet him while they talked.
  • As Flora grew she began to find a love for pokemon and dreamt of being a trainer. Though as she grew her dream changed, with convincing from her sisters. Now Flora wants nothing more than to be a fairy type gym leader.

Specialty Type: Fairy
Starter Pokémon:

  • d1ysfux-c946d247-1641-4f40-bb24-596b401b894d.png

    • Bubbly | Friendly | Loyal | Protective | Emotional
    • Usually held in Flora's arms and is the last to fight
  • Rddac596d3e3df5117f7b6b3a58bcf763

    • Sassy | Independent | Loyal | "Guard Dog" | Loving
    • Leads the way and often the first to fight
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Flora Kain


Earth's Revenge

Character Sheet

Full Name -
Nicknames/alias' -
Age -
Gender -
Sexuality -
Birthday -
Astrological Sign -
Blood Type -
Pack -


Height -
Weight -
Build -
Hair -
Eye -
Piercings -
Markings -
Complexion -
Mode of Dress/Outfit -
Extra -


Outer Personality -
Inner Personality -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Strengths -
Weaknesses -
Hobbies -
Talents -
Secrets -
Fears -
Quirks -


Ailments -
Allergies -
Illnesses -
Disorders -
Emotional Stability -
Mental Health -


Family -
Friends -
Enemies -
Significant Other -
Crush -


Backstory -

Theme Song -
Extra -




Full Name - Amelia Jane Watson | originally Anastasia Jane Ivanov
Nicknames/alias' - N/A
Age - 22
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Closeted Homosexual
Birthday - August 13th
Astrological Sign - Leo
Blood Type - O-
Pack -
  • Large backpack
    • Granola bars (x3)
    • Canteen of water (full)
    • Pot
    • Rolled up blanket
    • Hatchet
    • Canned Peaches (x2)
    • Wash clothes (x2)
    • Alcohol - Svedka (½ full)
    • First aid kit
      • Roll of bandages
      • Bandades (5)
      • Medicine
        • Tylenol (10 tablets left)
        • Midol (6 tablets left)
        • Tums (5 left)
      • Hydrogen Peroxide Bottle (¼th left)
    • Change of clothes
      • T-shirt
      • Pants (2)
      • Socks (2 pairs)
      • Light Jacket


Height - 5' 4"
Weight - 124lbs
Build - Lean with feminine curves
Hair - Natural red reaching mid back
Eye - Brown
Piercings - Ears are pierced at the lobe
Markings - Freckles
Complexion - Slightly tanned
Mode of Dress/Outfit - Biker style
Extra - Various scars ranging in size cover her left arm and back, there are even a few on her right arm but not many


Outer Personality -
  • OCD
  • Short tempered
  • Narcissistic
  • Flirty
  • Calm
  • Cold hearted
  • Will often help those who need it
  • Loves giving advice
  • Doesn't know what to do with her time
  • Hates being bored
  • Always has something to do
  • Therapist friend
  • Loves violence
  • Closed off
  • Doesn't give a shit about your problems but will listen and give advice
  • Doesn't deal will bullshit
  • Past is the past
  • Blunt
Inner Personality -
  • Hates hurting people for fun
  • Soft
  • Gentle
  • Mischievous
  • Loves deeply
  • Fiercely loyal
  • Family over friends
  • Can't make up her mind
  • No decision making skills
  • Multiple personalities who don't come out unless pushed out.
    • Mia: Cannot be pushed out, only pulled
      • Lovable
      • Kind
      • Motherly
      • Loyal
      • Loves deeply
      • Wholesome
    • Annabella: Never seen, her dark side and trauma
      • Snarky
      • Sadistic
      • Lonely
      • Closed Off
      • Snappy
      • Evil
      • Hates people
      • Soft spot for animals
    • Sadrina: Pushed out when angry
      • Hateful
      • Angry
      • Sarcastic
      • Sadistic
      • Pushy
      • Controlling
      • No filter
      • Blunt
      • Filled with hate
Likes -
  • Animals, all kinds even insects and reptiles
  • Her pet spider, Killjoy
  • Dubstep remixes
  • Violence
  • Knives
  • Candy (huge sweet tooth)
  • Dancing
  • Drugs, exclusively weed and hallucinogens, has tried harder stuff
Dislikes -
  • Men
  • Being ordered around
  • The past being brought up
  • When people don't take the advice they asked for
  • Talking about her family
  • Tomatoes
  • Most fruit
Strengths -
  • Sneaky
  • Light on feet
  • Can kill if needed
  • Fast
  • Agile
Weaknesses -
  • MPS
  • Not as physically strong as men
  • Anger Issues
  • PTSD
  • Sabrina and Annabella
  • James
  • Anyone she considers family
Hobbies -
  • Drawing
  • Exercising
Talents -
  • Drawing
Secrets -
  • Has hunted people for fun
  • Was pregnant at 18 and gave birth to a still born
  • Has been raped twice once in the orphanage the other by her "friend"
Fears -
  • Going back to Russia
  • Drowning
  • Sabrina coming out
Quirks -
  • Chews on lip when thinking
  • Fiddles with things when nervous


