CHARACTERS TASTES LIKE HONEY -- A Personal Character Index

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hello friends and welcome to my character index! what you see are characters currently active or will be active in an rp or a few :3

please do not steal or copy my characters. if you see one you think may fit in a plot of yours, feel free to reach out via PMs and I'd be happy to listen to an elevator pitch :p​

Characters in use*Archive/Retired characters**
Arlo-Jett Keir Evans, 33, male | xAnthea Colette Rolfe, 23, female | unicorn shifter
Beatrice Estelle Clawthorne, 22, female | x | THREAD
Bunny Wyndol Darling, 27, male | xBat, female | Egyptian goddess
Celandine, 450, female | x
Dylan River Sparks, 19, enby | x | THREADCharlie Devins, 19, ftm | human
Evander Nixie Kipps, 27, ftm | x | THREAD
Ignite Tiago Apollo, 21, male | x | THREADCordelia Hurly, 27, genderfluid | merfolk
Irinon Grant Caen, 25, enby femme | xDevany Blednoe, 24, female | paskunji human hybrid
Ivor Eugene Stoll, 27, male | x | THREADEdin Saya Aoki, 18, enby | human
Killian James Olivander-Sterling V, 24, male | xEmory Leopold Amor, 24, male | vampire OR demigod
Kricket Fenn, 25, male | x | THREAD
Kreed Krow Blackstone, 325, male | x |THREAD
Koen Reed Elway-Kipps, 31, male | xEvor Greed Leevine, 27, male | human
Merle, ftm | x | THREADFauna Vera Evy, 19, female | fae
Monroe Greyson Anders, 19, ftm | x | THREADFinch Allen-Ryder Blackheart, 28, ftm | witch/magic user OR lycanthrope
Patli Chaac, 250, gnc | x | THREADFrancine Iri Larson-Pitts, 27, feminine | super human
Pyre Jameson Astrophel, 23, gnc masc | xIsaak William Yarbrough, 25, male | super human OR vampire
Rook Valentine Jagger, male | x | THREAD
Saide Foster Thorm, 25, male | x |THREAD
Sonder Morte Lister, 24, male | x | THREADJuniper Myra, 23, ftm | fae
Sylvie Georgina Powell, 23, enby femme | xKalan Murphy, 26, gnc | kelpie
Kaliope Laverna Heisenberg, 23, enby | human
Mallyre Kaixik, 20s-30s, gnc | tiefling
Melita Aurora Fraiser, 23, enby | human
Myles Grier Crawford, 21, male | human
Nettle Lore Briggs, 21, enby | human
Noelani Koa Māhoe, 29, male | super human
Oryn Bourland, 33, male | lycanthrope OR human
Owyn Meldina, 27, masculine | dzulúm
Petra Louise Sutton, 25, mtf | human
Ruth Denver Abernathy, 20, enby | human OR angel
Solstice Angelica Foxxe, 26, female | half fae OR human OR lycanthrope
Wineli Locke, 23, female | succubus

*Some characters might not be directly in use, but I would like to use them and keep them active. They also might be being used in a PM rp.

**Characters in the 'Archive/Retired' section may be pulled out and used again.
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  • Love
Reactions: wolf. and MiharuAya
i would leave
if only i could
find a reason
Name: Beatrice Estelle Clawthorne
Nickname: Bea
Race: Human
Gender + Pronouns: Cis Female + She/Her
Age: 22
Birthday: December 24th | Capricorn
Relationship: Single
Sexuality + Romantic: Bisexual + Biromantic

Hair: Grey and silver
Eyes: Both of her eyes are half green, half brown.
Skin: Pale.
Height: 5'10"
Build: Thin, pear shaped
Tattoos/Scars: Plenty of small tattoos that are scattered and constantly covered when around her parents
Left or Right Handed?: Ambidextrous
Other: Plenty of beauty marks adorned on the face, arms, legs, and body as a whole
[ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

Beatrice is noted by others as loud, very much extrovert, and sometimes with a big ego. She always has been and always will be very independent, never relying on someone to come help her out of a tight spot. Bea has also been so rebellious against her parents, even from a young age that it would hardly be a surprise to them if they knew she sneaks out almost every night. While headstrong and stubborn, Bea will always have a soft spot for those she cares for and will do whatever she can to assure their safety.

➸ Strikingly good with a sword
➸ She'll ruin a man for harassing her
➸ "If you don't like my shit you can suck my d-"
➸ Gives 0 fucks about being a princess or queen
➸ 100% would lead a rebellion
➸ Miss ma'am can put a good ale away
➸ Doesn't let her social class get in the way of how she interacts with the towns people
➸ Soft spot for animals, especially deer and horses
➸ Bea's parents don't know about the numerous tattoos she has. If they did they'd turn into the worst tyrants
➸ Doesn't entirely mind but she wouldn't be caught dead wearing some big poofy one
➸ "I'll die a noble death, not in my bed like my ancestors"
➸ Smells like bergamot and fresh pine
➸ Lady like? Prim and proper? Nah
➸ "Hold my hand, we're about to fuck shit up"
*dramatically drapes self over a chair* "Someone, quick! Come save me!" *falls and starts laugh/wheezing*

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FULL NAME. Dylan River Sparks
nickname(s). Dyl​
GENDER + PRONOUNS. Nonbinary | Intersex + They/Them
AGE. 19
dob. July 11th | Cancer​
SEXUALITY + ROMANTIC. Asexual + Omniromantic, Polyamorous
relationship status. Single​

POWER. Soul-Bound Weapon
User is able to build, summon or create a weapon(s) that is an extension, manifestation, and/or part of their soul. Each weapon is likely to have their own abilities and powers they grant to the user, but these depend on which part of the user's soul each weapon represents as well as the abilities/power they already have.
Dylan hasn't quite figured out how to get a weapon to show at their will, it tends to happen very sporadically or if they are showing signs of deep emotions. Though, when a weapon is summoned, Dylan must be careful because if said weapon is damaged this could damage their soul or body as well.
--Able to summon a hammer(something similar to Mjølnir) and a long sword.​
-- Dylan is the only person to handle these weapons. To others, they seem to be "too heavy"​
-- Once having full control over this ability, when weapons are called upon, they stay in action for 30-45 minutes because shrinking into keychain sizes.​
-- Weapons can be called on every 2 hours.​
-- Weapons can be damaged and an injury may show up on the welder OR damage their soul.​
-- If a weapon has been completely demolished or the soul has been damaged on too many times, this can and will kill the welder.​

FACTION. Vigilante
DAY JOB. Baby sitter

➵ Stands at 5'2 with a thin, willowy frame
➵ Messy, dark curly hair that shines a slight dark green in the light
➵ Fair, pale skin adorned with freckles on the face, shoulders, hands, and knees
➵ Soft green eyes
➵ A closer look at them and it appears they have hearing aids
COSTUME. Does not wear a costume, although they wear black fingerless gloves.

