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Account Upgrades

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
As a way to give back to members for their kind contributions to our coffers, Iwaku offers Account Upgrades! These upgrades unlock certain features of the site early, as well as gives additional fun tools for thread management. If you have access to Paypal, they are purchased by going to the Account Upgrades section of your account.

For $2 per month you get:
  • Lock and Unlock Own Threads
    Did you start the thread? You can lock it! No one (except for staff) will be able to post in that thread again.

  • Bump Own Threads
    With the click of a link you can bump any of your threads to the top of the thread list without having to post in it. Just be mindful of courtesy and only bump once a day.

  • Soft Delete Own Threads
    Soft Deleting a thread means it is no longer accessible to anyone but staff. They can be restored upon request through the Thread Moderation Request form.

  • Soft Delete Posts in Own Threads
    Soft Deleting a post means it is no longer accessible to anyone but staff. They can be restored upon request through the Thread Moderation Request form.

  • Unlimited Conversation Inbox Space
    Are you a conversation hoarder? You'll like this. But beware: If your upgrade expires while having a stuffed inbox, you will not be able to receive any new private conversations.

  • Unlimited Upload Space for Attachments
    Members are limited to 5MB of space for uploaded attachments. With an upgrade this limit is gone.

  • Unlimited Avatar File Size
    Avatars are limited to 200kb in file size for regular members. With an upgrade this limit is gone.
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Reactions: jarek56
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