Ailments - None
Allergies - Flowers
Illnesses - Asthma
  • Anxiety
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Depression
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
  • Multiple Personality Syndrome (MPS)
Emotional Stability - Stable, but can go off if pushed hard enough
Mental Health - Stable as can be


Family -

Birth Family:
  • Mother - Nadia Ivanov
    • Deceased
  • Father - Dimitri Ivanov
    • Deceased
  • Older Brother - Vlad Ivanov
    • Deceased
  • Little Sister - Svetlana Ivanov - 21 - Unknown
    • Svetlana and Amelia haven't seen or spoken to each other in years. The reason is unknown to Amelia who has been trying to contact her sister for the past few years only to receive silence. Amelia calls Svetlana once a week and knows she still has the same number due to her answering one time only to hang up immediately.
Adopted Family:
  • Mother - Martha Watson - 47 - Private Attorney - Deceased
    • Amelia hates her adopted mother, calling her Martha rather than mom. Martha had been quite mentally abusive to Amelia and led to the two getting into several fights throughout the years. Amelia refused to talk to Martha even at family gatherings (even though Amelia didn't attend those).
  • Father - Darius Watson - 50 - Police Officer - Deceased
    • Was on good terms with her father. Darius and Amelia had been on good terms since she started her teen years. Her father would often help her out when Martha was stepping out of line. Though Amelia holds resentment toward her father for the way things went in her childhood.
  • Little Brother - James Watson - 15 - Alive
    • Amelia adores her little brother and would take care of him whenever their parents left on business trips. James in turn loves Amelia and thinks of her more as a mother than a sister.
Friends -
Enemies -
Significant Other -
Crush -


Backstory -

Extra -

Theme Song: Boy In The Bubble - Alec Benjamin
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Name: Madeline Forensia

Age: 432

Race: High Elf

Gender: Female

Class: Rouge

Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Strength: 9 (-1)
  • Dexterity: 17 (+3)
  • Constitution: 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence: 15 (+2)
  • Wisdom: 11 (+0)
  • Charisma: 12 (+1)

Fear: Chronomentrophobia - Fear of Clocks

Element: Nature

AC: 14

  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Draconic
  • Thieves' Cant

Money: 130gp

  • Leather Armor
  • Rapier
  • Short Bow with 20 arrows
  • Black Hooded Cloak
  • Backpack -
    • Extra set of clothes - common
    • Bed roll
    • Previsions - 5 days
    • Rope - 50 feet
    • Water skin
    • Small knife
    • Tinder box
    • Torch

Backgound/bio: WIP

Other Info


DEX - Acrobatics (+5)
WIS - Animals Handling (+0)
INT - Arcana (+2)
STR - Athletics (-1)
CHA - Deception (+1)
INT - History (+2)
WIS - Insight (+0)
CHA - Intimidation (+1)
INT - Investigation (+6)
WIS - Medicine (+0)
INT - Nature (+2)
WIS - Perception (+2)
CHA - Performance (+1)
CHA - Persuasion (+3)
INT - Religion (+2)
DEX - Sleight of Hand (+3)
DEX - Stealth (+7)
WIS - Survival (+0)

Theme Song: Lies of the Beautiful by Sixx: A.M.
  • Like
Reactions: EldridSmith


Name: Opal Hansson
Alias: Technomage
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 16