Dylan has always been a very friendly person and loves meeting new people. They were raised with love and kindness and were told to treat other people the same, so typically they try to spread positivity rather than hate and negativity. They're passionate in the things the love and enjoy and tend to always be too loud about it sometimes. While they wish they could make friends easy with how upbeat of a person they are, they have little to no friends. Their parents are essentially their best friends and Dylan adores them to bits.

Though Dylan can be self critical on themself and tends to doubt themself a lot, especially from past trauma from their ex. Dylan is never really one to accept compliments or any type of flattery, but if the get some type of affirmation they are more than likely to become very flustered and stumble over their words.

+ Very friendly
+ Listening to negativity (they can just turn off their hearing aids)
+ American sign language
- Hearing
- A loud person; heavy footed and a loud talker
- Easily flustered

LIKES. Superhero movies | Rabbits | Their freckles | Going on runs | Documentaries | Animations | Bright colors | Iced coffee | Mac & Cheese | Cheese bread
DISLIKES. Loud music & noises(i.e. gun shots, fireworks) | Banana flavoring | Pizza | Meat | Dull colors | Pickles | Airplanes/flying | Musicals | Their ex
➵ Heights
➵ Their ex
➵ Not being able to control their power
MOTIVATIONS. Within the four years of being with their ex, Dylan was told they'd never be strong enough to control their powers, but after finally having the motivation to leave, they want to prove they are strong enough.

Born in Maryland to a Meta woman and non-Meta man came Dylan early on a summer morning.

When Dylan was born, doctors noticed something wrong with the Sparks' newborn baby. All the while Dahlia, their mother, was pregnant, she was told she would be having a boy, but alas when they were born, that was not the case. Dylan was born intersex and when the doctors present for their birth immediately suggested some surgeries for the Sparks' child to which they would never know. Dahlia and Lio denied the constant offers; They we're just happy their baby was healthy.

Growing up, Dahlia and Lio Sparks hid nothing from Dylan, allowing them to grow up and choose who they wanted to be. While not many parents agreed nor did the children seem to like Dylan for their differences, they were happy. Though one faithful day in their 2nd year of middle school, some kids began to pick on Dylan, involving in an incident that caused them to go deaf. Dylan produced to weapons, to which scared off all the kids but one. The one bully was a young Meta who could raise or lower the frequency of their screams. 'Scared' of Dylan because of the weapons, they bully screamed loud enough to burst Dylan's eardrums. Shortly after the incident, Dylan was kicked out of school for "bringing weapons" and they were home schooled for the rest of their middle school years. The weapons never left, only shrank to be put on a keychain and Dylan was quickly fitted with hearing aids.

The Sparks' now moved to Maine to where Dylan was enrolled int a highschool specifically for Metas. There they met Acer, their partner up until months after turning 19. At first Acer was the perfect partner, they were sweet and caring, always stops by Dylan if someone tried to pick on them. Then freshly out of highschool, they moved in together and things did a full 180. Acer became mean, called Dylan names, said they would never be good enough for any body else and never learn how to use their powers. After turning 19, Acer became physically hurtful to Dylan, who one day got sick of their bullshit and packed their things and left in the middle of the night to New York.

No Name
FULL NAME. Ivor Eugene Stoll
nickname(s). Iv, Ivs, Ivory​
GENDER + PRONOUNS. Cis masc. | AMAB + he/him
AGE. 27
dob. February 29th | Pisces​
SEXUALITY + ROMANTIC. Bisexual + Biromantic
relationship status. Single, but like seeing somebody. It isn't set in stone yet.​

POWER. Minor heightened senses
-- It's a majority of slightly better hearing and smell, but sight? It's horrible. Hardly calls himself a meta​

FACTION. Watchdogs
DAY JOB. Secretary

➵ Stands at 6'2" w/ broad shoulders and chest
➵ Cropped, wavy dark brown hair
➵ Just a wee bit of facial hair, mainly on his chin and upper lip.
➵ Dark brown, coffee colored eyes
➵ Pale, lightly tanned skin
➵ 3 piercings in right ear, 2 in left
➵ Southern twang when he talks
COSTUME. Does not wear a costume, like ever
Ivor has always been noted to be a big sweetheart and extremely loyal to just about anyone who looks at him. From day one, since his birth, his parents swear he's always been this way and has always been one of their kids that stubborn and wants to help with everything and do everything. Ivor is a softie and will do just about anything for anyone he deeply cares about. He has always been incredibly kind and easily flustered, adores to make jokes, though sometimes he appears to be a bit airheaded and spacey. Regardless, Ivor works diligently without try to rush too much of his work.

Though, despite the man's soft appearence and 'gentle giant's attitude who seemingly rarely gets angry or puts up a fight, there's something that lingers in Ivor. Even though he may not have good enough meta powers that bring forth help in a battle against an enemy, Ivor has been trained to be quick on his feet and rather good with knives and his hands. It always seems to come as a surprise when he can get a blade to someone's throat in the mere blink of an eye.

