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While I have used a metro-train while in a big city, I've never been a long distance railway train. YET. There's a couple lines still active here in America, and I desire to get on one sooo baaaad. O_O @Ocha and I are plotting to maybe take on when I visit her this year.

Trains are also a really cool sort of transportation we never see in roleplays very often. 🤔 Have you ever had a train seen in your roleplays?

What's your experiences with TRAINS IN REAL LIFE?
Awwww I thought this was a train appreciation thread and I was gonna come in here and spam pics from the Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI like HEELLL YEAH TRAINS!!!!!!!!!!

As for riding them, though, I have never actually ridden a train ;(
Idk, I feel like trains are mostly an east coast thing? I think the last time I took one was a few years ago going from Jersey to NYC.
only experience with "trains" in RL is as an adult funtime practise :3

no seriously: Yeah.. that too, but I use the train as transportation regular. I have no car (and don't need one) and so as soon as I hit a destination distance I can't reach by bike, I take the train.

bzw.. count tram (Straßenbahn) as train? I ride those almost every day here in the city
Awwww I thought this was a train appreciation thread and I was gonna come in here and spam pics from the Railroad Museum in Green Bay, WI like HEELLL YEAH TRAINS!!!!!!!!!!

As for riding them, though, I have never actually ridden a train ;(
Read between the lines. This is an appreciation thread and we totally need those photos!
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I have used trains and rails and sleeper cars in roleplays before. I will say it's mostly, but not strictly, in either steampunks or westerns that I've seen them
I wanted to do a Victorian-era story that revolved around traveling Europe on trains a while back, but nobody took me up on it. xD

IRL, last week some asshat pulled the emergency brakes on the subway that caused a chain of events that ended in a derailment and multi-train collision and took out service to the line for multiple days >:[[[
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Trains are awesome, provided the country actually takes decent care of its public transport infrastructure. Privatisation of public transport has made it a hellscape here, but at least it is still somewhat decent if not getting expensive.

It is also easier for me to travel by train to London than flying, where it takes about the same amount of time as well, including passport control.
Trains are awesome I wish we had more of them.
I love riding the train. I wish there was a functional one around here. But where I used to live, I would ride the train to Seattle or Portland and had a blast with that.

And yes, there is a train in one of my RPs. ;o
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Yes, I have had a train focused roleplay, considering that my character's backstory is inspired by Mugen Train Arc of KNY... and I would have more too.

As for the real life experience... same as you! I only ever rode subway trains, but never the others. Which is kind of odd, considering that I live super close to a railway. I also want to ride a train that is not a subway one! When I was kid, I used to run around on and in the broken train remains and very much admired the stuff.
Train travel is so much more relaxing than any other mode of transport imo, especially long-distance travel. Even just the clacking of the train going over the sleepers makes it worth it. You don't get the stresses of traffic, and you get to see a lot of different new faces. You might see a family traveling from one end of the country to the next on a pilgrimage or something, and they have a little kid, and everyone sitting near them tries to play with the kid or calm them down when they cry or just show the kid stuff outside the window. You might see a friend group of college students chatting away, some old gentleman reading a newspaper, or some person in their twenties or thirties deeply immersed in a novel. On the station platform and inside the train, vendors hawk their wares— stuff like mineral water, hot chai, samosas and even full meal parcels you could have if you didn't pack food for the journey.

Where I live, trains are very prevalent, although there's been pushes to privatize them and replace them with the highways, which is depressing tbh. Some of my favorite memories come from train travel, and I'd want everyone to experience going on a train. I've also heard that railway networks are a lot more efficient than highways or air travel, so I don't get why they're not prevalent everywhere.
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While I have used a metro-train while in a big city, I've never been a long distance railway train. YET. There's a couple lines still active here in America, and I desire to get on one sooo baaaad. O_O @Ocha and I are plotting to maybe take on when I visit her this year.

Trains are also a really cool sort of transportation we never see in roleplays very often. 🤔 Have you ever had a train seen in your roleplays?

What's your experiences with TRAINS IN REAL LIFE?

I've done an RP Battle in which the battleground was the top of a train. As best as I can remember that was the only train action in my RP experience. But I do fancy the idea of having a train scene (or two or three).

IRL I've traveled by train a few times. Mostly it's the Metro North into NYC and the subway once I'm in the city. I did take a train from New Haven Connecticut USA, to Baltimore, Maryland. I wish the US had a more robust rail system; I'd take longer trips by train; I prefer it to flying.

Also the song "Trains" by Porcupine Tree is good and I recommend it.
^I must correct myself on my prior point as I just remembered that there was one RP in which my intro post had my character riding on a train into NYC.^ So in essence I have written a train scene.