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Ember
Complexion: Creamy pale
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: Lean
Other: Glasses

Theme Song: O.D.D. by Hey Violet | Nightcore Version
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  • Anastasia Abernathy
    Anastasia Abernathy

    Annie - An - Anna

    Founding Family

    Age & Birthday:
    April 23rd


    5' 6"

    Residence Hall:

    Creative Writing

    Extra-curricular Activities:
    Book Club
    Honors Society

  • Anastasia Abernathy
    Outer Personality

    The front Anna puts up is one of cold confidence. She will tell you how it is and hold nothing back. People say she's too blunt, Anna calls it being real. Though she could be a little less blunt, maybe even some sympathy would work if she knew what that was. Anna, unlike most people, has confidence. She knows her worth and what she looks like; oftentimes flaunting how she looks to make people jealous or envious of her and her family. That being said family means the world to her. If Anna considers someone family, other than her obvious blood family, she would give her life for them.

    Anna is a flirt, she flirts without even knowing sometimes, which has gotten her into some drama. Plus with her vibrant friendly aura it makes it hard for people not to interact with her. She's what people would call the "therapist friend." Anna will listen to your problems and without caring for your feelings tell you what she sees and give advice. Though she doesn't really care about your problems, she just likes to make people happy and laugh. Sadly, she does have a slightly shorter temper than most but it takes a lot to make her truly mad or angry.

    Anna believes the past is the past and needs to stay that way. The only way to heal is to keep moving forward and accept the mistakes you made. Of course Anna still struggles with this but she's working on it. She likes to keep her pain hidden from others, wanting to be the pillar of strength she believes she is. Although Anna is a perfectionist so she hates free time as it is a waste of time, she could be doing better things. That being said Anna really doesn't like being bored and will often act out as a result. But lastly Anna is one to jump to violence if it is necessary in the situation.

    Inner Personality

    Truthfully, under everything that she fronts Anna is actually gentle and soft. She doesn't want to hurt people unless there is no other choice. There is no need to jump to violence so quick but she still does to keep herself safe. She also tends to go for dramatics when giving examples on how bad something is or what she would do if they don't stop. Anna says it's so people actually see how bad it can get. That being said Anna never acts on any of the harsh things she says, she doesn't even believe those things will ACTUALLY happen, just that any situation can go bad or has an underlying reason for happening.

    Anna is fiercely loyal to those she considers family, doing anything to make them happy or laugh. She has no decision making skills, unlike people think. Anna doesn't know how to make up her mind, rather, she likes going with the flow. Though there have been times when she takes charge, it's just not as often as you would think. Not to mention the avoidance problem she has. Anna's mind is a mess. She bounces from thought to thought, never spending more than a few minutes on one thing. It gets irritating for her and often she'll be thinking too fast that she misses a conversation or something important.

    Mental Illnesses:
    • ADHD
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • PTSD

    - Rivers: Anna has always been a fan of rivers. She loves to journal and listen to the sound of the water gently move. It's a sound that she finds peaceful and calming.
    - Knives: An slightly unhealthy obsession, Anna has been known to keep knives almost collecting them. She states that they are pretty but many think her crazy for even thinking that. Still Anna has been known to collect various knives she finds.
    - Storms: Ah, something she has always found soothing. Much like with rivers, Anna could fall asleep in a storm and have it be the best sleep of her life. She loves to go for walks in storms and has no problem watching lightning strike the ground.
    - Black Roses: The flower itself is rather rare, but it's Anna's favorite for a reason. It reminds her of how much of a blakc sheep she is. Put a black rose in a group of reds and it'll either catch your eye or not. However, Anna does have a dried black rose laying on her window seal.

    ➨ Dislikes:

    ➨ Strengths:

    ➨ Weaknesses:

    ➨ Other:

  • Anastasia Abernathy

    A fine young woman, Anna stands tall at 5' 6" with a lean 134lb body. She doesn't work out often but her body is naturally slim with slight womanly curves. Anna's skin is a pale cream with light pink tinges in the face. Her face is small, petite, and cold. Dark brown eyes that look almost black stare at people with a cold gaze. A button nose and small lips complement her face. Unfortunately she does require glasses and while she could wear contacts Anna finds she looks better with the glasses. Her hair is black reaching just below her shoulders. Anna, loves her hair and would rather it be down than up in a ponytail or bun. When it comes to her clothes, An prefers to wear sweaters, cardigans, jeans, and boots. Comfort is her way.