+ hand to hand combat
+ knives
+ quickness
- long ranged attacks
- seeing far
- tries to almost always talk it out before fighting

LIKES. plants, flowers, dirt, the country, open spaces, cinnamon, fried apples, sweet tea, cows, rain, toasted marshmallows, camping, campfires
DISLIKES. the city (despite living in it), rats, trash, gum, coffee, rain, sitting idle/not be able to do anything, paperwork
➵ not being quick enough
➵ losing more family
MOTIVATIONS. Ivor has the idea that if he can do really well with the Watchdogs, then he'll be able to help his sick mother and save his parents from losing the farm he grew up on. Though, really he would like to find whoever killed his sister.
Ivor Stoll was born into a non-meta family, deep in the middle of no where on a farm with little to no idea if there were meta ties in their ancestory. He is the youngest of six brothers and sisters who do not show any traits of powers or being a meta, only Ivor has been 'blessed' with the ability, even if they aren't good to begin with. He likes to call himself pretty average, but his parents seem to think his abilities will help them out on the farm or get him into the good graces of higher up people. Ivor has never once believed that growing up, nor will he ever to this day.

Being the youngest of the Stoll family, Ivor has always been doted on by his older siblings, allowing him to grow closest to the eldest child, Iris Stoll. Iris was the first to move away from home at the ripe age of barely eighteen. She was stubborn and ambitious and Ivor absolutely adore her to pieces, even looked up to her. After she moved, Iris opened a studio near the city teaching martial arts and the moment young Ivor went to visit his sister and learned about what she did, he wanted to be just like her; he wanted Iris to teach him everything she did. So, Iris did and Ivor grew even close to her. Though, when he turned seventeen and went to go visit her, he found her dead in her studio.

Ivor was, to say the least, torn and absolutely heartbroken. His sister, the woman he had looked up to so much and basically saw her as a secondary mother, dead at twenty four. Somewhere in his anger and heartache, he vowed to find whoever killed Iris and make them pay.

As Ivor went home to tell his parents and remaining siblings what happened to Iris, he found his family basically been on the brink of losing their farm. And shortly after finding the out, his mother feel chronically ill. It's still been going on for the past eleven years, and in those eleven years, Ivor has prompted himself to become even better at hand-to-hand combat and some sort of weaponry. Having slightly heightened senses still makes him feel human and he hardly classifies himself as a meta person, so he has to be good at something.

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Name ♡♡ Pyre Jameson Astrophel
nicknames ♡♡ PJ
D.O.B. ♡♡ August 13th
zodiac ♡♡ Leo
Age ♡♡ 23
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | gender non-conforming, masc presenting
pronouns ♡♡ he/they
Sexuality ♡♡ Demisexual + Biromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'10"
Eyes ♡♡ Brown
Hair ♡♡ Medium length, red
Skin ♡♡ Pale and tattooed
Clothes/Style ♡♡ Typically just wears whatever, but wears a majority of cropped tshirts or tanktops, baggy tees, baggy pants, chains, and silver jewelry

Personality ♡♡ Pyre is one cocky son of a bitch. He acts like he's better than everyone, can do everything better, ect. He knows for a fact that he's good looking and strong, tends to use his fists a little too much, but by no means does he has the brains to have some methodical plan. Although, they're pretty friendly, charismatic, and energetic, has a heart of gold and will stand for and protect whoever he can.

Being the next person in his family to essentially protect the city by himself, Pyre takes on a sense of pride and being stubbornness, feeling he has to put his whole life into the city. He has a sense of need to fix everything, wants to fix everything he can too.
mbti ♡♡ ENFP - the champion
moral alignment ♡♡ lawful good/neutral
Likes ♡♡ Rings, tattoos, snakes, rats, chocolate milk & milkshakes, being cold, sweets
Dislikes ♡♡ Rain, HATES the beach (mainly the sand), flying bugs, waking up early, vegetables
Fears ♡♡ Loosing those he cares about

Aesthetic ♡♡ Burnt orange, tattoos, rings covering fingers, light academia, golds, sunshine, bandaged covered fists, bloodied knuckles and lips, hot summer days, amber
Headcanons ♡♡
// Has a twin sister named Phaedra!
// Pyre's powers that align with pyrokinesis
// Comes from a family of superheros, his duty in life is ultimately to protect the city
// Always warm to the touch no matter what
// As a 'day job', they work as a boxing instructor
// Smells like a walking campfire with a hint of vanilla
// Secretly has held on to his childhood teddy bear
// Some hopeless romantic that also doubles as a big ass heart breaker
// "why do my relationship never work out DD:"
// Big believer in using emojis or emotes in every single text
// Has 2 pet ferrets named Cosmo and Wanda
// Always down to watch cartoons no matter what
// *in the middle of a fight* "MAKE THIS FASTER, MY SHOW IS ON"
// Literally a night owl, hates the mornings so much
// Snake bite piercings!
// Math smart? No. Pretty? Yes.
// They're just a silly, goofy guy
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  • Love
Reactions: wolf.
The Protector
FULL NAME. Sonder Morte Lister
nickname(s). Soni
metaname. The Protector​
GENDER + PRONOUNS. AMAB | cisgender male + he/him
AGE. 24
dob. November 5th | Scorpio​
SEXUALITY + ROMANTIC. Demisexual + Demiromanic (but he likes boys)
relationship status. Single​

POWER. Shield Proficiency
.Somewhat like how Steven Universe can produce shields from his gem, Sonder can summon shields from a marking in the palm of his hand to clock attacks or throw at a rapid speed, like Captain America.
**Shields made from the palm of his hand, upon breaking, regenerate every 5-10 minutes.​
Bubble Shield
.Sonder can summon a shield like bubble that encases himself, which is far more durable than a regular shield. He can also activate spikes to appear on his shield(s) giving him an offensive option in combat. Another way he can use this in combat and by using the bubble shield is on his fist to attack, like bubble boxing gloves, however this is always a last resort due to not being much of a physical hand-to-hand person to fight.
**A bubbled shield can hold at least 3 other people, though he isn't keen on the idea of it.
**Bubble shields, after breaking, regenerate use every hour.
**Think of Steven Universe.​

**While his powers may be stronger, it has taken awhile to get here. Earlier in his twenties and even his teens, Sonder easily lost control and didn't know how to start or stop his own powers, especially a bubble shield, due to his own childhood trauma. There is still high possibilities to trigger him and make him lose his focus and control.
**Using his powers long term can be very exhausting and the strength and durability of his shields can very from day to day, he has not determined what it is that makes the durability.
**3-5 direct attacks to a bubble shield or regular shield will make them break.

