POLL ANIMALS cats vs. dogs

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cats or dogs?

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pink-haired megane
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are you a cat person or a dog person? this debate is sure to get heated, so let's lay down some ground rules: no scratching and no biting, keep it friendly, folks!

personally, i have to admit i lean towards the feline side. ive got two furry little troublemakers ruling my house with their fuzzy reign of terror. there's just something undeniably charming about a cat's sass, independence, and lowkey shadiness that keeps me coming back for more. but i totally get the appeal of our ever-loyal canine companions too! you cant beat having a best friend who will greet you with boundless energy and enthusiastic slobbery kisses every single day. talk about unconditional love!

so let's hear it: whats your allegiance and why? are you a proud dog parent who lives for those velvety ears and wagging tails? do you wake up every morning just to serve at the paw of your cat overlords like i do? or are you one of the rare few living that pet parent life with cats and dogs?
for iRL: CATS!! :3

for naughty RP: dogs^^
I love both to death and I own both dogs and cats, so it's always hard for me to choose.
They both have their perks that make me absolutely love them to death! They both have quirks that make them fun to own and funny to watch! They also both have traits that do sometimes drive me crazy! 😂

If I have to choose a side though, I tend to lean more towards dogs. They're a bit high maintenance than a cat that just sleeps and minds its own business (most of the time), but I get so much more attached to them! I love my dogs to absolute bits!
I mean, I like the cuddles of a fluffer!
I voted cats, but really I love both. I'm just much more used to having cats than dogs, since there was always at least one cat in the house when I was growing up, and it wasn't until I was 18-19 that I convinced my parents to adopt a dog. So cats are much more familiar to me, and I gravitate more towards their calm affection. Being loved by a dog is fantastic, but being owned by a cat is an honor :P

Also I appreciate that a cat won't make me get up at 3am to open the door, only so it can stare at me because 'it cold tho' and procced to pee under the kitchen table.

(but really, please give me any animal to cuddle and love)
I'm a dog person, but with my current lifestyle, I'd admit that cats are much easier to care for!
I always have to take my dogs to doggy daycare or board them for trips/vacations.
Cats you can leave for a couple days and they'd be fine!
I'm a big fan of all sorts of critters. I sincerely want to stay in the animal industry going forward, in terms of careers, if that's possible.

Dogs, though! I've always spoken dog, since I was little! I work at a daycamp for dogs, currently, and am just ecstatic for the opportunity!

I also have a pup of my own. :'3 She gets to come to work with me, sometimes, and she's made a few friends, there. Which is good! She needs more friends!

I wish I could sum up my feelings about this further, but just like-. Dogs, man. There's something about them. :'3
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I like both, but it would be an absolute lie to say I don't like cats more. I've always been a bit more inclined toward them, and I just vibe with their energy a lot more (in my experience). I also don't think I have the energy to own a dog, as much as I sometimes might want one.
I'm a cat person. I love to play with my cat, I love how soft cats are. I love how I can just pick them up. I like dogs too but cats are my thing
So I've always been a cat person in terms of the pets I've had. Dogs have been a bit too high maintenance for my family's lifestyles, so we've always had cats around the house.

But I love dogs too and if I ever decided to just settle down and not travel as much as I can, I'd 100% adopt a dog.
I love... all animals
My allegiance... is to all animals
My family has owned both cats and dogs, (and a few other critters) throughout the years. We currently have a handful of cats and a dog and if you asked me this question anytime prior to the last few months, I would've said dogs. But lately I've been leaning towards cats, they're chill and laid back and for the most part can entertain themselves. My energy to get up and walk our vicious scary pibble (Sarcasm), and clean up after her consistently has been lacking.

But with all that said, I love them both and would help either of them if I could.
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