RANDOM The Colour Pink

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How do you feel about the colour pink?

  • It's my favourite!

  • Yay

  • Nay

  • Eh

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the eye of the beholder
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Whether you love it or hate it, pink is a prevalent colour at this time of year. How do you feel about it? What shades do you like, which do you not?
It's not my favorite but it's in the wheelhouse of colors in my wardrobe. Especially the darker pinks, mauves, magentas, hot pinks & roses.
I think for the longest time I didn't like the color pink. Cause like... it was cooler not to like the color pink if you were a girl or something? Kinda how we went through that phase of tough guys wear pink thing. Does anyone else think it's super weird how we associate simple colors to things in life? Like blue is sad... but also 'for boys'. It's very silly if you think about it!

I love me the blush pink c:<
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Pink is not my favorite color, but it is so bright and warm and I do love me some BRIGHT HOT NEON PINK!
It isn't my favourite colour but I know it suits me well, or I always get complimented a lot more when I wear pink and who doesn't like a compliment. It also makes a nice contrast statement when the rest of the outfit isn't as colourful.

I prefer going for pale or dark pinks. Something a little subtle and easier to match.
I'm currently in a pink phase I think XD

i hated pink for the longest time because 'roar I'm a depressed teenager and everything must be black >:['

but now that I'm out of the teenage phase, I'm exploring more! And especially exploring with clothes! I have so many colourful clothes now, including pink, and it makes me so happy
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I thought I should share my latest clothing love! It was a Christmas/birthday gift from my brother and sister-in-law! ^-^

Remember FOOF? (aka bright pink hex code FF00FF?). I remember foof. I remember when the newbies had to have their usernames be foof-colored. I was there gandalf
I love pink. :heartbeat: It's such a cute color. Delicious, too. It's the color of cotton candy and bubblegum and strawberry lemonade.
Echoing the "I hated pink as a kid but now I actually like it" crowd. I went through a (really, really mediocre) goth phase as a teenager, and before that I was borderline disgusted by anything pink or "girly". Good thing I grew out of that because soft shades of pink are very pretty.

pink is my favorite color, 100%, like a lot of people in this thread, when I was a toddler I was in a phase of "im not like other girls, I hate pink" but now its my favorite color ever ever.

I plan to dye my hair hot pink and black this summer haha
Pink is a good accent when you wear a lot of black. It also goes well with purple, depending on the shades used. You can make it work with a lot of stuff as a secondary colour, or go all in with pink as the primary, and a lighter pastel or white as the secondary.

If I could get away with magenta hair at work, I would be all up in those dyes. <,<
Oh hell yes, pink and black is a great combination.

You know that bit in doctor who where the robots are like "don't wear colors with black, it makes the colors look tacky and the black look boring"? Whenever I rewatch that I think about how hard I disagree with that assessment. Lots of colors look great with black. Pink is one of them.
I love pink! I used to play this game called s4 League and I had a hot pink and black sniper rifle that I loved. I think I prefer pastel pinks as a colour, but if I ever wear pink it's likely to be a brighter shade because pastel pink doesn't go well with my skin lol. I dyed my hair hot pink last year and I loved the colour.
The rule of thumb is that the pink haired magical girl might be dumb as a bag of bricks in Precure, but she's the team leader with a heart of gold. So, uhhh....It's a very bright version of the color red.