FACTION. Vigilante, but he could probably be easily swayed to join the syndicates
DAY JOB. Photographer

➵ 5'11"
➵ Platinum blonde, messy cropped hair
➵ Pale skin with sharp, angular features
➵ Has several tattoos on both arms
➵ Pale golden/yellow eyes
➵ Has snakebite piercings and several cartilage piercings in both ears
➵ Wears a lot of rings, black or darker colors, a lot of chains, and occasionally button-ups with the sleeves half rolled up
COSTUME. Sonder doesn't exactly have a set costume he has, finds the idea of having one completely dumb. However, he can normally be found wear darker clothes, ripped jeans, belt chains, and a hood of sorts.
Outwardly, Sonder seems like he is a 'give no shits' and a 'it is what it is' type person. He appears like he could care less about what people think of him as he normally ever does what he wants, or as long as it benefits him. Sonder likes to be perceived as someone who is loud and flashy, someone extroverted and charismatic. For the most part, he excels at that and is really good at making friends and getting along with people.

Though in reality, deep down, he craves some sort of validation he never received as a kid. Silently, he worries about small and large tasks, concerned he might ultimately screw something up. But he will never admit to being ever so worried about something so 'trivial' (in his words). Deep down, he is just some scared little boy who always flinches ever so slightly when a hand is raised quickly, even if it isn't towards him. But, he'll always play it down with a stupid joke and a toothy grin.

+ Sneaky
+ Good secret keeper, he'll take it to his grave
- Works poorly in large groups
- Over analyzes situations
- Hand to hand combat

LIKES. Autumn | Traveling | Piercings | Tattoos | Tea with honey and lemon | Loud music | Parties | Sour candies | lLux
DISLIKES. His father | Bright, sunny days | Vivid, neon colors | Being Hot | Messy areas/trash | Spicy foods
➵ Dying
➵ Failing
MOTIVATIONS. There isn't exactly a whole lot that motivates Sonder. He does whatever that'll benefit him in the moment, whether it be good or bad. However, being strong or seeming better than certain people could be seen as a motivator.

CW: Mentions of abuse

Laszlo Lister is a prideful, hard ass of a man. He takes his work ever so serious and does everything to a T. Kerri Phillips, was the complete opposite. She was an absolute sweetheart, someone who lit up a room as soon as she walked in. She was more than thrilled to be a parent upon finding she was pregnant despite Lazslo's distaste for a child.

Sonder is the product of it all.

With his first breath into this world and Kerri's last, Laszlo expected nothing but greatness of his unwanted son to 'repay' his debt for his mother's death.

Growing up was not easy. At an early age Sonder was taught to not ask questions, just know how to do a task. He was taught to keep any and all of his emotion locked down tight, because if he dared show any ounce of anger or sadness, he was in big trouble. Laszlo had set in severe punishments, whether it be physical or a reminder that Sonder was unwanted and unloved. At those times, Sonder was a very lonely child and would take to his studies in school to work to being the top student in his grades, or take to finding himself alone with a book in his room. His childhood was harsh and alone; cold and damaging to a developing brain.

At seventeen, he graduated early and went on to receive a scholarship to a prestigious school in New York. He went, moving to live in the dorms offered and happily away from his father. He found himself fooling around a lot, exploring things about himself he was never exactly allowed to do growing up. At age nineteen, Sonder found enough courage to finally cut contact with his own father and quit school because realistically, he was more or less forced into it. College wasn't something of interest, especially law school. Instead, when he quit, he moved into the large city of New York and started to work on his own projects and photography from there.

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Name ♡♡ Killian James Olivander-Sterling V
nicknames ♡♡ KJ
D.O.B. ♡♡ april 13th
zodiac ♡♡ aries​
Age ♡♡ 24
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgendered male
pronouns ♡♡he/him
Race ♡♡ lycanthrope (werewolf)
Sexuality ♡♡ demisexual + demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 6'1"
Eyes ♡♡ deep green
Hair ♡♡ shaggy, honey colored with loose curls
Skin ♡♡ fair with neutral undertones
Killian stands tall and straight, almost never caught slouching or looking unaware. His clothes are almost always smoothed out and pristine, colored mostly in deep reds or greens accented with silvers; though, that seems to be the complete opposite for his hair as its always seen as messy, borderline unkempt, and sitting as it pleases. He holds himself with vigor, appearing to be a mostly likeable and approachable person with how he holds and presents himself.

Personality ♡♡ Where Killian's loyalties lie is unknown and fickle.

He presents himself as someone bold and headstrong for his own kingdom, the people, and for the alliances his father has formed in Killian's lifetime and the years his father has reigned as king over the land. So, Killian is seen as a charismatic prince within the territory of Ceraun. By the people, he's been noted as a lovable, kind, and loyal prince who they can't wait to see the day he rules.

To those closer within the castle, he comes off as someone that's a complete brat. Snobby and harsh, easily irritated and annoyed with littles things he been believes could be so easily solved and not require help. He's cold and will push away anyone that tries to get close with ease, not ever wanting to entertain having simple pleasures of friendship or anything of the like.

This all has seemed to drive a wedge between him and his father, King James IV, and put a dampen on their relationship as whole

Perhaps though deeper within the prince and upon letting someone in properly, he is a completely different person. Alas, no one has ever had the pleasure in knowing or learning.
Likes ♡♡ red wine, horse back riding, rain, poetry, believe it or not: fairytales, piano, gossip, late night walks, dark colors, silvers, snow, gossip
Dislikes ♡♡ mud, parties, being told what to do or that he's wrong, sweets, swimming (because he can't), spring, roses
Fears ♡♡ being forgotten, deep water

Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
// his mother died in childbirth when he was 12 along with the sibling he never got to meet.
// he was very attached to his mother before her passing, always glued to her side or fussing for her attention. she was his favorite person.
// has some secret soft spot for kids.
// always smells like lavender and mint.
// takes no shit from anyone.
// #1 gossip starter in the castle.
// he's an angry, tall man and for what??
// exceptional piano player and sword fighter.
// wears an abundance of silver jewely, mostly rings, but he does wear one bracelet at almost all times.
// has a silver allergy so all the 'silver' colored jewelry he does wear is more than likely steel
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  • Love
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai and wolf.