    - Juliana Abernathy
    - Relationship: One of Anna's favorite things is to test her mother's patience and boundaries. How far can she get? Find out! They have a standoffish relationship and tend to yell when any conversation happens. It's usually Anastasia's fault, however, seeing as she is the instigator. Anna does love her mother, just not how she pushes her fears, expectations, and worries onto Feyre.
    Father - Theodore Abernathy (Manifestation)
    - Relationship: Seeing as their father isn't actually a person Anna has no particular feeling towards him. Tending to keep away from him rather than conversing.
    Twin Sister - Feyre Abernathy
    - Relationship: "My twin, my rock, my best friend. We've been inseparable since birth and she's the closest person to me. I would lay my life for her if it was needed. To say the least, my sis is the best."

    Extended Family

    - Maternal Grandmother | Margret Abernathy | Deceased
    - Grandfather (Manifestation) | Henry Abernathy | Deceased
    - Maternal Aunt | Antwonetta Abernathy |
    - Uncle (Manifestation) | Joshua Abernathy |
    - Maternal Uncle | Lucas Abernathy |
    - Aunt (Manifestation) | Penelope Abernathy | Wife of Lucas Abernathy |

    Thoughts of Other Characters

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Amelia Watson

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Thimble Ray Jameson

NAME: Thimble Ray Jameson

AGE + BIRTHDAY: 21 + June 23rd

GENDER + PRONOUNS: Female + She/Her

SEXUALITY: Closeted Homosexual

EVERAFTER: Thumbelina

POWER: Shrinking

OCCUPATION: Veterinarian


EYE COLOR: Ocean blue


SKIN DETAILS: Creamy pale, smooth with few rough patches

BUILD: Petite


  • Has slight eating disorder
  • Bones are brittle, ie. she breaks bones easier
  • Asthma
  • Gentle
  • Animal Lover
  • Adventurous
  • Stubborn
  • "Cry baby"
  • Emotional
  • Easily Frightened
  • Kind Hearted
  • Dependant
  • Picky
  • Soft
  • Cotton Candy
  • Walks in the forest
  • Red Tulips
  • Drawing
  • Calligraphy
  • Knitting
  • Sun rises
  • Listening to birds chirp

  • Men hitting on her
  • Running
  • Chores
  • Knives
  • Hurting people
  • Fights
  • Chocolate

BRIEF BACKGROUND: Thimble lived in a small town in Iowa. She never fit in and as such she became a traveler, moving from place to place. Never having a home was hard for her and soon she settled down in Glasswick, now working as a veterinarian. Thimble loves her life now but still feels she doesn't quite fit in.

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~At least I did it on my way~
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Anastasia Abernathy
Founding Family

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  • Jackson Flint
    Jackson Andrew Flint

    Jackie | Jack


    Age & Birthday:
    16 | June 5th


    5' 3"

    Residence Hall:

    - French IV
    - Law
    - Musical Theory

    Extra-curricular Activities:
    - Orchestra - Violin

  • Jackson Flint

    Born in a small town, Jack knew everyone from the moment he was able to talk. Everyone knows everyone, as they say. Jackson was family to almost everyone. He did have his fair share of enemies but he mostly had family. Sadly his father was a drunk and mom was a whore. They barely scraped by with bills and feeding everyone. Then came his first younger sister. Things got harder, dad became a yeller, mom drew in on herself. Jackson was left to help his mother take care of little Danielle. Because of this Danny and Jackson grew close, inseparable.

    A few years pass and Maria is born. Jackson and Danielle were happy to have a little sister to protect and care for. Jackson's parents were devastated, but they didn't believe in abortion so his mother went through with the pregancy. Maira was neglected , not wanted by her parents. Jackson and Danny however made sure their little sister was happy and healthy. His father grew violent, but never laid a hand on the kids dad knew better than that. Still, it frightened the family causing them to live in fear.

