OPEN SIGNUPS The Seven Dreaded: Nine Realms (OOC)

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Throwing sand in someone's eyes is considered dishonorable, right?
So as a writer I decided it was the most efficient way for a normal man to get the leg up on a far more powerful demon...besides no one said the character was supposed to be perfect or the most honorable. He was raised as a barbarian fighter, odds are he's gonna do things others see as slightly off moral compass.
Still interested here.

Wasn't really moving the plot forward with my post because i just wasn't sure the group dynamic- and how much leeway i'd be having with the incoming critters. Also didn't think to ask OOC. lol
Yea it's cool, it was a good post. Anybody know what's going on with Prince...haven't heard from him in a few weeks.
not a single clue....

I'm slowly whittling my post away. Should have it up within a couple days since I'm starting my new job tomorrow.
Alright...well I guess the time has come. Interest has obviously died out here since there hasn't been any activity, so I'm officially closing this RP down. Perhaps I'll start it up again in the future, later peeps.
It's been exactly one week pal...and it's cool I understand people get busy and what not. Plus I'm probably not gonna be online much myself this up coming month, I'm gonna be doing another film and it's scheduled to be a non-stop three week shoot, twelve to fifteen hour days, so yeah.
I meant one day since someone talked about working on a post, but fair enough.
@Chris_Reaper Film? What are you doing? Professional? Indie? Self made/directed?
I've been in the indie sector for about three years now, trying to work my way to professional acting, although I have auditioned for some mainstream TV shows, but sadly haven't gotten my big break as of yet.
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