Name ♡♡ Koen Reed Elway-Kipps
nicknames ♡♡Ko
D.O.B. ♡♡ September 3rd
zodiac ♡♡ Virgo​
Age ♡♡ 31
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgendered male
pronouns ♡♡he/him
Sexuality ♡♡ bisexual + demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'10"
Eyes ♡♡ Heterochromia. Left eye is dark brown while the right is a brighter blue.
Hair ♡♡ Shaggy, long and curly brown hair, length is just above the shoulders
Skin & Body ♡♡ Pale, ivory skin with sharp, angular features and beauty marks marking his shoulders and down their back. Is not very built; seen as 'scrawny' and thin, but is just lightly toned.
➵ Scars may include:
--a large, old patchy looking scar on his right shoulder.
--a jagged scar down their back and across one of their shoulder blades.
--several white jagged, in lightening strike fashion, markings on the left side of his chest over his heart. These spider outwards and look as if they're trying to reach other parts of his body. (Is very self conscious and embarrassed by these so he likes to stay covered up as much as possible)​
➵ Has a right nostril piercings and several cartilage piercings in both ears.
➵ Wears a lot of rings, necklaces, darker colors, a lot of chains, and the occasional comfy sweater. Has a very 'alternative' style of dressing, or a 'Midwestern emo' fashion style.​

Personality ♡♡ Koen can be and is a very fickle person.

He has mostly been noted as a closed off, very aloof, and an untrusting person. Always easily irritated by the smallest things and would more than likely prefer to sit in a dark, quiet room with little interruptions over being out and about to mingle with people. He's heavily emotionally constipated and hard headed, having the worst time to actually try explain any of his wants and needs. Koen would actually much rather be completely emotionless if he really could, though upon breaking through this very thick shell that has built up over his childhood, it can be seen that he has one too many things he feels for. He worries about the littlest things and can be a very protective.

While he may not be good at showing any of these emotions, especially at first, sometimes it'll be shown through little acts of service or gift giving while saying "This reminded me of you". Koen is someone who tends be very secretive, but also doubles as some big softie when it comes to someone he really likes. He'll attach himself to them like some little leech and care for them immensely, but the moment there's some little bump or hiccup, he will overthink and over analyze any situation.
mbti ♡♡ istj - the inspector
moral alignment ♡♡ between true neutral & chaotic neutral
Likes ♡♡ Bones | Rocks & crystals | Trinkets | Foxes | Cats | Iced coffee | Dark academia styles | Books | Nature | Being alone | Storms | Horror movies | Dark greens, browns, and light blues | Dark, ripped clothes with lots of chains | Combat boots (those are a staple frfr) | Lollipops | Autumn | Staying in and reading on a cold, rainy day | Tea
Dislikes ♡♡ His father | Being told what to do | Bright, sunny days | Vivid, neon colors | Admitting he has feelings about something or someone | Driving/Cars | Being Hot | Messy areas/trash
Fears ♡♡ The ocean, his own father

Background ♡♡ ---

Aesthetics ♡♡ dark academia, dark browns and greens, bones, books, storms, hazy/foggy woods, lightening, herbs, smoke, crystals, witchy shit
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
➵ Enjoys painting his nails.
➵ Talents include: playing the guitar and writing music, singing, photography
➵ Enjoys hikes and nature walks a lot, will probably never say no.
➵ Always likes to smell nice. Normally smells like burnt incense, a mixture of patchouli and sage
➵ Refuses to learn to drive. Cars give him anxiety and he's certain they are death traps
➵ Has a pet red fox he's raised from a cub named Fritz. The fox goes wherever he goes.
➵ Has electrokinesis of sorts
--Electricity courses through his veins. Struck with deep emotions, mostly rooted to deep fear or anger, Koen will tend to black out as the energy takes over his body. Static-like energy with the color of stormy blue surrounds his hands. He can lift a hand at someone and essentially shoot lightning bolts from his hand(s) and when it hits a target, the bolt strikes and leaves behind a smoking, charred injury.
When struck by the energy, it enters the body and the after effects are very similar to a person who actually has been struck by lightning from a storm. The effects may include, but are not limited to: muscle pains, broken bones, cardiac arrest, confusion, hearing loss, seizures, burns, behavioral changes, ocular cataracts, and a loss of consciousness, which is a very common immediately after a strike. Though, with the use of his power each time becomes more dangerous.
Each time it's used, lines, like strikes, appear on his skin and spider out from his chest over his heart.
--Some parts of this power is not harmful. Koen can create small balls of electricity/energy that may light darkened paths.
He may also manipulate the electricity of equipment that requires electricity(obviously) and can normally short them out.
--With his powers more active, more so when he was much younger, occasionally he will accidentally shock someone (normally accidentally). These shocks are harmless and more or less only happen now when he gets spooked.​
➵ A vegetarian, but hella fucking picky, borders on being vegan
➵ Curses every other sentence
➵ Koen has really neat handwriting normally, like curly letters, half cursive almost, very 'feminine' handwriting. But when he's more in a rush, his handwriting is super messy, barely readable but he somehow always knows what it says.
➵ He's ambidextrous!
➵ Reads so much.
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Name ♡♡ Arlo-Jett Keir Evans
nicknames ♡♡ Arlo, Ari, AJ
D.O.B. ♡♡ July 6th
zodiac ♡♡ Cancer​
Age ♡♡ 33
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgender male
pronouns ♡♡he/him
Sexuality ♡♡ Demisexual + Panromantic

Appearance ♡♡ [ x ]
Height ♡♡ 5'9"
Eyes ♡♡ Soft grey/blue
Hair ♡♡ Dark brown, shaggy/messy cropped
Skin + Body ♡♡ Pale ivory skin w/ freckles + Lightly tone and thin

Personality ♡♡ If you ask his family, Arlo has always been a really quiet person, even before he (forcibly) moved away from home with his current partner / soulmate. They'll always say he's a sweetheart and a kind and emotional soul who will, quite literally, drop everything and help someone else before helping himself. For the most part, it's still true, especially when he isn't with Greer. He appears to be a more functioning person of society when alone, all smiles and laughter.