    As the years progressed Jackson's mother fell into a state of deep depression, selling her body for drugs and alcohol rather than taking care of her kids. His father had settled down some and only yelled at Jackson and his siblings, rather than benign violent. Jackson, however, lived the best life he could with what he had. He made sure his siblings did the same as he didn't want them to suffer.

    Then 3 years after Maria's birth Jackson's mother was found dead in an alley. Seemed she had overdosed on a mixture of drugs. His father neglected to share much information on her death, leaving Jackson to wonder. Danny blamed Jackson for making them be happy while their mother suffered. Soon she too became depressed. Maria was far too young to remember this and as such doesn't blame Jackson, instead she comforts him when he's blaming himself.

    As Jackson grows older him and Danny come to realize they need to protect Maria. They decided to make an unspoken pact to keep Maira from seeing the bad they have seen. It was a few years after Jackson's mother died that they moved out of town and to Grimswroth. Now Jackson has lived there for a few years and he is headed into his Junior year of high school. Him and his family are currently living off government money and such.

  • Jackson Flint


    Jackson is rather scrawny for a teen male, weighing only a whopping 128lbs. That being said he's also small, a 5' 3'' in height, causing a lot of teasing to happen to him. His bleach blonde hair sits atop his head in a mess, never neat no matter how much he tries. Though his most striking features are his emerald green eyes which tend to hold a gleam of joy to them. Pale and dirty skin with light freckles spotted in different places the most notable being across his nose. Jackie has a feminine figure and face; a petite nose, oval eyes, tear drop face structure, and thin lips. His clothes sometimes point out how feminine his figure is, button up shirts with jeans.


    Outer Personality

    Jackson is a rather boisterous individual who always loves to make people smile. He's the kind of guy that would let you cheat off him. What can he say, he's a pushover. Though Jack is rather good at making and keeping friends, turning the worst bullies into his best friend. His smile and laugh are often contagious as that's all he seems to ever do. Jackie is someone who will never say no to a friend in need. He believes everyone deserves a chance at their dreams. That being said Jack is loyal to a fault. There are people who he will turn his back on and throw under the bus. But that's only if they cross him. Jackson doesn't take lightly to those types.

    Jack loves to be adventurous, exploring places no one wants to. Though he will obey the laws when doing so. Still, he loves to go a scenic walk through a place he's never been. Jackie meets many people on these adventures and loves to tell stories of the people he meets. They seem to always be interesting individuals. Jackie, while very open and honest, does know how to keep a secret. His lips will be sealing if told "keep this between you and me." But this is mainly due to him just blatantly forgetting what he was told. Oh, he also has a bad memory and will forget things almost instantly. He constantly needs to be reminded of things he needs to be doing.

    Inner Personality

    The way he fronts himself is a lie. Underneath all the happiness and smiles is a dying boy. Someone who just wants help but doesn't know how to scream. He keeps everything in and does a great job at hiding any pain he feels. Jackson wants to be the strong guy, the one people go to when in need. He doesn't want people to see his weaknesses, to see the hate and fear he keeps inside. Inside Jackson tears at his mind and body. Degrading himself and damaging is self image all the while having a smile on his face. He's used to the pain at this point.

    Jackson hates humanity, wanting it to burn rather than prosper. He hates the system of justice and the whole 'freedom of speech' bull shit. Freedom was one thing no one had, in his mind no one was really free. Everyone worked for someone with only the select few standing at the top pulling the strings. It's why Jackson never talks politics or the likes; he never gives his point of view on the world.

    But still, Jackie wants help. He wants to scream 'HELP' but doesn't know how. Jack is this pillar of strength that can never be knocked down. What would people think if they knew just how broken Jackson really was. How would they feel knowing how much he hates humans? It's something that crosses his mind quite often.


