Property of Arcturus

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Solomon could smell the stench of sulphur, and this startled him, though it was not enough to wake him up. The smell increased and increased until he could see into a room that was filled with a bright blue glow. The room was made of unbroken stone, the ceiling was domed and was held up by four pillars that disappeared into the ceiling. It was clearly underground, but Solomon didn't know where.

His vision was shifted down against his will, and that was when he knew this was a dream and he was just along for the ride. He saw a sigil on the floor that was apparently the source of the glow, he recognized the sigil, but couldn't quite place it. He heard a voice "Arcturus!" The voice said, demanding his attention.

His vision shifted back up to the woman in the room with him, "Ah," another voice said in a deep lazy drawl, "I tried to make it as easy as possible to summon me, but it takes more juice than most... Sorry I couldn't make it an easier material, actinium was the best I could do." Solomon felt very pleased with himself, or... Arcturus was. Solomon thought the woman looked familiar, he thought for a moment before he realized it was his mother, young. She looked to be about his age, and he began to wonder whether this was really a dream.

"Arcturus." She repeated, "I have brought you here so that I can take some of your power."

Solomon heard a wheezing and clipping sound, followed by crackling. It took Solomon a moment to identify it as Arcturus's laughter, "Yes yes, did you think that I carved my mark into the fundamental laws of the universe just because I was lonely? I am here to deal, as I am always. So, Bathsheba, what is it you have brought me here for?"

"So you know my name." Bathsheba said, beginning to pace around the sigil in the floor, Arcturus moved his focus with her.

"Of course, you know my name and that's how you got me here, and the quid pro quo of it is that I know your name. I do have the ability to turn down a call you know, I didn't have to show up here-"

"But you wanted to." Bathsheba snapped.

Arcturus's amusement coursed through Solomon like fire in his veins, "True, but that ability is useless if I don't know who is calling. Just as etching my name into the universe took a part of me, the spell to bring me here took a part of you. Which is why I need to know who you are before I show. After all, if you can't maintain the portal long enough for me to get through, I don't want to try. But just because you know my spell does not mean I am some dog you can leash." He said, immediately contradicting himself by emitting a cacophony of dog barking sounds; then there was a violent, wet, coughing sound and then a sound of thunder, "But rambling is my bit. Get to the point why I am here."

Bathsheba stopped pacing and cleared her throat, "I need to get better at thaumaturgy, very quickly. I need that power."

Solomon felt something odd from Arcturus, was it... Content? "Ah, well inscribing techniques into ones mind is child's play compared to the universe. I will give you the knowledge you seek, and the power... But you must give me something I want. Your-"

"My first born. Yeah yeah, I get it. It's a done deal." She said, closing her eyes.

Finally Solomon could see something if a form of this being, a conical shaped absence of light began moving to bathsheba's forehead, "What do you want to know?" He asked

Solomon woke up covered in sweat, his orange silken sheets soaked through. He grabbed his hair to make sure it was there, patting down his body to make sure he was still himself before crying himself back to sleep.