When he's out with said partner, Arlo is far more quiet and withdrawn from the current scenery in front of him. When spoken to her always looks to Greer as if waiting for a green light to speak; he even tends to stick close to the man's side fearing that if he strays too far then Greer will come up with some nasty accusation that somehow manages to get Arlo in far more trouble than it should.
Likes ♡♡ Blue raspberry flavored candies | Candles | Smoothies | The smell of the beach | Painting | Drawing | Swimming | Animals | RomComs
Dislikes ♡♡ Spicy food | Coffee | Being alone for long periods of time | Bridges | Horror movies | Gore | The cold | Parties/Large gatherings
Fears ♡♡ Heights, Greer Evans

Aesthetics ♡♡ The ocean, the beach, sea shells, sea glass, blues, paints, museums
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
➵ His soulmark consists of two black snskes intertwining themselves up along his left side.
➵ Arlo's soulmate is a man named Greer Evans. Greer is a tall, dark haired, broad-shouldered man who spends the day and late nights 'at work'. He's famous for: gaslighting Arlo, having so much of a temper that he yells and throws things, and laying his hands on Arlo on multiple occasions, controls what Arlo is doing at almost every point in the day. Greer has also forced himself onto Arlo more than once before.
➵ Hasn't worked since he was 25 because Greer claimed he didn't need to.
➵ Arlo spends a majority of the day stuck inside because he always feels too nervous to leave by himself, so he sits and paints or draws all day.
➵ Was born on the West Coast, in California, and lived there his whole life until he was 23, three years after meeting Greer and they moved across the country for Greer's work.
➵ Would really like a pet, a dog or a cat, but hasn't been allowed to because of 'rules'.
➵ Very occasionally has he snapped back at Greer. When he has, it wasn't very pretty.
➵ Arlo's love language is, oddly, physical touch.
➵ Regularly has a clean, almost citrus-y scent to him.
➵ Long, pretty eyelashes.
➵ Wears a lot of long sleeves and sweaters with ripped jeans.
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Name ♡♡ Patli Chaac
nicknames ♡♡ Pat, Patty, Li, Lil, Bat, Lil bat does not like anyone calling them nicknames, only will accept them from those they are close to. Otherwise, y'all better watch yourselves
Age ♡♡ Nearly 250
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | gender nonconforming, expresses themself as very androgynous
pronouns ♡♡ he/him & they/them
Race ♡♡ Camazotz - "Death Bat" or "Snatch Bat"
Associated with the night, death, and sacrifices.
Sexuality ♡♡ polysexual + demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 6'6"
Eyes ♡♡ Dark brown, borderline black, eyes.
Hair ♡♡ Chocolate brown hair that reaches past their shoulders, but stops just above the bottoms of his scapulars. His hair is thick and is almost always kept in 2 braids to keep out of his face when working.
Skin & Body ♡♡ Smooth, dark tanned skin. Patli has broad shoulders and an athletic frame.
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ Patli has two lobe piercings in each her, his septum and tongue are pierced all with gold jewelry.
Scent ♡♡ Smells like blood or iron, something very metallic-like, with the hint of fresh mine and black tea.
Other ♡♡ In both their human and 'monster' form, Patli has very sharp teeth.
Alternate form ♡♡ Has a giant bat-like where he stands to almost 9ft on two legs.

Personality ♡♡ Patli is a "take no shit, get hit" person and literally all bite and no bark. While they're not a talker, hardly ever, they will give a death stare before automatically swinging. They're stubborn and refuse to accept help from anyone. They stand tall and quiet, stoic and preferring to watch from the shadows. This can cause them to be a pain in the ass, acting like a stick in the mud not trying to have 'fun' (whatever that means). They're grouchy, gruff, grumpy, and hardly befriends people, but when they do, their friends are always kept dear to their heart and always tries to show great appreciation for them.
Likes ♡♡ red wine, blood, gold jewelry, the color yellow, he night, being able to see the moon
Dislikes ♡♡ mud, parties, sweets, bright light, loud noises

Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
// Doesn't have best eyesight and has to wear glasses, but they're embarrassed of how they look so they just don't.
// Can't exactly eat 'regular' food unless it has blood mixed into it. blood has always seemed to be one of their best main sources of energy.
// Has a few abilities:
Echolocation: the location of objects by reflected sound.
Patli already has poor eyesight no matter the environment's lighting, so quite often they'll give off a little hum or click of the tongue that helps them decipher where people, objects, ect. are.​
Bat Mode: Allows the individual to shift into a large 9ft, monstrous bat creature.
They've found that they can typically do this when very angry and comes out of it not remembering what they did. It leaves massive brain fog.​
// Doesn't remember their upbringing a single bit.
// was severely abused by their parents
// Patli is the youngest of 5 other siblings. All of which are dead.
// Believe it or not, they were the smallest/shortest person out of their siblings.
// Before coming and working at the bath house, Patli had thoughts of owning their own tea shop.
// Despite not remembering, holds an odd resentment for their parents.
// Patli's family is dead all (unknowingly) because of them.
// Has essentially 'blacked out' for the first 100 years of their life being in "bat mode"
// "Bat mode" as they like to call it, makes them nervous and very much so likes to avoid going in that form as much as possible.

Personal Kinks ♡♡
+ Oral (giving & receiving)
+ Dominate/Submissive
+ Rough
+ Biting/marking
+ Exhibitionism
+ Hair pulling
+ Bloodplay
+ Voyuerism/Exhibitionism
- Footplay
- Fisting
- Bathroom play

Patli tends to be very versatile and will pretty much do whatever their partner wants or needs out of them.