    Mother: Hailey Flint | Deceased
    - Relationship: Jackson is a mama's boy through and through, or he was that is. Before her death, Jackson and his mother were very close. She was who he went to when he needed advice or someone to talk to. However when she died Jackson grew a disdain for his mother because of how she died.
    Father: Keith Flint | Dead beat | 37
    - Relationship: Jackson wouldn't care if his father was killed right in front of him. Their relationship has never been a good one, even before his mothers death. Now however it's far worse than anything. From yelling at each other to fist fights. To say it was hate would be an understatement.
    Younger Sister: Danielle Flint | Middle School | 13
    - Relationship: Danny and Jackson used to be super close. Sadly after the death of their mother Danny has become distant from Jackson, showing no signs of ever wanting to be close again. It breaks Jackson to see his sister act so cold towards him and he blames himself for it, just like she does. There is a solid agreement between them that Maria is to stay happy and safe. Which is something the two of them have done separately.
    Younger Sister: Maria Flint | Elementary School | 10
    - Relationship: Maria and Jack have slowly grown closer over the years. They aren't super close but they're not as distant as Jack and Danny. Maria goes to Jack when she needs comfort or advice to which Jackson is always eager to help. He just wants to see Maria happy and for her to have a better life than him and Danny


    - Candy: Jack has a rather big sweet tooth. There isn't a moment where he's not seen without a lollipop in his mouth. Hard candy tends to be his favorite and because of that he carries a small baggie of candy around with him.
    - Dogs: He's always been a dog person though he doesn't own one. Jackson has a rather unique affinity with dogs, seeming to understand them better than humans.
    - Forests: The forests call to him, lure him to them. Jackson loves taking walks through the forest but since moving to Grimsworth he has been unable to do such a thing.
    - Adventure: Ah, yes Jackson loves a good adventure, especially one that leads to actual adventure. He loves to take the long way, get lost, and break rules in the name of adventure.

    - Exercise: While he may enjoy adventure Jackson isn't much for exercise. He hates running, jumping, jogging, ect. It's just not his thing.
    - Being ordered around: Seriously don't do things if you are not older than him. Jackson doesn't take kindly to people younger than him or the same age trying to tell him what to do. Unless he has respect for you, don't act like the boss.
    - Blood: Gross, ew, Jackson can't stand the sight of blood. He is rather squeamish in that aspect. The sight of blood makes him either throw up or faint.
    - Cats: The main animal that Jackson has a problem with is cats. They just seem to hate him. Jack thinks it has something to do with his affinity with dogs, but who knows.

    - Sociable: Jackson is always the first person that will start a conversation. He just likes to make friends, even though most of them are fake and he knows this. However since Jack is also fake he keeps these "friends."
    - Lying: This is a trait Jack has perfected, down to a science. He can lie and lie and lie and rarely get caught. Since moving to Grimsworth he has cut back on lying, though he still does in certain situations.

    - The Past: A firm believer that the past should stay in the past. However because of the wound scar his mother left on his family Jackie has a hard time when people poke at his past.
    - Water: He can't swim, simple as that. Jackson never learned how to swim and as such if pushed into deep water he is likely to drown.

    - Worn Teddy Bear: This teddy bear has been Jackson's comfort object for as long as he can remember. There isn't a night that Jack goes without sleeping with his teddy bear. Unfortunately there has been a problem with bullying about the teddy bear.
    - Ripped Photo: A photo of his family but there was a rip running halfway down the photo, showing the divide between the family. His mother is also scratched out, symbolizing she is dead.

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Jackson Flint

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Anastasia Abernathy

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Roselia Jane Orion

NAME: Roselia Jane Orion

AGE + BIRTHDAY: 32 + August 6th

GENDER + PRONOUNS: Demigirl + She/They

SEXUALITY: Pansexual

EVERAFTER: Red Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)

POWER: Red Rose Manipulation


HEIGHT: 5' 7"

EYE COLOR: Blue-green



BUILD: Lean with slight muscular tones


  • Depression
  • Anger Issues
  • Hot headed
  • Blunt
  • Sassy
  • Sarcastic
  • Silver Tongue
  • Confident
  • Knows her worth
  • Softy on the inside
  • Dominant
  • Prideful
  • Independant



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Off with her head!
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Basic Information->

Full name: Mardia Florencia
  • Mari (Used by friends)
Age: 18

  • Distant
  • Cold
  • Caring
  • Harsh
  • Blunt
  • Doesn't take bullshit
  • Observant
  • Gentle Giant
  • Closed-Off
  • Depressed

Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship: Doesn't want one

Looks/Visible Features->

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140 lbs
Body Shape: Lean
Eye Colors: Red
Scars: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings: N/A

Extra Information->

Backstory: When Mardia was born her mother looked the little baby in the eyes and knew right then and there that she loved Marida. Her father looked her in the eyes and knew the same to be true for him. Mardia had a happy loving family and she lived a happy normal life. Her mother had a shadow quirk that made life a little hard when she got severely mad. Mardia's father had no quirk, which caused worry when they thought of Mardia. They were unsure if she would take after her father or her mother.