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Name ♡♡ Ignite Tiago Apollo
nicknames ♡♡ Igi
D.O.B. ♡♡ January 4th
zodiac ♡♡ Capricorn​
Age ♡♡ 21
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgendered male
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Lycanthrope (werewolf)
Sexuality ♡♡ Pansexual + Panromantic

Height ♡♡ 6'3"
Eyes ♡♡ Blue or sometime stormy grey/blue.
Hair ♡♡ Dirty blonde that's always messy and quiffed up from him running his hands through it.
Skin & Body ♡♡ Lightly tanned, ivory skin with a few beauty marks floating around here and there. He might be tall and lanky, but BOY does he have some muscle and abs.
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ Igi has a left earlobe piercing and numerous tattoos on his back, arms, and calf.
Scent ♡♡ Smells like a campfire and pine trees.

Likes ♡♡ baseball caps and beanies, plants, candles, strawberries, cookies, baseball
Dislikes ♡♡ heat and fire jokes about his name, carrots, peanuts (allergic), jello
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
// Has a weird collection lighters and candles.
// Needs reading glasses.
// CEO of messy hair and abs.
// Really really loves chocolate covered strawberries.
// was shunned from his family's pack hence why he moved.
// A bartender
// Hot and dumb.
// Grows his own herbs in his apartment.​
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  • Love
Reactions: Cat - Wolfspear
Name ♡♡ Monroe Greyson Anders
nicknames ♡♡ Roe
D.O.B. ♡♡ September 29th
zodiac ♡♡ Libra​
Age ♡♡ 19
Gender ♡♡ AFAB | Transgender masculine
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Human
Sexuality ♡♡ Bisexual + Demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'6"
Eyes ♡♡ So dark they're almost black.
Hair ♡♡ Cropped black hair that tends to stick up in odd places
Skin & Body ♡♡ Ivory colored skin. Has a 'willowy' and more feminine appearing frame.
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ Has standard earlobe piercings with no tattoos. Has fresh top surgery scars and old self harm scars on his thighs.
Scent ♡♡ Smells like a salty ocean and honeysuckles.

Likes ♡♡ crows and ravens, feathers, bugs, concert, parties, jewelry & dangly earrings, getting his nails done, their best friend, sweets & baked goods, iced coffee
Dislikes ♡♡ getting his heart broken, being single, seeing hurt animals, sour candy, tea, lemon
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
// A stupid hopeless romantic
// Makes friends with everyone fr
// "Can i do your nails?"
// has no specific major or minor currently, is just in school to stay with his best friend tbh
// Loves baking and cooking and is surprisingly very good at it​
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  • Love
Reactions: Cat - Wolfspear
Name ♡♡ Merle
nicknames ♡♡ M, Mer
Gender ♡♡ AFAB | Transgender masculine
pronouns ♡♡ they/them or he/him
Race ♡♡ Exorcist angel
Sexuality ♡♡ Pansexual + Greyromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'1"
Eyes ♡♡ Dark green eyes with little golden flecks around the pupils.
Hair ♡♡ Upon first meeting Merle, they have long, almost waist length 2b wavy hair with half of it being half charcoal black and the other half being a silver-y grey. It is regularly tied back in someway.
Skin & Body ♡♡ Pale, smooth skin with lots of beauty marks and freckles dotting their skin. Their body is thin and more graceful and feminine, similar to a dancer of sorts, with curves that tend to be hidden by somewhat baggy clothes.
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ Their left earlobe is pierced with a small, dainty cross hanging from from it. No tattoos or scars in their angelic form.
Scent ♡♡ Has an inviting, warm scent of cinnamon and vanilla.
Merle stands at a measly 5'1", lithe and graceful like a dancer with waist length hair that is half charcoal black and half silver-y grey. There are soft waves (2b) in their hair, but they tend to keep it tied back in someway because Merle claims it gets in the way too much, especially for fighting. They haven't tried to cut their hair yet because Merle silently believes it'll help him fit in with his sisters. At some point, Merle will give up and give into their own feelings and cut their into some kind of shaggy mullet. Their skin is pale with plenty of dark colored beauty marks scattered along their arms, legs, hands, face, and everywhere clothes hide. They look so pale that surely if they stood in direct sunlight for more than five minutes, Merle suddenly have lobster skin. Their features are soft, making them look kind and approachable with a sharper jawline. They have three eyes, two like a regular human and a third in the middle of their forehead. All three eyes are a deep mossy green with a ring of gold around the pupil. Their 3rd eye stays closed for the most part and tends to be covered by bangs, but when open the pupil can dilate like a cat's and Merle seems to be able read other beings much easier than normal. While Merle is in their 'angelic' form as well, they have two large pearly white wings set on their back with a wingspan of around 7ft, so they can (hopefully) make themself appear larger than they actually are. Oddly, on his wings he has a few sporadically places feathers that are black, but he tends to dye them or color over them so no one knows. A thin golden ring hang above their head as, the halo. While in this form, Merle can be found wearing pants and backless shirts because it makes it easier for his wings to move, but his clothes (shirts at least) tend to be a little looser fitting because Merle despise showing of any sort of curves to their body.
Alternate form ♡♡ In their human form, they aren't much different in appearance. Their hair is still long and pulled and tied back, their skin is still pale, and their eyes are still a deep green. However, they have the proper of eyes to blend in with humans, and their wings have turned into some black lined tattoo of angel wings that covers their entire back. They have a golden ring on their right annular finger as their 'halo' or a 'ring of purity' of sorts. As for clothing, it might be a little tighter, but Merle is still doing everything to hide his chest. And to compensate for their height, he tends to wear chunky, heeled boots.