Years pile on and by 7 Mardia was a happy little girl. That was until her quirk manifested. It started out as a normal day, Mardia went to school like normal and came home like normal. However something was off and everyone could feel it. It was an hour after getting home from school that a scream echoed through the house; the source being Mardia. Her parents ran into the room to see Mardia on the floor, blood dripping down her forehead, getting into her now red eyes. On her head were black horns and her hair was dripping a black liquid. Mardia's eyes met her mothers, pleading for help but her mother let out a fearful scream and went into a frantic state.

Mardia was distraught as she knew what had just happened, her mother had just felt her quirk. The worry, fear, and pain Mardia felt was unbearable that she lost control. Her quirk lashed out again but in a different way. Instead shadows melted from the walls and centered under Mardia. Tears were streaming down her face as she let go of her emotions and sobbed. The shadows shot out in spikes, one driving into her fathers right arm, hitting the crook of his elbow.

The authorities arrived shortly after that, escorting everyone away and taking her mother to a therapist as the woman was still in a panic. A hero showed up but by now Mardia was curled in a ball crying, a black dome around her. The dome shot out a spike at every sob. No one could get close so they waited it out, eventually she would have to stop. However an hour later Mardia passed out and the shadows melted back into the walls.

The Hero who had arrived on the scene stood shocked, confused, worried. They took Mardia to the hospital where she was kept under watch. She had gone into a temporary coma from using her new found quirk for so long. Her parents had come to visit her only to say they wanted nothing to do with her. It didn't shock anyone after what had happened. After 2 weeks Mardia woke up, having heard the news about her parents decision in her sleep she questioned what would happen to her.

The Hero who had saved her stepped forward and offered to take care of the 7 year old. At first Mardia was hesitant but eventually she agreed. So the hero took care of Mardia like she was their own. The hero turned out to be a woman named Lona Hatsuka, aka Lady Night. Lona made sure Mardia lived a happy life but Mardia turned slightly away from the care Rias was giving her and turned everything inward, deciding to deal with it alone. Lona saw this and did her best to get Mardia to open up.

9 years later and Madia is 16, she's opened up more but still internalizes everything. The time for UA's entrance exam was soon and Mardia wanted nothing to do with Hero's. While she was okay with Lona, Mardia didn't care for the whole heroes and villains thing. Lona had other plans though, she recommended Marida for UA thinking it would help Mardia open up more.


Quirk: Nightmare
Quirk abilities:
  • Fear Embodiment: Mardia is essentially fear itself. When someone looks at her they feel fear for a certain amount of time. This ability is always on.
  • Shadow Manipulation: Grants Mardia the ability to manipulate shadows at will. Mardia has a slight semblance of control over her power, though severe emotions can cause her to lose control
Quirk strength:
  • Fear Embodiment:
    • When looked in the eyes people will feel severe fear
    • They could either be feeling like everyone's out to get them or someone is following them.
  • Shadow Manipulation:
    • Can travel through any shadow at a max speed of 10mph
    • Can manipulate any shadow
    • Strongest at night
Quirk weaknesses:
  • Fear Embodiment:
    • Lasts 5 minutes max on a person
    • Can be broken faster if the person overcomes the feeling
    • Mardia has to be looked in the eyes for her quirk to work.
    • Never turns off, causing many to avoid Mardia
    • Can affect her if she looks her reflection in the eyes
    • The range of effect is 20 ft. after they are out of range the person snaps out of the fearful state
    • There is a cooldown on each person, ie. they cannot be affected until 5 hours after they snap out of the fear state
  • Shadow Manipulation:
    • Can be manipulated as far as 50ft
    • Overuse can lead to her losing control
    • Doesn't have total control over her quirk, still learning to control her emotions
    • Weak against light quirks
    • Overuse can leave her weak
    • Weaker during the day

Theme Song: This is Gonna Hurt by Sixx:A.M.
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