Likes ♡♡ --
Dislikes ♡♡ seeing animals & humans hurt,
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
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Name ♡♡ Celandine
nicknames ♡♡ Celly, Cel
Age ♡♡ 450
Gender ♡♡AFAB | cisgender female
pronouns ♡♡ she/her
Race ♡♡ Moth person
Sexuality ♡♡ Demisexual + Panromantic

Height ♡♡ 6'1"
Eyes ♡♡ --
Hair ♡♡ --
Skin & Body ♡♡ --
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ --
Scent ♡♡ --

Personality ♡♡ --
Likes ♡♡ the color red,
Dislikes ♡♡ --
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡

Name ♡♡ Bunny Wyndol Darling
nicknames ♡♡ B, Bun, Rabbit, Darling, BunBun
D.O.B. ♡♡ April 1st
zodiac ♡♡ Aries
Age ♡♡ 27
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgender male
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Human
Sexuality ♡♡ Bisexual + Demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'11"
Eyes ♡♡ --
Hair ♡♡ --
Skin & Body ♡♡ --
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ --
Scent ♡♡ --

Likes ♡♡ rabbits, wisteria, lavender, sex, drugs, alcohol, anything expensive
Dislikes ♡♡ dust, mud, his name, being told what to do,
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
Name ♡♡ Sylvie Georgina Powell
nicknames ♡♡ Sylv, Silver, Sylvia
D.O.B. ♡♡ July 19th
zodiac ♡♡ Cancer
Age ♡♡ 23
Gender ♡♡ AFAB | nonbinary, femme presenting
pronouns ♡♡ they/them & she/her
Race ♡♡ Human
Sexuality ♡♡ Greysexual + Panromantic, Polyam

Height ♡♡ 5'10"
Eyes ♡♡ --
Hair ♡♡ --
Skin & Body ♡♡ --
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ --
Scent ♡♡ --

Likes ♡♡ sunny days, lemonade,
Dislikes ♡♡ rain,
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
Name ♡♡ Rook Valentine Jagger
nicknames ♡♡ Rooker, Roo, Rookie, RJ
D.O.B. ♡♡ Winter time
zodiac ♡♡ Capricorn
Age ♡♡ Looks mid 20s, realistically, who knows!
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgender male
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Fae
Sexuality ♡♡ Demisexual + Biromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'7"
Eyes ♡♡ Yellow green, cat-like in color
Hair ♡♡ Has mostly black hair that sticks out in odd places, though there are a few strands in the front that are silver/whitw
Skin & Body ♡♡ --
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ --
Scent ♡♡ --

Likes ♡♡ --
Dislikes ♡♡ --
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
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Name ♡♡ Kreed Krow Blackstone
nicknames ♡♡ Kree, Reed
D.O.B. ♡♡ --
zodiac ♡♡ --
Age ♡♡ 325
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgender male
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Vampire
Sexuality ♡♡ Bisexual + Demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 6'0"
Eyes ♡♡ --
Hair ♡♡ --
Skin & Body ♡♡ --
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ --
Scent ♡♡ --

Personality ♡♡ --
Likes ♡♡ --
Dislikes ♡♡ --
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
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Name ♡♡ Evander Nixie Kipps
nicknames ♡♡ Ev, Eve, Vander, Anders
D.O.B. ♡♡ June 10th
zodiac ♡♡ Gemini
Age ♡♡ 27
Gender ♡♡ AFAB | transgender masculine (ftm)
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Lion shifter
Sexuality ♡♡ Demisexual + Panromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'10"
Eyes ♡♡ Yellow.
Hair ♡♡ Dark, block hair that falls past his shoulders that is normally kept up in a ponytail.
Skin & Body ♡♡ Pale with not many beauty marks.
Piercings/Tattoos/Scars ♡♡ Standard lobe piercings/No tattoos/Top surgery scars, a few old & faint self-harm scars on his thighs.
Scent ♡♡ Clean linens, amber, tobacco

Likes ♡♡ Kids, Roses, Going to the lake, Basking in the sun, Reading, Picnics, Strawberries
Dislikes ♡♡ Fish, Dogs, Large gatherings, Being crowded, Being far from home, Bullies
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
// Has a daughter, 10, Maisie
// Has poor eyesight, so he wears glasses.
// Hasn't had much gender affirming surgery other than top surgery about 3 years ago.
// Has a mass collection of hair ties and clips because of keeping his hair up so often.
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Name ♡♡ Saide Foster Thorm
nicknames ♡♡ Sai, Blue
D.O.B. ♡♡ February 2nd
zodiac ♡♡ Aquarius​
Age ♡♡ 25
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgendered male
pronouns ♡♡he/him
Race ♡♡ Hexenbeast (witch)
Sexuality ♡♡ Demisexual + Demiromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'8"
Eyes ♡♡ Glowing yellow
Hair ♡♡ Shaggy, dusty blue mullet

Skin ♡♡ For the most part he is pretty pale given he rarely gets out in the sun
Scent ♡♡ Very earthy and herbal, more like sage and chamomile
Saide isn't exactly a tall person, but he is thin and almost scrawny looking. He has long, thin fingers with long, pointed and painted fingernails.
He has no tattoos and no real visible scarring, but he does have a few piercings including a medusa and vertical labret piercing, standard lobe piercings in each ear, and a daith and an industrial piercing in his right ear. However, Saide's ears are small and pointed.
Typically, Saide is wearing baggy clothes, oversized sweaters, and whatever he can crochet and knit.
image reference for appearance.

Likes ♡♡ rain, poetry, fairytales, piano, gossip, late night walks, snow, fruit leather, baked goods, the smell of sage and rosemary, shaded trees, big birds, taxidermy
Dislikes ♡♡ swimming (because he can't), rose water, repeating himself, cats, dogs, anything sour, modern medicine
Fears ♡♡ deep water
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
// A hella good baker and cook.
// Has a committee of turkey vultures that hang out around his cabin in the woods.
// Dotes on all the birds.
// Bird brained? Probably.
// Shiny thing? Give to Saide.
// Collects all the weird dead things and has miscellaneous things in jars.
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Name ♡♡ Kricket Fenn
nicknames ♡♡K, Lion
D.O.B. ♡♡ August 19th
zodiac ♡♡ Leo​
Age ♡♡ 25
Gender ♡♡ AMAB | cisgendered male
pronouns ♡♡ he/him
Race ♡♡ Mixed breed, mostly associated as some sort of beastkin.
Sexuality ♡♡ Greysexual + Androromantic

Height ♡♡ 5'10"
Eyes ♡♡ Heterochromia. One green eye, one red eye.
Hair ♡♡ ---
Skin ♡♡ Ivory.
Scent ♡♡ Char, campfire, burning pines.

Likes ♡♡ Solving crimes, mysteries, adventures, outdoors, cats,
Dislikes ♡♡ ---
Fears ♡♡ Wolves
Headcanons/Trivia ♡♡
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